Qu’est-ce que les enfants de 11 ans aiment? Quels sont les meilleurs jouets pour les 11 ans? N’était-ce pas tellement plus facile quand ils étaient petits? Onze ans est un âge intéressant car certains enfants sont toujours très friands de jouets mais d’autres les trouvent bébé. Certains enfants adorent les gros trucs à deux chiffres.

C’est l’âge où les enfants définissent qui ils sont, alors ils deviennent de plus en plus difficiles à acheter. Mais cela ne doit pas être si difficile, car ils sont à l’âge où ils peuvent vous dire exactement ce qu’ils aiment. Pourquoi ne pas leur demander?

Les onze ans adorent l’électronique, la lecture, le dessin, le visionnage de films et les jeux vidéo. Des produits de beauté adaptés à l’âge aux gadgets à gogo, ce sont les cadeaux que les enfants de 11 ans demandent pour leur anniversaire ou pour Noël. Avec plus de 180 cadeaux triés sur le volet, c’est le guide-cadeau ultime pour les garçons et les filles de 11 ans.

Les enfants de 11 ans veulent obtenir les gadgets les plus cool et les plus récents, surtout si leurs amis l’ont déjà. Les gadgets sont l’un des meilleurs cadeaux pour les garçons ou les filles de 11 ans. La plupart des enfants de cet âge veulent leur premier téléphone portable. Si votre budget le permet et que cela ne vous dérange pas de gâcher un peu votre enfant de onze ans, pensez à ces lecteurs mp3, ordinateurs portables, tablettes et appareils photo. Si votre enfant de 11 ans a déjà un téléphone portable, il y a une tonne d’accessoires qui font aussi de superbes cadeaux. Un étui de téléphone portable à la mode, un chargeur de téléphone USB, une clé selfie ou une imprimante mobile seront probablement un grand succès.

Appareil photo instantané Instax Mini 9 de FujifilmAppareil photo instantané Instax Mini 9 de FujifilmVérifiez le prix

Rappelez-vous quand vous pouviez prendre une photo et la donner instantanément à vos amis? Sinon, cet appareil photo instantané de FujiFilm est un retour aux appareils photo instantanés originaux.

Pack d’accessoires Fujifilm Instax MiniPack d'accessoires Fujifilm Instax MiniVérifiez le prix

Si votre interpolation a un Instax Mini 8 ou 9 ou si vous offrez l’un de ces appareils photo, c’est le kit d’accessoires parfait. Cet ensemble de 11 pièces comprend tout ce dont vous avez besoin et plus, y compris un objectif selfie, un sac photo, un objectif à filtre couleur et plus encore. C’est une valeur fantastique et fait un excellent cadeau. Que la fête commence!

Fujifilm Instax Mini Instant FilmFujifilm Instax Mini Instant FilmVérifiez le prix

Si votre enfant de 11 ans possède l’un de ces appareils photo Instax Mini, vous pouvez obtenir un film supplémentaire pour le plaisir créatif. Ce forfait comprend 10 feuilles de film instantané. Le film offre des couleurs brillantes et des tons de peau naturels. C’est une grande valeur et fait une excellente idée de cadeau pour inspirer la créativité.

Imprimante pour téléphone intelligent Fujifilm INSTAX SHARE SP-2Imprimante pour téléphone intelligent Fujifilm INSTAX SHARE SP-2Vérifiez le prix

Transformez votre smartphone en appareil photo instantané avec l’imprimante mobile Instax Share. Comme une caméra instantanée Polaroid rétro, cette imprimante mobile pour appareils iOS et Android vous permet d’imprimer des photos depuis votre téléphone à tout moment et en tout lieu.

Amazon Echo DotAmazon Echo DotVérifiez le prix

L’Echo Dot est un cadeau sympa pour les préadolescents passionnés de technologie. C’est comme un assistant personnel numérique qui peut gérer une variété de tâches simples comme jouer votre musique préférée, commander des articles en ligne via Amazon ou Best Buy, et même commander une pizza chez Domino. Parlez simplement à Alexa et il comprend étonnamment le langage naturel. Il apprend même au fur et à mesure.

Toute nouvelle tablette Fire 7 avec AlexaToute nouvelle tablette Fire 7 avec AlexaVérifiez le prix

Avec Amazon Fire, vous n’avez pas à dépenser beaucoup pour obtenir une tablette puissante. Amazon a donné à la tablette une cure de jouvence impressionnante avec un processeur quadruple, un son Dolby et le tout nouveau métro d’Amazon.

Apple iPadApple iPadVérifiez le prix

L’iPad est toujours la tablette leader sur le marché. Il est rapide, réactif et dispose d’une bibliothèque d’applications, de jeux, de musique et bien plus encore pour divertir pour l’éternité. Choisissez parmi 32 ou 128 Go de capacité de stockage. Si vous prévoyez de garder cet iPad plus longtemps, la version 128 Go est meilleure à long terme car ils se remplissent plutôt rapidement. Avec 10 heures d’autonomie, votre préadolescent s’amusera toute la journée!

Apple iPad mini 4Apple iPad mini 4Vérifiez le prix

Vous cherchez une version plus portable de l’iPad? La quatrième version de l’iPad mini offre ce que vous aimez de l’iPad dans un écran 7,9 pouces plus compact avec un prix plus petit. Il peut facilement tenir dans un petit sac à main ou un sac. Il a un bel écran Retina avec des couleurs et des images époustouflantes. Tout fonctionne à une vitesse fulgurante et vous pouvez choisir entre 32 Go ou 128 Go de capacités.

Le tout nouveau Kindle PaperwhiteLe tout nouveau Kindle PaperwhiteVérifiez le prix

Les rats de bibliothèque qui cherchent à échapper aux écrans réfléchissants des tablettes vont adorer l’Amazon Kindle Paperwhite. Grâce à un affichage plus net et à de meilleures performances, c’est tout simplement le meilleur lecteur électronique que vous puissiez acheter.

Apple iPod TouchApple iPod TouchVérifiez le prix

Vous ne trouverez pas de meilleur lecteur MP3 que l’iPod Touch. C’est bien plus qu’un lecteur MP3. C’est comme un iPhone sans capacité d’appel. Il fait tout, de la lecture de musique à l’exécution d’applications. Si vous n’êtes pas encore prêt à avoir un téléphone, c’est un excellent compromis.

Iphone AppleIphone AppleVérifiez le prix

Demandez à n’importe quel enfant de 11 ans ce qu’il veut et il répondra probablement «un nouveau téléphone». Cette année, l’iPhone 7 est sorti. C’est un « Je t’aime pour toujours et toujours! »

Session GoPro HERO5Session GoPro HERO5Vérifiez le prix

Vous aimez l’aventure? La session HERO5 est le compagnon idéal pour enregistrer vos aventures passionnantes. Le HERO5 capture des images 4K brillantes avec stabilisation d’image. L’appareil photo dispose même d’un design étanche si vous souhaitez repousser les limites de votre aventure. Prêt pour l’aventure?

Caméra d’action FITFORT 4KCaméra d'action FITFORT 4KVérifiez le prix

Votre enfant de 11 ans se sentira comme une star absolue avec le FitFort. Bien qu’il ne possède pas toutes les fonctionnalités d’une GoPro, il s’agit d’une option plus abordable. Avec cet appareil photo portable, les enfants pourront capturer leurs aventures les plus audacieuses de leur propre point de vue. Ils peuvent partager la vidéo avec leurs amis en la téléchargeant sur YouTube.

Samsung Gear VRSamsung Gear VRVérifiez le prix

Le Samsung Gear VR vous permet de placer votre téléphone compatible Galaxy pour profiter d’une réalité virtuelle riche et immersive. Il y a littéralement des centaines de jeux et d’expériences pour vous immerger dans Gear VR. Bien que ce ne soit pas parfait, c’est un excellent moyen de découvrir l’impressionnante réalité virtuelle à un prix de masse.

ViewSonic PJD5155 SVGA HDMI ProjectorViewSonic PJD5155 SVGA HDMI ProjectorVérifiez le prix

Vous voulez regarder des films et jouer à des jeux sur un écran plus grand? Considérez le projecteur SVGA ViewSonic PJD5155. Ce projecteur abordable peut projeter une image jusqu’à 200 pouces pour une expérience de visionnement de type film. Il a un excellent rapport de contraste de 20000: 1 et offre une bonne qualité d’image avec 3300 lumens de luminosité. Il est parfait pour connecter des ordinateurs portables, des lecteurs DVD, AppleTV, FireTV, Chromecast, etc.

TCL 32S305 32 pouces 720p Roku Smart LED TVTCL 32S305 32 pouces 720p Roku Smart LED TVVérifiez le prix

Vous envisagez un téléviseur HD pour la chambre de votre enfant de 11 ans? Ce téléviseur HD économique de TCL est un excellent choix car il intègre également la fonctionnalité Roku. Le téléviseur offre une excellente qualité d’image et de son et il y a toujours quelque chose à divertir. Qu’est-ce qu’il n’y a pas à aimer?

Fitbit Flex 2Fitbit Flex 2Vérifiez le prix

Le Fitbit Flex est un appareil de fitness élégant et abordable qui peut vous aider à surveiller votre activité physique et à vous motiver au niveau supérieur. Portez-le simplement à votre poignet et il rassemble des statistiques sur le nombre de mesures que vous prenez pour égaliser vos habitudes de sommeil.

Amazon FireStickAmazon FireStickVérifiez le prix

Branchez simplement l’Amazon Fire Stick sur le port HDMI de votre téléviseur et vous pouvez diffuser du contenu d’Amazon et de sociétés tierces comme Netflix, HBO GO, Hulu Plus, etc.

Anker Selfie StickAnker Selfie StickVérifiez le prix

Avec ce bâton à selfie, vous pouvez prendre des photos flatteuses. Mieux encore, personne ne devra savoir que vous les avez prises vous-même. Après l’avoir couplé avec Bluetooth, appuyez simplement sur le bouton pour prendre des photos. Qui a besoin d’un photographe?

Radio-réveil double à changement de couleur iHomeRadio-réveil double à changement de couleur iHomeVérifiez le prix

Ce réveil et radio FM à changement de couleur est un cadeau cool pour les préadolescents. Ils peuvent écouter leur musique préférée et régler une alarme pour se réveiller le matin. Une fonctionnalité intéressante est que vous pouvez coupler votre smartphone avec le haut-parleur pour diffuser vos morceaux préférés.

Talkies-walkies Retevis pour enfants3 ans et +Talkies-walkies Retevis pour enfantsVérifiez le prix

Vous voulez vous amuser avec des walkies? Les Walkies Retevis RT628 sont des radios bidirectionnelles parfaites pour avoir du plaisir créatif. Ils fonctionnent étonnamment bien pour ce prix et sonnent très bien. Leur gamme est assez bonne et ils sont tout à fait redoutables. Choisissez parmi une variété de couleurs amusantes.

PopSocketsPopSocketsVérifiez le prix

Avec autant de designs élégants différents, il y a un PopSocket pour tout le monde. Les PopSockets sont l’accessoire dont vous ne saviez pas que vous aviez besoin. Placez-le sur votre smartphone ou tablette et il agit comme une béquille instantanée pour votre plaisir de visionnement. Cela facilite les SMS et la navigation sur le Web et vous ne perdrez plus jamais votre emprise.

Support multi-angles portable Anker Support multi-angles portable Anker Vérifiez le prix

Vous cherchez un support de tablette abordable? Considérez le support multi-angles portable Anker. Ce support présente neuf angles de vue pour que vous puissiez voir votre contenu sous le meilleur angle. Le support est assez durable et est compatible avec les smartphones, tablettes et liseuses. Fait un grand cadeau ou un stuffer de bas.

Support de téléphone col de cygne AboveTEKSupport de téléphone col de cygne AboveTEKVérifiez le prix

Ce support iPad col de cygne vous permettra d’utiliser votre iPad d’une toute nouvelle façon. Pouvez-vous imaginer ne pas avoir à tenir votre iPad et avoir les mains libres pour faire autre chose? C’est précisément ce que ce gadget vous permet de faire. Le bras peut être facilement fléchi pour obtenir la position souhaitée. Il est compatible avec tout, des iPhones aux iPad en passant par les liseuses électroniques et plus encore.

Support pour trépied Arkon pour iPhoneSupport pour trépied Arkon pour iPhoneVérifiez le prix

Ce trépied iPhone est plus qu’un simple trépied. Il est doté de pieds pliables afin que vous puissiez aller là où aucun autre trépied ne peut aller pour capturer des photos difficiles. Il est parfait pour prendre des photos de groupe et même des selfies. Cet accessoire téléphonique est compatible avec les téléphones iPhone 7, 8, X et Galaxy.

Techkey Jewelry Crystal Flash Drive USBTechkey Jewelry Crystal Flash Drive USBVérifiez le prix

Maintenant, vous aurez toujours votre clé USB avec cette belle clé USB. Avec jusqu’à 64 Go de stockage, vous aurez beaucoup de stockage.

Carte mémoire SDHC SanDisk Ultra Class 16 GoCarte mémoire SDHC SanDisk Ultra Class 16 GoVérifiez le prix

Si vous souhaitez enregistrer une vidéo HD ou prendre des photos, vous aurez besoin de la bonne carte mémoire. Le SDHC 16 Go de classe 10 de Sandisk est parfait pour cela. Il s’agit d’une carte mémoire rapide, vous n’attendez donc pas le chargement des images et elles fonctionnent avec des appareils photo compatibles avec le format SDHC. Sur un appareil photo 16 MP, vous pouvez vous attendre à prendre environ 1 000 photos et environ 20 minutes de vidéo HD.

Anker PowerCore 10000Anker PowerCore 10000Vérifiez le prix

Ne détestez-vous pas quand votre téléphone portable est à court de jus? Rencontre ton nouveau meilleur ami. Cette batterie rechargeable peut recharger votre téléphone jusqu’à 3 fois lorsque la recherche d’une prise électrique n’est pas une option.

Coque iPhone 7/8 au henné blanc MOSNOVOCoque iPhone 7/8 au henné blanc MOSNOVOVérifiez le prix

Vous cherchez un étui cool et joli pour votre iPhone? Cet étui transparent de MOSNOVO fournit un pare-chocs en TPU qui absorbe les chocs des chutes. C’est un étui magnifique et durable où la mode rencontre la protection.

Étui OtterBox DefenderÉtui OtterBox DefenderVérifiez le prix

Si votre interpolation a besoin d’un étui durable pour son iPhone, vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec les étuis OtterBox Defender Series. Ce sont certains des cas les meilleurs et les plus durables du marché. Ils offrent trois couches de protection pour une protection ultime de votre téléphone. Choisissez parmi une grande sélection de couleurs et d’imprimés.

Jelly Comb 2.4G Slim Wireless MouseJelly Comb 2.4G Slim Wireless MouseVérifiez le prix

La souris sans fil mince Jelly Comb est une souris élégante et élégante pour votre ordinateur. Il a un profil mince qui est idéal pour la portabilité. Choisissez parmi une bonne sélection de couleurs et de styles selon vos goûts. La souris est compatible avec les ordinateurs PC et Mac. C’est là que le style et la fonction se rencontrent.

Étui rigide Mosiso pour MacbookÉtui rigide Mosiso pour MacbookVérifiez le prix

L’étui rigide Mosiso est un boîtier en plastique pour votre ordinateur portable MacBook. Il comprend un ensemble de protection complet comprenant un couvercle facial, un couvercle de clavier et un protecteur d’écran. Choisissez parmi une grande sélection de couleurs pour améliorer la protection de votre ordinateur portable tout en ajoutant une sensation de style cool.

Câble Lightning 6 pieds Anker PowerLineCâble Lightning 6 pieds Anker PowerLineVérifiez le prix

Besoin d’un câble Lightning de remplacement pour votre appareil Apple? Ce câble bon marché de 6 pieds d’Anker est une excellente alternative au câble Lightning d’Apple. Ces câbles chargent rapidement vos iDevices tout en vous offrant la flexibilité dont vous avez besoin. Cela signifie plus d’argent dans votre portefeuille.

Beaucoup de garçons et de filles de onze ans adorent les jeux vidéo. S’ils ont une sorte de système de jeu, un nouveau jeu sera probablement un grand succès. Offrez-leur les dernières nouveautés de leur série de jeux vidéo préférés ou laissez-les plonger dans un tout nouveau monde de jeux vidéo avec ces superbes cadeaux de jeux vidéo pour les préadolescents.

Nintendo SwitchNintendo SwitchVérifiez le prix

Si vous cherchez le cadeau le plus chaud de Noël, ne cherchez pas plus loin que la Nintendo Switch. Cette console hybride se vend comme des petits pains. Il a connu l’une des meilleures premières années de l’histoire du jeu et il ne fera que s’améliorer à partir d’ici. Incroyablement, les fans de Nintendo peuvent jouer un solide Mario et Zelda la première année! Si vous pouvez mettre la main sur un, votre interpolation va être un campeur super heureux!

Super NES ClassicSuper NES ClassicVérifiez le prix

Le SNES Classic est un autre énorme succès pour Nintendo, vendant plus de 2 millions d’unités en un mois. On ne peut nier que le jeu rétro est encore chaud! Et ce ne sont pas seulement des jeux rétro. Nintendo a sélectionné à la main 21 des meilleurs jeux SNES de sa bibliothèque. Ceux-ci ont vraiment frappé votre bouton nostalgique avec un gameplay qui résiste incroyablement à l’épreuve du temps. Et si vous n’avez jamais joué à ces jeux, ce sera encore plus doux parce que vous revivrez l’âge d’or du jeu. Les mauvaises nouvelles? Ça va probablement être très difficile de mettre la main sur un pour les vacances. Bonne chance!

Pack Sony PlayStation 4 Slim Battlefront IIClassé 13+Pack Sony PlayStation 4 Slim Battlefront IIVérifiez le prix

Si vous souhaitez obtenir une nouvelle console, la PlayStation 4 est le système le plus populaire sur le marché. Avec un bon streaming, un partage et de nombreux jeux tiers, la PlayStation 4 est un excellent choix pour les joueurs.

Pack aventure Xbox One S MinecraftClassé 10+Pack aventure Xbox One S MinecraftVérifiez le prix

Avec plusieurs nouveaux modèles, Microsoft a adouci l’accord sur sa console Xbox One. Il a une solide gamme de jeux exclusifs. La meilleure partie? Microsoft la rend rétrocompatible avec la Xbox 360.

Pack Xbox One S 1 To Minecraft en édition limitéeClassé 10+Pack Xbox One S 1 To Minecraft en édition limitéeVérifiez le prix

Les fans de Minecraft ont quelque chose à attendre dans Xbox Land. Ce nouveau pack exclusif en édition limitée dispose d’un bloc de gazon et d’un design redstone de la console Xbox One S qui ne manqueront pas de vous mettre en appétit. Un contrôleur de style Creeper vert frais fait partie de l’emballage spécial. Pour compléter le package, des téléchargements de Minecraft et du pack Redstone. De plus, si vous avez un nouveau téléviseur 4K, vous pouvez profiter d’un fabuleux streaming 4K et de Blu-ray UHD. C’est le cadeau parfait pour les fans de Noël.

Nouvelle Nintendo 3DS XL Super NES EditionClassé 7+Nouvelle Nintendo 3DS XL Super NES EditionVérifiez le prix

Avec une énorme bibliothèque de logiciels, la Nintendo 3DS est le meilleur moyen de jouer à des jeux vidéo en déplacement. La New Nintendo 3DS offre une 3D supérieure, plus de puissance de traitement et un deuxième joystick.

Nouvelle édition de Nintendo 2DS XL Poke BallNouvelle édition de Nintendo 2DS XL Poke BallVérifiez le prix

Le 2DS est l’un des meilleurs systèmes de jeu portables qui joue tous vos jeux Nintendo préférés. Maintenant, les fans de Pokémon bénéficient d’un traitement spécial sous la forme d’une édition spéciale Pokemon Poke Ball. Le design a l’air propre et poli et ne manquera pas d’enthousiasmer les fans. Il a la conception à clapet pour que vous puissiez facilement le plier et le transporter dans votre poche. C’est le cadeau parfait pour jouer en déplacement.

Just Dance 2018Classé E10 +Just Dance 2018Vérifiez le prix

Si vous n’avez pas assez entendu « 24K Magic » de Bruno Mars, le nouveau Just Dance 2018 l’a. La bande originale comprend plus de 40 chansons populaires d’Ed Sheeran, Katy Perry et Beyonce, il y a donc quelque chose pour tout le monde dans la famille.

Super Mario OdysseyClassé E10 +Super Mario OdysseyVérifiez le prix

Super Mario Odyssey représente le retour victorieux de Mario à la forme dans sa dernière aventure passionnante et captivante. Les mondes de Mario ne se sont jamais sentis plus grands ni plus vivants. Le jeu revient au gameplay et à l’exploration de style sandbox rendus célèbres par Mario 64, Galaxy et Sunshine et il a une multitude de nouveaux trucs dans sa manche pour rendre le jeu plus amusant que jamais. Vous ne pouvez pas vous empêcher de sourire tout en découvrant des secrets et en relevant des défis. C’est sans doute le meilleur jeu de Mario à ce jour qui vaut vraiment la peine de posséder le Switch juste pour y jouer. Un incontournable pour tout fan de Mario!

La légende de Zelda: le souffle de la natureClassé E10 +La légende de Zelda: le souffle de la natureVérifiez le prix

Zelda est une réimagination ambitieuse de la franchise chapiteau. Il fusionne certains des éléments de base de Zelda avec de nouvelles idées fraîches et parvient à créer un monde à couper le souffle et incroyable à explorer. Le plaisir ne manque pas dans ce monde immense. Il y a une tonne de choses à faire dans ce jeu. C’est vraiment remarquable de voir comment vous pouvez interagir avec le monde et il réagit de manière si réaliste. Et il y a tellement de façons de relever les défis et de jouer le jeu. Cela mérite notre prix convoité du jeu de l’année pour son excellence dans la conception de jeux et c’est une joie pure de jouer du début à la fin. Un incontournable pour tout propriétaire de Switch.

Mario Kart 8 DeluxeClassé EMario Kart 8 DeluxeVérifiez le prix

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe est facilement le meilleur jeu Mario Kart à ce jour. Cela surpasse la version Wii U à tous égards avec plus de coureurs, de pistes et de modes de combat supérieurs. Le jeu se déroule très bien à un fluide de 60 FPS. Il se sent vraiment aussi bien qu’il n’y paraît. Mario Kart n’a jamais regardé ni joué mieux. Mettez vos compétences de course à l’épreuve en rivalisant avec votre famille et vos amis. Et que le meilleur coureur gagne! Si vous voulez une expérience multijoueur amusante, ne cherchez plus!

Splatoon 2Classé E10 +Splatoon 2Vérifiez le prix

Alors que Splatoon 2 semble très similaire à son prédécesseur, ce n’est pas une si mauvaise chose étant donné que le premier match a été une explosion à jouer. Nintendo a peaufiné les mécanismes du jeu, ajouté une foule de nouvelles armes, des scènes de bataille, des compétitions et bien plus encore pour rendre cela encore plus amusant que le premier jeu. Il y a même une toute nouvelle campagne solo pour apprendre les bases du jeu tout en développant vos compétences. Mais le multijoueur est l’endroit où le jeu brille vraiment avec des matchs de style paintball où vous devez couvrir l’arène avec les couleurs de votre équipe tout en évitant les explosions de l’équipe adverse. Le côté couvrant le plus de gazon gagne. Nintendo devrait être applaudi pour avoir montré que vous n’avez pas besoin de violence pour avoir un jeu de tir amusant et addictif.

Pokemon Ultra SunClassé EPokemon Ultra SunVérifiez le prix

Le phénomène Pokemon Go a littéralement pris d’assaut le monde cet été. Pokemon est plus populaire que jamais. Les dernières versions de Pokemon Sun et Pokemon Moon devraient être en forte demande. Attrapez-les tous!

LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2Classé E10 +LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2Vérifiez le prix

Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous mélangez Legos avec Marvel Superheroes? Vous obtenez Lego Marvel Superheroes 2, qui est la suite de l’un des meilleurs jeux en monde ouvert Lego. Avec 18 emplacements à explorer, cette fois-ci dans le monde est encore plus grande, ce qui signifie plus de choses à faire et encore plus de missions secondaires. Les joueurs peuvent incarner leurs super-héros préférés, de Spider-Man à Iron Man. Pourra arrêter Kang et sauver l’univers?

Pack Minecraft Super PlusClassé E10 +Pack Minecraft Super PlusVérifiez le prix

Minecraft est incontestablement l’une des propriétés les plus chaudes du monde du jeu vidéo. Les joueurs de tous âges et de tous niveaux ont apprécié le jeu et la créativité qu’offre le jeu. Découvrez ce que tant de gens ont déjà découvert!

