À 17 ans, elle sera adulte l’année prochaine alors qu’elle fera la distinction entre une fille et un adulte. Elle a probablement un petit ami, un travail et une voiture. C’est le moment où elle pense probablement à l’université.

Quels sont les meilleurs cadeaux pour les filles de 17 ans? Chaque fille de 17 ans a des intérêts différents. La clé pour acheter le cadeau parfait est de vraiment comprendre ses intérêts.

C’est pourquoi nous avons dressé une liste de cadeaux pour tous les goûts, de la dernière mode aux accessoires indispensables, aux gadgets et jeux technologiques cool et aux trucs pour sa chambre. Ne vous inquiétez pas, il y en a pour tous les goûts, que ce soit votre petite amie, votre fille, votre nièce ou votre amie. Voici les meilleurs cadeaux pour les filles de 17 ans.

Elle aime probablement jouer sa musique fort 24/7. Donnez-lui une raison de jouer encore plus fort avec ces écouteurs, haut-parleurs sans fil et instruments de musique.

Apple AirPods ProApple AirPods ProVérifiez le prix

Qui ne veut pas être complètement sans fil? Depuis leur lancement, les Airpods d’Apple sont extrêmement populaires. Avec la suppression du bruit intégrée, les AirPod sonnent maintenant mieux que jamais. Apple utilise des microphones intégrés pour surveiller les bruits indésirables. Cette fois-ci, ils sont livrés avec 3 embouts en silicone différents pour vous donner un ajustement parfait.

Apple AirpodsApple AirpodsVérifiez le prix

Quand Apple a sorti pour la première fois les Airpods d’Apple, ils se vendaient partout. Si elle a un nouvel iPhone sans prise casque, ces écouteurs sont probablement en haut de sa liste. Bien qu’ils sonnent exactement comme les écouteurs Apple filaires, ils n’ont absolument aucun fil. Rien. Nada. Rien. Cela signifie qu’il ne faut pas accrocher le fil sur quoi que ce soit.

Étui Airpod pour nom personnalisé MARBLEFYÉtui Airpod pour nom personnalisé MARBLEFYVérifiez le prix

C’est toujours amusant d’habiller vos AirPods dans un étui mignon. Non seulement cette coque protège vos Airpods, mais elle peut être personnalisée avec son nom ou n’importe quel mot. La meilleure partie? Il est livré avec un mousqueton qui vous permet d’attacher l’étui à votre sac à dos afin que vous n’ayez pas à vous soucier de perdre vos AirPods.

Étui en silicone Airpods pour avocat Étui en silicone Airpods pour avocat Vérifiez le prix

Qui n’aime pas le toast à l’avocat? Habillez vos Airpods avec ce joli étui en silicone. Il y a tellement de designs amusants et lumineux à choisir. Non seulement il protège vos Airpod contre les chocs et les rayures, mais il vous permet également de trouver plus facilement vos Airpod dans un sac à main. Il est livré avec un clip qui peut se fixer à un sac à dos ou à une ceinture afin que vous n’ayez pas à vous soucier de perdre vos Airpods.

Crochets auriculaires EarBuddyz UltraCrochets auriculaires EarBuddyz UltraVérifiez le prix

Vos iPhone Airpods continuent-ils de tomber de vos oreilles? Passez-vous beaucoup de temps à pousser et à tordre vos Airpods dans votre oreille pour essayer de les faire rester. Maintenant, ils ne tomberont plus jamais avec les crochets d’oreille EarBuddz. L’EraBuddyz saisit les lèvres intérieures de votre oreille, promettant de garder vos Airpod en place. La meilleure partie? Ils améliorent le son des Airpods en améliorant la restitution du son.

Echo BudsEcho BudsVérifiez le prix

Amazon a sa propre paire d’écouteurs sans fil appelés Echo Buds. Non seulement ils ont Alexa intégré, mais ils ont la technologie de réduction du bruit Bose. Appuyez simplement deux fois sur le casque pour une réduction active du bruit qui réduit le bruit autour de vous. Avec Alexa intégré, vous pouvez même demander à Alexa de jouer votre musique préférée. Amazon promet que vous obtiendrez 5 heures d’autonomie avec chaque charge. Il est livré avec un étui de charge qui prolonge la durée de vie de la batterie à 20 heures et charge la batterie en une heure.

Écouteurs sans fil SoundPEATS True 5.0Écouteurs sans fil SoundPEATS True 5.0Vérifiez le prix

Ce ne sont peut-être pas des Airpods, mais à ce prix, ces écouteurs sans fil sonnent presque aussi bien et sont tout aussi à la mode. Vos rythmes préférés n’ont jamais été aussi bons. La meilleure partie? Ils sont super confortables à porter pendant de longues périodes. Pour le prix, ceux-ci sont imbattables.

Écouteurs sans fil Raycon E25Écouteurs sans fil Raycon E25Vérifiez le prix

Il n’est pas surprenant que les AirPods soient les écouteurs sans fil les plus populaires, mais si vous voulez économiser un peu d’argent, les écouteurs sans fil Raycon E25 sont un excellent choix. Ils ont été créés par le rappeur Ray J, qui voulait créer des écouteurs sans fil à un prix abordable. Le Raycon E25 offre 24 heures de lecture avec l’étui de chargement et un indice d’étanchéité IPX4, ce qui les rend parfaits pour une utilisation toute la journée. Avec de grosses basses, un ajustement parfait et une annulation de bruit, ces écouteurs vous donneront un coup de tête.

Bonnet Bluetooth Rotibox Bonnet Bluetooth Rotibox Vérifiez le prix

Est-elle accro à la musique? Le bonnet fait peau neuve. Non seulement ce bonnet la gardera au chaud, mais ce bonnet Bluetooth se synchronisera avec son téléphone afin qu’elle puisse diffuser sans fil sa musique à ses oreilles. Aucun casque requis! Avec plus de 40 couleurs différentes, elle conviendra certainement à son sens de la mode.

Écouteurs Bluetooth Tribit XFree TuneÉcouteurs Bluetooth Tribit XFree TuneVérifiez le prix

Tout le monde n’a pas quelques centaines pour dépenser de l’argent sur les écouteurs Beats. Ce ne sont peut-être pas des Beats, mais ces écouteurs offrent un son exceptionnel pour le prix. Avec des oreillettes moelleuses, ces écouteurs sont élégants et confortables à porter pendant de longues périodes. De plus, votre adolescente peut faire exploser sa musique sans déranger personne.

Casque supra-auriculaire sans fil Solo3 de Beats Casque supra-auriculaire sans fil Solo3 de Beats Vérifiez le prix

Les écouteurs Beats sont utilisés par certaines des plus grandes célébrités, donc naturellement, chaque adolescente veut une paire. Elle ne pourra pas vivre sans ces appareils sans fil qui offrent de superbes basses. Parce que les Beats sont si à la mode, elle adorera les porter autour de son cou tout le temps.

Casque AfterShokz Titanium Bone ConductionCasque AfterShokz Titanium Bone ConductionVérifiez le prix

La technologie de conduction osseuse vous permet d’entendre votre musique sans fermer le monde autour de vous. Les écouteurs AfterShokz fonctionnent en envoyant des vibrations à vos pommettes dans votre oreille. La meilleure partie? Étant donné que les écouteurs ne pénètrent pas dans vos oreilles, vous ne perdez pas le sens de votre environnement. Ils sont parfaits pour être utilisés pendant que vous vous entraînez.

Microphone karaoké Bluetooth BONAOKMicrophone karaoké Bluetooth BONAOKVérifiez le prix

La fête ne fait que commencer! Qui n’aime pas chanter avec des amis pendant la soirée karaoké? Avec ce magnifique microphone karaoké en or rose, vous pouvez chanter toutes vos chansons préférées quand vous le souhaitez. Rechargeant par USB, il se couple à n’importe quel appareil intelligent via Bluetooth afin que vous puissiez chanter de nombreuses chansons de karaoké YouTube différentes. La partie la plus cool? Il a un haut-parleur intégré.

Chargeur sans fil SeneoChargeur sans fil SeneoVérifiez le prix

Aime-t-elle les produits Apple? Ce peut être un cauchemar de charger tous les appareils. Maintenant, sa table de nuit n’a plus à être un gâchis. Voici une façon élégante de recharger tous ses produits Apple sans fil. Il peut charger l’iPhone, l’Apple Watch et les Airpod en même temps. Posez simplement vos gadgets sur le chargeur pour commencer à charger votre appareil. La meilleure partie? Il a une empreinte super petite.

Lampe Luditek Disco LightsLampe Luditek Disco LightsVérifiez le prix

Invitez tout le monde à une fête! Tirant des lumières colorées en mouvement sur les murs et le plafond, cette lumière de scène bon marché transforme n’importe quelle pièce en salle de discothèque. La partie la plus cool? Lorsque vous jouez de la musique, elle déplace les lumières au rythme de la musique. On ne peut pas faire de fête sans ça.

Lampe de projecteur SOAIY Aurora Star BorealisLampe de projecteur SOAIY Aurora Star BorealisVérifiez le prix

Ce projecteur est tellement cool. Lorsque vous éteignez vos lumières, toute votre pièce est illuminée par un spectacle de lumière incroyable. Vous pouvez même choisir différents modèles. Il y a quelque chose de si relaxant à s’endormir sous les étoiles et les lumières.

Haut-parleur Bluetooth Anker Soundcore 2Haut-parleur Bluetooth Anker Soundcore 2Vérifiez le prix

Il existe de nombreux haut-parleurs Bluetooth de marques différentes. Si vous n’avez pas besoin d’un nom de marque, procurez-vous-le à la place. Il est super bon marché mais dégage un excellent son et est parfait pour simplement passer du temps à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur de la maison. La meilleure partie? La durée de vie de la batterie dure toujours – 24 heures! Si vous l’utilisez pendant quelques heures chaque jour, cela peut durer un certain temps.

Beats Pill + Beats Pill + Vérifiez le prix

Beats est connu pour ses écouteurs populaires, mais la société fabrique également un haut-parleur Bluetooth disponible en plusieurs couleurs. Donnez vie à votre prochaine fête avec la belle Beats Pill +. En forme de pilule, ce haut-parleur offre un son exceptionnel, que vous écoutiez du R&B ou du hip-hop lourd. Avec 12 heures d’autonomie, il mérite le nom de Beats. Ne organisez pas de fête sans!

JBL Flip 4JBL Flip 4Vérifiez le prix

Vous n’avez plus besoin de rester dans une pièce pour utiliser un haut-parleur. Un haut-parleur sans fil peut être utilisé à la maison ou à l’extérieur. Avec un design cylindrique et disponible en plusieurs couleurs, le JBL Charge 4 se positionne horizontalement ou verticalement. La meilleure partie? Il est étanche pour qu’il puisse même l’utiliser au bord de la piscine. Comparé à d’autres haut-parleurs sans fil, le JBL Charge 4 directionnel peut devenir très fort tout en maintenant un son équilibré.

Haut-parleur Bluetooth rétro GreadioHaut-parleur Bluetooth rétro GreadioVérifiez le prix

Qui n’aimerait pas un haut-parleur portable pour écouter de la musique dans sa chambre? Avec 8 heures d’autonomie, cet adorable haut-parleur Bluetooth rétro est parfait pour écouter votre liste de lecture Spotify et la musique dans votre chambre. Disponible dans de nombreuses couleurs attrayantes et amusantes, ce haut-parleur portable offre un son exceptionnel via Bluetooth. La partie la plus cool? Il vous permet même de surfer sur la chaîne avec la radio FM rétro.

Haut-parleur Bluetooth Sony SRS-XB12Haut-parleur Bluetooth Sony SRS-XB12Vérifiez le prix

Disponible dans une grande variété de couleurs, il s’agit d’un mini haut-parleur Bluetooth de Sony. Ce petit haut-parleur tient dans la paume de votre main, ce qui le rend extrêmement portable. Parce qu’il est résistant à l’eau, vous pouvez le prendre à l’extérieur ou même l’utiliser sous la douche. Le crochet détachable vous permet de l’accrocher. Vous pouvez même jumeler deux haut-parleurs ensemble. Compte tenu de sa petite taille, il produit plus de sons et de basses que vous ne l’imaginez.

Enceinte de douche Bluetooth VicTsingEnceinte de douche Bluetooth VicTsingVérifiez le prix

À 17 ans, elle aime probablement chanter partout. Maintenant, elle peut même chanter ses chansons préférées sous la douche avec ce haut-parleur de douche amusant. Associez-le simplement via Bluetooth et collez-le sur n’importe quel mur de votre douche avec la ventouse. Il a même une fonction de réponse aux appels intégrée pour que vous puissiez parler aux gens pendant que vous êtes sous la douche. Le multitâche, non?

Blue Microphones SnowballBlue Microphones SnowballVérifiez le prix

Souhaitez-vous monter votre studio d’enregistrement DIY? Ensuite, vous avez besoin du microphone Snowball de Blue Microphones. Avec un cadre de trépied en aluminium d’aspect rétro, ce microphone USB plug and play ne pourrait pas être plus facile à utiliser. Il vous donnera un enregistrement de qualité professionnelle à un prix très abordable.

Microphone USB Blue YetiMicrophone USB Blue YetiVérifiez le prix

Veut-elle vraiment enregistrer sa voix? Ce microphone USB est l’un des plus populaires parmi les streamers. Le Blue Yeti est un grand pas en avant par rapport à la boule de neige et ajoutera une couche de professionnalisme à toute voix off. Doté d’un réseau à trois capsules avec trois capsules à condensateur, ce microphone excelle à capter clairement tous les sons.

Pick PunchPick PunchVérifiez le prix

Pourquoi acheter des médiators quand vous pouvez en faire vous-même avec le Pick Punch? Ce petit gadget frappe littéralement les médiators de vieilles cartes de crédit et de courrier indésirable.

Accordeur à pince Snark SN5XAccordeur à pince Snark SN5XVérifiez le prix

Grâce au Snark Tuner, il n’a jamais été aussi facile d’accorder votre instrument. Comme les autres accordeurs, il se clipse sur la tête de votre instrument. L’écran lumineux et coloré ne pourrait pas être plus facile à lire. Vous ne voudrez jamais accorder et instrumenter sans lui. Non seulement votre instrument sonnera tellement mieux, mais vous passerez plus de temps à le jouer qu’à l’accorder.

Tourne-disque rétro Victrola 50Tourne-disque rétro Victrola des années 50Vérifiez le prix

Qui n’aime pas les choses vintage des années 50 et 60? Un tourne-disque serait génial et une décoration mignonne. J’adore avoir une musique tangible au lieu de la télécharger sur mon téléphone. Si j’ai un tourne-disque, il y a tellement de disques vinyles que je serais super. Branchez-le simplement à quelques haut-parleurs et préparez-vous à brouiller.

Jukebox de bureau rétro Victrola Jukebox de bureau rétro Victrola Vérifiez le prix

Jouez cette musique funky. Conçu après un juke-box de la vieille école, ce juke-box moderne est livré avec un lecteur CD intégré, une radio FM, une prise auxiliaire et des fonctionnalités Bluetooth. Il peut même diffuser de la musique depuis votre téléphone. Tout comme un vrai juke-box, ce sont les lumières qui changent de couleur qui vous donneront envie de sortir vos chaussures de danse. Il mesure 15 pouces de hauteur pour que vous puissiez le placer à côté de votre tourne-disque.

Yamaha P71 Piano 88 touchesYamaha P71 Piano 88 touchesVérifiez le prix

Si jamais elle a voulu apprendre à jouer du piano, le Yamaha P71 est le piano parfait pour tout pianiste en herbe ou sérieux. Équipé de 88 touches, c’est un clavier de taille normale. Toutes les touches sont des touches tactiles, ce qui signifie qu’elles se sentent et sonnent comme un piano standard. Vous pouvez même changer le son du piano à plus de 10 voix différentes.

Kit de démarrage pour ukulélé KalaKit de démarrage pour ukulélé KalaVérifiez le prix

Si vous avez toujours voulu apprendre un instrument de musique, vous devriez essayer ce ukulélé bon marché de Kala. Celui-ci non seulement sonne bien, mais il est aussi très joli. Bien que vous puissiez changer les chaînes, les chaînes incluses sont parfaites pour les débutants.

Pack guitare acoustique FenderPack guitare acoustique FenderVérifiez le prix

Si elle aime vraiment la musique, ce serait super amusant de jouer ces chansons sur une guitare acoustique. Celui-ci est d’une grande valeur et parfait pour tous ceux qui veulent se lancer dans la guitare acoustique. Avec un étui de guitare, il est livré avec un kit de démarrage qui comprend un tuner et un DVD d’instructions pour que vous puissiez commencer à jouer tout de suite.

Squier Telecaster Beginner Guitare électriqueSquier Telecaster Beginner Guitare électriqueVérifiez le prix

Avec de belles coupes festonnées, vous ne croiriez pas à quel point cette guitare électrique de Squier est abordable et confortable. Si vous cherchez votre première guitare électrique, vous avez de la chance. Non seulement la finition de la guitare est parfaite, mais elle joue mieux que certaines des guitares les plus chères.

Nouvel album de musiqueNouvel album de musiqueVérifiez le prix

A-t-elle un tourne-disque? Obtenez-lui un nouvel album sur vinyle. Vous pouvez également lui procurer un album de Noël si elle ne peut pas en avoir assez de ses chansons préférées.

Band MerchBand MerchVérifiez le prix

Les chances sont que votre fille de 17 ans est une fan d’Ariana Grande. Ariana Grande est toute adulte avec son dernier album et cette affiche célèbre cela.

Record de Billie EilishRecord de Billie EilishVérifiez le prix

Avec une voix envoûtante et émouvante, Billie Eilish est devenue l’un des artistes les plus en vogue. Elle n’est qu’une adolescente mais son duo avec Khalid figure déjà sur Billboard. Ses débuts ont atteint le Top 40. Vous pouvez maintenant posséder son record intitulé «QUAND NOUS SOMMES TOUS SOMMEIL, OERE ALLONS-NOUS? .  » Il présente 14 de ses singles les plus chauds, y compris son hit « Bad Guy ».

BTS Love Yourself Sweat à capucheBTS Love Yourself Sweat à capucheVérifiez le prix

Il ne reste plus trop de groupes de garçons, mais BTS est l’un des groupes de K-Pop les plus en vogue. Ils ont même figuré sur Billboard et fait la couverture de Time. Si elle est une grande fan, elle adorera l’un de leurs produits. Elle ne voudra pas enlever ce sweat à capuche. Il a un logo BTS cool sur le devant, mais le plus cool est qu’il dit Love Yourself à l’arrière.

Banjo à 5 cordes JamesonBanjo à 5 cordes JamesonVérifiez le prix

Saviez-vous que le banjo était l’instrument le plus populaire en Amérique? Il n’a jamais été aussi facile de commencer. Pour tous ceux qui veulent apprendre à jouer du banjo, le banjo Jameson est un excellent moyen de commencer. Il dispose d’un accordeur de 5ème chaîne adapté qui aide à l’accord. Avec un dos en acajou, 24 supports et un pont en érable, le banjo Jameson à 5 cordes est prêt à l’emploi à droite de la boîte pour jouer vos airs de bluegrass, pop ou country préférés.

Kit de batterie électronique Pyle ProKit de batterie électronique Pyle ProVérifiez le prix

Si vous avez déjà rêvé de jouer de la batterie, un kit de batterie portable est un excellent moyen de commencer. Vous n’avez pas besoin de beaucoup d’espace car il est super portable. Conçu pour imiter la sensation d’un ensemble de batterie pleine grandeur, ce kit de batterie portable est livré avec sept pads de batterie et deux pédales. La meilleure partie? Vous pouvez brancher un casque pour ne pas déranger les autres lorsque vous vous entraînez.

CAHAYA Melodica CAHAYA Melodica Vérifiez le prix

Parfait pour les débutants, le mélodica a un clavier standard et se joue en soufflant à travers un embout buccal. C’est une excellente introduction à la pratique des instruments à vent en bois et à cuivres. Il y a une tonne de vidéos Youtube qui vous montrent comment jouer tous les types de chansons différentes sur Youtube. Pour le prix, cette mélodique a un son et un son super.

Clé USB 3.0 EnfainClé USB 3.0 EnfainVérifiez le prix

Une cassette? À l’époque, ils ne faisaient pas de cassettes comme ça. Il s’agit en fait d’un lecteur flash de 16 Go intelligemment conçu qui ressemble à une cassette. La meilleure partie? Il y a assez de place ici pour compiler une liste de ses morceaux préférés et les ranger ici. C’est le mix ultime.

Clarinette pour étudiant CL-300 Jean Paul USAClarinette pour étudiant CL-300 Jean Paul USAVérifiez le prix

Veut-elle jouer de la clarinette? Fabriquée en ébonite, un caoutchouc dur, la Jean Paul CL300 est la clarinette d’entrée de gamme parfaite. Doté du système de touches Boehm 17, il est construit comme une clarinette ordinaire. L’alésage et la répartition du poids bien conçus signifient qu’il se sent bien dans vos mains et projette un son exceptionnel. Il est même livré avec une tonne d’accessoires dont une mallette de transport.

DIKAOU Lampe de table à flamme LEDDIKAOU Lampe de table à flamme LEDVérifiez le prix

Si vous optez pour ce look rustique et bohème, cette lampe de table serait parfaite sur une table de nuit. Elle pourrait ressembler à une lampe de table LED cool, mais elle se double également d’un haut-parleur Bluetooth portable. La partie la plus cool? Il a des lumières LED à l’intérieur qui simulent une flamme brûlante, ce qui crée une ambiance envoûtante n’importe où. Vous pouvez même en associer deux.

Haut-parleur sans fil Bluetooth My Audio PetHaut-parleur sans fil Bluetooth My Audio PetVérifiez le prix

Vous ne croirez pas le son qui sort de cette adorable enceinte Bluetooth. De la taille d’une balle de ping-pong, elle remplit la pièce de basses et d’aigus. Avec jusqu’à 3 heures de batterie, ce haut-parleur est disponible en 6 modèles d’animaux mignons différents.

Opérateur de poche Teenage Engineering ArcadeOpérateur de poche Teenage Engineering ArcadeVérifiez le prix

A-t-elle déjà rêvé de faire de la musique électronique? L’Arcade Pocket Operator est un mini synthé dépouillé qui est portable. Il contient de nombreux sons que vous trouverez dans une machine d’arcade rétro. Bien qu’il ait des motifs intégrés, le vrai plaisir est de créer le vôtre. Pour les musiciens amateurs, c’est amusant de barboter et de jouer avec.

Haut-parleur Bluetooth Bose SoundLink MicroHaut-parleur Bluetooth Bose SoundLink MicroVérifiez le prix

Bien qu’ils soient plus chers, j’adore les enceintes Bose. C’est probablement le meilleur haut-parleur au son de sa taille. Avec une portée de 30 pieds et une autonomie de 6 heures, ce haut-parleur portable de Bose ressemble à une taille micro et est disponible en différentes couleurs. J’aime tout ce qui est coloré et je pense que c’est mignon en bleu. Il est Bluetooth, vous pouvez donc l’emporter partout et jouer toute la journée avec le dernier album d’Ariane Grande.

Les gadgets sont toujours un grand succès avec les filles de 17 ans. Voici les gadgets qu’elle va demander.

Fujifilm Instax Mini 9Fujifilm Instax Mini 9Vérifiez le prix

Maintenant, vous pouvez monter à bord d’une machine à remonter le temps rétro avec cet appareil photo qui vous permet de capturer des souvenirs instantanés. Avec la possibilité de prendre des photos instantanées, cela vous ramène à l’époque où les appareils photo instantanés étaient populaires. Il est parfait pour prendre des photos avec des amis, en famille ou lors de fêtes.

Fujifilm Instax Mini Instant FilmFujifilm Instax Mini Instant FilmVérifiez le prix

L’appareil photo Fujifilm Instax est un appareil photo génial, mais il ne peut rien faire sans film. Vous ne pouvez jamais avoir trop de film, c’est donc l’idée cadeau parfaite si elle a déjà un appareil photo. Il existe plusieurs variétés différentes à choisir.

Appareil photo jetable Fujifilm QuickSnapAppareil photo jetable Fujifilm QuickSnapVérifiez le prix

Les mamans s’en souviendront! Les caméras jetables font leur grand retour! Oubliez l’iPhone! Prendre des clichés sur de vieux appareils photo jetables est tellement amusant. Ils sont parfaits pour capturer des amis dans leurs moments les plus authentiques. Qui n’aime pas les photos granuleuses des années 90? C’est tellement amusant de voir les photos lorsque les images sont développées.

Fujifilm Instax Mini Link Smartphone PrinterFujifilm Instax Mini Link Smartphone PrinterVérifiez le prix

Prendre des photos et des selfies avec votre téléphone est amusant mais personne ne veut aller au magasin pour les développer. Maintenant, vous pouvez transformer votre téléphone en une petite fabrique de photos avec cette imprimante pour smartphone de Fuji. Il imprime des Polaroids lorsque vous le connectez sans fil à votre téléphone.

Imprimante photo Canon IVY MiniImprimante photo Canon IVY MiniVérifiez le prix

Elle a probablement une tonne de photos sur son téléphone et sur Instagram. Maintenant, elle peut transformer son téléphone en appareil photo instantané avec cette petite imprimante photo sans fil de Canon qui imprime de petites images collables de 2 X 3 pouces. La meilleure partie? Elle peut utiliser les photos pour décorer sa chambre, son casier ou sa papeterie grâce au support adhésif sur les photos. Elle pourrait bientôt avoir une dépendance à l’impression.

Tamagotchi OnTamagotchi OnVérifiez le prix

Dans les années 90, à peu près tous les enfants prenaient soin de leur Tamagotchi. Maintenant, une nouvelle génération d’enfants va adorer s’occuper de ces animaux virtuels. Vous devez le ressentir et jouer avec. Tout comme un vrai animal de compagnie, il nécessite un engagement de temps car vous ne pouvez pas le laisser mourir. C’est ce qui se rapproche le plus d’un véritable animal de compagnie.

Trendiees Cable BiteTrendiees Cable BiteVérifiez le prix

Ne détestez-vous pas les câbles de charge effilochés? Voici un joli cadeau technique peu coûteux qui fait le parfait stuffer de bas. En forme d’animaux mignons, les morsures de câble ont une bouche ouverte qui grignote votre cordon de charge. Non seulement ils sont mignons, mais ils empêchent vos câbles de se casser.

GoPro HERO7GoPro HERO7Vérifiez le prix

Pour l’aventurier extrême, rien ne vaut une caméra portable GoPro. La marque GoPro signifie instantanément cool. Bien qu’il existe de nombreuses caméras GoPro, la plupart des adolescentes seront satisfaites de la GoPro Hero 7. Elle enregistre des vidéos haute définition en vidéo 4K à 60 images par seconde. Elle voudra l’emporter sur toutes ses vacances, qu’elle fasse de la plongée en apnée ou du parachutisme.

Caméra d’action Campark ACT74Caméra d'action Campark ACT74Vérifiez le prix

Aime-t-elle le sport et la technologie? Ensuite, elle adorerait une caméra d’action. Nous ne pouvons pas tous nous permettre une caméra GoPro. Fitfort est une dupe bon marché qui vous permet d’enregistrer les sports les plus extrêmes, du vélo au camping. Vous obtenez beaucoup pour votre argent. Il est livré avec une tonne d’accessoires dont un accessoire de montage et même une batterie supplémentaire. La caméra réelle est capable d’enregistrer des vidéos 4K mais elle fonctionne beaucoup mieux en 1080p.

Point d’écho avec horlogePoint d'écho avec horlogeVérifiez le prix

Amazon Echo n’est pas seulement un haut-parleur Bluetooth, c’est un haut-parleur assez intelligent avec lequel vous pouvez parler. Avec une forme cylindrique simple et une excellente reconnaissance vocale, il peut répondre à de nombreuses questions de la météo actuelle aux anecdotes amusantes. Il y a tellement de nouvelles fonctionnalités ajoutées quotidiennement ainsi que la possibilité de lire des livres Kindle.

Echo Show 8Echo Show 8Vérifiez le prix

Avec un écran tactile de 8 pouces et un haut-parleur intégré, l’Echo Show peut faire tout ce que Echo peut faire et plus encore. Vous pouvez lui poser des questions, obtenir un bulletin météo, écouter de la musique, des actualités ou des podcasts, lire votre calendrier, etc. Il peut même lire des vidéos de votre collection Amazon ou de votre vidéothèque Amazon Prime. Il fait également des appels vidéo. Découvrez la différence non seulement de vous dicter, mais aussi de vous montrer des informations.

Haut-parleur intelligent enfichable Echo Flex avec AlexaHaut-parleur intelligent enfichable Echo Flex avec AlexaVérifiez le prix

Branchez-le sur une prise et l’Amazon Flex est une Alexa entièrement fonctionnelle. Bien que le haut-parleur ne soit pas le meilleur pour jouer de la musique, c’est un moyen peu coûteux de transformer n’importe quelle pièce de votre maison avec une prise en maison intelligente. La meilleure partie? Il ne supprime aucun espace de comptoir précieux. Il possède également un port USB supplémentaire qui peut être utilisé pour charger votre téléphone ou ajouter une veilleuse en option.

Amazon Smart PlugAmazon Smart PlugVérifiez le prix

Ce petit gadget transforme n’importe quel gadget électronique en un appareil intelligent que vous pouvez contrôler avec n’importe quel appareil intelligent. Cela vous permet de tout faire, de la planification au contrôle de vos lumières de n’importe où. Contrairement à d’autres systèmes, aucun concentrateur n’est requis. La partie la plus cool? L’appareil fonctionne même avec des systèmes domestiques intelligents comme Amazon Echo et Google Assistant afin que vous puissiez allumer vos appareils avec seulement votre voix. C’est génial?

Chargeur sans fil Tower Power StripChargeur sans fil Tower Power StripVérifiez le prix

Êtes-vous fatigué de chercher un débouché gratuit? Avec un design vertical, ce n’est pas une multiprise ordinaire. La multiprise rotative 360 ​​a 6 prises et 4 ports USB pour tous vos gadgets. La conception pratique signifie que vous pouvez brancher tous vos appareils sans vous soucier de bloquer les prises adjacentes. Il y a des boutons d’alimentation qui contrôlent chaque niveau. La partie la plus cool? La tour a un chargeur sans fil intégré sur le dessus.

Haut-parleur intelligent Echo avec AlexaHaut-parleur intelligent Echo avec AlexaVérifiez le prix

L’Amazon Echo Dot est incroyable, mais il ne sonne pas très bien à lui seul. Augmentez maintenant le volume de l’Amazon Echo avec ce haut-parleur avec Alexa intégré. Avec de meilleures basses et un son 360, il vous donne instantanément un meilleur son. Vous savez que vous en voulez un. Outre les connaissances infinies d’Alexa, elle vous jouera toutes vos chansons et listes de lecture préférées, commandera vos courses et plus encore. Alexa sera votre petit copain d’étude pour répondre à toutes les questions rapides que vous avez en rédigeant vos documents de fin d’études ou en préparant des examens.

Bracelets Bond TouchBracelets Bond TouchVérifiez le prix

Bond Touch donne un nouveau sens à «Je pense à toi». La relation à distance est devenue plus facile. Bond Touch donne aux couples la possibilité de se connecter de n’importe où dans le monde. Vous obtenez un ensemble de deux bracelets. Appuyez sur le bracelet et votre partenaire sentira son bracelet trembler et briller. Cela ne remplacera pas le contact de la personne, mais cela vous rapprochera.

Réveil Bluetooth iHomeRéveil Bluetooth iHomeVérifiez le prix

Avec une tonne de fonctionnalités, ce n’est pas votre réveil ordinaire. Il a une lumière LED fraîche à l’intérieur qui crée une lueur fraîche, ce qui ajoute une ambiance si cool à votre pièce. Vous pouvez le régler pour faire pivoter entre les couleurs ou rester sur votre couleur préférée. Il se connecte même à votre téléphone Bluetooth pour diffuser de la musique sans fil.

Ampoule intelligente TP-Link KasaAmpoule intelligente TP-Link KasaVérifiez le prix

L’ampoule intelligente Kasa ne ressemble à aucune autre lumière. Vous pouvez vous y connecter via Wi-Fi et changer sa couleur en de nombreuses possibilités différentes. Cela peut totalement changer l’apparence de votre pièce.

Kit de démarrage Philips HueKit de démarrage Philips HueVérifiez le prix

C’est cher, mais le système Philips Hue est le meilleur moyen d’ajouter des lumières personnalisées à votre pièce. Il peut contrôler jusqu’à 50 lumières. Pour commencer, vous aurez le Philips Hue Bridge, qui est vendu dans le kit de démarrage. Le kit de démarrage comprend le pont et 2 lumières intelligentes. The Bridge vous permet de contrôler tout l’éclairage à l’aide de l’application Philips Hue et d’Amazon Echo. La troisième génération est maintenant disponible, vous pouvez donc économiser un peu sur le modèle précédent.

Auxiwa Selfie Ring LightAuxiwa Selfie Ring LightVérifiez le prix

Est-elle accro aux selfies? Enfin, il existe un moyen de prendre des selfies dans l’obscurité. Nous avons vu des anneaux lumineux pour appareils photo, mais nous sommes ravis qu’il existe désormais un anneau lumineux pour votre téléphone. Avec 3 réglages d’éclairage, celui-ci s’enclenche sur votre téléphone. La meilleure partie? Votre visage sera parfaitement illuminé dans chaque situation, amenant vos selfies à un autre niveau.

Xenvo iPhone Camera Lens Kit ProXenvo iPhone Camera Lens Kit ProVérifiez le prix

De nos jours, le meilleur appareil photo est probablement celui que vous avez toujours avec vous. Bien que votre téléphone puisse prendre de superbes photos par lui-même, ce kit d’objectif amusant peut lui donner des fonctionnalités supplémentaires. Il est livré avec un objectif clipsable qui peut changer votre point de vue, y compris un objectif macro et grand angle. Enfin, vous pouvez mettre tous vos amis sur la photo.

PopSocketsPopSocketsVérifiez le prix

Les Pop Sockets sont de petits doohickeys circulaires en plastique que vous collez à l’arrière de votre téléphone. Ils peuvent apparaître lorsque vous en avez besoin. Ils viennent dans tous les différents motifs décoratifs. Essentiellement, ils vous permettent de mieux saisir votre téléphone afin que vous n’ayez pas à vous soucier de laisser tomber votre téléphone. Cela signifie que vous pouvez prendre des selfies n’importe où. Vous pouvez également les utiliser pour soutenir votre téléphone ou envelopper vos écouteurs autour d’eux.

PopSockets PopWallet +PopSockets PopWallet +Vérifiez le prix

Qui a besoin d’un sac à main? Enfin, il existe un moyen facile de transporter vos essentiels avec le portefeuille pop. Il est livré avec une prise pop avec un portefeuille. Vous le fixez simplement à l’arrière de votre téléphone. Pour accéder à vos cartes, il y a un bouton poussoir élastique qui facilite la libération de vos cartes. Non seulement vous pouvez utiliser votre téléphone avec une seule main, mais vous pouvez également vérifier rapidement au magasin sans fouiller dans votre sac à main.

Support de tour d’oreiller FlippySupport de tour d'oreiller FlippyVérifiez le prix

Si vous êtes comme moi, vous n’utilisez jamais votre tablette sur une table. J’aime utiliser ma tablette lorsque je suis au lit ou que je me prélasse sur un canapé. C’est là que le support pour tablette Flippy Pillow entre en jeu. C’est un support en mousse léger qui s’adapte à n’importe quelle surface, lui permettant de soutenir l’iPad ou la tablette sur n’importe quelle surface.

Support de tablette Tablift pour le litSupport de tablette Tablift pour le litVérifiez le prix

Si vous aimez vous prélasser avec votre iPad sur un canapé ou un lit, ce support pour tablette changera votre vie. Parce que le pied est doté de pieds flexibles, il peut supporter à peu près n’importe quelle tablette sur n’importe quelle surface. Vous pouvez même appuyer la tablette sur votre lit.

AmazonBasics Trépied léger de 60 poucesAmazonBasics Trépied léger de 60 poucesVérifiez le prix

Êtes-vous fatigué d’équilibrer votre appareil photo sur des piles de livres? Vous pouvez maintenant prendre des photos et des vidéos super professionnelles avec ce trépied bon marché d’AmazonBasics. Les pieds en aluminium à hauteur réglable facilitent le positionnement du trépied à la hauteur parfaite. La meilleure partie? Il est léger et se replie de manière compacte lorsqu’il n’est pas utilisé.

Support de téléphone portable B-LandSupport de téléphone portable B-LandVérifiez le prix

Si vous rêvez d’utiliser votre iPhone ou votre tablette n’importe où, vous devez vérifier ce support de téléphone portable. Une fois que vous vous êtes fixé autour du cou ou que vous l’avez placé sur une surface plane, vous pouvez placer votre appareil à l’intérieur. Le bras d’oie vous permet de le plier et de le tordre pour que vous puissiez positionner votre appareil parfaitement. Pensez aux possibilités. Nous serions ravis de rester au lit à regarder Netflix toute la journée.

Tile Pro with Replaceable BatteryTile Pro with Replaceable BatteryVérifiez le prix

Lost keys have finally met their match with this little gadget that promises to locate your lost items. Simple attach the Tile to anything you need to keep track of. If you lose it, simply use the Tile app on your phone to locate it.

Anker PowerCore 10000Anker PowerCore 10000Vérifiez le prix

Everybody knows that teenage girls spend over half their life on their phones. Most of the time they are on Instagram, Snapchat, listening to music, or cheating on tests. With this candy size phone charger, they will have no more excuse for why they didn’t reply to your texts.

ECHOGEAR Outlet ShelfECHOGEAR Outlet ShelfVérifiez le prix

If you have got an electrical outlet that is right in the middle of your wall, you can use this outlet shelf to charge your devices. With a weight limit of 10 pounds, the shelf is designed to support everything from an Amazon Echo to an electrical toothbrush to a full size Google Home. You simply replace your outlet cover with the one provided. The coolest part? There’s a hole that allows the power cable to pass through.

SanDisk Memory CardSanDisk Memory CardVérifiez le prix

Does she love taking photos with her friends, dogs, or family? Then she can never have too many flash memory cards. This one from SanDisk is available in several different sizes.

WD My Passport Hard DriveWD My Passport Hard DriveVérifiez le prix

Don’t know what to get your 17 year old girl? She probably needs a portable hard drive because her laptop always seems to be running out of space. With up to 4TB, this USB 3.0 one from Western Digital has plenty of storage space and works with both Windows and Mac computers.

SanDisk Cruzer Flash DriveSanDisk Cruzer Flash DriveVérifiez le prix

It’s hard to get excited about an USB flash drive, but once you get into high school you are pretty using these every day. It might as well be cute instead of super boring. With a slide out design, this one is super pretty on the outside and works perfectly.

AmazonBasics 10ft Lightning CableAmazonBasics 10ft Lightning CableVérifiez le prix

Until Apple finds a way to make the iPhone charge wirelessly, you will always need a long charging cord so that you can charge your iPhone far away from the socket. This one is 10 feet. C’mon Apple already!

Anker Wireless Charger StandAnker Wireless Charger StandVérifiez le prix

The newest iPhones now support wireless charging so you don’t have to plug in your phone to charge them anymore. This Qi-certified wireless charger from Anker allows your phone to charge when it is placed in the stand so you can still use your phone while it is charging. La meilleure partie? Your phone can charge in the horizontal or vertical position so you can even binge watch Netflix while your phone is charging.

Amazon Fire TV StickAmazon Fire TV StickVérifiez le prix

Why pay a monthly cable bill? It’s amazing what this little streaming stick from Amazon can do. To set it up, all you have to do is plug it into any free HDMI slot on your TV. It instantly turns you HDTV into a smart TV, giving you access to 190 channels and apps across services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and more. You can even add paid premium channels.

Amazon Fire 7Amazon Fire 7Vérifiez le prix

Amazon proves that you don’t have to spend a lot to get a functional entry level tablet. With the Amazon Fire you can read, go online, watch movies, and listen to music. La meilleure partie? You can do this all for less than the price of a video game.

Kindle PaperwhiteKindle PaperwhiteVérifiez le prix

The Kindle Paperwhite is an easy to carry ebook reader with plenty of room for a huge library of books. It’s the perfect gift for a 15 year old that is book-obsessed but doesn’t want a ton of books lying around.

Anker 2-in-1 USB 3.0 Portable Card ReaderAnker 2-in-1 USB 3.0 Portable Card ReaderVérifiez le prix

A lot of laptops today don’t have memory card readers. If your laptop doesn’t have one, this card reader from Anker will be your best friend. It works with both micro and SD cards a supports USB 3.0, which means that transferring large photos and videos will be a breeze.

HeimVision Sunrise Alarm ClockHeimVision Sunrise Alarm ClockVérifiez le prix

Waking up in the morning isn’t easy especially if you are getting out of bed before the sun comes out. Sunrise clocks are designed to mimic the sun rising by slowly filling your room with light. When the alarm finally rings, your room is bright, which makes waking up less abrupt. This model is customizable too so you can create the perfect sunrise. La meilleure partie? It also includes a FM radio and USB charging port. Mornings just got easier!

Design Your Own iPhone CaseDesign Your Own iPhone CaseVérifiez le prix

I think this is such a cute gift idea for a teen girl. This case can totally be customized. That means you can put any picture you want on it. You can put a picture of her, her favorite music artist, or even you. That way when she takes the case out, she won’t forget who gave it to her.

MARBLEFY Custom Cursive Name CaseMARBLEFY Custom Cursive Name CaseVérifiez le prix

You can never have too many phone cases. So many cases hide the beauty of the iPhone, but this transparent case lets you show it off. This custom phone case can be customized to fit just about any iPhone. This is not only a clear case but you can customize her name in cursive on the back. Not only will it protect her iPhone, but she will easily be able to pick her phone out from others.

Otterbox Phone Case iPhoneOtterbox Phone Case iPhoneVérifiez le prix

If you are going to get a case for your phone to cover it up, you might as well get a case that really protects it well. With a 3 layered design, the Otterbox is a chunky rubbercase that comes in Crayola like colors. While it looks like a tank, your iPhone will thank you if you happen to drop it on the pavement.

Wildflower iPhone CaseWildflower iPhone CaseVérifiez le prix

Most cases all look the same, but Wild Flower cases are different. Each case is handmade. You can find everything from studded to floral cases. These cases are designed for girls who are looking for something a little more unique and stylish than ordinary mass produced phone cases. La meilleure partie? Even if you have a pretty simple outfit, this cute case can add a lot of life into it.

Sonix Blush Quartz Cell Phone CaseSonix Blush Quartz Cell Phone CaseVérifiez le prix

For most of us, cases have become like clothing for your phone. You really can’t have enough. Sonix makes some of the best cases that not only do a great job of protecting your phone, but are super stylish too. You can find one that suits her style and they are available for just about every iPhone.

Smartish Wallet CaseSmartish Wallet CaseVérifiez le prix

Nobody wants to carry around a bulky wallet and phone in their pocket. Not only does this case protect your phone, it’s a slim wallet that has room for your essentials. It’s got a slot on the back that can hold up to 3 credit cards and cash. La meilleure partie? You no longer have to carry a wallet and phone. It’s available in a variety of colors and for different phones including the latest iPhones.

Mosiso Laptop SleeveMosiso Laptop SleeveVérifiez le prix

Forget boring laptop sleeves. Who doesn’t love a beautiful Chevron print accessory? Keep your laptop in perfect condition with this Chevron style laptop sleeve from Mosiso. Available in different sizes and patterns, there is a case for just about every sized laptop up to 15 inches.

Mosiso Macbook CaseMosiso Macbook CaseVérifiez le prix

Most of the time, I don’t take care of my laptop. I just throw it in my bag and carry it everywhere. If you have a Macbook, you need a case for it. Available in many different styles and sizes, I love the way this rubberized case gives the Macbook such a premium but minimalistic look.

UBeesize Phone Tripod SUBeesize Phone Tripod SVérifiez le prix

Does she love recording videos with her phone? This little gadget is basically a tabletop tripod for your phone. You simply slide you phone into it and the mount can swivel either horizontally or vertical. The coolest part? It has bendy legs on it that allow you to adjust it to get the perfect shot. The legs are actually pretty strong and can even be wrapped around something to take a difficult shot

Ubeesize Selfie Stick TripodUbeesize Selfie Stick TripodVérifiez le prix

Who isn’t addicted to taking selfies and posting them on Instagram? With this selfie stick you can take even more professional photos. I love that it has Bluetooth so all you have to do is hit a button to take a snap. Nobody will even know that you took the pictures yourself. La meilleure partie? It doubles as a tripod.

Ubeesize Selfie Ring Light with Tripod Stand Ubeesize Selfie Ring Light with Tripod Stand Vérifiez le prix

Every professional selfie artist knows you need more than a smartphone to take a good selfie. A selfie ring light helps light you evenly and removes any shadows. Ubeesize has a setup with a tripod, 8 inch ring light, and bluetooth remote. You can set it up on a table or the floor. With 3 lighting modes and several brightness settings, it’s perfect for small beauty influencers.

PhoneSoap 3 UV Cell Phone SanitizerPhoneSoap 3 UV Cell Phone SanitizerVérifiez le prix

You probably didn’t even know you needed this! Apparently, your phone is a whole lot dirtier than a public restroom. Pourquoi? We touch everything and then we touch our phones. Le seul problème? We never clean our phones. PhoneSoap is like a tanning bed for your phone that kills 99% of icky stuff, using a UV light. La meilleure partie? It doubles as a charging hub.

Logitech M510 Wireless Computer MouseLogitech M510 Wireless Computer MouseVérifiez le prix

Powered by a 2 AA batteries, this is just your basic wireless mouse that works over USB. This one is great because it promises two years of battey life on each pair of 2 AA batteries. It’s got rolling ball on the top that allows you to easily scroll back and forth as you are browsing the web.

Wild and Wolf Rotary Retro Landline PhoneWild and Wolf Rotary Retro Landline PhoneVérifiez le prix

A retro phone? Even with all the bells & whistles, cell phones aren’t that fun to dial. Dialing your phone just got a whole lot more fun with this retro phone. While it looks like a rotary phone, it actually has buttons. Go back to the 1980s with this retro phone that is available in so many fun colors.

KOPACK Lightweight Laptop BackpackKOPACK Lightweight Laptop BackpackVérifiez le prix

Have a ton of gadgets you need to take on the road? Now you don’t have to worry about charging your mobile devices on the go with this smart bag. Designed to carry your mobile devices, this slim backpack has plenty of storage. Along with the main compartment, it’s got 2 compartments on the front. Simply put a power bank inside the main compartment and use the external USB port to charge your devices anywhere. La meilleure partie? There’s a secret anti theft pocket on the back for a laptop.

Tryone Gooseneck Phone HolderTryone Gooseneck Phone HolderVérifiez le prix

If you have dreaming about using your iPhone or tablet anywhere, you have to check out this gooseneck holder. Once you secure it to a flat surface like a nightstand, you can place your device inside. The goose arm allows you to bend and twist it so you can position you device perfectly. Think about the possibilities. We would love to lie in bed watching Netflix all day.

Anker 6-Port USB Wall ChargerAnker 6-Port USB Wall ChargerVérifiez le prix

Do you have a ton of Apple, Android, Kindle, and USB devices that all need to be charged at the same time? She has probably got all her devices plugged all over the house with cords everywhere. Here is an elegant solution that charges 6 USB devices up at the same time.

Led Strip LightLed Strip LightVérifiez le prix

This LED strip light casts a beautiful glow from behind your television. It’s got sticky tape on the back, which allows you to fix it to any flat surface on the back of your television. You can even change the color to 16 different colors

L8Star LED Strip LightsL8Star LED Strip LightsVérifiez le prix

An LED light strip is one of the coolest things that you can buy. It’s a great way to add stylish lighting in your room. You can use it to light up behind furniture, picture frames, or even televisions. You don’t have to spend a lot on a light strip. The economical way to pull of this look is with this LED light strip. It’s on a 16.4-foot strip that can be cut to the appropriately. It’s got tape on the back that allows you to stick it in place but you can also use hot glue to fix it on difficult surfaces.

Pix-Star Cloud Digital Picture FramePix-Star Cloud Digital Picture FrameVérifiez le prix

An ordinary frame is great but this digital frame from Pix-Star allows you play a slideshow of your favorite photos. Simply email photos to the frame and they appear right away. With a built in motion sensor, it only turns on when it detects somebody is in the room. Put one in her room and she won’t be able to help but smile when she sees the pictures rolling on by.

APEMAN Projector Mini PortableAPEMAN Projector Mini PortableVérifiez le prix

Watching movies on a laptop screen or smartphone isn’t the best way to watch movies when friends come over. Now you can get that movie theater feel at home with this entry level projector that can mirror your phone or smart device. It projects a 1080p image on the wall or even garage door so family movie nights just got a little more interesting.

Nebula Capsule Smart Mini ProjectorNebula Capsule Smart Mini ProjectorVérifiez le prix

When friends come over there is no better way to watch a movie than with this projector. It’s designed to be hooked up to your phone and popular streaming apps are already loaded onto the projector. With 100 ANSI lumens and an 854 × 480 resolution, it’s bright enough to throw the movie up on a wall, screen, or even side of the house. With a built-in sound system, it completely changes movie night.

Redragon Retro USB Typewriter InspiredRedragon Retro USB Typewriter InspiredVérifiez le prix

I am in love with vintage stuff. I have been looking for a type writer forever. Every writer needs this modern typewriter-like gaming keyboard. With backlights, it has the styling of a modern gaming keyboard. The coolest part? It has the feel of a type writer with click clack keys.

