Elle a 11 ans! Elle attend d’avoir 11 ans depuis l’âge de 10 ans. Elle est drôle, intelligente, confiante et talentueuse. Elle aime sortir avec ses amis. À 11 ans, elle va subir tellement de changements physiques et émotionnels qu’elle n’a pas connus depuis la petite enfance. Tenez-vous bien! Si ce n’est pas déjà fait, elle va traverser une énorme poussée de croissance.

Peux-tu le croire? Votre petite princesse est presque une adolescente. Dites-lui de faire un vœu. Il vaut mieux ne pas parler des garçons. C’est une pensée effrayante. Bien que chaque fille de 11 ans ne soit pas la même, voici les étapes communes pour les filles de 11 ans.

Quand vous avez 11 ans, beaucoup de filles commencent à grandir avec des poupées et des jouets. Vous êtes en quelque sorte coincé entre être un enfant et un adolescent. Alors, quels sont les meilleurs cadeaux d’anniversaire et de Noël pour les filles de 11 ans? En organisant tout par catégorie, nous avons rassemblé plus de 800 idées de cadeaux pour les filles de 11 ans qui sont parfaites pour les anniversaires et Noël.

Qui n’aime pas acheter des grenouillères, des pyjamas et des vêtements de nuit? C’est toujours amusant d’acheter son pyjama pour Noël ou son anniversaire. Nous avons trouvé les plus mignons dans lesquels elle voudra se blottir.

Ensemble de sommeil à col en V Butterflies de Calvin KleinEnsemble de sommeil à col en V Butterflies de Calvin KleinVérifiez le prix

Bien qu’elle ait peut-être dépassé tous les pyjamas de dessins animés, rien ne dit que vous êtes une grande fille maintenant comme une paire de pyjamas de Calvin Klein. Fabriqués en polyester, ces pyjamas à col v viennent avec un pantalon assorti. Sur le devant du pyjama se trouve un logo Calvin Klein fantaisie. Elle va les porter autant qu’elle le pourra.

Pyjama 2 pièces en coton The Children’s Place pour fillesPyjama 2 pièces en coton The Childrens Place pour fillesVérifiez le prix

Vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec une jolie paire de pyjamas pour Noël! C’est une sorte d’agrafe. Quelqu’un pourrait-il se réveiller en pyjama plus mignon le matin de Noël que ce pyjama sur le thème de Noël? Non seulement il a d’adorables hommes en pain d’épice imprimés sur le bas, mais le haut a le graphisme et la citation les plus adorables. Elle va adorer se réveiller le matin de Noël avant que le Père Noël ne descende de la cheminée.

Chemise de nuit The Children’s PlaceChemise de nuit The Childrens PlaceVérifiez le prix

Si elle aime porter de gros t-shirts fluides au lit, nous avons trouvé cette chemise de nuit vraiment mignonne à manches courtes. Il y a des ananas imprimés partout. Il est parfait pour enfiler dans les soirées pyjama ou la nuit avant d’aller se coucher.

Pyjama «Princess Off-Duty» de The Children’s PlacePyjama décontracté The Childrens Place PrincessVérifiez le prix

Le palais des enfants a des pyjamas confortables très mignons avec des paroles vraiment mignonnes dessus. Elle est peut-être trop grande pour Disney, mais qui n’aime pas les paillettes, les cœurs et les princesses? Chaque princesse a besoin d’une pause après une longue journée. Avec les mots «Princess Off-Duty» imprimés sur le haut et les coeurs estampés sur le bas, c’est une très jolie paire de pyjama 100% coton.

Robe Kimono Joytton SatinRobe Kimono Joytton SatinVérifiez le prix

Rien de tel que de porter une jolie robe rose lorsque vous vous préparez pour une occasion spéciale. Cela rend à peu près n’importe quelle fille si glamour. Celui-ci est parfait pour ses amis et elle pour se réunir pendant la soirée pyjama au spa. Fabriqué en satin léger, c’est la chose la plus proche de la soie.