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom BattleClassé E10 +Mario + Rabbids Kingdom BattleVérifiez le prix

Si vous aimez les jeux Mario, vous pouvez profiter de Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. Dans cette nouvelle aventure, Mario et compagnie sont plongés dans un jeu de stratégie en temps réel au tour par tour à la XCOM. Le jeu a ses propres rebondissements pour en faire une prise rafraîchissante et c’est un jeu Mario vraiment et étonnamment bon d’Ubisoft. Combinez ce gameplay amusant avec Mario et les Lapins Crétins, et vous aurez un jeu plein de plaisir. Vous pouvez choisir de jouer en solo ou en coopération locale n’importe où.

Pokkén Tournament DXClassé E10 +Pokkén Tournament DXVérifiez le prix

Si votre préadolescent de 11 ans aime les jeux de combat et Pokémon, Pokken Tournament DX est un achat évident. Il a pris certains des meilleurs éléments d’autres jeux de combat ainsi que de nouvelles idées et a créé un jeu de combat solide pour le Switch. Le jeu ajoute plus de combattants à la liste par rapport à la version Wii U. Le jeu prend également en charge le multijoueur local, ce qui est une véritable explosion sur plusieurs commutateurs. C’est vraiment difficile à réprimer.

NBA 2K18Classé ENBA 2K18Vérifiez le prix

À la base, NBA 2K18 est un jeu de basket solide mais beaucoup de gens le dénigrent pour ses microtransactions. N’oublions pas que les graphismes et le gameplay sont satisfaisants et toujours les meilleurs. Les choses qui étaient auparavant gratuites doivent maintenant être payées avec de la monnaie virtuelle. Pratiquement tout nécessite de construire votre VC pour effectuer des achats dans le jeu. Certes, quelques-uns des modes auraient pu être améliorés et ils auraient dû trouver un moyen d’équilibrer la mouture pour que les gens ne se sentent pas enclins à payer plus d’argent qu’ils n’en ont besoin.

Madden NFL 18Classé EMadden NFL 18Vérifiez le prix

Madden 18 offre la simulation de football de jeu vidéo la plus réaliste à ce jour avec le nouveau moteur Frostbite. Les joueurs et les stades n’ont jamais été aussi beaux. Une nouvelle fonctionnalité intéressante est la possibilité de jouer des affrontements hebdomadaires dans le monde réel. Le nouveau mode Longshot introduit le drame de la NFL avec un nouveau mode histoire intrigant similaire à The Journey de la franchise FIFA. Voyez si vous pouvez emmener votre équipe jusqu’au Super Bowl.

FIFA 18Classé EFIFA 18Vérifiez le prix

La saga The Journey d’Alex Hunter se poursuit dans la dernière FIFA 18. Les animations et les graphismes du jeu n’ont jamais été aussi beaux. Il est plus fluide que jamais et les stades prennent vie avec des foules dynamiques qui capturent l’essence et l’excitation du jeu. Bien que certains soutiennent que le jeu n’est pas une simulation réaliste du jeu, il a été raffiné de sorte qu’il ne s’agit pas simplement d’un sprint-fest et que c’est toujours un jeu multijoueur très amusant à ramasser et à jouer avec un ami. Jouez sur Xbox One, PS4 et Switch.

MLB The Show 17Classé EMLB The Show 17Vérifiez le prix

Les Astros ont remporté les World Series contre les Dodgers! Comme les Astros et les Dodgers l’ont prouvé, la route vers le spectacle n’est jamais facile – elle est pleine de hauts et de bas. Il faut tout ce que vous avez pour gagner le championnat. Pouvez-vous emmener votre équipe préférée jusqu’au Big Show et gagner tout cela de façon glorieuse comme les Astros? Le Show 17 donne vie au jeu avec des graphismes brillants, des animations et un gameplay raffiné. Les modèles de joueurs, les stades et l’éclairage n’ont jamais été aussi beaux. De plus, il regorge de modes stellaires ainsi que d’un nouveau mode rétro pour jouer et jouer.

Forza Motorsport 7Classé EForza Motorsport 7Vérifiez le prix

Forza Motorsport 7 est le plus beau jeu de course de cette année. Le jeu est absolument incroyable avec un réalisme réaliste dans tout, des modèles de voitures aux superbes effets météorologiques et d’éclairage. Le jeu se déroule très bien sans accroc. Les voitures se comportent bien et vous devrez maîtriser chaque véhicule. Ce jeu possède la plus grande liste de voitures à un impressionnant 700 plus! Mangez à fond Gran Turismo Sport. Si vous n’avez jamais joué à un jeu Forza auparavant, il est très accessible avec une fonction de rembobinage et vous pouvez régler les aides au freinage entre autres paramètres. Découvrez le roi incontesté du monde de la course!

Sonic ManiaClassé ESonic ManiaVérifiez le prix

Sonic Mania ramène ce que nous aimions dans le jeu Genesis classique. Le nouveau jeu apporte tous les nouveaux niveaux et défis pour Sonic, Knuckles et Tails à conquérir dans ce jeu bien reçu. Les préadolescents adoreront l’action de plateforme rapide et les combats de boss. C’est un classique rendu justice qu’il mérite et les fans seront très satisfaits. Le jeu est disponible numériquement pour Switch, PS4 et Xbox One.

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyClassé E10 +Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyVérifiez le prix

Si vous n’avez jamais joué à la série Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy vaut la peine d’être joué. Ce jeu comprend les trois jeux originaux remasterisés pour l’ère de la haute définition. Le jeu n’a jamais été aussi beau. Le jeu semble également plus difficile que les originaux – alors ne vous attendez pas à ce que ce soit une promenade de gâteau. Les contre-la-montre ajoutent un nouvel élément compétitif au jeu et mettront vraiment vos compétences de plateforme à l’épreuve.

Destiny 2T évaluéDestiny 2Vérifiez le prix

Destiny 2 est l’un des jeux les plus vendus de l’année. C’était un jeu de tir à la première personne très attendu. Le jeu améliore son prédécesseur à bien des égards et élimine une grande partie de la mouture que tout le monde détestait. Les graphismes, les voix off et le scénario sont captivants pour vous permettre de continuer à jouer jusqu’à la fin de la campagne. Mais le multijoueur est l’endroit où la plupart des préadolescents apprécieront le plus ce jeu. Il n’y a rien de mieux que d’écorcher des ennemis avec vos amis.

Star Wars Battlefront IIT évaluéStar Wars Battlefront IIVérifiez le prix

À quoi cela ressemblerait-il de piloter un chasseur X-Wing? Basé sur les films à succès Star Wars, ce jeu de tir à la première personne permet aux fans de revivre le film. Plein de plaisir, d’humour et de tous les acteurs des films Star Wars. Comprend des tonnes de personnages, de véhicules et de lieux à explorer.

Champs de bataille de PlayerUnknownT évaluéChamps de bataille de PlayerUnknownsVérifiez le prix

Les champs de bataille de PlayerUnknown vous opposent à 99 autres joueurs sur un immense champ de bataille. C’est un jeu de tuer ou d’être tué. C’est une nouvelle tournure amusante sur le genre de jeu de tir à la première personne qui n’a pas trop vu l’innovation. Battlegrounds est un jeu de dernier homme debout. Vous devrez donc tirer et utiliser la stratégie pour survivre et être le dernier homme debout. Avez-vous ce qu’il faut? Bien qu’il implique de tirer et de tuer, il est apprivoisé par rapport à d’autres tireurs à la première personne comme DOOM et Call of Duty WWII.

Overwatch – Édition Jeu de l’annéeT évaluéOverwatch - Édition Jeu de l'annéeVérifiez le prix

Overwatch Game of the Year Edition est une autre chance de jouer à cette franchise de tir en équipe populaire et innovante qui est toujours incroyablement amusante. Le jeu a été honoré de plus de 100 récompenses et le gameplay multijoueur en équipe est vraiment amusant et engageant. Vous adorerez apprendre chaque personnage et maîtriser ses capacités spéciales. Et les différents événements lancés par Blizzard gardent le jeu intéressant.

Horizon Zero Dawn: édition complèteT évaluéHorizon Zero Dawn: édition complèteVérifiez le prix

Horizon Zero Dawn se présente comme un concurrent sérieux pour le jeu de l’année. Personne ne s’attendait à ce que la société Kill Zone propose un si beau jeu d’aventure d’action en monde ouvert qui se classe parmi les meilleurs pour la PS4. Vous guiderez Aloy à travers un vaste voyage avec de beaux environnements et un récit engageant qui vous attire dès le début. Les préadolescents adoreront le combat, les armes et les aspects furtifs du jeu. Et n’oublions pas ces affrontements épiques de boss. Cette édition complète comprend également le contenu DLC, tous regroupés dans un seul ensemble pratique.

Les Sims 4T évaluéLes Sims 4Vérifiez le prix

Les Sims 4 ramènent les Sims en bonne forme. Créez vos Sims, chez vous et jouez selon vos règles dans votre monde. Les préadolescents qui aiment les jeux précédents des Sims vont adorer la nouvelle itération. Vous pouvez contrôler les relations de vos Sims et même leur carrière. Et la partie intéressante est que les développeurs ajoutent constamment de nouvelles fonctionnalités et de nouveaux contenus pour vous faire revenir encore et encore.

Uncharted: The Lost LegacyT évaluéUncharted: The Lost LegacyVérifiez le prix

Si vous n’avez jamais joué à la série Uncharted, The Lost Legacy est le moment idéal pour vous lancer. Le jeu est incroyable avec Naughty Dog continuant à repousser les limites avec des graphismes et des mondes crédibles et des décors. Il y a de nouvelles stars en ville – Chloé et Nadine – et leur grande chimie vous guide à travers l’aventure. Et si vous êtes un vétéran de la série, vous ne voulez pas manquer cette histoire parallèle passionnante. Il existe même un mode multijoueur pour jouer avec des amis.

Call of Duty: WWIIClassé MCall of Duty: WWIIVérifiez le prix

Call of Duty WWII ramène la franchise de tir à la première personne la plus populaire. Les enfants de 11 ans ne devraient pas jouer à Call Of Duty. Le jeu est destiné à un public mature, rempli d’une histoire mature avec un langage fort et une violence intense et gore. Le jeu est plus grand et meilleur que jamais dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Qu’attendriez-vous dans le feu de la Seconde Guerre mondiale? Les préadolescents adorent jouer à ces jeux de tir à la première personne, mais vous appelez les coups sur ce qu’ils peuvent et ne peuvent pas jouer.

Grand Theft Auto VClassé MGrand Theft Auto VVérifiez le prix

Grand Theft Auto V est un jeu classé mature avec des thèmes matures comme la violence et les situations adultes. Un enfant de 11 ans ne devrait pas jouer à ce jeu, mais en fin de compte, c’est votre appel. Les joueurs sont mis dans un monde où ils peuvent explorer le monde immense et faire tout ce qu’ils veulent, y compris commettre des crimes, tuer des gens et aller dans un club de strip-tease seins nus.

Wonder WomanClassé PG-13Wonder WomanVérifiez le prix

Wonder Woman est l’un des meilleurs films de super-héros de l’année. Gal Gadot a fait un travail fantastique en jouant le rôle principal et Chris Pine a été un excellent ajout à la distribution, offrant une performance mémorable. Patty Jenkins devrait être applaudie pour ses efforts et pour avoir fait plus qu’un simple film de super-héros superficiel. Le personnage de Wonder Woman a de la profondeur et c’est une force forte et puissante avec laquelle il faut compter. Ce qui est génial, ce n’est pas seulement un film pour femmes, mais c’est un film que tout le monde peut apprécier. Cette histoire d’origine ouvre la voie à un suivi très attendu.

Spider-Man: RetrouvaillesClassé PG-13Spider-Man: RetrouvaillesVérifiez le prix

Spider-Man Homecoming était l’un de nos films Spider-Man préférés dans la franchise populaire de longue date. Si vous vous considérez comme un fan de Spidey, vous vous devez de regarder ce film. Le réalisateur présente une nouvelle perspective sur Peter Parker et Spider-Man et c’est un film qui va au-delà de la simple narration de l’histoire des origines. Ils ont finalement compris que les fans connaissaient déjà tout cela et devaient progresser. Hourra! Overall, Tom Holland served the Spidey role well and it was an enjoyable film that no Spidey fan should miss.

Beauty And The BeastRated PGBeauty And The BeastVérifiez le prix

This live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast was one of the top-grossing movies of the year. Emma Watson and Dan Stevens delivered wonderful performances as Beauty and the Beast, respectively. It’s jam-packed with singing and dancing and it’s all very fun and entertaining. If you loved the animated films, this is definitely worth watching and adding to your collection. Special features include deleted scenes and a couple ‘Making Of’ treats.

Harry Potter: Complete 8-Film SetRated PG-13Harry Potter: Complete 8-Film SetVérifiez le prix

Harry Potter: The Complete 8-Film Collection is the ultimate gift for the Harry Potter fan in your family. This 16-disc region-free Blu-ray version includes all the movies in this super popular franchise. This UK version is the best and most affordable version with a ‘Creating The World of Harry Potter’ documentary. Note the UV editions are not officially available in the United States but there are work arounds. The perfect gift for your HUGE Harry Potter fan!

The Lego Batman MovieRated PGThe Lego Batman MovieVérifiez le prix

The Lego Batman Movie is perfect fun for the whole family. Batman is funny, self-aware, and clever. It’s brilliantly fun, packed with comedy, and very entertaining for Batman fans. If you loved The Lego Movie, you’ll probably love this film as well.

MoanaRated PGMoanaVérifiez le prix

Join Moana on an epic and unforgettable adventure. Disney clearly works its magic yet again with Moana. It’s a movie full of heart and humor and the narrative and characters pull you in and never let go. If you haven’t watched it yet, what are you waiting for? This Blu-ray also features deleted scenes, a short film, Making Of, a music video, and much more. Add it to your collection today!

Descendants 2Rated GDescendants 2Vérifiez le prix

Tweens who love Disney Descendants will love this sequel to the original film. It’s full of fun songs, dances, and action that fans know and love. The songs are very catchy and will make you want to sing along and groove to. It’s very entertaining and will satisfy any Descendants fan.

The Hunger Games: Complete 4 Film CollectionRated PG-13The Hunger Games: Complete 4 Film CollectionVérifiez le prix

The Hunger Games: Complete 4-Film Collection is a great way to catch up on one of the best film franchises in years. Jennifer Lawrence gives a stellar performance as Katniss Everdeen. The acting is great and the story is very gripping and there’s everything from action to romance. Discover what you’ve been missing.

Star Wars: The Force AwakensRated PG-13Star Wars: The Force AwakensVérifiez le prix

Star Wars The Force Awakens is well regarded as one of the best Star Wars movies from acclaimed director J.J. Abrams. The characters were well-developed and overall it is an excellent movie and one of our all-time favorites. The picture quality on Blu-ray is very good as were the deleted scenes. Great gift idea for Star Wars fanatics.

Rogue One: une histoire de Star WarsRated PG-13Rogue One: une histoire de Star WarsVérifiez le prix

Although Rogue One was a standalone Star Wars film, it was still a cool movie and one of the best Star Wars flicks. The action is exciting and the characters were interesting. It also has a handful of surprises to keep you entertained and fills in the Star Wars story gaps nicely. Fans won’t want to miss it!

War For The Planet Of The ApesRated PG-13War For The Planet Of The ApesVérifiez le prix

The final chapter in the Planet of the Apes trilogy is War For The Planet of the Apes. The series comes to an epic conclusion and ends on a high note. This movie was engaging from start to finish and packed with a wide spectrum of emotions and drama. The CGI apes look so realistic and believable and the special effects were awesomely done. It’s a really good movie worth watching.

Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol. 2Rated PG-13Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol. 2Vérifiez le prix

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is a fantastic movie for fans of the MCU. Although it received mixed reviews, it was still an entertaining movie. The Guardians get separated into divergent paths, yet the movie manages to captivate audiences. It’s actually exciting to see the story unfold and the characters developed. Baby Groot was soooo cute as always. It’s a great movie that is fun to watch.

Saban’s Power RangersRated PG-13Sabans Power RangersVérifiez le prix

Love the Power Rangers? The new Power Rangers movie brings the Power Rangers together admist an otherworldly threat to their town of Angel Grove. In fact, its very existence is in jeopardy. Before overcoming the main threat, they’ll need to overcome real pressing issues. This reboot brings back fond memories for long-time fans, and it’s even great for newcomers. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Now this is how a reboot should be done!

Cars 3Rated GCars 3Vérifiez le prix

If you love Disney-Pixar animated movies, you may love Cars 3. Cars 3 feels more like a sequel to the original Cars film without actually being a direct sequel. It’s a movie with real heart and you need to have seen the original to fully appreciate this film. Cruz is a cool new character and the visuals are better than ever. Highly recommended for fans of the series!

The Lego Ninjago MovieRated PGThe Lego Ninjago MovieVérifiez le prix

If you enjoyed The Lego Movie and The Lego Batman, you’ll likely enjoy this film. The Lego Ninjago Movie is funny and has genuine heart. Newcomers won’t feel lost, as they explain the plot well. Lloyd – the Green Ninja – and the secret warriors are charged with taking down the evil warlord, Garmadon. But wait! That’s Lloyd’s dad. While the movie was a bit predictable and not as good as the other two in the trilogy, it was still a satisfying and action-packed experience.

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No TalesRated PG-13Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No TalesVérifiez le prix

Ahoy, Pirates fans! The latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie is here! While the plot feels familiar and predictable, it’s surprising how it’s still quite satisfying to watch. The movie looks great on Blu-ray and the special effects were awesome. It almost lived up to the original and turns the tides in the right direction. It’s worth watching and adding to your collection.

Transformers: The Last KnightRated PG-13Transformers: The Last KnightVérifiez le prix

Transformers The Last Knight delivers more of what you love from this blockbuster franchise from series director Michael Bay. The formula remains unchanged: epic action, explosions, and a ludicrous storyline and, oh yeah, the robots. Transformers doesn’t try to be something that it is not. It knows exactly what it is and delivers in epic fashion. Although it is drawn out, Transformers fans will still enjoy watching what could be the final installment in the series.

What 11 year old doesn’t love music? An iTunes gift card or concerts tickets will score you major kudos points. In addition, these fashionable headphones and wireless speakers are sure to be the life of the party.

Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones Vérifiez le prix

The Beats Solo3 Wireless Headphones are the headphones everyone wants. This is what is cool – they’re stylish, super comfy, and pricey but they sound amazing with nice bass. The acoustics are really nice and the bass is not overpowering. Choose from a great assortment of colors and styles to suit your needs. Battery life on these comes in at an impressive 40 hours so you can listen for weeks at a time before having to recharge.

iClever BoostCare Kids HeadphonesiClever BoostCare Kids HeadphonesVérifiez le prix

With this pair of headphones stuck to your tween’s ears, the latest hip hop tune won’t be stuck in yours. Sporting an ultra hip cat design, this pair of headphones offers excellent sound quality for the price.

LilGadgets Wireless Bluetooth HeadphonesLilGadgets Wireless Bluetooth HeadphonesVérifiez le prix

The LilGadgets Untangled Pro is probably the best wireless set of headphones in its class. Offered in many cute colors, these headphones are designed with children in mind. With a great sound quality, these lightweight headphones are so comfortable to wear. You might just want your own.

Anker SoundBudsAnker SoundBudsVérifiez le prix

The Anker SoundBuds are wireless sports earphones similar to the PowerBeats 3. They are not totally wirelessly like the new Air Pods from Apple. The sound quality is very impressive for this price point. Be prepared to be blown away! They’re perfect for using while exercising and they’re comfortable to wear. These earphones deliver over 12 hours of listening time on a charge. It’s feels like a steal to get such a good pair of earphones for this price.

JBL Flip 4JBL Flip 4Vérifiez le prix

The JBL Flip 4 is one of our favorite portable Bluetooth speakers on the market. This compact speaker delivers clear sound quality and packs quite the punch in terms of bass. The Flip 4 is waterproof so you can even submerge it in water to listen in the pool for up to 30 minutes. With 12 hours of play time, you can have all-day fun with the Flip 4. Choose from a variety of stylish colors. Turn up the music and turn up the fun!

VicTsing Shower SpeakerVicTsing Shower SpeakerVérifiez le prix

If your tween is always singing in the shower, this waterproof Bluetooth shower speaker is a must have. Available in several fun colors, it easy to find one that fits your eleven year old’s personality. It sports easy to use controls that control your music and phone calls all in the shower.

My Audio Pet Mini Bluetooth SpeakerMy Audio Pet Mini Bluetooth SpeakerVérifiez le prix

Tweens love cute things. That is why they will love this speaker that looks like a little animal. The Bluetooth speaker connects wirelessly to your smartphone streaming music wirelessly.

SoundSOUL Bluetooth Dancing Water SpeakersSoundSOUL Bluetooth Dancing Water SpeakersVérifiez le prix

You’ve seen many Bluetooth speakers on the market, but you’ve never seen dancing water speakers! They are compatible with computers, iPods, MP3 players, and more and sound loud and clear. This set of two speakers features lights and sounds to dazzle while you listen to your favorite tunes. The water fountains sync to the music, making it a real sight to behold and very pleasing to the eyes and ears. A cool gift idea they’ll love.

iHome Color Changing Dual Alarm ClockiHome Color Changing Dual Alarm ClockVérifiez le prix

Tweens will love the color changing feature on this clock which is pretty rad. Wirelessly connect this clock to an iPad, iPhone, iPad, or laptop and you can stream music to the clock. It even charges your phone.

Luditek Sound Activated Party LightsLuditek Sound Activated Party LightsVérifiez le prix

Add a little flash to the party with this disco stage light. With a unique disco ball shape, this lamp shoots disco lights on your ceiling and walls so the party goes anywhere.

Kala Learn To Play Ukulele Starter KitKala Learn To Play Ukulele Starter KitVérifiez le prix

Does your 11 year old want to learn to play a musical instrument? A Ukulele is the perfect first instrument. This soprano ukulele is much smaller than a guitar, which makes it easy to start with. This starter kit includes everything she needs to get started including an online tuner and basic tutorials.

Memorex Sing Stand 3Memorex Sing Stand 3Vérifiez le prix

Think you are a good singer? There is nothing more fun to do together than singing together. Make every night Karaoke Night with this microphone. With Bluetooth you can connect it up to just about any personal device that streams YouTube so you can sing the latest tunes. This one has two microphones so you can even have a duet.

Yamaha YPG-235 76-Key Portable Grand PianoYamaha YPG-235 76-Key Portable Grand PianoVérifiez le prix

If you’re in the market for an affordable grand piano, the Yamaha YPG-235 76 Key Portable Grand Piano is an excellent choice. This piano sounds very impressive with startling clarity and has almost 500 voices and 30 preset songs. It even features a learning tool for newbies that is super helpful. We recommend getting a power adapter to avoid going through AA batteries and get the most out of your piano.

DropMix Music Gaming SystemAges 16+DropMix Music Gaming SystemVérifiez le prix

DropMix is a brand new music game that lets players mix the hottest songs from a range of artists and genres. The set comes with 60 DropMix cards and expansion packs are available to expand the mixing fun. DropMix offers Freestyle, Clash, and Party modes of play. As many as four players can play together. Pump up the music and let the good times roll! Great gift idea for music lovers.

At age 11, girls spend a lot of time with their best friends so slumber parties are likely to be big deal. Spending time over at a friend’s to play, talk about boys, talk about school, listen to music, will be one of her favorite things to do. These pajamas, booties, and duffle bags are perfect for sleepovers.

The Children’s Place Girls’ Short Sleeve NightgownThe Childrens Place Girls Short Sleeve NightgownVérifiez le prix

Isn’t that the cutest nightgown ever?! From The Children’s Place, this short sleeve nightgown is perfect for your 11 year old tween girl. It shows her BFFs – or best friends forever in the form of super cute emojis. It’s so colorful and cute, lightweight, and fits well, so she’ll love wearing it.

The Children’s Place ‘Princess Off-Duty’ PajamasThe Childrens Place Princess Off-Duty PajamasVérifiez le prix

Does she love to get a good night’s rest? The Children’s Place pajamas are so adorably cute and sooo beary comfy that she’ll get the best rest of her life. This Princess Off-Duty PJs and made from 100% cotton and offer the perfect royal look and feel. Nothing could be sweeter for your princess. Choose from a wide assortment of cute designs. With so many choices, you’re sure to find the perfect one.

Joytton Satin Kimono RobeJoytton Satin Kimono RobeVérifiez le prix

These lightweight Kimono Bathrobes made from 100% polyester silk are perfect for tween girls. There are so many beautiful colors to choose from and they are sooo comfortable to wear. The quality is exceptionally good and you really can’t beat the price. La meilleure partie? She’ll look like a lovely princess with these robes.

TowelSelections Kids RobesTowelSelections Kids RobesVérifiez le prix

Experience luxuriously soft cotton bathrobes from TowelSelections. They’re the perfect gift for both boys and girls. The cotton is made in Turkey and it feels so soft and smooth against your skin. The thick pile is super absorbent and keeps you sooo warm and cozy. Both come with a belt fastener and pockets for added comfort and the boys robe features a hoodie. Choose from a wide selection of colors.