Canon PowerShot G7 X Canon PowerShot G7 X Vérifiez le prix

Does she want to be the next big vlogger? If you ask any vlogger, what camera they are using, she will probably say the Canon G7X. This small and unobtrusive camera gets its reputation because not only can it be carried around easily but it has a large sensor that allows it to take fantastic video. The coolest part? It has a flip out screen that that allows you to easily frame what you are seeing. The built in stabilization allows you to take steady shots as you are moving around. All this technology comes at a hefty cost so it’s a dream gift for all of us.

Acer Aspire 5 Slim LaptopAcer Aspire 5 Slim LaptopVérifiez le prix

Does your teen girl need a new laptop for school? With great hardware, this inexpensive laptop is the perfect balance of power and price. With an AMD Rysen processor, 4GB of memory, and 128GB of space, it has enough power to get her through high school. It even features a graphics card which is usually found on much pricier models. You will not find a better laptop in this price range.

CM Smart Instant Language Translator DeviceCM Smart Instant Language Translator DeviceVérifiez le prix

Hallo wie geht’s dir. Finally you can travel around the world even to places where you don’t know how to speak the language. This handy language translator can listen to a foreign language and translate it into English. It’s powered by Microsoft’s Cloud AI. Supporting 42 languages, it works with an app and connects to your phone. The one click design makes it easy to pass the device back and forth and have a natural conversation even with people who speak another language.

Qwerkywriter Qwerkywriter Vérifiez le prix

I am in love with vintage stuff. I have been looking for a type writer forever. Every writer needs this modern typewriter. It has the styling of an old school type writer, but connects wirelessly to modern devices like computers and tablets. The coolest part? It has the feel of a type writer with click clack keys.

TCL Smart LED Roku TVTCL Smart LED Roku TVVérifiez le prix

With a ridiculously affordable price tag, this is actually a pretty cool Smart TV that has a built in Fire TV. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to plug in any external device to stream your favorite shows off Netflix, Amazon, Youtube, and a host of other 3rd party content providers. It’s all built in. Available in different sizes, you can find the size that is most appropriate for your teen girl’s bedroom.

Apple Pencil for iPad ProApple Pencil for iPad ProVérifiez le prix

Start something magical with the Apple Pencil for your iPad Pro. This is the creative tool you need to bring your creative vision to life. The Apple Pencil delivers the precision you need and responds appropriately when applying pressure to create a variety of artisitic effects.

Apple iPhone 11Apple iPhone 11Vérifiez le prix

Every girl wants the iPhone 11. Apple has created a phone for everybody. While it ditches the headphone jack, it has a ton of cool features. My favorite feature? The coolest part? It comes in a wide variety of eye catching colors.

Apple WatchApple WatchVérifiez le prix

Do you like Apple products? Do you need a new watch? If you love exercise and need access to your notifications, the Apple Watch is great gift for 17 year old girls. With a ton of apps, the Apple Watch allows you to do a lot of cool things right on your wrist. Plus, you don’t need to pull out your phone on a boring date.

Apple iPadApple iPadVérifiez le prix

Every year the iPad comes closer and closer to replacing your laptop. Available in 2 screen sizes, this year’s Apple iPad is the most powerful iPad ever. It does everything you need it to do from playing apps to reading books. Additionally, it now allows you to connect new accessories like the Apple pencil and optional keyboard, bringing it closer to a laptop experience.

Microsoft SurfaceMicrosoft SurfaceVérifiez le prix

Finally, there is a gadget that has bridges the gap between laptops and tablets. It’s from Microsoft. With the optional keyboard accessory, it turns the tablet into a full fledged laptop. You also get a stylus pen which works great with One Note.

Apple MacBookApple MacBookVérifiez le prix

The Macbook Pro is the laptop that every 17 year old girl really wants because all of her friends have it. That and it’s one of the best laptops on the market. With a beautiful Retina display, force feedback trackpad, and faster flash memory, the Macbook has never been better.

Fjallraven Kanken Classic PackFjallraven Kanken Classic PackVérifiez le prix

Your favorite hipster will love the look of this compact Swedish backpack. When you are headed to school with just jeans and sneakers on, this fashionable backpack can complete your look. While it features a very simplistic design, it still can hold all your school supplies from textbooks to even a laptop.

Fjallraven Kanken-Mini Classic PackFjallraven Kanken-Mini Classic PackVérifiez le prix

Made out of vinyl, the iconic Kanken Backpack is available in both a regular and mini size. Sporting the same timeless design of the original, this mini backpack is perfect for when you don’t want to carry around a handbag everywhere. The front pocket and side pockets are perfect for stashing your most used items so you don’t have to dig them out of the main compartment. It comes in all the pretty colors of the original so it is easy to find one that matches your outfit.

Fjallraven Re-Kanken Recycled BackpackFjallraven Re-Kanken Recycled BackpackVérifiez le prix

For the last few years, the Fjallraven backpack has been one of the most popular backpacks. Does she want to save the world? This might look like a regular Kanken backpack, but there is something special about it. Made from 11 recycled plastic bottles, the Re-Kanken might be the world’s most sustainable backpack. Whether she is going to school or camping, she is going to love taking this backpack everywhere with her.

The North Face Jester BackpackThe North Face Jester BackpackVérifiez le prix

Because it is built for outdoors, this North Face backpack might be the last backpack that you buy. North Face makes some of the best backpacks and each of them comes with a lifetime warranty. With a 28 liter capacity and a 15 inch padded laptop sleeve, this backpack has plenty of storage to carry all your books across high school. With plenty of interior room, 2 water bottle holders, and padded straps, it’s the perfect backpack for school or any outdoor adventure.

SG SUGU Medium Crossbody BagSG SUGU Medium Crossbody BagVérifiez le prix

With so many cute patterns and styles, this all in one cross body purse is adorable and perfect for those times when you just don’t want to carry a lot. With a zippered top closure and zippered pocket on the outside, it’s got just the right amount of storage for the basics such as ID, money, credit cards, and change. The open pocket inside is perfect for your phone.

Caboodles On The Go Girl Classic CaseCaboodles On The Go Girl Classic CaseVérifiez le prix

Here is an adorable throwback that will bring back so many memories to anybody who grew up in the 90s. For those who don’t know Caboodles are plastic organizers that have swing out trays that help you organize all of your cosmetics and even have a handy swing out mirror. Share some memories with your teenage daughter with this now trendy retro gift.

Rita Messi Zip Around WalletRita Messi Zip Around WalletVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t like Louis Vuitton? It’s such a classy brand! Rita Messi makes a variety of dupes from wallets to makeup bags. Holding 8 cards and coins, this wallet is perfect for girls to carry their essentials and phone. Available in 3 shades, this wallet comes in the infamous checkered pattern that made Louis Vuitton famous.

Gerosse Checkered BackpackGerosse Checkered BackpackVérifiez le prix

You’ve probably seen girls all over Instagram sporting the Louis Vuitton Palm Springs Mini backpack. That backpack costs around $2000 dollars and is very hard to find. For those that can indulge in this small beauty, the more power to you. Luckily, for the rest of us there is this dupe. If you can live without the Louis Vuitton logo, it’s a steal.

KAVU Rope BagKAVU Rope BagVérifiez le prix

Whether you are using it for school, camp or on vacation, Kavu rope bags are a great everyday bag. With an adjustable shoulder strap, this cotton canvas bag has plenty of space including two vertical zip compartments and two smaller compartments for your essentials. While it has a slim design, it holds more than you expect.

JanSport Half Pint Classic DaypackJanSport Half Pint Classic DaypackVérifiez le prix

Backpacks aren’t just for school. A lot of people have started mini backpacks instead of carrying around a traditional bag. This one is designed to hold everything you would carry in your purse so you can go hands free.

Herschel Little America BackpackHerschel Little America BackpackVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the wilderness, the Little America is one of Herschel’s most popular backpacks. The two buckle straps on the front give it a super cute look. Not only is this backpack stylish, it is functional as well with plenty of room inside for books and even a 15 inch laptop. The padding on the back gives your shoulders a much needed break.

Herschel Hip SackHerschel Hip SackVérifiez le prix

Fanny packs are back and no longer reserved for tourists. Now they are being called belt bags. Some people love to sling them over their shoulder instead of wearing them around their waist. Celebrities everywhere have embraced the new trend. With a woven exterior, this one from Hershel has a pocket that is perfect for all your essentials. An adjustable strap allows you to wear it however you want.

Under Armour Hustle 4.0 BackpackUnder Armour Hustle 4.0 BackpackVérifiez le prix

Don’t be afraid to show what you are carrying with this clear backpack. One of the coolest new trends this year is transparent bags. Available in different styles from a tote bag to a backpack, this bag is made out clear PVC plastic. You don’t even have to open it up to see what is inside, making it easy to find stuff inside without digging through it. The coolest part? It makes passing through security a breeze.

JanSport Cool Student BackpackJanSport Cool Student BackpackVérifiez le prix

There is a reason that the JanSport backspacks have been the most popular school backpacks for over 50 years. It comes in different designs and patterns and every year JanSport adds additional designs. With a padded back panel and padded straps, it’s comfortable for school and light traveling. Made out of Polyester, it helps keep you organized with a large main compartment and a zippered pocket on the front. It’s great for carrying books and school supplies.

Travelambo Womens Walllet RFID BlockingTravelambo Womens Walllet RFID BlockingVérifiez le prix

Now that she is going to soon drive, she is going to need a wallet to keep her stuff. With a slim profile, this inexpensive one holds her ID, 16 cards, and has room left over for her cash and coins. The zippered pockets keep everything secure. To get her started, fill it with a couple of her favorite gifts cards to make it an even more special gift.

MINICAT Women Small Crossbody BagMINICAT Women Small Crossbody BagVérifiez le prix

Here’s a simple idea. It’s a cross body purse that is designed to slide your phone in. The shoulder strap allows you to wear the purse across your body. Not only does it look stylish, but it makes it easy to grab your phone when you need it. This way you don’t have to worry about fumbling through your bag when you need to use your phone. Along with your cell phone, it has enough room for a few of your other essentials.

Thread WalletsThread WalletsVérifiez le prix

Who knew rubber bands could be so fancy? When it comes to your wallet less is more. That’s the idea behind Thread Wallets. Designed to be a simple elastic sleeve for your essentials, Thread Wallets are compact and easy to carry. You never have to worry about keeping track of it. What makes them special? They come in so many eye catching designs.

adidas Alliance II Sackpackadidas Alliance II SackpackVérifiez le prix

The Alliance II Sack Pack is a popular sporty sack for carrying and storing your belongings. The bag offers a cool design that is easily coordinated with other adidas shoes and apparel. Choose from a wide range of colors and styles to match your personality. The sackpack measures 18 x 13.75 inches.

PINCNEL Backpack PursePINCNEL Backpack PurseVérifiez le prix

There is nothing closer to us than our bags. With 2 adjustable shoulder straps, this unique backpack purse has all of the benefits of a backpack in the form of a purse. With lots of pockets, it’s super spacious and has room for a tablet inside. In addition to the main compartment, there two front zippered pockets and two on the side. It’s even got a hidden pocket on the back so you can store your valuables inside. Not only is it practical, but it’s stylish and chic too with a cute pom pom keychain on the side.

Clear Crossbody MessengerClear Crossbody MessengerVérifiez le prix

Don’t be afraid to show what you are carrying with this clear bag. One of the coolest new trends this year is transparent bags. Available in different styles from a tote bag to a backpack, this bag is made out clear PVC plastic. You don’t even have to open it up to see what is inside, making it easy to find stuff inside without digging through it. The coolest part? It makes passing through security a breeze.

Lay-n-Go CosmoLay-n-Go CosmoVérifiez le prix

There are all different types of makeup bags. Some of us like a lot of compartments to keep everything organized and some of us like to dump everything inside a big tote. Made out of nylon, this drawstring cinch bag can open completely flat making it easy to find stuff inside. When you are done with your makeup, you just pull the drawstring to turn it back into a cinch bag. La meilleure partie? It’s so easy to tuck away under the sink or in a bag.

Nike Hayward 2.0 BackpackNike Hayward 2.0 BackpackVérifiez le prix

When it comes to buying a backpack, it is always better to spend a little bit more on something that is high quality. Available in the prettiest colors, this sizeable and sporty backpack from Nike is also very functional. Made of 100% Polyester and available in several prints, this backpack features the iconic Nike logo on the front. It holds two water bottles on the sides. The main compartment is very roomy and there is an unpadded pocket inside. There is also a mesh pocket inside and another zippered wrap around pocket on the front.

Kate Spade Cameron Convertible Crossbody BagKate Spade Cameron Convertible Crossbody BagVérifiez le prix

Is there anything better than a cross body purse from Kate Spade? This one from Kate Spade is super cute. With a perfect amount of sophistication, this purse goes with just about any outfit. Inside it has room for your phone, a small wallet, keys, and few other essentials.

C.C Ponytail Beanie HatC.C Ponytail Beanie HatVérifiez le prix

You could never go wrong with getting her a cute little knitted beanie. Wouldn’t it be cool if you didn’t have to put your hair down while wearing a beanie? This beanie has an opening for her ponytail to go through. It’s got an interior fleece lining that will keep her warm even on the coldest days. Available in so many assorted colors, you can get a different one for each outfit.

The North Face Women’s Osito Etip GloveThe North Face Womens Osito Etip GloveVérifiez le prix

I know touch screen gloves have been out for awhile, but these North Face touch screen gloves are gorgeous. The fleece lining keeps your hands from freezing. These best part? These have a conductive lining that allows you to use your Smart Device. You can finally take as many selfies as you want when it is cold outside.

C.C Thick Cable Knit Faux Pom Pom BeanieC.C Thick Cable Knit Faux Pom Pom BeanieVérifiez le prix

When you are having a bad hair day, what could be cuter than a fluffy pom pom on your head? With an adorable pom pom on top, this colorful beanie is beyond cute. Not only is it fun to wear, but it keeps you nice and warm.

Cable Knit Slouchy Beanie SkullyCable Knit Slouchy Beanie SkullyVérifiez le prix

Get ready to show off that hipster slouch on bad hair days with this stylish beanie. The knitted look gives this beanie a unique and laid back look. You may even want to get it in different colors for different outfits.

Carhartt Knit Beanie HatCarhartt Knit Beanie HatVérifiez le prix

Got a bad hair day? We have all been there. Available in several neutral patterns, this beanie from Carhartt is the perfect way to cover up a bad hair day. Plus, during the winter, beanies are essential for keeping you warm.

Love Your Melon BeanieLove Your Melon BeanieVérifiez le prix

It’s always nice when you can find a gift that can benefit the world. A beanie that could cure cancer? Cancer is a horrible disease and it’s even worse when young children are diagnosed with it. Love Your Melon is on a mission to giving children battling cancer a beanie. 50% of each sale goes to nonprofit organizations leading the fight against pediatric cancer. Each of their beanies is made out of 100% cotton.

Funky Junque Oversized Slouchy BeanieFunky Junque Oversized Slouchy BeanieVérifiez le prix

What could be better than a slouchy beanie for those bad hair days? With a cool laid back style, not only does this beanie look cute, it keeps your head nice and toasty. You will want to wear it every day in the winter.

Nike Futura Classic CapNike Futura Classic CapVérifiez le prix

Teenage girls are obsessed with baseball caps. Whether you are having trouble with your hair or just need something to complete your outfit, this baseball cap is the epitome of cool. Take your Victoria’s Secret Pink and casual outfits to the next level with this matching hat with the Nike logo plastered across the front.

THE HAT DEPOT Bucket HatTHE HAT DEPOT Bucket HatVérifiez le prix

Bucket hats seem to be having their moment. All the celebrities seem to be wearing this floppy hat. Shaped like a bucket, this wide, downward sloping hat will take your look back to the 90s. Whether you are going for a street wear look or on a trip to the great outdoors, this bucket hat is a stylish way to give you shade. It folds up easily so you can stash it in your pocket when you aren’t using it.

Zando Blanket ScarfZando Blanket ScarfVérifiez le prix

If it’s the winter, she is probably really cold now. You can never have enough scarves in the winter. Wrap her up in this luxurious but affordable blanket scarf. There is nothing like dressing up a winter outfit with a cute scarf. Even if she’s got a huge collection of scarves, nothing beats the feel of a cashmere-like scarf against your skin.

Personalized Lucky Copper Penny Key ChainPersonalized Lucky Copper Penny Key ChainVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t need a good luck charm? This lucky penny can be stamped with custom initials and you can choose the year of the penny. A heart will be stamped around the year. It’s an inexpensive, unique gift that is made even more special with an engraving.

Clipa 2 Bag HangerClipa 2 Bag HangerVérifiez le prix

Why put your bag on the floor when you can hang it just about anywhere with this portable bag hanger from Clipa? Holding up to 33 pounds, this heavy duty clip attaches to your bag. When opened, it can cling onto flat surfaces, edges, and even ledges. It works great in the restroom, classroom, or restaurant where you don’t ordinarily have a place to put your bag.

LEXSION Purse OrganizerLEXSION Purse OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Who hasn’t shuffled through their purse looking for something? The easiest solution is to get a purse organizer. Made out of felt, this purse organizer from LEXSION means that you will never have to go digging for your keys and phone again. With 12 different pockets, you get tons of compartments to organize all your stuff. You can grab it in different colors and sizes.

totes Women’s Clear Bubble Umbrellatotes Womens Clear Bubble UmbrellaVérifiez le prix

This bubble umbrella from Totes might be the cutest umbrella. It has a specially designed dome shaped canopy that encapsulates your body to keep you dry. Because of its unique shape, you don’t need to tilt it up over your head. It’s hard for wind to get up under the umbrella and flip it inside out. La meilleure partie? The transparent canopy allows you to see through the umbrella so you can easily see where you are going.

SUNGAIT Vintage Round SunglassesSUNGAIT Vintage Round SunglassesVérifiez le prix

Who isn’t obsessed with designer sun glasses? If you really want to make a statement, these sunglasses from Sungait do just that at a very affordable price. The Ray-Ban Erika -esque design makes you look so glamorous. They look much more expensive than they are.

JUSLINK Clout GogglesJUSLINK Clout GogglesVérifiez le prix

You have probably seen these glasses on all the coolest rappers and celebrities. Reminiscent of the smallish goggles that Kurt Cobain used to wear, these Clout glasses will give you old school street cred. All the cool celebrities, teens, and rappers want to wear them. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to be a celebrity to own them.

Ray-Ban Large Aviator SunglassesRay-Ban Large Aviator SunglassesVérifiez le prix

For the larger than life 17 year old girl, try a pair of oversized aviator sunglasses from Ray-Ban. When she goes out, she will feel like a star. Just tell her to watch out for the paparazzi.

Earnda Double Ring Leather BeltEarnda Double Ring Leather BeltVérifiez le prix

Sadly, we can’t all be Kendall Jenner or Riri. Most of us will never own a $400 dollar Gucci belt. That doesn’t mean we can’t become Instagram worthy. With a double ring, this black and gold belt looks just as stylish and goes with everything. While it doesn’t have the Gucci logo, the interlocking double ring gives off a similar vibe.

Alexx Finders Purse Key FinderAlexx Finders Purse Key FinderVérifiez le prix

Do you always lose your keys in your purse? This key finder makes it easy to pull out your keys. You simply put your keys on it and clip it to the top of your purse. There are so many cute designs to choose from. La meilleure partie? No more digging around aimlessly in your purse.

akiido High Waist Tights Fishnet Stockingsakiido High Waist Tights Fishnet StockingsVérifiez le prix

Everybody wears black tights but if you are ready to rock the latest fashion, you need a pair of fishnet stockings. There are so many different ways to wear them. If you want to make them the center of your outfit, you can show them off with a skirt. If you don’t want to make a huge statement, they even look great peeking out of ripped jeans.

ANRRI Blue Light Blocking GlassesANRRI Blue Light Blocking GlassesVérifiez le prix

We spend most of our time looking at screens whether on our laptops, tablets, or phones. All that screen time can affect your eyes. Blue light blocking glasses filter out blue light, which reduces eye strain. La meilleure partie? Finally, we can surf Instagram all day.

YOUR SMILE HeadscarfYOUR SMILE HeadscarfVérifiez le prix

Scarves can be worn everywhere. It seems more and more women are starting to embrace head scarves. What could be cooler than wrapping a bold print scarf around your head and cruising around the beach like a pirate? With this head scarf you can pull off simple or daring styles. Wear it on your head, around your neck, or use it as a top to spice up your outfit.

Funky Junque Headband Ear WarmerFunky Junque Headband Ear WarmerVérifiez le prix

Who needs a beanie? You could never go wrong with getting her ear warmers. It’s got an interior fleece lining that will keep her warm even on the coldest days. Available in so many assorted colors, you can get a different one for each outfit.

FLYPARTY Pin SetFLYPARTY Pin SetVérifiez le prix

Are you looking for a neat stocking stuffer? Nope brooches are no longer something that just grandma wore. Brooches and pins are suddenly back in fashion and are a great way to accessorize clothing, bags, or backpacks. If everybody has the clothes and accessories, the world would be so boring. These pins are a great way to make your clothes and accessories standout.

Quay x Desi Perkins High Key Aviator SunglassesQuay x Desi Perkins High Key Aviator SunglassesVérifiez le prix

Sunglasses have become more than a way to keep the sun out of your eyes. They have become a way to express your fashion. Based in Australia, Quay Sunglasses have become very popular because of their style and mid range prices. A lot of celebrities have started wearing them. They come in all different funky shapes and colors but these ones are extremely popular because of their oversized aviator design. They come in the cutest colors.

TIJN Eyeglasses Frame with Clear LensesTIJN Eyeglasses Frame with Clear LensesVérifiez le prix

Some people wear glasses to see, but wearing glasses as a fashion statement has become super trendy. It’s a trend that some people fun and some people find incredibly stupid. These glasses don’t have any glass lens, they are just frames and fake plastic lens. You can get them in all different types of frame but these simple square shaped Wayfarers are super fun to wear and keep you from looking basic.

Gucci BeltGucci BeltVérifiez le prix

The ever so iconic double G Gucci belt seems to be Insta-gram famous. Given its price, it is hard to justify its purchase, but it’s such a classy way to spice up any pair of jeans even if they are from Target. It’s black and will go with anything. It’s nothing something that any of us will own, but this is a dream wish list so we added it.

Looking for gifts for a 17 year old girlfriend? It’s cliché, but what teenage girl doesn’t love jewelry. 17 year old girls love anything shiny no matter how much jewelry they already own. From the trendiest jewelry to watches, here is what is in style these days.

Kainier Puka Bracelet & Choker SetKainier Puka Bracelet & Choker SetVérifiez le prix

You can’t hang out at the beach or make videos on TikTok without a Puka Shell necklace. Puka shells are small, white shells that are found in Hawaii. They are believed to bring good luck. This one is made from cowrie shells, which are whole and oblong. It’s trendy enough to wear with checkered vans. Add a scrunchie to complete your basic look.

Pura Vida Bracelet Pura Vida Bracelet Vérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love colorful jewelry with sentimental meaning? Made in Costa Rica by hand, Pura Vida bracelets help to provide work for Costa Ricans. “Pura Vida” means pure life in Spanish and is part of the Costa Rican lifestyle. Made out of rope, these simple charm bracelets spread the care free lifestyle of Costa Rica everywhere in the world, encouraging you to live life to its fullest.

POTESSA Single Pearl ChokerPOTESSA Single Pearl ChokerVérifiez le prix

The ’90s choker is suddenly popular again. There is no better way to show you love for it than a choker with a single pearl on it. A pearl necklace can dress up any outfit. No pearls are alike, which makes it a unique piece. It will totally go with her style if she is looking for that classy look. Go ahead and rock it and use it to complete your flattering outfit.

Silvershake Natural Moonstone RingSilvershake Natural Moonstone RingVérifiez le prix

Who said that only diamonds are a girl’s best friend? Moonstones are pearly stones that are said to have spiritual and balancing properties. This one gives you great sparkle for an affordable price. We like it because of its bohemian style. The blinging and sparkles make you feel all special. I think it would be fun to show off to friends. Besides, what girl can resist having a little moon on her finger?

Custom Kandi BraceletCustom Kandi BraceletVérifiez le prix

Kandi bracelets are small, colorful bracelets that are made with pony beads and traded at music festivals. Just about everybody seems to be wearing these Kandi bracelets all over their arms. Why make it yourself when you can get them personalized? Made with pony beads, this one can be customized with any word or name of your choice. They are fun to trade with friends.

Sac Silver Wave RingSac Silver Wave RingVérifiez le prix

Celebrate effortless beachy waves with this trendy wave ring. This dainty wave ring is available in 4 different colors and crafted out of 925 Sterling Silver. Complete your beachy look with crocs and scunchies before you head to the beach. Get a couple of wave rings so you can wear one on each finger.

YinaHawaii Sea Glass NecklaceYinaHawaii Sea Glass NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Does she want to save the “sea turtles?” Handmade in Hawaii, this unique necklace is made out of sea glass. With a cute sea turtle charm and pearl, it will look great with any summer outfit. While it won’t take her to the islands, it will make her want to head to the beach whenever she puts in on.

Dandelion Wish PendantDandelion Wish PendantVérifiez le prix

Make a wish! Remember when you were young and you would blow dandelion puffs to make a wish. Keep your wishes close to you with this unique handmade necklace that has a dandelion encased inside. Made with Swarovski crystal and pearl charm, this is a unique gift for any teenage girl who never stopped dreaming of bigger things.

PAVOI Cuff Earrings Huggie StudPAVOI Cuff Earrings Huggie StudVérifiez le prix

Who isn’t in love with the curated ear? To pull off this style you need huggie-style hoops. Huggies fit on your ear lobes snuggly. This pair from Pavoi is embellished with Cubic Zirconium. La meilleure partie? It won’t break the bank.

Me&Hz Tassel Dangle EarringsMe&Hz Tassel Dangle EarringsVérifiez le prix

There are all types of statement earrings. How do you swoosh up normal earring? Put some tassels on them. Tassels add such a Bohemian vibe to any outfit. They come in all different bright colors, materials, and sizes. With a Christmas-tree like shape, these ones from Me&Hz are perfect for any holiday party. What girl wouldn’t want these earrings dangling from her ears?

MantraBand BraceletMantraBand BraceletVérifiez le prix

Mantraband has a variety of different bracelets that have inspiring quotes on them. Anytime you need a little inspiration, you can just read the mantra on the band. You can choose from a variety of finishes and quotes. This one says “I Love You to the Moon and Back,” which is the perfect way to show her how much you love her.

Joycuff BraceletJoycuff BraceletVérifiez le prix

With a fun inspiration message on it, this bracelet helps to promote positivity and encouragement. While this one says “Beautiful Girl, You Can Do Hard Things”, there are many different inspirational quotes that are available. Whenever she looks at the words on the bracelet, she will have the confidence to do anything. The actual bracelet is made out of stainless steel and comes in a nice gift box. What could be better than the gift of positivity?

BodyJ4You ChokersBodyJ4You ChokersVérifiez le prix

The ’90s choker is suddenly popular again. There is no better way to show you love for it than with this set of 12 chokers. It will totally go with her style if she is looking for that rockstar look. Go ahead and rock it and use it to complete your flattering outfit.

Rose Gold Cubic Zirconia Stud EarringsRose Gold Cubic Zirconia Stud EarringsVérifiez le prix

Every 17 year girl would love to have a pair of sparkly diamond earrings. These dainty stud earrings are the next best thing. Made out of Cubic Zirconia, these can be mistaken for real diamonds.

Alex and Ani BangleAlex and Ani BangleVérifiez le prix

Alex & Ani bracelets are extremely popular among teenage girls. Made of recycled material, this handmade bracelet is perfect for everyday use or even more formal occasions like her birthday. The coolest part? You can personalize it with the recipient’s birthstone.

Kate Spade Heart of Gold BangleKate Spade Heart of Gold BangleVérifiez le prix

What 17 year old girl wouldn’t love a Kate Spade bracelet? You probably tell her everyday how much she means to you and now you can show her with this bracelet from Kate Spade. This 14 Karat gold plated bracelet holds a secret message for her with the words “heart of gold” inscribed in the inside.

Fesciory Rope Cuff BanglesFesciory Rope Cuff BanglesVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love to make a statement? Wrap your arm with arm candy with this Boho-style leather wrap bracelet that is made with leather cords, pearls, and stones. The magnetic clasp makes it easy to put on and take off. Available in so many fun styles, there is something very spiritual about it.

Sedmart Tree of life pendantSedmart Tree of life pendantVérifiez le prix

With a beautiful message, this unique handmade necklace makes a beautiful gift. The Chakra tree of life symbolizes that all life is interconnected and must be in harmony. The beads that make up the Chakra tree leaves each symbolize a different aspect of your life and add a pop of color to any outfit. The necklace is available in many different colors. When she wears it, she will be surrounded by positive energy.

Essential Oil Diffuser BraceletEssential Oil Diffuser BraceletVérifiez le prix

Diffusers and aromatherapy are known for their health benefits. Wouldn’t it be cool to have an oil diffuser that came everywhere with you? Now you can get the benefits of aromatherapy with this fun fashion accessory that sits around your wrist. After opening up the face plate, simply put a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto the pad and you can enjoy different aromas.

Anne Klein Bracelet WatchAnne Klein Bracelet WatchVérifiez le prix

You don’t have to spend much to get a classy looking watch. For the price, I’m surprised just how cute, stylish, and beautiful this watch from Anne Klein is. It’s in my favorite new color Rose Gold. The colors would match just about any outfit. I think the large markers are not only easy to read but super cute.

Michael Kors WatchMichael Kors WatchVérifiez le prix

Her favorite brand is probably Michael Kors. Put a big smile on her face with this Rose Gold watch from Michael Kors. With a large MK logo and crystals around the bezel, this gorgeous watch has a beautiful face that is unmistakable even from far.

Rhodium Plated Birthstone Stud EarringsRhodium Plated Birthstone Stud EarringsVérifiez le prix

Just about every 17 year old girl would love a pair of birthstone earrings with a bit of sparkliness. With just the right amount of shimmer, these ones are beautiful to wear with anything from a T-shirt to a dress. Simple and elegant, they are a beautiful present for a 17 year old girl.

Lokai Classic BraceletLokai Classic BraceletVérifiez le prix

Somewhere along the line Lokai bracelets became super popular with teen girls. While the bracelet is actually very simple, it has significance and meaning. It’s a symbol for hope and humility. Containing Mt. Everest water and Dead Sea mud, it symbolizes the high and low points in life.

Fossil WatchFossil WatchVérifiez le prix

Most 17 year old girls would love to wear a nice watch that complements her outfit. Buy her this fancy Rose Gold Fossil watch for her to wear on special occasions. This one is completely waterproof too so she can wear it all day without removing it.

Italian Rose-Tone Chain AnkletItalian Rose-Tone Chain AnkletVérifiez le prix

The anklet is back. Don’t leave your ankle bare again. Decorate it with this simple and dainty rose gold anklet. When it catches the light, it will draw attention to your beautiful ankle.

Kate Spade Initial Pendant NecklaceKate Spade Initial Pendant NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Any 17 year old girl would appreciate a personalized piece of jewelry with her initial on it. This beautiful petite necklace is completely hand crafted just for her making it an extra special gift.

BaubleStar Tortoise Hoop EarringsBaubleStar Tortoise Hoop EarringsVérifiez le prix

Does she love hoops? Every teen girl has to have a pair of hoop earrings. These never really go out of style. Stud earrings are great, but when you want to make a statement, a nice set of hoop earring are perfect. The bigger the hoops, the bigger the statement. Measuring 4 cm, these tortoise shell ones from Baublestar look great whether you are going for a formal look or rocking a choker with an band t-shirt.

Efy Tal Mother Daughter NecklaceEfy Tal Mother Daughter NecklaceVérifiez le prix

At 17, your daughter is going to be moving away pretty soon. This interlocking mother daughter necklace is a great way to keep her in your heart forever. Only when the two of you are together can the necklace be complete. She can wear hers and you can wear yours. That way you will never forget each other.

Pearl Source 14K Gold Pearl NecklacePearl Source 14K Gold Pearl NecklaceVérifiez le prix

If you want a necklace that is classy and modest, you can’t go wrong with a pearl necklace. It’s a timeless piece that will last her for a lifetime. For the price, you won’t find better quality pearls. Whether dressed up or down, this pearl necklace would look good on any 17 year old girl, making her feel like a queen.

Personalized Necklace Name Plate BarPersonalized Necklace Name Plate BarVérifiez le prix

Is there anything better than accessorizing with a name bar necklace? Not only can you customize the color, this one can be customized with up to 16 characters so there are a lot of different possibilities to customize it with. Whether you are engraving her name, a loved one, or a special date, it is a piece that will always have a sentimental meaning to her. Offered in multiple sizes, it perfect for layering with other pieces.

Custom Moon Glow NecklaceCustom Moon Glow NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Rings, bracelets, and diamonds necklaces are all great, but sometimes a truly unique idea is just as thoughtful. This Moon Phase necklace can be customized to show any phase of the moon. Along with the moon pendant, both the finish and chain style can be customized to create a truly unique piece. Simply include your teen girl’s birth date or any important date to have it personalized.

Sea Glass Bead BraceletSea Glass Bead BraceletVérifiez le prix

When you are going for a beachy look, nothing is more important than having the right accessories. There is nothing better than handmade jewelry that comes from the ocean. Made from hand crafted recycled glass beads, this sea glass bead bracelet gives off a beachy vibe especially when stacked with other pieces. It comes with 5 hand formed sea glass beads. La meilleure partie? Each bracelet is unique. There is also a matching anklet and choker if you want to complete the look.

Zodiac Jewelry Constellation Star NecklaceZodiac Jewelry Constellation Star NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Teen girls love wearing cute necklaces especially when they are personalized. How about giving her one with her Birthstone and Zodiac sign on it? It’s the perfect birthday gift idea that she won’t want to take off.

PANDORA Jewelry Band of Hearts RingPANDORA Jewelry Band of Hearts RingVérifiez le prix

Pandora makes beautiful jewelry. Just about every teenage girl dreams about getting a Pandora ring for Christmas or her birthday. Available in different colors, this heart ring makes a thoughtful gift for any teenage girl. With a beautiful hearts on it, it definately is a statement ring but dainty enough to wear every day.

Guliette Verona Princess Crown RingGuliette Verona Princess Crown RingVérifiez le prix

I think this princess rings are so pretty. I think any girl would really love it. I have seen princess rings everywhere. This one gives you great sparkle for an affordable price. The blinging and sparkles make you feel all princessy. I think it would be fun to show off to friends.

Delicate Stacking RingsDelicate Stacking RingsVérifiez le prix

Dainty rings don’t have to look all the same. We love the simplicity and elegance of these hammered stacking rings. While simple, their understated elegance is what makes them unique. Each ring is hammered to give it a one of a kind look. La meilleure partie? Since they are gold filled and not plated, the coating is designed not to wear off. Stack them and you will look like a total diva.

Custom Name RingCustom Name RingVérifiez le prix

Layering your clothes is very cool, but layering your fingers with stackable rings is even cooler. Available in different sizes, this stackable ring is perfect for stacking. La meilleure partie? It can be personalized with your name and you can even choose the color. Buying a few rings is a great way to get a cohesive look while playing around with different color combinations that look good on your finger.

Personalized Stackable Name RingPersonalized Stackable Name RingVérifiez le prix

Since she is celebrating a special occasion, a one of a kind ring can make a sentimental statement that an ordinary ring would not be able to. Not only can you personalize the engraving on this ring, you can have an inscription on the outside and inside. Each letter is beautifully hand stamped and blackened with a permanent oxidizer. Since it has room for 24 characters, you can put her name or a date. They are fun to stack with other rings.

By Hannah Four-Sided Hand Stamped NecklaceBy Hannah Four-Sided Hand Stamped NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Made with sterling silver, this name bar necklace can be personalized with up to 4 different names. You could choose 3 of her best friends or even the name of her siblings. Because it can be customized with just about anything, it is entirely up to you. Is it for her birthday? You can even include a birth date and her birthstone. There are so many ways to personalize it.

CUSTOM Morse Code NecklaceCUSTOM Morse Code NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Take your gifting skills to the next level with this unique piece of jewelry. Initial necklaces are really cool for those who want to announce their name to the whole world. A Morse code necklace is just as personal but you can write a secret name on it so that only the recipient will know the name. With up to 15 characters, you can add a word or even a date.

Kendra Scott JewelryKendra Scott JewelryVérifiez le prix

Birthstone jewelry is the perfect gift to give on a birthday or any special day. Kendra Scott makes so many pieces that can be customized with her birthstone. The Kendra Scott Elaina bracelet is another delicate bracelet that has a beautiful stone on it. There are several different stones that you can get it with but it can also be personalized with her birthstone. It’s a simple dainty piece that can be easily dressed up or layered with other bracelets.

Sac Silver Silver Knot RingSac Silver Silver Knot RingVérifiez le prix

Promise rings represent different things to different people. The symbolic meaning behind them is they represent commitment between two people. A beautiful promise ring is a great gift to give your 17 year old daughter or girlfriend. Hopefully, she will not want to take it off until she gets a real wedding ring.

Cuff Bracelet Personalized BangleCuff Bracelet Personalized BangleVérifiez le prix

A cuff bracelet with an inspirational quote is a great way to inspire her. Now you can create and personalize your own mantra band. Not only you personalize the finish color, but you can add an inscription to the inside or outside. You can put the date of her Birthday on the inside and a cute quote on the outside.

PAVOI Birthstone RingPAVOI Birthstone RingVérifiez le prix

A birthstone ring is a cute piece of jewelry that has a very special meaning and would make a great gift for any teenage girl. With her birthstone, this one just has the right amount of sparkle. It’s a beautiful ring for a teenage girl.

Baubelle Inspirational BraceletBaubelle Inspirational BraceletVérifiez le prix

Has she hit an important milestone in her life? Celebrate this momentous occasion with the classy jewelry gift that has the words “She Believed She Could So She Did.” Offered in Rose Gold, White Gold, and Gold, the bracelet is plated with real gold so it will not tarnish. It comes with beautiful stone charms and even comes in a elegant, blue gift box, which makes it perfect for gift giving.

Pandora Silver Bracelet ClaspPandora Silver Bracelet ClaspVérifiez le prix

Everybody loves charm bracelets but Pandora charm bracelets are extra special because you can personalize them with your own charms. It’s extra fun to pick up new charms whenever there is a special occasion. As your teen daughter goes through life, she will have a bracelet that is a reflection of her.

FOREVER QUEEN Charm BraceletFOREVER QUEEN Charm BraceletVérifiez le prix

Made of stainless steel, this empty charm bracelet is a fantastic alternative to a Pandora bracelet. On special occasions, fill it up with charms that are a reflection of her. It even comes with a free charm to start her collection.

925 Sterling Silver Personalized Name Necklace925 Sterling Silver Personalized Name NecklaceVérifiez le prix

For special occasions, there is nothing better than jewelry. Custom jewelry makes a really special and unique gift that she will remember forever. This “name” necklace can be customized in many different ways. The company allows you to personalize it with up to 10 characters so you can include the name of a best friend, loved one, pet, or even her name.

Custom Monogram Necklace in 925 Sterling SilverCustom Monogram Necklace in 925 Sterling SilverVérifiez le prix

Here is the perfect gift for the 17 year old girl who has everything. Get her something monogrammed whether it is a piece of clothing or a piece of jewelry. Monogrammed clothing is a great idea but jewelry is something that can be passed down. She will treasure this piece that can be customized with her first, middle, or last initial. It can be customized with up to 3 initials that are written in a gorgeous script. It comes nicely packaged, making it suitable for gifting.

Sterling Silver Small Moon Phase CharmSterling Silver Small Moon Phase CharmVérifiez le prix

What phase are you in? Just like the moon, our moods can constantly shift. Now you can coordinate your outfit with the moon with this moon phase necklace made out of sterling silver. Inspired by the phases of the moon, it showcases the moon’s 9 phases. If she is into celestial jewelry, she will be over the moon with this thoughtful gift.

Efy Tal Sterling Silver Initial Necklace with BirthstoneEfy Tal Sterling Silver Initial Necklace with BirthstoneVérifiez le prix

The 17 year old girl in your life deserves a very special gift on her birthday. A birthstone necklace is a great way to give her a personalized gift to show her how much you care for her. Each month has a corresponding birthstone that celebrates the month that she was born. This one is extra special because it can not only be personalized with her birthstone but her initial as well.

Efy Tal Friends Infinity NecklaceEfy Tal Friends Infinity NecklaceVérifiez le prix

When it comes to your best friend, she is probably like your sister. On her special day, give her a token of your love with this beautiful infinity necklace. With a classy and delicate design, the interlocking hoops represent the unbreakable bond between the two of you. Friends for infinity!

S.Leaf Cat Ear Stud Earrings FreshwaterS.Leaf Cat Ear Stud Earrings FreshwaterVérifiez le prix

Does she love anything related to cats? Pearl earrings are the perfect Birthday gift, but these are not ordinary pearl earrings. Not only do they come with fresh water pearls, these ones have little cat ears on them. For a more complete look, there is even a matching necklace. They are the “Purrfect” gift for any 17 year old cat lover.

SLUYNZ 925 Cuff Chain EarringsSLUYNZ 925 Cuff Chain EarringsVérifiez le prix

You don’t need a cartilage piercing to show off your rebellious side. These cuff earrings provide ear candy for your ears but are classy enough to wear on a special occasion.

PAVOI Hoop Earrings PAVOI Hoop Earrings Vérifiez le prix

Does she love hoops? Every teen girl has to have a pair of hoop earrings. These never really go out of style. Stud earrings are great, but when you want to make a statement, a nice set of hoop earring are perfect. The bigger the hoops, the bigger the statement. Measuring 2.75-inches, these ones from Pavoi look great whether you are going for a formal look or rocking a choker with an band T-shirt.

Apparently 17 year old girls love a good sugar rush on their birthday or around the holidays. Don’t get them the stuff that they eat every day. Instead, surprise them with a gigantic version of their favorite candy bar or a food gadget that helps them prepare their favorite treat.

Hydro FlaskHydro FlaskVérifiez le prix

There is nothing usually amazing about a water bottle. At the most basic level, it’s just supposed to hold liquid. The Hydroflask is no ordinary water bottle. With insulation, it is designed to make sure your drink won’t go lukewarm whether it is hot or cold. The company claims that it will keep hot drinks hot for 6 hours and cold drinks cold for 24 hours. If she is always running around, this is the perfect gift idea.

ICEWATER 3-in-1 Smart Water BottleICEWATER 3-in-1 Smart Water BottleVérifiez le prix

They always say to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but that’s just about impossible. Just when you think, you can’t invent a new type of water bottle something new comes out. Not only is it a Bluetooth speaker, but it lights up to remind you to drink water throughout the day when you are thirsty.

YETI Rambler TumblerYETI Rambler TumblerVérifiez le prix

Nothing can make you happier than an ice cold drink on a hot summer day. There are many insulated tumblers, but having something Yeti-branded is important for many teen girls. Made out of stainless steel and with double wall insulation, the Yeti Rambler is designed to keep your drink at a constant temperature whether you want it hot or cold. With the MagSlider lid, you don’t have to worry about any spillage. She is going to love decorating it with stickers.

HYDRO CELL Stainless Steel Water BottleHYDRO CELL Stainless Steel Water BottleVérifiez le prix

Available in several colors, this looks just as attractive as a Hydroflask water bottle but is so much cheaper. Because it is double walled vacuum insulated, it keeps the temperature of your drink consistent for several hours whether it is hot or cold. Each bottle comes with a regular lid and a sports cap with a straw.

Hydro Flask Travel Coffee MugHydro Flask Travel Coffee MugVérifiez le prix

Don’t you hate it when your hot coffee goes cold? Hydroflask makes a popular line of water bottles, but now they have come out with an insulated mug and it is life changing for coffee or tea lovers. Designed to keep your hot coffee at a consistent temperature, it might be the last mug you will ever need. It’s built with the same double wall insulation technology as the bottle so you never have to worry about lukewarm coffee ever again.

S’well Water BottleSwell Water BottleVérifiez le prix

You can’t go wrong with this beautiful water bottle from Swell that is available in the most attractive colors. This one is gold and sparkly and will look cute on your desk at home or at school. Because it is super insulated, it keeps your water cool and hot for hours. La meilleure partie? Some of the proceeds go to helping a charity provide clean drinking water.

Motivational Glass Water BottleMotivational Glass Water BottleVérifiez le prix

Everybody wants to drink more water but that is easier said than done. You fill up your water bottle and you’ve barely touched it all day long. How do you stay on track? With clear markings, this motivational water bottle let’s you know how much water you should drink throughout the day. Drinking 8 water glasses of water a day just got easier.

LARQ Self Cleaning Water BottleLARQ Self Cleaning Water BottleVérifiez le prix

Reuseable water bottles are great until you decide to clean them. How do you clean them after they start smelling disgusting? Now you don’t have to worry with this self cleaning water bottle. It uses UV technology to zap bacteria in just 60 seconds. Simply press the top of your water bottle to activate the cleaning cycle. La meilleure partie? No more funky smells coming from your water bottle.

Hiware 12-Pack Stainless Steel Metal StrawsHiware 12-Pack Stainless Steel Metal StrawsVérifiez le prix

Reuseable straws? A lot of young people these days are looking for a better way to take care of the planet. Some people have given up plastic straws are instead using reuseable drinking straws. These sturdy metal straws come with a cleaning brush and will make you an instant convert.

Doboli Collapsible Metal Drinking StrawDoboli Collapsible Metal Drinking StrawVérifiez le prix

A lot of people are doing away with plastic straws in order to protect the environment. You’ll never need a plastic straw again at a restaurant with this collapsible metal straw. Portable and easy to travel with, the telescopic straw collapses onto itself and can easily stored in the colorful aluminum case. It comes in number of bright colors and each pack comes with 2 straws so you can stash one in your purse and backpack.

Stasher Reusable Silicone Food BagStasher Reusable Silicone Food BagVérifiez le prix

300 million tons of plastic are created every year and most of it is from single use plastic. Are you tired of plastic pollution? Using a single use Ziploc bag might seem like a big waste. This silicone bag does everything that a Ziploc bag. La meilleure partie? It’s reuseable!

Oreo Mug Gift Set with CookiesOreo Mug Gift Set with CookiesVérifiez le prix

Oh my gosh, this mug is so cute. Everybody knows you can’t have milk without cookies. This Oreo gift set comes with Oreo cookies. Always remember to hide the Oreo cookies from cookie thieves. You can get a good Instagram and Snapchat out of it.

BigMouth Inc The Original Donut MugBigMouth Inc The Original Donut MugVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love cute coffee mugs? I love cups and mugs that are Pinteresty or Tumblry. Glazed with chocolate and sprinkles, this one is shaped like a donut and is making me so hungry. La meilleure partie? I think it would be so fun to take pictures with it. It’s so kitten cute.

Obol Never Soggy Cereal BowlObol Never Soggy Cereal BowlVérifiez le prix

Nobody wants a soggy bowl of cereal. Unless you eat your cereal right away, it’s going to get soggy. This specially designed cereal bowl has a section for your cereal and a separate section for your milk. There is a little spiral “slide” that allows you to push the cereal into the milk when you want to eat the cereal. Say goodbye to sogginess and hello to crunchy!

Keurig Coffee Lover’s K-Cup SamplerKeurig Coffee Lovers K-Cup SamplerVérifiez le prix

Do you have a coffee lover on your list? For the Keurig coffee lover in your life, there is no better gift than a 40-pack of the most popular K-cups. These K-Cups work with all Keurigs even the newer ones. With a total of 20 flavors, it’s a great way to sample different flavors and perfect for new Keurig users.

Nifty K-Cup CarouselNifty K-Cup CarouselVérifiez le prix

If she loves coffee and already owns a Keurig machine, she is going to love this Keurig pod carousel. With a rotating base, it holds 35 pods so she can easily access her favorite coffee. Measuring 13-inches high, it will look so cute sitting next to her Keurig machine.

Under Armour Lunch BoxUnder Armour Lunch BoxVérifiez le prix

Carry your lunch in style with these high quality Under Armour Lunch Coolers. They feature insulation with zippers and pockets. A convenient handle makes it easy to transport. Choose from a variety of stylish designs.

ICUP Wonder Woman ApronICUP Wonder Woman ApronVérifiez le prix

Here’s the perfect gift for the superhero fan in your life that loves to cook. ICUP makes all different character aprons that allow you to be your favorite character in the kitchen. Made out of polyester, this one turns you into Wonder Woman. La meilleure partie? She doesn’t have to wait until Halloween to dress up.

Kuhn Rikon The Gripper Jar OpenerKuhn Rikon The Gripper Jar OpenerVérifiez le prix

Don’t you hate it when you can’t open that jar of pickles or peanut butter? Sometimes it seems like you have to have huge muscles just to pop open a jar. Not anymore! This Jar Opener makes it easy to pop open any jar or even soda bottle. La meilleure partie? It can be adjusted to open lids from 1 to 3 inches.

BrüMate HOPSULATOR TRíO 3-in-1 BrüMate HOPSULATOR TRíO 3-in-1 Vérifiez le prix

Don’t you hate it when you are at a party and your cold drinks get warm? Made with double-walled stainless steel, the BrüMate insulator keeps cold drinks cold for hours. It acts like a portable refrigerator for your can. Simply place your can inside the insulator. The BrüMate works with 16 ounce and 12 ounce cans if you use the included cold insert. The BrüMate comes in a variety of cute colors too. La meilleure partie? You never need a plastic cup.