Serviette de bain pour fillesServiette de bain pour fillesVérifiez le prix

Qui ne voudrait pas vivre dans une robe confortable autour de la maison quand il fait très froid dehors? Fabriquée en molleton, cette robe douce et moelleuse est la chose la plus proche de se promener avec une couverture. Bien qu’il existe en différentes couleurs, celui-ci est d’une magnifique couleur rose. Pour la garder encore plus au chaud, il peut même être acheté avec une capuche. Elle va adorer s’y blottir lorsqu’elle se prépare le matin.

Despicable Me Fluffy The Unicorn Costume Sweat à capucheDespicable Me Fluffy The Unicorn Costume Sweat à capucheVérifiez le prix

Il n’y a rien de plus confortable qu’un sweat à capuche. Ils sont parfaits pour être portés par temps froid à l’extérieur ou même à l’intérieur pendant l’hiver. Ce n’est pas un sweat à capuche ordinaire! Lorsque vous retournez le sweat à capuche, vous vous transformez automatiquement en «Papoy», la licorne de Despicable Me. Quoi de plus cool qu’un sweat à capuche qui se double d’un costume de licorne? Maintenant, c’est magique!

Justice Emoji OnesieJustice Emoji OnesieVérifiez le prix

La justice a des pyjamas colorés vraiment mignons. Si elle aime les emojis et un éclat de couleur, elle tombera amoureuse de cette combinaison Emoji. Non seulement il a des Emojis colorés imprimés partout, mais il a une petite pochette et une capuche emoji. Non seulement elle va être confortable, mais elle adorera prendre des selfies avec.

Dormeuse à capuche Cat & JackDormeuse à capuche Cat & JackVérifiez le prix

C’est un body licorne! Cette énorme combinaison rose pastel avec ourlets de couleur menthe est le moyen idéal pour se mettre au chaud en hiver. La partie la plus cool? Il a un adorable sweat à capuche licorne! Qui ne voudrait pas être à la fois confortable et coloré? Vous pouvez même trouver d’autres personnages amusants dans la ligne.

Sazac Kigurumi OnesieSazac Kigurumi OnesieVérifiez le prix

Les Kigurumis sont des grenouillères originaires du Japon. Le mot kigurumi signifie en fait porter un jouet en peluche. Ces grenouillères sont conçues pour être amples, vous pouvez donc les porter par-dessus un pyjama ou d’autres vêtements. Vous pouvez trouver toutes sortes de personnages câlins mignons, mais pourrait-il y avoir quelque chose de plus magique qu’une licorne? Nous ne le pensons pas! Elle ne voudra pas l’enlever.

Chaussettes K. Bell SneakerChaussettes K. Bell SneakerVérifiez le prix

Les chaussettes folles et colorées font toujours un excellent cadeau ou un bas de Noël pendant les vacances. Qui a besoin de chaussures quand on peut se promener avec des chaussettes qui ressemblent à des chaussures? Parce qu’ils ont l’air assez réalistes, tous ses amis pourraient être convaincus que ce sont des chaussures à première vue, ce pack contient 6 couleurs différentes. La meilleure partie? Vous n’avez pas besoin de nouer de lacets.

Chaussettes Fuzzy Noble MountChaussettes Fuzzy Noble MountVérifiez le prix

Ce ne serait tout simplement pas Noël sans des chaussettes floues colorées. Avec ceux-ci, ses orteils froids vous remercieront. Non seulement ceux-ci sont disponibles en plusieurs couleurs et motifs, ils n’ont pas de fond de patin. Elle va vouloir en remplir tout son tiroir à chaussettes.