Despicable Me Fluffy The Unicorn Costume HoodieDespicable Me Fluffy The Unicorn Costume HoodieVérifiez le prix

Does she love cute unicorns? Then she may love this ultra cute Fluffy The Unicorn sweatshirt based on Despicable Me. She’ll think this is the most adorable thing ever. The sweatshirt has a Fluffy patch, ivory and pink color scheme with pockets, Papoy-faced hoodie with horn, ears, mane and a tail on the backside. Not only does it look stylish, but it will keep her warm and cozy.

Justice Emoji OnesieJustice Emoji OnesieVérifiez le prix

Sleepwear doesn’t need to be boring. This Emoji Pouch Onesie proves that. It’s has a fun design with emojis that girls will love. The hoodie adds additional warmth when needed and the pouch allows her to store emoji friends or just about anything. The hoodie also serves as a pillow and is machine washable. Sleep in style!

Cat & Jack Hooded Blanket SleeperCat & Jack Hooded Blanket SleeperVérifiez le prix

Tween girls and unicorns go together like bread and butter. These Cat & Jack Unicorn Hooded Blanker Sleepers look adorably cute and keep her warm and cozy. The micro fleece material feels so ultra soft and smooth to the touch. The hoodie even features a unicorn face.

Sazac Kigurumi OnesieSazac Kigurumi OnesieVérifiez le prix

These Kigurumi costumes are popular sleepwear for tween girls and they are 100% authentic made with 100% polyester fleece, which is soooo comfy. The onsie looks super cute with a variety of fun colorful designs. Choose your favorite one(s) and sleep in style.

K. Bell Sneaker SocksK. Bell Sneaker SocksVérifiez le prix

What 11 year old girl wouldn’t love these awesome, colorful, and fun socks? This package includes six pairs of no show socks with a super cool sneaker design. They fit well and the quality is very nice. They’re fashionable and comfy – what’s not to love?

Noble Mount Fuzzy SocksNoble Mount Fuzzy SocksVérifiez le prix

The moment winter hits, these fuzzy winter crew socks will be your new BFFs! They’re super cute and feel warm and fuzzy to the the touch. Your feet will literally fall in love at first wear. Every girl needs at least one set in their wardrobe.

Snoozies Slipper SocksSnoozies Slipper SocksVérifiez le prix

Why has everyone fallen head over heels for Snoozies? Snoozies are adorably cute slipper socks with a variety of fun designs. In addition to looking super cool, you’ve never felt comfort like when you slip into Snoozies. They keep your feet sooo warm and cozy and are machine washable for easy care. If this gift doesn’t make her smile, we really don’t know what will.

Happy Feet Animal SlippersHappy Feet Animal SlippersVérifiez le prix

Your feet will love these Happy Feet Animal Slippers. These slippers literally feel like you are walking on pillows and they provide so much warmth and comfort. The animal designs look super cute and there are so many cool ones to choose from. Which one will you choose to make your feet Happy Feet?

Cute Emoji Cartoon SlippersCute Emoji Cartoon SlippersVérifiez le prix

When your tween girl sees these Emoji Plush Slippers, they will bring smiles all around. Not only do they look super cute, but they are so velvety soft and comfy on the inside. They feel like walking on clouds and are right on trend. Choose from a variety of expressive Emoji designs. You’re sure to find just the perfect pair.

ACORN Kid’s Acorn Moc SlipperACORN Kids Acorn Moc SlipperVérifiez le prix

These unisex Acorn Kids Moc Slippers are perfect for sleepwear. They have an appealing fuzzy design, come in a variety of styles, and keep your feet warm and toasty. Experience cloud-like softness with every step. Their non-skid soles make them ideal for indoor or outdoor use.

Minnetonka Cassie SlipperMinnetonka Cassie SlipperVérifiez le prix

Designed with a suede body, rubber sole and sheepskin, the Minnetonka Cassie Slippers are a quality choice for sleepwear. Your feet will feel sooo warm and comfy in that sheepskin that you may never want to remove them. They’re perfect for walking around the house.

UGG Kids’ K Cozy II SlipperUGG Kids K Cozy II SlipperVérifiez le prix

If she loves UGG Boots, she’ll want to seriously consider these UGG Cozy II Slippers. They have a signature design with a soft suede upper and real wool lining that is so soft and comfy on your feet. You’ve never felt comfort like this before. La meilleure partie? These are even classy to wear out in public. Don’t be surprised if it’s nearly impossible for her to take them off!

Alki’i Pajama Bottom PantsAlkii Pajama Bottom PantsVérifiez le prix

Not only are these fleece pajama bottoms great for keeping you warm and toasty, they have the most adorable prints. Once tween girls wear these, they might not want to take them off.

Vera Bradley Large 2 Duffle BagVera Bradley Large 2 Duffle BagVérifiez le prix

With a stunning design and plenty of room, this fairly large duffel bag from Vera Bradley is great for sleepovers or even travel. It is easily big enough for a weekend trip, fitting a few outfits along with shoes and accessories.

Anything to do with clothing or fashion will likely be a big hit with an 11 year old. Girls love new clothes but can also be very particular about the type of clothes they like. Your young fashionistas will love upgrading their wardrobe with these trendy clothes and accessories that are 11 year old approved.

Stephen Curry Men’s Replica JerseyStephen Curry Mens Replica JerseyVérifiez le prix

Calling all Golden State Warrior Curry fans! This sporty jersey from adidas is a wonderful replica for basketball fans sure to excite any fan. The graphics look authentic and you’ll be sporting a highly fashionable jersey that looks just like the real thing for a fraction of those high price tags. It’s perfect for game time or just chillin’ with friends.

Jinx Men’s Minecraft Creeper HoodieJinx Men’s Minecraft Creeper HoodieVérifiez le prix

Fans addicted to Minecraft won’t be able to go anywhere without this Creeper hoodie. Zip it up and it makes a Creeper mask on the hood. With several sizes to choose from, you can find the perfect size for your Creeper fan.

Under Armour Men’s Storm Caliber HoodieUnder Armour Mens Storm Caliber HoodieVérifiez le prix

Under Armour makes fantastic hoodies for boys. Offered in several styles and colors, this well made hoodie keeps you warm and comfortable. You might just have to pry it off him just to wash it.

Under Armour Girls’ Fleece Jumbo Logo HoodieUnder Armour Girls Fleece Jumbo Logo HoodieVérifiez le prix

For tweens, Under Armor hoodies are very popular at school. This hoodie for tween girls is swag. It is offered is several lovely colors with a big jumbo-sized logo on the front.

TooLoud Shake It Off T-ShirtTooLoud Shake It Off T-ShirtVérifiez le prix

Swifties will love this darling t-shirt with the words “Shake It Off” printed on the front of the shirt. It’s perfect for paring with Taylor Swift concert tickets or a poster. Shake it off with this cute t-shirt.

City Threads Girls’ LeggingsCity Threads Girls LeggingsVérifiez le prix

These City Theads Girls’ Leggings are always in fashion and perfect for just about any occasion. They provide the coverage you need, are made with high quality in the USA, and are comfortable to wear. Choose from a wide selection of fashionable colors and styles.

MissShorthair Plaid Tartan Infinity ScarfMissShorthair Plaid Tartan Infinity ScarfVérifiez le prix

Offered in several fun designs, this scarf from Miss Shorthair has a beautiful combination of edgy and girly. Add a pop of color to any outfit.

Casio G-Shock Men’s Sport WatchCasio G-Shock Mens Sport WatchVérifiez le prix

G-Shocks from Casio are a popular fashionable sport watch for tween boys. Strap it on and you’ll see the watch feels rugged and well built. In addition to telling time, it features a stopwatch, alarm, and backlight. The digital display is easy to read and it’s easy to operate. The watch is also water resistant to over 600 feet so you can play at the pool’s surface. It’s an excellent value for the price.

Timex Marathon Unisex WatchTimex Marathon Unisex WatchVérifiez le prix

With a vivid purple strap, this unisex Timex watch is major bling for tween girls. The digital time is easy to read and the stop watch is great for exercise needs.

Vera Bradley Wristlet WalletVera Bradley Wristlet WalletVérifiez le prix

Wristlets are great for girls that just need a place to keep the essentials. This little wristlet from Vera Bradley offers a great fashion statement for holding your smart phone, wallet, and few other essentials. Tweens will love the colored fabric and contrast.

I Love You To The Moon and Back Pendant NecklaceI Love You To The Moon and Back Pendant NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Show your eleven year old how much you love them with this gorgeous sterling silver pendant necklace with the words “I love you to the moon and back.” There is no better way to show your love

Alex and Ani Birthstone BraceletAlex and Ani Birthstone BraceletVérifiez le prix

Show your uniqueness with this personalized bracelet from Alex and Ani. Perfect for celebrating the month you were born.

Rose Gold Plated Stud EarringsRose Gold Plated Stud EarringsVérifiez le prix

OMG earrings. These tiny stud flower earrings really sparkle. The cubic zirconium studs are stylish and elegant.

KAVU Rope BagKAVU Rope BagVérifiez le prix

The KAVU Rope Bag is a stylish way to carry your belongings. They combine style with function. These bags are made from 100% cotton and feel comfortable to wear over your body. There’s ample room to store books, cameras, and other personal items. There’s even place for your smartphone, cables, and makeup with three exterior pockets and one main zippered compartment. Find the perfect style to suit your tastes.

Faux Leather Mini BackpackFaux Leather Mini BackpackVérifiez le prix

With a highly polished leather look, this Faux Leather Mini Packpack is the perfect travel companion for carrying around small belongings and even cash. It has two zippered compartments and even has pockets on either side for quick and easy access.

LIHIT LAB Pencil CaseLIHIT LAB Pencil CaseVérifiez le prix

The Coral Pen Case is perfect for storing and organizing all your supplies from pens and pencils to flash drives and more. You can easily slip this into a backpack without having a big mess in your backpack. The quality is great and it works as promised. What more could one ask for?

Harry Potter Hybrid BagHarry Potter Hybrid BagVérifiez le prix

Got a Harry Potter fan? She’ll be excited for this cute and stylish Harry Potter faux leather hybrid bag, which is offically licensed. It looks attractive with a convenient carry handle and strap. It can fit a smartphone and has plenty of slotted compartments for easy organization. It’s the perfect gift for Potter heads that will make her smile.

Vera Bradley Zip ID CaseVera Bradley Zip ID CaseVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun and fashionable ID case for your tween daughter? Vera Bradley’s Zip ID Case is a popular choice with a wide range of colorful and gorgeous artsy designs that will WOW. It features a zippered compartment and clear ID window for easy access. Change, cards, and cash may be stored inside and it even has a key ring. It’s nice and compact and lightweight and easily fits in a purse. Simpler is better!

Vera Bradley Your Turn Smartphone WristletVera Bradley Your Turn Smartphone WristletVérifiez le prix

The Vera Bradley Microfiber Your Turn Smartphone Wristlet is perfect for those looking for something smaller than a regular sized purse. It’s perfect for a grab and go world and stores all the essentials from your smartphone and ID to cash and change all in a stylish, compact design.

Canvaslife Laptop CaseCanvaslife Laptop CaseVérifiez le prix

The Canvaslife Canvas Laptop Shoulder Messenger Bag is perfect for 11 to 13 inch laptops and even the MacBook Air. It features a beautiful white rose design that will appeal to tween girls. The case is lightweight, durable, and perfect for transporting your laptop. It also features a smaller zippered pocket for storing smaller things. It’s a functional and stylish case at a very affordable price.

Vera Bradley Little Cross BodyVera Bradley Little Cross BodyVérifiez le prix

Vera Bradley’s Little Crossbody is one of the hippest and most stylish crossbody bags around. The Lilac Tapestry design is truly a sight to behold and looks absolutely gorgeous. It fits perfectly and comfortably across your body. The interior compartment is spacious to hold a small wallet and other personal belongings like keys, smartphone, hand sanitizer, makeup and more. Choose from a wonderful assortment of lovely designs.

AmazonBasics Classic BackpackAmazonBasics Classic BackpackVérifiez le prix

Looking for an inexpensive backpack for your tween? Consider this AmazonBasics Classic Backpack. With a lightweight, durable design, and padded shoulder straps, this is as basic and minimalist as they come. It has a relatively spacious main compartment and smaller front pocket plus side pockets for holding water bottles. There’s not much to complain about, as it gets the job done on the cheap.

Jansport Superbreak BackpackJansport Superbreak BackpackVérifiez le prix

JanSport makes some really good quality backpacks. The SuperBreak is one of their more affordable and best-selling offerings with a fun, hip design. It’s perfect for carrying school supplies, books, phones, makeup and more, as the padding feels comfortable around your shoulders. Choose from a wide assortment of styles and colors.

Vera Bradley Campus BackpackVera Bradley Campus BackpackVérifiez le prix

If you’re looking for a backpack infused with more style – there’s no shortage of style with the Vera Bradley Campus Tech Backpack. This backpack features a spacious main compartment and two zippered pockets. It’s perfect for carrying books, clothing, and more. There are also slip pockets and you can even safely store a laptop or tablet. Great combination of style and function with a great selection of chic, fashion-forward designs.

Fjallraven Kanken BackpackFjallraven Kanken BackpackVérifiez le prix

The Fjallraven Kanken is a classic pack beautifully combining form and function. Its versatile design allows it to be worn over the shoulders like a backpack or conveniently carried by the handles. It even has a sleeve accommodating up to a 15-inch laptop. These packs are water resistant and very durable for years of adventures. You’ll be surprisingly impressed with the quality of these bags and how much you can actually fit inside.

Vera Bradley Lunch BunchVera Bradley Lunch BunchVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fashionable way to carry lunch? Brown lunch bags are boring and too costly. You’ll enjoy carrying lunch with this stylish Vera Bradley Lunch Bunch Bag. The fabric feels like quality and it’s even lightly insulated. Toting around lunch could never be so fun and chic. You may be looking forward to lunch more often. Who’s ready for lunch?

World Traveler 13.5 Inch Beach BagWorld Traveler 13.5 Inch Beach BagVérifiez le prix

Travel in style with the World Traveler Beach Bag. This sturdy and sapcious beach bag is made from 100% polyester and comes with convenient and easy to carry nylon straps with a zipper pocket for extra storage. Choose from a wide assortment of fashionable prints that dazzle the eyes and senses. Adventuring has never been more fun!

Vera Bradley Large Duffel BagVera Bradley Large Duffel BagVérifiez le prix

Looking for a chic, stylish duffle bag for your tween? The Vera Bradley Signature Cotton Large Duffle doesn’t disappoint with a wide spectrum of beautiful designs. The bag is very spacious inside for all your belongings. It also features a zip pocket, slip pocket, and three interior mesh pockets for smaller items. It’s a perfect size for traveling and girls will love it.

URSFUR Faux Fur Ball KeychainURSFUR Faux Fur Ball KeychainVérifiez le prix

What girl could resist the cuteness of this charm pendant? This is the perfect accessory for tweens. Girls will love running their hands through it’s fuzzy, soft fur. She may never want to stop! You can hang it on your handbag or backpack with the keychain clip and show your love for all things cute while displaying a great sense of fashion. This makes a great stocking stuffer.

Totes Kids Bubble UmbrellaTotes Kids Bubble UmbrellaVérifiez le prix

Why settle for an ordinary umbrella when you can have this stylish and colorful umbrella that’s as bubbly as your personality? The transparent design allows you to see where you’re going when it’s raining cats and dogs. Best of all, it keeps you dry and the ball design eliminates sharp pointy edges so it’s safe to use.

LED Colorful Flashing Finger Lighting GlovesLED Colorful Flashing Finger Lighting GlovesVérifiez le prix

You can have ordinary gloves and then you can have these cool LED Finger Light Gloves featuring a range of color settings and patterns. We’re not exactly sure what makes them so appealing but maybe it has something to do with those colorful LED lights. If you aren’t satified, they’ll take it back – no questions asked. How’s that for a Money-Back Guarantee?! They’re great for birthdays, parties, and more. Are you ready to join the movement?

Giselle Rhinestone Cat Eye SunglassesGiselle Rhinestone Cat Eye SunglassesVérifiez le prix

Tween girls will love these fashionable cat eye sunglasses. They come in a variety of cool colors and are accented with beautiful rhinestones. Although these shades are not polarized, she’ll surely look cool in these cute sunglasses. The size is perfect and the price can’t be beat.

Amomoma Round Eye Glasses With Clear FramesAmomoma Round Eye Glasses With Clear FramesVérifiez le prix

The Amomoma Fashion Round Eyewear Frame is what’s in trend. This is the style that today’s tweens love. It just comes with the frame and you can have the proper lenses fit with your prescription from the eye doctor. For such stylish frames, they are quite inexpensive. They look super cute and you’ll get a ton of compliments.

MeliMe Fashion Cute Cartoon Brooch PinsMeliMe Fashion Cute Cartoon Brooch PinsVérifiez le prix

A girl’s got to accessorize, right? This set of 8 cartoon brooch pins is the perfect fashion jewelry. They look so darling cute and accentuate any outfit and they’re pretty well made. Choose from a variety of fun brooch designs. You’re sure to find something to your liking.

C.C. Cable Knit Slouchy BeanieC.C. Cable Knit Slouchy BeanieVérifiez le prix

Made from 100% soft acrylic, this soft stretch cable knit beanie is the perfect fashionable accessory to keep you warm and cozy during those chilly winter months. C.C. offers a wide assortment of colors to choose from and one size fits most. You get surprisingly good bang for your buck.

POSESHE Stylish Warm Blanket ScarfPOSESHE Stylish Warm Blanket ScarfVérifiez le prix

If you want to stay warm and cozy when it gets chilly outside this Poseshe Blanket Scarf is an excellent, high quality choice. Choose from a variety of stylish options and wrap yourself in beautiful warmth and comfort. It’s an essential for any girl’s wardrobe. Best of all, it looks great with a variety of fall and winter outfits.

Give your 11 year old happy feet with these great pairs of trendy kicks.

Lock LacesLock LacesVérifiez le prix

Does your tween hate tying his or her laces? Well now with Lock Laces, you can transform their tennis shoes into sneakers they can easily slip into without tying those laces. La meilleure partie? It’s very easy to install and you’ll love not having to tie your shoe laces ever again! They’re comfortable to use with a stretch fit design and they are designed to last. Try Lock Laces and you’ll never go back.

adidas Originals Kids’ Superstar Sneakeradidas Originals Kids Superstar SneakerVérifiez le prix

Combining classic legendary style and comfort, the adidas Superstar Sneaker is a must-have for any shoe collector. The shoes are well designed with the signature adidas 3-stripe design and rubber sole that provides good traction. The tongue is generously padded as is the inner cushioning. You won’t hesitate in grabbing these as they are go-tos for just about any occasion.

adidas Stan Smith J Tennis Shoeadidas Stan Smith J Tennis ShoeVérifiez le prix

The Stan Smiths are classics that belong in your shoe collection. These tennis shoes combine a stylish design with excellent comfort. You’ll love wearing these quality kicks with any outfit and they’re perfect for both guys and gals. You’re not likely to be disappointed.

Converse SneakersConverse SneakersVérifiez le prix

Tweens can’t go wrong with a fashionable pair of high top Chucks. These shoes have been around for close to 100 years. Now it has been given an upgrade. This is the Chuck II. With a new Nike sock liner, the sneakers are comfortable as they are cool.

Heelys Launch Skate ShoeHeelys Launch Skate ShoeVérifiez le prix

Heelys are the coolest way for tweens to get around. In case you’ve been living in a cave and have never heard of Heelys, they are shoes with wheels on them. These shoes are well made and have a non-slip sole when the wheel is removed. When you’re not rolling around town, they’re actually pretty legit streetwear.

UGG Kids K Classic II Fashion BootUGG Kids K Classic II Fashion BootVérifiez le prix

UGGs aren’t cheap, but what 11 year old doesn’t want a pair of real UGG boots? Available in several cute colors, these comfy boots go well with skinny jeans or leggings.

Bearpaw Emma Tall Youth BootBearpaw Emma Tall Youth BootVérifiez le prix

Made with real suede, Bearpaw boots are the perfect alternative to UGG boots. With several colors and sizes to choose from, this faux pair of UGG boots is almost as stylish.

Hunter BootsHunter BootsVérifiez le prix

Gear up for the rain in style with these ‘Original Gloss’ Rain Boots. This boot has a rugged base for great traction. The boots keep your feet dry and comfy. Choose from a variety of stylish colors.

Kamik Raindrops Rain BootKamik Raindrops Rain BootVérifiez le prix

Made in the USA, these Kamik Raindrops Rain Boots are way too cute and perfect for keeping the rain at bay in a stylish and functional design. A nice decorative buckle adds to the overall aesthetic of the boots. The boots are fully waterproof so you’ll love wearing them out in the rain.

adidas Adissage Sandaladidas Adissage SandalVérifiez le prix

While the adidas Adissage Sandals aren’t exactly shoes, they sure do look sporty and can be worn indoors or outdoors. La meilleure partie? The TRP footbed gives your feet a soothing massage with every footstep. The quality is great and you can easily slip in and out of them. When ordering for your 11 year old, bear in mind they run a bit small.

Salt Water Sandals by Hoy ShoeSalt Water Sandals by Hoy ShoeVérifiez le prix

Every tween girl needs the Salt Water Sandals in her wardrobe, as these are tried-and-true classics. These sandals comes in a wide range of colors and styles to meet your needs. They look attractive with a leather design and are very comfortable with rubber soles. La meilleure partie? They’re incredibly versatile so go ahead and wear them whenever and wherever you like.

Some 11 year old girls are very much into boys, makeup, perfumes, hair and nails. At this age, kids are just trying to figure out their favorite style. The number one item on most 11 year old girl’s wish list is a brand new makeup set. If they are ready, a big makeup set that they can mess around with around the house makes a great gift.

In addition to makeup, kids this age have all begun experimenting with nail art, fun hair styles, and sweet smelling perfumes and lotions. She will love these beauty products as much as she loves her friends.

The New Braiding HandbookThe New Braiding HandbookVérifiez le prix

If your tween loves styling her hair, The New Braiding Handbook will teach her a few new tricks. This book is loaded with pictures and instructions for classy hairstyles for any occasion that are easy to do. You’ll be amazed by what Abby teaches you in a short period of time. Who’s ready to have some fun with their hair?

Batiste Dry Shampoo, OriginalBatiste Dry Shampoo, OriginalVérifiez le prix

Looking to freshen up your hair between washes? Batiste Dry Shampoo is a spray shampoo that cleanses your hair without water and it’s easy to use and style with. In fact, it’s the #1 dry shampoo and available in a variety of fresh fragrances to make your hair smell its best. It also removes oil from your hair so you can add body and texture. La meilleure partie? It’s so convenient and you’ll be saving water so it’s great for the planet, too. Turn dull lifeless hair into amazing. Skipping a wash is not such a bad thing after all. What will you do with the time and money saved?

Conair Topsytail All in One StylingConair Topsytail All in One StylingVérifiez le prix

Topsy Tail is an all-in-one styling tool for creating all types of fun hairstyles. The styling booklet teaches you how to create 10 different hair styles from the Topsy Tail to the Topsy Tail Jr and more. La meilleure partie? These are hairstyles you can actually do on your own in a matter of minutes and it works on all types of hair. It’s easy to do and the designs are so cute. It’s the perfect gift for any age.

Turbie Twist Hair TowelTurbie Twist Hair TowelVérifiez le prix

Have you heard of the Turbie Twist? This is an ingenious, super absorbent hair towel made of microfiber. Every girl should have one of these. The great thing is that it stays put without falling out and you benefit from the convenience of less blow drying. Try it and you’ll agree it’s way better than your typical bath towel. La meilleure partie? It works on all types of hair from short to long hair.

Wet Brush Pro Detangle Hair BrushWet Brush Pro Detangle Hair BrushVérifiez le prix

Got tangles? Aucun problème. The Wet Brush Pro is every girl’s dream brush. You can use it on wet or dry hair and it instantly detangles knots in your hair without damaging it. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to use it. It will be your new go-to brush. What a godsend!

Scalpmaster Shampoo BrushScalpmaster Shampoo BrushVérifiez le prix

The Scalpmaster Shampoo Brush is a great tool for working shampoo deep into your hair evenly while gently massaging your scalp. It also helps with proper rinsing of your hair to get out all of the shampoo. The brush is well made and will probably last you a long time. It’s very easy to use and it beats using your fingernails, which can damage your scalp.

ETUDE HOUSE Cat Ear Etti Hair Band ETUDE HOUSE Cat Ear Etti Hair Band Vérifiez le prix

Isn’t that the cutest beauty tool ever?! Tween girls will love this super cute hair band shaped like cat ears. It’s a soft and lovely tool that holds your hair back during your beauty routine. La meilleure partie? It doesn’t damage your hair and is a practical gift for girls under $5.

Mudder Cat Ear Headband HairMudder Cat Ear Headband HairVérifiez le prix

Why settle for an ordinary hairband when you can have these cuties? Tween girls will go crazy for these car ear fashion headbands. This set contains six headbands in a variety of fun colors. They’re comfortable to wear and look super cute. She’ll love wearing these everywhere she goes.