Baker’s Edge Nonstick Edge Brownie PanBakers Edge Nonstick Edge Brownie PanVérifiez le prix

Do you just like eating the edges of brownies? Brownie edge lovers will love this ingenious pan. With a zig-zag design, it is designed to make the brownie edges go on forever. La meilleure partie? You get chewy edges on every brownie so nobody has to fight over who gets the edges anymore.

Prep Naturals Glass Bento Box (3 Pack)Prep Naturals Glass Bento Box (3 Pack)Vérifiez le prix

If you are trying to cut down on the use of disposable plastic bags for packing lunch, a bento box is the perfect alternative. A bento box in a lunch box that is divied into section. The divders not only help with dividing out your food but with portion sizes too. If you are trying to limit the use of plastic, this glass Bento box is perfect. Unline stainless steel bento boxes, it can be stuck in the microwave.

KidsFunwares TriceraTACO Taco HolderKidsFunwares TriceraTACO Taco HolderVérifiez le prix

Many years ago, the TriceraTaco roamed the Earth. The dinosaur got its name because it held Tacos on its back. Unlike other dinosaurs that have long gone extinct, this one is ready to hold your tacos on its back. La meilleure partie? It not only holds Taco, it can hold all your snacks from candy to cookies. It can even hold a phone. Taco Tuesday just got a whole lot more interesting.

Les enviesCravingsVérifiez le prix

Chrissy Teigen’s “Cravings” lives up to the title of the book. This is one of the best-selling and most popular cookbooks for beginners. This book contains everything you would ever need to know about cooking from breakfast to lunch that could fit in 240 pages. If she’s ever wanted to learn to cook, this is a great way for her to learn the ABCs.

Pancake & Cupcake Batter DispenserPancake & Cupcake Batter DispenserVérifiez le prix

Making perfect pancakes just got a lot easier. Holding 4 cups of batter, this pancake and cupcake batter dispenser uses a pulley to dispense batter evenly. The helpful measuring markers make it is easy to dispense the right amount. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to worry about spills and drips.

BigMouth Inc The Original Donut MugBigMouth Inc The Original Donut MugVérifiez le prix

If she loves collecting cute mugs, your 17 year old girl will love this donut mug. Shaped like a donut, it will make her coffee just a litter sweeter. It is super fun to throw up on Instagram. It does have a squiggly top and it can be hard to clean, but it makes a great novelty gift for any coffee drinker .

Custom Coffee MugCustom Coffee MugVérifiez le prix

You can never have too many mugs. If you really want a unique mug, you can make a custom one with your own cute saying on it. For her 17th Birthday, you could create a personalized mug with her favorite saying or “I Woke Up Like This” or “Good Morning, Beautiful”.

Panda Hug Ceramic Coffee MugPanda Hug Ceramic Coffee MugVérifiez le prix

Oh my gosh, this mug is so cute. The panda holds a delicious cookie inside. Everybody knows you can’t have milk without cookies. Always remember to keep the panda toward you so that you can hide the cookies from cookie thieves. You can get a good Instagram and Snapchat out of it.

Lenox Bridal Adorn Cake Knife and ServerLenox Bridal Adorn Cake Knife and ServerVérifiez le prix

Is there anything better than receiving a cake and knife set on your 17th Birthday? Your 17 year old girl can use it whenever it is her Birthday to serve the cake. Then when she gets married, she will have it on her wedding day.

OXO Good Grips POP ContainerOXO Good Grips POP ContainerVérifiez le prix

Don’t you hate in when your cereal goes stale because you don’t close the box tightly. It’s such a sad feeling eating stale Lucky Charms. Instead of storing your cereal in the cereal box, just store it in one of these air tight food containers. They come in all different shapes and sizes so you can make your panty look hella Pinteresty. With a simple push of the top sealing the container is ridiculously easy and it keeps cereal fresh just like the day you first opened the box.

Cup Cozy Deluxe PillowCup Cozy Deluxe PillowVérifiez le prix

We all love to sit on the couch while enjoying soda, but there is often no place to put down your drink. Don’t put your drinks on the floor. The Cup Cozy pillow is a drink holder for your couch. Imagine playing video games or watching a movie while having your drink nearby. It’s one of those products you didn’t know you needed.

Sriracha Mini KeychainSriracha Mini KeychainVérifiez le prix

Does she love Srircha hot sauce? Does she love putting it on everything? Now she never has to find herself eating plain, boring food. The Sriracha Keychain allows her to fill it up with her favorite hot sauce and take it everywhere with her. It’s the perfect gift for your Srircha lover.

Dash Mini Waffle MakerDash Mini Waffle MakerVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love freshly baked waffles? This inexpensive waffle maker makes golden brown waffles in less than 5 minutes. Simply whip up the batter and pour it in. The best part? It’s made of super non sticky material that is easy to clean. She is going to want to have fresh made waffles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Dash Mini Griddle MakerDash Mini Griddle MakerVérifiez le prix

Why order takeout! Now you can can make breakfast, lunch, or dinner in just five minutes. Making food on the stove top is time consuming and leads to a lot of cleanup. Place in pancake mix, cookie mix, or grilled cheese and close the lid. The Dash Mini Electric Griddle cooks from both side, giving you consistent heating everytime. The non-stick coating keeps things from sticking. La meilleure partie? No need for flipping!

Dash Rapid Egg CookerDash Rapid Egg CookerVérifiez le prix

Does she love eggs? Making eggs for breakfast doesn’t have to be so difficult. Now she can have eggs for breakfast everyday with a simple press of a button The Dash Rapid Egg cooker can prepare eggs in a variety of ways from deviled to scrambled eggs. It can make up to 6 boiled eggs at one time. La meilleure partie? They come out perfectly every time so you don’t have to worry about them being runny or overcooked.

Rapid Ramen CookerRapid Ramen CookerVérifiez le prix

For anybody that lives on Ramen Noodles, the Rapid Ramen Cooker is the fastest way to cook Ramen Noodles. Put your Ramen noodles in the rectangular bowl, pour in a little water, and put it in the microwave. The marked water line takes away all the guessing. Add the seasoning. In minutes, you have delicious Ramen noodles. The special tray is designed so you won’t burn yourself removing it from the microwave.

Fasta Pasta Microwave CookerFasta Pasta Microwave CookerVérifiez le prix

Why wait for water to boil when you don’t have to with the Fasta Pasta Microwave Cooker? Just fill it with pasta and water and let the microwave handle all the hard work. The pasta cooks in minutes. It comes with a specially designed lid with a built in strainer. It cooks all types of pasta from fettuccini to rotini.

Cooluli Electric Cooler and WarmerCooluli Electric Cooler and WarmerVérifiez le prix

Available in several colors, this inexpensive mini fridge is a great thing to have in your room. With a compact footprint, it doesn’t take up a whole lot of room and can hold up to 6 soda cans. While it doesn’t work like a traditional refrigerator, it does keep things inside a good 10 to 20 degrees cooler than the outside temperature. Because it uses a thermoelectric effect to cool, it runs a lot quieter than a fridge.

VOBAGA Coffee WarmerVOBAGA Coffee WarmerVérifiez le prix

It’s the little things in life that are always the most frustrating. If you love drinking coffee, there’s nothing worse than drinking lukewarm coffee. This mug warmer will change the way you drink coffee. Simply put your coffee mug on the large base and switch it on. La meilleure partie? It’s got 3 different tempearture settings. That means you never have to drink cold coffee again.

Ninja Air FryerNinja Air FryerVérifiez le prix

Healthy fast food? Fried food tastes so yummy but it is so unhealthy. Imagine eating crispy chicken wings, French fries, or fish tacos without the all the oil. Using air flow, this compact air fryer from Ninja leaves food golden and crispy. It has a wide temperature range, so you just have to pop in your food and hit a few buttons so you don’t have to be a chef to use it.

Hawaiian Shaved IceHawaiian Shaved IceVérifiez le prix

When winter time rolls around, there is nothing like eating snow cones to get you in the holiday spirit. Why buy snow cones when you can make your own with this snow cone machine from Hawaiian Sahved Ice? Designed to look like an old fashioned snow cone machine, this small kitchen appliance easily coverts ice into snow. La meilleure partie? You can add your own flavors with the included flavors.

Ninja Personal BlenderNinja Personal BlenderVérifiez le prix

Smoothies and chocolate shakes are such a healthy way to get breakfast. I will never be able to afford a big Vitamix, but this blender from Ninja does everything I need it to do. It can not only pulverize ice but also chop ice to make a frozen drinks and smoothies. La meilleure partie? As soon as the smoothie is ready, you just put the cap on the container and take it with you.

Magic Bullet BlenderMagic Bullet BlenderVérifiez le prix

Smoothies and chocolate shakes are such a healthy way to get breakfast. The Magic blender can not only pulverize ice but also chop ice to make a frozen drinks and smoothies. It’s so fun to mix different fruits and vegatable together to see what they taste like when blended together. Hold the spinach. La meilleure partie? As soon as the smoothie is ready, you just put the cap on the container and take it with you.

Zulay Original Milk FrotherZulay Original Milk FrotherVérifiez le prix

Do you love frothy lattes and hot chocolate? Now you don’t have to pick up a frothy latte at Starbucks. This handheld electrical milk frother can finish of your latte or hot chocolate with the press of a button. Its compact design means that it can easily be stored in a kitchen drawer when not in use. It’s perfect for mixing up the perfect cup of clump free hot chocolate.

Presto Belgian Bowl Waffle MakerPresto Belgian Bowl Waffle MakerVérifiez le prix

There is no better way to say “Good Morning” than crispy waffles. It makes crispy and tender waffles that are so delicious. A ready indicator light will let you know when the waffle maker is ready. Simply pop in the batter and minutes later you will have fresh waffles. The non-stick surface makes it super easy to clean.

HOTPOP Microwave Popcorn PopperHOTPOP Microwave Popcorn PopperVérifiez le prix

If you are looking for a healthy snack, there is nothing better than eating popcorn. Microwave popcorn is not only expensive, but it is filled with all unnecessary chemicals. Simply just throw some kernels and a little butter in this silicone air popper and you can have delicious crunchy popcorn in minutes. It even folds up nicely making it easy to store. La meilleure partie? You never need to buy microwave popcorn again.

Microwave S’mores MakerMicrowave Smores MakerVérifiez le prix

There’s nothing better than eating s’mores with marshmallows roasted on a campfire, but we can’t always go camping. Besides why wait so long when you can make s’mores in the microwave in 30 seconds. This unique gadget has a built in water reservoir to make sure that your marshmallows and chocolate are evenly cooked. Imagine perfectly melted marshmallows and chocolate s’mores all year round. Ah . . . it’s like s’more heaven.

Presto Pizzazz Plus Rotating OvenPresto Pizzazz Plus Rotating OvenVérifiez le prix

Why order a pizza when you can make one at home? There is nothing better than eating a bubbling hot pizza straight out of the oven. With a rotating tray, this pizza oven gives you a perfectly browned crust and bubbling cheese every time. As the pizza rotates, the top element cooks the toppings and the lower element crisps the crust. Not only it perfect for making frozen pizza, but it can even reheat frozen pizza and cook other foods. This thing crisps chicken wings, French fries, grilled cheese, and other frozen foods.

HotLogic Mini Personal Portable OvenHotLogic Mini Personal Portable OvenVérifiez le prix

We have seen insulated lunch bags but this is much more impressive. It’s actually a mini portable oven that allows you to cook frozen meals or reheat meals wherever there is an electrical outlet. Simple plug it into an outlet and it’s ready to use. The HotLogic portable oven uses slow cooking to cook and reheat meals. The walls of the oven are insulated with aluminum to retain heat. It’s not really a full-blown “oven”, but it is super convenient.

AeroPress Coffee and Espresso MakerAeroPress Coffee and Espresso MakerVérifiez le prix

Does she need her caffeine fix in the morning? The AeroPress Coffee makes it easy to make a single cup of coffee. Both quick and efficient, it works similar to a French Press. You put in the coffee, pour in the hot water, stir, and press your coffee into the cup through the filte. La meilleure partie? It’s totally portable and requires no electricity so you can make it as long as you have hot water. Not only is it fun to use, it makes the most delicious cup of coffee.

Holstein Housewares Cupcake MakerHolstein Housewares Cupcake MakerVérifiez le prix

Cupcakes anyone? Now anybody can bake up perfect cupcakes without being a chef. La meilleure partie? You don’t even have to turn on the oven. Simply mix up your favorite recipe and throw it in the cupcake maker. Minutes later, you have cupcakes that you can decorate.

Hamilton Beach Breakfast Sandwich MakerHamilton Beach Breakfast Sandwich MakerVérifiez le prix

Don’t ever skip breakfast again. This little device allows anyone to make a delicious egg sandwich. Put your favorite bread, toppings, cheese, and an egg inside. 5 minutes later, you have a sandwich. Move over McDonalds.

YonanasYonanasVérifiez le prix

Can you ever get enough of ice cream? Sometimes you eat it right of the carton. Here’s a little something different. Yonanas lets your create creamy ice cream out of frozen fruit. You can make all different types of flavors simply by throwing in different frozen fruits like bananas, mango, or strawberries. La meilleure partie? It’s healthy.

Cuisinart ICE-21 1.5 Ice Cream MakerCuisinart ICE-21 1.5 Ice Cream MakerVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t like to make their own ice cream at home? This one from Cuisinart is a lot easier to use than a traditional ice cream machine. It comes with a freezer bowl that you must stick in the fridge the night before you are ready to make your ice cream. You simply dump in all the ingredients and in less than 30 minutes, you have delicious creamy ice cream.

Cotton Candy MachineCotton Candy MachineVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love eating cotton candy? Now you can turn your home into an amusement park with this cotton candy maker. With this machine, you can spin cotton candy in minutes just like they do at an amusement park. The yummy cotton candy just melts in your mouth.

Great Northern Gumball MachineGreat Northern Gumball MachineVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t love the gift of a sugar rush? This retro themed gumball machine is built just like they used to back in the day. Fill it with gumballs or any other small candy and she will want to eat every last piece of candy.

Instant Pot LuxInstant Pot LuxVérifiez le prix

If you are a cook, you really don’t need anything else than the Instant Pot. This pot acts like so many appliances: it’s a rice cooker, frying pan, pressure cooker, vegetable steamer, and more. Because it functions as a pressure cooker, you can cook all your favorite recipes a whole lot faster. The stainless steel interior means that dishes are filled with flavor. The Instant Pot Lux is the most entry level unit in the Instant Pot family. Available in multiple sizes, it features 10 built in functions that make it easy to use out of the box.

Keurig Single ServeKeurig Single ServeVérifiez le prix

If she can’t get enough of coffee, her life is not complete without a Keurig. It couldn’t be easier to brew your favorite flavors of coffee with the single press of a button. All you need is K-Cups. With over 200 flavors, mornings will never be the same.

KitchenAid 5-Speed Hand MixerKitchenAid 5-Speed Hand MixerVérifiez le prix

Everybody would love to have a electric stand mixer, but for most of us it’s only a dream. A hand mixer can do most of the things a stand mixer can do: mix cake batters, whip cream, and mash potatoes. This Kitchen Aid handmixer features five speed settings and we love all the funky colors it comes in. The lockable cord makes it easy to manuever. La meilleure partie? It doesn’t take up room on your counter.

KitchenAid 4.5-Quart Classic Series Stand MixerKitchenAid 4.5-Quart Classic Series Stand MixerVérifiez le prix

If she loves baking stuff, her life is not complete without a KitchenAid standmixer. It’s not only great or making holiday treats but with the optional attachments she can make everything from cookies to ice cream. She will want to use it all the time.

Nifty K-Cup CarouselNifty K-Cup CarouselVérifiez le prix

If she loves coffee and already owns a Keurig machine, she is going to love this Keurig pod carousel. With a rotating base, it holds 35 pods so she can easily access her favorite coffee. Measuring 13-inches high, it will look so cute sitting next to her Keurig machine.

Coca-Cola Vintage Mini FridgeCoca-Cola Vintage Mini FridgeVérifiez le prix

The one appliance that every 17 year old girl wants in her room is a mini fridge. Who wouldn’t want a cool Coke mini fridge in their room? It’s like having a little vending machine in your room. With 4 liters of space inside, it is perfect for keeping snacks and drinks in her room so she doesn’t have to run to the kitchen every time friends come over.

Daewoo Retro Compact RefrigeratorDaewoo Retro Compact RefrigeratorVérifiez le prix

How cool would it be if you never had to go to the kitchen for a meal? Oh, my gosh, this retro fridge is a dream come true. Just look at it. It’s impossible not to fall in love. Inside it’s got LED lighting, a sliding food drawer, and adjustable glass shelves. It’s both beautiful and functional. Available in several groovy colors, this one is perfect for any teen girl’s room. She is going to love filling it with drinks and snacks.

NewAir Beverage Cooler and RefrigeratorNewAir Beverage Cooler and RefrigeratorVérifiez le prix

Nothing is “cooler” than a mini fridge. This mini fridge looks like a freaking mini vending machine. No teenage girl would want to leave their room to go to the kitchen to grab a soda. Now she doesn’t have to. This mini fridge holds up to 60 canned beverages so she can pop a soda anytime she has friends over. What could be cooler?

Oreo Cookies Holiday Gift TinOreo Cookies Holiday Gift TinVérifiez le prix

There is nothing more classic than Oreo cookies. There are so many different things you can do with an Oreo Cookie. They pretty much taste good with everything especially cold milk. The basic chocolate and vanilla cookie is a staple and this holiday tin filled 24 cookies makes a great gift.

World Wide Snack Mix PackageWorld Wide Snack Mix PackageVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t like to try snacks from different countries? It’s always fun to taste something new instead of snacks that you are familiar with. Each Worldwide Treat box comes with a different assortment of fun snacks from different countries. You could get a snack from everywhere from Japan to Germany. It’s like tasting the whole world in a box.

Philadelphia Candies Chocolate Covered OREOsPhiladelphia Candies Chocolate Covered OREOsVérifiez le prix

Everybody loves Oreo cookies. How do you make these delicious sandwich cookies even better? You dump Philadelphia milk chocolate all over them and decorate them. They are a real yummy treat on special occasions like Birthdays or Christmas. She will enjoy every bite of them.

Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate TrufflesLindt Lindor Milk Chocolate TrufflesVérifiez le prix

If you don’t what she likes, chocolate is always a nice gift. Who doesn’t love Lindt Lindor truffles? Available in multiple flavors, Lindt has a wonderful collection of chocolate truffles that are irresistible. With a thin wall of chocolate and a soft inside, these are great for any occasion.

Lindt LINDOR Holiday Chocolate TrufflesLindt LINDOR Holiday Chocolate TrufflesVérifiez le prix

Lindor Chocolate balls are like heaven. Available in so many flavors, these hard chocolate truffles just melt in your mouth. When you bite into them there is creamy chocolate inside. It’s so good. If you have never tried them, you should put them on your Christmas wish list.

Ferrero Collection Gift BoxFerrero Collection Gift BoxVérifiez le prix

With a fancy name like Ferrero Rocher, you can bet that these truffles have a gourmet taste. With a crispy and crunchy wafer shell and creamy chocolate inside surrounding a hazelnut, each bite is heavenly. This golden gift box filled with 12 chocolate truffles inside is perfect for gift giving.

Ferrero Rocher AssortedFerrero Rocher AssortedVérifiez le prix

With a fancy name, Ferrero makes the perfect truffles. They have the perfect shape, crunchiness, and texture. When you bit into the crunchy shell, it reveals the surprise Hazelnut inside. This gift set has 24 sinful treats in 3 different flavors.

Godiva Chocolatier Classic Gold BallotinGodiva Chocolatier Classic Gold BallotinVérifiez le prix

There is nothing better than receiving a box of chocolates on Christmas. With its signature gold packaging and gold box, this box of Godiva chocolate is perfect for gift giving, When the gift recipient opens it, it contains a lovely mix of dark, white, and milk chocolate. It’s the perfect treat on any special occasion.

Hershey’s Milk 5-Pound Chocolate BarHershey’s Milk 5-Pound Chocolate BarVérifiez le prix

Handing her an ordinary Hershey bar for her birthday or Christmas probably won’t make her excited. Instead give her this giant 5 pound Hershey Bar. There is a reason they call it the world’s largest Hershey Bar. You won’t believe how huge it is.

HERSHEY’S Chocolate Candy Bar Variety PackHERSHEYS Chocolate Candy Bar Variety PackVérifiez le prix

A box of Hershey’s chocolate is not the most original gift but who could resist delicious Hershey snacks? This box contains 18 different full sized chocolate treats including Kit Kat, Hershey milk chocolate, and Reeses. She will love every morsel of it and maybe you can even use a few bars to bribe her to so some of her chores.

Chocolate, Caramel and Crunch Grand Gift BasketChocolate, Caramel and Crunch Grand Gift BasketVérifiez le prix

Flowers and candy are great. Does she love chocolate? Make her feel extra special with this candy gift basket. She will love this chocolate themed basket. It has everything from chocolate covered pretzels to Carmel corn. All the chocolate and Carmel treats come in a gift basket with a ribbon tied around it.

Nestle Hot Cocoa MixNestle Hot Cocoa MixVérifiez le prix

When it is cold outside, there is no better time to sit on the couch with some hot cocoa and a warm blanket. Made by Nestle, this luxurious hot chocolate is the closest thing to drinking chocolate. Not only does it mix perfectly with milk, it smells exactly how hot chocolate should smell – like cocoa. Give it with an adorable mug for an even cuter gift. She will want it to be winter all year round just so she can drink it.

Thoughtfully Gifts 12 Cocoas Of ChristmasThoughtfully Gifts 12 Cocoas Of ChristmasVérifiez le prix

Thoughtfully makes it easy to find thoughtful gifts that come beautifully packaged. There’s no need for gift wrap. Countdown the days to Christmas with the 12 Cocoas of Christmas. If she loves things that are sweet, this hot chocolate gift set may be just the thing to warm her up. It includes 12 different flavors of hot chocolate from Snickerdoodle to French vanilla.

David’s CookiesDavids CookiesVérifiez le prix

There is nothing like homemade cookies, but most of us don’t have time around the holidays to bake our own. Available in several flavors from Chocolate Chip to Oatmeal, these freshly baked cookies taste like they just got out of the oven. With a soft, chewy texture, they go great with a cup of milk. They come packaged in layers in a cookie tin, making them a great gift.

PopcornopolisPopcornopolisVérifiez le prix

If she loves popcorn, Popcornopolis popcorn tastes like heaven. It comes in so many different flavors from Cheddar Cheese to Carmel Corn. Our favorite flavor is called Zebra, which is popcorn covered with both white and dark chocolate. It seriously turns popcorn into candy. It’s a delicious treat that is impossible to stop eating. This assortment pack is a great way to sample a few of the different flavors.

Leilalove MacaronsLeilalove MacaronsVérifiez le prix

Most cookies pretty much look the same, but Macarons look much more elegant. These gourmet cookies from Leilalove have a rich filling that are sandwiched between two cookies. They come in an assortment of flavors. When you bite into them, they have a unique texture and taste. Both sides of the cookie combine with the lovely filling, which makes each bite interesting.

Giant Gummy BearGiant Gummy BearVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t love a 5 pound gummy bear? This thing is massive. It’s available is so many fun flavors from Cherry to Cola. Why get a 5 pound bag of normal sized gummy bears when you can get this? Unlike regular gummy bears, he will never go missing. Just nibble on him whenever you need your gummy fix.

Astronaut Neapolitan Ice CreamAstronaut Neapolitan Ice CreamVérifiez le prix

Did astronauts really eat this ice cream in space? We may never know if Astronaut Ice Cream really went into space, but that doesn’t make this freeze dried ice cream any less cool. Because it is freeze dried, it doesn’t melt until it hits you mouth. While it has a different texture from regular ice cream, it tastes just as delicious. Since it doesn’t melt, it’s the ultimate stocking stuffer for any 17 year old girl. This pack includes 5 different flavors.

Kracie Popin DIY Japanese Candy KitKracie Popin DIY Japanese Candy KitVérifiez le prix

If you have never tried Japanese candy, this candy kit is a great introduction to Japanese candy. The kit contains 9 different kits that are exciting, unusual, and just plain weird. Not all the kits are sweets as some of them have you putting stuff in the microwave. While the instructions are in Japanese, they are very visual.

Nom Nom Box Deluxe Asian Snack BoxNom Nom Box Deluxe Asian Snack BoxVérifiez le prix

Instead of American snacks, try these Asian snacks which are a completely different ballgame. This assortment of 20 different snacks comes with candies, chocolates, treats, and snacks from Japan, Korea, and China. Each box may contain different snacks but there is always a nice assortment of salty and savory snacks. There’s nothing wrong with American treats, but it is always fun to try something more exotic and unique.

Britain Cadbury Selection BoxBritain Cadbury Selection BoxVérifiez le prix

American candy is great but you can pick it up anywhere. It’s always fun to try something a little bit more unique. You haven’t tasted chocolate until you have tried Cadbury chocolate from Britain. This assortment contains 10 yummy, full sized Cadbury chocolate bars from Crunchie to Dairy Milk Cadbury. She will love doing an American vs. UK taste off with her friends.

Terry’s Chocolate Orange Terrys Chocolate Orange Vérifiez le prix

Terry’s Chocolate Orange has been a staple in Britain and a popular gift during the Christmas season. It’s a fruit flavored chocolate with a subtle hint of orange flavor. When you unwrap it, it comes in the shape of an orange. It comes precut into slices that are reminiscent of orange slices. Not only is it filled with chocolately goodness, but orangey goodness too.

Jelly Belly Bean Boozled Spinner GameJelly Belly Bean Boozled Spinner GameVérifiez le prix

Everybody has to take the Bean Boozled challenge. In this jellybean game, a certain colored jellybean is selected at random. La torsion? Eating a jellybean can either taste like Peach or Barf. Each colored jellybean has a regular flavor and a nasty flavor. You never know which one you will pick up. While it is a fun game to play with friends, you definitely need to have a brown paper bag nearby.

CraveBox Care PackageCraveBox Care PackageVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t love a big box of goodies? You could make it yourself and make it look all Pinteresty or you could just purchase a premade snack box. It’s nice to click a button and get a snack box delivered. This one comes with 45 different salty, sweet, and cripy snacks.

Barnett’s Chocolate Cookies Gift BasketBarnetts Chocolate Cookies Gift BasketVérifiez le prix

Cookies are so delicious. Who can resist a crunchy cookie with gourmet toppings on the outside? There is nothing that compares to their crunchiness. Now you can get your favorite chocolate sandwich cookies covered in gourmet style chocolate. They are perfect for special occasions like birthdays and Christmas.

Taylors of Harrogate Classic Tea Variety BoxTaylors of Harrogate Classic Tea Variety BoxVérifiez le prix

Do you have a tea lover on your list? There are all different types of tea. For the tea lover that loves to try something new, this tea gift box offers 48 tea bags. Inside there are 8 different teas including everything from English Breakfast to herbal tea. Everything comes in a gift box that makes it perfect for gift giving.

Royal Dansk Danish Butter CookiesRoyal Dansk Danish Butter CookiesVérifiez le prix

Everybody has probably eaten Danish butter cookies. These Danish cookies come in the signature blue tins. There’s nothing more exciting than prying open one of these tin to the delicious butter cookies inside. It’s nice to be able to send them online.

Benchmark BouquetsBenchmark BouquetsVérifiez le prix

Most 17 year old girls have never received flowers. So send your daughter this beautiful display of flowers for her 17th Birthday. To make it extra special, send it to her at school so that everyone knows that it is her 17th Birthday.

Chocolate PizzaChocolate PizzaVérifiez le prix

Everything tastes better when it is made out of chocolate. Everyone has tried cheese pizza, but have you tried Chocolate pizza? Sprinkled with fun candy toppings on a chocolate crust, this candy coated chocolate pizza is sure to satisfy her chocolate cravings.

Giant Snicker 1-Pound BarGiant Snicker 1-Pound BarVérifiez le prix

Everybody has tried a Snicker bar. What better way to show your love for her than a ridiculously large Snicker bar? This giant 1 pound Snicker bar is about 8 times the size of a normal bar. It’s pure Snicker Chocolate heaven.

MARS Chocolate Singles Size Candy BarsMARS Chocolate Singles Size Candy BarsVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t like receiving candy on their birthday or during the holidays in their stockings? With this box of chocolatess, you can indulge on 18 classic chocolate bars including favorites like Snickers, Twix, 3 Musketeers, and Milky Way. It’s the best way to get your chocolate fix. Le seul problème? Figuring who gets all the Snickers bars.

17 year old girls love being creative. Inspire her with these gifts that encourage her to try some new and creative.

Cute VSCO StickersCute VSCO StickersVérifiez le prix

Nobody wants to be Ms. Bland! Whether you have a Hydroflask, Swell, or Camelbak, you’ll likely want to decorate it with Vinyl stickers. Most bottles come in pretty basic colors but with these sticker packs you can personalize them to reveal something about your personality. You can choose from different themes from the beach to punk rock. With 50 different stickers, you can finally speak your mind.

Stickers for Water Bottles Big 50-Pack CuteStickers for Water Bottles Big 50-Pack CuteVérifiez le prix

There are so many different ways to express yourself but the latest way is stickers. It seems that everybody wants cute stickers to decorate their water bottles and laptops with. Stickers can be used to personalize just about anything. This bundle of stickers is made out of vinyl and can be stuck multiple times.

Rainbow LoomRainbow LoomVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love friendship bracelets? Rainbow Loom is a jewelry craft kit for tweens that allow girls to create friendship bracelets out of rubber bands. Using the hook and loom, girls can create an endless amount of jewelry. The included instructions will help her get started but there are a ton of tutorials on Youtube to try so she can create her own designs.

DIY Bracelet Making Beads KitDIY Bracelet Making Beads KitVérifiez le prix

Homemade friendship bracelets made with pony beads and letters are extremely popular now. They are not only fun to make but a great creative outlet. They’re like small pieces of artwork that can be traded and a fun way to connect with others. Get her some crafting supplies to make these bracelets.

Women in Art: 50 Fearless CreativesWomen in Art: 50 Fearless CreativesVérifiez le prix

Celebrating 50 women who have contributed greatly to the field of art, this book features beasutifully illustrated pages that are dedicated to each woman. The obstacles these women faced make their achievements all the more impressive. You’ll learn about everyone from Frida Kahlo to Georgia O’Keefe.

My Friendship Bracelet Maker KitMy Friendship Bracelet Maker KitVérifiez le prix

It’s all about nature and friendship! Everybody seems to be making friendship bracelets again because they want to stack their hands with them. What girl doesn’t love bracelets? This fun craft kit allows girls to create around twenty pretty friendship bracelets. The loom makes it easy to weave different designsand keep things interesting. A wonderful way to explore her creativity.

Cricut Explore Air 2 Cricut Explore Air 2 Vérifiez le prix

Scissors, shears, and exacto knives are great, but if she loves crafting, the Cricut will literally change her life. The Cricut make complicated, intricate cuts with precision that you just can’t get by hand. You can use it to cut out different shapes and letters. It works will over 100 different types of fabrics and it is super easy to use. When you set it up, it literally walks you through the whole process. Bonus – it comes in so many pretty colors.

The Original Buddha BoardThe Original Buddha BoardVérifiez le prix

Remember the Etch-a-Sketch? Do you have an artistic idea in your head that you just want to get out? The Buddha Board allows you to paint with water with zen-like strokes. After the water dries away, your masterpiece just vanishes away and is lost in space and time. It’s a great way to practice calligraphy and it’s somehow so meditative as you learn to let your drawing go.

US Art Supply 21-Piece Acrylic Painting SetUS Art Supply 21-Piece Acrylic Painting SetVérifiez le prix

If she loves painting, you can buy this acrylic painting set that comes with the canvas, easel stand, and acrylic paint. High quality canvases and paints can cost a lot, but this canvas set is great for aspiring artists. For the price, it’s a great value and great for beginners. It’s has all the essentials you need to get started with acrylics before moving onto more professional tools.

Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint SetApple Barrel Acrylic Paint SetVérifiez le prix

When you are feeling a little creative, there is nothing better than using some acrylic paint and a canvas to express yourself. When it comes to acrylic paints, Apple Barrel makes high quality acrylics. Apple Barrel acrylic paints are inexpensive, dry matte, and give you great coverage. This kit comes with 18 different paints so you get a nice mix of colors. You can even mix the colors to create just about any color.

Artlicious Canvas PanelsArtlicious Canvas PanelsVérifiez le prix

Does she want to try a new hobby? It can be pretty expensive to get into painting. If she has ever wanted to work with acrylics or oils, get her this affordable pack of canvas boards. Available in different sizes, they are perfect for beginners who are just exploring with paint. Made of 100% cotton, they hold acrylic paint well. La meilleure partie? They come individually wrapped.

Cricut Easy Press MiniCricut Easy Press MiniVérifiez le prix

Cricut is a leader in the world of crafts. Their latest item is super tiny. Meet the world’s cutest mini-iron. Because of its smaller size, it is perfect for using with all sorts of art projects that require a nimble iron. Across the 3 heating setting, you get even heating across the plate. We love the auto shutoff feature. With a smaller footprint, it is the perfect gift for any crafter.

Darice 80-Piece Deluxe Art SetDarice 80-Piece Deluxe Art SetVérifiez le prix

This Deluxe Art Set from Darice makes a great gift for your tween artist. All things considered, it’s a great value. La meilleure partie? You get a good variety of art tools and can take it anywhere with the convenient carrying case.

Watercolor Paint Set by Crafts 4 All Watercolor Paint Set by Crafts 4 All Vérifiez le prix

If you are a beginner, this watercolor set is a great way to get started. Watercolor is a lot of fun because you are able to create a cool washed out effect. Along with 3 entry level brushes, this set comes with 24 watercolor tubes so you can create a wide range of colors. It’s a great beginner set to have fun blending colors and understanding how watercolor works.

Tikteck LED Light Box Tikteck LED Light Box Vérifiez le prix

Tracing just got a whole lot easier with this light up tracing pad. When you place the tracing paper over the page your want to trace, the built in LED light makes it easy to see what you are tracing. Using micro USB, the tracing box can be powered using a computer. The brightness level can easily be adjusted between 2 brightness levels so you can trace through even thicker paper.

Gocutouts Gocutouts Vérifiez le prix

Blank walls are pretty boring. It always fun to decorate them with personal items that showcase your personality and interests. Who doesn’t like the look of a monogrammed letter or sign? It’s even better when you create it yourself. If she is into art, get her a blank wooden sign or letter that she can paint and personalize. Gocutout makes these cutout letters that are made out of 1/2 inch Birch Wood. The letters come in multiple sizes from 10 to 22 inches. She can paint it to match her room decor.

DIY Funko PopDIY Funko PopVérifiez le prix

While receiving your favorite character as a Funko Pop is a lot of fun, creating your own Funko Pop figure is even more fun. This Pop figure is like a blank canvas. Because it is DIY, you can paint him, dress him, give him hair, and even sculpt him. It’s best to sculpt him using an air dry clay like Apoxie Sculpt.. After it is dry, you can paint the entire figure using acrylics.

H Potter Terrarium KitH Potter Terrarium KitVérifiez le prix

There is nothing more fun than making your own living world. With a little indirect sun and water, you can create your own indoor garden with this DIY terrarium kit. First, you have to find a container. You can buy a beautiful container or just use a mason jar if you are frugal. This kit comes with all the stones, soil, and moss you need to create the environment your plants need to live. Then you have to choose a plant to grow inside. It’s a really great DIY project that can add color to your room.

Tulip One-step Tie-Dye Party KitTulip One-step Tie-Dye Party KitVérifiez le prix

It’s never been so easy to throw your own tie dye party than with this tie dye kit from Tulip. With 12 bottles of color, you can invite 3 of your friends over. With vibrant colors, your shirts, socks, and underwear will never look more colorful.

DIY Lip Balm KitDIY Lip Balm KitVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be so fun to make your own lip balm? If you are interested in making lip balm, this is the perfect gift for you. The kit comes with everything you need to make 23 lip balms. You can even design your own labels with the included stickers. After making the lip balms, they would be super cute to give as gifts to friends.

Bath Bomb Making KitBath Bomb Making KitVérifiez le prix

What 17 year old girl isn’t obsessed with bath bombs? Now you can create your own Lush bath bomb factory with this DIY kit. The kit comes with enough supplies to make 12 natural bath bombs with easy to follow recipes. After you are done, they make lovely gifts for friends.

Complete DIY Candle Making Kit SuppliesComplete DIY Candle Making Kit SuppliesVérifiez le prix

The Dilabee Candle Making Kit is the perfect DIY candle making kit for teen girls. Girls can make four candles with the included scents. There is everything from Cinnamon Vanilla to Lavender. Talk about variety! La meilleure partie? The candles are scented to invigorate the senses. Makes for a great birthday gift.

Duck Brand 284567 Printed Duct TapeDuck Brand 284567 Printed Duct TapeVérifiez le prix

Who knew that duct tape could be one of the hottest new fashion trends? Girls love taking patterned duct tape and adding a little glam to ordinary objects like purses, pencils, jewelry, or just about anything you can think of. You can get them in all different patterns.

Lettering and Modern CalligraphyLettering and Modern CalligraphyVérifiez le prix

If you have always wanted to create calligraphy but don’t know where to get started, then this book is for you. It walks you through all the steps in creating calligraphy, which is the best way to get started. You will learn everything from how to hold the pen to how to create each upper and lower case letter through 15 different lettering projects.

Royal & Langnickel Art KitRoyal & Langnickel Art KitVérifiez le prix

Do you have an artist? Then these art kits from Royal & Langnickel make great gifts. There are several sets to choose from including soft pastel acrylic, and water colors so you can even try something new. For those who love drawing, the sketching set is wonderful with 12 graphite pencils.

Johanna Basford World of FlowersJohanna Basford World of FlowersVérifiez le prix

Lately coloring books have become super popular. Johanna Basford’s Secret Garden is the coloring book that spurred this whole phenomenon and World of Flowers continues that tradition. Who would have thought that coloring in flowers and geometric designs would be so relaxing?

Prismacolor Soft Core Colored PencilsPrismacolor Soft Core Colored PencilsVérifiez le prix

Primacolor pencils are perfect for those who love to draw. Because they are soft core colored pencils, they give you a deep rich color and just blend really well, giving your work a more professional feel. Even if you don’t draw, these are perfect for coloring books.

Copic Sketch Set of 6 MarkersCopic Sketch Set of 6 MarkersVérifiez le prix

Aspiring Picassos or Monets, need a set of Copic Markers. These markers are commonly used by professional artists and designers. They are not only great for sketching, but laying down different shades simply by applying different amounts of pressure.

Ravensburger 3D SneakerRavensburger 3D SneakerVérifiez le prix

Normal jigsaw puzzles got a whole lot more boring. With 108 plastic pieces, this 3D puzzle literally let’s you create your own pencil holder. La meilleure partie? There is no glue required. Somehow the puzzle is constructed to be able to support itself. When it is completed, you can even store stationary inside.

ARTIKA Sewing KitARTIKA Sewing KitVérifiez le prix

Does she love making things? If she wants to get into sewing, this sewing kit has everything she needs to get started. You can buy everything yourself and get much higher quality components but a readymade kit makes it simple. You get a nice assortment of thread colors and tools. Next time she has a tear in her clothing, she can quickly patch it up with the kit.

Darice Round Plastic Knitting LoomsDarice Round Plastic Knitting LoomsVérifiez le prix

If you want to learn knitting, you have to try loom knitting. Even if you have never knit before in your life, anybody can knit beanies, scarves, and socks with this loom kit. It comes with 4 different sized looms, a yarn needle, and one loom pick. The different sized looms are perfect for making different sized hats or scarves. It’s a really great hobby and so relaxing especially if you are the OCD type. Le seul problème? All your friends and family will be begging for you to make a beanie for them.

Brother XM2701 Sewing MachineBrother XM2701 Sewing MachineVérifiez le prix

If you want to get started sewing, this affordable entry level sewing machine from Brother is a great way to get started. This lightweight machine has all of the features for beginners including instant threading and a wide variety of built in stitches.

Ball Jar Ball Heritage Collection Pint Jars, 6-PkBall Jar Ball Heritage Collection Pint Jars, 6-PkVérifiez le prix

Mason jars are essential for DIY gifts because they make for cute containers. Get a mason jar and stick a couple of her favorite things inside. They can range from candy to her favorite mascara. Each week she will love randomly picking something out of the jar.

Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint SetApple Barrel Acrylic Paint SetVérifiez le prix

When you are feeling a little creative, there is nothing better than using some acrylic paint and a canvas to express yourself. When it comes to acrylic paints, Apple Barrel makes high quality acrylics. Apple Barrel acrylic paints are inexpensive, dry matte, and give you great coverage. This kit comes with 18 different paints so you get a nice mix of colors. You can even mix the colors to create just about any color.

Hand Lettering 101Hand Lettering 101Vérifiez le prix

Have you ever wanted to get started with Calligraphy? With plenty of blank pages to practice on, this book teaches you how to create the most gorgeous lettering. Designed for beginners, it includes step by step directions and a lot of examples for creating gorgeous lower case letters.

Harry Potter Coloring BookHarry Potter Coloring BookVérifiez le prix

For anybody who can’t get enough of Harry Potter, there is now a coloring book. What could be more relaxing than coloring your favorite places and characters in the Harry Potter stories? After coloring each scene, it brings the scene to life in a whole new and unexpected way.

Calm the F*ck DownCalm the F*ck DownVérifiez le prix

Who said that coloring books are for kids only? Coloring books are supposed to be good for you because they have a calming effect on you. If you have something that makes you angry, this book can be therapeutic. With tons of swear words and pcitures to color, it is okay to color outside of the lines sometimes.

Cobiz Hot Glue GunCobiz Hot Glue GunVérifiez le prix

The one tool that every DIYer needs is a glue gun. A hot glue gun is a great tool for many decorative and crafty art projects. The metal safety stand means you have a less likely chance of burning yourself. With an easy to use trigger, it allows you to easily control how much glue is dispersed.

DIY Lip Balm KitDIY Lip Balm KitVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be so fun to make your own lip balm? If you are interested in making lip balm, this is the perfect gift for you. The kit comes with everything you need to make 23 lip balms. You can even design your own labels with the included stickers. After making the lip balms, they would be super cute to give as gifts to friends.

Johanna Basford Coloring Book Enchanted ForestJohanna Basford Coloring Book Enchanted ForestVérifiez le prix

Coloring books are not just for 3 year olds. Coloring books are so crazy trendy now that it is hilarious. Johanna Basford makes the coolest coloring books with cool patterns like mandalas and cool geometric designs. Even if you can’t draw, anyone can color. They are supposed to de-stress you and just be fun way to relax.

Urban Kangaroo Diy Body Lotion KitUrban Kangaroo Diy Body Lotion KitVérifiez le prix

It’s always fun making your own beauty products from scratch. They let her focus on her creativity and there is nothing better than creating something on your own. If she loves bath & body products, she will love this DIY lotion kit that will leave her feeling moisturized. The kit comes with everything you need to create 5 bottles of lotion, which means that you can use one and have 4 fun treats for gifting for friends or family.

PinBox 3000PinBox 3000Vérifiez le prix

Cardboard has been around forever, but it has never been used like this before. Pinbox 3000 is a buildable pinball machine that is made entirely out of cardboard. This crafty kit comes with everything you need to build your own cardboard pinball machine. It’s powered using rubber bands and works exactly like a regular pinball machine. Maybe next they will come out with a kit that you can make an Xbox out of cardboard.

Penny Portrait Abe Lincoln PosterPenny Portrait Abe Lincoln PosterVérifiez le prix

Who knew that collecting old pennies could be so useful? This crafty kit allows you to create a portrait of Abraham Lincoln using actual pennies. It takes 846 pennies and some glue to create your masterpiece. To create the poster you have to find pennies that match one of the four colors on the poster. Part of the fun is finding and collecting all the pennies.

Temporary Metallic Henna TattoosTemporary Metallic Henna TattoosVérifiez le prix

These temporary metallic tattoos might be the hottest fashion trend with teens. With fun designs, the metallic finish makes them look like jewelry when they are applied to your skin. They are perfect for accessorizing any outfit.

17 year old girls love inviting friends over. The only private place she has is her bedroom. It should be a reflection of her. Here are gifts that help make her room her own.

Twinkle Star Curtain Fairy LightsTwinkle Star Curtain Fairy LightsVérifiez le prix

Fairy lights are cool but a curtain of fairy lights is even cooler. With a ton of lights, simply drape them across an entire wall or window to create a magical effect. With 8 different settings, they create a beautiful ambience in your room.

Led Photo Clip Remote String LightsLed Photo Clip Remote String LightsVérifiez le prix

These 7.2-feet fairy lights are extremely cool for creating a one of a kind photo display in your room. You can create all different types of photo displays using thin nails or tape. They come with the photo clips and batteries required to power the lights. With 8 settings, you can even switch between different lighting modes. They add such a unique atmosphere to your room.

TaoTronics Fairy LightsTaoTronics Fairy LightsVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love the holidays? The best part is all the decorations. With these fairy lights, you can decorate your room all year round. Made of copper wire, these fairy lights add a magical look to any room.

Vont 66ft Starry Fairy LightsVont 66ft Starry Fairy LightsVérifiez le prix

Everybody wants an Instagram worthy room! One of the easiest ways to improve the ambience is your room is with fairy lights. These string lights have 200 LEDs and are 66 feet long, which makes decorating them a blast. Wrap them around your bed, curtains, or walls to add a little warmth to the room. Finally, you’ll have the perfect Instagram backdrop.

Mellanni Bed Sheet SetMellanni Bed Sheet SetVérifiez le prix

Most of us spend a lot of our day in bed. There is nothing better the snuggling in bed with comfortable bed sheets. Made out of 100 percent polyester, these microfiber bed sheets come in over 30 colors so you can find the set that matches her room decor. The sheets are soft and have a silky feel to them. Each set contains 1 flat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, and one pillowcase.

YnM Weighted BlanketYnM Weighted BlanketVérifiez le prix

Do you want to sleep like a baby? Recently weighted blanket have become extremely popular. They are supposed to reduce stress and improve sleep. This one from YnM is very affordable compared to other brands. By applying weighted pressure to the body at night, it can help calm and relax the body. The result is that you can sleep faster and get a good night’s sleep. It’s like getting a never-ending hug all night long.

AmazonBasics Micromink Sherpa Comforter SetAmazonBasics Micromink Sherpa Comforter SetVérifiez le prix

When the temperatures go down, everybody wants something warm to cover themselves in. There is nothing cozier than a Sherpa blanket. She is going to love wrapping herself in this Sherpa lined throw blanket. It comes in a couple different colors, but this red one is so festive.

Primitives by Kathy SignPrimitives by Kathy SignVérifiez le prix

Every 17 year old girl should have a sign with cute phrase on it in her room. With the words “One Small Positive Thought In The Morning Can Change Your Whole Day”, this 6 X 8 inch tin sign encourages her to always think positive. It is the perfect gift for any teen girl that needs a little inspiration in the morning.

Bedsure Sherpa Throw BlanketBedsure Sherpa Throw BlanketVérifiez le prix

Soft and cozy throws are the perfect winter accessory for snuggling on the couch and watching a TV or Netflix. Made of 100% microfiber, this fuzzy Sherpa blanket keeps every inch of your body warm and it is the softest blanket you have ever felt. It’s feels like lying on a cloud in a cartoon.

Levoit Salt lampLevoit Salt lampVérifiez le prix

Does she like things that light up? Now she can add a little zen and purity to her room with this salt lamp. Hand-carved, this uniquely shaped lamp is made out of Himalayan Salt. When your turn it on, it creates an eye catching gorgeous glow in the room and many people claim that it has many health benefits. The dimming switch allows you to easily adjust the glow, making it the perfect night lamp.

AmazonBasics 5-Piece Bed-In-A-BagAmazonBasics 5-Piece Bed-In-A-BagVérifiez le prix

Getting new bedding for you room can transform your room. If you are looking to give your room a grownup look, these bed in a bag sets make it easy to get matching bedding at an affordable price. Each set come with a flat sheet, comforter, fitted sheet, sham, and pillow case.

Ashler Soft Faux Sheepskin Area RugAshler Soft Faux Sheepskin Area RugVérifiez le prix

When you wake up in the morning there is nothing better than steeping on a nice warm furry rug. Made of faux fur, this one is so soft that you will want to lay on it all day. La meilleure partie? Its fibers are designed not to shed. While it is great for the floor, it can even be used as a throw to cuten whatever it is draped over. Available in multiple colors, it comes in either a rectangular shape or a curvy shape.

Utopia Bedding Bed Ruffle SkirtUtopia Bedding Bed Ruffle SkirtVérifiez le prix

Complete the look of your room with this ruffled bed skirt. Made out of microfiber, this one is offered in four different colors. Hanging softly from the bed, it does a great job of covering the bottom of your bed. It makes ordinary bedding look so much classier and luxurious. Your room will suddenly feel like a 5-star hotel.

Bed BandBed BandVérifiez le prix

There is nothing worse than having fitted bed sheets slide off the corners of your bed while you are sleeping. Now you don’t have to worry with the Bed Band sheet holders, which are designed to keep you sheets in place. Toss as much as you want- the sheets will finally stay put. Each pack comes with four bands

Chanasya Faux Fur ThrowChanasya Faux Fur ThrowVérifiez le prix

What girl doesn’t love soft cuddly things to snuggle up with? Made of faux fur, this blanket is so soft and warm that you might find yourself taking more naps on the couch. Say goodbye to chilly nights.