Chaussettes Snoozies SlipperChaussettes Snoozies SlipperVérifiez le prix

Tout le monde aime les chaussettes pendant l’hiver, mais ces chaussettes sont encore plus confortables. Ce ne sont pas vraiment des pantoufles car elles n’ont pas vraiment de semelle dure. Au lieu de cela, ils sont un peu comme de vraies chaussettes floues mignonnes avec lesquelles vous pouvez vous détendre dans la maison. Et qui ne tomberait pas amoureux de chaussettes qui ressemblent à de petits chiots?

Chaussons à griffes grizzli marronChaussons à griffes grizzli marronVérifiez le prix

Oh mon Dieu, quels pieds velus vous avez! Les pantoufles Wishpet sont comme de petits jouets en peluche que vous portez à vos pieds qui non seulement vous rendent les pieds mignons, mais les gardent au chaud. Vous pouvez trouver tous les types de pattes d’animaux, des grizzlis aux tortues. Pourrait-il y avoir quelque chose de plus adorable que de marcher dans la maison avec des pieds d’ours? Ils sont parfaits pour être portés avec une partie d’un costume ou d’une combinaison.

Chaussons animaux Happy FeetChaussons animaux Happy FeetVérifiez le prix

Qui ne voudrait pas porter de pantoufles en peluche amusantes aux pieds? En vedette sur le Shark Tank, Happy Feet est une ligne de pantoufles en peluche qui viennent dans tous les différents styles adorables des chiens aux pantoufles de lapin rose. 100% polyester, elles ont une semelle en caoutchouc. Non seulement ils lui rendront les pieds heureux, mais ils laisseront un grand sourire sur son visage.

Pantoufles de dessin animé mignon EmojiPantoufles de dessin animé mignon EmojiVérifiez le prix

Si elle ne peut pas obtenir suffisamment d’émojis sur son téléphone, elle va adorer ces pantoufles à thème emoji. Bien que celui-ci soit un emoji de merde, ils sont de différents types afin que vous puissiez trouver son emoji préféré. C’est une façon amusante pour elle d’exprimer sa personnalité amusante sans même rien dire.

Pantoufle Acorn Moc pour enfantPantoufle ACORN Kids Acorn MocVérifiez le prix

Fabriquées en micropolaire super douce sur la tige, les pantoufles Acorn Moc se déclinent en plusieurs motifs colorés. Ils ont une semelle intérieure douce conçue pour la garder au sec. La semelle en caoutchouc antidérapante l’empêchera de glisser accidentellement sur tout type de surface. Ils sont parfaits pour être portés à l’intérieur et même pour sortir les poubelles. Le seul problème? Elle voudra une paire différente pour chaque jour de la semaine.

Chausson Minnetonka CassieChausson Minnetonka CassieVérifiez le prix

Les chaussons Minnetonka Cassie garderont ses pieds au chaud même en hiver. Disponibles en différentes couleurs, ces mocassins confortables à enfiler sont en daim. La doublure intérieure confortable est conçue pour garder ses pieds au chaud et la semelle en caoutchouc antidérapante est conçue pour la garder en sécurité. La meilleure partie? Ils sont la chose la plus proche des pantoufles UGG sans le grand prix.

Pantoufle UGG Kids ‘K Cozy IIChaussons UGG Kids K Cozy IIVérifiez le prix

Disponibles dans des couleurs à la mode, ces pantoufles UGG sont conçues pour vivre leur nom – COSY. Fabriquées en daim avec une doublure en peau de mouton chaude, ces pantoufles sont incroyablement confortables. Les semelles de soutien sont parfaites pour l’intérieur et même pour un voyage rapide à l’extérieur autour de la piscine ou de l’allée. Ils sont la chose la plus proche du paradis pour vos pieds. Elle ne voudra pas les retirer.

Diapositive Steve MaddenDiapositive Steve MaddenVérifiez le prix

Il n’y a rien de plus confortable qu’une belle paire de toboggans. Non seulement ils sont confortables, mais ils sont un excellent moyen de montrer vos pieds. Steve Madden fabrique tous les types de toboggans pour les filles de 11 ans qui sont ornés de fourrure, d’arcs et de designs amusants. Ils courent petit donc vous devez dimensionner.