Hipsy Adjustable HeadbandsHipsy Adjustable HeadbandsVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun and fashionable headband for your tween daughter? Hipsy offers a wide array of fashionable headbands for girls to wear your hair the way you want. These gift packs include two or more headbands. What’s great about these hairbands is they don’t press up against your head and they don’t slip off easily. They are designed for all-day comfort and are fully adjustable and versatile, allowing for a variety of fashions. The Xflex are unisex so they’re great for both guys and gals.

Goody Women’s Ouchless ScrunchieGoody Womens Ouchless ScrunchieVérifiez le prix

If you’re looking for painless Scrunchies for your hair these ones from Goody are an excellent choice. They work on all types of hair and secure your hair without damaging it. The nice thing is that these offer good stretchiness, grip, and are strong enough to last. La meilleure partie? They don’t rip your hair out like others.

Kenz Laurenz No Crease Ponytail HoldersKenz Laurenz No Crease Ponytail HoldersVérifiez le prix

This value pack of 100 elastic ribbons from Kenz Laurenz holds your hair without damaging it. It’s perfect for ponytails and works best on thin to medium thick hair without creating any soreness on your head or hair headaches. There’s so much color goodness here to dazzle her world and coordinate with various outfits.

Beautyworld BowsBeautyworld BowsVérifiez le prix

These fashionable boutique hair bows make a wonderful gift idea for girls. This set includes 15 hair bows for decorating and beautifying her hair. The set includes fifteen different colored bows to easily coordinate with different outfits. The alligator clips ensure a good grip without fraying your hair.

JoJo Siwa Hair BowJoJo Siwa Hair BowVérifiez le prix

JoJo Siwa, your fav reality star, has a wonderful selection of bows to decorate your hair with fashionable style. With over a dozen options, you’re sure to find something that dazzles and catches your attention. Go from ordinary to beautiful with these Jojo Siwa Bows. A gift sure to brighten up any girl’s life.

Remington Pearl Pro Ceramic Flat IronRemington Pearl Pro Ceramic Flat IronVérifiez le prix

Professional quality hair straightening results are possible at home with the Remington Pearl Pro Ceramic Flat Iron. In just 30-seconds flat it reaches the optimal temperature of 450-degrees F to deliver the results you desire. An overwhelming number of stylists recommend this model for salon quality results. You’ll be suprisingly impressed by the performance delivered by this very affordable flat iron. Smooth and shiny hair is possible!

Conair Infiniti Pro Curling WandConair Infiniti Pro Curling WandVérifiez le prix

Want gorgeous curls? The Conair Infiniti Pro is the tool you need to get stunning, natural curls. The great thing is this gives you full-day curl control even in humidity. It’s easy to use and doesn’t create kinks and even protects against heat damage. La meilleure partie? It’s super affordable and the curls last all day long.

Infiniti Pro by ConairInfiniti Pro by ConairVérifiez le prix

The Infinity Pro is an excellent hair styling product. It utilizes ceramic and ionic tech and fast drying times without damaging your hair. The dryer features three heat settings and two speeds. Now you can get salon-quality results at home.

Clarisonic Mia 2 Facial BrushClarisonic Mia 2 Facial BrushVérifiez le prix

The Clarisonic facial cleansing brush leaves your face cleaner than manual cleansing. The brush really removes dead skin, making skin look fresher and more radiant.

Burt’s Bees Gift SetBurts Bees Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Treat your lips, toes, and fingertips with this wonderful gift set from Burt Bees. With natural ingredients, the holiday set contains trial versions of hand cream, foot cream, and lip balm.

PURELL Advanced Instant Hand SanitizerPURELL Advanced Instant Hand SanitizerVérifiez le prix

Every girl needs hand sanitizer to keep their hands clean anytime. These portable sized hand saniters from Purell are small enough to throw into your bag. This set contains 8 different scents that are exciting and breathtaking. Squirt it, zap those germs, and move on. C’est si simple. It’s a great value and perfect for on the go sanitization.

Bath & Body Works Hand SanitizerBath & Body Works Hand SanitizerVérifiez le prix

Looking for fancier sanitizers? Bath & Body Works offers a wide assortment of 5 and 10-pack PocketBac Sanitizers with refreshing scents. They are perfect for tucking away in your bag so you can use them whenever you need it.

Rejuvelle Bath Bombs Gift SetRejuvelle Bath Bombs Gift SetVérifiez le prix

What tween girl wouldn’t love receiving bath bombs? This is one of the top gift sets for tween girls and one of the most wished for gifts on Amazon. This set contains a six pack of all natural bath bombs. These bombs will blow her away and she’ll be looking forward to her next bath. They smell amazing, moisturize your skin, and it feels sooo refreshing. You can’t go wrong with this goodness.

Bath & Body Works Cherry Blossom Blossoming Gift SetAges https://www.theodysseyonline.com/11-scents-bathbody-worksBath & Body Works Cherry Blossom Blossoming Gift SetVérifiez le prix

With a sweet burst of cherry blossom, Asian pear and sandalwood, this Japanese Cherry Blossom gift set from Bath & Body Works will make you feel like you are in a beautiful Japanese garden. It is a soft and light flowery scent that young girls with love. The set contains full size bottles of moisturizing hand lotion and hand soap. Best of all, it’s ready to gift.

Lush Gift SetLush Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Celebrate your tween’s special occasion with the wonderful gift of Lush. They offer a great selection of fragrance gifts – beautifully wrapped and ready to gift. Choose from best-sellers like Christmas Cheer, Little Snow Fairy, Dreamscape, and more.

Vera Wang Princess PerfumeVera Wang Princess PerfumeVérifiez le prix

This fruity blend of waterlilly, floral notes, and chiffon vanilla makes a perfect first perfume. It has a flowery fragrance with a little hint of vanilla. With a cool and light feel, it subtle enough for even beauty beginners.

Wonderstruck Taylor Swift PerfumeWonderstruck Taylor Swift PerfumeVérifiez le prix

Swifties will love the Wonderstruck Gift Set from Taylor Swift. It contains a perfume, body lotion, and bath gel. With a mix of Freesia, Apple Blossom, Raspberry, and Vanilla, it smells sweet and pretty. Perfect for tweens.

Wearing makeup at this age can be controversial. While she might want to use makeup, it is up for parents to decide if she is allowed to. The following items below are suitable for girls who are just starting with makeup.

Burt’s Bees Lip BalmBurts Bees Lip BalmVérifiez le prix

Burt’s Bees Lip Balm are a favorite of many. They moisturize your lips, leaving them feeling hydrated and healthy. What makes it unique is the beeswax formulation and it’s not sticky and slimy like others on the market. This is far superior to those cheap ones you’ll find at convenience stores. Plus, you don’t have to continually reapply like Chapstick. Say hello to soft, beautiful lips.

SNP Animals Character Printed MaskSNP Animals Character Printed MaskVérifiez le prix

Ready to have fun with your beauty routine? This set includes eight animal character print masks. Each package is good for about two mini spa treatments. What’s great is it doesn’t have a sticky feeling and your skin will feel noticeably soft, firmer and moisturized. She’ll love these amazing and cute masks.

New Home Innovations Metallic Temporary TattoosNew Home Innovations Metallic Temporary TattoosVérifiez le prix

Does your tween want a tat without the pain? These metallic temporary tatoos provide a fashionable look without all the pain associated with getting a tattoo. These cool designs will get you plenty of compliments. They are completely waterproof so they don’t wash away in the pool. Best of all, they last long and are non-toxic.

Stori Makeup Palette OrganizerStori Makeup Palette OrganizerVérifiez le prix

This Makeup Palette Organizer makes a lovely gift for 11 year old girls. Unsightly makeup stack … no more! Bring order and organization to your makeup collection with this versatile and stylish transparent organizer. They’re sturdily built, spacious, and functional.

Decobros 8-inch Vanity MirrorDecobros 8-inch Vanity MirrorVérifiez le prix

This 8-inch Vanity Mirror from Decobros offers a swivel design with up to 7x magnification for detailing your hair and makeup. It’s really well built and has a good weight without distortion. The design looks classy and fits in well with most décor. It’s perfect for the vanity or bathroom.

Kedsum 10X LED Lighted Makeup MirrorKedsum 10X LED Lighted Makeup MirrorVérifiez le prix

This 6.8-inch LED Lighted Makeup Mirror is perfect for doing your makeup and hair. The light feature is a great feature to have to see all the details when lighting is limited and it simulates natural outdoor lighting. It offers 10x magnification to get your makeup details just right and allow for precise tweezing.

Real Techniques Flawless Base SetReal Techniques Flawless Base SetVérifiez le prix

This Real Techniques Base Brush Set are from the pro makeup artists – Sam and Nic. The set includes a contour brush, detailer brush, buffing brush, square foundation brush, and a convenient brush cup for storing all the brushes. The brushes are very easy to use and made of high quality materials. The hair brushes are soft for creating a smooth looking finish and they don’t shed as much as other brushes. A great set worth adding to her collection.

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion SpongeReal Techniques Miracle Complexion SpongeVérifiez le prix

This 2-pack set of Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponges from the pros – Sam & Nic – delivers flawless results. It’s perfect for blending your makeup for a smooth professional look. The sponge has rounded edges perfect for blending and a precision tip for concealing blemishes. The flat edge is ideal for contouring effects. It’s a great value for what you get.

Kedsum Silicone Makeup Brush Cleaning MatKedsum Silicone Makeup Brush Cleaning MatVérifiez le prix

This cleaning mat is the perfect tool for cleaning your makeup brushes. Cleaning your brushes has never been simpler. It has different textured areas to deliver deeper, more effective cleaning. And it stays in place with suctioning so your hands are free to clean the brushes. Gotta love that super affordable price point.

Neutrogena Makeup Remover WipesNeutrogena Makeup Remover WipesVérifiez le prix

These Neurogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes are the best-selling facial makeup remover. This 25-pack of pre-moistened towelettes dissolves all traces of makeup – even waterproof mascara. These cleansing wipes are designed to be gentle for sensitive areas like near your eyes without burning. Honestly, you get a good amount for your money. Makeup removal is a breeze and you feel so clean. Love, love, love!

Vera Bradley Cosmetic BagVera Bradley Cosmetic BagVérifiez le prix

Looking for a hip and stylish cosmetic bag for your 11 year old girl? Choose from a wonderful selection of beautiful designs from Vera Bradley, including our favorite – Lilac Tapestry. The bag features a plastic lining to keep everything stored inside clean. These bags are also machine washable.

SHANY All In One Harmony Makeup KitSHANY All In One Harmony Makeup KitVérifiez le prix

With lots of makeup, this huge makeup kit from Shany contains 168 eye shadows, 6 lip glosses, 3 blush, and applicators. Everyone will want to come to your house for a slumber party get together. A dream come true for any 11 year old girl.

SHANY iLookBook Pro Makeup SetSHANY iLookBook Pro Makeup SetVérifiez le prix

At 11, girls have just started to hit makeup age. A makeup kit is at the top of their list. This makeup kit from Shany is the perfect kit for tweens. Shaped like a laptop, it comes with eye shadow, lip stick creams, and applicators. It is the perfect set for starters.

L.A. Girl Beauty Brick Eyeshadow, NudesL.A. Girl Beauty Brick Eyeshadow, NudesVérifiez le prix

These nude palletes from L.A. girl are perfect for an 11 year old starting out with makeup. The great thing is they are easy to fix when you make mistakes. They are well pigmented and really pretty for the price point. Once she gets comfortable applying it, she can experiment with adding colors and shimmers.

Coastal Scents Glamour Beauty Collection Gift SetCoastal Scents Glamour Beauty Collection Gift SetVérifiez le prix

This luxurious beauty gift collection from Coastal Scents delivers 88 eye shadows, 10 blush and bronzer shades, 22 brushes, and a carrying case for your brushes. It has great pigmentation and the quality of the brushes and makeup is very nice. With the variety you get in this set, you can’t really go wrong.

COVERGIRL Smoothers BB CreamCOVERGIRL Smoothers BB CreamVérifiez le prix

This BB cream from Covergirl delivers lightweight coverage and blends nicely with your skin. We love it because it’s easy to apply and gives you a natural appearance. It’s perfect for daily use and even offers SPF 15 protection from the sun.

Maybelline Age Rewind ConcealerMaybelline Age Rewind ConcealerVérifiez le prix

Any girl will tell you they hate the look of dark circles. This Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles product works wonders and is perfect for eliminating the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. It also helps to reduce any puffiness so you look radiant and refreshed. This will be her new go-to concealer.

Maybelline Chrome Metallic HighlighterMaybelline Chrome Metallic HighlighterVérifiez le prix

Tweens love the metallic look delivered by Maybelline’s New York Face Studio Master Chrome Metallic Highlighter. It really highlights your best features and makes you look glam. It’s best applied to your cheekbones, the nose bridge, and brow bone. She’ll glow beautifully and feel like a million dollars. La meilleure partie? It works well on most skin tones.

Baby Lips Lip BalmBaby Lips Lip BalmVérifiez le prix

Baby Lips are perfect stocking stuffers for lip balm addicts. Offered in 6 different colors, these lip balms smell so good that you want to eat them. It helps that they leave your lips feeling soft and smooth. With the tinted colors, it leaves a subtle sheer of color on your lips.

Maybelline Volum’ Express Colossal MascaraMaybelline Volum Express Colossal MascaraVérifiez le prix

The Maybelline Volum’ Express is the mascara you need for incredible volume without clumping. It glides on super smooth, separates your lashes and gives you colossal lashes that will get you noticed. She’ll love the look.

Coty Airspun Face PowderCoty Airspun Face PowderVérifiez le prix

This Airspun Face Powder from Coty is easy to apply and it’s great for setting your concealer and makeup. You get a lot of product for the money. It smells great and leaves your skin feeling soft and amazing. You’ll love your overall complexion.

MyGift Tabletop Jewelry OrganizerMyGift Tabletop Jewelry OrganizerVérifiez le prix

This fashionable Jewelry Organizer Tree Rack would make a lovely gift for your 11 year old girl. It’s a 3-tier rack that’s perfect for displaying all her jewelry. The rings accommodate necklaces and bracelets while rings and watches can be stored at the base level. She’ll love that it is easy to assemble and holds a ton of jewelry while looking very attractive.

Queenberry Cable Bracelet For Bead CharmsQueenberry Cable Bracelet For Bead CharmsVérifiez le prix

This solid 925 Sterling silver charm bracelet would make a lovely gift for your tween girl. It looks stunning up close and personal and features a lobster claw design for ease of use. It’s compatible with European bead charms and feels quite sturdy. Every time she gets a charm from family and friends it will serve as a beautiful memory.

Jane Stone Choker 12-PackJane Stone Choker 12-PackVérifiez le prix

What girl’s wardrobe would be complete without chokers? These stylish Jane Stone chockers come in a dozen dazzling colors to coordinate with her different outfits. They are comfortable to wear and look really cute. They are super stretchy and easy to wear because of this fact. With this set, you get great style and it’s super affordable. A definite winning combination that’s hard to beat!

Lokai Classic BraceletLokai Classic BraceletVérifiez le prix

Our lives are full of ups and downs. This beautiful Lokai Bracelet serves to remind us of that very fact. The white is said to resemble our high points, while the single black bead represents our low points. During high points in our lives we need to stay humble, whereas during low points we need to stay hopeful that we’ll make it through the most challenging of times. It is that resiliance in us that allows us to move forward and attain the very best moments in life. It’s a simple but powerful piece that she’ll love wearing daily.

Personalized Stackable Name RingPersonalized Stackable Name RingVérifiez le prix

These personalized stackable name rings make a wonderful gift idea for girls. Choose from matte, shiny, rose gold, gold, and coffee options. The rings are made from stainless steel and you can choose from different size options as well. The ink doesn’t come off easily, they’re comfortable to wear, and look absolutely beautiful. Stack ’em for even more fun!

UMode Princess RingUMode Princess RingVérifiez le prix

Your princess would absolutely adore this pretty crown tiara Cubic Zirconia CZ diamond accented fashion ring. It’s absolutely gorgoeus with a nice shine and she’ll definitely love you forever. She’ll think you paid a fortune for it, but you don’t need to reveal the price. Shhh! It’s our lil’ secret. It’s perfect for any occasion.

Fairytale Mermaid Pendant NecklaceFairytale Mermaid Pendant NecklaceVérifiez le prix

This Fairytale Mermaid Pendant Necklace is a lovely gift with high quality colored crystals. It looks absolutely stunning when you see it close up. Choose from a great selection of colors. The chain length measures about 17-inches, which allows for a comfortable fit. It’s a perfect birthday gift for girls who love mermaids and all things sparkly. She’s also likely to receive a ton of compliments for its beautiful and elegant design.

DIANPEARL Best Friend NecklaceDIANPEARL Best Friend NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Who’s your BFF? This fantastic set of two gold dainty necklaces with gemstones is perfect for your 11 year old and her best friend. One is light blue and the other is a pink crystal, each with a 14K gold-plated chain. Girls will love wearing these every day and will be reminded of their best friend forever. It’s a beautiful pair that serves as a great graduation gift or any occasion. These lovely pieces will get their fair share of compliments. Friendship is a beautiful thing to always keep near and dear to your heart.

Swarovski Zirconia Initial NecklaceSwarovski Zirconia Initial NecklaceVérifiez le prix

These Platinum Plated Sterling Silver Swarovski Zirconia Initial Pendant Necklaces are a wondeful gift idea for 11 year old girls. The necklace measures about 18-inches in length and comes beautifully packaged. It looks cute and sparkly and will look great on her. It makes a wonderful and thoughtful gift for birthdays, Christmas, and other special occasions.

925 Sterling Silver Personalized Name Necklace925 Sterling Silver Personalized Name NecklaceVérifiez le prix

These gorgeous customizable 925 Sterling Silver Name Necklaces look simply adorable. You can also get them in gold-plated silver or rose gold and sterling silver finishes. The necklace is elegant to wear daily and it doesn’t discolor over time. The chain is actually quite sturdy. It’s the perfect gift for birthdays, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and more.

Custom Monogram Necklace in 925 Sterling SilverCustom Monogram Necklace in 925 Sterling SilverVérifiez le prix

This customizable monogram necklace looks very fancy and stunning in sterling silver. Other options available include gold-plated and rose gold and sterling silver. These are very trendy fashionable pieces of jewelry that will get a good share of compliments from friends and family. She’ll be ecstatic when she sees it! Perfect for birthdays, Christmas, graduation, and other special occasions.

Birthstone Pendant NecklaceBirthstone Pendant NecklaceVérifiez le prix

What better way to celebrate your birth month than with a birthstone? This birthstone pendant necklace comes with a dozen different gem stone options. Choose the month of your daughter’s birthday to give her something extra special on her special day. The necklace is made with 925 Sterling silver and includes the birthstone of your choosing. It’s a beautiful and lovely gift she’ll treasure and always remember.

Sterling Silver Birthstone EarringsSterling Silver Birthstone EarringsVérifiez le prix

These Sterling Silver Birthstone Stud Earrings are a great gift idea for your daughter’s birthday. You can pair these with a Birthstone Pendant Necklace to make the occasion extra special. The gems have a lovely sparkle to them. You get great bang for the buck.

PAVOI Stud Pearl EarringsPAVOI Stud Pearl EarringsVérifiez le prix

These AAA+ Sterling Silver Round Stud Freshwater Cultured Pearl Earrings are truly impressive for the price. The quality and price can’t be beat. They are perfect for any occasion or even everyday wear. They’re so beautiful – you won’t be disappointed. Great gift idea for birthdays, Christmas, or any occasion.

XOXO Rhinestone-Accented WatchXOXO Rhinestone-Accented WatchVérifiez le prix

Get her the watch that gets her noticed. Watches are like a status symbol even when you’re 11. This XOXO Women’s Rhinestone Watch looks like it’s worth a lot more than it actually is – but nobody has to know the price. It’s a fashionable watch perfect for daily wear. She’ll look and feel like a million bucks and love you to the moon and back. Seriously, we can’t imagine any girl not loving this gorgeous watch.

At age 11, tweens love something cute that they can put in their room to make it their own.

Umbra Hangit Photo DisplayUmbra Hangit Photo DisplayVérifiez le prix

Add a personal decorative touch to your room with this fantastic Hangit Photo Display from Umbra. It looks great in the room and is a great twist on the regular picture frame. It’s a super cute gift that will inspire creativity and will allow them to express their artistic side with a fun collage of photos and pictures. It’s a fantastic gift idea.

Umbra Trigon Metal Bulletin BoardUmbra Trigon Metal Bulletin BoardVérifiez le prix

The pictures don’t do this stylish metal bulletin board justice. It looks absolutely stunning in person and can be mounted horizontally or vertically. It’s well made and looks like it’s worth a lot more than it actual costs. The board comes bundled with one dozen magnets and one dozen pushpins for hanging your pictures, photos, notes, and more. The board’s dimensions are 15 L x 20.75 W x 0.25-inches D.

Quartet Dry Erase Calendar BoardQuartet Dry Erase Calendar BoardVérifiez le prix

This magnetic dry erase board would look great in your tween’s room. It looks stylish with a clean design and measures 17 x 23-inches. The magnetic surface allows you to stick things to its surface and the dry erase surface works well. Tweens can keep track of their monthly activities and even write notes on the right hand side. The cork board on the bottom allows you to pin articles, pictures, or anything you’d like. A great gift for staying organized.

Pillowfort Circle ShelfPillowfort Circle ShelfVérifiez le prix

The Pillowfort Circle Shelf is a beautiful shelf organizer serving as a great centerpiece in your room. It has a circular design with a metal frame with two partitions separating the circular shelf into three distinct areas. You can display a variety of cool things on the shelves and personalize your room’s look until your heart’s content.

Ankit Mermaid PillowAnkit Mermaid PillowVérifiez le prix

This sparkly mermaid pillow makes a fashionable and decorative addition to your room décor. The pillow with sequin is perfect for your bed, sofa, or room. The colors look ravishing and very pleasing in person. While the pictures look great, it looks even better in person. Choose from a variety of colors and styles to best fit your needs. The pillow is nice and fluffy and feels very comfy.

Brentwood 18-Inch Mongolian Faux Fur PillowBrentwood 18-Inch Mongolian Faux Fur PillowVérifiez le prix

This 18-inch Mongolian Faux Fur Pillow is a nice addition to your room décor. It looks like the real thing only it’s a fraction of the price. It’s soooo comfy to lean up against and super adorable. It’s a great way to accent your bed or sofa and get the look that girls love.

Cream Pom Dot Square Throw PillowCream Pom Dot Square Throw PillowVérifiez le prix

This Nate Berkus Cream Pom Dot Square Throw Pillow is a wonderful gift idea for your tween girl’s room. The pillow is soooo soft, durable, and comfy and makes a great decorative piece for your bed or sofa. The neutral color allows it to work well in any room decor. Girls will love these cute and chic throw pillows.

iScream PillowsiScream PillowsVérifiez le prix

iScream offers a range of decorative microbead pillows to add fun and personality to your room. The pillows are well made with nice graphics. Choose from donuts to game controllers and more. The pillows look terrific with bold designs and microbeads that feel soooo incredibly comfortable. Tween boys and girls will absolutely love these quality microbead pillows that are so much fun. Makes a great birthday gift.

WEP Princess Poop Emoji PillowAges 3+WEP Princess Poop Emoji PillowVérifiez le prix

Here’s a fun gift idea for your 11 year old. These Pink Poop Emojis make a fun room decoration. They look super cute and are ultra soft and well made. What’s cool is some of them can also be used as a tablet holder, backpack, and travel pillow. Emoji lovers will love the designs, size, and incredible softness.

YINGGG Kissy Face Emoji Plush PillowYINGGG Kissy Face Emoji Plush PillowVérifiez le prix

These emoji pillows not only look super cute but the quality is very impressive. They’re great for the bed or sofa and make a fun addition to your tween’s room. Without saying any words, they are super expressive and add fun personality to your room. Choose from a great selection of emoji pillows. You’re sure to find the perfect one for your tween.

Chanasya Faux Fur RugChanasya Faux Fur RugVérifiez le prix

These Chanasya Faux Fur Sheepskin Covers are popular fashions for your tween girl’s room without the high price tag. They look very attractive and realistic just like real sheepskin. They are very versatile in that you can use it as a chair cover, floor rug, décor and more. It measures about 2 x 3 feet and feels luxurious to the touch. Bring beauty and comfort to your tween’s room.

Chanasya Faux Fur Throw BlanketChanasya Faux Fur Throw BlanketVérifiez le prix

Complete the chic look in your daughter’s room with this beeautiful Shaggy Faux Fur Microfiber Throw Blanket. It looks amazing and feels so luxurious and comfortable. They will keep you warm and cozy. She may never want to get out from under the covers. It’s a classy touch to her room that she’ll surely love. The throw blanket is machine washable.

Utopia Twin White ComforterUtopia Twin White ComforterVérifiez le prix

Add comfort and classic style to your room with this quilted Goose Down Alternative Comforter. Your 11 year old will get the best sleep of his or her life with the quality and comfort of these comforters. Since these are hypo-allergenic, you don’t have to worry about dust mites and mildew. They’ll enjoy snuggling up and don’t be surprised if they get up later than expected because you get a heavenly sleeping experience.