Milliard Reading PillowMilliard Reading PillowVérifiez le prix

Does she like reading, doing her homework, or watching TV in bed? Forget propping pillows up to support your body. Instead, she will love this comfy back pillow that is filled with memory foam. Measuring 18 inches tall, it is perfect for teenage girls. La meilleure partie? It’s furry and it comes in fun colors

Utopia Bedding Soft Body PillowUtopia Bedding Soft Body PillowVérifiez le prix

If you sleep on your side, you need a body pillow. This 4.5 foot one stretches across your whole body, helping to support your arm, leg, and hips when you are sleeping on your side. You will sleep like you have never slept before.

Exclusivo Mezcla Luxury ReversibleExclusivo Mezcla Luxury ReversibleVérifiez le prix

When the winter comes around, most of us just want to hibernate somewhere with a warm comfortable blanket. There is nothing better than snuggling up on the couch to binge watch your favorite show on Netflix than with this cute throw blanket, which gives it a cool bohemian vibe.

TaoTronics LED Desk LampTaoTronics LED Desk LampVérifiez le prix

This stylish LED Desk Lamp is perfect for providing lighting in her room while fitting in nicely with most décor. The lamp is energy efficient and provides seven different levels of brightness that is pleasing to the eyes. The coolest part? Control the brightness level with intuitive touch controls. There’s even a handy USB port for charging all her devices.

AUKEY Table LampAUKEY Table LampVérifiez le prix

This stylish table lamp is perfect for providing lighting in her room while fitting in nicely with most décor. The table lamp provides seven different levels of brightness that is pleasing to the eyes. The coolest part? Control the brightness level with intuitive touch controls. You can even change the color.

Superior All Season Down Alternative ComforterSuperior All Season Down Alternative ComforterVérifiez le prix

It’s every girl’s dream to fall asleep on fluffy clouds. You know those beautiful fluffy white comforters you see on Pinterest and television, this beautiful down comforter is just like those. Filled with polyester, it is a must for cold weather and just about every season.

MaxKare Electric Blanket MaxKare Electric Blanket Vérifiez le prix

If you live in a really cold place where it gets close to freezing, an electric blanket is a great gift. I know when I don’t put on the heat, it gets super cold in my room. I would love to cuddle up under an electric blanket. This one from Maxkare has 3 different heat settings to keep you warm on the coldest nights.

Brentwood Home Crystal Cove Meditation PillowBrentwood Home Crystal Cove Meditation PillowVérifiez le prix

Who needs a sofa? A floor cushion can make a room so much more inviting. They are especially useful when friends come over. A nice floor cushion combined with an area rug can create a relaxing nook in your room. With a scalloped motif, this cushion is perfect for meditation and yoga, but anybody would love to relax on it.

Vintoys Hugging PillowVintoys Hugging PillowVérifiez le prix

For some reason girls are obsessed with ginormous fluffy objects. Get a teenage girl a bear bigger than her and I am sure that she will love it.

Sophia’s Garden Artificial Succulent PlantsSophias Garden Artificial Succulent PlantsVérifiez le prix

Everybody wants to have a little green in their room. Here is a genius idea: get her fake succulents! Even if she kills plants by just looking at them, a artificial succulent makes a great gift. It’s a great way to brighten her room. La meilleure partie? Even if she forgets to water them, they will still look happy.

Kings Free Standing Floor Mirror Kings Free Standing Floor Mirror Vérifiez le prix

Every teenage girl needs a full length mirror in her room. You don’t want to keep walking back and forth from your room to the bathroom just to see the way you look. This white cheval floor mirror easily blends with your room decor.

Obrecis Light Up Letters Neon SignObrecis Light Up Letters Neon SignVérifiez le prix

Your walls just got a lot more interesting. Neon signs are no longer only for just reserved for the Vegas strip and your local diner. The hottest new piece of home decor is a neon sign. Neon signs are super trendy right now and you can find all different types to put in your room. We love how you can use this one to personalize your room with your initials.

DELICORE Neon Light With RemoteDELICORE Neon Light With RemoteVérifiez le prix

Bare walls are boring. Neon signs are no longer only for just reserved for the Vegas strip and your local diner. The hottest new piece of home decor is a neon sign. Neon signs are super trendy right now and you can find all different types to put in your room. We love this glowing hot pink one that says Love, but there are so many signs to choose from.

Brentwood 18-Inch Faux Fur PillowBrentwood 18-Inch Faux Fur PillowVérifiez le prix

What 17 year old girl wouldn’t love to cozy up with a furry pillow? This 18 inch one from Brentwood can add just the perfect amount of flair to your bed or chair.

WoneNice Retro Digital Flip Down ClockWoneNice Retro Digital Flip Down ClockVérifiez le prix

Time’s flipping away! Inspired by retro clocks that had flip down hour and minute displays, this clock makes watching the time entertaining. The large numbers make it easy to see the time at a glance. It makes a great addition to any teen girl’s bedroom.

CopperBull Moroccan Table LampCopperBull Moroccan Table LampVérifiez le prix

It’s amazing how much you can change the look of a room with just your furnishings. If you want to add a boho look to your room, this Moroccan table lamp will be the crown jewel of the space. The happy pops of colors and patterns it makes creates a mysterious, exotic look that has a calming effect. She won’t be able to wait until the sun goes down.

Star Shower Tree DazzlerStar Shower Tree DazzlerVérifiez le prix

Do you like hanging Christmas lights? Decorating your tree just got easier. The Tree Dazzler is a curtain of light that you drape over your tree vertically. It takes just minutes to decorate your tree. La meilleure partie? The lights never get tangled.

Eon Concepts Storm Glass Weather PredictorEon Concepts Storm Glass Weather PredictorVérifiez le prix

Whether this storm glass can actually predict the weather is debatable, but it makes an awesome piece of room décor. Apparently, storm glasses have a mixture of chemicals inside that form crystal formations inside the glass when the weather changes. We don’t know if science backs this up, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make a cute decoration.

Christopher Knight Faux Fur Bean Bag ChairChristopher Knight Faux Fur Bean Bag ChairVérifiez le prix

She probably doesn’t love anything more than lounging with friends. A bean bag chair makes a great extra seat for when friends come over, watching TV, reading, or using a laptop. Filled with foam, it can be molded into the perfect shape whether you are sitting or lying down.

Rabbitgoo 3Widnow FilmRabbitgoo 3Widnow FilmVérifiez le prix

Want a little privacy? Now you can instantly turn your bedroom widows or shower doors into frosted glass. This window film can be cut to any size and will attach to cleaned glass. La meilleure partie? It can easily be removed and repositioned. It’s similar to stained glass, so you can’t really see clearly through it. When the sunlight goes through it, it will create rainbow effects that dance all over the room.

Hanging Cotton Macrame Rope HammockHanging Cotton Macrame Rope HammockVérifiez le prix

What would happen if you cross a swing, hammock, and chair? There is nothing better than swaying in a hammock chair. Create a beachy look in your room or outdoors with this beautiful macrame hammock chair made out of 100% cotton. With fun tassels and a bohemian vibe, it’s the closest thing to sitting on a cloud. Hang it outside or use a stand to hang it inside.

Succulent PlantsSucculent PlantsVérifiez le prix

Succulents might be the best plants ever created. These super low maintenance plants come in all different colors, adding a pop of color and life to your room. Simply keep them in indirect sunlight and water them whenever you feel like and they will probably live.

Wonddecor Chunky Knit BlanketWonddecor Chunky Knit BlanketVérifiez le prix

What would happen if you turned your favorite sweater into a knitted blanket? Made out 100% polyester, these knitted blankets are really trendy right now. Because they are as cozy as a sweater, they are perfect for the winter. If you have giant knitting needles, you can make your own or you can take the easy way and buy one.

Mkono Hanging Photo DisplayMkono Hanging Photo DisplayVérifiez le prix

Remember the stuff you used to see only at your grandmother’s house, it’s coming back in fashion. We’ve all want to hang our Polaroids on the wall to create that Instagram worthy look. Add a little Macrame to it and suddenly you’ve got that Bohemian vibe that everybody loves now. La meilleure partie? It comes with plenty of small clothes pins to hang up your pictures.

GPARK Artificial Ivy GarlandGPARK Artificial Ivy GarlandVérifiez le prix

Typically tassel garlands are used for parties or celebrations, but you can even use them as part of your room decor. Add a little earthyness to your room with this fake ivy garland. It can be draped on anything to give it a tropical or summery feel. The set comes with 12 garlands that are each 82 inches, making the perfect backdrop for any teen girl’s room.

Mkono 2 Pcs Hanging MacrameMkono 2 Pcs Hanging MacrameVérifiez le prix

Macrame is back and we want to hide our entire walls behind it! Wherever you go, you see macramé whether it is a wall hanging or drapey plant hanger. Macrame is a type of textile created by knotting. It’s amazing what you can do with a simple piece of cotton. This set comes with two macrame wall hangings.

Mkono Macrame Curtain WallMkono Macrame Curtain WallVérifiez le prix

Back in the old days, they used to have room dividers. The actresses would go behind them and change. Who wouldn’t love to use a Macrame Curtain as a room divider? Add a little bohemian vibe to your room by hanging this Macrame curtain in front of a window or doorway. It’s a fun way to divide up your space.

Mkono Wood Hanging ShelfMkono Wood Hanging ShelfVérifiez le prix

If you want your room to looks straight out of Pinterest, you need floating shelves to finish up the look of your room. There are all types of rustic floating shelves you can buy, but we have fallen in love with the look of these 3 stacked shelves. Place these hanging shelves on an empty wall and it instantly gives you a place to add succulents, books, frames, and Pinterest-worthy accessories.

Mkono Macrame Plant HangersMkono Macrame Plant HangersVérifiez le prix

If you are looking to create your own Boho heaven, check out all the Bohemian décor than Mkono has to offer. We want to buy every piece. We love their drapey plant hangers. You can’t have Macrame without a lot of indoor plants. You can hang small planters in the corners of your room at different heights. The drapey macrame makes them looks soPintresty!

Mkono Moon Phase GarlandMkono Moon Phase GarlandVérifiez le prix

There is something so mysterious about the night sky. The easiest way to create a bohemian look in your room is fun accents that incorporate the starry night. Drape this moon inspired garland anywhere in your room to create a free spirited dreamy look. Inspired by the phases of the moon, it adds such a bohemian aesthetic to any room.

TapisserieTapestryVérifiez le prix

One of the easiest ways to decorate boring walls is with a Mandala tapestry. You can hang one over your bed or on an empty wall to give your room a more complete feel. With a safe color scheme, this black and white one adds a cool bohemian vibe to your room.

GBtroo Rustic Wall SconcesGBtroo Rustic Wall SconcesVérifiez le prix

Do your walls look rather plain? It’s amazing all the things you can do with a mason jar. Normal sconces just got a whole lot more boring. If you want to create an antique, rustic look in your room, you are going to love these Mason jar sconces. You get a set of 2 sconces. They immediately give your room a more inviting feeling.

Darice Silver Metal Marquee LetterDarice Silver Metal Marquee LetterVérifiez le prix

Now that she is 17, she will probably want to upgrade her bedroom decor. These Marquee Letters with LED lights are perfect for spelling out your teen girl’s favorite phrase.

Dremisland Blue Dream CatcherDremisland Blue Dream CatcherVérifiez le prix

Say good bye to nightmares and make your room Instagram-worthy with this beautiful dream catcher. According to ancient history, dream catchers are designed to catch bad dreams. Children hung them over beds while they slept. Shaped like a circle, this dream catcher is handmade and is decorated with colorful feathers, ribbons, and yarns of different lengths. Hang it over your bed, and make your sweet dreams come true!

MCS Shadow Box FrameMCS Shadow Box FrameVérifiez le prix

Does she have beautiful keepsakes that she wants to share with everybody? With a gorgeous black frame, this gorgeous shadowbox gives an extra dimension to whatever is displayed inside. It’s perfect for displaying concert tickets, pictures, or anything else with special meaning.

Gallery Perfect 9 Piece Photo Frame SetGallery Perfect 9 Piece Photo Frame SetVérifiez le prix

I think a nice set of frames can totally transform a room. I like these ones with a clean solid black frame around them. All you have to do is put your favorite pictures, paintings, artwork, or quotes in them and you can instantly make a collage of frames on your wall.

Umbra Hangit Photo DisplayUmbra Hangit Photo DisplayVérifiez le prix

Here’s a cool way to display your photos or Polaroids of friends in your room, adding a lot of character to your room. With the included template and screws, it makes it very easy to hang. The wooden clothespins make it super easy to swap out pictures.

Umbra Mariposa Butterfly Wall DecorUmbra Mariposa Butterfly Wall DecorVérifiez le prix

There is something so carefree about fluttering butterflies. Now you can add a whimsical touch to your room with these stickable fluttering butterflies. Avaialble in assorted colors, they come with 3M adhesive backings so you can arrange them in anyway you like. Each packet comes with 9 butterflies. The only problems? She is going to want more packs to create a butterfly mural.

AmazonBasics Foldable Storage CubesAmazonBasics Foldable Storage CubesVérifiez le prix

Nothing fancy here! Just about everybody could use cube organizers. Available in different colors, this inexpensive 6 pack of 11 inch cube organizers is perfect for stashing away extra clothes, craft supplies, and books that are lying around. When you are not using them, they are collapsible. Made of a durable fabric, they are much sturdier than comparatively priced ones at your local home goods store.

Umbra Trigem Hanging Jewelry OrganizerUmbra Trigem Hanging Jewelry OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Here’s a fun way to keep your jewelry organized so it is easier to pick out the pieces you want to wear. You can hang earrings, bracelets, and a few necklaces on it. You can even stash some rings on the tray. Plus, it makes a cute decoration in your room.

Umbra Anigram Ring HolderUmbra Anigram Ring HolderVérifiez le prix

How cute is this ring holder? Here is a cute little item to decorate your nightstand or vanity. Available in all different styles and finishes, this animal shaped ring holder gives you a quick place to your everyday rings on. With a beautiful elongated tail that holds your rings, this one is perfect for any cat lover.

KLOUD City Two-Layer lint Jewelry Box KLOUD City Two-Layer lint Jewelry Box Vérifiez le prix

Does she have a ton of jewelry lying everywhere? With 2 layers of compartments, this jewelry box is the perfect gift for the teenage girl with a cluttered collection of jewelry. With it, she will be able to give all her jewelry a home so she can easily find it.

Victrola Vinyl Storage CaseVictrola Vinyl Storage CaseVérifiez le prix

It’s funny since most of our music these days is digital we don’t have to store it. Has she started a record collection? The best way to protect her collection is with a carrying case. It stores about 20-30 records inside and comes in several different patterns and colors to match her room decor.

Misslo Hanging  Jewelry OrganizerMisslo Hanging  Jewelry OrganizerVérifiez le prix

No, this is not a pretty black dress you are going to wear on Prom night. It’s actually a carefully disguised jewelry organizer that you can hang on a hanger in your closet. It has pockets and Velcro loops that allow you to store your jewelry collection. The coolest part? While you are dressing up in the closet, you can pick out your jewelry.

Songmics Lockable Jewelry Cabinet WallSongmics Lockable Jewelry Cabinet WallVérifiez le prix

Does she not know what to do with all her jewelry? Then she will love this jewelry armoire that easily hangs over the door. With plenty of space inside, it’s perfect for keeping all your jewelry organized in one place. The coolest part? It doubles as a mirror so it’s easy to try on jewelry.

Honey-Can-Do Laptop Lap DeskHoney-Can-Do Laptop Lap DeskVérifiez le prix

The Honey Can Do Lap Desk provides a steady working surface for you to work anywhere. You get a lot of surface area for an affordable price. With a large surface, it can fit a large 15-inch laptop with room to spare for a mouse. The cushioning helps keep your lap comfortable. It comes in distinctive colors that are easily able to fit in with any room décor.

TaoTronics Laptop Desk for BedTaoTronics Laptop Desk for BedVérifiez le prix

Say goodbye to neck and back issues. I love working on my laptop on my favorite chair and a lap desk makes it so much more comfortable. Unlike other clunky lap desks, this one is fully adjustable so you can use it anywhere whether you are in bed or on the floor. Both the height and tilt are adjustable. You can perfectly position your laptop. It’s like a portable workspace.

Songmics Faux Leather Storage OttomanSongmics Faux Leather Storage OttomanVérifiez le prix

Soon she is going to be going off to college. A hope chest is a great gift idea to start a collection of stuff that she will use at college. With a decent amount of storage, this one from Songmics is perfect for storing little treasures.

BedShelfieBedShelfieVérifiez le prix

If her room is small and she doesn’t have room for a nightstand, the BedShelfie is a great alternative. Made out of 100% bamboo, it attaches to the side of her bed frame. Supporting up to 20 pounds, it’s a good size so that she can fit everything that would fit on a normal nightstand.

DecoBros Supreme Over The Door 11 Hook Organizer RackDecoBros Supreme Over The Door 11 Hook Organizer RackVérifiez le prix

The best way to make more storage space in your room is to make use of every inch of it. Putting a coat hook hanger on your door is the best way to hang your coats up and free up closet space. Simply put this on the door of your bedroom and you instantly have more hanging space for coats, jackets, bags, umbrella and more.

Simple Houseware Garment RackSimple Houseware Garment RackVérifiez le prix

Every teenage girl needs a clothing rack. Most of us don’t have enough of room in our closet to hang up all of our clothes. This one not only looks great, but it’s a fun way to display the clothing you are going to be wearing throughout the week.

Wonder Hanger PlatinumWonder Hanger PlatinumVérifiez le prix

Downsizing your closet got a little easier! All of us dream of having a big closet, but most of us have live with what we have, which is not much. If you have a lot of lightweight tees and skirts, these Wonder Hangers can free up a lot more closet space. Each Wonder Hanger can hold up to 10 pieces of clothing in a pyramid fashion. It’s great for keeping your clothes organized and wrinkle free. You can get them in either plastic or metal.

Tank Top OrganizerTank Top OrganizerVérifiez le prix

If you are like us, you are always trying to find out how to store more clothes in your closet. Unfortunately, you can only hang so many clothes on hangers. This specially designed hanger can hold up to 8 different clothing items at once. It works best with tank tops, camis, bras, dresses, and bathing suits. It’s also perfect for hanging jewelry. La meilleure partie? It saves so much of space.

SimpleHouseware Underwear OrganizerSimpleHouseware Underwear OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Does your underwear and socks drawer look like a haphazard mess of rolled up clothes? Now you can organize your bras and underwear with this drawer organizer. The organizer has flexible dividers that are perfect for storing bras, socks, and underwear. They make it super easy to stay organized. Your underwear drawer can finally look as organized as your favorite lingerie store.

Seville Classics 3-Tier Resin Slat Utility Shoe RackSeville Classics 3-Tier Resin Slat Utility Shoe RackVérifiez le prix

Do you look in your closet and wonder where the heck all the shoes go? Now you have plenty of room for all of your shoes with this attractive shoe rack that can hold up to 9 pairs of shoes. Not only that, but you can also use them to store other things. La meilleure partie? You can even stack to units on top of each other.

Misslo Over the Door OrganizerMisslo Over the Door OrganizerVérifiez le prix

What teenage girl doesn’t have a lot of shoes? With this over the door shoe rack, you can finally get your shoes off the floor. La meilleure partie? With 24 mesh pockets, it’s got plenty of room to hold just about anything from shoes to bathroom supplies. Put something different in each pocket. You can easily see inside through the mesh material.

Urban Mom Hanging Laundry HamperUrban Mom Hanging Laundry HamperVérifiez le prix

Nobody loves laundry day but it’s just one of those thing we have to do. If you don’t have a lot of space in your room, this hanging laundry bag can free up so much of space. Made out of cotton canvas, it comes with two stainless steels hooks that are used to hang it over a door. La meilleure partie? There is a zip on the underneath that allows you to dump out the contents more quickly.

Simple Houseware 5 Shelves Hanging ClosetSimple Houseware 5 Shelves Hanging ClosetVérifiez le prix

Do you have shoes and clothes lying all over your room? Made of cotton canvas, these hanging closet shelves are a great way to get organized. With the cedar wood system, it is very sturdy and won’t fall apart when you load the shelves with heavy sweaters or shoes.

iDesign York Hanging Shower CaddyiDesign York Hanging Shower CaddyVérifiez le prix

Everybody needs a place to stash all their soap, shampoo, and shower supplies. This shower caddy can be suspended from your shower head, giving you a place to store your items. The top shelf is perfect for bottles and the bottom shelf is good for soap. There are hooks for hanging accessories like razors. It comes in a variety of rust resistant finishes to match your decor.

YAMIU Shoe BagYAMIU Shoe BagVérifiez le prix

One of the hardest parts about packing is figuring out how to pack your shoes. Made out of Nylon, these travel shoe bags do just the trick. Not only are they great for traveling, but you can use them in your gym bag or even throw in wet, dirty clothes to keep them separated.

Cable ClipsCable ClipsVérifiez le prix

Sometimes the simplest products are the best. Does your nightstand look like a mess of wires? There is no bigger eyesore than tangled wires. Sorting through them is even worse. These adhesive cable clips are perfect for securing lose wires. Finally, you don’t have to worry about tangled wires.

Shoe Slots OrganizerShoe Slots OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Is she obsessed with shoes? A girl can never have a big enough closet. If she has got a big collection of sneakers, she probably can’t even walk in her closet. The Shoe Slotz save so much of space because they stack a pair of shoes on top of each other, doubling your space. Not only do they keep your closet space organized, but you can now buy more shoes. La meilleure partie? They are height adjustable so they can be adjusted for different sized shoes.

The Battery Organizer Storage CaseThe Battery Organizer Storage CaseVérifiez le prix

Do you have a junk drawer filled with batteries? Now you can finally find spare batteries with this super convenient battery organizer. You can place it vertically or mount it on a wall. It holds 93 batteries of just about every size so you can easily find the battery you are looking for at a glance. La meilleure partie? There is a battery tester so you can easily see which ones are charged.

SockDockSockDockVérifiez le prix

Nobody loves to do laundry. The worst part – mismatched socks that always seem to get left behind. The sock dock is a hanging sock organizer that can be thrown in the washing machine. Finally, your socks will always be kept together and you never have to sort socks again.

Fuse Reel The Side Kick Fuse Reel The Side Kick Vérifiez le prix

Don’t you hate when you stuff your portable laptop charger in your bag that it always ends up in a tangled mess? With just a few twists, the Side Kick is a cable management gadget that keeps your charger neatly wrapped. Popping up and down, it simply sticks to the side of your laptop charger using 3M tape.

Burt’s Bees Beauty Gift SetBurts Bees Beauty Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Your 17 year old girl will feel like a queen when she opens this beauty kit from Burt’s Bees. This sampler pack allows her to try all the most popular beauty goodies from Burt’s Bees. It comes with 5 trial-sized products that are designed to make her feel like royalty from head to toe. There is everything from foot cream to Burt’s Bees famous peppermint lip balm.

Burts Bees Lip BalmBurts Bees Lip BalmVérifiez le prix

17 year girls and their friends can’t get enough of Burt Bee’s lip balm. It comes in fun flavors as well the original Beeswax. Not only does this stuff keep your lips super moisturized, it is completely natural which teen girls seem to love. She won’t want to leave the house without it. With this pack, she can put one in her car, purse, and room.

Carmex Classic Lip BalmCarmex Classic Lip BalmVérifiez le prix

What could be better than hydrated lips? Everybody has their favorite lip balm. There are plenty of other lip balms in cool containers and in fruity scents, but none of them tingle like good old Carmex. With camphor and menthol, you can just feel your lips getting hydrated. This is a 3-pack.

Burt’s Bees Hand Repair Gift SetBurts Bees Hand Repair Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Burt’s Bees makes a number of gift sets that are perfect for gifting or stocking stuffers. This giftable set comes with 3 types of hand creams for the skin and cuticles along with a pair of cotton gloves. Simply apply the hand creams and put on the gloves. When you wake up in the morning, you will have the smoothest hands.

O’Keeffe’s Skin Repair Variety PackOKeeffes Skin Repair Variety PackVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want the smoothest hands and feet? During the winter, our skin can get so dry so it is important to use a good hand cream. O’Keefe hand and foot cream has been around forever, but many people with dry skin swear by it. Containing hydrating ingredients, this glycerin based cream can bring life changing changes to dry and cracked skin. It’s the closest thing to heaven in a jar. This variety pack includes a hand cream, foot cream, and body cream.

Nivea Luxury Collection 5 Piece Gift SetNivea Luxury Collection 5 Piece Gift SetVérifiez le prix

This gift set from Nivea contains five full sized Nivea products. Packaged in a beautiful gold toiletry bag, it contains 2 body lotions, two body washes, and a lip balm. While the scent is subtle, all of the creams and body washes are nice and thick, making for a luxurious shower experience. Her skin will never feel more refreshed. La meilleure partie? The gold case can be reused as a makeup or toiletry bag.

Mario Badescu Facial Spray CollectionMario Badescu Facial Spray CollectionVérifiez le prix

Many women swear by this Rose Water spray from Mario Badescu. Designed for all skin types, it can be used to hydrate your face or even used as a setting spray for makeup. To use it, you simply mist it onto your skin. As a bonus, it smells really really good.

St. Tropez Self Tan Bronzing MousseSt. Tropez Self Tan Bronzing MousseVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want to be a tan goddess without going out in the sun? You can’t really get a tan in the winter time, but now you don’t even need to go outside. St. Tropez is a tanning spray that you simply spray on to ”fake” a golden tan. The things girls do! You simply spray the tanning spray on an applicator mitt and rub it across the area you want to “tan.” La meilleure partie? Not only does it work, it is mess free.

Dermal Korea Full Face Facial MasksDermal Korea Full Face Facial MasksVérifiez le prix

Who needs to go to the spa? Face masks are so fun. Not only do they help tone and tighten your skin, they are a great way to cleanse your skin. Now you can feel pampered at home with this pack of 16 Korean face masks. There’s everything from a Charcoal to Aloe Mask. Your face will never look so relaxed.

Gillette Venus Women’s Embrace 5 Blade RazorGillette Venus Womens Embrace 5 Blade RazorVérifiez le prix

Just about every teen girl would like to have razor in her stocking. A brand new razor is amazing, but nobody wants to spend money on them. When you get them in your stocking, you get so excited because your legs will be smooth again. Not that there is anything wrong with them covered in hair, but some girls love smooth legs. With 5 blades, the Venue Embrace is a great razor.

Colossal Foot Rasp Foot FileColossal Foot Rasp Foot FileVérifiez le prix

Finally there is a reason to bring the sandals out. Foot scrubs and and exfoliation creams are great but the easiest way to remove dead skin and get smooth feet is a trusty foot file. It cuts through dead skin like a cheese grater. Simply take a shower to soften skin and use light pressure. It works wonders on your feet.

Amopé Pedi Perfect Electronic Foot FileAmopé Pedi Perfect Electronic Foot FileVérifiez le prix

Do you have rough nasty calluses on the underneath of your feet? Overtime, dead skin can accumulate underneath your feet. This electronic foot file buffs away dry skin, leaving your feet silky, smooth. La meilleure partie? In just 15 minutes, your feet will look like new. You will want to break out your summer sandals again.

Temporary Boho Metallic Henna Tattoos Temporary Boho Metallic Henna Tattoos Vérifiez le prix

Every 17 year old girl will love these temporary flash tattoos. The 75+ cute metallic designs make a cute statement whether you put them around your wrists or tucked behind your legs. Luckily, they rub off after a few days or she might want to keep them forever.

Olay ProX Facial BrushOlay ProX Facial BrushVérifiez le prix

Help her take care of her skin with this facial brush from Olay. With 2 speeds, it’s designed to remove dead skin cells, revealing smooth clean skin underneath. It’s like an inexpensive version of the Clarisonic.

Clarisonic Facial BrushClarisonic Facial BrushVérifiez le prix

Every 17 year old girl needs the Clarisonic in her beauty arsenal. When it comes to facial brushes, you really can’t beat the Clarisonic. Designed for all skin types, the Clarisonic gently washes away dead skin cells, oil, and dirt with 300 sonic vibrations.

Brilliant Beauty Eyelash CurlerBrilliant Beauty Eyelash CurlerVérifiez le prix

Eye lash curlers are really cool and add a bit of pop that you don’t get with just mascara. If your eye lashes are super flat, you can use these eyelash curlers fromBrilliant Beauty to add a great sexy curl that lasts a long time.

Finishing Touch Vibrating Facial RollerFinishing Touch Vibrating Facial RollerVérifiez le prix

Facial rollers are an ancient Chinese skin care tools that have become extremely trendy on Instagram. The roller is made out of Rose Quartz . When rolled on the skin, the roller feels cool to the touch. When rolled under the eyes, it is supposed to decrease puffiness. Some people like to use it to massage in oils. It’s not going to make your skin look like your favorite celebrity overnight, but it can be relaxing and help the appearance of the skin when done consistently.

Sun Bum Premium Day TripperSun Bum Premium Day TripperVérifiez le prix

Bring on the sun! You can never go wrong with sunscreen especially if it smells like bananas and summer. Even better is a sunscreen that doubles as a moisturizer. With Vitamin E, there is no reason not to apply sun screen every day. This Sun Bum kit includes a sunscreen lotion, lip balm, cool down sun lotion, and travel bag.

NanoSteamer Facial SteamerNanoSteamer Facial SteamerVérifiez le prix

Everybody wants clear skin. Skin care products can only do so much. What if you could give yourself an at home facial? Experts say that steaming helps open up pores and make your skincare products work better. This facial steamer is extremely easy to use. You just fill the tank up with water and steam will start flowing when it heats up. It helps to improve impurities and allows your skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin.

FOREO LUNA mini 2FOREO LUNA mini 2Vérifiez le prix

Made out of silicone, the Foreo Luna may be the best way to clean you face. Compared to a cleansing brush, the silicone bristles are much gentler on your face. Simply wet your face and apply your favorite cleanser. Then move the device in circles over your face for about 2 minutes. Not only does it remove 99% of dirt, oil, and makeup, it boasts an incredible battery life.

Soft Touch Foot Peel MaskSoft Touch Foot Peel MaskVérifiez le prix

When sandal season is upon us, there is nothing worse than having dry, callused feet. Nobody likes gross and dried up feet. Now you don’t have to be afraid of wearing sandals thanks to this foot mask that promises to melt away yucky calluses. This one is supposed to work in just a few minutes. You are supposed soak your feet in water, apply the mask to your feet, and wrap your feet with the plastic booties for about 60 minutes. Because it sloughs off dry dead skin, your feet are supposed to feel softer.

Midnight Glo UV Body Paint Neon Glow KitMidnight Glo UV Body Paint Neon Glow KitVérifiez le prix

Ever since Ariana Grande released “God Is a Woman” everybody fell in love with her body paint. With eight vivid colors, this cool neon kit from Midnight Glow allows you to paint your body with glowing paint. The paint glows when it is exposed to ultraviolet light or blacklight. La meilleure partie? It easily washes off.

Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar WaterBioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar WaterVérifiez le prix

Makeup just got easier to remove with the help of this Micellar water from Bioderma. This water has become a staple among makeup artists, celebrities, and everyday women. The secret is the tiny droplets of oil inside the water. Acting like magnets, the tiny drops of oil help lift dirt, makeup, and grime gently from the skin. Once you try it, you will want to stockpile it in case it one day mysteriously vanishes from the face of the Earth.

L’Occitane Signature Holiday Advent CalendarLOccitane Signature Holiday Advent CalendarVérifiez le prix

Is there any better way to count down the days to Christmas than a beauty themed Advent Calendar? Whether she likes eyes shadows, nail polish, or lipstick, there are so many different ones to choose from this year. This one from L’Occitane is packed with 24 best selling beauty surprises inside.

Velvet Scrunchie SetVelvet Scrunchie SetVérifiez le prix

What’s old is new again! It was a long time coming but Scrunchies are back in fashion. Put the hair ties away and grab a Scrunchie. Nope we are not in the 90s again. Scrunchies are the perfect way to tie back your hair. It’s an accessory that goes with any outfit whether you are headed to the gym or topping off a cute outfit.

The New Braiding HandbookThe New Braiding HandbookVérifiez le prix

Do you love braiding your hair? Abby Smith is the master of braiding and shows her true artistry with this how to book. With tons of photos, each of the 60 hairstyles comes with a step by step tutorial. While it takes some practice, you will learn everything from a fishtail braid to a milkmaid braid. You will even discover new styles that you never knew existed.

Wet Brush Pro Detangle Hair BrushWet Brush Pro Detangle Hair BrushVérifiez le prix

Nobody loves spending hours removing tangles in their hair. This little pink brush tames knots and tangles like they don’t even exist. When you brush your hair, the varied length bristles gently bend to detangle knots. You will actually look forward to detangling your hair.

The Original BLOM HeadbandThe Original BLOM HeadbandVérifiez le prix

Every 17 year old girl needs a fashionable and breathable headband that does a killer job keeping your hair out of your face and keeping you dry. With a specially designed, this one can be tied in 14 different ways. Made of rayon viscose fabric, this headband sucks up moisture even during your most intense workout.

Batiste Dry ShampooBatiste Dry ShampooVérifiez le prix

Once you use Batiste Dry Shampoo, you will wonder how you ever lived without it. While it is not good to wash your hair with shampoo every day, it can look greasy if you don’t. On days that you don’t shampoo, Batiste Dry Shampoo is what you need. You simply spray in onto your roots and it makes your hair look like it was just shampooed.

SheaMoisture Manuka Honey &Mafura Oil Hair MaskSheaMoisture Manuka Honey &Mafura Oil Hair MaskVérifiez le prix

With all the stuff we do to our hair, sometimes you need something stronger than a conditioner. With Manuka Honey and Mafura Oil, this hair mask is much thicker than a conditioner. Used as a deep conditioning treatment, it does a great job of keeping your hair soft, moisturized, and hydrated. Your hair will love it.

Remington S9500PP Pearl Pro Ceramic Flat IronRemington S9500PP Pearl Pro Ceramic Flat IronVérifiez le prix

Every 17 year old girl would love a new hair straightener. Even if her hair is already straight, she would love for it to be even straighter. With an adjustable heat setting from 300 to 450 degrees, this one from Remington heats up quickly and straightens hair like a professional flat iron without the huge price.

Revlon One Step Hair Dryer and VolumizerRevlon One Step Hair Dryer and VolumizerVérifiez le prix

What if you could straighten your hair at the same time as brushing it? This hairbrush actually heats up to 3 different temeperature settings, allowing you to straighten hair. It works best when you separate your hair into small sections. While it won’t replace a flat iron, it’s a good tool to have in your arsenal when you are pressed for time.

Remington D3190 Hair DryerRemington D3190 Hair DryerVérifiez le prix

A hair dryer! Who wouldn’t want their own blow dryer? For teen girls, hair is a big factor. With 3 different heat settings and 2 speed settings, this ionic hair dryer from Revlon features 1875 watts of drying power. It even comes with a diffuser attachment to add volume so you can get salon results at home.

Bed Head Wave Artist Bed Head Wave Artist Vérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t want beautiful beach wavy hair? Offering multiple heat levels, the Bed Head deep waver is a tool that allows you to create long lasting beachy waves in just minutes. This budget friendly pick works almost as good as a professional waving iron. Made with Tourmaline ceramic plates, the unique double barrels allow you to create either loose of tight natural waves that last all day.

Panasonic Nanoe Hair DryerPanasonic Nanoe Hair DryerVérifiez le prix

A hair dryer! Who wouldn’t want their own blow dryer? For teen girls, hair is a big factor. What’s the secret to shinier hair? With 3 different heat settings and 2 speed settings, this salon quality hair dryer from Panasonic is supposed to leave your hair with more moisture compared to other hair dryers. This results in less damage while brushing. Panansonic calls the technology Nanoe technology. It even comes with a concentrator to add volume so you can get salon results at home.

CHI G2 Ceramic and Titanium Hairstyling IronCHI G2 Ceramic and Titanium Hairstyling IronVérifiez le prix

Whenever you think about flat irons- everybody first thinks of Chi flat irons. There is a reason it’s the brand used by professional hair stylists. Using both titanium and ceramic plates, the Chi G2 iron gives you both the benefits of ceramic and titanium. It not only heats up quickly but provides even heating. All of the buttons are located on the inside of the flat iron and the ability to adjust the temperature means that it is suitable for all hair types. Le seul problème? All your friends are going to want to steal it!

Dyson Supersonic Hair DryerDyson Supersonic Hair DryerVérifiez le prix

Meet the world’s most high-tech hair dryer! Everybody would love to own the Dyson Supersonic hair dryer, but the price tag makes it just a dream for all of us. This super lightweight and small dryer is unlike any other hair dryer because it produced an unbelievable level of airflow. While most hair dryer boast that they prevent hair damage, the Dyson Supersonic actually has a microprocessor that regulates heat output. It’s a dream gift for sure but it doesn’t mean we can’t wish.

ALASKA BEAR Natural Silk PillowcaseALASKA BEAR Natural Silk PillowcaseVérifiez le prix

A pillowcase? Tossing and turning can make your hair unsightly in the morning. Normal cotton pillowcases create a ton of friction that causes hair to tangle and lose moisture. Treat yourself with this luxurious silk pillowcase that is made out of high quality 19 momme mulberry silk. Not only does it feel silky, the smooth surface helps keep hair from breaking and allows your hair to retain its shape and shine.

DuraComfort Anti-Frizz Hair TowelDuraComfort Anti-Frizz Hair TowelVérifiez le prix

When you get out of the shower, don’t grab a big fluffy towel and rub it against your hair. Hair is extremely fragile when it is wet. Instead, wrap your hair with this soft microfiber towel. It’s supposed to dry your hair much faster than an ordinary towel. Just wrap it into a hair turban and leave it on for 10 minutes to cut down your drying time.

Kitsch Spiral Hair TiesKitsch Spiral Hair TiesVérifiez le prix

The spiral hair tie seems to have gotten popular overnight. It was first discovered when its inventor used a telephone cord hook in her hair and noticed it would not leave any creases in her hair or give you a headache. Kitsch makes great spiral hair ties. The coils help keep every strand in place when you have your hair tied up in a bun. This 8-pack comes in a wonderful color palette.

Tifara Beauty Flexible Curling RodsTifara Beauty Flexible Curling RodsVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could go to sleep and wake up with beachy hair? Simply spray hair and use these flexible curling rods to roll and squeeze the hair into curls. Fall asleep. Viola! In the morning, you should wake up with beachy curls. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to worry about heat damage.

INFINITIPRO Ceramic Curling WandINFINITIPRO Ceramic Curling WandVérifiez le prix

With this inexpensive curling iron from Conair, you can create viva voom curls that last all day long. With a temperature of 400 degrees, it heats up in just 30 seconds, giving you super quick results. Le seul problème? All her sisters are going to want to borrow it.

Polder Style StationPolder Style StationVérifiez le prix

Do you not know what to do with your styling appliances? Stop tripping over the cords and organize them in the Polder Style Station. It has 3 oversize storage compartments so you can store hair dryers, flat irons, curling iron, and any other hair tools. La meilleure partie? The silicone base is heat resistant so you don’t have to wait for your hot appliances to cool down.

CHI Air Spin N CurlCHI Air Spin N CurlVérifiez le prix

What if you could create curls with the press of a button? The Chi Air Spin N’ Curl lets you create curls with just one hand. You just feed hair into the chamber and press a button to curl hair. Now everybody can get perfect beachy hair. You don’t even have to worry about burning yourself.

Turbie TwistTurbie TwistVérifiez le prix

Most As Seen On TV products just don’t live up to their promise but Turbie Twist actually does. Drying your long hair after a shower doesn’t have to be a royal pain. Unlike a big towel, Turbie Twist was actually developed for your hair. When you secure it around your hair using the loop, it stays perfectly in place while you do your beauty routine. Made of 100 percent cotton, it does a great job of absorbing water from your hair.

Revlon Hair ClipsRevlon Hair ClipsVérifiez le prix

Not only are scrunchies back, but another hair accessory is back – hair clips. The trend started back in 2018 and has only grown. Add a little sparkle, personality, and sparkle to your hair style with this pack of trendy hair clips. They are best worn in pairs and you want to use as many as you can possibly fit on your hair.

It’s a 10 Leave In Treatment ConditionerIts a 10 Leave In Treatment ConditionerVérifiez le prix

Does she flat iron her hair? This leave in conditioner promises to be a miracle and it actually lives up to its name. It’s amazing how much this leave in conditioner can transform your hair. It reduces frizz, detangles hair, prevents split ends, and acts as a flat iron heat protector. You simply spray it into your hair and it makes it easy to style. Once you try it, you will wonder how you lived without it.

xtava Satin Wave 5-in-1 Curlerxtava Satin Wave 5-in-1 CurlerVérifiez le prix

This curling iron set from Xtava lets girls create bouncy curls, beach waves, and loose curls in minutes. With 5 interchangeable attachments you can completely control the size of the curls. La meilleure partie? It heats up to 410 degrees for curls that last all day long. You might never need another curler again.

Most 17 year old girls want to smell good so anything to do with perfume will be appreciated. Teenage girls love fresh, sweet smelling perfumes with a floral or fruity fragrance.

Two Sisters Bath Balms Birthday Gift SetTwo Sisters Bath Balms Birthday Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Here’s a unique way to say Happy Birthday to your 17 year old girl. With 6 different bath balms, this is no ordinary Spa Gift set. La meilleure partie? It makes her smell just like birthday cake, cotton candy, Raspberry Lemonade, and more. It comes in the most adorable packaging with polka dots on the outside.

LifeAround2Angels Bath Bombs Gift SetLifeAround2Angels Bath Bombs Gift SetVérifiez le prix

You haven’t had a bath unless you have tried these bath bombs. These bath bombs are literally the bomb. There are 12 different bombs in this gift set including Mango Papaya, She & Coconut, and Victorian Rose. It completely changes how you look at baths. The aroma combined with the fizz is so relaxing and intoxicating. You’ll want to stay in bath the whole day.

URPOWER Essential Oil DiffuserURPOWER Essential Oil DiffuserVérifiez le prix

What girl doesn’t want her room to smell good? With just a few drops of essential oils and water, you can fill your room with hours of fun smelling natural fragrances. You can set it to disperse continuously or intermittently. It even has a built in LED nightlight that cycles through a rainbow of colors.

TubShroom UltraTubShroom UltraVérifiez le prix

Say goodbye to clogs forever! There is nothing worse than a clogged drain. The TubShroom fits in just about any shower or sink drain and keeps your hair from clogging up the pipes. Instead hair wraps around the device. Just pop out the TubShroom to clean it up all the caught hair.

Poo-Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet SprayPoo-Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet SprayVérifiez le prix

Does your poop stink up the whole neighborhood? Now you never have to be embarrassed about making number 2 at your friend’s house. Instead of merely covering up the smell, this poo spray eliminates the smell inside of the toilet bowl. You just spray a couple of sprays into the toilet and it traps the smell in the bowl. Your friend will walk in and won’t even know you took a stinky poop.

Antizer Flameless CandlesAntizer Flameless CandlesVérifiez le prix

There is nothing cozier than having candles lit to create mood in a room. While it is made of real wax, this is actually not a real candle. They are very comparable to Luminara candles. The impressive thing is that the flame dances just like a real flame. La meilleure partie? You never have to worry about burning the house down.

Yankee CandleYankee CandleVérifiez le prix

Teen girls not only like to smell good, they want their surroundings to smell good as well. What could be better than a candles that smells like Christmas? There are so many fun scents to try from Sparkling Cinnamon to Sparling Snow. All you need to do is put up a Christmas tree to make your room feel all festive.

PURELL Advanced Instant Hand SanitizerPURELL Advanced Instant Hand SanitizerVérifiez le prix

The best way to clean your hands is to wash them with soap and water. What if you are not near a sink? That’s where alcohol based hand sanitizers come in. Available in different scents, these ones from Purell are designed to take everywhere with you. Made with Ethyl alcohol, they have got little hooks on the back of them that allow you to hang them from anything.

The Body Shop Body Butters Gift SetThe Body Shop Body Butters Gift SetVérifiez le prix

A lot of us spend most of our time focusing on our face but our entire bodies need tender loving care. Body Shop makes lovely body butters that come in the yummiest scents. This gift set comes with 5 assorted body butters. Made from shea butter, these creams are great to put on your body after a shower when you want to moisturize and make you skin feel luxuriously soft.

The Body Shop Gift SetThe Body Shop Gift SetVérifiez le prix

The Body Shop has a great collection of spa gift sets that come with a variety of body care treats. While there are several gift sets to choose from, the one featured is the British Rose Gift set. Along with a loofah sponge, it comes with a shower gel, body scrub, body butter, and exfoliating soap. It’s a light smelling scent that smells like fresh roses. Who wouldn’t want to smell like a fresh rose?

Umbra Aquala Bathtub CaddyUmbra Aquala Bathtub CaddyVérifiez le prix

Now you can relax in style with this bath caddy that not only keeps all of your toiletries close by but can also be used to prop up a book or iPad. What could be more relaxing than reading your favorite book or watching your favorite movie?

Hydrocotton Bath Towel Hydrocotton Bath Towel Vérifiez le prix

A luxurious fancy bath towel can make a great gift. Made of 100% hydrocotton and available in wonderful colors, this soft, thick, and fluffy bath towel is wonderfully absorbent. She won’t be able to wait to wrap herself in this towel when she gets out of her bath. They are an absolute treat.

Spa Luxetique Spa Gift BasketSpa Luxetique Spa Gift BasketVérifiez le prix

Sometimes a girl just wants to feel pampered. Spa Luxetique makes several bath sets that come beautifully packaged. How cool is it that everything comes inside a mini gift tub? Inside there are 8 beauty items from bath bombs to bubble bath.

Bath & Body Works CandleBath & Body Works CandleVérifiez le prix

I love how Bath & Body Works candles make your room smell all Christmassy. Their winter candles smell so delicious that you will want to burn them all year round. With a creamy blend of toasted marshmallow and vanilla, the Marshmall Fireside candle gives you such a warm and fuzzy feeling during the holiday season.

Lush Gift SetLush Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Just about anything from Lush makes a great gift from bath bombs to body butters. I love their holiday collection. They come out with holiday themed gift sets that are filled with all sorts of Lush products. It would be so cute to have little spa day during the holidays.

Bath & Body PocketBac Hand SanitizersBath & Body PocketBac Hand SanitizersVérifiez le prix

Nobody wants to have germs on their hands, so these pocketbac hand sanitizers from Bath & Body Works can be a lifesaver when you are on the go. With a cute oval shaped bottle, this set comes with 10 of the most popular scents including Cherry Blossom.

DecoCandleS Cozy CandleDecoCandleS Cozy CandleVérifiez le prix

Not all candles are created equally! If you are trying to create a whole Bohemian vibe in your room, these candles from DecoCandles are great. DecoCandles manufactures many candles from high end hotels. There is a reason why many hotels use this brand for their fragrances. The candles smell divine. With a number of Bohemian scents, you can turn your room into a calm and peaceful spa.

KAIREY Color Changing Shower HeadKAIREY Color Changing Shower HeadVérifiez le prix

Taking a shower just got more fun. This shower head changes color with the flow of the water. She will want to take multiple showers a day. La meilleure partie? Showering in the dark.

Aroma Outfitters 3D Essential Oil DiffuserAroma Outfitters 3D Essential Oil DiffuserVérifiez le prix

Using essential oils, diffusers are great for filling the room with natural aromas and creating a spa like experience in the comfort of your own room. There are plenty of different diffusers, but this one offers a stunning light show that shoots cool lights everywhere. If somebody walks in on you, they would think you are having a disco party. La meilleure partie? Because it run quietly and has a built in timer, you can have the best sleep of your life.

Capri Blue Volcano CandleCapri Blue Volcano CandleVérifiez le prix

If you have ever been inside Anthropologie, you know that it smells amazing inside. It just makes you want to lie down and relax inside the store. The secret is that they burn candles inside of the store. The best way to make your room smell like Anthropologie is with one of their delicious smelling candles. The one you want to get is called Volcano, which smells like heaven on Earth.

Candle Warmers WarmerCandle Warmers WarmerVérifiez le prix

Does she burn a lot of candles? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could release the scent of your candles without burning them? Simply place your candle inside this candle warmer and turn it on. It gradually warms your candle, releasing its scent. La meilleure partie? Because you are not lighting the candle, the scent is much more powerful and the candle lasts much longer. Like a fancy piece of art, it is a great decorative piece, too.

Zadro Towel WarmerZadro Towel WarmerVérifiez le prix

Nobody likes getting out of the shower in the winter. There is nothing more luxurious than getting out of the shower and grabbing a toasty towel. Allowing up to two large towels, this warmer has several heat settings. After taking your towel out of the warmer, you get enough time to dry your body with the heated towel. La meilleure partie? You can even throw a robe inside.

Most 17 year old girls want to smell good so anything to do with perfume will be appreciated. Teenage girls love fresh, sweet smelling perfumes with a floral or fruity fragrance.

Ariana Grande Ari PerfumeAriana Grande Ari PerfumeVérifiez le prix

If she loves Ariana Grande, you can’t really go wrong with Ariana Grande’s Ari Perfume. This long lasting fragrance has a fresh, fruity blend of pear, vanilla orchid, musk, and woody notes. With the cutest bottle ever, this sweet smelling fragrance is like a slice of heaven.

Ariana Grande CloudAriana Grande CloudVérifiez le prix

Did you know that Ariana Grande loves clouds? She actually has a cloud tattoo. It’s no surprise that she has created a perfume called “Cloud.” It comes is a puffy, cloud-shaped bottle. With a mix of lavender, pear, coconut, and vanilla orchid, it might be her most sophisticated fragrance. It’s light, airy, fluffy fragrance that loves up to its name.