Pyjama d’anniversaire de pyjamaPyjama d'anniversaire de pyjamaVérifiez le prix

Quelle meilleure façon de célébrer un anniversaire qu’avec un pyjama sur le thème de l’anniversaire. Votre adolescente sera la star de sa soirée pyjama avec ce pyjama à imprimé cupcake personnalisable original. Fabriqué en 100% coton, ce cadeau unique peut être personnalisé avec son nom et sa date d’anniversaire.

Pantalon de pyjama Alki’iPantalon de pyjama AlkiiVérifiez le prix

Tout le monde veut des confitures Victoria Secret, mais elles sont super chères. Sérieusement, ce bas de pyjama est la prochaine meilleure chose. Fabriqués en molleton 100% polyester, ils sont également disponibles dans les imprimés les plus mignons, du renne au bonhomme de neige. Ils peuvent vous sentir tout Noël.

Cache-couche animal Licorne EmollyCache-couche animal Licorne EmollyVérifiez le prix

Lorsque vous êtes de mauvaise humeur, que vous avez un essai à écrire, qu’il pleut dehors ou que le gars que vous aimez ne vous remarque pas, il n’y a rien de plus réconfortant qu’un onsie. Baggy, chaleureux et adorable, tous les 13 ans devraient en avoir un. Avec plusieurs personnages au choix, ceux-ci sont super mignons. Qui pourrait laisser passer la chance d’être licorne?

Peignoir Richie House avec oreilles Peignoir Richie House avec oreilles Vérifiez le prix

Il est difficile de survivre aux mois d’hiver. Faites passer votre confort au niveau supérieur avec cette adorable robe. Fabriqué en 100% polyester, il est livré avec un sweat à capuche avec de petites oreilles d’animaux. Avoir besoin! Quand elle enfile, elle ressemblera à un grand bar en peluche. Tout le monde voudra lui faire un gros câlin.

À travers la mode, elle va commencer à exprimer son individualité en changeant sa façon de s’habiller. Votre petite fashionista va adorer les vêtements, les sacs et les chaussures. Découvrez ces cadeaux pour les filles de 11 ans.

Sweat à capuche court Mackenzie Ziegler Shimmer Music Sweat à capuche court Mackenzie Ziegler Shimmer Music Vérifiez le prix

La pétillante Mackenzie Ziegler est connue pour ses mouvements de danse et sa voix incroyables, mais maintenant elle ajoute un design de mode au mélange. Elle a collaboré avec Justice pour une nouvelle ligne de vêtements de danse. La ligne a tout, des hauts aux leggings conçus pour inspirer les filles. Ce sweat à capuche court a les mots «Love Dance» écrits sur la manche et a fière allure lorsqu’il est associé à un jean taille haute.

Legging fille City ThreadsLeggings City Threads pour fillesVérifiez le prix

Il n’y a rien de plus confortable et polyvalent qu’une paire de leggings. Ils sont tellement faciles à enfiler avec à peu près n’importe quelle tenue. Fabriqués aux États-Unis, ceux-ci sont même parfaits pour être portés sous des uniformes scolaires quand il fait trop froid dehors. Ils viennent dans une variété de couleurs, ce qui les rend amusants à mélanger et à assortir.

Sweat ras du cou Campus ROSESweat ras du cou Campus ROSEVérifiez le prix

Elle vous a probablement supplié pendant des semaines, des mois, des minutes et des années d’aller à Victoria Secret PINK. Alors que ses amis portent peut-être des vêtements de Pink, c’est vraiment aux parents de décider si Victoria’s Secret convient à leur fille de 11 ans. Bien que la plupart des vêtements en rose soient conçus pour les adolescents, elle serait heureuse avec un sweat à capuche rose, un sweat-shirt, une combinaison, une couverture ou même un chapeau.