Emoji Pals Bed in a Bag Bedding SetEmoji Pals Bed in a Bag Bedding SetVérifiez le prix

Bring a bright cheerful attitude to your tween’s room with this Emoji Reversible Bed in a Bag Comforter Set. If you want to switch things up you can use the reverse side in solid light blue. The emojis are so bright and colorful and lend to a happy atmosphere. This set comes with the comforter, sham, flat sheet, fitted sheet, and a pillowcase and the set is machine washable. It holds up through multiple washes and resists fading. Perfect gift for the emoji lover.

Blankie Tails Shark BlanketBlankie Tails Shark BlanketVérifiez le prix

The Blankie Tails Shark Blanket is a super fun gift for tweens. This is a gift that they’ll continue to use long after it has been gifted. Your tween will love going all the way down the shark’s mouth because it’s feels so warm and cozy inside. Choose from a variety of cool colors.

LAGHCAT Mermaid Tail BlanketLAGHCAT Mermaid Tail BlanketVérifiez le prix

Mermaid Tail Blankets are what’s hot right now. They are well crafted in a variety of chic colors. The blanket looks life-like and makes it feel like you’re a mermaid. Best of all, it’s so pretty, comfy and cozy and the quality is very nice. A wonderful gift for any occasion to make her dreams come true!

Brentwood Shagalicious BedrestBrentwood Shagalicious BedrestVérifiez le prix

What tween girl wouldn’t love swag gear like this Shagalicious Bedrest? And it comes in the hottest colors with that soft, fuzzy material they love. It’s perfect for watching your favorite TV shows while relaxing in bed and feels very comfortable while resting against a surface. It’s not hard as similar competitor’s products.

Mellanni Bed Sheet SetMellanni Bed Sheet SetVérifiez le prix

This 3-piece bed sheet set from Mellanni is extra soft and made with fine linens. These sheets are wrinkle and stain resistant and are hypo-allergenic. They feel super soft, comfortable and are machine washable. They look fantastic and make your bed look like something you would find in a magazine. Come home to comfort and choose from a wide selection of colorful and luxurious linens.

BOHO AND BEACH Bed CanopyBOHO AND BEACH Bed CanopyVérifiez le prix

Here’s an elegant and beautiful way to spruce up the look of your tween girl’s room. This Luxury Bed Canopy serves as an excellent decorative piece and it also protects your princess from insects at night. It’s easy to setup and hang and looks just beautiful once installed. Create the dreamscape she’s always dreamed of.

Acanva Faux Fur Teardrop Bean Bag ChairAcanva Faux Fur Teardrop Bean Bag ChairVérifiez le prix

Complete the plush faux fur look with this beautiful bean bag chair. Adding this to your tween’s room will instantly add a dash of class and style. You and your friends will love just chillin’ on this super comfy bean bag chair. It’s a nice size and sooo soft and pretty. Once you sit in it, you may never want to get off.

South Shore Clear Acrylic Office ChairSouth Shore Clear Acrylic Office ChairVérifiez le prix

Looking for a stylish chair for your tween’s room? The South Shore Clear Acrylic Office Chair is an attractive chair with a minimalist design. It has a distinct clear frame with a stylish chrome base. The great thing about this design is it easily fits into almost any decor and just blends into your room. Its wheels allow for ease of mobility around your work area. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by its comfort level given it’s made of acrylic.

Merax Gaming ChairMerax Gaming ChairVérifiez le prix

Looking for an affordable gaming chair for your tween’s gaming room? The Merax Gaming Chair offers a great looking design similar to the DXRacer for a fraction of the price. Not only does it look very attractive in three different stylish colors, but it feels very comfy with padding, lumbar support, and good ergonomics. The Merax Gaming Chair is designed to support loads to 250 pounds max.

TaoTronics LED String LightsTaoTronics LED String LightsVérifiez le prix

Enhance the lighting in your room with these LED String Lights from TaoTronics. This lighting offers 33 feet of lights which is perfect for decorating your room. Up to two strings can be daisy-chained. They are safe and don’t get hot to the touch and are a cost-effective solution. They emit warm white-yellowish light that sets the perfect atmosphere.

LE 16.4ft LED Flexible Light StripLE 16.4ft LED Flexible Light StripVérifiez le prix

These LE LED Light Strips deliver just over 16 feet of lighting. The light strips can be attached if you need more lighting. These lights are nice and bright and are very versatile for your lighting job. It’s a great product at an affordable price.

MagicLight Bluetooth Smart LED BulbMagicLight Bluetooth Smart LED BulbVérifiez le prix

The MagicLight is a cool smart light that you can control with your smart device. The cool thing is this light features more than 16 million dazzling colors to select from. It can even be controlled to wake up at sunrise and go down at sunset or any time that you want. The bulb is rated for 20,000 hours so it’ll last you a very long time.

The Original My Cinema LightboxThe Original My Cinema LightboxVérifiez le prix

This Cinema Lightbox is a fun decoration for your room. It lights up and you can create fun statements for your tween to read. The set contains 100 letters, numbers and characters to make up fun inspiring phrases. It’s a cool idea that makes a fun gift.

Natural Himalayan Hand Carved Salt LampNatural Himalayan Hand Carved Salt LampVérifiez le prix

Looking for a cool and unique gift idea for your 11 year old’s room? This Himalayan Hand Carved Salt Lamp is an aesthetically pleasing light that looks beautiful. It emits a warm orange glow and sets a positive, inviting atmosphere. The light can be easily dimmed or brightened with a simple control. It’s a lovely lamp that makes a great gift.

TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp With USB ChargerTaoTronics LED Desk Lamp With USB ChargerVérifiez le prix

This LED Desk Lamp is one of our favorite desk lamps. It produces flicker-free lighting and the lighting can be conveniently controlled via simple and intuitive touch controls. Choose from white or black finishes. They both fit easily into most room décor without issue. What’s great about this lamp is it is energy-efficient and isn’t hard on the eyes at all. You can comfortably read a book for hours on end without discomfort. You can also adjust the angle of the light with relative ease.

GoLine Cute Kitty Night LightGoLine Cute Kitty Night LightVérifiez le prix

This Kitty LED Night Light is a cute gift for tween girls. It looks soooo cute on the outside and delivers beautiful lighting at night. It illuminates brightly and features seven different colors. The lights are controlled by simply tapping the kitty. For portable use it delivers anywhere between 12-15 hours of life. Hands-down this is one of the best nightlights.

Darice Silver Metal Marquee LetterDarice Silver Metal Marquee LetterVérifiez le prix

These metallic marquee letters make great room décor. They’re a great way to personalize your 11 year old’s room and add some fun flair. The letter has a rustic look to it, which is very cool. There is an on/off switch to turn on and off the lights on the back so keep this in mind if you want to hang it on the wall. The lights are powered by two AA batteries, which are not included in the package.

Primitives by Kathy Box Unicorn SignPrimitives by Kathy Box Unicorn SignVérifiez le prix

Unicorn lovers will love this Unicorn Sign room décor. It states: “Always Be Yourself … unless you can be a unicorn then always be a unicorn.” It’s a fun play on unicorn lovers. This 3 x 5-inch sign is constructed of high quality wood and can be kept freestanding or mounted on the wall. Tween girls will absolutely love this! It’s a cute gift idea that always reminds her to be herself.

Schylling MLM Girl’s Talk LockerAges 4-15Schylling MLM Girls Talk LockerVérifiez le prix

This MLM Girl’s Talk Locker is a great gift idea for girls. She can store all the stuff she needs to lock up in this hot pink metal locker. The locker measures 4 3/4 W x 11 1/4 L x 4 1/2-inches D. This locker set comes with a set of two keys, one lock, and 18 magnet accessories for personalizing your locker. The door has hooks and a mirror and there are two shelves inside to keep things neatly organized. Great for locking up your diary and other personal items you don’t want your little brother or sister to see.

Pusheen the Cat 2018 CalendarPusheen the Cat 2018 CalendarVérifiez le prix

What tween girl doesn’t love Pusheen?! Whether it’s Pusheen or another of their favorite characters or licenses, there are so many great 2018 calendar choices. Star Wars is another popular calendar choice. Everybody could use a calendar to track the events going on in their life. It’s perfect for school and personal use. You can choose wall calendars or desk calendars if you prefer. Find the perfect one today.

Post-it Cat Figure Pop-up Note DispenserPost-it Cat Figure Pop-up Note DispenserVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun and cool desk accessory for your tween girl? If she’s a cat lover, you can’t go wrong with this super adorable and cute Post-It Cat Figure. It dispenses 3 x 3 inch Post-It Notes and is sure to bring a smile to anyone receiving it as a gift. Could anything be more purrrfect?

Scotch Shoe DispenserScotch Shoe DispenserVérifiez le prix

Tween girls will love this cutsie High Heel Shoe Tape Dispenser. It’s a novel gift that she’ll love using as a desk accessory. The set comes with one roll of Scotch Magic Tape. It’s a practical gift that she’ll always remember.

Velener Fake Green Grass of PlantsVelener Fake Green Grass of PlantsVérifiez le prix

Freshen up the look of your room with some fake green grass. Although it looks real, it’s actually faux grass so you never have to worry about watering it or it dying. It will always be beautiful and green and serve to enhance the overall look and feel of your room. Considering how impressive it looks, the price is not all that bad.

DecoBros Supreme Over The Door 11 Hook Organizer RackDecoBros Supreme Over The Door 11 Hook Organizer RackVérifiez le prix

If you are in need of extra storage space, this over the door organizing rack system with 11 hooks might just work for you. It has a modern look with a chrome finish and feels quite sturdy. Even with this installed on your door, you can still shut your door. It’s a very convenient and practical storage solution and the price is very reasonable.

Honey-Can-Do TBL-06322 Portable Laptop Lap DeskHoney-Can-Do TBL-06322 Portable Laptop Lap DeskVérifiez le prix

If she needs a portable work surface for her laptop, this portable laptop lap desk is a great choice. It comes in a variety of color options and allows you to comfortably use your laptop safely on your lap. It’s even ergonomically designed to support comfortable typing. With smaller laptops, there’s enough room for a mouse. There’s a built-in handle for moving it around from one room to the next. It can even be used for reading and writing in bed. The surface is made of solid MDF material and it’s compact and lightweight, making it a practical gift idea.

Kings Brand White Finish Wood Frame FloorKings Brand White Finish Wood Frame FloorVérifiez le prix

This freestanding wooden framed mirror makes a great addition to your tween girl’s room. The classic white frame makes it easy to fit in with most décor. There’s no assembly necessary for this model. It allows her to see her whole outfit by standing in front of the mirror. The mirror measures 14 7/8 W x 59 H x 15 1/4 D inches.

ClosetMaid Cubeicals Fabric DrawerClosetMaid Cubeicals Fabric DrawerVérifiez le prix

These Cubeicals Fabric Drawers are a practical way to get organized. ClosetMaid offers a variety of colors and styles to make organizing fun. They’re great for storing small items It’s the perfect compliment to cube organizers. Who knew getting organized could be so fun?

Seville Classics 3-Tier Resin Slat Utility Shoe RackSeville Classics 3-Tier Resin Slat Utility Shoe RackVérifiez le prix

Looking for a shoe rack for your tween’s room or closet? The Seville Classics 3-Tier Utility Shoe Rack is worth considering. It holds as many as 9 pairs of shoes and looks fantastic. Choose from different finish options to suit your room décor. The shoe rack feels well built and sturdy and assembly is a cinch.

SONGMICS Vanity Set with Mirror and StoolSONGMICS Vanity Set with Mirror and StoolVérifiez le prix

Your tween girl will love this beautiful vanity set. The white finish will fit perfectly in most decors. It includes the dresser with mirror, five drawers, and a coordinated vanity bench. The mirror can be rotated a full 360-degrees and the design looks beautiful and is functional. It offers plenty of space for your things and is a great value.

Jam Word ArrowsJam Word ArrowsVérifiez le prix

These Word Arrows make the perfect gift for wall décor. Choose from your favorites from Home, Friends, Family, and Friends. It’s a novel gift idea and you can even customize your Word Arrow color from a color palette. It looks just like the photo and looks beautiful in person.

Malden Best Friends FrameMalden Best Friends FrameVérifiez le prix

Frame your favorite moments with friends in this beautiful mirrored glass with silver metal inner border Friends Picture Frame. It’s a 4 x 6 frame that would look perfect in her room. It’s very beautiful for the price. La meilleure partie? It works well with all types of décor. Tween girls will love this beautiful gift.

Selfie Frame Photo Booth PropSelfie Frame Photo Booth PropVérifiez le prix

It seems like everybody is on social media these days. After all, that’s how people stay connected with friends. This Social Media Selfie Frame Photo Booth Prop Cutout Poster is perfect for displaying your favorite photos in a fun and creative way. It’s clearly inspired by the top social media site Facebook. It makes it look like something you would see on Facebook. It’s a novel concept that tweens will love.

Yankee CandleYankee CandleVérifiez le prix

Yankee Candle offers a variety of scented candles that are popular among tweens. There are even festive scents to invigorate your senses and get you in the holiday spirit. They deliver a consist burn and are made in the USA. They are perfect for setting the mood with long-lasting, refreshing scents. Makes a great holiday gift or great for any occasion.

Redo Your RoomAges 8-12Redo Your RoomVérifiez le prix

Every 11 year old girl wants to redo her room to make it expression of her. This book is a how to book for jazzing up a tween’s bedroom. Redo Your Room is full of bright pictures with easy projects. La meilleure partie? It’s not going to cost a whole lot.

LEGO Kids Star Wars Darth Vader Mini-Figure Alarm ClockLEGO Kids Star Wars Darth Vader Mini-Figure Alarm ClockVérifiez le prix

Lego fans will love this large 8-inch Darth Vader Minifigure that doubles as an alarm clock. Push down on Darth’s head and it activates the backlight and snooze feature.

A Nerf gun is still one of the best toys for 11 year old boys. Anything that goes boom or gets kids outside is still very popular with this age group.

90′ Eagle Series Seated Zipline Kit90 Eagle Series Seated Zipline KitVérifiez le prix

Looking for more adventure in life? Consider the 90′ Eagle Series Seated Zipline Kit that kicks up the fun to 11. The zipline is pretty simple to setup and durably constructed supporting a max weight of 200 pounds. Your tween will be ecstatic to get this setup immediately and start riding.

Slackers Classic SlacklineSlackers Classic SlacklineVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun outdoor activity for your 11 year old? The Slackers 50-foot Slackline set is perfect for anyone who wants to get into slacklining. Even if you’re new to it, you can try out the teaching line to master the basics of slacklines. As you master the basics you can remove the training line. It’s really fun and you’ll learn how to balance yourself while having a total blast.

Skywalker Trampolines Jump N’ Dunk TrampolineSkywalker Trampolines Jump N Dunk TrampolineVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love jumping? This 12-foot trampoline from Skywalker not only lets kids jump, but there is also a basketball hoop inside. With tons of safety features like a no gap enclosure system, galvanized steel socket construction, rust resistant springs, and a thick spring pad, this trampoline is designed with safety and fun in mind.

Web Riderz Outdoor Swing N’ SpinAges 3-15Web Riderz Outdoor Swing N SpinVérifiez le prix

Web Riderz is a great gift for anyone who loves having a fun time! And who doesn’t love fun? This outdoor swing is engineered to safely support up to 600 pounds. Tweens can ride it with their friends and family. This is one gift that never gets old and delivers no shortage of joy and fun.

Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-PackAges 8+Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-PackVérifiez le prix

Tag or be tagged! What 11 year old boy doesn’t like Laser tag? With the Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix 2PK, you can experience the intense action of laser tag. Best of all, there are no bullets to lose. You can play inside or out. You’ll know you’ve been hit because the system registers hits with lights, sounds, and vibrations. Watch your back!

Laser XLaser XVérifiez le prix

Laser X is the newest laser gaming experience to hit the market. If you love laser tag, this is an affordable way to have fun at home with family and friends. It boasts blasting range up to 200 feet and immerses you with a soundtrack and sound effects. You can choose to play on teams or go rogue. Although it’s not perfect, it’s still really fun to play. Great gift for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, and any special occasion.

RECOIL Starter SetAges 12+RECOIL Starter SetVérifiez le prix

RECOIL redefines the game of laser tag. This new age edition infuses an FPS-like experience into the classic game of laser tag. The game boasts new technology to make it feel like you’re playing a game of Call of Duty in real life, making it more exciting than ever. Battles can have up to 16 players competing. You dock your phone in the blaster’s holder and get access to stats and other important info, including the location of other players. Do you have what it takes to win?

Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal DetectorBounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal DetectorVérifiez le prix

Every eleven year old kid dreams about owning a metal detector. Treasure hunters will love this metal detector for tracking down buried coins, rings, jewelry, and more. It’s lightweight design and adjustable shaft makes it easy for even 11 year olds to handle. It comes with a quick training manual which makes it perfect for beginners.

Nerf Rival Nemesis MXVII-10KAges 14+Nerf Rival Nemesis MXVII-10KVérifiez le prix

The Rival Nemesis is the biggest and baddest new Rival blaster. This bad boy can unleash a mad fury of bullets at insane speeds of 100 feet per second. In fact, this packs one hundred rounds of ammo ready to be unleashed at a moment’s notice. It’s a fully motorized blaster that’s loads of fun. Just be sure to wear a Nerf Rival Face Mask for protection, as the bullets fire much faster than a regular Nerf gun.

Nerf Modulus RegulatorAges 8+Nerf Modulus RegulatorVérifiez le prix

The Modulus Regulator is one of the top Nerf guns this year. The coolest part of this blaster is that it features SwitchFIre Tech for single-fire, burst-fire, and continuous firing. The Modulus looks great and is fully customizable. You can add all sorts of modifications to customize it until your heart’s content. Are you ready for battle? It’s all out war!

Nerf N-Strike Mega MastodonAges 8+Nerf N-Strike Mega MastodonVérifiez le prix

Featuring larger darts that pack more power, the Nerf Mega Mastodon blaster can launch darts up to 100-feet way. Nobody on the battlefield will be able to match the awesome power of this. It fires 24 Mega Whistlers Darts with the rotating drum without the need for reloading. Hear the sound of the whistling darts as they scream through the air. The battlefield is yours to dominate.

Zing Air Hunterz Z-Curve BowAges 14+Zing Air Hunterz Z-Curve BowVérifiez le prix

Girls are going to love running around like Katniss with this Air Hunterz Z-Curve bow from Zing toys. Light up the sky as you fire screaming arrows through the air up to 125 feet away.

Nerf Rebelle Secret Shot BlasterAges 8+Nerf Rebelle Secret Shot BlasterVérifiez le prix

Send your little girl on a top secret spy mission. This blaster looks like a purse until you push a button to convert it into a 4 shot blaster. Ssshh! It’s a secret.

Nerf Rival Face MaskAges 14+Nerf Rival Face MaskVérifiez le prix

When you’re out on the battlefield, you just want to focus on having fun. That’s where the Rival Face Mask comes in handy. This protective gear is what you need to stay focused on your matches while safely playing. It also protects against the impact of bullets flying by at 100 FPS. The mask offers a breathable design so you can play comfortably. You have a choice from a red or blue mask.

Capture The Flag REDUXAges 12+Capture The Flag REDUXVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun outdoor game for your 11 year old? Consider Capture The Flag REDUX. It’s a outdoor game what works best in the night, as it features glow in the dark balls. The game is incredibly fun to play for all ages. What’s cool is that there are several different ways to play the game, which makes it interesting to play. It’s an exciting game that is loads of fun for everyone. Best of all, it entertains for hours on end.

Olympus Trooper 8×40 DPS 1 BinocularsOlympus Trooper 8×40 DPS 1 BinocularsVérifiez le prix

With the Olympus Trooper 8×40 DPS R, it’s never been so affordable to explore the great outdoors. With its wide angle lens, this pair of binoculars brings the action closer to you whether you love hiking, bird watching, or sporting events.

Victorinox Swiss Army Swiss Champ Pocket KnifeVictorinox Swiss Army Swiss Champ Pocket KnifeVérifiez le prix

Every young scout has to be prepared for the outdoors. The Victorinox Swiss Army knife is like a toolbox in your pocket. It’s got 33 different elements from a can opener to wire cutters.

MPOWERD Luci 2.0 Inflatable Solar LightMPOWERD Luci 2.0 Inflatable Solar LightVérifiez le prix

If you’re headed on an outdoor adventure, this Inflatable Solar LED Light will come in handy. The cool thing about this novel idea is that it is solely powered by the sun’s energy. What makes these ingenious is that they are collapsible so you can put it in a backpack and expand it when you’re ready to use it.

Nite Ize BugLitNite Ize BugLitVérifiez le prix

The BugLit is a nifty litte gadget that is perfect for reading in the dark. It comes in a variety of different colors and delivers up to 22 hours of battery life. What’s really cool is you can bend the BugLit’s legs to optimally position the light. They’re perfect for camping, hiking, and more. It a very convenient and versatile gift idea.

Coleman Palmetto Cool Weather Sleeping BagColeman Palmetto Cool Weather Sleeping BagVérifiez le prix

These Cool Weather Sleeping Bags are perfect for your tween as long as he or she is not taller than 5’11”. They are designed for temperatures as cold as 20 to 40 degrees F. It will keep you warm and toasty even in cold temperatures. It’s easily one of the best sleeping bags and the price is hard to beat.

Coleman Sundome 4-Person TentColeman Sundome 4-Person TentVérifiez le prix

If you’re going camping, you’ll need a quality tent. Coleman’s Sundome 4 Person Tent is a great choice. Although it is designed for four people, it’s probably best for two to three, depending on your setup. It’s easy to set up within about 15 minutes and lightweight plus it keeps you warm and dry. Bring on the Great Outdoors!

GoFloats Unicorn Party Tube Inflatable FloatGoFloats Unicorn Party Tube Inflatable FloatVérifiez le prix

Does your tween love cute unicorns? If so, she’ll probably love this Unicorn Party Tube Inflatable Float. It simply doesn’t get any cuter than this! It features fun rainbow colors and a super cute unicorn design. It’s one of girls’ favorite inflatable floats that’s sure to make the pool even more fun. It’s easy to inflate and soooo much fun to ride in the pool! When’s the next pool party?!

Swimline Giant Pizza FloatSwimline Giant Pizza FloatVérifiez le prix

This pizza print inflatable pool lounger is a fun gift for tweens who love swimming and lounging in the pool. The design looks just like a pizza slice with plenty of delicious looking toppings. It floats well. There are two cup holders for holding beverages. You’ll wish every day could be pool day. You can eat your pizza and float on it too.

Is your 11 year old into sports? There are many great fitness gifts for boys and girls. Try a new ball, trampoline, or duffle bag.

Hydro FlaskHydro FlaskVérifiez le prix

The Hydro Flask is one of the top selling sports water bottles out there. It is vacuum insulated so it can keep hot water hot for half a day and cold drinks cold for a full day. You can bring it everywhere with you when you go outdoors to play sports and stay well hydrated. Choose from a wide selection of finishes.

S’ip by S’well Water BottleSip by Swell Water BottleVérifiez le prix

The S’ip Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle offers a variety of cute designs and colors. It delivers great performance – keeping cold drinks cold for a full 24 hours and hot drinks hot for half a day and they’re quite durable. These are BPA-free so you know you can safely stay hydrated. The bottle holds up to 15 ounces of liquid. These are pretty and functional and girls will love the adorable prints.

adidas Diablo Duffle Smalladidas Diablo Duffle SmallVérifiez le prix

These small Diablo Duffle Bags from adidas are super cute, sporty, and functional. They’re ideal for the gym or carrying your belongings like clothes and such. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much you can actually fit inside this bag. Choose from a great selection of colors and styles to fit your needs. For the price, these are a great value.

Adidas Team Speed Small DuffelAdidas Team Speed Small DuffelVérifiez le prix

When you need to carry around your gear, this durable duffle from Adidas comes in handy. It comes complete with a shoe compartment and adjustable strap. It’s got plenty of room to hold your stuff.

Adidas Squad II DuffelAdidas Squad II DuffelVérifiez le prix

The Squad II duffel from Adidas is built with girls in mind. Inside the front zippered pocket are the words “girls rule.” This duffel is super spacious with many compartments to carry your stuff. There is even a shoe tunnel and a place to carry a water bottle.

Under Armour Girls’ Mini HeadbandsUnder Armour Girls Mini HeadbandsVérifiez le prix

This 6-pack of Girls’ Mini Headbands from Under Armour is perfect for the sporty, active tween girl. It’s perfect for those who play sports like soccer or basketball. They comfortably stay in place and provide a snug fit. The best news? You won’t experience headaches with these headbands.

adidas Youth Soccer Tiro 17 Pantsadidas Youth Soccer Tiro 17 PantsVérifiez le prix

These Youth Soccer Tiro 17 Pants from adidas are the perfect sports gear you need for your favorite sports. They look ultra sporty and are very flexible to allow for great range of motion. They also are very comfortable to wear and deliver great breathability. They offer a slim fit so you can run quickly in them and they feature front zip pockets for convenient storage.