Ariane Grande MoonlightAriane Grande MoonlightVérifiez le prix

Moonlight follows in the footsteps of Ariana Grande’s sweet smelling perfumes. Like the earlier perfumes in the line, it comes in a pretty purple bottle with an adorable lilac colored pom-pom. With a mix of vanilla, plum, and blackcurrant, it’s a sweet smelling perfume. Like its name says, it is the perfect perfume to wear for a night out in the town.

Ariana Grande Sweet Like CandyAriana Grande Sweet Like CandyVérifiez le prix

Ariana Grande has released her second fragrance called Sweet Like Candy. The packaging on the original fragrance was cute, but the packaging on Sweet Like Candy is even cuter. It has a multi faceted pastel pink bottle with a fluffy pom pom. With a mix of candies and vanilla, the fragrance is lighter than Ari.

PINK Mini Mist & Lotion Gift SetPINK Mini Mist & Lotion Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Does she love PINK body mists? Because the scents are not overly strong, they are perfect for teen girls. Here is something the perfume lover in your life will love: A small little mist and lotion set from PINK. With a cute package, it’s perfect for gifting. It’s available in three different scents: Warm & Cozy, 24K Coconut, and Fresh & Clean.

Victoria’s Secret Bombshell PerfumeVictorias Secret Bombshell PerfumeVérifiez le prix

Victoria Secret has some many different fragrances. Bombshell is one of the best. What would it feel like to be the bomb? Victoria Secret makes a ton of fun smelling fragrances but nothing comes close to Bombshell. With a blend of passion fruit, peony, and vanilla, it’s a seductive twist on the classic vanilla scent. When you spray it on, it makes you want to dance all day long.

Victoria’s Secret Pink Body SprayVictorias Secret Pink Body SprayVérifiez le prix

The Victoria Secret Pink collection has a number of body sprays that teen girls will love. With a subtle mixture of fresh apples and lilies, Victoria Secret Fresh and Clean smells like you just stepped out of the shower. It is perfect for wearing when you just got out from gym class or want to wear a refreshing fragrance that makes you feel clean. It’s not a super strong fragrance, but it’s a subtle scent for 17 year olds that is suitable for wearing every day.

Victoria’s Secret Body MistVictorias Secret Body MistVérifiez le prix

She is probably going to love any of Victoria Secret’s body mists. Their body mists are not super strong fragrances and are the perfect gift for 17 year old girls who love scents. Bombshell from Victoria Secret literally is the Bomb.com. With a fruity floral seductive scent, Bombshell can only be described as irresistible. It’s the perfect perfume for date night or clubbing as it really makes you feel like an absolute bombshell.

Vera Wang Princess PerfumeVera Wang Princess PerfumeVérifiez le prix

Have you ever wondered what princesses smell like? As soon as you see the bottle of this perfume, you feel all princessy inside. With a princess crown cap, it’s such a pretty bottle. With a delicate flowery blend of vanilla and chocolate, this scent will get you compliments everywhere you go. It really makes you feel like a princess.

Britney Spears FantasyBritney Spears FantasyVérifiez le prix

If you catch her singing “Oops!… I Did It Again” in the shower, she will love Britney Spears Fantasy. With a mix of kiwi, cupcake, and white chocolate, this is not your usual sweet smelling perfume. With an unforgettable scent, it has that sweet candy scent that teen girls love but there is something much more exotic about it. It’s like a fantasy come true.

Marc Jacobs Daisy Marc Jacobs Daisy Vérifiez le prix

With a beautiful daisy flower on top, she will probably love this perfume for the bottle alone. With a crisp spring breeze smell, Daisy is a very flowery smelling perfume. She will love wearing it on hot summer days. It smells like a garden all around you.

Marc Jacobs Mini Perfume SetMarc Jacobs Mini Perfume SetVérifiez le prix

If your 17 year old girl is a fan of girlie scents, this fragrance is the ultimate gift. This light feminine fragrance is not too overpowering with a mix of wild strawberry, violet, gardenia, and birch. Young and carefree, it smells like a fresh summer morning day. This 4-pack makes a great gift.

Prada Prada CandyPrada Prada CandyVérifiez le prix

Do you want candy? Sweet and musky, Prada Candy gives off a very warm and cozy Carmel-vanilla scent. With a lovely warmth, it’s the perfect scent for the winter months. The unique bottle has a pretty umbrella sprayer on top. With a beautiful contrast, it’s pink on top with the Carmel colored scent on the bottom.

Katy Perry MeowKaty Perry MeowVérifiez le prix

Meow comes in a pretty, opaque-white cat shaped bottle. Around the neck of the bottle, there is cute M charm that stands for the perfume’s name, Meow. This scent was actually inspired by Katy Perry’s candy themed music video. With a mix of cotton candy, vanilla, and sugar, it smells like candy wrapped up in vanilla.

GUESS for WomenGUESS for WomenVérifiez le prix

Created by the popular clothing brand Guess, Guess Women is an affordably priced floral and fruity scent. This delicate and lightweight scent is very summery, young, and fresh. Because it is a very popular fragrance, it is a great fragrance to wear every day.

Shawn Mendes PerfumeShawn Mendes PerfumeVérifiez le prix

Does she love Shawn Mendes? Shawn Mendes now has fragrance. It comes in a beautiful bottle that looks like it belongs in an art museum. With a mix of cotton candy and roses, it has a feminine scent with just a hint of masculinity. If she loves Shawn Mendes, she is going to love this unique fragrance.

Paris Hilton Gift SetParis Hilton Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Paris Hilton has a variety of perfumes that are suitable for younger women. Her first perfume was actually named after her. It’s a fruity scent that is a seductive combination of apple, orange, and melon. All of this is drenched in a sugary bubble gum scent. Not only is it the perfect first perfume for any teen girl, but this 5-piece roller ball gift set is the perfect gift for any teen girl.

Bath & Body Works Body SprayBath & Body Works Body SprayVérifiez le prix

We all have a go to body spray from Bath & Body Works that we love spraying on our body for special occasions or after gym class. There are so many great scents to choose from Sweet Pea to Japanese Cherry Blossom. It’s a lot of fun when they bring back some of their most beloved scents. We all have a signature scent that reflects our personality.

Pink Sugar PerfumePink Sugar PerfumeVérifiez le prix

Pink Sugar is a very young fragrance that is perfect for teen girls who love sugary sweet perfumes. It comes in a cute bottle that is covered in ribbons. It will remind you of the smell when cotton candy is being made. With a blend of vanilla, Carmel, cotton candy, and licorice, it’s a strong and yummy fragrance.

Juicy Couture PerfumeJuicy Couture PerfumeVérifiez le prix

Just about every teenage girl loves Viva La Juicy. With a beautiful fuchsia colored ribbon on top, it comes in the prettiest packaging. Every girl has to have this fragrance on her vanity because the bottle looks so adorbs. With a mix of berries, white flowers, and Caramel, this creamy floral scent is the perfect blend of flowery and sweet.

I Love Love By MOSCHINOI Love Love By MOSCHINOVérifiez le prix

Like the bottle it comes in, Love Love is a fun and brightly colored perfume. With light citrus and floral notes, it’s the closest thing to happiness in a bottle. It smells very similar to Dolce and Gabanna’s Light Blue. La meilleure partie? Everybody can afford it. If summer was a fragrance, it would be called Love Love.

Tommy Hilfiger Tommy GirlTommy Hilfiger Tommy GirlVérifiez le prix

Perfect for young girls, Tommy Girl is a clean and fresh citrus scent that is a mixture of sweet tea, mint, and lemon. If you need something that energizes you and makes you feel new again, this summery fragrance is the perfect pick me up. Because it is not fruity or overpowering, it’s the perfect fragrance to wear on a hot summer day.

Live By Jennifer LopezLive By Jennifer LopezVérifiez le prix

If there was ever a perfume that made you feel alive, it is “Live” by Jennifer Lopez. This is another fruity and floral fragrance that is a mixture of pineapple and Carmel and vanilla. It’s a fruity but clean scent that smells like you just showered or washed your clothes. It’s in the same realm of Viva La Juicy but much more affordable.

Carolina Herrera Good GirlCarolina Herrera Good GirlVérifiez le prix

It is said that with the right shoe, we can conquer the world. Most perfume bottles are pretty boring, but this bottle, shaped like a stiletto shoe, not only looks elegant but has a bit of naughtiness to it. It would also make a cute piece of room decor. With a mix on almond and coffee, the perfume conveys the same sassiness and youthfulness of the packaging.

YVES SAINT LAURENT Black OpiumYVES SAINT LAURENT Black OpiumVérifiez le prix

Coming in an exquisite black bottle, this perfume looks and feels luxurious. With an earthy base, this fruity and floral fragrance is super unique. While it has vanilla and floral notes, the key ingredient is the green coffee which makes this perfume smell intoxicating. Because of its unique combination, this is a perfume that will grab a lot of attention.

FlowerbombFlowerbombVérifiez le prix

What if you stuck a bunch of flowers and candy in a bottle? You would get Flowerbomb. It’s a fragrance that just about every young girl loves. There is a bit of patchouli, tea leaves, and floral notes. For a flowery scent, it definitely has a lot of sweetness. It’s an expensive fragrance so it is best reserved for more special occasions.

What 17 year old girl doesn’t need a cool new pair of shoes? Anyone of these pairs of shoes is sure to be her new best friend.

Jason Markk Shoe Cleaning KitJason Markk Shoe Cleaning KitVérifiez le prix

Shoes are meant to be worn so they are going to get dirty and worn out. If you love your shoes, you can resurrect some life into them with this shoe cleaning kit from Jason Markk. It naturally removes stains. The kit comes with a cleaner and brush. Finally, you can restore your Jordans to their pristine glory.

NIKE Cushion Crew SocksNIKE Cushion Crew SocksVérifiez le prix

When you don’t know what to get the sporty girl in your life, Nike socks make great birthday and holiday gifts for girls. Perfectly cushioned in all the right places and with great arch support, these socks are perfect for sports and even make great everyday socks. The elastic material keeps them pulled up so they sit perfectly above your ankles.

Zando Fuzzy SocksZando Fuzzy SocksVérifiez le prix

Fuzzy socks are the key to any 17 year old girl’s heart. Available in many prints, these ones from Zando are fuzzy, warm, and are colorful. What more could you want out of socks?

Justay Fuzzy Wool Socks (Pack of 5)Justay Fuzzy Wool Socks (Pack of 5)Vérifiez le prix

Remember when you were a kid and you hated getting socks for Christmas. When you are a teenager, getting socks for Christmas is extremely fun. Not only do they come in fun patterns, but they are something you need but don’t want to buy. This cute gift setfrom comes with 5 pairs of wool socks that come in the most adorable bold colors.

KONY Womens Cotton Knee High Socks KONY Womens Cotton Knee High Socks Vérifiez le prix

Every teenage girl is obsessed with knee high socks on Instagram. Most socks are pretty boring unless they are knee high socks. Trust us, she will love these thigh high socks. When paired with boots or a skirt, there is nothing cuter. It’s amazing that you can build an entire outfit around socks.

FAYBOX Cable Knit Leg WarmersFAYBOX Cable Knit Leg WarmersVérifiez le prix

17 year old girls can have a lot of fun with these cable knit leg warmers. It will encourage them to wear skirts but they can still wear them with skinny jeans. When the little boot cuffs that peek out over boots, there is simply nothing cuter.

Blue Q SocksBlue Q SocksVérifiez le prix

One of the best way to express yourself is with funny socks. With crazy hues ,funny sayings, and even bad words, these socks from Blue Q are so therapeutical. Of course, you probably don’t want to hide them. You could wear them under shoes and surprise everybody when you remove your shoes. They are sure to become the new star of your outfit.

Solmate SocksSolmate SocksVérifiez le prix

Matching socks just got a lot more boring. Everybody loves colorful socks but these mismatched socks are a lot of fun. Made in America out of recycled cotton, these pricey socks make a great gift on special occasions. She will love looking at her colorful feet when she is wearing them. Because they don’t match, everybody else will love looking at her feet too.

SnooziesSnooziesVérifiez le prix

Why use socks when you get snoozies? It’s a fuzzy lined sock with a soft and furry inside. This one has pretty doggy pattern which makes it so much more glamorous than a normal pair of socks.

Xpand No Tie Shoelaces SystemXpand No Tie Shoelaces SystemVérifiez le prix

Who loves tying their shoes? Wouldn’t life be so much easier if you didn’t have to worry about your shoe laces becoming untied? Xpand laces are two elastic laces that use an innovative anchor mechanism to secure the laces. La meilleure partie? They come in over 40 colors so they are perfect for any pair of kicks.

PEET Boot DryerPEET Boot DryerVérifiez le prix

Nobody loves coming home with soaking wet shoes. The Peet Shoe dryer is a quiet Boot dryer that works like magic. You simply plug in the boot dryer, put on your shoes or boots on the top, and let them dry overnight. In the morning, they are ready to go. La meilleure partie? It also helps remove odor.

If You Can Read This Bring Me Novelty Socks  If You Can Read This Bring Me Novelty SocksVérifiez le prix

For the teen girl who loves cookies, these funny socks send a clear message. She is going to want to throw her legs up and demand cookies. They come in different saying too. The only thing that could make them better is if they tasted like cookies. Don’t try to eat them!

Bring Me Chocolate Funny SocksBring Me Chocolate Funny SocksVérifiez le prix

Slip on these socks, put up your feet on the table, and let a rush of chocolate come to you. La meilleure partie? You don’t even have to say anything. Made with a cotton blend, they have a non slip design. Not only do they keep your feet warm, these socks are the perfect gift for the chocolate lover on your list.

Balega No-Show Running SocksBalega No-Show Running SocksVérifiez le prix

If you run, you’ve got to have a pair of Balega running socks. Finally there are running socks that don’t slip down. Balega running socks have an extra deep heel pocket and great elasticity, so you don’t have to worry about them slipping. They are perfectly cushioned to support you while you run. They’re available in every color from peach to black.


Most people don’t excited for socks. It’s time to order delivery! Shaped like a real pizza, these socks come packaged in a pizza box. What could be better gift than a box of pizza socks? There are several different flavors to choose from including pepperoni and Hawaiian. Who knew socks could look so tasty? If you’ve got a pizza lover or just somebody who loves feeling cozy, these socks are just what they ordered.

Does she come alive when she is outdoors? She will love these gifts which encourage her to get out there with the wind in her face.

Scratch Off MapScratch Off MapVérifiez le prix

Does your 17 year old girl want to explore the world? Then she will love this fun scratch off map with vibrant colors underneath. It’s fun scratching off the places you have been and discovering where you want to go next.

Just the Ticket: Ticket Stub OrganizerJust the Ticket: Ticket Stub OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Just the Ticket: Ticket Stub Organizer is a great way for your 17 year old to remember the great things she did with friends and family. It’s a little photo album that allows her to collect tickets stubs from concerts, vacations, and just about any event.

LifeStraw Personal Water FilterLifeStraw Personal Water FilterVérifiez le prix

Does she love camping? Now she doesn’t have to worry about having water to survive. The LifeStraw is a specially designed straw that has a built in water purifier. This means that you can drink out of any water source you find in the wild. You simply submerge it in water and drink out of it. If she camps out a lot, this tool is indispensible.

Steamfast SF-717 Mini Steam IronSteamfast SF-717 Mini Steam IronVérifiez le prix

This mini iron from Steamfast heats up faster than most full sized irons. If you need to quickly touch up your clothes in the morning, this mini iron is perfect. It’s ideal for smaller items and few garments at a time. Because it is smaller than a traditional iron, it can flatten areas that you wouldn’t be able to get to with a traditional iron. Whether she loves traveling or wants something quick to touch up clothes, this little iron will come in handy.

ComfoArray Travel PillowComfoArray Travel PillowVérifiez le prix

Throw away your old travel pillows! It was impossible to find the perfect travel pillow until now. With a unique adjustable design, The ComfoArray gives you great support because it wraps around the front and has an asymmetrical design designed to support your head. This keeps your head from tilting and bobbing forward. The side Velcro allows you to get the perfect fit. La meilleure partie? Finally she will be able to catch some shuteye between her trips.

ROXANT MonocularROXANT MonocularVérifiez le prix

Does she love nature? If she loves the great outdoors, this monocular could come in handy on her next camping trip. Compared to binoculars, it’s a lot more portable and easy to slide in your pocket when it is not in use. The retractable eyepiece means you can use it with or without glasses. With a wide angle and 6X magnification, the Roxant Monocular is perfect for everything from bird watching to getting a better view at the high school football game.

Shacke Pak – 4 Set Packing CubesShacke Pak - 4 Set Packing CubesVérifiez le prix

Packing your luggage doesn’t have to be such a great struggle. Don’t just pack your entire luggage in your suitcase. Your life will be so much less stressful with these packing cubes. Along with a laundry bag, you get 4 different packing cubes ranging from small to large that are perfect for carryons or regular sized suitcases. Each of the cubes acts as a drawer and has a breathable mesh design. La meilleure partie? The packing cubes are available in multiple colors.

Etekcity Digital Hanging Luggage ScaleEtekcity Digital Hanging Luggage ScaleVérifiez le prix

Stop guessing whether you are over or under the weight limit. This luggage scale accurately measures the weight of your luggage so you don’t have to worry about paying additional fees. Simply use the hook to suspend your luggage in the air and wait for the reading. That way there will be no unexpected surprises at the checkout counter.

American Tourister Moonlight Marble CarryonAmerican Tourister Moonlight Marble CarryonVérifiez le prix

For the traveler in your life, there is no better gift than a suitcase. Most suitcases are boring and hard to spot among others, but this Marble carry on from American Tourister looks chic. It’s light, rolls smoothly, and has plenty of storage compartments to sort all of your luggage.

Monkey Bike Wheel Light M232Monkey Bike Wheel Light M232Vérifiez le prix

Simply install the Monkey Wheel light on your bike wheel and riding around in the dark just got a whole lot cooler. With tons of different options, it creates a cool light show on your wheels as you ride around. You might even want to buy another light.

SkaterTrainer 2.0SkaterTrainer 2.0Vérifiez le prix

Have you ever wanted to perform tricks on your skateboard? It’s hard performing tricks on a skateboard because the board is always moving. SkateTrainers stretch over the wheels of your skateboard, which makes the wheels stationary. This makes it easier to perform tricks like ollies without worrying about the board moving underneath your feet. La meilleure partie? You don’t need to make any more trips to the hospital.

Penny SkateboardPenny SkateboardVérifiez le prix

If she wants a skateboard, she is probably dying for a Penny board. There are skateboards and then there are Penny boards. Offered in many cool retro styles, these 22-inch skateboards are fun to ride. Because it is made out of durable plastic, this board is very easy to maneuver even for beginners.

Razor A5 Lux Kick ScooterRazor A5 Lux Kick ScooterVérifiez le prix

It’s no fun that kids get to have all the fun. The Razor Scooter has grown up. With large 200mm wheels, a bigger deck, and supporting up to 220 pounds, this Razor scooter is built for teens. With a solid construction, it is a great way to get around. She is going to love kicking it around to class. When you are done, it folds up nicely for storage.

Ripstik Caster BoardRipstik Caster BoardVérifiez le prix

Skateboards are cool but caster boards are even cooler. What if you could snowboard on dry land? That’s the idea behind the Ripstick. With two caster wheels underneath and two connected decks, this board allows you to carve down the street with a simple twisting motion.

Firmstrong Beach Cruiser BicycleFirmstrong Beach Cruiser BicycleVérifiez le prix

Whether you want to run errands or just cruise around, imagine riding this beach cruiser all over town. Available in adorable colors and with a beautiful unique design, she will love showing it off during the summer.

Camco Beach BlanketCamco Beach BlanketVérifiez le prix

There is nothing like chilling on the beach with a nice large beach blanket. Made of a lightweight poly material, this one from Camco is Instagram-worthy. Its built-in handles make it convenient to transport. The coolest part? It’s easily folds away for storage.

EnergyFlux Hand WarmerEnergyFlux Hand WarmerVérifiez le prix

If you love spending time outdoors, then this little hand warmer is a must have during the colder months. It heats up quickly and runs for between 4 to 6 hours depending on the temperature. The coolest part? It can even charge your phone or other USB devices.

WEKAPO Inflatable Lounger Air SofaWEKAPO Inflatable Lounger Air SofaVérifiez le prix

What’s this? It’s a sofa, a pool floatie, and a hammock all wrapped into one product. This inflatable air sofa might be the best way to relax in the outdoors. It’s perfect for hanging out with friends on the beach, pool, or at a musical festival. La meilleure partie? You don’t need a special pump to inflate it. You simply whisk it through the air and it will fill up with air.

ENO DoubleNest HammockENO DoubleNest HammockVérifiez le prix

Every 17 year old girl needs a Eno hammock. When her adventures are over, she needs to take a nap. Let her rest in peace with this adorable hammock chair that can be hung between any two trees. Is there anything better than taking a nap, reading a book, or just lounging while swinging gently?

Victorinox Swiss Army Classic SD Pocket KnifeVictorinox Swiss Army Classic SD Pocket KnifeVérifiez le prix

The Victorinox Swiss Army knife is a classic that you can’t leave home without. This one comes with 7different tools that can handle both big and small jobs. You can use the scissors to cut through things. You can use the screwdriver to open things. The little knife is perfect for a million different things. If she loves the outdoors, it is something she will find herself using every day.

LuminAID PackLite LanternLuminAID PackLite LanternVérifiez le prix

Don’t go camping with the LuminAid Packlite. This all in one device is both a lantern and USB charger. It uses the power of the sun, but you can also USB to charge it. It comes with a strap that allows you to hang it anywhere. The coolest part? It can also charge your phone.

Coleman Sunridge 40-60 Degree Sleeping BagColeman Sunridge 40-60 Degree Sleeping BagVérifiez le prix

The Coleman Sunridge Sleeping Bag is the perfect companion for camping and other outdoor activities. Supporting up to 5-feet 11-inches, it’s perfect for teens. The sleeping bag is well-insulated to provide great warmth and comfort.

Coleman Sundome TentColeman Sundome TentVérifiez le prix

For adventurers, this Coleman tent is a classic. It takes only 10 minutes to set up so she can setup the tent as soon as she reaches the campsite. Supporting up to 4 occupants, her friends can join her for a weekend trip in the mountains.

Retrospec Zed Bamboo LongboardRetrospec Zed Bamboo LongboardVérifiez le prix

Are you looking to feel something different? Forget skateboards! Longboards have longer decks than skateboards, which allow you to “surf” on the ground. With a 44 inch wide deck, this longboard from Retrospec is suitable for beginners and is easy to balance on. Made out of beautiful bamboo and maple wood, this is a board made for anybody who loves to cruise around. The combination of the woods means it is more durable than other boards. It’s a large board, but it also gives beginners room to grow.

Trekology Inflatable Camping PillowTrekology Inflatable Camping PillowVérifiez le prix

Just because you are out camping doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a good night’s sleep. It’s always nice when you can rest your head on a pillow. Nobody wants to carry around a big bulky pillow. Smaller than a can of soda, this inflatable pillow can easily fit in your backpack. Because you can inflate it, you can choose how soft or hard you want it.

Sleepingo Sleeping PadSleepingo Sleeping PadVérifiez le prix

Sleeping outdoors isn’t supposed to be comfortable but this sleeping pad will allow you to roll over without feeling any pain. Packing down small, it’s perfect when you need to go light. It takes about 13 breathes to inflate it. Made of nylon, it gives you a cushion of 2 inches above the ground so you can lie on your back or side.

PStyle Pee FunnelPStyle Pee FunnelVérifiez le prix

When nature calls you have to go. Peeing outdoors is difficult when there is no bathroom in sight. With the Pstyle urination funnel, women can finally pee while standing up anywhere. The deep shoe horn design makes it easier to use when clothed without it overflowing. La meilleure partie? When public restrooms are too dirty, you can just stand up and use the toilet.

HEROCLIP Versatile ClipHEROCLIP Versatile ClipVérifiez le prix

Isn’t it annoying when you want to hang something but there is no place to do it? We’ve all been there. Imagine if you could hang anything everywhere. That’s what the HeroClip promises. Hang your backpack on a tree, your purse off the floor, or your gym clothes of the shower floor. With a 60 pound weight limit, the possibilities are never ending.

Energizer LED Headlamp FlashlightEnergizer LED Headlamp FlashlightVérifiez le prix

Would you like to see in the dark? A headlamp is crucial for outdoor activities or home repair projects. With a rechargeable battery and a brightness of 400 lumens, this is one of the brightest headlamps. With several different levels of brightness and a white and red and green light, it can turn pitch darkness into daytime.

Osprey Packs Daylite DaypackOsprey Packs Daylite DaypackVérifiez le prix

Whether you are camping or headed to school, the Osprey Daylite Backpack is designed for you. You could even use it for going to the gym. With plenty of compartments, it’s great for organizing and carrying your stuff. While it is designed as a lightweight pack, you won’t believe how much stuff you can fit inside. There is plenty of space for a cell phone, camera, pens, books, and more.

Letmy Camping LanternLetmy Camping LanternVérifiez le prix

When the electricity goes out, you don’t want to be stuck in the dark. Flashlights are great if you only need a direction light, but if you want to light up a room, there is this collapsible lantern. It runs on 3AA batteries. When you want to turn it on, you just pull it out. Giving off 500 lumens, it is bright enough to light a room. While it is great for emergencies, it’s great for camping too.

MPOWERD Luci Inflatable Solar LightMPOWERD Luci Inflatable Solar LightVérifiez le prix

Here’s a brilliant idea and a must have for outdoor camping. It’s a solar powered light that you can blow up. You just stick it under the sunlight for a couple of hours and it gives you up to 18 hours of light. La meilleure partie? Because it is inflatable, it takes up so little space in your storage bag. Not only is it great for camping, but it is great for emergency situations when you don’t have any light.

Flash Furniture Comfort Bleacher SeatFlash Furniture Comfort Bleacher SeatVérifiez le prix

Don’t you hate sitting on bleachers? Whether its your school soccer game or sporting event, the Grandstand padded bleacher seat finally makes bleacher seats comfortable. You can easily secure it to the bleacher with the included hook. The thick 3 inch cushion is the cloest thing to sitting on the couch and watching the game. La meilleure partie? Finally, you can focus on the game instead of how much your butt is hurting.

Dock & Bay Microfiber Beach TowelsDock & Bay Microfiber Beach TowelsVérifiez le prix

Available in different designs, this cute beach towel is extremely lightweight. It’s made of a microfiber material so while it quickly dries moisture off your skin, it isn’t bulky or hold sand. La meilleure partie? Not only does it dry quickly after it is wet, but it also folds up compactly and fits conveniently in the included carrying case. It’s the perfect towel when you want to go to the beach or pack on a trip.

Lemontec Globe LightsLemontec Globe LightsVérifiez le prix

It’s always fun to hang out outdoors with friends. When the sun goes down, you are going to need some lighting. Throw an outdoor party with these globe lights from Lemontec. These lights keep the party going throughout the night. The light set features 15 hanging globe light bulbs on a 48 foot strand with 3 feet spacing between them. You can hook up to 8 sets together.

BigBlue Solar ChargerBigBlue Solar ChargerVérifiez le prix

Solar chargers work by converting sunlight into a useable form of energy. If you are spending a great deal of time outdoors camping or hiking a portable solar USB charger can come in handy. Compared to other lightweight solar chargers, the BigBlue gives you the most power, charging your devices faster. It includes 3 ports for charging multiple devices at once. Le seul problème? You’ll need sunlight.

Swimline Giant Inflatable Pizza SliceSwimline Giant Inflatable Pizza SliceVérifiez le prix

Is there anything cooler than floating on giant slice of pepperoni pizza? Simply fill it with air and throw it in the pool and invite some friends over. Throw a couple more slices in the pool and you got a whole pizza party.

Gyroor Warrior All Terrain Off Road HoverboardGyroor Warrior All Terrain Off Road HoverboardVérifiez le prix

Could anything be cooler than a self balancing scooter? It’s like a Segway without the handles. It just looks so super cool and is so fun. Because who has time for walking when you can stroll around in style at up to 9.5MPH? Anyone with this will literally be the coolest kid in town. Go get your swag on!

Skyborne iTravel Smart WalletSkyborne iTravel Smart WalletVérifiez le prix

She probably already has a Smartphone but does she have a smart wallet? Smart Wallets do more than store your credit cards and cash. Security checkpoints just got a lot easier! Designed for travel, this smart wallet from Skyborne holds everything you need to travel with at your fingertips including your passport, boarding pass, travel documents, and phone. It comes with a convenient built in powerbank to charge your phone on the go.

Wave Bandit ShackwaveWave Bandit ShackwaveVérifiez le prix

Surf’s up! Has she been “frothing” all year for a new body board? Body boards are great for beginning riders who want to catch some waves. We love the Wave Bandit Shockwave. Wave Bandit is the same brand that Ben Gravy, popular Youtuber and the famous surf vlogger, rode in one of his vlogs so there is no doubt about its performance. With a sturdy construction and graduated channels, it will be her new best friend during the summer!

If your 17 year old girl loves exercise, help her out with her need to be fit. Whether she loves running or yoga, she is guaranteed to love these sporty gifts.

adidas Diablo Duffel Bagadidas Diablo Duffel BagVérifiez le prix

When you are working out or playing sports, it nice to have a duffle bag so you can change. I think this duffle from Adidas is super cute. It has a ton of compartments so you can pack everything from toiletries to makeup. There’s even a separate compartment for keeping dirty shoes vented. While there are so many cool colors, I think it looks so dope in shock red and grey.

Nike Brasilia GymsackNike Brasilia GymsackVérifiez le prix

The hardest part about working out at the gym is getting motivated. If you have got a cute gym bag, you are more likely to go to the gym. There are many types of gym bags, but this backpack style drawstring closure bag from Nike is perfect for most of us. It’s got a large single compartment with a divider inside. The zippered pocket on the side is great for storing your essentials. It has mesh air ventilation on the bottom that allows the bag to breathe.

Speedo Deluxe Ventilator Mesh BagSpeedo Deluxe Ventilator Mesh BagVérifiez le prix

Don’t head to the pool or beach without the Speedo Deluxe Ventilator Mesh bag. With a mesh design, this breathable bag is designed to carry wet clothes without worrying about making a huge mildew smelling mess. It has enough space and zippered pockets to hold all your gear. It’s got room for swim fins, a towel, swimsuit, shoes, and even has a water bottle compartment.

Fitbit InspireFitbit InspireVérifiez le prix

A Fitbit watch is a great gift for the 17 year old girl who cares about her fitness. This one is not only a watch, it can track your distance, calories burned, how many stairs you have climbed, and more. The watch face will display your stats, the time, and even breathing exercises.

AmazonBasics Foam RollerAmazonBasics Foam RollerVérifiez le prix

With the right equipment and home, you can develop a good workout routine. Foam Rollers have become increasingly popular. Available in different sizes, this smooth no-frills cylinder from AmazonBasics can help relieve, support, and stretch your muscles while you are working out and after your workout. It’s great for stability when doing abs exercises. Most experts recommend a 36 inch roller if you want to stretch out all your muscles.

Sport2People Running Pouch BeltSport2People Running Pouch BeltVérifiez le prix

If you love working but don’t know where to put your stuff, this running band is a must have fitness accessory. It’s perfect for the gym or when you go out jogging. It securely fits around your waist. Instead of holding your phone while you are doing squats, you can slide your phone in there. La meilleure partie? It has two expandable pockets so it will even fit a bigger phone.

Halo II Headband SweatbandHalo II Headband SweatbandVérifiez le prix

Finally, there is a headband that keeps your bangs off your face while sucking up sweat. When you are working out, not only does it keep your face dry but it stays put. Plus, it looks super cute. You won’t be able to workout without it.

BalanceFrom GoYoga MatBalanceFrom GoYoga MatVérifiez le prix

If she can’t make it to Yoga classes, a yoga mat is the next best thing. With a non slip surface, this colorful yoga mat is perfect for both beginners and advanced users. Plus, the 1/4 inch padding is perfect for performing all your poses with sufficient cushioning.

The Original Stretch Out StrapThe Original Stretch Out StrapVérifiez le prix

Stretching before you exercise is probably the most important part of your workout. The FlexStrap really allows you to get a good stretch for any muscle in your body. La meilleure partie? It is designed in such a way that you are always stretching your muscles correctly. It comes with an instruction book that shows you different stretches. Overtime you will develop a greater range of motion and flexibility.

Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise 5 Bands Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise 5 Bands Vérifiez le prix

Resistant bands are a great way to work out your muscles. With this set you get 5 different colored looped fitness bands. While the colors are pretty, they actually indicate how much resistance each band provides. Green is the lightest resistance and black is the heaviest resistance. They are really good quality so you can use them for awhile before they deteriorate. You can use them when you want to add resistance to any exercise.

Tumbl Trak Gymnastics MatTumbl Trak Gymnastics MatVérifiez le prix

Gymnastic mats come in all different shapes, colors, and sizes. Finding a good gymnastics mat at home does require a bit of an investment because you want one that offers her the protection that she needs. Similar to a mat that would be found in a gym class, the Tumbl Trak Gymnastic Mat is widely considered to be the best gymnastics mat for home use. It folds out to 8-feet long with four 2 foot panels.

Trideer Exercise BallTrideer Exercise BallVérifiez le prix

Performing yoga exercises on the floor is a great workout, but it’s amazing that a huge, bouncy inflatable ball can take you exercise routine to a whole new level. Yoga balls help improve your posture, flexibility, and core strength. Available in different sizes and colors, this yoga ball from Trideer is built to last and can support up to 2200 pounds. La meilleure partie? It makes a great office chair too.

The Perfect Yoga TowelThe Perfect Yoga TowelVérifiez le prix

If you love doing yoga, this yoga towel will change the way you do yoga. Because it absorbs sweat, it gives you a solid grip on your mat. Made from microfiber material, it’s perfect if you sweat while doing Yoga or practice hot Yoga. Simply lay your towel over the mat to reduce any chance of slipping. It comes in a number of fun prints but our favorite is this tie dye one.

YOGABODY Yoga TrapezeYOGABODY Yoga TrapezeVérifiez le prix

Here’s a completely different way to do exercise – in the air! Instead of doing stretches on the ground, you perform the stretches in the air and you can even perform aerial tricks. Who wouldn’t love doing fun yoga poses in the air? Adding a whole new dimension to Yoga, it’s great for increasing flexibility and toning up your body. While it is great for exercising, it’s also just fun to swing in the hammock.

Sunny Mini Exercise BikeSunny Mini Exercise BikeVérifiez le prix

For the price, you can’t beat this mini exercise bike. With this bike, she can burn calories anywhere and even while sitting down, watching TV, or doing homework. Not only is it perfect for strengthening muscles in the legs but it can also used to create definition for the arms. With 8 different levels, you can even increase the resistance. There are no more excuses for not exercising.

RENPHO Smart Body Fat ScaleRENPHO Smart Body Fat ScaleVérifiez le prix

If she loves watching her weight, she is going to love this smart scale from Renpho. This smart scale not only shows your weight but shows you a bunch of other stats including your body fat percentage. There are 13 different stats in all. La meilleure partie? It syncs with an app over Bluetooth to chart your daily fluctuations. It can even connect with the Fitbit, Google Fit, and Apple Health.

All Pro Weight Adjustable Ankle WeightsAll Pro Weight Adjustable Ankle WeightsVérifiez le prix

Doing more reps is great, but if you really want your muscles to grow, you need to add weight. If you really want to take your workout to the next level, ankle weights can make a huge difference. Not only will you burn more calories, but they help tone your legs. We like that these ones are adjustable.

Yes4All Solid Cast Iron KettlebellYes4All Solid Cast Iron KettlebellVérifiez le prix

With a handle on it, a kettle bell is a great way to get a full body low impact workout. With an easy to grab handle, it’s great for sculpting the abs, arms, and legs. It makes squats much more effective. You can get a great workout even if you don’t have a lot of space in your room.

Yes4All Wooden Wobble Balance BoardYes4All Wooden Wobble Balance BoardVérifiez le prix

Balance boards are really good for working your stabilization muscles in the core, knees, and ankles. There are a ton of exercises that you can do with it. At the most basic level, you can try to shift your weight on it. Once you get the hang of it, you can even spin on it. La meilleure partie? When you watch TV, you can do balance activities.

STEALTH Core Trainer PersonalSTEALTH Core Trainer PersonalVérifiez le prix

Who knew that getting toned abs could be so fun? If the idea of doing non stops crunches sounds boring to you, the Stealth Core Trainer might make it easier to push harder. It’s a balance board that sits on top of a swiveling base. You can insert your phone in the recessed section on the top and load up the Game Your Core app. You have to shift your weight to play the simple game, which really gives your core a workout.

Wilson Tour Slam Lite Tennis RacketWilson Tour Slam Lite Tennis RacketVérifiez le prix

Tennis rackets come in all different sizes. If she want to play tennis, she is going is going to need the right size racket. Now that she is a teen, she is likely to outgrow a junior racket. An adult-sized 27 inch racket would be best for her. With a good weight and size, this affordable priced racket from Wilson is good for beginners.

Wilson Tennis BackpackWilson Tennis BackpackVérifiez le prix

A gym bag is great but this lightweight tennis bag is much better for tennis. Now she can carry all her tennis equipment to the tennis court with this backpack which has room for 2 tennis rackets, tennis gear, and her essentials. The side pocket is great for holding tennis balls. It’s even got a shoe compartment for separating out dirty shoes.

Penn Championship Tennis BallsPenn Championship Tennis BallsVérifiez le prix

If she loves tennis, you can never have enough of tennis balls. Heck, even if she doesn’t play tennis, get some for the dog. You know these are durable because even dogs have a difficult time destroying these. Made of extra duty felt, these are great tennis balls that won’t go flat after a game.

Wilson 75 Tennis Ball Pick Up HopperWilson 75 Tennis Ball Pick Up HopperVérifiez le prix

Is she into tennis? A hopper is great for practice because it allows you to easily pick up balls without reaching over for them. With room for 75 balls, this one from Wilson has enough balls to hold for your practice sessions.

Baden Champions Series Volleyball SetBaden Champions Series Volleyball SetVérifiez le prix

Designed for family fun, this cool set turns the backyard into a volleyball court. When you set it up, the nylon ropes mark the boundary lines of the court. It comes with everything you need to set it up and is super simple to set up. Unlike cheaper alternatives, this one comes with metal poles to hold it up so it won’t break like the plastic ones

Tachikara SV5WSC High Performance VolleyballTachikara SV5WSC High Performance VolleyballVérifiez le prix

If she loves volleyball, she will love having her own volleyball. We like the Sensi Tec Composite volleyball from Tachikara because you can get it in just about every color. She would love it in her school’s colors. With a soft exterior, it’s got great paneling which makes it easy to grip. It’s a great ball to practice or play with.

Wilson Evolution Indoor BasketballWilson Evolution Indoor BasketballVérifiez le prix

There is a reason that the Wilson Evolution is the number one selling indoor high school basketball. When you first get it in your hands, you will notice how cushioned it feels. The wide and deep channels make it easy to grip. Because it is fairly lightweight, it is a lot of fun to shoot.

Spalding NBA Varsity Outdoor Rubber BasketballSpalding NBA Varsity Outdoor Rubber BasketballVérifiez le prix

Designed for outdoor play, this rubber ball from Spalding has an excellent wide channel grip. It holds up nicely on street courts or out on the driveway. Basketball sizes vary by gender. At 17 years old, teen girls use a slightly smaller ball than teen boys. You want a ball that measures 28.6-inches, which is a size 6 ball. You can get this one in a variety a vibrant colors.

Glow City Light Up LED Soccer BallGlow City Light Up LED Soccer BallVérifiez le prix

GlowCity makes a ton of different balls that light up in the dark. Regular soccer balls just got a lot more boring with this glow in the dark soccer ball. With a checkered red and white design, it might look like an ordinary ball but it has built in LED lights inside. La meilleure partie? The games are just beginning when the sun goes down.

Capture the Flag REDUXCapture the Flag REDUXVérifiez le prix

Capture the Flag is a lot of fun to play during the daytime, but unless you have night vision, you can’t really play it in the night. With Capture the Flag Redux, you can finally play this classic game after the sun sets. It’s the same rules, except now everything glows in the dark. Instead of capturing flags, you have to capture the other teams glowing orb. It’s a game that is a lot more fun to play with a large group of friends.

Bladerunner by Rollerblade Advantage Pro XTBladerunner by Rollerblade Advantage Pro XTVérifiez le prix

Does she want to get into rollerskating? These entry level skates from Rollerblade are a great way to get started. Along with a traditional lacing system, it’s equipped with a cuff buckle and powerstrap. The frame is all one seamless piece and helps reduce vibration. WIth 80mm wheels and ABEC 7 bearings, you get a nice smooth roll from these skates. It’s a great way to get comfortable with rollerskating before moving onto more advanced skates.

Jackson Ultima Excel Ice SkatesJackson Ultima Excel Ice SkatesVérifiez le prix

What’s more fun than ice skating at a local rink with friends during Christmas? There is nothing like flying across the ice so freely with only the sound of your blades. It makes you feel all Christmassy inside. With a gold stripe, these skates not only look pretty cool but are a great way to get started.

SpikeballSpikeballVérifiez le prix

You have probably seen Spikeball on Shark Tank. Spikeball is sort of like volleyball. It even has the same rules. The idea is to bounce a ball on a circular net that is just above the floor. Teams of 2 take turns hitting the ball until one team can’t return the ball. I think it would be fun especially at the beach.

Slackers 50-Feet SlacklineSlackers 50-Feet SlacklineVérifiez le prix

Slacklines are super fun in the backyard. All you need to get started is two trees that are about 50 feet away. Simply wrap the slackline around both trees to provide anchor points and you have got a tightrope in your backyard. Slacklines are super fun to balance on and when you bounce on them they behave like trampolines.

Alfamo Cooling TowelAlfamo Cooling TowelVérifiez le prix

After we get done exercising, most of us want to step into a freezer. Simply wrap this cooling towel around your neck to cool off more quickly. It is made of a special material that slows down the rate of evaporation when it is wet. La meilleure partie? Unlike other cooling towels, this one stays soft when it is dry. It will make you want to work out a little longer.

ProBody Pilates RingProBody Pilates RingVérifiez le prix

We all have areas on our bodies that we wished we could tone up. For a lot of us, it’s our inner thighs. Here’s a secret weapon. A Pilates Ring! It’s a flexible ring that provides resistance. You can’t spot reduce, but a Pilates ring is great for activating those inner thigh muscles.

Jillian Michaels – 30 Day ShredJillian Michaels - 30 Day ShredVérifiez le prix

30 day Shred is a fun fitness activity that involves high energy movement. This isn’t your typical exercise class because anybody can perform the simple body moves which involve punches, push ups, and planks. Led by Jillian Michaels, it uses the principles of HIIT. While the routine is fun, you burn a serious amount of calories in just 1 hour. You don’t even have to make it all the way through to get a great full body workout.

Bottle Bash Bottle Bash Vérifiez le prix

Bottle Bash is a fun outdoor game where players try to knock the other team’s plastic bottle off a pole using a Frisbee. Le hic? Players must always use one hand. While you are trying to knock down the bottle, the defending team must try to catch the Frisbee. Play continues with the teams rotating between offense and defense. The game ends when one team scores 21.

JumpSport 200 Fitness TrampolineJumpSport 200 Fitness TrampolineVérifiez le prix

Who knew that fitness could be so fun? A trampoline is a great way for her to expend all her extra energy. This fitness trampoline from Jumpsort is great for any type of fitness exercise from balancing to cardio. La meilleure partie? Trampolines are so much easier on the joints. Girls will love bouncing as high as they can on it.

Zupapa 15ft TrampolineZupapa 15ft TrampolineVérifiez le prix

There is something so fun about bouncing on a trampoline. This 15 foot trampoline from Zupapa features a safety enclosure, 108 galvanized rust resistant springs, and support beams, which give you an incredible bounce. All your friends are going to want to come over.

If your 17 year old girl is an avid reader, you can’t go wrong with books or a fun journal.

Stranger Things: The Other Side (Graphic Novel)Stranger Things: The Other Side (Graphic Novel)Vérifiez le prix

Have you always wanted to know what happened to Will in the Upside Down? Stranger Things fans will love this graphic novel comic book that relives Will Byers story in the Upside Down. Much of the story is told through word bubbles and fantastic illustrations by Stefano Martino. If she loves graphic novels and Stranger Things, she will love spending time on the “other side.”

Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside DownStranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside DownVérifiez le prix

When Stranger Things first appeared on Netflix, it developed a huge following. Now Netflix and Penguin Random House are releasing the first official companion book for the show. Containing insider information, the book has interviews with the stars, early concepts, and even a sneak peak at the season 3. The coolest part? The book looks worn and torn. If she loves Stranger Things, she won’t be able to put the book down.

Strange PlanetStrange PlanetVérifiez le prix

If she hangs around Instagram a lots she’s probably heard of the Strange Planet comics. Nathan Pyle is launching a book featuring the Internet’s most loveable aliens. Strange Planet is a planet filled with blue beings that do things that we find ordinary but they make them seem unusual. If she loves the Strange Planet comics, she is going to love this humorous little book.

The Institute: A NovelThe Institute: A NovelVérifiez le prix

Stephen King has enthralled us once again with his latest horror masterpiece. In this classic tale, a young boy with supernatural powers named Luke is kidnapped and taken to an Institute. He meets other kids who also have superpowers. At the Institute, you check in but never check out. As long as you go along, you are rewarded. If you don’t, you are severely punished. Will Luke escape? The book delivers a scary tale that leaves up to the Stephen King name.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ckThe Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ckVérifiez le prix

Here is a self-help book that bluntly addresses why we are not happy. While the book’s title is crude and vulgar, it’s actually a clever disguised book about the many teachings of Buddhism. The author, Mark Manson, injects outrageous humor, profanity, and satire to the philosophy, which gives the teachings a new perspective. It’s the perfect way to bring in the New Year.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Illustrated Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Illustrated Vérifiez le prix

Does she love Harry Potter? J.K. Rowling is giving us an excuse to go back to the world of Harry Potter. All of the books are being given an illustrated makeover that brings the story to life in a completely new way. Illustrated by Jim Kay, the artwork makes visiting this magical world a fresh experience. This is the next book in the series and a must have for any Potterhead.

The OutsidersThe OutsidersVérifiez le prix

A classic tale about prejudice and injustice, The Outsiders is one of the most popular books for teens. It tells the story of Ponyboy and his gang. He believes that there are two types of people in this world greasers and soc. A soc is somebody who is social while a greaser is an outsider. His whole worldview changes when somebody is murdered by his friend.

MerveilleWonderVérifiez le prix

A New York Times best-seller, Wonder, is the powerful story of fitting in. The main character Auggie is born with facial deformities. It’s a heartwarming story that every teen should read.

Red at the Bone: A NovelRed at the Bone: A NovelVérifiez le prix

A story about ambition, prejudice, and sexuality, Red at the Bone is the story of Melody. At 16, she is having a coming of age ceremony. Throughout the book, we see strained relationships between three generations of a black family. Melody must choose between creating her own future or doing what is expected of her.

Guinness World Records 2020Guinness World Records 2020Vérifiez le prix

Since 1955, the Guinness Book of World Records has been filled with record breaking facts. It’s always fun to look forward to each new edition of the book every year. Did you know that the longest pair of fingernails in the world measured over 18 feet? It took Ayanna Williams 23 years to grow her nails that long. The latest book contains over 300 new records just like this.

The Book of DustThe Book of DustVérifiez le prix

With a dark, violent, and adult language and themes, Book of Dust is designed for ages 13+. A challenging read, the book centers around 11 year old Malcom and his dæmon. Malcom soon develops a strong bond with a baby name Lyra. He’s not the only one with the fascination. A scary man named Bonneville also wants to meet her. Malcom decides to protect Lyra no matter what the cost.

Lait et mielLait et mielVérifiez le prix

Written by Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey is a collection of short poems that contain only a few lines. Divided into 4 chapters, it’s definitely a book for older teens and some parents may find it inappropriate as it explores mature themes like rape and sexuality from a feminist perspective.

Beneath a Scarlet Sky: A NovelBeneath a Scarlet Sky: A NovelVérifiez le prix

Based on real life events, this is an incredible tale that takes place during World War II. With well drawn out characters, the book follows the story of a heroic Italian teen named Pino. He is just your regular 17 year old teen until the war starts. During World Wars II he leads Jews over a treacherous mountain to safety in Switzerland. At times, it feels too real but it is a powerful story about bravery.

One of Us Is LyingOne of Us Is LyingVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love murder mysteries? In One Of Us Is Lying, five students are in detention. When detention ends, one student is dead. The other four students become suspects and all of them claim that they are innocent, but somebody is lying. Filed with mystery, compelling characters, and intrigue, One Of Us is Lying is a hard book to put down when the plot begins to unravel.

The Boy in the Striped PajamasThe Boy in the Striped PajamasVérifiez le prix

Told from the eyes of a 9 year old German boy named Bruno, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a moving story that takes place during the Holocaust. Bruno’s father is in charge of a concentration camp in Auschwitz. Bruno doesn’t like living in Auschwitz until he meets a boy with striped pajamas who is the same age as him. The two of them forge a meaningful friendship. La torsion? They are living on opposite sides of the fence.

Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7)Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7)Vérifiez le prix

Even though Harry Potter has a massive following, many people still haven’t read the books. Every Potterhead has to read all 7 books in this fantastic series. The books revolve around themes of friendship, love, and magic. This set includes all the books in the series and is a must have for any Harry Potter fan.