Capezio Short Sleeve LeotardCapezio Short Sleeve LeotardVérifiez le prix

If you’re tween girl is into sports like gymnastics or dancing, these Short Sleeve Leotards from Capezio are a great choice. They’re made from a combination of nylon and Spandex and are very flexible, allowing a good range of motion while looking pretty with a variety of fun colors. What’s great about these leotards is they fit well, don’t pill up, and they are comfortable to wear.

Maidenform Racerback Sports BraMaidenform Racerback Sports BraVérifiez le prix

Featuring cute and sassy styling, these Racerback Sports Bras are perfect for girls into playing sports. They can easily be layered and offer a soft stretch for everyday comfort. It’s a quality product with a nice fit. La meilleure partie? It’s made of comfortable material and it doesn’t slip around like other sports bras. The perfect gift for active girls.

Speedo Infinity Splice One Piece SwimsuitSpeedo Infinity Splice One Piece SwimsuitVérifiez le prix

Available in a wide assortment of fun and colorful prints, these Speedo Girls’ Solid Splice Cross Back One Piece Swimsuits offer a beautiful, sporty and stylish look for some pool fun. It’s made of Xtra Life lycra, which lasts longer than the regular version. What we love most about these Speedos is that they stay comfortably in place and don’t give you wedgies.

Fin Fun Sparkle Mermaid Swimming TailFin Fun Sparkle Mermaid Swimming TailVérifiez le prix

Does your tween girl have dreams of one day being a mermaid? With Mermaid Tails you can make that dream a closer reality. These tails look sooo beautiful and realistic that she’ll feel like a magical and beautiful mermaid in the pool. She’ll be ecstatic to try out these awesome tails. She’ll have so much fun going on mermaid adventures.

Healthy Model Life Ankle WeightsHealthy Model Life Ankle WeightsVérifiez le prix

If she wants to tone and shape her body, these ankle weights are a great gift to promote physical fitness. Even tweens need to get enough daily exercise to stay healthy and physically fit. They are comfortable to wear and you get two pads – 1 pound apiece. Best of all, they stay in place so you can focus on your workout routine.

TheraFlow Dual Foot Massager RollerTheraFlow Dual Foot Massager RollerVérifiez le prix

Got tired, achy feet? Get relief with the TheraFlow Dual Foot Massager Roller. It’s so easy to use – simply roll your feet back and forth over the rollers and feel the tension and pain release. It feels so relaxing and you can take care of your feet anywhere. It’s a wonderful gift that works wonders.

Winmau Blade 4 Bristle DartboardWinmau Blade 4 Bristle DartboardVérifiez le prix

Feel the force behind the darts with this profession level dartboard from Winmau. It’s the best dartboard. Thanks to the 50% thinner wire, you don’t have to worry about many bounce outs. The graphics are sharp and clear with bright colors. When you miss, it is your fault. It’s a bulls-eye.

Nerf Sports Aero Howler FootballNerf Sports Aero Howler FootballVérifiez le prix

Go long with the Nerf Sports Weather Blitz Football. This hi tech looking football with a rubber grip is built for any weather so you can play a game of football just about anywhere. It’s Touchdown.

Wilson Traditional Soccer BallWilson Traditional Soccer BallVérifiez le prix

Do you have a soccer fan? With a classic cover, this soccer ball celebrates the beauty of the game of soccer. Your 11 year old will enjoy playing with this authentic game ball that delivers great performance on the pitch.

SKLZ Star-Kick Hands Free Solo Soccer TrainerSKLZ Star-Kick Hands Free Solo Soccer TrainerVérifiez le prix

The Star Kick Hands Free Solo Soccer Trainer is perfect for building your soccer skills. The best part of this training system is that you never have to chase the ball. Instead of wasting time – you’ll develop passing, shooting, and receiving skills. It’s amazing to see how your skills grow over time. As the old adage goes – practice makes perfect.

Franklin Sports Competition GoalFranklin Sports Competition GoalVérifiez le prix

This Franklin Sports Competition Soccer Goal is perfect for practicing before the big game. It’s a well constructed goal made of heavy duty steel. Perfect gift for backyard fun! Your future soccer superstar will love this gift.

SpikeballSpikeballVérifiez le prix

Spikeball is a fun new outdoor game that plays like volleyball with a twist. It’s addictive fun and a very competitive fueled game for four players. You’ll be competing 2 on 2 to see who’s the champ. What’s great is you can play the game almost anywhere – at the beach, park, backyard, or your favorite play area. It’s an enjoyable outdoor game for active tweens.

Spalding Mini Basketball HoopSpalding Mini Basketball HoopVérifiez le prix

The Spalding NBA Mini Hoop brings the fun of basketball to your bedroom. With the same dimensions and design of a real NBA backboard, it is just like the real thing. Simply mount the hoop over your doorway for some real NBA action.

Spalding NBA Street Basketball Spalding NBA Street Basketball Vérifiez le prix

Who’s ready to play some b-ball? These high performance Spalding NBA Street Basketballs play well on the court and come in a wide range of color options. They are lightweight featuring the official NBA logo and have good grip so you can have more fun playing the game. The ball won’t slip out of your hands like some balls. The overall weight and bounce feels right on the ‘money’.

Lifetime Portable Basketball SystemLifetime Portable Basketball SystemVérifiez le prix

Want to play a quick game of basketball anytime? With this awesome basketball system from Lifetime, you’re never too far away for a quick game of basketball. This system can go from 7 1/2 to 10 feet in height. Your tween is sure to get in a ton of playtime on this – playing endlessly with their friends. It’s the gift that keeps on giving and perfect for any occasion.

Lifetime Basketball Double Shot Arcade SystemLifetime Basketball Double Shot Arcade SystemVérifiez le prix

Ready to put your shooting skills to the test in some super competitive fun? The Double Shot Basketball Arcade System is perfect for putting your shooting skills to the test against friends and family. It features cool electronic buzzers and sound effects plus real-time scoring to immerse you in the experience. The scoring is accurate and fast, so you can see how the competition is stacking up and up your game. Super fun gift that delivers non-stop thrills and excitement. Think you have what it takes to win?

Babolat Nadal 26 Junior Tennis RacquetBabolat Nadal 26 Junior Tennis RacquetVérifiez le prix

Play like the pros with this Babolat Nadal 26 Junior Tennis Racket. This high quality racket is made of durable and lightweight aluminum with Nadal branding. The racket delivers great on-the-court performance with volleys, lob shots, and slams. Tweens will love playing with this high performance racket and can practice to dominate the opponents. They’ll love the game of tennis even more.

Louisville Slugger Solo 617 Baseball BatLouisville Slugger Solo 617 Baseball BatVérifiez le prix

Feel the pop with this baseball bat from Louisville Slugger. The custom lizard skins grip and ultra thin handle give you a better handle so that you can really take advantage of that massive sweet spot.

EASTON FS50 Softball BatEASTON FS50 Softball BatVérifiez le prix

The Easton FS50 Fastpitch Softball Bat is one of the top selling softball bats. It has a lightweight aluminum construction with a comfortable all-sports grip to better control your swing and improve hitting performance. It’s a solid performing bat at a great price point. Are you ready to CRUSH that ball?!

Tachikara SV-MNC Volley-Lite VolleyballTachikara SV-MNC Volley-Lite VolleyballVérifiez le prix

If you tween loves playing volleyball, this Volley Lite ball makes you love the game even more thanks to its lightweight design. Your tween will have more confidence in striking the ball and bumping it. La meilleure partie? It won’t make your arms as sore as a regular volleyball and it has good bounce. Choose from several cute colors.

Tumbl Trak Folding Gymnastics MatTumbl Trak Folding Gymnastics MatVérifiez le prix

The Tumbl Trak Folding Gymnastics Mat is a high quality mat for practicing at home. It’s perfect for gymnastics, tumbling, karate, and more. A cool feature is that these mats can be attached together to create a longer mat. The padding is safe enough to prevent injury. These mats are easy to transport with the foldable design. Choose from a selection of vibrant colors to make your activity extra fun.

YOGABODY Yoga TrapezeYOGABODY Yoga TrapezeVérifiez le prix

Got a tween interested in yoga? This Yoga Trapeze is perfect for practicing your yoga poses. It’s easy to install, well made, and very sturdy. It makes inversions so simple. It will take a bit of getting used to being inverted. La meilleure partie? It really helps big time with neck and back pain.

Vita Vibe Double Freestanding Ballet BarreVita Vibe Double Freestanding Ballet BarreVérifiez le prix

Ballet dancers will love this freestanding portable barre. The dual 4 foot wide barres are completely adjustable so you don’t have to worry about constantly adjusting them for balancing and stretching.

For those that love wheels, a cool new bike, skateboard, or anything that gets kids around in style makes the perfect gift. That’s how they roll.

Razor A5 Lux ScooterRazor A5 Lux ScooterVérifiez le prix

Tweens will love getting around on the Razor A5 Lux Scooter. This is one dope scooter with solid performance thanks to the extra large wheels which are super smooth. This rides well on all types of terrain. Razor has constructed a solid scooter for riders up to 220 pounds. Its rear fender brake is responsive and the scooter is easy to transport. It’s a fantastic ride they’ll love and it’s well worth the price of admission.

Razor Hovertrax 2.0Razor Hovertrax 2.0Vérifiez le prix

The Hovertrax 2.0 improves on the original in many ways and delivers a better riding experience. This hoverboard has gone through rigorous testing to ensure its safety meets high standards. You can cruise up to 8 MPH and the motor is whisper quiet. Aesthetically, the new model looks fantastic with cool LEG lighting across the front face. It’s the perfect gift for adventure-seekers. They’ll be thrilled to get this as a birthday or Christmas gift.

Penny Classic Complete SkateboardPenny Classic Complete SkateboardVérifiez le prix

With a retro design reminiscent of the very first skateboards, the Penny skateboard gets you where you want to go in unbelievable style. The 3.125″ penny wheels float over the cracks in the pavement, keeping your ride smooth.

Razor RazorX Cruiser Electric SkateboardAges 9+Razor RazorX Cruiser Electric SkateboardVérifiez le prix

The RazorX Cruiser is a cool new electric skateboard with exhilarating speeds up to 10 MPH. On a single charge, it runs for approximately forty minutes, but it can even run when the charge has been depleted. Every aspect of its design has been carefully considered to make this an awesome product. It’s very easy to ride and easily one of the best electric skateboards on the market. You’d be hard-pressed to find a better price for comparable features. It’s a real blast cruisin’ around on this board!

Razor Ripstik Caster BoardRazor Ripstik Caster BoardVérifiez le prix

Who needs snow? Thanks to the inclined caster wheels and pivoting deck, the RipStick lets you carve like a snowboard. Unlike a traditional skateboard, the pivoting deck allows the rider to accelerate without needing to push. Simply twist back and forth to start carving down the street.

Razor RipsurfAges 8+Razor RipsurfVérifiez le prix

Does your tween ever dream of taking to the waves on a surfboard? Yeah, that might be dangerous for a newbie, but the Ripsurf is the next closest thing to riding the waves. The RipSurf looks like a surfboard with wheels mounted underneath. La meilleure partie? The similarities don’t end there. This bad boy can carve just like a surf board. You’ll love carving it up all day long. It’s truly a sensational feeling!

Spooner Boards ProSpooner Boards ProVérifiez le prix

The Spooner Boards Pro is a fun balance board for beginners to learn skateboarding, snowboarding, and similar outdoor activities. Tweens will spin, twist, slide, and wobble their way to fun while building their core muscles and balancing skills. The great thing is you can use the Spooner Board Pro nearly anywhere. Your parents will love that it doesn’t scratch the flooring. This is a gift they’ll love that’s sooo much fun!

Rollerblade Spitfire JR XTGRollerblade Spitfire JR XTGVérifiez le prix

Providing great support and an adjustable skate design, these Spitfire XT skates are as stylish as they are fun. The adjustable features gives you the perfect fit and the wheels give you a smooth roll.

Flybar Foam Master Pogo StickFlybar Foam Master Pogo StickVérifiez le prix

Who wants to have some epic fun? Meet the Flybar Foam Master Pogo Stick. Get ready for hippity hoppity fun with this awesome high quality pogo stick. The coolest part is you can catch some real air to perform tricks. Choose from a variety of fun colors. It’s wickedly fun!

Firmstrong Beach Cruiser BicycleFirmstrong Beach Cruiser BicycleVérifiez le prix

These 20″ Beach Cruiser Bicycles are perfect for tween girls with the bigger wheels for a more comfortable and smooth ride. They’re beautiful, sturdy, and cruise along like a charm. A unique feature is the backward coaster braking system which streamlines pedaling and braking. It’s a very stylish bike available in a variety of colors. The bike is easy to assemble and she’ll be soooo happy to ride it.

Merax Finiss 26″ Mountain BikeMerax Finiss 26Vérifiez le prix

With a padded seat, 21 speeds, 26-inch wheels and a front shock system, this bike has the versatility to ride on pavement as well as trails.

Monkey Bike Wheel Light M232Monkey Bike Wheel Light M232Vérifiez le prix

If you have a bike, when the sun goes down, the party is just getting started. The Monkey Light M232 creates thousands of amazing patterns on your spinning wheels. It’s perfect for getting noticed even in the dark. Bike safety has never been so bright.

Brightz LED Bicycle LightBrightz LED Bicycle LightVérifiez le prix

Light up your wheels with Wheel Brightz. This set contains 20 diamond bright micro LED lights to decorate your bike wheels. You can mix and match your favorite lights. The battery lasts over 48 hours on 3 AAs. The lights remain lighted while pedaling or at rest. Each pack contains lights for a single wheel.

WALKAROO XTREME Steel Balance StiltsWALKAROO XTREME Steel Balance StiltsVérifiez le prix

Don’t know what to get your 11 year old? The Walkaroo Xtreme Steel Balance Stilts are a unique gift that will make tweens smile. It elevates them 12 to 17 inches in the air and let’s them walk on stilts. They’re quality stilts and loads of fun to walk around with. You really don’t know what you’re missing until you give it a go. Take a walk on the wild side!

Snow Sled Saucer Heavy DutySnow Sled Saucer Heavy DutyVérifiez le prix

It wouldn’t be Christmas without a sled. Made out of 1/4 inch thick plastic and measuring 25 inches, this saucer sled from MH sleds is virtually indestructible. Sledding with them feels incredibly smooth because they are so thick that you don’t feel all the little bumps and lumps in the snow. Even Santa needs to get one of these.

These board games gifts are perfect for those nights when friends come over and spend the night or even on family game night.

Ticket To RideAges 8-12Ticket To RideVérifiez le prix

Ticket To Ride is an award winning game where players have to connect cities together by building train routes. Bigger routes are worth more points. Le seul problème? Other players will get in your way by creating their own routes. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Exploding KittensAges 7+Exploding KittensVérifiez le prix

Exploding Kittens is a fun card game for the whole family. It’s a strategic game about kittens, explosions, and more with beautifully illustrated cards by The Oatmeal. It’s best described as Russian Roulette but with kittens. Players have to pick cards until someone gets an Exploding Kitten card. At that point, if that player has a Defuse card, he or she can avert the explosion. However, if said player doesn’t have such a Defuse Card, the kitten explodes and that player is out. As you probably can guess, players have to avoid exploding to win. It’s easy to play and very entertaining!

Apples to Apples JuniorAges 9+Apples to Apples JuniorVérifiez le prix

This simple to play party game is fun for just about anyone. Everyone is drawn a deck of cards with fun objects on it. During every round, one player is the judge. The judge’s card is drawn with a fun characteristic on it like squishy, dirty, or cheap. Players must put down one card that best describes judge’s card. It’s up for the judge to choose the best combination.

Not Parent Approved Card GameAges 8+Not Parent Approved Card GameVérifiez le prix

Winner of several awards, Not Parent Approved is best described as Cards Against Humanity meets Mad Libs but it’s appropriate for kids. The game is super simple to learn and play and it’s played with anywhere between four to ten players. Anyone can quickly learn to play the game. Players have to fill in the blanks and it’s loads of hilarious fun, entertaining the whole family for hours on end.

Watch Ya’ Mouth Family EditionAges 8+Watch Ya Mouth Family EditionVérifiez le prix

Watch Ya’ Mouth is not your traditional board game. This takes wacky and turns it on its head. You wear this retractor in your mouth and your team has to guess what you are trying to say. Don’t worry – all the phrases are family-friendly. Anywhere from two to ten players can play this game. Don’t be surprised if everybody busts out laughing harder than they’ve ever laughed before.

Pie FaceAges 5+Pie FaceVérifiez le prix

Pie Face brings wacky fun to the table. Pie Face is the original pie face throwing game that captured the attention of millions. You can’t help but smile when playing this game and seeing someone’s face splattered is priceless! Place your head into the mask – will you get splatted?! Oh what fun!

Monopoly GamerAges 8+Monopoly GamerVérifiez le prix

Monopoly Gamer is a fun twist on the classic game. Gamers will love this new edition that introduces coins, Super Mario characters, bosses, and special moves. The game plays a lot faster than the original game and it’s so much fun! It ‘s a welcome addition to your Monopoly collection. Who’s going to win the battle for the highest score?

Uno Emoji Card GameAges 7-15Uno Emoji Card GameVérifiez le prix

What do you get when you mix Uno with Emojis? Meet Uno Emoji. It’s a new family-friendly card game for 2 to 10 players. A special rule and extra cards have been added which adds a new dimension of fun to the game. Anyone who loves Uno will love playing this new version of the game.

Monopoly Board Game The Classic EditionAges 8+Monopoly Board Game The Classic EditionVérifiez le prix

Monopoly is an all-time classic board game. If you don’t have this in your collection yet and you love board games, this belongs in your collection. No collection would be complete without Monopoly. It’s a family favorite of millions the world over. You get to buy, rent, or trade the most famous properties in the world. The game is easy to play and provides hours of delightful and competitive fun. It’s the perfect gift for family fun.

Hasbro Scrabble Crossword GameAges 8+Hasbro Scrabble Crossword GameVérifiez le prix

Scrabble is another classic board game loved by millions. Using tiles you have to craft words while maximizing your score. The key is to use those rare letters and take advantage of multipliers to maximize your score. Getting creative with your word choices and evaluating your options is the name of the game and it’s super fun for the whole family. You’ll also build your vocabulary while having tremendous fun. Makes a wonderful Christmas gift.

5 Second RuleAges 10+5 Second RuleVérifiez le prix

You have five seconds to name 3 breeds of dogs. . . Tick . . . Tock. 5 Seconds is a fun party trivia game where you have 5 seconds to answer. The time is counted down with the fun twisted timer. Time is not on your side and you may spit out answers that will have everybody laughing on the floor. It’s 24 hours of fun.

Googly Eyes Game Ages 7-15Googly Eyes Game Vérifiez le prix

Have you tried Googly Eyes yet? OMG! Qu’est-ce que tu attends? Googly Eyes is a wacky vision game where you strap on the Googly Eyes and begin drawing. Wait ’til you see the outcome from being impaired. However, your team has to figure out what exactly it is that you are drawing. You will all be laughing and having wonderful fun as a family. Super fun game for parties.

HedBanz GameAges 7-9HedBanz GameVérifiez le prix

What am I? This award winning board game has kids sticking a cartoon object on their forehead with the adjustable headband. The object is to try to guess who or what it is by asking “yes or no” questions. You have to figure it out before time runs out.

Sushi Go!Ages 8+Sushi Go!Vérifiez le prix

Who’s ready to have fun with sushi? Sushi Go! is a card game that serves up delicious fun. Games are relatively short and require a bit of strategy. It’s all about concocting the best sushi dishes. Whomever can score the most points in the game is declared the sushi master. Your mom may have told you to never play with food, but it’s okay with Sushi Go!

Melissa & Doug SuspendAges 8-15Melissa & Doug SuspendVérifiez le prix

Suspend is a super entertaining balancing game that will have you on the edge of your seat. It’s such a simple idea yet it’s incredibly fun to play. And, yes, the whole family can get in on the fun! You have to balance the rods on the overall structure without tipping the entire thing over. Before placing the piece on, think about how it will impact the structure. Your hand-eye coordination skills will really be put to the test. Are you ready for Suspend?

Mattel Blokus GameAges 5-15Mattel Blokus GameVérifiez le prix

Blokus is one of our favorite strategy games. The game is for 2 to 4 players and players take turns placing their pieces on the board. Le hic? The same colored pieces must be attached at the corner. Strategy comes into play while strategically blocking your opponent and maximizing your color pieces on the game board. When no more moves can be made, the player with the least amount of pieces is declared the winner. It’s a highly entertaining game that we highly recommend! Sure to become a new family-favorite.

Taboo Board GameAges 13+Taboo Board GameVérifiez le prix

Taboo is a classic game where players have to guess words and phrases. Le hic? You can’t use any of the Taboo words on the cards and you’ll be racing against a clock while other players try to guess the word or phrase. What’s cool? The designers have included content relevant in today’s pop culture and trends.

Reverse CharadesAges 6+Reverse CharadesVérifiez le prix

Reverse Charades has been updated with over 700 words! This takes the game of Charades and turns it on its head. Now the whole team gets in on the acting of the clues, and one team member has to guess the clue. It’s exciting, addictive, and great fun for all ages. Family game night will never be the same!

AvalonAges 13+AvalonVérifiez le prix

The Resistance: Avalon is a social deduction game about secret identities, deduction, and deception. It’s a game for 5 to 10 players with games lasting about half an hour. This is loads of fun for parties and perfect for tweens who love bluffing games. The replay value is through the roof. This does not disappoint!

Twister Ultimate GameAges 6-15Twister Ultimate GameVérifiez le prix

Twister Ultimate takes the classic game and cranks up the fun with a larger game mat. In fact, this mat as twice the number of spots as the original. The game is simple to play but gets challenging with more people. Whoever is the last one standing wins the game. Classic fun that never gets old!

The Game of THINGSAges 14+The Game of THINGSVérifiez le prix

The Game of THINGS is a great game for the whole family. Pick a topic, jot down an answer, and then guess who said what. It’s like a smart version of Cards Against Humanity. There are 300 topic cards that will make you burst out laughing. You won’t believe some of the responses you’ll hear! It’s pure genious and fun humor in a box! HIlarious fun!

Telestrations 6 PlayerAges 6+Telestrations 6 PlayerVérifiez le prix

Telestrations is a fun award-winning multiplayer game that’s similar to Telephone. The only difference is you’re sketching out what you see. La meilleure partie? You don’t need to be Picasso to play. Gather 4 to 6 people and get ready to have a jolly good time. This is great fun for family and friends.

King of Tokyo Ages 8-15King of Tokyo Vérifiez le prix

In King Of Tokyo, players get to be giant monsters destroying everyone and everything in their path including anyone that gets in their way. Sounds cool, right? It’s a dice game, where depending on what you roll, your monster can do different things. In order to win the game you must either destroy Tokyo or be the last monster standing.

At the age of 11, kids are very impressionable so gifts that unlock hidden artistic talents will be ideal. Doodle books, how to draw books, and art sets are popular gifts for children of this age. For girls, fashion design books will likely be a hit. These artsy kits are sure to bring out the artist in your 11 year old.

Lulu Jr. My Comic Book Making KitLulu Jr. My Comic Book Making KitVérifiez le prix

Reading comic books is super fun but making your own is so much cooler. The My Comic Book kit contains everything you need to create an 18 page professionally printed comic. Simply use your superhero powers to draw out your comic on the included pages. Mail the kit. In a few weeks, the professionally printed comic book will arrive in your mailbox.

Fashion Angels Project Runway PortfolioFashion Angels Project Runway PortfolioVérifiez le prix

Anyone can be a fashion designer with this great stencil kit from Project Runway. Fashion designers will be able to create stunning fashion by dressing models and getting them ready for runway in no time. Simply use the existing templates to create outfits for the models. There are stencils for shirts, skirts, pants, jewelry, shoes, accessories, and more.

Spirograph Deluxe Design SetSpirograph Deluxe Design SetVérifiez le prix

For over 50 years, Spirograph has allowed kids to create fun spiral art. Combing math and art, Spirograph makes it easy for anyone to create art. Use one of the 19 gears to mix and math patterns to create your own unique design. The possibilities are nearly limitless.

Paper Mate Inkjoy Gel PensPaper Mate Inkjoy Gel PensVérifiez le prix

What tween wouldn’t love this colorful batch of InkJoy Gel Pens? You get 14 different vibrant colors for the ultimate joy and delight to turn your art into eye-poppin’ colors that seem to leap off the page. Best of all, they lay down color super smoothly without smearing and drying three times faster. Start something amazing with these InkJoys!

Sharpie Color Burst Permanent MarkersSharpie Color Burst Permanent MarkersVérifiez le prix

Experience the Color Burst difference with Sharpies. This assorted package contains two dozen fine point Sharpies to get creative. What’s great about these markers is they write on just about any surface. This Limited Edition set features some real eye-popping colors that will make your artwork standout.

Mr. Sketch Scented MarkersMr. Sketch Scented MarkersVérifiez le prix

This 12-pack of Mr. Sketch Scented Markers makes a great gift idea for tweens into art. These are no ordinary markers – they’re smell-o-rrific! These chisel tip markers allows you to create three different widths. They smell so fruity and will inspire you to get creative with your artwork.

VersaChalk Liquid ChalkVersaChalk Liquid ChalkVérifiez le prix

These VersaChalk Wet Erase Chalkboard Markers come in 8 bright neon colors. These chalk markers are so versatile and can write on various surfaces like chalkboards, glass, plastic, metal and more. Their broad reversible tips allow you to use either a chisel tip or round tip. You can even erase these markers. You’ll love creating beautiful works of art with these markers.

Darice 80-Piece Deluxe Art SetDarice 80-Piece Deluxe Art SetVérifiez le prix

Gigantic doesn’t even begin to describe this art studio from Darice. It is colossal. It comes with color pencils, pastels, pencils, water colors, paintbrushes, and more. There are 80 pieces of color here. There are so many choices for the budding artist.

Prismacolor Premier Colored PencilsPrismacolor Premier Colored PencilsVérifiez le prix

This Prismacolor Premier Coloring Starter Kit makes a wonderful gift for your budding artist. The set features 48 soft core color pencils, 2 blending pencils, and a sharpener. The pencils deliver clean color with even color. These pencils are excellent for blending colors and shading to bring depth to your artwork. Tweens will be inspired to get creative and create amazing artwork.

Harry Potter Coloring BookHarry Potter Coloring BookVérifiez le prix

Does your 11 year old love Harry Potter? Here’s a fun gift sure to inspire their inner artist. This coloring book is a real treat for fans filled with amazing, detailed illustrations of characters and beautiful, intricate scenes from the wonderful world of Harry Potter. Interestingly, these illustrations were used to make the Harry Potter movies. The perfect gift for Potter heads.

How to Draw PokemonHow to Draw PokemonVérifiez le prix

Does your 11 year old ever wish they could draw their favorite Pokemon characters? How To Draw Pokemon will teach you how to draw all sorts of Pokemon in the Pokemon universe. Not only will you learn to draw your favorite Pokemon but you’ll learn techniques to draw them in action. You’ll be proud and pleasantly surprised of your growth in drawing.

How to Draw PeopleHow to Draw PeopleVérifiez le prix

Drawing people has never been easier than with this great guide from Barbara Levy. Kids will create over 30 fun characters by joining simple shapes like circles, ovals, and rectangles.

Bling! Bling! At age 11, girls love making their own jewelry and fashions. Some of the best gifts for an 11 year old girl will be ones that she can share with her friends. A henna tattoo set is a very fun gift idea for an eleven year old girl. From henna tattoos to diy jewelry kits, tween girls will love creating their own fashion with these gifts.

Karina Garcia’s DIY SlimeAges 10-14Karina Garcias DIY SlimeVérifiez le prix

Learn to craft your own DIY Slime with YouTube star, Karina Garcia. Garcia allows tweens to create fifteen different slime-tastic recipes. Garcia guides you through the entire process and it’s really easy to follow. Highlights include Liquid Gold, Glow in the Dark, and more! As a bonus, you’ll even learn many fascinating ideas about what you can do with your slime and how to best store it. Best of all, every one of Garcia’s recipes are Borax-free so they are safe to make. Who knew there were things other than iPads that could entertain kids?!

Elmer’s Liquid School GlueElmers Liquid School GlueVérifiez le prix

Elmer’s Liquid Glue is the brand people trust most for art projects and slime projects. The glue is non-toxic and it’s also washable. This jug holds one full gallon of Liquid Glue. It provides great bonding for craft projects and doesn’t run like other brands. What kids love most is making their own slime with Elmer’s glue. Dollar for dollar, it’s a fantastic value that’s hard to beat.

Crazy Aaron’s Mixed By Me Thinking PuttyAges 8+Crazy Aarons Mixed By Me Thinking PuttyVérifiez le prix

Nowadays slime creation kits are the hottest trend. Crazy Aaron’s Putty Kit allows you to mix and make your own putty that glows in the dark. Making the putty is half the fun, playing with it is the other part. The set comes with 5 tins, colored pencils, special effect putties, clear Thinking Putty, mixing mat and more. Get ready for super stretchy and fun times ahead!

Crayola Model MagicCrayola Model MagicVérifiez le prix

Crayola’s Model Magic is super squishy and soft white modeling material. This package contains two pounds of this magical stuff. La meilleure partie? It’s super easy to use, doesn’t crumble, and is non-toxic. It air dries in about 24 hours and is perfect for crafting all sorts of fun things like molding objects and even creating slime. You’ll have so much fun working with this modeling material, which allows for a world of possibilities.

Daiso Soft ClayAges 3+Daiso Soft ClayVérifiez le prix

This super soft clay is perfect for getting creative with arts and crafts projects. It feels great to the touch when modeling with it. Kids also love making butter slime with it and the results are truly impressive. While it may not have the most pleasant scent, it’s definitely worth it!

Elmer’s Liquid Glitter GlueElmers Liquid Glitter GlueVérifiez le prix

Take your arts and crafts projects to the next level with this super fun and glittery liquid glue from Elmer’s. The cool thing is you can even make beautiful glittery slime with this glue in addition to using it for arts and crafts projects. Choose from a wide assortment of fun colors to kick the fun and excitement into high gear.

Elmer’s Galaxy Slime Starter PackElmers Galaxy Slime Starter PackVérifiez le prix

Elmer’s Galaxy Slime Starter Pack is super popular with the slime trend taking off. This set makes three batches of slime with super cool galaxy-inspired colors that are simply out of this world! It’s time to take your slime making experience to a whole new level.

Glotoch Slime Containers (24 Pack)Glotoch Slime Containers (24 Pack)Vérifiez le prix

With all the slime kids are creating these days, they need a practical way to store their slime. This 24-pack of reusable clear plastic storage containers come in real handy for all those slime lovers. They’re free of BPA and come with the lids to seal them. Choose from 8 or 16 oz containers.

Foam Balls for Slime Foam Balls for Slime Vérifiez le prix

If you are making your own slime, it’s worth checking out this foam ball decoration for your slime recipes. You get 30,000 decorative pieces of mixed colors to add texture to your slime projects. These can also be used for a host of other exciting arts and crafts projects. Ultimately, it’s all up to your creativity!

Perler Beads 22,000 Count Bead JarAges 5-12Perler Beads 22,000 Count Bead JarVérifiez le prix

The creative possibilities are virtually endless with Perler Beads. These are popular activity beads that inspire creativity. Kids absolutely love these activity beads because they are soooo fun and you can create almost anything you can imagine! With this massive jug, you get a whopping 22,000 beads. Imagine all the wonderful things you can create!

ALEX Toys Craft Friends 4 Ever Scrapbook KitAges 6-15ALEX Toys Craft Friends 4 Ever Scrapbook KitVérifiez le prix

Preserve the memories with your bffs with this 48 page Friends 4 Ever scrapbooking kit from Alex Toys. The kit has everything you need to bring your projects to life including colorful patterned pages, stickers, gems, ribbons, stencils, scissors, and more.

Ball Mason JarsBall Mason JarsVérifiez le prix

These Ball Mason Jars are perfect for all sorts of exciting arts and crafts projects. Kids love painting them with cool designs and giving them as gifts. You can even make solar lights … the possibilities are endless! They make great decorative pieces and can even be used as a vase for a bouquet of flowers. This set contains a dozen pint-sized jars. What will you do with your jars?

Tulip One Step 18-Color Tie-Dye KitTulip One Step 18-Color Tie-Dye KitVérifiez le prix

Ordinary t-shirts just got a whole lot for fun with this one step Tie Dye kit from Tulip. Simply add water to the dye, shake, and you are ready to create your own colorful fashions.

Duck Brand Printed Duct TapeDuck Brand Printed Duct TapeVérifiez le prix

There are so many creative ideas that you can accomplish with this Duck Tape. This is such a versatile tape! Choose from a great selection of colors and designs for your project and bring your creative vision to reality. You bring the creativity and it brings the fashion, stickiness, and durability you expect.

ALEX Toys Craft DIY Card CrafterAges 6-15ALEX Toys Craft DIY Card CrafterVérifiez le prix

If your tween loves arts and crafts, you have to check out this DIY Card Crafter kit from Alex Toys. This set is jam-packed with 250 pieces for making a dozen unique cards for any special occasion. La meilleure partie? Since you are empowered to craft the message, you can guarantee it will always be just perfect and from the heart. You’ll love making and designing beautiful homemade cards with this fantastic kit.

Surebonder Mini Detailed Glue GunSurebonder Mini Detailed Glue GunVérifiez le prix

This miniature glue gun from Surebonder is an affordable arts and crafts tool with 20 watts of power. It delivers better bonding and now features auto-shutoff technology. These are perfect for a wide range of DIY projects and great for detailed work. Overall, these are reliable tools to get the job done right the first time, everytime. This product doesn’t disappoint.

ALEX Toys DIY Wear Friends 4 Ever JewelryAges 8+ALEX Toys DIY Wear Friends 4 Ever JewelryVérifiez le prix

This DIY Wear Friends 4Ever Jewelry kit is a fun crafting kit for creating over 20 friendship bracelets. There’s a ton of diversity here from hearts and stripes to diamonds and flowers. It’s perfect for parties and sleepovers at friends’ houses. La meilleure partie? These bracelets are fun and easy to create.

Klutz Make Clay Charms Craft KitAges 8+Klutz Make Clay Charms Craft KitVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun craft kit for your tween? Consider Klutz’s Make Clay Charms Craft Kit. Kids can make over 35 of their very own charms that they can actually wear and share. You can make animals, sweets, monsters, and more. Best of all, they’re easy to make, bake, and wear. Makes a fun and crafty birthday gift.

Temporary Henna TattoosTemporary Henna TattoosVérifiez le prix

What’s cooler than a tattoo? A temporary tattoo. Tweens will feel instantly cooler with these henna tattoos. They look so realistic. The set includes so many intricate and artistic designs including suns, butterflies, peace signs and tribal art. Best of all, unlike real tattoos, it is easy to put on and take off just like lipstick. The designs fade within a week, but the fun is permanent.

Rainbow Loom 2.0 BandsAges 8m-6Rainbow Loom 2.0 BandsVérifiez le prix

Jewelry is cool but rubber band jewelry is priceless. The Rainbow loom kit comes with everything you need to create rubber band bracelets. The bracelets are created by creating different patterns using the included loom. Who needs gold?

ALEX Toys Duct Tape PartyAges 7-15ALEX Toys Duct Tape PartyVérifiez le prix

Who knew that duct tape could be so fashionable? There is no better way to use duct tape than to create fun fashion accessories. With 12 rolls of duct tape, tweens can go wild creating their own ducted out bags, earring, hair clips, and more. It’s fun that sticks.

ALEX Toys Do-It-Yourself Infinity Jewelry KitAges 8-15ALEX Toys Do-It-Yourself Infinity Jewelry KitVérifiez le prix

Do you love jewelry? Buying jewelry is so last year. Show your design talent with this kit from Alex Toys. It contains everything you need to create your own personalized bracelets and necklaces that are as fun to make as share.

ALEX Toys Spa Hair Chalk Party 2 GoAges 8-15ALEX Toys Spa Hair Chalk Party 2 GoVérifiez le prix

Add a little party to your hair with this hair chalk from Alex toys. Create your own fashions with the included 12 colors. The kit also includes a comb, decorative metallic beads, 30 hair elastics, and a beading tool. Best of all, the hair chalk washes out with shampoo.

Klutz Shrink & Link Jewelry Craft KitAges 10-15Klutz Shrink & Link Jewelry Craft KitVérifiez le prix

Do you remember Shrinky Dinks? It’s okay if you don’t because this is better than that. With this kit from Klutz, you can design your own little shrinky dinks. All the ideas and inspiration are included in the 52 page step by step book. Use the traceable designs to cut out a shape and shrink it down into a plastic design. You can then stick your shrinky dinks on the plastic chain to create one of kind necklaces and rings. Swap out the pieces with other creations and you got a new look.

Does your 11 year old love reading or writing? At any age, a book makes are great gift. Encourage your child to read with comics, popular novels, or fun fact books. For those that love to write, a journal is the perfect gift for an 11 year old girl. Girls love spilling all their secrets in a journal.

LuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book LightLuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book LightVérifiez le prix

Do you love to read? Then you need this super bright LED book light. Simply set the intensity of the light by clicking it once or twice. The durable clip opens wide so you can clip the light to any sized book.

The Simple Elephant PlannerThe Simple Elephant PlannerVérifiez le prix

The Simple Elephant Planner is just what every 11 year old needs to achieve their goals and get more organized in their lives. This is a practical tool that will make them happier, more productive, and successful in their daily lives. You’ll have better focus and shatter those goals and be able to reflect back on your entire story over the year. What’s your story?

Q&A A Day for Kids: A Three-Year JournalQ&A A Day for Kids: A Three-Year JournalVérifiez le prix

Q&A A Day For Kids is a 3-year journal that serves as a wonderful family keepsake. You’ll have nearly 1,100 conversations that you can have with your 11 year old over the course of that time frame, recording their thoughts, feelings, and dreams along the way. The questions here are fun, simple, and inspiring and will get kids thinking. The nice thing is by recording this information you’ll be able to look back at the evolution and see how your ideas mature over time. Kids can also choose to use it as a diary to capture their own personal ideas and reflect back on them in time. It’s a fun and lovely gift for kids that serves as a timeless memory of the beautiful thing we call life.

Wreck This JournalWreck This JournalVérifiez le prix

Wreck This Journal could be a life-changer. This is not your ordinary book – this new edition lets your 11 year old wreck it. Yeah, we said WRECK IT! The name of the game here is to unleash your kid’s creative potential and wholeheartedly embrace the artistic process. There are no boundaries or right and wrong here – you can paint, shred, and do whatever you please to make something that is as truly unique as you. This is as creative as it is addictive. What a brilliant idea!

Just Between Us: Mother & DaughterAges 9-12Just Between Us: Mother & DaughterVérifiez le prix

Moms how well do you really know your eleven year old daughter? How well does your daughter know you? With this unique Mother-Daughter journal, you will strengthen your relationship with your daughter. One side of the journal is for moms to fill out; the other side is for daughters. The journal is filled with helpful writing prompts for discussing everything from school to relationships.

Hot Focus Peace Diary with LockAges 6-15Hot Focus Peace Diary with LockVérifiez le prix

Every 11 year old girl has secrets they want to keep under lock and key. This journal is perfect for that. Girls will fall in love with the cute and colorful heart and peace themed cover. The heart shaped lock comes with a spare key just in case so girls can safely record all their thoughts, dreams, and doodles.

Doodle Diary: Art Journaling for GirlsAges 8-12Doodle Diary: Art Journaling for GirlsVérifiez le prix

How can you make journaling more fun? Art! Here’s a fun way to start journaling. Every page prompts you to combine art with journaling. You will use all sorts of supplies from crayons to pens to enhance each page. Whether you just want to doodle about your day or about your daydreams, the doodle diary is a fun way of discovering who you are.

Just the Ticket: Ticket Stub OrganizerJust the Ticket: Ticket Stub OrganizerVérifiez le prix

What eleven year old doesn’t love going to concerts, shows, on vacation, or sporting events? Save the memories with this Ticket Stub Organizer. With 20 pages, there is plenty of room for ticket stubs along with room to jot down little notes.

MerveilleAges 8-12WonderVérifiez le prix

Wonder is a #1 New York Times Bestseller and now a major motion picture. It’s about a boy named Auggie born with a facial deformity, preventing him from attending public school. All he wants is to be treated like everyone else, but his classmates can’t get over his difference. The book begins from Auggie’s perspective and branches out to include others around him. You’ll learn about his strengths and challenges and the book has a great message. It’s a powerful gem portraying how people struggle with empathy, compassion, and acceptance and it will make you a better person. It’s an inspirational story worth reading.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 12: The GetawayAges 8-12Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 12: The GetawayVérifiez le prix

The 12th book in the ever-popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is here! It’s called The Getaway and Jeff Kinney delivers the goods yet again! These books make kids excited about reading. It’s actually quite deep, heartwarming, relatable, and funny. There’s no shortage of entertainment here! You won’t be disappointed!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: The Illustrated EditionAges 8+Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone: The Illustrated EditionVérifiez le prix

These hardcover editions of the Harry Potter books are fully illustrated and make an excellent gift for any Harry Potter fan. Not only are they illustrated, but they are presented in full color to allow readers to visualize the story like never before. The stories and characters are wonderful and memorable. It’s the perfect gift for long-time fans and newcomers alike.

Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7)Ages 11-15Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7)Vérifiez le prix

Any die-hard Harry Potter fan needs this seven book set in their collection. This is a paperback collection that features all the wonderful stories from J.K. Rowling as a boxed set. Your tween will absolutely love reading these bestselling books over and over, making them an insanely great value.

Descendants 2: Mal’s Spell Book Ages 9-12Descendants 2: Mals Spell Book Vérifiez le prix

Fans of Disney Descendants will love Mal’s Spell Book II: More Wicked Magic the next chapter in the saga. Mal originally wanted to bring down Auradon and later used her spell book to fit in. But the book unexpectedly fell into the wrong hands. Oh, no! Find out what happens next in this exciting and engaging chapter. Readers can’t help but have a smile on their face after reading this entertaining book.

Sleepover Party Mad LibsAges 8-12Sleepover Party Mad LibsVérifiez le prix

Slumber parties would be incomplete without this ridiculously fun Madlibs books. The rules are pretty self explanatory. Simply fill in the blanks to create the silliest sleepover stories. It is ________!

Pokémon Deluxe Essential HandbookAges 7-10Pokémon Deluxe Essential HandbookVérifiez le prix

Got a huge Pokemon fan? This Deluxe Essential Handbook is the holy grail of all things Pokemon. If you’re into the world of Pokemon, you need this book. It covers a breadth of information on more than 700 Pokemon characters. It’s jam-packed with stats and facts that true fans just gotta know. Guaranteed to be a big hit with fans!

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemAges 8+Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemVérifiez le prix

If you loved the Harry Potter books, we recommend reading Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. This is based on the original screenplay from the motion picture with all the nitty-gritty details that readers love. Loving this book is a huge understatement. The hero is different from Harry but it’s still as enjoyable. Reading this is a pure delight for fans.

Dork Diaries 12Ages 9-13Dork Diaries 12Vérifiez le prix

Girls just entering middle school will be able to relate to Nikki Maxwell. She is just that artistic dorky girl who wants to make friends and survive through school. To do so she has to stay one step ahead of the school bully, MacKenzie. Her plan goes wrong when the school bully gets a hold of Nikki’s journal.

5,000 Awesome Facts 3Ages 8-125,000 Awesome Facts 3Vérifiez le prix

Would you love to learn 100 crazy facts about cartoons or 75 sports facts? These facts are just a few of the 5000 awesome facts included in this book from National Geographic. Presented in a colorful format, the book features facts about everything from Harry Potter to the moon.

Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.Ages 8-12Are You There God? Its Me, Margaret.Vérifiez le prix

Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret is a classic novel by Judy Blume enjoyed by millions. It’s a wonderful, touching and relatable story that every young girl should read. It even covers those difficult topics about growing into a woman that are difficult to ask mom about. It’s a very satisfying read full of life lessons and a great character who is very relatable.

The Maze Runner SeriesAges 12+The Maze Runner SeriesVérifiez le prix

This Maze Runner Series boxed set makes a great gift for fans of the series as well as newcomers. James Dasher reels you in by building the suspense and never lets go, making the book very hard to put down. It nicely sets up the series while being different enough than the Hunger Games.

The Hunger Games TrilogyAges 12+The Hunger Games TrilogyVérifiez le prix

The Hunger Games Trilogy is a wonderful gift idea for 11 year olds. This boxed set contains all three stories, namely The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. The level of detail for the characters is impressive and the characters are fully fleshed out. It’s packed with all the exciting twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat and in suspense. It offers an easy read and is even better than the movies.

Fuzzy MudAges 10+Fuzzy MudVérifiez le prix

Fuzzy Mud from Louis Sachar is a New York Times Bestseller. Two kids get lost and find big trouble – bigger than they could have ever imagined. The world may be in jeopardy. It’s a book filled with suspense and themes of friendship and family. The story-telling and characters are very compelling and draw you right in, making it a very entertaining read and hard to put down.

Minecraft: BlockopediaAges 9+Minecraft: BlockopediaVérifiez le prix

Ever wanted to know all about the amazing blocks of Minecraft? Minecraft fans will love this encyclopedia about every block in the universe of Minecraft from plants to ore blocks. In this uniquely shaped hexagonal book, learn trivia and even how to make use of each of the blocks.

LEGO Awesome IdeasAges 7-10LEGO Awesome IdeasVérifiez le prix

Legos just got a bit more awesome with this book from Daniel Lipkowitz. Lego fans will be filled with big ideas after reading this book. With a wonderful sense of humor, the author shows builders how to take their creations to another level. Divided into four sections, the book’s ideas takes readers through space, the wild west, into the world of fantasy, and back to the real world. What will you build next?

Guinness World Records 2018Ages 7-12Guinness World Records 2018Vérifiez le prix

Did you know that the most snow golems made in one minute in Minecraft was 70? With the Guinness World Records 2016, you find thousands of record breaking trivia on the human body, Minecraft, Lego, and more.

Kid President’s Guide to Being AwesomeAges 8-12Kid Presidents Guide to Being AwesomeVérifiez le prix

Here’s a behind the scenes look at Youtube star Robby Novak also known as Kid President. Robby suffers from ontogenesis imperfecta, a condition that makes his bones brittle. However, you wouldn’t know from the way he looks at life. It’s an uplifting and moving book about a kid just looking to make the world a little more awesome.

At age 11, some girls may be still interested in collecting dolls and some boys may still love cool action figures. Does your 11 year love things that roll or fly? These vehicle toys will likely be a big hit.

FingerlingsAges 5+FingerlingsVérifiez le prix

The Fingerlings are the hottest thing in the world of collectibles – selling like hotcakes. These lil’ cute monkeys are interactive and come to life on your fingers. These cuties feature monkey sounds, movement, and they react to sounds, and more. There are several different colors to collect to bring a world of fun to your world. Friendship is just a fingertip away.

HatchimalsAges 5-7HatchimalsVérifiez le prix

Hatchimals are a force to be reckoned with in the toy world. There’s so much Hatchimals goodness from the hot-selling Hatchimals CollEGGtibles and Hatchimals Surprise to Hatchimals Glittering Garden and Hatchimals Glitter. Everyone loves this hatching phenomenon that has taken the world by storm yet again. What surprise will you discover?

Sphero Star Wars BB-9E DroidAges 8+Sphero Star Wars BB-9E DroidVérifiez le prix

Thanks to Sphero, you can own your very own Star Wars BB-9E replica Droid from the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie. Meet BB-9E. Launch the app to bring him to life, driving him around with your smartphone. He can even go on patrol, mapping out his environment. For Star Wars fans, BB-9E has become more than a toy.

Star Wars First Order Stormtrooper RobotStar Wars First Order Stormtrooper RobotVérifiez le prix

If you’ve got a hardcore Star Wars fan, the First Order Stormtrooper Robot is a dream gift to bring the fun of Star Wars home. He’s packed with all the latest cool tech to bring him to life. It has everything from augmented reality to voice recognition. It coordinates with an app so you can see first and third-person views through the app. It even can recognize your face. How cool is that?!

Anki Overdrive: Fast & Furious EditionAges 8-15Anki Overdrive: Fast & Furious EditionVérifiez le prix

If you could play a videogame in real life it would look like Anki Overdrive. This innovative racecar set lets you race physical cars with your smartphone. With the magic of technology, the app is able to keep track of your car on the track. You can race against friends or even the self-driving AI. The 10 different track pieces can be arranged in multiple ways, creating 8 different tracks to race on. Start those engines by downloading the iOS or Android app.

Star Wars Poe Dameron HelmetAges 8+Star Wars Poe Dameron HelmetVérifiez le prix

The Star Wars Poe Dameron Helmet is perfect for cosplay. The helmet looks movie accurate and creates an immersive and authentic Star Wars experience unlike anything before! Strap on the Poe Dameron helmet and get ready for battle with realistic life-like battle sounds that make it feel all too real. The First Order will never win! Perfect gift for your Star Wars fan! They’re gonna go absolutely nuts over this!

Syma X5C Explorers QuadcopterAges 14+Syma X5C Explorers QuadcopterVérifiez le prix

What if you could pilot a remote controlled drone? You can with the Syma X5 quad helicopter. It’s fast and easy to maneuver. This entry level drone is equipped with a camera for recording bird’s eye footage. Perfect for going on top secret spying missions.

American Girl Maryellen Doll & Paperback BookAges 8+American Girl Maryellen Doll & Paperback BookVérifiez le prix

Maryellen is a beautiful American Girl doll that girls will love adding to their collection. Kids can pose her arms and legs until their heart’s content. You can even brush and style her beautiful hair. She wears a 50s-inspired outfit that looks simply darling. Maryellen stands out from the crowd by choosing to follow her heart and fans will be eager to read all about her adventures with the included paperback book. Collectors will love this beautiful and lovely doll.