Harry Potter: The Illustrated CollectionHarry Potter: The Illustrated CollectionVérifiez le prix

Now we can relive the Harry Potter books in illustrated form. The 3rd illustrated book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is now out. Illustrated by Jim Kay, it features gorgeous illustrations with vibrant colors, which brings the Harry Potter story to life in a whole new way. This is a must have for any Harry Potter fan.

They Called Us EnemyThey Called Us EnemyVérifiez le prix

Presented with black and white comic style drawings, They Called Us Enemy is a look at Japansese Internment camps through the eyes of George Takei. The unique presentation style makes it easier it a wider range of readers. Told through the eyes of a young boy, the story starts with 5 year old George and his family being forced on a bus. They would first live in horse stalls and later in an interment camp. It’s a history lesson that we must never repeat.

The Trials of Apollo Book Four The Tyrant’s TombThe Trials of Apollo Book Four The Tyrants TombVérifiez le prix

If you love the Percy Jackson books, you will love the Trials Of Apollo. With typical themes found in Greek mythology, this time around the plot centers around Apollo who is stripped of his powers and put on Earth as a regular teenager. Will he survive?

The Hate U GiveThe Hate U GiveVérifiez le prix

While it reflects the events in today’s world, The Hate You Give is a work of fiction. Written by Angie Thomas, the book is about a girl named Starr. One day she watches her friend Khalil get shot by a police officer. Dealing with the Black Lives Matter Movement, Angie Thomas offers and eye opening critique of racism in the world we live in today. Told through the eyes of a minority, it’s an authentic and realistic book that can change the way you look at the world.

The Heroes of Olympus Paperback Boxed SetThe Heroes of Olympus Paperback Boxed SetVérifiez le prix

Does she love Rick Riordan and Greek Mythology? He is the author of the Percy Jackson series. His follow up series was called the Heroes of Olympus, which is a spin off story of Percy Jackson. A lot of the characters from the Percy Jackson books make an appearance so it is a lot of fun to revisit familiar characters with a new plot.

The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and GuidebookThe Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and GuidebookVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want to become a fortune teller? Tarot cards are extremely trendy right now. Tarot cards are a great tool to interpret life. You can use them to make decisions and see into the future. Focusing on animal wild life, the Wild Unknown deck is a beautiful deck of tarot cards. This lovely boxed set not only comes with the gorgeous tarot cards, it comes with a book that explains the cards and acts as a guidebook for beginners.

The Toll (3) (Arc of a Scythe) The Toll (3) (Arc of a Scythe) Vérifiez le prix

A tale of life and death, Arc of a Scythe explores a world where humans can live forever. Le hic? The planet can only sustain a limited amount of people. Scythes have been chosen to keep the population from growing too large. The book follows two teens that have been chosen to become apprentice scythes. They must learn to kill and after 3 trials one of them will be chosen to become a scythe. The final book in the trilogy is now out.

The Book ThiefThe Book ThiefVérifiez le prix

Set in Nazi Germany, The Book Thief has become a classic. Telling the story from a different perspective, Death narrates this tale about 10 year old Liesel Meminger, who becomes a foster child. She’ll soon learn how to read and eventually become a book thief. She steals books that the Nazis want to destroy. It’s a wonderful story that describes the horrors the Jews went through during that time period.

Ready Player OneReady Player OneVérifiez le prix

There are plenty of dystopian novels, but Ready Player One is perfect for anybody who loves video games and cyberpunk stories. Mixing video game culture with 80s culture, it’s a geek’s dream come true. The story takes place in the year 2044. There is a global energy crisis. The main character, a teenager named Wade, is on a high stakes quest to find the OASIS, which is said to give anybody who finds it wealth and power.

Children of Virtue and VengeanceChildren of Virtue and VengeanceVérifiez le prix

If you love Harry Potter, you are going to love this book. Written by Tomi Adeyemi, Children Of Blood and Bone is a fantasy novel based in Western culture and folklore. This is one of those books that you won’t be able to put down. The magic, the world, and the characters are so rich. By telling the story from 3 different perspectives, the author is not only able to tell a sweeping fantasy, but is able to layer so much of depth and meaning. It’s a fantasy story but it deals with difficult issues such as oppression and racism. Book 2 is out.

Dear MartinDear MartinVérifiez le prix

Tackling subjects like racism, profiling, and police brutality, Dear Martin delves into topics that are present in our everyday lives. It’s the story of Justyce McAllister who is doing exceptional in school. His life changes when he is put in handcuffs by a police officer. Unable to escape the ridicule, he starts writing a journal to Martin Luther King. There are curse words, but the raw story delivers a gut punch that opens your eyes to a different perspective.

Divergent Series Ultimate Four-Book Box SetDivergent Series Ultimate Four-Book Box SetVérifiez le prix

The Divergent series is great for girls who enjoy sci fi stories set in the future. The series and story of Tris is just as addictive as the Hunger Games. Teen girls will love that the heroes of the story are teenagers that they can relate to. If they love the movie, the books are much better with greater detail. There is something always happening that you just want to keep reading.

Everything, EverythingEverything, EverythingVérifiez le prix

What would you do if you couldn’t leave your house? Everything, Everything revolves around Maddy Whittier, who has SCID, which means she can’t go outside. However, that all changes when a boy moves in next door. She soon finds herself wanting to leave the walls of her house. Parents should know that there are a couple of chapters where graphic sex is depicted.

The Giver Quartet boxed setThe Giver Quartet boxed setVérifiez le prix

Written by Lois Lowry, the Giver paints a bleak, fictional world that is set in the future. The main character is Jonas who is a part of a community who wants to be safe and have sacrificed everything that makes them human. Every aspect of their lives is controlled. They have blocked all emotional responses, essentially becoming robots. During the ceremony of 12, Jonas must pass into adulthood and begins to question everything.

To All the Boys I’ve Loved BeforeTo All the Boys Ive Loved BeforeVérifiez le prix

Do you remember your first crush? With a movie out on Netflix, you might want to check out Jenny Han’s To All the Boys I’ve Love. Sixteen year old, Lara Jean, writes love letters about all her different crushes. It’s her most prized possession. Nobody knows about them until her love notes are exposed to her secret crushes. It’s a fun romantic story that those in high school can totally relate to. This set contains all 3 books.

The Hunger Games Box SetThe Hunger Games Box SetVérifiez le prix

With compelling characters and a great story, every teenager can relate to the world of Katniss. She’s just your everyday teenager thrown into the role of a hero as she fights for her survival. Now you can read every book in the series with this book collection.

The Selection 5-Book Box SetThe Selection 5-Book Box SetVérifiez le prix

Setup like a reality show, Selection is like a futuristic dating show meets Cinderella. Thirty five girls between 16 and 20 enter a contest to marry a Prince on a reality TV show. Friendship, loyalty, and bravery are central themes to the series. There are a few bad words and while none of the characters go all the way romantically, they stop just short of it. While there is a lot of intimacy depicted, including the main characters caressing with each other with their clothes on, it’s nothing more than you wouldn’t see in a PG-13 movie. It’s sort of like Hunger Games with a lot of more romance.

The Crazy Rich Asians Trilogy Box SetThe Crazy Rich Asians Trilogy Box SetVérifiez le prix

Do you have a crazy family? In theaters, Crazy Rich Asians has become a big hit. Now you read the book trilogy that inspired the movie. Written by Kevin Kwan, the book is the story of a woman who meets her boyfriend’s crazy and wealthy family in Singapore. With universal themes, it’s a story that a lot of us can relate to.

SkywardSkywardVérifiez le prix

Brandon Sanderson is one of the most popular fantasy writers who has written hits like Oathbringer. His latest book is called Skyward. It has all the makings of a hit including aliens, a strong lead characters, and survival. It stars Spensa who wants to become a pilot and fight against the alien race. Le seul problème? Her father was also a pilot, but died in action.

John Green Box SetJohn Green Box SetVérifiez le prix

I am a big fan of John Green. He’s written books like The Fault In Our Stars, Paper Towns, Looking For Alaska, and An Abundance Of Katherines. This collection includes all of John Green’s books. If you have never read any of John Green’s books, this boxed set is the perfect gift.

Pretty Little Liars Box SetPretty Little Liars Box SetVérifiez le prix

Just about every teen girl is watching the Pretty Little Liars on TV. If you love the TV series, you will love the books. In this set, you will meet all the girls and be introduced to the mysterious disappearance of Alison. While some of the books follow the TV show closely, other books deviate from the show which makes them exciting to read.

X-ACTO S Electric Pencil SharpenerX-ACTO S Electric Pencil SharpenerVérifiez le prix

Everybody is in search of the perfect pencil point. With a 6 pencil hole selector dial, this electric pencil sharpener from X-Acto makes it easy to sharpen any pencil. La meilleure partie? Using a flyaway cutter system, the quiet motor is designed to automatically stop once the pencil is sharp. The shaving dish is large so you don’t have to empty it often.

Bamboo Book StandBamboo Book StandVérifiez le prix

How do they expect you to read those big old textbooks? Your neck will thank you later with this book stand. Designed to hold even the heaviest textbooks, this bookstand displays your books at eye level. With adjustable angle, it’s very versatile too. It has convenient page clips to hold the pages flush. La meilleure partie? You can set it up anywhere even in bed and use it to hold a laptop or tablet.

Felt Letter BoardFelt Letter BoardVérifiez le prix

Available in many different color combinations, this felt letter board is so adorable. The white text on black really stands out. It is perfect for writing fun short quotes, reminders, or messages. It comes with a ton of different letters and symbols. It comes with 2 different sized letters. It is very easy to write out the words but you do have to take apart the letters when your first get it. It is the perfect prop for Instagram photos.

Tools for School Locker ShelfTools for School Locker ShelfVérifiez le prix

Lockers are great for storing school supplies. It’s always a could idea to keep you locker organized so you know where your homework is and can get to class on time. You have to make the most out of your space. The one thing that really helps are shelves for organizing books. What’s cool about this one is that it is adjustable both in width and height so fits any locker.

LuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book LightLuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book LightVérifiez le prix

If you love reading in the dark, this book light is for you. The light has a clip that easily allows it to clip to your book and the flexible head makes it easy to position, offering great coverage for both pages of your book.

Quartet Dry Erase Calendar BoardQuartet Dry Erase Calendar BoardVérifiez le prix

This is no ordinary calendar. It’s a dry erase calendar that allows you to write in your schedule. When the month is over, you just wipe it all away and start all over again. Not only does it keep you organized, it’s a cute piece of room decor. There is even a little section for notes and a cork board to hang up notes.

Umbra Trigon Metal Bulletin BoardUmbra Trigon Metal Bulletin BoardVérifiez le prix

One of the easiest ways to decorate your room is with this cool looking bulletin board from Umbra. This modern and unique bulletin board allows you to easily pin your artwork, notes, pictures, and more. While you can use push pins, you can also use magnetic pins so you don’t have to poke holes in things.

SONGMICS Grid PanelSONGMICS Grid PanelVérifiez le prix

With this simple wall grid you can not only spruce up your walls but have an area to hang stuff on. You can hang photos, sunglasses, Christmas cards, or small items. You can even add additional shelves for a Pinteresty look. The geometric design adds a modern look to any boring wall. This set includes a set of 2 shelves.

The Original My Cinema LightboxThe Original My Cinema LightboxVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could have a cute sign that you could easily change up whenever you wanted to? With 100 changeable letter tiles, the Cinema Light box can be customized with any cool word, phrase, or message. Powered by batteries or USB, it even lights up. She will want to change it up every month, week, and day.

Harry Potter BookmarkHarry Potter BookmarkVérifiez le prix

Now this is the cutest bookmark ever. When you stick it inside your pages, the little shoes stick out to mark you place in the book. On the bookmark it says: “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” Who knew that reading could be so magical?

Zen as F*ckZen as F*ckVérifiez le prix

Zen as F*ck capitalizes on the trend of using profanity to relieve stress. In this journal, every page prompts you to write about something. It’s fun to just turn the pages and look at the different exercises. It’s a great gift for anybody who finds relief in cussing.

Create This BookCreate This BookVérifiez le prix

Is she creative? Get her off her phone and let her use her imagination. She will love Create This Book, which encourages her to use her creativity and imagination to complete this book. She’ll decorate the cover and even the edges of the book. Each page contains different tasks. With 235 pages inside, it will keep her occupied for awhile.

The Bullet Journal MethodThe Bullet Journal MethodVérifiez le prix

Bullet journaling has really taken off. The original system was created by Ryder Carroll who worked out his system with a lot of trial and error. Now he has put all his expertise in the Bullet Journal Method. The Bullet Journal Method helps you understand his organizational method with different exercises. Soon you will be able to create lists that help organize and manage your life.

Katie Daisy Weekly Planner 2019 – 2020 Katie Daisy Weekly Planner 2019 - 2020 Vérifiez le prix

Keep her organized and on top with all of her activities with this beautiful daily planner that promotes positivity. The beautiful floral designs and illustrations make it fun to get organized. Running from August to December 2020, it’s got monthly spreads, room for daily activities, and fun quotes. Not only does it look beautiful on a desk, but it is the perfect size for throwing in your purse.

You Are a BadassYou Are a BadassVérifiez le prix

If you love motivational books, you have to read this self help book. It is so relateable and it gives you the jump start you need. Jen Sincero comes across as a big sister and help you change the way you think.

2020 Pooping Pooches2020 Pooping PoochesVérifiez le prix

Do you know somebody who loves dogs and has a great sense of humor? She’s going to love this calendar, which features 12 dogs . . . pooping. Even if she hates this calendar, just know that you are giving to a good cause. $1 from the purchase prices is donated to the Maui Humane Society.

You Are a Badass 2020 Day-to-Day CalendarYou Are a Badass 2020 Day-to-Day CalendarVérifiez le prix

If you ever needed daily advice to tell you that you are a badass, this calendar is for you. With tear off pages, it gives you daily inspiration which is filled with humor and even sometimes swear-y words. Start living a more awesome life with each day.

Panda PlannerPanda PlannerVérifiez le prix

One of the best ways to become more productive is by becoming more organized. This planner is small enough to throw in your purse, but has plenty of space inside to keep track of your schedule on a weekly and monthly basis. We like that in the start of the planner, it asks you to layout your goals for the next 12 months. La meilleure partie? Since it is undated, you can start tomorrow.

Rocketbook Everlast Smart NotebookRocketbook Everlast Smart NotebookVérifiez le prix

Even with all the digital technology, there is something about physically writing something down that can never be replaced. Does she love notebooks? This might be the last notebook she will ever need. You can do everything you can with a regular notebook but it can be reused. The pages can be erased with a moist towel. With the Rocketbook app, you can scan all the pages before you erase the notebook.

Wreck This JournalWreck This JournalVérifiez le prix

There are a ton of journals out but how many of them let you destroy them. This journal will have you doing everything from spilling coffee on it to ripping out pages. While it is a great outlet for creativity, it’s also a great way to relieve stress.

Create This BookCreate This BookVérifiez le prix

Is she creative? Get her off her phone and let her use her imagination. She will love Create This Book, which encourages her to use her creativity and imagination to complete this book. She’ll decorate the cover and even the edges of the book. Each page contains different tasks. With 235 pages inside, it will keep her occupied for awhile.

What I Love About You Fill In The Love JournalWhat I Love About You Fill In The Love JournalVérifiez le prix

What I Love About You is a fill in the blank journal that makes an excellent personalized gift. Inside this little book, it comes with 50 different prompts such as “I love your ___” or “I love to watch you ___.” Because it requires thought and planning, she will love the time and effort you put into it. She will just love flipping through the book. It’s a small book, but a really sentimental gift.

DecoBros Desk Supplies Organizer CaddyDecoBros Desk Supplies Organizer CaddyVérifiez le prix

Clean the clutter off your desktop with this great organizer caddy from DecoBros. With 4 divisions, this organizer has space for all your stationary and won’t slide around on your desktop thanks to the rubber feet. The additional pockets in the front are perfect for storing smaller supplies like paper clips and postit notes. La meilleure partie? There is even a little drawer on the front.

Lilly Pulitzer PlannerLilly Pulitzer PlannerVérifiez le prix

Write out your schedule with this beautiful planner from Lilly Pulitzer. It’s so helpful for staying organized and because it is so cute, it’s actually fun to get your life in order.

Homecube Pencil CaseHomecube Pencil CaseVérifiez le prix

If she loves collecting pens and pencils, a pencil case will always come in handy. It always seems that pencil cases don’t have enough of space inside. Available in a variety of colors, this case from Homecube has a ton of storage for all her stationary. There are a ton of compartments inside to organize all your stuff. The coolest part? It has a removable Velcro divider so you can use it to store larger things.

Fasmov Steel Man BookendsFasmov Steel Man BookendsVérifiez le prix

How adorable is this? I love the look of these bookends. Made of stainless steel, they almost have a reflective like appearance. When you place your books between them, it looks like the they are holding the books up.

Post-it Cat Note DispenserPost-it Cat Note DispenserVérifiez le prix

What girl wouldn’t love this little guy on her desk? This adorable little cat is ready to dispense Post-It Notes whenever you need it and put a smile on your face every time you see it.

Letters To My DaughterLetters To My DaughterVérifiez le prix

Open When Letters are great way to keep in touch with that special someone when you are going to be apart. That way she can open them when she is lonely and needs a friend or when she is sad. This set of Open When letters is already done so you don’t even have to think of the topics. All you have to do is write the letters. There are 12 different letters.

Aqua Notes Water Proof Note PadAqua Notes Water Proof Note PadVérifiez le prix

Do you get your best ideas in the shower but forget about them immediately after the shower? Scientists say that shampoo stimulates our brain waves. Okay, I made that up, but this waterproof notepad allows you to jot down notes in the shower. How freaking cool is that? Le seul problème? She might write her essays in the shower.

Pilot G2 Retractable Gel PensPilot G2 Retractable Gel PensVérifiez le prix

Nobody likes taking notes but these retractable gel pens from Pilot make note taking a lot more fun. Forget ball point pens. These pens effortlessly glide on the surface of paper. This set comes in beautiful vivid colors, which means you can add a little bit of color to your note taking.

Paper Mate InkJoy Gel Retractable PenPaper Mate InkJoy Gel Retractable PenVérifiez le prix

There is nothing that beats the feeling of taking notes with a good pen. It makes you want to write everything down. These InkJoy Pens come in so many pretty colors and are perfect for bullet journaling. She can use a different color for each subject. Not only does the ink come out like smooth butter, but it quickly dries so you don’t have worry about smears. The rubberized grip makes them easy to write with.

Sharpie Color Burst Permanent MarkersSharpie Color Burst Permanent MarkersVérifiez le prix

There is something about sharpies that teenage girls love. This large 24 pack contains so many fun colors that she will love doodling her name in over and over. They write on just about anything from journals to fabrics.

Fisher Space PenFisher Space PenVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be great if your pen would work at any angle? Meet the Space Pen! It’s called the Space Pen because the pen defies the laws of gravity. You can write withit while upside down. Heck you can even use it in outer space. After using it, you will never want to use an ordinary pen again. Throw it in your pocket and take it everywhere with you. It comes in a beautiful gift box.

Zebra MILDLINER HighlightersZebra MILDLINER HighlightersVérifiez le prix

If you have ever wanted to try bullet journaling, these are the highlighters that everybody online is obsessed with. Because they come in different colors, they are perfect for making your bullet journal colorful. They have two tips with a regular tip on one end and a fine point on the other. Unlike regular highlighters, these ones come in pastel colors.

Sprout plantable graphite pencilsSprout plantable graphite pencilsVérifiez le prix

Why throw away your pencil stubs when you can regrow them? The Sprout pencil may look like an ordinary pencil, but it has seed capsule that it fitted on the end. When the pencil is no longer useable, it can be planted.

Start Where You AreStart Where You AreVérifiez le prix

Every teen girl needs a book that is filled with inspirational quotes to lift her spirits up when she is down. With wonderful artwork, this journal is sure to spread some cheer. It looks cute too!

One Line a DayOne Line a DayVérifiez le prix

Don’t you have a hard time keeping a journal? This One Line journal makes it super easy by making you answer only one question a day like “What is your favorite word?” In a few short lines, you will answer a new question everyday for 365 days. Then the next year the questions will repeat themselves. It’s a fun way to see how much you have changed throughout 5 years.

3-Minute Devotions for Teen Girls3-Minute Devotions for Teen GirlsVérifiez le prix

A lot of us are busy today. For those who believe in Christianity, there is nothing better than starting the day out with God. It only takes 3 minutes a day as you reflect on the words of God, relate God’s teachings to real life, and pray. With 180 readings, it’s a good way for teen girls to get in touch with their spirituality.

If she gets excited for when her favorite show comes on TV, then buy her the full season on DVD. Girls like to watch their favorite movies and shows over and over so it is the perfect gift.

Friends: The Complete Series Ages NRFriends: The Complete Series Vérifiez le prix

Happiness is back! Everybody is watching Friends because it is funny and a classic. It’s the perfect show to watch when you are bored and have nothing to watch. Bad Day? Rainy Day? Break out Friends and it is sure to cheer you up. You can’t help but laugh at each episode. Feed her Friends addiction with the complete series on DVD. Every episode!

The Office: The Complete SeriesAges NRThe Office: The Complete SeriesVérifiez le prix

There is a reason that the Office is such a beloved series! Who know that watching other people’s boring 9-5 lives would be so fun? Now you can get all 9 seasons on DVD with the complete series. In addition to all 201 episodes, there is a lot of bonus material including commentary and deleted scenes.

Parks and Recreation: The Complete SeriesAges NRParks and Recreation: The Complete SeriesVérifiez le prix

Created by one of the same writers as The Office, Parks & Recreation was an incredible sitcom that had 7 seasons airing between 2008 and 2015. They both sport the same mokumentary format. The show centered on Leslie Knope and her boss, Ron Swason. With great characters, Parks & Rec had characters that you would want to meet in real life. This set includes all 7 seasons along with gag reels, deleted scenes, and more.

Riverdale: The Complete Third SeasonAges TV-14​Riverdale: The Complete Third SeasonVérifiez le prix

Billed as a dark version of the Archie Comics, Riverdale manages to capture the retro feel of the comics. A mash up of Twin Peaks and the Archie comics, it centers on a mysterious murder mystery. With multi dimensional characters, each episode is intriguing. Our favorite character? Jughead! Now you can binge watch the complete 3rd season on DVD.

Harry Potter: Complete 8-Film SetAges PG-13Harry Potter: Complete 8-Film SetVérifiez le prix

It’s the entire collection of the 8 Harry Potter movies. Is there anything else left to say? This is a must have for any Harry Potter fan. Now you can binge watch it whenever you want.

Marvel Studios Cinematic Collection Phase 1Ages NRMarvel Studios Cinematic Collection Phase 1Vérifiez le prix

Marvel fans get ready to freak out! Marvel Cinematic Collection 1 is a collection of 6 Marvel films including Iron Man, Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, and Avengers Assemble. With posters, a host of fun extras, and a bonus disc, it comes in beautiful packaging and makes the perfect gift for any action movie lover.

The Complete Toy Story Collection 1-3Ages NRThe Complete Toy Story Collection 1-3Vérifiez le prix

It’s hard to believe that the original Toy Story was released over 20 years ago. Toy Story is our favorite animated series of all time. Before you watch Toy Story 4, now you can catch up with the 3 other movies in the series. Surprisingly, all 3 movies are just as entertaining as when they were first releases. All the movies have the bonus features so you won’t miss a thing. It’s nice to have them all in one box.

Home Alone 1+2Ages PGHome Alone 1+2Vérifiez le prix

Our Christmas list wouldn’t be complete without Home Alone. Kevin and his family are all set to take a Holiday vacation to Paris. The night before Kevin wishes his family would just disappear. Kevin soon learns that you must be careful what you wish for. When Kevin’s family accidentally leaves him behind, he must protect his house from two bumbling burglars. The classic can be watched over and over.

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Ages PG-13National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Vérifiez le prix

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is a Christmas classic. With a ton of slapstick comedy, this movie is beyond stupid. The Griswalds are preparing for the best Christmas ever, but everything goes wrong. Instead of going on vacation, the Griswalds are spending Christmas at home with the entire family. Expect a lot of sexual references and coarse language. If you are spending Christmas with the Griswalds be prepared for a lot of dysfunction.

The Polar Express Ages GThe Polar Express Vérifiez le prix

Polar Express tells the story of a young boy riding a magical train to the North Pole on a quest to find out if Santa is real. Even today, Polar Express is one of the most beautiful animated films. Using digital capture, the life-like imagery takes you away to an imaginary land to follow the boy’s unforgettable journey of self discovery. It’s a timeless story that is perfect to watch with the whole family around the holidays.

ElfAges PGElfVérifiez le prix

Will Ferrell plays an overgrown child named Buddy in this Christmas classic. Throughout his whole life, Buddy has been raised as an elf in the North Pole. The only thing he knows about are about are candy canes and gifts. He begins to realize he is a different. In search of his true identity, he leaves the North Pole, moving to New York. Will he be able to survive with the humans as an elf?

A Christmas StoryAges PGA Christmas StoryVérifiez le prix

“You’ll poke your eye out.” It’s hard to believe that “A Christmas Story” has been released over 30 years ago. Today, it has become a Christmas classic. At one time or another, we have all wanted something for Christmas. In “A Christmas Story” Ralphie only wants one thing for Christmas, a Red Rider Air Rifle. He’ll have to convince everybody including Santa Clause that it’s a suitable gift for a 9 year old boy. Because we all lived the life of Ralphie, it’s a movie that everybody can relate to. Surprisingly, the movie does contain a fair amount of swearing.

The Greatest ShowmanAges PGThe Greatest ShowmanVérifiez le prix

Starring Zac Efron, Zendaya, and Hugh Jackman this spectacular musical will have you singing along. While it is over the top, it tells the biographal story of the P.T. Barnum and his show stopping circus acts. With its big bold performances and musical numbers, it feels like a circus musical. While there is a lot of spectacle, it has a powerful message of accepting everybody even if they are different.

Avengers: Fin de partieAges PG-13Avengers: Fin de partieVérifiez le prix

MARVEL-ous! Avengers: Endgame brings several storylines to a fantastic conclusion, satifying Avengers’ fans. It takes place after the first movie after Thanos completely devastaed the world with the sanp of his finger. While the first act is slow and the second act is packed with action, the final act is pure awesomeness. While the pacing and cohesiveness of the film is as not as good as Infinity War, Endgame is more emotionally satisfying and takes more risks.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of GrindelwaldAges PG-13Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of GrindelwaldVérifiez le prix

Somehow J.K. Rowling has managed to create a spin off world in the Harry Potter universe that is just as magical. Set before Harry Potter, the film follows Newt Scamander’s journey to New York City in 1926. But it wouldn’t be a J.K Rowling story without a little magic. The second installment in the series is out.

Disney Descendants 3Ages NRDisney Descendants 3Vérifiez le prix

We’ve been waiting for the next installment of Disney Descendants since the last movie. Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Uma are back in the third film. We were devastated to learn that Cameron Boyce passed away before the release of the new movie. He will be missed. The film still has it outstanding costumes and musical numbers like “Good To Be Bad,” making you want to keep it on repeat.

La vie secrète des animaux domestiques 2Ages PGLa vie secrète des animaux domestiques 2Vérifiez le prix

With colorful animation and humor, The Secret Life of Pets tells a story about the unbreakable bond between pets and their owners. Max and his friends are on a new courageous adventure that is just as funny as the first film. The story is told in a unique structure with 3 stories converging into one.

Pokemon Detective PikachuAges PGPokemon Detective PikachuVérifiez le prix

The first live action Pokemon movie is here. From Pikachu to Mr. Mime, the live action movie brings the our favorite trading card characters to life. Detective Pikachu is an intriguing mystery and whodunnit story. It centers on a young man named Tim who is investigating the disappearance of his father. He finds himself partnered with a strange and electrifying side kick, Pikachu.


There is a reason that Captain Marvel pulled in over $1.1 billion at the box office. With plenty of action and visual special effects, Captain Marvel is an enjoyable origin story that focuses on Carol Danvers. It’s great to see a Marvel movie with a strong female lead who is unbeliavlbe powerful. Both confident and vulneralbe, Brie Lawson does an admirable job in her role and it’s wonderful to see Samuel Jackson in the film.

AladdinAges PG-13AladdinVérifiez le prix

Are you ready for a whole new world? It’s the live action version of Aladdin! It’s got Will Smith as the genie! It’s got colorful music and dancing. It’s a love story! It’s got humor! Mena Massoud and Naomi Scott do a great job of bringing Aladdin and Jasmine to life. What’s there not to love? The only thing it is missing is Robin Williams.

Spider-Man: Far from HomeAges PG-13Spider-Man: Far from HomeVérifiez le prix

Peter Parker is going on a vacation on a class trip to Europe. There have been many actors cast as Spider-man, but Tim Holland’s Spider-man is the biggest grossing Spider-Man movie. Once he puts on the Spidey suit, he can do anything – even climb walls. The supporting cast adds another layer to the storyline. Jake Gyllenhaal perfectly portrays Mysterio and Zendaya is perfectly cast as MJ.

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden WorldAges PGHow to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden WorldVérifiez le prix

It’s hard to believe that How To Train Your Dragon is finally coming to an end. In the final film, both the vikings and dragons live harmoniously. Soon the land finds itself overrun with dragons. Hiccup decides to look for the legendary Hidden World so he can safely relocate the dragons. While the previous movies were beautiful, every scene in the final movie is beautifully animated. At the end, it’s difficult to say goodbye to this wonderful trilogy.

BreakthroughAges PGBreakthroughVérifiez le prix

Do you believe in miracles? Based on a true story, Breakthrough is an inspiration story about a Mother’s love. It’s based on a Christian novel called The Impossible. The film centers on a 14 year old teenager who falls through an ice lake. While he is rescued, he is left in a coma. It’s an uplifting story that is helped by its strong cast.

Toy Story 4Ages GToy Story 4Vérifiez le prix

Woody, Buzz, and Bo Peep are back in the fourth movie in this amazing animated series. Bo Peep has been re-imagined as a strong woman complete with a cape. Our favorite character- Forky ,who is having an identity crisis. Is he a toy?

The Lion KingAges PGThe Lion KingVérifiez le prix

I love Disney’s live action adaptations of classic Disney cartoons. As a live action movie, Lion King looks visually stunning. It’s the story of a young lion who becomes the Lion King after he father is murdered by Scar. Starring Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, and Chiwetel Ejiofora, the movie brings the jungle animals to life like never before.

The best way to cut the cord is with a fantastic board game that everyone can play together. Even though she’s a teenager, playing these board games with a couple of friends never gets old.

Unstable Unicorns Ages 14+Unstable Unicorns Vérifiez le prix

Who isn’t obsessed with Unicorns? Started on Kickstarter, Unstable Unicorns is a card game that raised an ungodly amount of money. In Unstable Unicorns, you must build a unicorn army. The player that is the first to collect seven unicorns in their hand is the winner, but thanks to the “Neigh” cards there are numerous obstacles in your way. It’s much a game of strategy as it is a game of betrayal. Add rainbows and a little sparkle to your game night.

Wizards of the Coast Dungeons & Dragons Essentials KitAges 12+Wizards of the Coast Dungeons & Dragons Essentials KitVérifiez le prix

Get ready to nerd out! Thanks to Stranger Things and pop culture, everybody is playing Dungeons and Dragons. It’s a collaborative storytelling experience that connects people together. Are you ready to jump through a magical portal into Dungeons & Dragons? The Essentials Kit is the perfect way to hop in. You don’t need a lot of players to join and it is possible to play with just one other player. The easy to follow rule book walks you through creating your first character and going on your first adventure. The kit includes everything you need to get started including dice, maps, and cards.

CodenamesAges 14+CodenamesVérifiez le prix

Designed for ages 14 and older, Codenames is a popular two to ten player social word game with games averaging about 15 minutes or so. Teams compete to be the first to establish a connection with their agents. Spy masters, who know the secret identities of 25 agents, reveal one word clues while their team members, who only know agents’ codenames, attempt to guess the right color words to win the game. It’s easier said than done because you’ll also need to not guess words of the opposition and, of course, not select an assassin.

Exploding KittensAges 7+Exploding KittensVérifiez le prix

Funded on Kickstarter, Exploding Kittens is a really simple card game. You simply put the Exploding Kittens in the deck and whoever draws an Exploding Kitten card is out. Each of the cards has hilarious illustrations on them, which adds to the funny feel of the game. While there is a bit of luck involved, there are a couple of cards that add a little strategy and tension to the game.

UNO BTSAges 7+UNO BTSVérifiez le prix

Does she love Uno and BTS? She will love this unexpected twist on the classic game of UNO. La meilleure partie? The Army finally has something to play while they are waiting in line at BTS concerts.

Secret HitlerAges 13+Secret HitlerVérifiez le prix

In Secret Hitler, a satirical and controversial game, one player is secretly chosen to be Hitler. Players are divided into two teams. The Liberals are against Hitler and the Fascists are in support of Hitler. The Fascists have to overthrow the government to make Hitler the ruler. Le hic? Hitler won’t know who is on his side and the Liberals won’t know who the secret Hitler is. You can’t trust anybody! Parents should know that the game lying and deceit is encouraged to install a cold blooded leader.


Are you obsessed with murder mysteries and TV crime shows? Unsolved Case Files is a murder mystery game that put you in the shoes of a detective to solve a fictional crime. In 1998, Harmony Ashcroft was murdered just before she got married. Bones McBride was framed. 2 decades later, you must prove she is innocent. To solve the mystery, you will have to go through documents, photos, and testimony just like a real detective. Will you be the next Sherlock Holmes?

One Night Ultimate WerewolfAges 13+One Night Ultimate WerewolfVérifiez le prix

A game of deception and deduction, One Night Werewolf is a simple party game that takes only 10 minutes to play. At the start, players are dealt a secret role from a basic villager to a werewolf. The goal of the game is to find out who is the secret werewolf. Each role has a different ability that helps to uncover clues. When it goes dark, meaning players close their eyes, everybody will perform a task based on their role. Then everyone has to work together to choose the werewolf, but you don’t know who is telling the truth so expect to lose a couple of friends.

AzulAges 8+AzulVérifiez le prix

Move over Scrabble! Everybody needs toplay Azul. In Azul, players lay ceramic tiles to fill in a tile wall of five consecutive tiles before other players. Like Scrabbly, it’s very tactile.The beauty is the game is very simple to understand but there is a lot of strategy involved when placing your tiles. As the game progresses, you’ll discover it’s a game of risk and reward because you are constantly trying to stay of your opponents.

The MindAges 8+The MindVérifiez le prix

The Mind is a cooperative game for 2-4 players with games lasting about 20 minutes. All players need to become one mind by thinking, acting and reading body language as if they’re one cohesive unit. In this game, players attempt to play cards without talking. The object is to get through a certain amount of levels, depending on the number of players. You have to play the cards in ascending order. Le hic? You can’t speak so you’ll need to use body language to get the job done.

Sushi Go! Ages 8+Sushi Go! Vérifiez le prix

Sushi Go has been updated with more cards to support up to 8 players at once. The idea of the game is to pick a card and pass the rest of the cards to the player beside you. Each card you grab is sort of like grabbing a food item on a conveyor belt. Different combinations of cards are worth a different amount of points. The idea is score the highest amount of points with your combination of cards.

PandemicAges 13+PandemicVérifiez le prix

Pandemic is a two to four player cooperative board game where humanity is at risk. A new challenge has emerged! Games last about one hour. Before diseases spread, you’ll need to treat them. You’ll meet up to collect cards and need to cure all four diseases to win! But, wait … there’s a twist! With every turn, new infections and outbreaks could occur. It’s a game where you either all win or lose. Will you be able to save humanity before time runs out?

Betrayal At House On The HillAges 12+Betrayal At House On The HillVérifiez le prix

Do you love horror movies? In this horror themed board game, you and your friends will explore a spooky house on the hill. Players explore the house by flipping cards, which leads to the discovery of omens and the eventual “haunt.” While everybody goes together, one of your friends will betray you during the haunt. That’s when everything goes to disarray and you have to try to escape from the house. It’s a unique twist on the classic cooperative game.

Not Parent ApprovedAges 8+Not Parent ApprovedVérifiez le prix

Not Parent Approved is Cards Against Humanity for the younger set. It’s played exactly like Cards Against Humanity where the idea is to fill in the blank with one of your cards. The big difference is while the content is edgy and sometimes suggestive, it is not Rated R.

5 Second RuleAges 10+5 Second RuleVérifiez le prix

In 5 Second Rule, you have only 5 seconds to answer. The rules are incredible easy to understand. With all the questions, you have to name 3 things. For instance, Name 3 Types of Ice Cream Flavors. The game comes with a timer that counts down 5 Seconds. If you can’t answer, the person on your left has to come up with an answer but can’t re-use any of the answers already used.

Taboo Board GameAges 13+Taboo Board GameVérifiez le prix

Taboo is a very easy to understand game, but it can be challenging. The idea is to get your team to guess as many words as they can before the time runs out. La torsion? You can’t use certain “Taboo” words when you are trying to get your team to guess. The problem is that those are the words that you are going to want to use to describe the word. It is a really fun game to play with a group of friends.

Apples to ApplesAges 12+Apples to ApplesVérifiez le prix

Apples to Apples is basically a family friendly version of Cards Against Humanity. A card is put down and players have to put down a card that best describes the word. For instance, if the word “Gorgeous” is put down, you could play “Mother Nature.” Every round the judge picks the best answer. After each round, the judge is rotated.

Forbidden IslandAges 10+Forbidden IslandVérifiez le prix

Similar to Pandemic, Forbidden Island is a cooperative game that uses a lot of the same mechanics. Because it is simpler and on a smaller scale, it is a good game to play before playing Pandemic. In Forbidden Island, players must work together to recover artifacts and escape on a helicopter before the island sinks. As the game reaches its conclusion, it gets more and more tense.

Asmodee MysteriumAges 10+Asmodee MysteriumVérifiez le prix

Why watch a horror movie when you can play a horror themed board game? Mysterium is a whodunnit cooperative board game. A ghost has been murdered and players must uncover the killer, location, and murder weapon. One player takes the role of the ghost and the rest of the players are psychics. Le hic? The ghost gives clues using only picture cards.

BLANK SLATEAges 8+BLANK SLATEVérifiez le prix

Le hic?

The Game of Things Board Game Ages 14+The Game of Things Board Game Vérifiez le prix

The Game of Things is best played with people you don’t know or with a lot of people. It’s a great way to break the ice. In the game, people have to answer a question like “Things you would not tell your dad.” Then everybody has to guess who gave each answer.

Say AnythingAges 13+Say AnythingVérifiez le prix

Say Anything is a fun party game to get friends talking and laughing with each other. During every round players answer an open ended question like, “What is you least favorite pizza topping?” The judge then picks her favorite answer and the other players have to bet on the answer that the judge chose.

Truth BombsAges 14+Truth BombsVérifiez le prix

Get ready to drop the truth about your friends! In the game, a number of questions are laid out on the table like “How do they really spend their weekends?” Every player has an answer sheet that they pass around, answering various questions. Then all the questions and answers are read. Players choose their favorite answer and have to figure out who wrote it. All of the question are family friendly, but you never know what truth bombs will be dropped.

Codenames DuetAges 10+Codenames DuetVérifiez le prix

Codenames Duet is one of the best two player games. The general gist of the game is you’re giving clues to the word without saying the word while not finding the deadly assassin. It offers a nice challenge and the transition from a party game to two-player game is seamless. We love that the game is well-designed, has new additions, and involves quite a bit of deductive thinking. It’s quite fun once you learn how to play. If you loved the original game, you’ll love playing this co-op spin-off.

GloomhavenAges 12+GloomhavenVérifiez le prix

Gloomhaven is a deep, combat-focused game for 1-4 players with games lasting 1-2 hours. You team up with others to complete your goals while uncovering the threats to Gloomhaven. The campaign is comprised of a number of scenarios — each with its own objective. If you ever run out of health, you are defeated. If you like tactical combat and resource management, this game is excellent at both of those. Every turn is a tough decision about what cards to use and how to use them. There’s a huge variety of enemies to face with each requiring a different approach. There are a lot of ways to improve your character, including adding combat modifier cards, equipment, and action cards. The best part of this game is the sheer amount of content it has out of the box. With close to 100 missions, there’s a ton of game to discover. However, the game is not cheap so you’ll want to play a lot to get your money’s worth.

Relative InsanityAges 14+Relative InsanityVérifiez le prix

Created by comedian Jeff Foxworthy, Relative Insanity is like Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity, but you can play it in front of the family. It’s a game that you’ll love playing because you’re sure to get lots of laughs. There are punch line cards and setup cards. Someone reads the setup, for example: “When my cousin walked in with my new baby, my grandma blurted out _______.” Then players look at their punch lines and submit the one that’s going to get the biggest laugh. The setup person picks the best answer and that player scores points.

ThinkFun Escape the RoomAges 13+ThinkFun Escape the RoomVérifiez le prix

In escape rooms, players work together to solve puzzle to escape before time runs out. Now the fun of an escape room is making its way to board games. If you like narrative-driven games, Thinkfun has some great board games that vary in difficultly. The game contains a series of puzzles to solve in sealed envelopes. La meilleure partie? Nobody is locked inside.

Ticket To RideAges 8+Ticket To RideVérifiez le prix

Award winning, Ticket To Ride is a classic board game that everyone should play. It’s so simple to play. The idea is to claim railway routes, connecting cities. The longer the routes, the more points you collect.

Hanayama Cast Metal Brain Teaser Puzzle Ages 12+Hanayama Cast Metal Brain Teaser Puzzle Vérifiez le prix

Offered in many different levels, Hanayama puzzles are brain teasing puzzles that you have to take apart and put back together. There are really no clues given so you could spend hours and days coming up with a solution. In order to solve the puzzle, you must experiment with the puzzle to understand the rules. La meilleure partie? Taking it apart is just the beginning.

UGears Combination Lock 3D wooden puzzleAges 14+UGears Combination Lock 3D wooden puzzleVérifiez le prix

UGears Models are mechanical models that are made entirely out of wood. You have to put them together without the use of any glue. There are really no tools necessary to put them together. A detailed instruction manual walks you through the whole process, which takes a couple of hours. Made out of plywood, this model is the safe. La meilleure partie? Once it is a assembled, it is an actually working safe with a combination type lock.

Nintendo SwitchNintendo SwitchVérifiez le prix

Ever since video games were created, you either had to play with them on your television screen or play with them portably. Nintendo changes the meaning of game consoles with the Nintendo Switch. The system features a 6 inch tablet with joy-con controllers that can be attached to the side. When you at home, you just slide the tablet into the dock and voila, it appears on your television.

Nintendo Switch LiteNintendo Switch LiteVérifiez le prix

Looking for a cheaper alternative to the Switch? If you don’t plan on connecting your Switch to a TV, then the Switch Lite is worth considering. It only supports handheld mode games and is lighter and smaller than the original Switch, making it perfect for on-the-go gaming. La meilleure partie? Now you can play all the great compatible Switch games at a more affordable price point. Choose from a variety of different colors, including the special Pokemon design.

Nintendo Joy-Con (L/R)Nintendo Joy-Con (L/R)Vérifiez le prix

One of the best things about the Nintendo Switch’s design is the Joy-Cons. Because the Joy-Cons are detachable, you simply need to remove them and you can have some multiplayer fun. You can pick up an extra pair, if you want to play 4 players in your favorite Nintendo Switch game. They come in the cutest colors so it’s even fun to collect different colors.

Razer Kraken Gaming HeadsetRazer Kraken Gaming HeadsetVérifiez le prix

There aren’t too many aesthetically pleasing gaming headset but the Razer Kraken delivers. Available in different colors, the Razer Kraken Headset is the perfect headset because it works with the Playstation 4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and even PC. The large ear cups keep your ears comfortable after hours of gaming. Gamers will love the retractable microphone. It comes in several models but our favorite is the Quartz color. For an even cuter look, it’s available with cat ears.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderRated TStar Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderVérifiez le prix

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a single-player narrative-driven action-adventure game set between Revenge of the Sith and New Hope. With Fallen Order, Respawn is doing its best to honor the Star Wars franchise. You’ll literally feel like you’ve walked into the Star Wars universe with its impressive visuals, movie-inspired soundtrack, and heavy combat. The lightsabers feel satisfying with the ability to block, parry, and even size up enemies. It’s about enemy arrangements — free form enemies react in different ways and you’ll encounter a host of enemies, including massive bosses and classic, scout, and perch Stormtroopers. The game offers skill points with Push, Pull, and Force Flip moves as well as wall running. The game features Metroid-vania-style exploration and BD-1 droid helps you on your journey. Although there are no light and dark sides in this game, you get to experience an engrossing Jedi story.

Ring Fit AdventureRated ERing Fit AdventureVérifiez le prix

What if you mixed an RPG with exercise? Imagine you are a hero who makes your way through levels fighting monsters. This might sound like a role playing game. The difference? Instead of using pressing buttons, you exercise through the game using a Pilates ring. To attach, you’ll squat, do yoga, and sprint. It’s never been so fun to sweat.

Super Smash Bros.UltimateRated E10+Super Smash Bros.UltimateVérifiez le prix

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate feels like a museum designed to celebrate itself. The game boasts every playable character in the series’ history plus a couple new ones for over 65 characters in its roster. Ridley will finally make his way into the game after popular demand and even Snake will be making a return. There will be a mix of old and new levels. Featuring perfect shields, a short hop, and the return of directional air dodges, it’s aiming to be a robust competitive experience. Fans can expect a faster, more technical game than ever.

Just Dance 2020Rated E10+Just Dance 2020Vérifiez le prix

Droves and droves of Just Dance fans await the release of the new game every year. With a brand new list of over 40 hit songs, this game will have you grooving to all the latest music from Ariane Grande and more! Who needs to go clubbing?

La légende de Zelda: le souffle de la natureRated E10+La légende de Zelda: le souffle de la natureVérifiez le prix

The latest Zelda game is a monumental release in the Zelda series. Nintendo has completely reinvented the world of Zelda with an open world that players are free to explore at their own leisure. In this ambitious game, there are plenty of side quests that complement the main mission. Players take the role of Link who must fight, cook, and explore to survive against the evil Ganon.

Mario Kart 8 DeluxeRated EMario Kart 8 DeluxeVérifiez le prix

Watch out there is a red turtle! It’s Mario Kart! This kart racer provides for hours of enjoyment for everybody. Nintendo has remade some of the classic tracks from previous entries and added a whole host of new courses. If you missed this game on the Wii U, you have to play it on the Switch. This time, Nintendo has added the ability to play it with your friends who have the game and an addictive new battle mode.

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s AwakeningRated EThe Legend of Zelda: Links AwakeningVérifiez le prix

In Mario Kart 8, players race around tracks throwing bananas, red turtles, and green turtles at each other to win the race. Based on the previous games in the series, Nintendo has made several improvements to the game including more tracks and a new battle mode. It is now probably the most fun you could have with a Mario Kart game.

Super Mario Maker 2Rated ESuper Mario Maker 2Vérifiez le prix

While not a completely new Zelda game, Zelda: Link’s Awakening is a 2D reimagining of the classic Game Boy Zelda game. It features a top-down 2D perspective and traditional Zelda gameplay and retains the classic feel and personality of the original. The revamped cartoony graphical style looks absolutely gorgoeus.

Luigi’s Mansion 3Rated ELuigis Mansion 3Vérifiez le prix

Get ready to create the Super Mario courses of your dreams in Super Mario Maker 2, exclusive to Nintendo Switch. With new tools, challenges, modes, themes, sound effects, and near limitless combinations, let your imagination run wild. You get the creative freedom to choose exactly what enemies you want, where you want them, and if there are secret rooms. The game offers several themes, including Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and now even Super Mario 3D World.

Super Mario PartyRated ESuper Mario PartyVérifiez le prix

Luigi’s Mansion 3 heads to a haunted hotel with multiple levels of fun with a variety of themes. Luigi’s latest game introduces a slew of new Poltergust upgrades like the slam function, suction shot, and burst to help you on your adventure. We love the freedom you now have to freely explore the levels. Gooigi, a Luigi made of goo, is back and allows you to slip through metal fences and walk on spikes. There’s even co-op, 8-player multiplayer, and a mode where you have to defeat all ghosts before time runs out. Expect a ton of traps and mysteries to unravel.

MinecraftRated E10+MinecraftVérifiez le prix

Super Mario Party is headed to Nintendo Switch. The game will feature fun mini games and new boards to keep things interesting and competitive. What’s cool? There’s an innovative new system allowing you to pair two Switches to play certain games. The game will feature online play as well as leaderboards. Get your friends together for some great party fun!

Pokemon Sword & ShieldRated EPokemon Sword & ShieldVérifiez le prix

While it is a few years old, Minecraft is still a phenomenon. There is no right way to play the game. It’s like an open box of Legos, giving you the freedom to use your creativity. You can build anything you want from huge towns to tall sky scrapers. The only limit is your imagination.

Sega Genesis MiniSega Genesis MiniVérifiez le prix

Pokemon Sword & Shield will feature the biggest maps in a Pokemon game. While Sword & Shield won’t feature the national Pokedex, there will be over 800 Pokemon featured in the game. A number of new Pokemon will be featured. The game will have a balanced battle system that allows all Pokemon to shine. The new Dynamax mechanic sounds cool and the Max Raid Battles pit four players against a powerful giant Pokemon.