Shopkins Season 8 World Vacation Mega PackAges 5-15Shopkins Season 8 World Vacation Mega PackVérifiez le prix

Pack your bags – it’s time to take a European vacation with Shopkins World Vacation Mega Pack. Shopkins fans can never get enough of these popular collectibles. This Mega Pack makes collecting even more fun and delightful with a whopping 20 Shopkins to add to your collection. This package also includes four rooms for creating a city skyline to showcase your cute new Shopkins. It’s the perfect gift for birthdays or Christmas.

Star Wars Hero Droid BB-8Ages 8+Star Wars Hero Droid BB-8Vérifiez le prix

Imagine having your own life-sized interactive BB-8 droid. Now you can with Star Wars Hero Droid BB-8. BB-8 is fully-interactive, follows voice commands and even features lights and sounds to make him come to life. Control BB-8 with the included wireless remote and he’ll roll along just like in the movie. He even responds to your voice and can follow you. The level of detail on BB-8 is amazingly good. This is a gift that’s sure to bring a smile to any Star Wars fan!

Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon Shadows Trainer BoxAges 6+Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon Shadows Trainer BoxVérifiez le prix

This Pokemon Burning Shadows Elite Trainer Box is a great gift for Pokemon fans. Although some may luckily get GXs and ultra rares, not everyone will get these. It’s all a matter of the luck of the draw. However, this set has some valuable cards for fans along with special card sleeves. The quality is really nice and you get good bang for the buck.

Harry Potter WandAges 14+Harry Potter WandVérifiez le prix

Any true Harry Potter fan would recognize this as the wand from the movies. It’s actually a realistic remake of the original one seen in the films. The wand also comes with a recreation of Ollivander’s box, which makes it ideal for gifting. Tweens will love this as a gift. Too bad it can’t cast any spells!

Funko POP FigureAges 3+Funko POP FigureVérifiez le prix

Even tweens love collecting these super popular Funko POP! figures. The latest craze involves figures based on the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie. The figures are incredibly well detailed and resemble the respective characters. Our favorites include Chewy, BB-8, BB-9E, Luke, Rey, and Porg. Collect all your favorite figures.

Rev (2 Cars Included)Rev (2 Cars Included)Vérifiez le prix

Smartphone Bluetooth controlled driving cars are cool, but battling cars are even cooler. The REV set includes a pair of 2 vehicles. There is one simple goal cause more destruction than your opponent. You can battle against the self driving AI or against friends. To cause destruction, you have to engage in laser-tag like battle or ram your opponent. Rev up those engines; it’s time for battle!

Legos are pretty much great for anyone from 8 to 100. It’s still one of the top toys for 11 year olds. Kids never seem to outgrow these toys.

LEGO Star Wars BB-8 75187Ages 10-16LEGO Star Wars BB-8 75187Vérifiez le prix

BB-8 is one of our favorite Lego sets this year. The figure looks incredibly well designed with amazing details that make this the most authentic version of BB-8 to date. But what makes this droid model really cool is the fact that its head can rotate and there is an opening hatch with a special surprise, which are super cool touches. You can even display your built model of BB-8 on the included display stand.

LEGO Mindstorms EV3Ages 10-15LEGO Mindstorms EV3Vérifiez le prix

Regular Legos are great for building stuff that doesn’t move. With Lego Mindstorms you can create robots that walk, talk, think, and can be controlled via your smartphone. To get started, use the 3D instructions on the free app to build different robots from a snapping snake to a humanoid.

LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 75184Ages 6-14LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 75184Vérifiez le prix

It’s another year and another exciting new set in the Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar line. This is the perfect gift for the holidays. Kids can unwrap a new gift every single day leading up to Christmas – with 24 surprise gifts in all. There’s some love for girls, too, who aren’t into the whole Star Wars thing with Lego Friends Advent Calendar 41326. You, too, have 24 gifts to unwrap for a magical holiday season.

LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon 75105Ages 9-14LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon 75105Vérifiez le prix

For out of this world fun, kids can build the most iconic spaceship of all time with this 1329 piece Lego set as they travel the galaxy. You won’t be traveling alone as this set has 6 minifigures including Hans Solo and Chewbacca. The Millennium Falcon spaceship has been completely revamped with a detachable cockpit, liftable hull plates, and spring loaded laser turrets.

LEGO Friends Amusement Park Roller Coaster 41130Ages 8-12LEGO Friends Amusement Park Roller Coaster 41130Vérifiez le prix

Winner of the prestigious Toy of the Year award last year, LEGO Friends Amusement Park Roller Coaster is still one of our favorite sets from this line. It’s a super fun set to build, but it’s even more fun to make up fascinating stories in your very own theme park. It’s the perfect set for inspiring your tween’s imagination and creativity and there’s no denying it’s a beautiful set to display and look at.

LEGO Friends Heartlake Grand Hotel 41101Ages 8-12LEGO Friends Heartlake Grand Hotel 41101Vérifiez le prix

Everything about this 1,552 piece Lego Hotel is grand from the working elevator to the rooftop pool. Once finished, this 3 story Lego hotels stands about a foot tall. Walk in through the revolving door to the amazing hotel lobby with the stunning chandelier. With a cafe, 2 bedrooms, a dining area, and fountain, there are so many fun places to explore that you may never want to leave this 5-star Lego hotel.

LEGO Friends Stephanie’s HouseAges 6-12LEGO Friends Stephanies HouseVérifiez le prix

Stephanie’s House has been revised for 2017. Her new house looks even more beautiful than ever. The color palette is bright and cheerful and the design is pleasing to look at. The details of the house are really impressive, which make this set worth owning and displaying for all to see.

LEGO Minecraft The Village 21128Ages 8+LEGO Minecraft The Village 21128Vérifiez le prix

If you’ve got a Minecraft fan, this is a dream set that looks absolutely stunning in person. It’s a huuuge set built from 1,600 bricks. The level of detail and variety is truly a sight to behold. And the Village comes with 11 minifigures to populate your world and bring your creativity to life. You’ll get a ton of compliments from friends.

LEGO Minecraft the Crafting Box 2.0 21135Ages 8+LEGO Minecraft the Crafting Box 2.0 21135Vérifiez le prix

The Crafting Box 2.0 is one of the top Minecraft sets on kids’ wish lists. This is an incredibly versatile set which allows for a ton of flexibility in building. The modular design allows you to easily reconfigure the set to your liking. La meilleure partie? Combine your other Minecraft sets with this one to take the fun to a whole new level.

LEGO Friends Heartlake Puppy Daycare 41124Ages 6-12LEGO Friends Heartlake Puppy Daycare 41124Vérifiez le prix

The Heartlake Puppy Daycare set continues to be one of the most popular Lego Friends sets. Who wouldn’t love to have their own Puppy Daycare Center in Heartlake City? This set looks beautiful and colorful and it comes with cute minifigures and those adorable puppies. Who can resist them? It’s a fun set that will promote endless creative story-telling while fostering creative thinking.

LEGO Friends Snow Resort Ski Lift 41324Ages 8-12LEGO Friends Snow Resort Ski Lift 41324Vérifiez le prix

2017 has been another fantastic year for Lego Friends. This interestingly designed Snow Resort Ski Lift is another must-have for fans. What we love is that Lego is introducing new themes into the Friends line to make building out Heartlake City more exciting. Life is not all work – you need time to play and adventure, too. This is a fun set that fans will love, as it will ignite their imaginations.

LEGO Super Heroes Jokerland 76035Ages 8-14LEGO Super Heroes Jokerland 76035Vérifiez le prix

With so many villains, Batman and Robin, the Bat mobile, and a cool set, the 1037 piece Lego Jokerland has everything you could ever want from a superhero set. There are so many areas to explore. The Joker has taken over a fun park, giving the rides and attractions a wicked twist. There’s a shooting clown robot, a poison pool chamber, a penguin Ferris wheel and more. The set includes 8 minifigures: Batman, Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire, The Penguin, The Joker, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.

Does your 11 year old live in the basement conducting their own science experiments? For those who love figuring how things work, these science kits make great gifts. 11 year olds learn by playing. With these robot, computer, and programming kits, children can become programmers, engineers, and artists as they learn to solve problems in fun and interesting ways.

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 Complete Starter KitCanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 Complete Starter KitVérifiez le prix

With this kit from CanaKit, it has never been so easy to get started with Raspberry PI. This inexpensive credit sized computer is great for kids interested in computers. The kit includes everything you need to get up and running in minutes. Just plug in a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Piper Computer KitPiper Computer KitVérifiez le prix

The Piper Computer Kit is an awesome gift for anyone remotely interested in technology, engineering, or computers. What we love most about Piper is that it lets kids tinker with it and that’s when you learn the most. Kids will be fascinated to put this together and see it actually working for the first time. It gives them a real sense of confidence and accomplishment. Piper runs on Raspberry Pi 3 and features a cool Minecraft adventure that enourages you to tinker with the components. The perfect gift to foster up-and-coming inventors.

CozmoAges 8+CozmoVérifiez le prix

Cozmo is the coolest robot ever invented. This robot has a big personality. It almost feels like an animated Pixar robot leapt off the silver screen and into your home – full of life, personality, and emotions. Don’t let the small size fool you – it’s like a supercomputer on treads. We love how it’s packed with a ton of super cool tech under the hood and it just works without the need to be a techie. You can play a variety of fun games with this friendly companion. The more you play with Cozmo, the more his personality shines and the more you unlock. You can even control Cozmo with your smartphone, controlling it like an RC robot. You’ve never seen a robot like this before!

Makey MakeyMakey MakeyVérifiez le prix

Makey Makey is a fantastic board for students that allows you to connect to everyday items around the house and make them fun. For instance, you can connect this board to bananas to create a musical instrument that you can actually play. You can even create a controller to play Pac-Man. The possibilities are endless and it’s all up to your creativity! Best of all, it’s very simple to use – it’s plug-and-play and you just need to create a circuit with anything that is conductive like fruit, pencils, your body and more.

littleBits Rule Your Room KitAges 8+littleBits Rule Your Room KitVérifiez le prix

The LittleBits Rule Your Room Kit gives you plenty of projects to build with an easy to follow book. They lay a strong foundation so you can begin exploring on your own and build your own gadgets. It’s great that it promotes out of the box thinking. What’s cool is there’s no soddering here – the bits magnetically attach like magic. From intruder detectors and so many more possibilities, there’s loads of fun here.

Little Bits Star Wars Droid Inventor KitAges 8+Little Bits Star Wars Droid Inventor KitVérifiez le prix

The Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit will likely be at the top of many tweens’ Christmas wish lists. How cool would it be to create your own droid?! This kit from LittleBits lets you do just that! The real fun comes from inventing different droids and gadgets with the various pieces, which adds significant value to the overall package and play value. We love that you can even drive the droid around with your smartphone or the power of the Force!

Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750Ages 8+Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750Vérifiez le prix

Snap Circuits Jr. SC-750 is the ideal kit for learning electronics. All the components snap together with ease on the plastic grid. No tools are needed. With color coded components, just follow the colored pictures in the manual to create radios, alarms, doorbells, and more. It’s a snap.

4M Water Rocket KitAges 14-154M Water Rocket KitVérifiez le prix

The 4M Water Rocket Kit is a fantastic STEM kit that makes learning about science fun and exciting. Tweens will learn scientific principles with hands-on experimentation. The set includes everything you need to run the experiment. All you need is water, a pump, and the water rocket. 3-2-1 … we have blast off! This is incredibly fun and never gets old.

Bushnell Falcon BinocularsBushnell Falcon BinocularsVérifiez le prix

Bushnell Falcon delivers another high performance pair of binoculars. It delivers 7x magnification with a 35mm lens at an affordable price point. These are perfect for getting a close-up view of the action, whether you’re into exploring nature, bugs, birds or sporting events and more. No matter what adventure you’re heading on, never leave home without your Falcon.

Minecraft Mod Design 1Minecraft Mod Design 1Vérifiez le prix

Practically every 11 year old wants to make a mod for Minecraft. To do so, you will need to learn a little programming. With this course from Youth Digital, you will learn how to add your own items, blocks, creatures and more to the game.

Python for KidsAges 10+Python for KidsVérifiez le prix

Python For Kids introduces kids to programming in a fun way. It makes learning about programming more exciting. This is especially important since most programming books are rather drab and boring. This approach makes programming more approachable. Kids will learn from sample programs and you’ll even be challenged with programming puzzles to see how well you’ve mastered the material. You’ll even learn to program two full games by the time you’re all done.

Elenco Snap Circuit ArcadeAges 8-15Elenco Snap Circuit ArcadeVérifiez le prix

Learning electronics can be as fun as going to the arcade with this new electronics kit from Snap Circuits. With over 200 projects, kids simply snap the various building pieces onto the grid. Each piece is easy identifiable through its color. In this set, there’s a programmable word fan, a tri color disco ball, and more. Kids not only get to create circuits but can play simple pre programmed games.

Elenco AmeriKit Learn to Solder KitAges 10-15Elenco AmeriKit Learn to Solder KitVérifiez le prix

Soldering just got a lot easier to learn with this kit from Elenco. After practicing with this kit, you will be ready to solder. The instruction manual is laid out like a course with little quizzes to help you along the way. The kit comes with everything you need including the solder, soldering iron, and wire cutters.

Sophisticated Science Perfume ScienceAges 10+Sophisticated Science Perfume ScienceVérifiez le prix

How would you like to make your own perfume? You can with this perfume kit from Thames and Kosmos. You get everything you need to mix your own perfumes including scented perfume oils and important tools of the trade. The 32 page instruction manual takes you through the science, history, and art of perfume making.

Ozobot 2.0Ages 8+Ozobot 2.0Vérifiez le prix

This tiny inexpensive robot can see color, following lines using its twin micro motors. To get started you can draw paths for Ozobot to follow. That’s just the beginning. The real fun is programming the little guy. With the scripting language Ozoblocky even beginners can learn how to code. It features a simple drag and drop system that allows kids to learn the fundamentals of programming such as loops and more.

AmScope M500 Monocular Compound MicroscopeAmScope M500 Monocular Compound MicroscopeVérifiez le prix

Future scientists will get a kick out of exploring the unseen world with this full featured school grade microscope. With this entry level microscope, it is fun just to put things under the microscope and see how different they look when magnified.

Orion 10015 StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector TelescopeOrion 10015 StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector TelescopeVérifiez le prix

Have you ever wondered what is out there? With this entry level telescope from Orion you can explore distant plants, the stars, the surface of the moon, and more. With a sturdy tabletop stand, you will love exploring the cosmos. Becuase it can easily be setup on a table, even beginners can get lost in the constellations.

Texas Instruments TI-30XS Scientific CalculatorTexas Instruments TI-30XS Scientific CalculatorVérifiez le prix

TI is the #1 brand recommended by teachers. The TI-30XS is an easy to operate scientific calculator with an easy to read 4-line display. It’s both solar and battery powered and it’s nice and compact to fit in your backpack zip pocket. It’s perfect for General Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, and General Science. It’s a reliable calculator you can count on for all your math and science courses and it’s super affordable.

Got a foodie? Whether your 11 year old loves to eat or cook, they will love these gifts.

Popcornopolis Gourmet Popcorn 5-Cone Gift BasketPopcornopolis Gourmet Popcorn 5-Cone Gift BasketVérifiez le prix

Welcome to Popcornopolis – a delightful gourmet popcorn experience featuring five individually wrapped cones with sensational mouth-watering flavors like Caramel Corn, Cheddar Cheese, White Cheddar, Jalapeno Cheddar, and Kettle Corn. They’re so incredibly good, you’ll want it all for yourself. It’s finger lickin’ good! The perfect gift to celebrate any occasion.

David’s Cookies Fresh Baked CookiesDavids Cookies Fresh Baked CookiesVérifiez le prix

In six delicious assorted flavors, David’s Cookies are perfect for treating yourself or sharing with friends and family. Using only the finest ingredients and baked fresh, they’re delivered to your door in a beautiful red gift tin. The perfect treat for any occasion.

Philadelphia Candies Chocolate Covered OREOsPhiladelphia Candies Chocolate Covered OREOsVérifiez le prix

This scrumptious selection of 8 Happy Birthday Oreo cookies drenched in richy, creamy Philadelphia Candies milk chocolate is a real crowd-pleaser. Whether you have a birthday or other special occasion, treat them to irresistable goodness they’ll love.

Godiva Chocolatier Classic Gold Ballotin CandyGodiva Chocolatier Classic Gold Ballotin CandyVérifiez le prix

This exquisite signature gift box features a fine assortment of decadent Belgian dark, white, and milk chocolates. This iconic Gold Ballotin features classics such as Milk Chocolate Embrace, Dark Mint Medallion, and White Chocolate Demitasse. Finished with a gold and brown ribbon, it’s a memorable gift.

Ferrero Rocher Hazelnut Chocolates, 48 Ct.Ferrero Rocher Hazelnut Chocolates, 48 Ct.Vérifiez le prix

This beautiful gift box contains 48 of the most delicious chocolates inside. Imagine smooth chocolately cream surrounding a hazel nut. It tastes just like heaven.

Lindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate TrufflesLindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate TrufflesVérifiez le prix

Silky-smooth, rich and creamy favorites, covered in generous milk chocolate. Savor them slowly, once you break the shell, you’ll melt away with its soft center’s mouth-watering flavor.

SNICKERS Slice n’ Share Giant Chocolate CandySNICKERS Slice n Share Giant Chocolate CandyVérifiez le prix

Featuring rich, chewy milk chocolate, peanuts, caramel, and nougat, this gigantic 1-pound individually wrapped Snickers Slice ‘n Share bar is clearly meant for sharing. But it’s soooo good, you won’t want to share.

Hershey’s 5-Pound Candy BarHersheys 5-Pound Candy BarVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love Hershey’s chocolate? Give you eleven year old chocolate lover the ultimate Hershey’s chocolate bar with this super large 5 pound Hershey’s chocolate bar.

World’s Largest Gummy BearWorlds Largest Gummy BearVérifiez le prix

Is there a tween on Earth who doesn’t love gummy bears? Assuming your tween loves gummy bears, this gigantic 5-pounder would be the perfect surprise for that special occasion. It’s roughly one thousand times the size of a regular gummy bear and it serves up at least 50 servings of pure goodness. How’s that for a super-sized gift to make their day?!

Kracie Popin DIY Japanese Candy KitKracie Popin DIY Japanese Candy KitVérifiez le prix

Featuring Sushi House, Hamburger, Donuts, Bento, Taiyaki Odango, Nerican, Cake Shop, Takoyaki, and more, this impressive bundle features 9 of the most popular Kracie Popin Cookin treats, a variety with something for everyone to enjoy.

Astronaut Neapolitan Ice CreamAstronaut Neapolitan Ice CreamVérifiez le prix

This individually packaged sweet treat features true delights, including Neapolitan, Mint, Cookies and Cream, and 2 ice cream sandwiches. This freeze dried dessert pack makes a delightful surprise for any occasion.

Great Northern Candy Gumball MachineGreat Northern Candy Gumball MachineVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want a gumball machine at home? This gumball machine is just like the real thing with sturdy glass and a stand. You can use it to dispense gumballs or even other small snacks.

Star Wars Darth Vader Ceramic MugStar Wars Darth Vader Ceramic MugVérifiez le prix

Star Wars fans will think this sculpted Darth Vader Ceramic Mug is awesome. The scultpting is incredibly well done and looks just like his likeness from the Dark Side. It’s a huge mug that holds more than you may expect. Super cool gift idea for any Star Wars fan!

GUND Pusheen 12 oz MugGUND Pusheen 12 oz MugVérifiez le prix

Is there anything cuter than this Gund Pusheen mug? This is super adorable featuring Pusheen with a fun polka dot backdrop. This porcelain mug holds 12 ounces of your favorite beverage. It’s very sturdy and perfect for hot or cold drinks plus it’s microwave and dishwasher safe. Best of all, it doesn’t fade even after multiple washes.

Curious Chef 27-Piece Foundation SetCurious Chef 27-Piece Foundation SetVérifiez le prix

This 27-piece Foundation Set from Curious Chef is perfect for kids who want to help out in the kitchen. The set comes with an apron, hat, mitts, cookie cutters, measuring spoon, measuring cup sets, mixing bowl, rolling pin, whisk, and more. These are free from BPA so they are safe to use with food. Tweens will have so much fun cooking in the kitchen.

Holstein Housewares Cupcake MakerHolstein Housewares Cupcake MakerVérifiez le prix

Making cupcakes just got a whole lot easier with this fun cup cake maker. Just make your batter and place it inside the cup maker. You’ll have 6 perfect delicious, spongy cupcakes in about 10 minutes. Your kids can focus on the most important part – decorating them.

YonanasYonanasVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love ice cream? Yonanas lets you create ice cream out of frozen fruit. Strawberry, mango, banana, and more. The difference? It is so much healthier.

Nostalgia Electrics GCM600 Gummy Candy MakerNostalgia Electrics GCM600 Gummy Candy MakerVérifiez le prix

Why buy gummy bears when you can make your own? Simply use jello and unflavored gelatin. It has fun molds so you can create fish, worms, and bears. It’s tons of fun and you never have to buy gummy bears again.

Cooluli Mini FridgeCooluli Mini FridgeVérifiez le prix

Looking for a compact fridge for your 11 year old’s room? This mini fridge from Cooluli offers a compact solution with a small footprint and spacious interior capable of holding about a dozen cans of their favorite beverage. What’s cool? It dual purpose meaning it can be used as a cooler and food warmer in one design. So you can choose to keep drinks cold or keep your food warm – it’s your choice and it can be changed at anytime. Choose from three different color options.

Unicorn Snot Glitter Gel for Body and FaceUnicorn Snot Glitter Gel for Body and FaceVérifiez le prix

There’s something that sounds so magical about Unicorn Snot. Not! It’s a dry glitter gel used for highlighting your face, body, and even hair. It works with other cosmetics and lasts long plus it can be easily washed away. And – no – there weren’t any unicorns harmed in the creation of this product.

Bag of Unicorn FartsBag of Unicorn FartsVérifiez le prix

Ever wonder what a unicorn’s farts would taste like? You’re in luck because someone has gone to great lengths to capture a unicorn’s farts in this magical bag. Not! While it’s not exactly a unicorn’s fart, it is cotton candy and it makes a delicious and funny gag gift. A gift sure to make anyone laugh.

Jelly Belly Bean Boozled Spinner GameJelly Belly Bean Boozled Spinner GameVérifiez le prix

11 year old tweens will love the game of Bean Boozled. While there are a handful of tasty jelly bean flavors, there’s also a good share of plain weird and wild flavors, which makes this extra fun. It’s like Russian Roulette but nobody gets killed here. That is, unless you die from eating a nasty flavor. Ha! Ha! Who’s ready to play Bean Boozled?!!

Indoor Snowball FightIndoor Snowball FightVérifiez le prix

Don’t want to wait until winter to have a snowball fight? You’re in the same boat as so many others. Thankfully, we have Snowtime Anytime. Some mad genious dreamt up this idea and brought it to reality. It’s legit and feels just like snow. It’s war time! Who’s ready for a snowball fight?!!

Money MazeMoney MazeVérifiez le prix

If you can’t decide on a gift and want to gift money – make your 11 year old work for it with Money Maze. It’s a fun maze that they have to get through to gain access to their money. It’s a great way to spruce up those last minute gifts.

Puzzle Pod CryptexPuzzle Pod CryptexVérifiez le prix

The Puzzle Pod is a cool way to gift money and other small gifts. It’s simple to use. Simply place your gift into the chamber so it’s visible and then you create a code. You’ll want to give the recipient a few clues so they can attempt to gain access to the visible prize. It’s a great way to turn gifting into an adventure!

Prank Pack iArmPrank Pack iArmVérifiez le prix

Wrap your gift in a really funny box with this iArm Prank Pack. While the box may look legit, the iArm is not a real product. It’s designed to look real with the professional presentation, but it’s a fake product sure to make them laugh. But wait a minute! Wouldn’t it be cool to have an iArm and have your world an arm’s length away?!

Magic 8 Ball Retro EditionMagic 8 Ball Retro EditionVérifiez le prix

The Magic 8 Ball Retro Edition brings back a classic. This is a fun gift for tweens. It can answer any yes or no question you throw its way. It’s perfect for fortune telling fun and the kids can never have enough fun with this ball!

Feisty PetsFeisty PetsVérifiez le prix

Kids are having so much fun with the Fiesty Pets. At first glance, they look sooo adorably cute. Who could resist one of these? But wait until you see their fiesty side revealed by pressing it at the back of the ears. Boys love showing it to their sisters and scaring the bejeebers out of them. It’s epic fun! Choose from a variety of Fiesty Pets.

ICUP DC Comics’ Character Kids ApronICUP DC Comics Character Kids ApronVérifiez le prix

If your tween loves cooking, these DC Comics superhero aprons are sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face. They’ll feel empowered and powerful like a true superhero and just may be able to whip up some amazing superpowered meals … or maybe not! In any case, they’ll love these cool aprons.

At age 11, most kids this age don’t have a part time job since they are in school. Still, they love shopping on their own. Movie passes and gift cards are always a good idea. Girls love shopping for their own clothes. A gift card to their favorite store makes a great gift.

What are fun gifts for 11 year old boys or girls? Faites-le nous savoir dans les commentaires ci-dessous.