Nintendo Labo VR KitNintendo Labo VR KitVérifiez le prix

Retro gaming is all the rage nowadays! The Genesis Mini arrives on the scene September 19th and does what Nintendon’t! Everything is included to plug-and-play right out of the box. La meilleure partie? You won’t need any cartridges, as 40 legendary Sega Genesis titles are preloaded. Play classics like Sonic The Hedgehog, Altered Beast, and so much more! Relive the glory days of gaming with the return of the beloved 16-bit Genesis now in miniature form.

Oculus GoOculus GoVérifiez le prix

Nintendo Labo allows gamers to create cardboard objects, using the Nintendo Switch as the brains of their creations. It’s all part of a push to get people interested in science and engineering. There are several different kit out already including a Variety, Robo, and Vehicle kit. This is the VR Kit that let’s you create VR Googles out of cardboard.

Oculus QuestOculus QuestVérifiez le prix

With no bulky cables, the Oculus Go is the most convenient and comfortable VR headset ever made. Choose from 32 or 64GB of storage. Although you have to download the app, this is a completely standalone device. The biggest surprise is how easy it is to use and comfortable it is to wear. Expect around 2.5 hours of battery life with video and roughly 2 hours for games. With a low starting price point, it’s the easiest way for most people to jump into VR.

Call of Duty: Modern WarfareRated MCall of Duty: Modern WarfareVérifiez le prix

Oculus Quest is a self-contained VR system that doesn’t require a PC or cables tethered to a PC and you can even walk around. While there have been other self-contained systems, this is the best yet. The controllers feature touch controls and vibrations to immerse you in the action. Just don’t expect bleeding-edge graphics with the mobile chip. The controls feel fluid and are the best part of Quest. What’s great is that you’ll be able to play many of the hits from the Rift, but you’re restricted to a curated list of apps. This is the best mobile VR experience yet. While this is not the final step in VR, at this price point, it’s a bargain.

Most 17 year old girls just got a new car. Buy her something for her car and she might even give you a lift.

The Driving BookThe Driving BookVérifiez le prix

Designed for new teenage drivers, this book is written in a conversational manner as if the author is your big sister. The author will go over basic things like what you always have in your car, what to do in an accident, and more. Throughout the book there are short stories, which make everything more relateable. Teens will love the section “How to deal with parents.”

AstroAI Digital Tire Pressure GaugeAstroAI Digital Tire Pressure GaugeVérifiez le prix

It’s always important to keep your tires properly inflated. With this digital pressure gauge, it couldn’t be simpler to check your tire pressure. Not only does it have a lighted nozzle for nighttime viewing, but the digital display window is incredibly easy to read. The ergonomic the design makes it easy to hold. It’s not something she will use every day, but it is the perfect addition to her emergency roadside kit.

Drop StopDrop StopVérifiez le prix

Does it seem like your car is sucking up everything including your phone? There is nothing worse than trying the squeeze your hand under the seat to pull it out. Drop Stop is a seat filler that eliminates the gap between the seat and center console. It fits around the seatbelt clip. It’s one of those products that you didn’t know you needed until you use it.

EPAuto Car Trash Can with LidEPAuto Car Trash Can with LidVérifiez le prix

Is your car starting to look like a mess? Now you don’t have to throw the garbage on the floor with car garbage can. If you eat or drink in your car, this portable trash can is a life saver. It can be put anywhere but also comes with a strap to hang it on the back of a seat or console. Tossing out your trash in your car has never been easier. Simply empty it out every time you need to get gas.

Top Gear Premium Roadside Assistance KitTop Gear Premium Roadside Assistance KitVérifiez le prix

Don’t go driving without this roadside safety kit from Top Gear. If she is going to be driving soon, she might as well be prepared. This 66 piece kit should come in handy whenever you need a little roadside assistance with everything from jumper cables to a mini first aid kit.

Anker 24W Dual USB Car ChargerAnker 24W Dual USB Car ChargerVérifiez le prix

This USB car charger from Anker is basically a necessity once you start driving. With it, even if you forget to charge your phone at home, you can charge it right in your car. It allows you to charge 2 different USB devices at once.

18-in-1 CarAIDE 3X Multi-Tool18-in-1 CarAIDE 3X Multi-ToolVérifiez le prix

Everybody is going to want to add this multi-tool to their emergency car kit. Shaped like a flash light, it can jump start your car but that’s just the beginning. It’s 18 different tools in 1. Equipped with functions like a seat belt cutter, phone charger, and window breaker, it can save your life in an car related emergency. La meilleure partie? It is small enough to fit in your glove box.

VacLife Air Compressor Tire InflatorVacLife Air Compressor Tire InflatorVérifiez le prix

Finally you don’t have to go to the gas station to fill your flat tires. With a long 11.5 foot cord, this portable air compressor features a digitally display that shows you your current tire pressure. You just set it to the tire pressure you want and it will automatically inflate your tires. La meilleure partie? It can be used to inflate just about anything from balls to bike tires.

Invisible Glass Reach &Clean Tool KitInvisible Glass Reach &Clean Tool KitVérifiez le prix

Have you ever tried to clean the inside of your car windows? Don’t hurt yourself stretching too far! This cleaning tool allows you to reach difficult to reach places. The triangle shape allows you to maneuver in the places that only contortionists can reach. La meilleure partie? It comes with a “stream free” glass cleaner.

AmazonBasics Seat Belt Cutter and Window HammerAmazonBasics Seat Belt Cutter and Window HammerVérifiez le prix

While she may never use this windshield breaker and seatbelt cutter, you never know when it can save her life. Most tools like this are designed to be kept in the glove compartment. If there is an accident, it will always be close by.

NOCO Genius Boost PlusNOCO Genius Boost PlusVérifiez le prix

Don’t get stranded looking for help when your car battery dies with this portable car jump starter from NOCO. Put it in the trunk or glove compartment and you will never need a jump cable again. La meilleure partie? You can even use it to charge any USB electronic device.

TaoTronics Bluetooth ReceiverTaoTronics Bluetooth ReceiverVérifiez le prix

I wish I had Apple Play built into my car. This wireless Bluetooth transmitter is the best way to play music from your phone on your car’s speakers. Simply plug it into your Aux port.

Garmin DriveSmart 61Garmin DriveSmart 61Vérifiez le prix

Since she is driving a lot now, the single best thing she can have in her car is a GPS. You can use your phone if you have an unlimited data plan, but a standalone unit with voice assist and lifetime maps works just as well. That way she will always be able to find her way around. The coolest part? This one also has lifetime traffic, so you can avoid traffic jams and get to your destination faster.

iOttie iTap 2iOttie iTap 2Vérifiez le prix

It’s not safe to use your phone in your car. Every teenage girl should have a car mount for her phone. This mount sticks to your vent with a powerful magnetic system. After securing it, simply put your phone near it. While there are many mounting systems, it’s the easiest way to mount your phone in your car. Then you can use your phone in your car for cool things like GPS, music, or podcasts.

eRapta Car Rear View CameraeRapta Car Rear View CameraVérifiez le prix

Don’t you hate backing up in tight spots? When you are starting to drive, putting a rear camera in your car makes a lot of sense. Il vaut mieux prévenir que guérir. This one mounts on your license plate and comes with all the wires you need to install it. It helps you when you are backing up and parking between 2 cars.

Armor All Complete Car Care Kit Armor All Complete Car Care Kit Vérifiez le prix

Does she want to keep her brand new car clean? This kit contains everything you need to hand wash your car including a shampoo and wax, tire foam, protectant, glass wipes, and more. When she is done washing his car, it will look good as new.

Wheel Cover with Bling BlingWheel Cover with Bling BlingVérifiez le prix

Giving you a better grip, steering wheel covers help protect the steering wheel from wear and tear. You can find all types of steering wheel covers that come in everything from his favorite sports team to funky patterns. A lot of steering wheel covers look tacky, but this one enhances the look of your car with bling bling. You can get it in different styles to match the interior of your car.

ThisWorx for TWC-01 Car VacuumThisWorx for TWC-01 Car VacuumVérifiez le prix

If she loves keeping her car spotless, she will love this portable vacuum. With several useful attachments and sufficient suction, it’s designed to pick up dirt from inside your car, reaching the most difficult places.

ANCEL Car Engine Fault Code ReaderANCEL Car Engine Fault Code ReaderVérifiez le prix

Whether you love working on cars or just want diagnostic information before taking it to a mechanic, it’s always good to have a vehicle code reader. This one Ancel helps you read the diagnostic codes from your car’s computer. With just 4 buttons, it is very easy to use. La meilleure partie? It could help you save a little money on your next repair bill.

FH Group Rubber Floor MatsFH Group Rubber Floor MatsVérifiez le prix

Over time, the floor of your car can get really dirty due to mud, rain, and snow. Keep your car’s carpet clean with these all weather rubber car mats. Because they can be trimmed to different sizes with the help of the guide lines, they are designed to fit most vehicles. Made of a flexible rubber material, they are durable and waterproof so you don’t have to worry about your feet getting soaked. Available in 3 colors, you can find the set that matches the car’s interior.

Little Trees Black Ice Air FreshenerLittle Trees Black Ice Air FreshenerVérifiez le prix

Who wants a stinky car? Unless you ride around with your windows always open, there’s nothing that can freshen the interior of your car like Little Trees car fresheners. With their iconic Pine Tree shape, they come in many scents from Black Ice to Bubble Gum. If you love the way your car smelled when you first got it, there’s even a new car scent.

Car Windshield Sun ShadeCar Windshield Sun ShadeVérifiez le prix

On hot days, the inside of your car can cook. A sun shade can help keep the inside of your car cooler so you don’t have to worry about touching your steering wheel or seat belt. Unlike accordion type sun shades, this sun shade quickly inflates and deflates, making it easy to set up and put away. It’s available in 4 different sizes.

VicTsing Bluetooth FM TransmitterVicTsing Bluetooth FM TransmitterVérifiez le prix

Moat modern cars have stereo systems that can be connected to smart devices. If your vehicle does not have an aux port, you can still stream music to it using an FM transmitter. This FM transmitter sends the audio from your phone to your car stereo so you can enjoy your favorite playlists.

Car CacheCar CacheVérifiez le prix

We all have something we have to stash in our car. We normally just toss it on an empty seat but that makes it difficult to reach. Car Cache is a cool gadget that is installed between the driver and passenger seat. This makes it not only easy to reach for your purse but there is plenty of room for other passenger to jump in the backseat too.

Govee Interior Car LightsGovee Interior Car LightsVérifiez le prix

Trick out the interior of your car with these ultra bright LED under dash lights. Just about anybody can install this kit. Not only are the out of this world neon colors pretty dope, you can set it light up with the beat of your music. Everybody is going to want to ride around with you.

Trunkcratepro Trunk OrganizerTrunkcratepro Trunk OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Don’t you hate when all the stuff in your trunk flies around when you drive slower than slow. With two adjustable straps, this trunk storage organizer keeps things from moving around in your trunk.

Personalized Star Map PrintPersonalized Star Map PrintVérifiez le prix

There are a ton of stars in the sky and they never line up exactly the same way. Now you can get a snapshot of how the sun, stars, and planets were aligned on the night that she was born with this custom star map. Simply include the date, time, and location of the event. You can even add a custom quote. The star map is printed on 100% cotton based paper. She is going to want to frame and hang this thoughtful gift up on the wall.

Framed Custom Floating QuoteFramed Custom Floating QuoteVérifiez le prix

Every girl needs a fun quote in their room that defines who they are or an inspirational quote. Because this one can be personalized, you can choose your favorite quote and hang it on the wall. Not only does this one come framed, but it comes inside a transparent case, which creates a floated look. You can choose the justification and it’s available in two sizes 8X10 inches and 11X14 inches.

Lightahead LED Fantasy Jellyfish Lamp Lightahead LED Fantasy Jellyfish Lamp Vérifiez le prix

Lava lamps are always a cool gift, but this Jelly Fish lamp is so much cooler. It has always been fascinating to watch jelly fish swim in the sea. Imagine you could bottle them up and stick them in a lamp! Lighthead has somehow found a way to mimic the appearance and movement of Jellyfish artificially. La meilleure partie? It is just as mesmerizing.

LumiLux Motion Sensor Toilet LightLumiLux Motion Sensor Toilet LightVérifiez le prix

This has to be one of the weirdest night lights ever. At one time or another, most of us wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. There is nothing worse than getting blinded by the bright light from the bathroom. With 16 different colors, the LumiLux is a nightlight that you put over your toilet seat. When it detects any motion, it lights up. When you leave the restroom, it automatically shuts off. Who knew we even needed this in our lives?

LAGHCAT Mermaid Tail Blanket LAGHCAT Mermaid Tail Blanket Vérifiez le prix

Don’t you hate when your legs get cold when you are lying on the couch? Sure you can throw a blanket on your legs to cover them up, but this crochet mermaid tail blanket is so much cooler. With a mermaid tail on the end, it turns you into a real life mermaid. She can finally live out her dream of being a mermaid. Who said that mermaids are not real?

FRIENDS TV Yellow PeepholeFRIENDS TV Yellow PeepholeVérifiez le prix

Does she love watching Friends on Netflix and repeating her favorite lines from the show? Friends lovers will love owning this quirky yellow Peephole frame that looks exactly like Monica’s. You can add it to any door using the double sided tape backing or command strips. It’s the perfect gift for the girl with a Friends obsession.

Silver Dollar Personalized Scented CandleSilver Dollar Personalized Scented CandleVérifiez le prix

What is her favorite scent? If she loves candles, surprise her with a personalized candle. Not only can you personalize the words on the front of the candle but you can also choose the perfect scent for the occasion from Birthday Cake to Fresh Cut Christmas Tree. Put her name on it and awaken her scenes with her favorite aroma.

Katie Doodle Back In Sign Katie Doodle Back In Sign Vérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun and unique gift for your teenage girl? Here is a fun novelty poster that celebrates the important millstone in her life. Taking her back in time, the poster reveals all of the amazing things that happened in the year she was born. Put it in a frame to make it an even more special gift.

Custom License Plate SignCustom License Plate SignVérifiez le prix

Looking for unique room decor? We probably won’t be driving a jeep any time soon, but this custom license plate sign is the next best thing. La meilleure partie? You can customize the name on it. With a rustic design, it would make such a nice piece of room decor when displayed.

Athena Futures Moon LampAthena Futures Moon LampVérifiez le prix

Get ready to jump over the moon for this moon lamp. There is something so magical about falling asleep under the night sky. Now you can do it every night with this moon lamp. Modeled after the moon, its surface mimics the surface of the moon. With a sleek wooden stand, this dimmable moon lamp features 3 color settings. With a rechargeable battery, it comes with a remote control and is touch sensitive.

Bonsai Tree Seed Starter KitBonsai Tree Seed Starter KitVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be so cool to plant your own Bonzai Tree? It’s always so much fun to grow your own plants. The starter kit walks you through all the steps to growing your own Bonzai Tree. Packed in a lovely wooden gift box, the kit comes with everything you need including 4 burlap pots, 4 plant markers, 4 seed packets, 4 soil disks, and a pair of shears. Simply soak the seeds, water the soil, and plant the seeds. The seeds should sprout in a few weeks.

Cactus Succulent Seed Starter Kit Cactus Succulent Seed Starter Kit Vérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want to have a cactus in their room? Now you can grow your own. It’s amazing what you can do with just tiny seeds. Add a little green to your room with this easy to grow cactus garden kit that includes everything you need. The instruction manual walks you through the process. La meilleure partie? Everything comes packaged in an attractive wooden box that is perfect for gift giving.

tm ADV PRO Custom LED Sign tm ADV PRO Custom LED Sign Vérifiez le prix

Bare walls are boring. Neon signs are no longer only for just reserved for the Vegas strip and your local diner. The hottest new piece of home decor is a neon sign. Neon signs are super trendy right now and you can find all different types to put in your room. We love that this one can be customized with your own design.

Personalize Your Own Street Sign Personalize Your Own Street Sign Vérifiez le prix

Where would you take your jeep? If you love adding unique decor to your room, check out these custom street signs. You can customize each sign and even choose a reflective coating that is similar to an actual road sign. If you are going for the whole beachy vibe in your room you add famous beaches like Venice Beach. It’s a fun way to add to the uniqueness of your room.

Personalized Coffee TumblerPersonalized Coffee TumblerVérifiez le prix

Can’t do without a cup of coffee? For coffee lovers, it’s seems like everybody is carrying tumblers everywhere. This coffee tumbler can be personalized with a name at the top of the ring. You can even customize the colors. La meilleure partie? You will never mix your tumblers with any of your friends.

Personalized Name Desk Name Plate Personalized Name Desk Name Plate Vérifiez le prix

If you want to show her that you took a little extra time to put some thought into her gift, a personalized gift is always a wonderful idea. This personalized desk name plate can be customized with a logo and her name. You can even customize it with a second line that says something funny or is serious. Who knows one day she might one day become a CEO!

HoodiePillow Hooded PillowcaseHoodiePillow Hooded PillowcaseVérifiez le prix

Does she live in her hoodie all throughout the day? Then why shouldn’t she live in her hoodie at night? She can with this hoodie pillowcase. Thanks to the earphone port holes, you can plug in headphones and pull the hood over your eyes. Is there any better way to fall asleep?

Quikflip 2-in-1 Backpack HoodieQuikflip 2-in-1 Backpack HoodieVérifiez le prix

A hoodie that flips into a backpack? You’ve probably worn a lot of hoodies, but you probably never had a hoodie that turns into a backpack. This hoodie transforms into a backpack. Simply flip it upside down and pull out the hidden sack. The built in straps allow you to fasten the backpack to your body. It’s so easy to carry anywhere.

Filimin Friendship LampsFilimin Friendship LampsVérifiez le prix

Say goodbye to long distance relationships with this unique lamp. When you touch one lamp, the other one lights up. The coolest part? Because the lamps work over Wi-FI, the lamps can be at opposite ends of the country. It’s a fun and innovative way to send your love from miles away.

POWERCAP LED Beanie CapPOWERCAP LED Beanie CapVérifiez le prix

A headlamp in a hat? Who said that you can’t run in the dark? This beanie not only designed to keep warm when it is dark outside, but allows you to see in the dark. There is no reason to hold any light in your hand. It has built in LED lights inside the cap. La meilleure partie? It is washable.

LUWATT Portable FanLUWATT Portable FanVérifiez le prix

A wearable fan? This might not be the most fashion idea but who wouldn’t want a portable fan that you can take anywhere with you? No hands necessary! You can hang this fan around your neck and cool off anywhere. It’s rechargeable and has 3 different speed settings. La meilleure partie? The fan heads are flexible so you can even rotate the fans.

Forever Rose 24K Gold Dipped Real Rose Forever Rose 24K Gold Dipped Real Rose Vérifiez le prix

Does she have everything? Roses are great but sooner or later they die. Forever Rose is a real rose that has been persevered to last forever. This one has been dipped in pure 24K Gold to make it even more special. Put it in a nice vase or a fancy glass display to take this gift over the top. There is no better way to tell her than you love her.

Sharper Image Word ClockSharper Image Word ClockVérifiez le prix

There’s a million different ways to tell the time- watches, smart phones, and clocks. This light up word clock tells the time in words. It’s a fun and unique way to tell time. Who wants to be reminded of the time every second of the day? The clock tells time in five minute intervals, making you less stressed about the time. It’s a great gift for those who have it all or just want a fun conversational piece.

Bucket List Poster 100 MoviesBucket List Poster 100 MoviesVérifiez le prix

Here is a great gift for the movie fan of your life that is notoriously hard to shop for. This list contains 100 of the must see movies of all time. Once she watches a movie, there is nothing more satisfying than scratching it off. It’s a good reason to have a movie night every week. In addition to a movie list, there is also an album and places list.

From pajamas to super chic handbags to hair accessories, here are fashionable birthday gifts for a 17 year old girl. Your stylish 17 year old girl will be overwhelmed with joy on her special day. Put away the cheesy gifts.

The Original Comfy Sherpa Blanket SweatshirtThe Original Comfy Sherpa Blanket SweatshirtVérifiez le prix

What happens when you combine a sweatshirt with a blanket? You get the Comfy sweatshirt. First seen on Shark Tank, it’s basically a giant blanket that you wear. With a microfiber outside and furry sherpa on the inside, it is designed to keep you toasty. Because it is oversized, you can stretch it to cover your whole body. You can use it indoors and even outside. It’s the perfect gift for the teen girl who loves being comfy.

Alexander Del Rossa Fleece Robe with HoodAlexander Del Rossa Fleece Robe with HoodVérifiez le prix

Say goodbye to cold winter days with this luxurious robe. There is nothing like lounging at home in the most comfortable robe that makes you feel like you are relaxing at a spa. Made of fleece, this is one robe that you will want to spend the whole day cuddled in. It’s long enough to keep your legs warms and it’s got two pockets for keeping your hands warm too.

Richie House Warm Fleece BathrobeRichie House Warm Fleece BathrobeVérifiez le prix

What girl wouldn’t adore a sumptuous fleece polyester robe to get ready with in the morning? Soft and comfortable, this one is perfect for cuddling up with or wearing before and after a bath. With deep pockets, it’s the closest to being hugged by clouds.

Pinzon Terry Cotton BathrobePinzon Terry Cotton BathrobeVérifiez le prix

Who needs a bath towel? There is nothing like getting out of the shower and throwing on a comfortable robe that soaks up all the water and dries your skin. Made out of absorbent terry cloth, this is the closest thing to wrapping a towel around your whole body. It’s available in 3 different colors.

XmasComing OnesieXmasComing OnesieVérifiez le prix

I have always wanted an onesie. I think this Christmas one is super cute. I would wear it 24/7. Okay, maybe not to the mall or class.

Silk Satin PajamasSilk Satin PajamasVérifiez le prix

What could be more fun than sleeping in silky satin pajamas? There is something so amazing about that silky feeling against your skin. Made out of satin polyester, these ones give you the feel of luxurious silk for less. Available in a variety of colors, they come with a button up shirt along with matching pants. With their modest fit, they give you plenty of room for moving around whether you are lying in bed or lounging around.

Sleepyheads Pajamas PJ SetSleepyheads Pajamas PJ SetVérifiez le prix

What girl doesn’t love getting a new pair of pajamas for Christmas? Le seul problème? Nobody wants to buy them. When it is snowing and cold outside, say goodbye to the chill with these pajamas. Made out of the lightweight polyester mix, these ones not only keep you warm and snuggly on Christmas morning, they have a cute Christmas design on them.

PajamaGram Flannel Matching Family PajamasPajamaGram Flannel Matching Family PajamasVérifiez le prix

Every family has their own Christmas traditions. There is nothing that brings a family closer together than a nice pair of matching Christmas pajamas. Capture the magic of Christmas with these matching Christmas pajamas from PajamaGram. They are perfect for taking family photos in front of a warm fireplace or the Christmas tree. They come in every size for everybody in the family. La meilleure partie? You can get a pair for the dog.

PajamaGram Cotton PajamasPajamaGram Cotton PajamasVérifiez le prix

Holding an epic slumber party? Here is a set of pajamas that you will want to be seen in. Get all your friends a matching set of pajamas and take a snap to post on Instagram. Made out of cotton, these ones come in adorable colors. With an adorable watermelon color, these affordable pajamas are the perfect set for your next sleepover. The warm, breathable fabric is perfect for wearing on cold winter nights.

Ekouaer Long Sleeve PajamasEkouaer Long Sleeve PajamasVérifiez le prix

What 17 year old doesn’t want to sleep in style? Your sleeping beauty is going to love these comfortable, crisp, and breathable pajamas. With a stylish narrow cut, they come in bold colors with a beautiful trim. The bottoms have an elastic waist with a drawstring. Made out of Viscose, they have an almost silky feel. While the pants don’t have pockets, there is chest pocket on the button up shirt.

Ekouaer Short Sleeve Pajama Set With ShortsEkouaer Short Sleeve Pajama Set With ShortsVérifiez le prix

Just about every girl loves sleeping with just a short sleeve top and shorts when the weather is warm. Made of Viscose and Spandex, it is not only very comfortable to wear to bed but you will want to wear it around the house just to show it off.

PajamaMania Cotton Flannel PajamasPajamaMania Cotton Flannel PajamasVérifiez le prix

Most of the time 17 year old girls are always sleeping over at a friend’s house. Made out of a warm cotton material, this two piece pair of pajamas is cute enough to wear in front of others. With an attractive fit and a warm fleece material, you will want to snuggle all night in them.

Moonlight PajamasMoonlight PajamasVérifiez le prix

Every teen girl loves receiving new pajamas but most girls don’t want to spend money on them. If you are looking for pajamas that last and are incredibly soft, buttery, and comfortable, Moonlight Pajamas are wonderful. Plus, it’s always nice to have a pair of pajamas that you wouldn’t mind being seeing in.

Serenedelicacy Silky Satin PajamasSerenedelicacy Silky Satin PajamasVérifiez le prix

When you are just hanging out, who doesn’t love to be comfortable? There’s nothing worse than feeling uncomfortable when you are sleeping. There is something so luxurious about silky satin pajamas. This set with a matching top and bottoms is perfect when you want to feel comfortable and fashionable. With an elastic waistband and adjustable drawstring, it comes in gorgeous designs from pinstripes to dotted designs.

Thermajane Thermal Underwear Thermajane Thermal Underwear Vérifiez le prix

In the winter, you don’t want to go outdoors without a decent pair of long johns. With a flattering snug fit, these pair of long johns from Ekouaer are the perfect base layer. Made of mostly cotton, they hide nicely under your clothing and you can even use them as a comfy pair of pajamas at home. She will want to go out in the snow right away.

Floral Lace Halter Bra BraletteFloral Lace Halter Bra BraletteVérifiez le prix

This bralette from Floral Lace was made to be seen. With very minimal padding and pretty lace details, this one is perfect for layering under maxi dresses, sheer blouses, crisp white button shirts, or even on top of a cropped shirt.

Calvin Klein BraletteCalvin Klein BraletteVérifiez le prix

What girl wouldn’t love getting a cute pair of Calvin undies? With very little padding, the bralette offers the comfort of a sports bra while the undies stretch perfectly for maximum comfort. This set is perfect for layering under clothing.

Warner’s This is Not a BraWarners This is Not a BraVérifiez le prix

It’s hard finding the perfect bra. While some girls can get away with wearing a bralette with no padding, some of us need a little more support. While it is lightly padded, this bra is designed to look virtually invisible under fitted tanks and t-shirts. It has underwire support but the extra fabric keeps it comfortable throughout the day.

Warner’s 3 Pack Lace Hipster PantiesWarners 3 Pack Lace Hipster PantiesVérifiez le prix

You can never have too much underwear. These lacy Hipster style panties come in 3 packs and are a perfect way to stock up your underwear drawer. Made of primarily cotton, the little nylon lace detailing at the top makes them look fancier than normal underwear. Offering great coverage, they are perfect for pairing with bralettes and low rise pants so that the lace peaks out.

Amazon Essentials Cotton Stretch Bikini PantyAmazon Essentials Cotton Stretch Bikini PantyVérifiez le prix

Underwear is one of those necessities that every girl needs. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on fancy underwear. Made of a cotton, this pack of bikini-style underwear comes in a variery of colors. The cotton material is breathable and designed not to shrink. They might not be fancy but they are incredibly comfortable everyday underwear.

Victoria Secret PINK PantiesVictoria Secret PINK PantiesVérifiez le prix

Every now at then Victoria’s Secret runs a special on its underwear. It’s always fun to hunt for new underwear during its sale. From briefs to boy shorts, its underwear comes in all different colors, cuts, and materials. Right now v anything made out of velvet is trendy and this trend has carried over to Victoria’s Secret underwear. She is going to want them in every color.

Calvin Klein Women’s Bikini PantyCalvin Klein Womens Bikini PantyVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t like Calvins? She is going to want to just live in them and won’t want to ever to stop wearing them. Made out of cotton, they are so comfortable, stylish and feel nice. La meilleure partie? They come in so many colors and you can find matching bralettes.

Victorias Secret PajamasVictorias Secret PajamasVérifiez le prix

What teenage girl isn’t obsessed with Victoria secret clothing? Body sprays, clothes, pajamas, workout clothes. I love it all. You can practically live in their clothing. Anything from Victoria Secret Pink is awesome, but I love their Christmas pajamas. I think these ones are super cute. The material is so soft and lightweight. Even if you already have a pair, you can never too many.

Victoria Secret Pink PajamasVictoria Secret Pink PajamasVérifiez le prix

You can’t go wrong with anything from Victoria Secret. Victoria Secret is super trendy right now. Teen girls will practically live in any of their hoodies, pajamas, or leggings.

Victoria Secret RobeVictoria Secret RobeVérifiez le prix

Every since I saw those dressing gowns that the Victoria Secret models wear, I thought they were cute. These ones are the closest ones that I could find. Made out of soft sherpa, you won’t be able to stop touching the material. I think it would look great on any girl and it comes in the most adorable colors. Who wouldn’t scream if they got one?

Whether she loves being on Instagram or just looking cute, the winning formula for any fashionista involves clothes and a whole lot of accessories. You can’t go wrong with any of these girly gifts for teen girls.

Teen girls love fashion athletic apparel. I feel like your workout clothes and outfit impact how you workout. If you have something cute on, it will inspire you to workout.

Colorfulkoala High Waisted Pattern LeggingsColorfulkoala High Waisted Pattern LeggingsVérifiez le prix

With a style similar to Lululemon Align leggings at a fraction of the price, these leggings from Colorfulkoala come in fun styles that are never too loud for working out with. While the construction is about the same and they have a seamless waistband, the material is slightly different and the slight compression makes them fit like a glove. La meilleure partie? You can buy several of them for the price of one pair of Lululemons.

IUGA High Waist Yoga Pants with PocketsIUGA High Waist Yoga Pants with PocketsVérifiez le prix

Who needs a purse? The leggings have two slim pockets that are perfect for holding your phone while you are working out or running errands. Available in 27 different colors she is going to want one in every color. Made out of a 4 way stretch material, these leggings are designed to move with you like a second layer of skin. They are super versatile too. Designed to be squat proof, you never have to worry about working out with them.

adidas 3-stripes Tricot Track Jacketadidas 3-stripes Tricot Track JacketVérifiez le prix

There is nothing better than a classic, lightweight Adidas Tracksuit jacket. With a timeless look, it’s something that every teen girl needs in her closet. With its 3 stripe design, it goes great with Adidas track pants. It looks great with anything whether paired with casual outfits or full on sportswear. She is going to want to wear it whether she is headed to the gym or not.

adidas Women’s T10 Pantsadidas Womens T10 PantsVérifiez le prix

The sweat pant just got a whole lot more fashionable with these jogger style pants from Adidas. They fit like a pair a skinny pants. Whether you are using these for soccer practice or with chill outfits, Adidas Tiro pants always remain lightweight, comfortable, and super easy to throw on.

Nike Victory Compression Sports BraNike Victory Compression Sports BraVérifiez le prix

Every girl needs a basic Nike Sports bra. Using compression and a racerback design, the Victory compression sports bra keeps everything in place while allowing you to move around freely. It’s perfect for wearing around the house, errands, and when you want a cute bra to motivate you to workout. Le seul problème? She is going to want it in every pretty color.

Mippo Mesh Open Back TankMippo Mesh Open Back TankVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want a super cute tank to wear when working out or going to the beach? There are some girls that love getting expensive workout clothes at high end stores, but you don’t need to spend a lot on cute workout clothes. With an open back, this tank can be worn either hanging loose or tied. It’s great when you want to wear a sports bra but want a little air to cool you down during a sweaty workout. Encore mieux? It comes in the prettiest colors.

Nike Women’s Dry Training ShortsNike Womens Dry Training ShortsVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love the look of Nike shorts. Designed to keep everything tight, these shorts from Nike are super comfy whether you are working out or just running errands. La meilleure partie? Made of a stretchable material, they come in a ton of different colors so there is a pair for every girl and occasion. With their two tone design, they are just so cute.

Capezio Women’s Classic Short Sleeve LeotardCapezio Womens Classic Short Sleeve LeotardVérifiez le prix

If she is in dance, a basic black leotard is essential to her wardrobe. You always have to have a black leotard. This short sleeve one from Capezio might be basic, but the stretchy nylon material gives you room to remove around. On the back, it has a low neck, which gives you that iconic ballerina look. It can be worn under clothing as a body suit.

Tempt Me Off Shoulder Ruffled Flounce BikiniTempt Me Off Shoulder Ruffled Flounce BikiniVérifiez le prix

Get ready to do the cha-cha with this ruffled off the shoulder two piece bikini. Designed to look flattering with just about any body type, this bikini also features a matching bottom and is available in many different styles and patterns. Grab a fruity drink and you will soon be in paradise. What’s really cool is that the off the shoulder top can be used to create other outfits.

Tempt Me One Piece Mesh MonokiniTempt Me One Piece Mesh MonokiniVérifiez le prix

It’s time to put that 2 piece bikini back in the closet. One piece bathing suits are making a big comeback this year. Designers are getting creative with the design adding unique cutouts on either the front or back. With a throwback design, this bathing suit gives you great coverage but has mesh cutouts on the front and back.

RipSkirt Hawaii Cover-up RipSkirt Hawaii Cover-up Vérifiez le prix

Available in several fun colors, this innovative skirt allows you to quickly transition from a bathing suit to a skirt. It simply wraps around your waist using a Velcro closure, giving you the coverage you need when you are away from the pool. After your pool party, you can easily head to the mall, concert, or to a friend’s house. The lightweight fabric has the perfect amount of stretch so you can easily move around.

Amazon Essentials Studio Terry Jogger PantAmazon Essentials Studio Terry Jogger PantVérifiez le prix

Whether you are lounging around, working out, or sleeping, these are the perfect jogger pants. Super flattering and cute, they are looser than leggings but aren’t bulky like sweatpants. They are the perfect everyday pant and look super cute when paired with sneakers.

Under Armour Women’s Play Up Shorts 2.0Under Armour Womens Play Up Shorts 2.0Vérifiez le prix

With a great fit and coverage, these flowy shorts from Under Armor will inspire you to workout. Made of a sweat wicking fabric, they have a great stretch so you don’t have to worry about them bunching or rolling up. La meilleure partie? They actually have pockets so you can put your keys and phone away while you are running. They come in different color combinations so she is going to want them in every color.

Victoria Secret Sports BraVictoria Secret Sports BraVérifiez le prix

When you want to work out, you want a cute bra that gives you the perfect support. With a removeable lining, this sportsbra from Victoria Secret gives you the perfect support without making you uncomfortable whether you are running or doing yoga. The fabric allows you to easily move around. The adjustable straps not only makes it more supportive, but super cute.

PINK LeggingsPINK LeggingsVérifiez le prix

There is nothing that says you are serious about working out like a nice pair of leggings. If she loves PINK, she is probably obsessed with their leggings. These ones have a cool color blocking design on each leg which adds a nice bit of flair without going overboard. The material is nice and thick so they are perfect even for the colder months. La meilleure partie? They have a great fit.

Zella Live LeggingsZella Live LeggingsVérifiez le prix

Many people compare Zella leggings to Luluemon leggings. With great coverage, the cut and fit is very similar. The biggest difference? Zella leggings are slightly easier on the wallet. The line is actually designed by Libby Lance who used to work at Lululemon.

Amazon Essentials Sherpa Full-Zip JacketAmazon Essentials Sherpa Full-Zip JacketVérifiez le prix

When the temperature drops, who wouldn’t want to be wrapped around in this cozy sherpa jacket? Constructed with the fluffiest fleece, it’s available in several colors. With two pockets, it’s perfect for cold winter days. It can be dressed up or down but she is going to want to hibernate with it in the fall. Who knew fashion could be so fuzzy?

Amazon Essentials Beanie and Scarf SetAmazon Essentials Beanie and Scarf SetVérifiez le prix

I think a matching scarf and beanie can really pull a winter outfit together. It is freezing where I live and nothing makes me happier than a nice quality scarf when it is cold outside. I love the faux pom pom beanie, which looks adorable when wore together with the scarf.

Hotouch SweatsuitHotouch SweatsuitVérifiez le prix

The best way to get inspired to exercise is with cute gym clothes. Who wouldn’t love a matching sweat suit? Made from soft Polyester with an elastic waist and sleeves, this sweat suit is perfect whether you are exercising, strolling in the mall, or lounging around the house. It comes in 8 gorgeous colors.

Levi Women’s Totally Shaping Skinny JeansLevi Womens Totally Shaping Skinny JeansVérifiez le prix

When you want a slimming effect, there is nothing better than skinny jeans. While it’s available in all the standard colors, this one from Levi is a flattering dark wash called Harmony. Not only do they fit well, but they help elongate your frame. They are medium rise so you don’t have to worry about the dreaded muffin top look.

Ivory Ella ShirtIvory Ella ShirtVérifiez le prix

There are a ton of clothing brands, but we love clothing brands that give back to the world. With an iconic elephant logo, Ivory Ella donates proceeds from its clothing to the Kenyan charity, Save the elephants. Its clothing is not only fashionable, but it’s nice knowing what you are wearing is actually making a difference in the world.

Campus Colors College SweatshirtCampus Colors College SweatshirtVérifiez le prix

What’s her favorite college? Right now it is super popular to wear college themed sweatshirts even if you don’t actually attend the college. Nothing says basic like a hoodie. Made with a cotton and polyester blend, these fuzzy sweatshirts will keep her cozy on the coldest days.

adidas Originals Women’s Trefoil Hoodieadidas Originals Womens Trefoil HoodieVérifiez le prix

There is nothing like a cozy hoodie to keep you warm during cool nights. Nothing says casual like an adidas Originals hoodie. Available in just about every color you could want, this pull on hoodie is constructed from soft terry cotton with ribbed details around the cuffs and crew neck. The oversized Adidas logo on the front is unmistakable.

Champion Reverse Weave Pullover HoodChampion Reverse Weave Pullover HoodVérifiez le prix

Champion is back. Is there anything more comfortable than a hoodie during the winter season? Designed to be baggy, this hoodie is perfect for pulling off any street style. It features a small Champion logo on the sleeve and a larger Champion logo on the chest. She is going to want to throw the hood up, snuggle up, and stick her hands in the pockets all winter long.

Thrasher Flame Short Sleeve T-ShirtThrasher Flame Short Sleeve T-ShirtVérifiez le prix

Thrasher is one of the most iconic Skateboarding magazines. Even if you don’t skate, Thrasher hoodies and t-shirts are all the rage right now. With the iconic Thrasher flaming logo on the front, this hoodie has become a wardrobe staple for teen girls. There is something so appealing about the skater lifestyle and this hoodie is like a jolt of coolness.

Riders by Lee Indigo Women’s Stretch DenimRiders by Lee Indigo Womens Stretch DenimVérifiez le prix

Apparently everybody needs a denim jacket. If you are going to get a denim jacket, check out this one from Lee. Unlike other jean jackets, it has a nice stretch. The fit is slim enough to wear with a summery dress underneath, but not too tight that you can’t layer up underneath. Whenever you want to go for that rugged look, just throw on this jean jacket with a pair of jeans.

Levi’s Sherpa Denim JacketLevis Sherpa Denim JacketVérifiez le prix

Teens love retro looks and denim jackets are having their moment. Just about every teen girl wants a denim jacket. It’s hard picking out jeans, but Denim jackets are much easier to gift. With a warm sherpa lining, the Levi’s Sherpa Denim Jacket is the perfect denim jacket for the fall. Made of 100% cotton, it comes in a number of different shades.

Levi’s Wedgie Icon JeansLevis Wedgie Icon JeansVérifiez le prix

With a high waist and tapered legs, these wedgie jeans are the type of jeans that moms would be spotted in. Who knew that high waisted jeans could actually be cool on someone other than mom? It’s a great neutral to pair with different colors and accessories.

Emma Chamberlain HoodieEmma Chamberlain HoodieVérifiez le prix

With over 8 million subscribers, Emma Chamberlain is one of the biggest Youtubers and influencers. Whether she is cooking or sewing an outfit, her authentic and honest personality makes her relatable and funny. You can always tell an Emma Chamberlain video from the way she edits her videos. Now you can own Emma Chamberlain merch.

Leggings Depot Plaid LeggingsLeggings Depot Plaid LeggingsVérifiez le prix

Are you tired of wearing boring pants? Plaid stripes are totally in right now. Get out of your comfort zone with this pair of plaid pants from Leggings Depot. Throw it on with a plain top to make your outfit pop.

Columbia Benton Springs JacketColumbia Benton Springs JacketVérifiez le prix

Available in so many colors, this fitted fleece jacket from Columbia is perfect for the winter weather. Made of fleece, the material is soft and the jacket is fairly lightweight. The drawstrings on the waist are handy for keeping the chilly wind out. While it is not lined, it is perfect for layering. It’s got two zippered pocket s on the outside and two deep inside pockets.

Northface Osito 2 JacketNorthface Osito 2 JacketVérifiez le prix

What could be more stylish than a North Face jacket? Made of fleece, this jacket keeps you warm even when it is cold outside. Because it is lightweight, you can layer it with a shirt or hoodie underneath if you need something warmer or even wear it alone when it is hot outside.

The North Face Venture 2 JacketThe North Face Venture 2 JacketVérifiez le prix

Whenever it gets cold and starts to rain, it is time to bring out the North Face Venture 2 Jacket. Made of a specially designed waterproof and breathable material, it repels water. The two handy zippered pockets and the standing collar will help keep the cold out. Whether she wants to walk the dog or it is raining outside, it’s light enough to wear with layers.

Patagonia Better Sweater Zip PulloverPatagonia Better Sweater Zip PulloverVérifiez le prix

Made of 100% polyester fleece, this quarter zip sweater from Patagonia has a unique sweater knitted fabric that makes it so cozy. With a quarter zip, it can easily be zipped up when it gets chilly outside. It has a very nice clean fit that fits close to the body so you have to size up if you want to layer with it. The little zip on the arm comes in handy.

Columbia Mighty Lite Hooded JacketColumbia Mighty Lite Hooded JacketVérifiez le prix

When you want to stay warm on the coldest and rainiest days of the year, there is nothing better than a puffer jacket. With a special lining designed to keep in body heat, this jacket from Columbia is a great way to stay warm and dry during the cold winter season. The outer shell is coated with water resistant material, which makes it the perfect rain jacket. There’s even zippered pockets and an interior pockets.

Amazon Essentials Women’s Utility JacketAmazon Essentials Womens Utility JacketVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t want a jacket that they can wear everyday when it’s brisk outside? You don’t have to wait for the Fall to throw on this jacket. Made out of a medium weight cotton-blend material, this jacket is available in six different colors. With no liner, it’s light enough to throw on with a few layers underneath for those extra cold winter days.

Columbia Arcadia II Waterproof Rain JacketColumbia Arcadia II Waterproof Rain JacketVérifiez le prix

Who needs an umbrella? Finally you can go out in the rain and stay dry with this waterproof jacket. The Omni-Tech fabric makes water roll of the jacket. Throw on the storm hood, use the zippered pockets, and zip it up to stay completely dry. While it has an inner lining, it’s light enough to layer clothes underneath.

Halife Off Shoulder Blouse TopHalife Off Shoulder Blouse TopVérifiez le prix

Who knew that bare shoulders could be so fun? One of the newest staples that every teen girl has to have is an off the shoulder top. With a beautiful silhouette, this one has a wide boat neck which takes this style to a new level. Dressed up or down, it would look so cute paired with boyfriend jeans and sneakers.

Yidarton Comfy Short SleeveYidarton Comfy Short SleeveVérifiez le prix

Basic shirts can sometimes be a little boring! Add a little more visual interest with a knot. Tying a knot in your shirt is actually hard to pull off. Now you don’t have to with this trendy blouse. With an oversized style, the twisted knot design gives it an elevated look. Pair it with your favorite leggings or skinny jeans.

SATINA Palazzo Wide Leg PantsSATINA Palazzo Wide Leg PantsVérifiez le prix

It’s time to ditch the skinny jeans! Wide-leg pants are making a comeback, proving that bigger is really better. With a flare at the bottom and a high waisted style, these ones from Satina are flattering. They come in a variety of styles but the printed patterns are perfect for creating a boho look.

SweatyRocks Scoop Neck Crop TopSweatyRocks Scoop Neck Crop TopVérifiez le prix

Has she being asking for a crop top? Popularized by Brandy Melville, crop tops and tube tops are in. This is the age where a lot of girls want to feel grown up, but it’s really up to parents. Pair it with denim shorts, a baseball cap, and simple sneakers and it’s easy to look like your favorite celebrity.

PRETTODAY Sleeveless Crop TopPRETTODAY Sleeveless Crop TopVérifiez le prix

With an asymetrical off the shoulder style, get ready to slay in this crop top. Made of cotton, it comes in a variety of colors so you can pull off an amazing look with just about anything. Pair it with high waisted mom jeans and Birkenstocks to make it the star of your look.

Oversized Graphic TeeOversized Graphic TeeVérifiez le prix

There is nothing more comfortable than a t-shirt. Why can’t dresses be just as comfortable? Now they can with this oversized t-shirt that has the perfect fit with its drapey material. She will love wearing it to the mall with her girlfriends. There are a wide variety of colors to choose from. Because it’s basic, it’s super easy to style. Throw on some thigh high boot or sneakers for a chic look.

Levi’s T-ShirtLevis T-ShirtVérifiez le prix

It seems everywhere you look, you see a Levi’s T-shirt. Because it is so easy to style, there is nothing like a plain white T-shirt. Branded T-shirts are extremely popular nowadays and this old school brand has one of the most recognized logos. La meilleure partie? It’s a perfect substitute for a Supreme T-shirt, which most of us on dream of owning.

Levi’s Mid Length ShortsLevis Mid Length ShortsVérifiez le prix

Denim shorts are a summertime staple and these ones from Levis are cut to be just the right length. With so many different ways to style them, you could probably live in these shorts for the entire summer. If you are going for a basic look, you could just wear them with a t-shirt and sneakers but it’s fun to add different patterns and tops for a variety of looks.

onlypuff Denim Hot Shorts onlypuff Denim Hot Shorts Vérifiez le prix

If you love wearing big oversized t-shirts that cover the bottom of your shorts, you are going to love these cut off denim shorts. The denim shorts feature distressed threads and a slit cutout on the side. Made of cotton, polyester, and spandex, they stretch like jeggings. Offered in a number of fun washes, she is going to have a hard time resisting getting them in more shades.

Vineyard Vines ShirtVineyard Vines ShirtVérifiez le prix

There is nothing more preppy than a Vineyard Vines shirt. The company’s shirts have become increasingly popular and everybody has started wearing it. One of the most unique things about the shirts is the happy Whale logo on them. Made out of 100% cotton, this laid back shirt is the perfect everyday shirt. It’s got a small whale logo on the front, a larger whale logo on the back, and the words “Vineyard Vines” written down the sleeve. Le seul problème? She isn’t going to want to wear any other shirt.

Puffer JacketPuffer JacketVérifiez le prix

While it is expensive, Patagonia not only makes great outerwear, but it also a socially responsible and environmentally friendly company. All of its clothing is made out of high quality materials that are designed to last. This jacket is a great way to stay warm and dry during the cold winter season. The outer shell is coated with water resistant material, which makes it the perfect rain jacket.

Ancestry KitAncestry KitVérifiez le prix

Where are your ancestors really from? Would you like to know where you came from? This at-home ancestry kit allows you to find out. You simply collect your saliva and mail it back to the company. In a few weeks, your DNA will be analyzed, revealing your ancestry an even health risks.

Embark Dog DNA Test KitEmbark Dog DNA Test KitVérifiez le prix

It’s an ancestry kit . . . for your dog! Would you like to know the breed of your dog? This at-home ancestry kit allows you to find out. You simply collect your dog’s saliva and mail it back to the company. In a few weeks, the DNA will be analyzed, revealing the breed of your dog.

Oral-B Black Pro 1000 Electric ToothbrushOral-B Black Pro 1000 Electric ToothbrushVérifiez le prix

This entry level electric toothbrush from Oral B can do wonders for your teeth if you are still brushing your teeth the old fashioned way. While it isn’t loaded with a ton of features that the more expensive models have, it brushes your teeth just as well. It features one brush mode, a timer, and a pressure sensor. La meilleure partie? You will find yourself smiling a lot more.

Crest 3D White Glamorous White WhitestripsCrest 3D White Glamorous White WhitestripsVérifiez le prix

Everybody wants the perfect smile. Tooth paste is great for keeping your teeth clean every day, but it only removes surface stains. According to Crest, whitening strips whiten your teeth 25X better than the best whitening toothpaste. Because it uses chemicals, you do want to make sure that you keep the strips of your gums. La meilleure partie? She will smile a lot more.

Idson Muscle Roller StickIdson Muscle Roller StickVérifiez le prix

This might look a bit strange, but this roller stick is designed to allow you to administer your own self message anywhere on your body. You simply roll it over the sore muscles in your body to give yourself a deep tissue message. La meilleure partie? You can control how much pressure you use. It helps to break up lactic acid in the muscles and stimulate blood flow.

Masseur de dos et de cou Naipo ShiatsuMasseur de dos et de cou Naipo ShiatsuVérifiez le prix

There is nothing worse that back pain. Say goodbye to neck, shoulder, and back pain with this heated shiatsu massager. Simply drape it over your shoulders and enjoy a deep tissue massage with eight different nodes and 3 levels of intensity. The hand holders allow you to position it on anywhere on your back. You can even add heat. La meilleure partie? You never have to spend a penny on physical therapy.

Zyllion Shiatsu Pillow MassagerZyllion Shiatsu Pillow MassagerVérifiez le prix

Who needs a message therapist? With a super sleek design, this nifty pillow can easily be strapped to your chair, giving you a deep kneaded Shiatsu massage. The adjustable straps make it easy to secure to any chair. It’s perfect for sore necks and backs. You can put it on just about any area of your body that is sore. La meilleure partie? It’s heated.

TheraFlow Dual Foot Massager RollerTheraFlow Dual Foot Massager RollerVérifiez le prix

Do your feet hurt so bad that you can hardly walk? Foot messages can help achy feet. There’s nothing better than a good foot massage after a long day on your feet. It’s impossible to give yourself a good foot massage, but this foot massager can help. Made out of wood, this manual massager features two notched rollers that hit all the pressure points on your feet. You simply just roll you feet back and forth on it for about 10 minutes for satisfying relief.

Thera Cane MassagerThera Cane MassagerVérifiez le prix

Imagine you could give yourself a back massage! This bizarre looking contraption actually is a personal back massager. With an S-shaped design, it has different trigger knobs on it that allow you to reach different points on your body so you can administer a self massage. La meilleure partie? You don’t need anybody else to help you. Who needs Advil? Say goodbye to back knots and muscle aches!

Mighty BlissMighty BlissVérifiez le prix

Meet your new best friend! A heating pad can be a life saver for a sore body. Made out a soft, plushy fabric material, the Mighty Bliss heating pad will help sooth your muscles immediately. You wrap it around your back, neck, or anywhere you need relief. It has three temperature settings. The built in auto shutoff means it with shut off after 2 hours.

BlenderBottleBlenderBottleVérifiez le prix

Who needs a blender? The Blender Bottle is one of the best inventions ever for protein shakes on the go. The metal shaker is designed to give you clump free smoothies every time. What could be better than one bottle that you mix and drink out of? Whether you are running late or want to hit the gym, you can have a fresh smoothie everywhere. La meilleure partie? Your counter will thank you.

Original ToePalOriginal ToePalVérifiez le prix

Sometimes when you wear too tight shoes, your toes can get all bunched and curled up. Toe separators help to stretch and loosen tightness among the toes. This pack comes with 2 gel separators. La meilleure partie? You can also use them to separate your toes when you are doing pedicures.

Scalp MassagerScalp MassagerVérifiez le prix

There are some things that just make you feel good. Who doesn’t love a good massage? Sometimes the strangest thing can also feel good. This scalp massager stimulates your scalp, increasing circulation and relieving tension. Whenever you are feeling stressful, whip this thing out.

Headache HatHeadache HatVérifiez le prix

This might look a completely ridiculous, but it’s actually very helpful if you tend to get a lot of headaches. It’s a wearable ice pack that wraps around your head. With a unique design, the headache hat is better than strapping giant ice packs on your head. You can move around with it on without worrying about it falling off. Because it has a self container ice tray, you simply throw it in the freezer and grab it when you need it.

RENPHO Shiatsu Foot MassagerRENPHO Shiatsu Foot MassagerVérifiez le prix

Our feet take a lot of abuse! Why not kick off your shoes and give them a break with the Renpo Shiatsu Foot Massager. Using professional shiatsu techniques, it provides a deep tissue massage. Personalize your massage with 3 intensity settings, air, and heat. The rolling stick and rotation ball give you a massage that feels like the closest thing to human hands. It’s the last foot massager you will ever “Knead!”

Looking for Christmas gifts for a 17 year old girl? What almost every 17 year old girl has on her Christmas or birthday wish list is makeup. You can’t go wrong with neutral colors from brands she will love.

BS-MALL Makeup BrushesBS-MALL Makeup BrushesVérifiez le prix

Your makeup is only as good as your tools. Makeup brushes don’t have to be expensive. Made with synthetic fiber, this set of 14 makeup brushes rivals makeup brushes that cost a lot more and perfect for beginners. The bold handles make them easy to hold. Each of the bigger brushes is clearly labeled so there is no guess work. They are basically a poor person’s version of Sigma brushes.

SHANY Elite Brush CollectionSHANY Elite Brush CollectionVérifiez le prix

If you are looking for really high quality makeup brushes, but don’t want to pay the price for the fancy brands, check out these brushes from Shany. The set includes 18 different brushes for applying everything from eye shadow to eye liner. Made with natural and microfiber bristles, these brushes hold and distribute makeup smoothly. La meilleure partie? They come in travel case that also acts as a stand.

NYX Ultimate Shadow Palette, BrightsNYX Ultimate Shadow Palette, BrightsVérifiez le prix

Neutrals just got boring! If you need color in your life, the NYX Brights palette is for you. With bright blues, greens, reds, oranges, and pinks, you can recreate all of your favorite 70s looks. It’s an intimidating palette, but a lot of fun to play with. It helps that the colors are buildable and blendable so you can get really creative. With 16 colors, the color options are endless.

SHANY All In One Harmony Makeup KitSHANY All In One Harmony Makeup KitVérifiez le prix

With everything from lip glosses to eye shadows, this eye shadow kit from Shany is one of the most popular makeup gifts for beginners. With 98 eye shadows, there is a lot of makeup here. It comes packaged in a beautiful case with a handle on it. When you open it up, there are so many different eye shadows and everything in between to play with.

Luxe Makeup Brush CleanerLuxe Makeup Brush CleanerVérifiez le prix

Does she love makeup? We can’t stress how important it is to clean your makeup brushes regularly. Germs are everywhere. The worst part is drying your brushes. A lot of us get lazy so this USB makeup brush cleaner can help. It comes with 8 different rubber holder designed to fit any sized brush. You dip your brush into the bowl and turn on the spinner. With three different speeds, it takes away all the heavy lifting when it comes wot cleaning your brushes. La meilleure partie? It can air dry your brushes in seconds too.

Urban Decay Naked Honey PaletteUrban Decay Naked Honey PaletteVérifiez le prix

A large eye shadow palette would be a perfect gift for teens. For teens, the Naked Palette is a must have. There are several palettes out right now and she would be happy with just about any of them. With plenty of neutral shades, the Naked palette is a lot of fun to play with. It’s super trendy right now and if she got it all her friends would be jealous.

Maybelline Master Chrome HighlighterMaybelline Master Chrome HighlighterVérifiez le prix

It’s always nice when you don’t have to pay a ton of money for a drugstore brand that is every bit as good as an upscale brand. Maybelline’s Master Chrome collection is the best highlighter you can buy in its price range. Plus, Maybelline is constantly adding new shades. Le seul problème? You will want every color. They have a gold metallic shade that looks like the perfect dupe of Fenty’s Killawatt Trophy Wife.

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion SpongeReal Techniques Miracle Complexion SpongeVérifiez le prix

Whether you use it wet or dry, there are so many different ways you can use a makeup sponge. You can use it to remove makeup or even use to apply foundation or concealer. Because it is washable, you can use it for awhile before it needs to be replaced. La meilleure partie? It allows you to apply your makeup so smoothly and evenly.

Neutrogena Makeup RemoverNeutrogena Makeup RemoverVérifiez le prix

Sometimes taking off your makeup before you go to bed is an absolute chore. Makeup wipes remove your makeup really fast and easy. While they shouldn’t be used as a complete substitute for washing your face, they are a great start to removing your makeup. Even just using makeup wipes is much better than sleeping with your makeup on your face. Everybody should have makeup wipes in their nightstand.

Silicone Makeup Brush Cleaning MatSilicone Makeup Brush Cleaning MatVérifiez le prix

When it comes to makeup brushes, nobody likes to clean them. Most of us have something better to do like get on Instagram. The little gadget might make you want to finally clean the nasty bacteria off your brushes. With a little water and soap, the squishy bumps on the mat are supposed to clean the bristles of your brush when you rub the brushes on the mat. For makeup lovers, it might be one of the greatest inventions.

Vogue Effects WingLiner Eyeliner StampVogue Effects WingLiner Eyeliner StampVérifiez le prix

Can’t create the perfect wing even after watching a ton of Youtube tutorials? If you can’t even do it with tape, then cheat with this eyeliner stamp. You dip the stamp into the ink and press it onto your eyes. It’s like a stamp that you use on your face. Now everybody can wing it and create a flawless cat-eye look.

Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Eye LinerStila Stay All Day Waterproof Eye LinerVérifiez le prix

Teen girls are on a never ending quest for the perfect cat eye look. While most eyeliners tend to smudge, the Stila liquid eye liner manages to stay put all day. The felt tip end allows you to precisely create sharp lines with intense color. While it does require a steady hand, you won’t find a better way to create a cat eye.

The Makeup SetThe Makeup SetVérifiez le prix

Founded by Emily Weiss, Glossier has become an overnight sensation. Everybody wants awesome looking eye brows. If there is one product that you must own from Glossier, it has to be Boy Brow. This is one product that lives up to the hype. Available in different shades, this tinted eye brow pomade keeps you eyebrows perfectly groomed. You simply brush your eye brows and the pomade keeps the little hairs in place. The gift set comes with Boy Brow, Cloud Paint, and Lash Stick.

Brilliant Beauty Eyelash CurlerBrilliant Beauty Eyelash CurlerVérifiez le prix

Mascara is great but if you really want to add some flair to your eye lashes you need this eyelash curler from Brilliant Beauty. With an ergonomic design, this flat shaped curler can add life to even the flattest eyelashes without pulling or pinching on your lashes.

Ardell Multipack Demi Wispies Fake EyelashesArdell Multipack Demi Wispies Fake EyelashesVérifiez le prix

There is no better way to get dolled up on special occasions than with fake eyelashes. Simple glue these on and you are immediately rocking longer eye lashes. You don’t have to worry about clumping, smearing, or them sticking together. You get perfectly separated eye lashes every time. They can look completely stunning and nobody will even know your little secret.

Midnight Glo UV Body Paint Neon Glow KitMidnight Glo UV Body Paint Neon Glow KitVérifiez le prix

Ever since Ariana Grande released “God Is a Woman” everybody fell in love with her body paint. With eight vivid colors, this cool neon kit from Midnight Glow allows you to paint your body with glowing paint. The paint glows when it is exposed to ultraviolet light or blacklight. La meilleure partie? It easily washes off.

NYX Ultimate Shadow Palette, NudesNYX Ultimate Shadow Palette, NudesVérifiez le prix

If you are looking for an inexpensive drugstore eye shadow option, the NYX Ultimate Shadow Palette is a really pretty palette with pretty colors. Containing 16 neutral shades, this palette is versatile enough to create a bunch of makeup looks.

The James Charles PaletteThe James Charles PaletteVérifiez le prix

James Charles is a popular beauty Youtuber and makeup artist. When James joined forces with Morphe, his goal was to create a palette that would allow everybody to unleash their inner artist. The James Charles Palette is split into 3 sections. The top of palette has neutral colors and the bottom has a daring section of rainbow colors. Our favorite part? In the middle, you’ve got larger pans of shades that you will use the most.

Pronexa Hairgenics Lavish LashPronexa Hairgenics Lavish LashVérifiez le prix

Everybody wants lush thick eyelashes. A lot of customers have had a lot of luck with Lavish Lash serum. It claims to give you longer, fuller lashes. You are supposed to apply a thin line of serum on your eyelashes every day and night. The company claims it will boost the thickness of your lashes in two months. We haven’t tried it, but some women have had good luck with it and have posted before and after pictures.

Anastasia Beverly Hills DipBrowAnastasia Beverly Hills DipBrowVérifiez le prix

Anastasia’s Dipbrow is the only product you need for the most perfect eye brows. This smudge free pomade can be used to define the top and bottom of your eye brow and fill in and sparse areas. It comes in a small container that seems to last forever. You will never want to use another eye brow product again.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow WizAnastasia Beverly Hills Brow WizVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love fuller looking eye brows? With a razor thin tip and spoolie, this eye liner is great for creating the perfect wing and glides effortlessly. It comes in several shades and it lives up to the Anastasia name. With a great color payoff, the very rich color stays all day, giving you a ntural look. La meilleure partie? It lasts all day with no smudging.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Lip GlossAnastasia Beverly Hills Lip GlossVérifiez le prix

While lip balms are great for moisturizing your lips, Anstasia’s lip gloss not only leaves lips feeling moisturized, it comes in vivid shades. With over 40 shades, it is easy to find a shade and finish that goes with your complexion.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow KitAnastasia Beverly Hills Glow KitVérifiez le prix

Anastasia has been releasing some great highlighting palettes. The Sugar glow kit comes with 4 different shades from Butterscotch to Marshmallow. Because its got a variety of shades, you can even use it to pull off a tanned look. Depending on the color of your skin, these shades can be used in so many different ways to achieve different effects from highlighting to contouring.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern RenaissanceAnastasia Beverly Hills Modern RenaissanceVérifiez le prix

Just about everybody wants Anastasia’s Modern Renaissance palette. It’s a highly pigmented palette with colors that blend effortlessly. The palette drew a lot of its inspiration from the Renaissance period. This beautiful palette strikes a delicate balance between neutral shades and big pops of colors.

MakeUp EraserMakeUp EraserVérifiez le prix

For makeup lovers, this product almost seems too good to be true. With this makeup eraser cloth, all you have to do is wet it and wipe off your makeup. Like magic, your makeup is supposed to come off on the cloth. La meilleure partie? Because it is reusable and washable, you will save so much money on makeup wipes.

Morphe Jaclyn Hill Eyeshadow PaletteMorphe Jaclyn Hill Eyeshadow PaletteVérifiez le prix

Famous beauty blogger has collaborated with Morphe to release her dream palette. With everything from blue to browns, the palette has just about every color that you can imagine. You can create great neutral looks or dare to use the colors of the rainbow. The colors go on smooth like butter and have excellent pigmentation. It’s such a versatile palette for creating many different looks.

Gingerbread Extra SpicyGingerbread Extra SpicyVérifiez le prix

There is nothing that makes you feel more Christmassy than eating fresh baked gingerbread cookies. With 18 fall themed colors, the Gingerbread Spice palette is perfect for creating a pumpkin colored smoky eye. Mix a couple of shades together and you might create something more tasty than a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Not only will make you look so festive, it smells like gingerbread.

BESTOPE Makeup Vanity MirrorBESTOPE Makeup Vanity MirrorVérifiez le prix

Not all of us have perfect lighting in our bathrooms. With a tri-fold design, this vanity mirror has 21 built in lights than can be powered with batteries or a USB cable. The lights can be dimmed or brightened with the touch sensitivity switch. The three panel design allows you to see your face from different angles. The magnifying mirrors on the side allow you to see everything in more detail, making doing your eyebrows and lips easier.

ToiletTree Products Fogless Shower MirrorToiletTree Products Fogless Shower MirrorVérifiez le prix

Do you love removing makeup in the shower? A fogless mirror in the shower can really speed up your beauty regimen. This fogless mirror from ToiletTree works by using a hot water reservoir. With a built in shelf, it will attach to most shower surfaces using a suction cup.

Caboodles On The Go Girl Classic CaseCaboodles On The Go Girl Classic CaseVérifiez le prix

Here is an adorable throwback that will bring back so many memories to anybody who grew up in the 90s. For those who don’t know Caboodles are plastic organizers that have swing out trays that help you organize all of your cosmetics and even have a handy swing out mirror. You could get a Caboodle and create a little mini starter makeup set by filling it lip gloss, nail polish, or eye shadow.

S & T Makeup Cinch ToteS & T Makeup Cinch ToteVérifiez le prix

There are all different types of makeup bags. Some of us like a lot of compartments to keep everything organized and some of us like to dump everything inside a big tote. Made out of nylon, this drawstring cinch bag can open completely flat making it easy to find stuff inside. When you are done with your makeup, you just pull the drawstring to turn it back into a cinch bag. La meilleure partie? It’s so easy to tuck away under the sink or in a bag.

Waneway Lighted Vanity MirrorWaneway Lighted Vanity MirrorVérifiez le prix

If you are looking to get that Hollywood experience at home, this super decorative mirror will make you feel glamorous. Not only does the mirror have a frame around it, but the dimmable light bulbs around it create ambient light that allows you to see the makeup you are applying on your face.

BESTOPE Makeup Vanity MirrorBESTOPE Makeup Vanity MirrorVérifiez le prix

Not all of us have perfect lighting in our bathrooms. With a tri-fold design, this vanity mirror has 21 built in lights than can be powered with batteries or a USB cable. The lights can be dimmed or brightened with the touch sensitivity switch. The three panel design allows you to see your face from different angles. The magnifying mirrors on the side allow you to see everything in more detail, making doing your eyebrows and lips easier.

Vera Bradley Large Zip 2.0 Cosmetic BagVera Bradley Large Zip 2.0 Cosmetic BagVérifiez le prix

If she’s already starting to wear makeup, she is probably going to need a nice cosmetic bag. This cosmetic bag from Vera Bradley is perfect for housing her eye shadows, lipsticks, and makeup brushes. It folds up easily and zips up. Whenever you want to apply your makeup whether at home or traveling, it is easy to grab.

Eyelash Dreamer Makeup BagEyelash Dreamer Makeup BagVérifiez le prix

Every makeup lover has to have a place where she can stuff her must have products. With eyelashes on the front, this bag couldn’t be more fitting. Whenever she sees the gorgeous lashes, she will be reminded how beautiful she is. Measuring 8″x 9”, it’s the perfect size to carry an assortment of makeup in. You can make it an even better gift by including some makeup inside.

Ikee Design Makeup OrganizerIkee Design Makeup OrganizerVérifiez le prix

At 17, she probably has a ton of makeup. This little tabletop organizer is a great way to keep everything organized from makeup brushes to eye shadow palettes. It looks pretty on your makeup vanity and makes it very easy to see all of your products at a glance instead of all jumbled up in a drawer.

byAlegory Acrylic Makeup OrganizersbyAlegory Acrylic Makeup OrganizersVérifiez le prix

Now that she is 17, she probably has a bunch of different eye shadow palettes. With 7 removable shelves, this little organizer can fit all her Naked Palettes and a ton more. We like how you can either orient it laying down or upright to fit your space.

Jerrybox Rotating Makeup OrganizerJerrybox Rotating Makeup OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Does she have a cluttered bathroom with products all over the place? It will probably take her forever to find what she is looking for. Here is a genius way for her to organize her everyday beauty products. The carousel design allows you to easily rotate the products around so you can easily find what you are looking for.

Whitmor 5-Tier Makeup OrganizerWhitmor 5-Tier Makeup OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Does she have a large makeup collection that is all over the place? Sure you can sort it out in makeup bags but it’s hard figuring out where everything is since you can’t see inside. With several compartments and drawers, this 5-tier makeup organizer helps her keep everything organized and most importantly neat. Depending on the size of her makeup collection, you can choose a smaller organizer.

SONGMICS Makeup OrganizerSONGMICS Makeup OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Having a clean and orderly place is very important. A makeup organizer with drawers and racks is a good way to store the makeup you use the most often. With this one, you can store different products in each drawer and compartment without taking a whole lot of counter space. It makes is so easy to find exactly what you are looking for in an instant.

IRIS 7-Drawer Storage Cart with Organizer TopIRIS 7-Drawer Storage Cart with Organizer TopVérifiez le prix

While there are more expensive drawer storage units that you can use to organize your makeup in, these clear plastic drawers are great if you are on a budget. They come with the added bonus that they are transparent so you can easily see what is inside each drawer. There are several different configurations to choose from depending on your needs.

SHANY Makeup Train CaseSHANY Makeup Train CaseVérifiez le prix

Whether she wants to store her makeup or travel with it, a makeup train case is a great gift idea for any 17 year old makeup lover. This one from Shany is offered in many different colors. When you open up the train case, it opens out the trays to store all your makeup inside. It’s got plenty of room inside to store her entire makeup collection. La meilleure partie? You can adjust all the dividers.

Sorbus Cosmetics Bathroom CaseSorbus Cosmetics Bathroom CaseVérifiez le prix

If you are looking to organize all your makeup, this organizer is a must have if you have a large makeup collection. It comes with 3 large and 4 small drawers to accommodate all different types of cosmetics. Made of plastic, the drawers are all clear which makes it easy to see what you have stored inside without constantly opening the drawers. You be surprised how much you can add to it. La meilleure partie? The drawers pull out completely.

STORiBrush HolderSTORiBrush HolderVérifiez le prix

Are you looking to get your makeup organized? The easiest way to start is with brush holders. With two compartments, this simple brush holder makes it easy to keep your makeup brushes organized and off the countertop. It’s got one small compartment and one larger compartment. It’s perfect for storing brushes upright and other cosmetics.

Home-it Nail Polish HolderHome-it Nail Polish HolderVérifiez le prix

Here is the perfect gift for nail polish lovers. This 5 step acrylic nail polish organizer stores up to 60 nail polish bottles. Because each row is raised, it is easy to see all the nail polish at a quick glance. It’s got little rails on each row to ensure that your bottles will not tip over.

Ikee Design Rotating 64 Lipstick OrganizerIkee Design Rotating 64 Lipstick OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Does she have a ton of lipstick? It’s hard to find the right colored lipstick if you stick them all in a drawer. You only end up using a couple of your go-to lipsticks. This little acrylic organizer holds 64 lipsticks. The coolest part? It rotates, making it easy to find the right shade to go with your outfit.

Goody Hand MirrorGoody Hand MirrorVérifiez le prix

Just about every 17 year old girl could use a handy mirror. With a fairly wide body and a sturdy handle, this rectangular shaped hand mirror from Goody makes it easy to see all around your face. It measures about 7.5-inches across. Whether you are creating the perfect hairstyle or a picture perfect winged liner this hand mirror will do the trick.

ToiletTree Products Fogless Shower MirrorToiletTree Products Fogless Shower MirrorVérifiez le prix

Do you love removing makeup in the shower? A fogless mirror in the shower can really speed up your beauty regimen. This fogless mirror from ToiletTree works by using a hot water reservoir. With a built in shelf, it will attach to most shower surfaces using a suction cup.

iHome Bluetooth Makeup MirroriHome Bluetooth Makeup MirrorVérifiez le prix

Meet the makeup mirror of the future. Like most makeup mirrors, it got 7X magnification on one side and a regular mirror on the reverse light. It even has a ring light around the mirror with a dimming mode. It’s got fancy lights, great magnification . . . and a Bluetooth speaker. What could be cooler than listening to your favorite music while you are doing your makeup? Who knew you needed something like this in your life?

Decobros 8-inch Tabletop Vanity MirrorDecobros 8-inch Tabletop Vanity MirrorVérifiez le prix

The best way to apply your makeup is with natural light. If you have natural sunlight coming into your room, you don’t need an expensive lighted makeup mirror. This one from DecoBros is just your basic makeup mirror with 7x magnification on one side and regular mirror on the other. Simply place it next to an open window or bright lamp. With an 8-inch diameter, it is a nice size mirror to put on any vanity.

Conair Round Shaped Natural Daylight MirrorConair Round Shaped Natural Daylight MirrorVérifiez le prix

Make your life easier with this lighted makeup mirror from Conair. With the built in light, you can do your makeup anywhere and at anytime in the day. With the magnification settings, you can see every little detail on your face, which makes it easy to pluck your eye brows or even apply makeup.

Chende Hollywood Makeup VanityChende Hollywood Makeup VanityVérifiez le prix

If she has got a dressing table, this lighted mirror is a great way to make it look more glitzy. It’s every 17 year old girl’s dream to own a mirror like this. With dimmable LED bulbs around the border, this one will make her feel like she is a celebrity every time she does her makeup. The lights not only look cool, but they help illuminate her face when she is putting on her makeup.

Chende Hollywood Style LED Light Kit (No Mirror)Chende Hollywood Style LED Light Kit (No Mirror)Vérifiez le prix

Don’t you wish that your vanity mirror had better lighting? Turn your ordinary vanity mirror into a Hollywood style makeup mirror with this lighting kit. The installation couldn’t be easier. The kit comes with 10 dimmable vanity lights that can be stuck to your mirror’s surface using the adhesive backing. Your vanity will not be complete without them. Note: Mirror not included.

Harry Potter WandHarry Potter WandVérifiez le prix

“Arania Exumai” Now she can cast spells just like Harry Potter with this movie-accurate replica wand from Noble collection. Made of plastic, it actually looks and feels like it is made out of wood. La meilleure partie? You can get all the different wands from all the major characters in the movie. They come in a cool collectible box. What could be more magical than her opening the box to see a Harry Potter wand inside?

Harry Potter ScarfHarry Potter ScarfVérifiez le prix

With the striped colors and logo, this scarf looks exactly like the scarves that Harry Potter and his class wore in the Harry Potter movies. Once she puts on this scarf, she will become a wizard. It’s only a matter of time before she gets her Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly letter. Le seul problème? She is going to want to move to some place cold so that she can wear it every day.

Harry Potter Butterbeer Soy CandleHarry Potter Butterbeer Soy CandleVérifiez le prix

Have you ever wondered what Butterbeer tastes and smells like? Made of soy, the Harry Potter Butterbeer Candle will make your whole house smell like creamy Butterbeer. Everybody will think you are making Butterbeer. Le seul problème? The creamy butterscotch smell will make you thirsty for actual Butterbeer. While it won’t satisfy your thirst for it, this magical candle will make your as cozy as Hogwarts.

Funko POP Harry PotterFunko POP Harry PotterVérifiez le prix

There is a reason that Pop vinyl figures are so popular. Whether she loves superhero movies or Harry Potter, these figures are so fun to collect and display. What could be better than Harry Potter and Funko Pop? It’s really fun seeing your favorite Harry Potter figures being turned into a vinyl figure with a big head and small body. While you can’t really pose the figure, he looks magical on a shelf. She is going to want to start a new collection.

Harry Potter Gryffindor Hooded BathrobeHarry Potter Gryffindor Hooded BathrobeVérifiez le prix

She is going to want to go to Hogwarts with this Slytherin robe. With a crest in the front, hood, and a beautiful lining, she will feel like a real life wizard every time she wears it. While it not really designed to absorb water out of the shower, she will love lounging everywhere with it when it is cold outside. What could be more magical?

The Unofficial Harry Potter CookbookThe Unofficial Harry Potter CookbookVérifiez le prix

Have you ever tried to make Cauldron Cakes? Finally we can make our favorite treats from Harry Potter. If she is a Potterhead, she is going to want to make every recipe in this book. La meilleure partie? She doesn’t even have to go to Hogwarts to become a cooking wizard. Because most of the recipes are English, it’s a lot of fun to try a different cuisine.

Hawkins Middle School AV Club SweatshirtHawkins Middle School AV Club SweatshirtVérifiez le prix

Is she obsessed with Stanger Things? Set in the 80s, this Sci Fi series is impossible not to binge watch on Netflix. Now she can look like she goes to Hawkins Middle School with this adorable sweatshirt. Le seul problème? She might develop an obsession for the sweatshirt too.

Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside DownStranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside DownVérifiez le prix

When Stranger Things first appeared on Netflix, it developed a huge following. Now Netflix and Penguin Random House are releasing the first official companion book for the show. Containing insider information, the book has interviews with the stars, early concepts, and even a sneak peak at the season 3. The coolest part? The book looks worn and torn. If she loves Stranger Things, she won’t be able to put the book down.

Funko Pop Stranger Things Vinyl FigureFunko Pop Stranger Things Vinyl FigureVérifiez le prix

Funko Pop Vinyl figures are about to get even more popular. Now you can find all your favorite Stranger Things characters transformed into bite sized Vinyl figures complete with big heads and tiny bodies. It’s the perfect gift for the girl who can’t get enough of Stranger Things.

Sonic the Hedgehog Device HolderSonic the Hedgehog Device HolderVérifiez le prix

If your teen loves gaming, they are going to love this decorative decorative device holder that is designed to hold everything from smart phones to gaming controllers. There are a variety of gaming characters to choose from Sonic to Call of Duty characters. What could be cooler than a Sonic statue that actually holds your device. It’s a great addition to any gamers room.

Trends Stranger Things PosterTrends Stranger Things PosterVérifiez le prix

Stranger Things is one of the biggest hits on Netflix. The show capitalizes on 80s nostalgia, creepiness, and adventure. If she can’t get enough of Stanger Things, this Stranger Things Poster makes the perfect gift idea. It features all of her favorite characters from the show. You can get it either framed or unframed. Just make sure she doesn’t hang it upside down.

Loungefly BagLoungefly BagVérifiez le prix

For those of use that can’t get enough of Disney, there is this adorable Minnie Mouse cross body purse. Could there be anything cuter than a purse with Minnie’s ears and bow on it. This 12 inch purse is not only stylish, it is roomy. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to wait until you go to Disneyland to show your love for Minnie Mouse. You can take the “Happiest Place On Earth” everywhere with you.

“Friends” Graphic TeeVérifiez le prix

While Friends used to be a hit TV show over 20 years ago, Friends t-shirts have become part of everybody’s wardrobe. Made out of a breathable cotton blend, this simple black tee, which features the iconic “Friends’ logo, is perfect for any fan. For a more vintage 90s look, throw it on with a pair of high waisted mom jeans.

Tello Quadcopter DroneTello Quadcopter DroneVérifiez le prix

You don’t need a big expensive drone. This lightweight one from Tello has all of the advanced features that you expect from more expensive drones including the ability to record 720p HD video and snap pictures. The coolest part? It has built in Wi-Fi which allows you to fly the drone in virtual reality using a Smartphone VR Headset.

DJI SparkDJI SparkVérifiez le prix

DJI makes many drones, but the DJI Spark is its cheapest drone. The DJI Spark is the drone every teenage guy wishes he could fly on Christmas morning. It’s got a built in 12 megapixel camera the takes 1080P video. This tiny drone is extremely portable and has about a 16 minute flight time. With optional hand gesture controls, this is the perfect drone for beginners and professionals.

SquishmallowsSquishmallowsVérifiez le prix

Influenced by Japanese characters, Squishmallows are super squishy, huggable plush toys. They are available in all different types of styles from penguins to cats. The family of Squishmallows continues to grow. They have cool pastel colors, which make them easy to blend in with your room decor. This adorable hedgehog is 16 inches! Tweens will love throwing it around and squishing whenever they need to relax.

Pokemon Trading CardsPokemon Trading CardsVérifiez le prix

It’s fun playing the Pokemon games but there is something about physically playing the card game that you don’t get with the video games. Once you start collecting Pokemon cards it is impossible to stop. Pokemon requires playing different cards to perform moves and countermoves against your opponent. Each card has different stats. You always have to be one step ahead of your opponent. Nothing can beat the exciting feeling when you get a new stack of cards.

Nintendo AmiiboNintendo AmiiboVérifiez le prix

Amiibo figures are cute little Nintendo characters. You can put these little figures into your Nintendo games, but I think they are just fun to collect on their own.

Magic Worm ToysMagic Worm ToysVérifiez le prix

Just like everybody on the internet, we’ve suddenly fallen in love with these colorful creatures. The internet has dubbed them ” worm on a string.” Covered in bright furry exteriors and with big googly eyes, they have a string inside them that allows them to move like worms when you move your hands.

Harry Potter Cauldron Soup Mug with SpoonHarry Potter Cauldron Soup Mug with SpoonVérifiez le prix

Sip from this cauldron shaped soup bowl and you will turn into a magical wizard. With a Hogwarts crest on the outside, this mug is something that any Harry Potter fan would love drinking out of. Holding 16 ounces of liquid, it might not be as big as a life size cauldron. Still, that doesn’t mean she can’t whip up a magical potion that wakes her up in the morning.

Ugears Wooden PuzzleUgears Wooden PuzzleVérifiez le prix

If you need an awesome gift idea, check out UGears line of self propelled wooden models. Using laser cut pieces, these models are engineering marvels. After you put this movie theater model together, you will be amazed at how just spinning one gear causes the other gears to spin at different rates.

If she can’t get enough of Math and Science, she will love these science gifts that encourage her to put on her lab coat.

Women in ScienceWomen in ScienceVérifiez le prix

This illustrated encyclopedia celebrates 50 women who have contributed greatly to the field of science. With amazing illustrations, the book features a cutesy layout with one page dedicated for each woman. The obstacles these women faced make their achievements all the more impressive. You’ll learn about everyone from Jane Goodall to Grace Hopper. It’s the perfect gift for your future scientist.

EcoSphere Closed Aquatic EcosystemEcoSphere Closed Aquatic EcosystemVérifiez le prix

Are you tired of your goldfish always dying? Meet the Ecoshere. Inside this glass ball is a fully enclosed ecosystem with shrimp and algae that is designed to sustain life with just indirect light. La meilleure partie? You never have to feed the shrimp or change the water.

Bliss Gardens Air Plant TerrariumBliss Gardens Air Plant TerrariumVérifiez le prix

Every teenage girl needs a bunch of colorful plants to spice up her room. This terrarium is like a little indoor garden that lives in your room. La meilleure partie? Compared to normal plants, it is very easy to care for and lasts for a very long time.

AmScope M500 Monocular Compound MicroscopeAmScope M500 Monocular Compound MicroscopeVérifiez le prix

While this microscope is affordable, the glass optics and build quality is comparable to something that you would find in a high school microscope. With an adjustable light, focus knob, and multiple lenses, it is perfect for observing everything from red blood cells to amoebas.

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 4 Starter Kit CanaKit Raspberry Pi 4 Starter Kit Vérifiez le prix

Want to get started programming? This small credit sized computer called the Raspberry Pi 3 is the best place to get started. CanaKIt has packaged everything you need to get started in this little affordable package. Even if you have never used the Raspberry Pi, the quick-start guide walks even beginners through everything to get it up and running.

Arduino Super Starter KitArduino Super Starter KitVérifiez le prix

Want to build cool stuff? Arduino is a programmable board that lets you build all sorts of cool electronics. If you want to get started with Arduino boards, check out the starter kit that guides you through 22 lessons.

LEGO Mindstorms EV3LEGO Mindstorms EV3Vérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love building stuff out of Legos? The Lego Mindstorms EV3 is the most advanced Lego set ever, letting anybody build and program robots. There are a number of ways you can control and program your robot. In the past, you would have to use a personal computer to program the robot’s brain but now you can even use a tablet.

Elenco Learn to SolderElenco Learn to SolderVérifiez le prix

Have you ever wanted to learn how to solder? Soldering is a must if you want to create your own electronics. This kit contains everything you need to learn the technique. With a soldering iron, wirecutters, and getting started guide, you will be able to complete your first soldering project.

Makey MakeyMakey MakeyVérifiez le prix

Turning fruit into a piano isn’t something you would ordinarily do, but with Makey Makey it is possible. This simple gadget allows you to turn just about anything into keyboard or mouse press. Simply hook up items to the clips and it fools your computer into thinking it’s a button press. The fun part is coming up with novel uses for it.

Make ElectronicsMake ElectronicsVérifiez le prix

Have you ever wondered how electronics really work? Through 25 different projects, this book walks you through all of the fundamentals in electronic theory through hands on exercises. Everybody who is interested in electronics should have this in their electronics library collection.

Orion StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector TelescopeOrion StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector TelescopeVérifiez le prix

With this telescope from Orion, you can bring the night sky to your tabletop. You can even mount it on any camera tripod for a more traditional feel. With an 114mm aperature and wide-field f/4 reflective optics, you can see everything from the Orion Nebula to the Moon and planets. Are you ready to get lost in space?

Bose BOSEbuild Speaker CubeBose BOSEbuild Speaker CubeVérifiez le prix

How would you like to build your own Bluetooth speaker? If she loves tinkering, she will love putting together this speaker. The coolest part? When she is done, she will have her own Bluetooth speaker that she can use to jam her music.

Bose BOSEbuild HeadphonesBose BOSEbuild HeadphonesVérifiez le prix

This step by step science kit allows anybody to build their own Bluetooth headphones from scratch. There is no soldering, programming, or complicated assembly required. Anybody can simply build the headphones by using the accompanying app, which teaches students about the science of sound. The coolest part? You have a working pair of headphones.

Nintendo LaboNintendo LaboVérifiez le prix

Nintendo Labo allows gamers to create cardboard objects, using the Nintendo Switch as the brains of their creations. It’s all part of a push to get people interested in science and engineering. There are several different kits out already including a Variety, Robo, and Vehicle kit. With 5 buildable projects, the Variety Kit is a perfect introduction to the Nintendo Labo. You can make everything from an RC car to a piano. The kit comes with the Toy-Con Garage which allows you to create your own creations.

Surprise her with these gifts that will have her laughing out loud.

Kitchen SafeKitchen SafeVérifiez le prix

Is she always distracted by her cell phone? If she’s glue to her cell phone, maybe it’s time to take a time out. This safe is a fun way to control her access to her cell phone or just about anything. It has a timer on it that can be set from 1 minute to 10 days. Finally, you will be able to talk to her.

People of Walmart.com Adult Coloring BookPeople of Walmart.com Adult Coloring BookVérifiez le prix

Don’t know what to get her? Here’s a gift that is sure to make her laugh. We all know that there are many different people that go to Walmart. This coloring book tries to capture all of them. Who knew that coloring the people of Walmart is a proven way to reduce stress?

The NoPhone Original Cell PhoneThe NoPhone Original Cell PhoneVérifiez le prix

She probably is asking for the new iPhone. Give her something better! There is a brand new phone out and it isn’t the iPhone. It doesn’t make calls, record video, play games, or play music. Then what does it do? It actually does everything that it is advertised to do. Nothing! Upgrade to this model for a lot of laughs.

Prank Pack BoxPrank Pack BoxVérifiez le prix

Do you want to prank your 17 year old girl? Stick your real gift inside this prank box and then wrap it up. When she opens her gift, ask her, “Do you like it?” Tell her that it was the last one they had. Hopefully, she says “What the heck is it?”

Money SoapMoney SoapVérifiez le prix

Who knew a bar of soap could be so funny? Money Soap is no ordinary soap. Each bar of soap contains real money in the middle. You could find everything from $1 up to $50. Her body will never be cleaner because she will try to use up the soap to get the money inside. It’s the perfect stocking stuffer for teen girls.

Money Maze Money Maze Vérifiez le prix

While she probably wouldn’t mind money, don’t just hand it to her. Stick 17 dollars in this money maze and make her work for it. The money will only be released if she solves the maze.

Puzzle Pod CryptexPuzzle Pod CryptexVérifiez le prix

While everybody likes money or gift cards, they are such a boring gift. Now you can add excitement to any ordinary gift with this puzzle pod. It works like this: You use a 5-character secret code to seal the gift card or money inside. Then you come up with a way for her to guess the code. You could reveal each letter using a clue, making her do chores, or sending her on a treasure hunt. The fun part is that you get to personalize how she gets her gift.

Indoor Snowball FightIndoor Snowball FightVérifiez le prix

You can’t have Christmas without a snowball fight but not all of us live in areas where it snows. Luckily, somebody has come up with a solution for the rest of us. This indoor snow kit comes with 40 fabric balls that closely resemble real snow balls. They are lightweight and crunchy and a lot of fun to throw. La meilleure partie? Since these can be used indoors, you don’t even have to wait for Christmas.

Selric Mop SlippersSelric Mop SlippersVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t you love cleaner floors? Finally, she will love helping you mop the floors with these adorable slippers. The microsoles are actually detachable so you can throw them in the wash. La meilleure partie? When she walks around, she is helping you clean. Who needs a Swiffer mop? Say hello to shinier floors.

Men in Uniform Adult Coloring BookMen in Uniform Adult Coloring BookVérifiez le prix

Coloring books are really trendy, but this coloring book is a little different. Who wouldn’t feel more relaxed when coloring a book filled with shirtless men? While she will blush a little bit, she will love looking through the pages and then putting the colored pages up on her wall. Okay, maybe not!

The Farting Animals Coloring BookThe Farting Animals Coloring BookVérifiez le prix

Experts say that coloring books are great for reducing stress. This specially designed coloring book is designed to remove 100% of stress guaranteed. Have you seen farting animals before? This hilarious book is filled with 20 pages of farting animals to color. The farting bear is our favorite! This therapeutic gift will make your recipient giddy with laughter.

DeluxeComfort Boyfriend Arm PillowDeluxeComfort Boyfriend Arm PillowVérifiez le prix

Boyfriends are so yesterday. When you need something warm to cuddle with at night, this boyfriend pillow shaped like an arm is all you need. Who needs a boyfriend? Feel free to dump your current boyfriend for it.

Forum Novelties Grow a BoyfriendForum Novelties Grow a BoyfriendVérifiez le prix

Has she told you she wants a boyfriend? Getting a boyfriend is tough, but she doesn’t have to be alone anymore since she can now grow her own boyfriend. It’s easier than growing a plant. Simply put the little guy in water and in just 72 hours, he grows to 6 times his size. Actually, it won’t grow to become a 6-foot tall hunk, but it is worth it for the laughs. Who needs a boyfriend?

Lump of Coal in Gift BoxLump of Coal in Gift BoxVérifiez le prix

Has she been naughty all year long? Surprise her with this beautiful jewelry box. Inside she will be greeted with a lump of coal. You will love the reaction on her face.

NPW Inflatable Selfie FrameNPW Inflatable Selfie FrameVérifiez le prix

You can’t have a Christmas or Birthday party without having a photo booth. A cool photo prop is a great way to create memories that will last forever. Does she love hanging out on Instagram? Then she will love taking pictures on her special day with this inflatable frame prop.

Witty Yetis Dehydrated Water 16oz CanWitty Yetis Dehydrated Water 16oz CanVérifiez le prix

Do you feel thirsty all the time? Here is the solution for you. This can of Dehydrated Water can help. Simply fill it water and drink it whenever you feel thirsty. What have you got to lose? There is even a 101 day, money back guaranteed. If this can of Dehydrated Water doesn’t make your recipient laugh, simply send it back for a full refund.

Potty Texter Toilet Cell Phone HolderPotty Texter Toilet Cell Phone HolderVérifiez le prix

Have you ever wanted to use your phone in the bathroom? Shexting while pooping on the toilet is an upcoming trend. No more trying to balance your phone on a makeshift tripod. This remarkable gadget frees your hands so you can wipe your butt. It allows you to orient your phone vertically or horizontally and folds up so you can poop and text anywhere. It even comes with a bonus “Do Not Disturb” sign.

Lady Redneck BackscratcherLady Redneck BackscratcherVérifiez le prix

Have you ever had a back itch that you couldn’t reach? If you’ve got an itchy back, but don’t have a boyfriend to itch your back this redneck back scratcher will change your life. Its fingers are specially formulated so it gives you a pleasant scratch and won’t scrape your skin like long nails. The funniest part? It actually works.

Toe of Satan Hot LollipopToe of Satan Hot LollipopVérifiez le prix

Are you ready to put Satin’s toe in your mouth for 5 minutes? Made from a special chilli extract that comes from hell, this candy is said to be 900 times hotter than a jalapeno. Put it in your mouth and your whole body will be engulfed with 900 degree heat. P.S. We are not responsible for anybody who dies trying this.

Bring Me Chocolate Funny SocksBring Me Chocolate Funny SocksVérifiez le prix

Slip on these socks, put up your feet on the table, and let a rush of chocolate come to you. La meilleure partie? You don’t even have to say anything. Made with a cotton blend, they have a non-slip design. Not only do they keep your feet warm, these socks are the perfect gift for the chocolate lover on your list.

Calm the F*ck DownCalm the F*ck DownVérifiez le prix

Calm the F*ck Down is a must have if you are into the whole coloring book trend. It’s a coloring book with swear words. Filled with humor, adult language, and 21 pages, it’s a great way to F-cking relax.

Archie McPhee Instant UnderpantsArchie McPhee Instant UnderpantsVérifiez le prix

We all have oh-oh moments! You never know when you need a fresh pair of underpants. Luckily, Archie McPhee has compressed these underpants down into this small container, which makes it easier to carry around. She can take it everywhere with her in case she has an unexpected emergency. All you need to is add water to make it useable. P.S. Nobody has actually tried if it works, but we have to trust the manufacturer’s claims.

Big Momma Undies Oversized BloomersBig Momma Undies Oversized BloomersVérifiez le prix

Every girl needs underwear. It’s one of life’s essentials. Forget Victoria Secret! These granny panties are even sexier. Wrap these up for a friend and don’t put your name on it. She doesn’t have to thank you!

BigMouth Inc Golden Toilet MugBigMouth Inc Golden Toilet MugVérifiez le prix

We don’t recommend drinking out of a toilet bowl, but this funny mug is sure to tickle her sense of humor. It makes everything you put inside of it look nasty. When you fill it with coffee, it looks like you are drinking poop water. Is there any better way to start your day than drinking out of a toilet?

BigMouth Inc. Donut Hole MugBigMouth Inc. Donut Hole MugVérifiez le prix

Does she love hiding donuts and food from you, then she will love this funny coffee mug. Who are we kidding? With the donut compartment, everybody is going to know you are hiding something. This mug is huge. This all in one mug has everything you need to have a complete breakfast. You can stuff a donut, Oreo, or brownie inside. P.S. The Donut is sold separately.

Sriracha MugSriracha MugVérifiez le prix

Drinking coffee in the morning is fun, but you have never had a “hot” cup of coffee unless it’s in a Sriracha sauce mug. For those that love Sriracha sauce, it would be fun to fill this large mug with Sriracha and drink it down like it was coffee. Yum!

Shakespeare Insult GeneratorShakespeare Insult GeneratorVérifiez le prix

Shakespeare is known for his impressive love stories and poetry. Now you can elevate the art of an insult with this insult generator. Anybody can swear but an insult disguised with fancy words sounds so much more elegant. This kit comes with mix and match words so you can create over 150,000 insults. Is there anything better than yelling Shakespearean insults at each other on Christmas day? Churlish Clay-Brained Scullion!

Cat HangerCat HangerVérifiez le prix

Meet the world’s most Purr-fect hanger. Constructed out of heavy duty cardboard and metal, this realistic kitty hanger makes a great addition to any closet. She’s already got some sparkling jewelry around her neck. Hang your favorite clothes on the hanger to dress her up. How cute! It looks like she is wearing your clothes.

Blue Q “Instant British Accent” Breath SprayBlue Q Vérifiez le prix

Have you ever wanted to sound richer, smarter, and look more beautiful? One spray of this breath spray is scientifically proven to instantly give you a British accent. It works so good that you will sound like a member of the Royal family. Le seul problème? You won’t be able to change your accent back but Blue Q makes other accent sprays that can be purchased separately. P.S. Unfortunately, this is just a joke so it won’t actually give you a British accent.

Our Own Candle Company Smell My NutsOur Own Candle Company Smell My NutsVérifiez le prix

If you want to give your girlfriend a silly gift, this one is funny. Our Own Candle Company makes several different candles with silly names. If you can get past the funny name without spilling your coffee all over the place, this candle gives off a great banana nut bread scent. Everybody will think you are baking banana bread.

Nothing A Gift of NothingNothing A Gift of NothingVérifiez le prix

Is she that girl that has everything? Then give her Nothing. It comes with hilarious packaging with Nothing inside. It’s the ultimate gift in minimalism. She is going to love telling all her friends that she got “Nothing” for Christmas. While it is nothing, it is guaranteed to give her a smile.

Jar Of NothingJar Of NothingVérifiez le prix

Is she that girl that has everything? Then give her Nothing. It comes with hilarious packaging with Nothing inside. It’s the ultimate gift in minimalism. She is going to love telling all her friends that she got “Nothing” for Christmas. While it is nothing, it is guaranteed to give her a smile.

Twiggle GameTwiggle GameVérifiez le prix

A game that teaches you how to twerk? We promise Twiggle is a family game for all ages. In Twiggle, everybody wears a belt with a plastic box filled with ping pong balls. The idea is the shake the ping pong balls out of the box. Get ready to Twiggle until you drop. Le seul problème? Somebody is going to rip their pants.

BAWDY Galaxy Kit Butt MaskBAWDY Galaxy Kit Butt MaskVérifiez le prix

Everybody wants nice soft facial skin like a baby’s butt. Don’t just focus on your face. Voici quelque chose de différent. Shaped like a butt, these masks are designed for your butt. Simply slap it on, shake it around, and keep it on for 10 minutes. A perfect butt in just 10 minutes. These butt masks are designed to give you the smoothest behind so you will want to throw on a bikini after.

Pyle Megaphone SpeakerPyle Megaphone SpeakerVérifiez le prix

Does nobody listen to you? Make your voice heard with this bullhorn. We don’t know why but this is just so much of fun to play around with. Now she doesn’t have to yell.

FiestaFiveFiestaFiveVérifiez le prix

Sometimes regular high fives just don’t cut it. After years of scientifically researching high fives, FiestaFive came up with the ultimate high five. The FiestaFive is a handheld confetti shooter that you strap to your hands. Simply give each other a high five and it fires off confetti. You can purchase refills to fire off confetti over and over.

The Real Pizza Pocket To GoThe Real Pizza Pocket To GoVérifiez le prix

Why you would need this? If you want to look stupid AF, get punched in the face, and lose all your friends, you can try wearing this pizza “ziplock bag” as a fashion statement. Maybe you could be a trend setter on InstagramDon’t say we didn’t warn you!

Cute Corgi Butt Throw PillowCute Corgi Butt Throw PillowVérifiez le prix

Can you guess what this is? It’s perfectly round, fluffy, and cute. If you guessed a Corgi butt, you guessed right. This plush pillow is shaped just like a cubby Corgi butt with paws on the bottom and little legs. La meilleure partie? You can actually sleep on it.

DOLDOA Giant Stuffed Sea TurtleDOLDOA Giant Stuffed Sea TurtleVérifiez le prix

Is she obsessed with saving the sea turtles? Has she been asking for a “sea turtle?” There is nothing more iconic that a giant stuffed animal. This was the biggest stuffed sea turtle that we could find. Measuring 33 inches, this stuffed sea turtle is made for hugging all the time. It’s made out of a soft furry material, making the perfect gift for any sea turtle lover.

Did you like any of our 17th birthday gift ideas? Let us know if you have any other gift ideas for 17 year old girls in the comments section below!