Legging adidas Originals à 3 bandes pour femmeadidas Originals - Legging 3 bandes pour femmeVérifiez le prix

Les leggings font désormais partie de la tendance sportive d’aujourd’hui. Beaucoup de filles échangent des leggings contre des jeans parce qu’ils sont tellement plus confortables et faciles à porter. Semblables à une bonne paire de pantalons de survêtement mais plus élégants, ceux-ci d’Adidas ont une coupe flatteuse. Ils ont les 3 bandes classiques sur les jambes. Il est facile de l’associer à des sweats à capuche, des baskets et à peu près tout.

Veste de survêtement adidas SuperstarVeste de survêtement adidas SuperstarVérifiez le prix

Il n’y a rien de mieux qu’une veste de survêtement Adidas classique et légère. Avec un look intemporel, c’est quelque chose dont chaque adolescente a besoin dans son placard. Avec son design à 3 bandes, il se marie très bien avec un pantalon de survêtement Adidas. Il a fière allure avec tout, qu’il soit associé à des tenues décontractées ou complet sur des vêtements de sport. Elle voudra le porter, qu’elle se rende au gymnase ou non.

Pantalon de yoga Core 10 «Créez le vôtre»Core 10 Créez votre propre pantalon de yogaVérifiez le prix

Conçue pour concurrencer les marques de sport haut de gamme, Amazon a lancé une nouvelle marque sportive haut de gamme appelée Core10 pour les clients Prime. Il existe de nombreux articles athlétiques différents dans la ligne, mais l’article le plus cool vous permet de créer vos propres leggings. Vous pouvez tout choisir, de la longueur au style de ceinture, créant la paire de leggings parfaite.

Sweat à capuche à tissage inversé ChampionSweat à capuche à tissage inversé ChampionVérifiez le prix

Le champion est de retour. Y a-t-il quelque chose de plus confortable qu’un sweat à capuche pendant la saison d’hiver? Conçu pour être ample, ce sweat à capuche est parfait pour réussir n’importe quel style de rue. Il comporte un petit logo Champion sur la manche et un plus grand logo Champion sur la poitrine. Elle va vouloir lever la capuche, se blottir et enfoncer ses mains dans les poches tout l’hiver.

Chemise Ella ivoireChemise Ella ivoireVérifiez le prix

Lorsque la plupart d’entre nous achètent des cadeaux, nous n’y pensons pas vraiment. Ne serait-ce pas cool si une entreprise redonnait? Lorsque vous achetez une chemise Ivory Ella, vous obtenez non seulement une chemise mignonne, mais vous aidez l’entreprise à redonner à une cause caritative. L’entreprise fait don de 10% de ses bénéfices à Save the Elephants, ce qui contribue à mettre un terme à la cruauté envers les éléphants. Chaque chemise est accompagnée d’un magnifique logo Elephant, qui symbolise votre soutien à la cause.

Chemise Vineyard VinesChemise Vineyard VinesVérifiez le prix

Il n’y a rien de plus preppy qu’une chemise Vineyard Vines. Les chemises de la société sont devenues de plus en plus populaires et tout le monde a commencé à les porter. L’une des choses les plus uniques sur les chemises est le logo Happy Whale sur elles. Fabriquée en 100% coton, cette chemise décontractée est la chemise de tous les jours idéale. Il a un petit logo de baleine sur le devant, un plus grand logo de baleine sur le dos et les mots « Vineyard Vines » inscrits sur la manche. Le seul problème? Elle ne voudra pas porter d’autre chemise.

Veste en jeanVeste en jeanVérifiez le prix

Apparemment, tout le monde a besoin d’une veste en jean. Si vous allez vous procurer une veste en jean, consultez celle-ci de Wrangler. Contrairement à d’autres vestes en jean, il a une belle extensibilité. La coupe est suffisamment mince pour être portée avec une robe estivale en dessous, mais pas trop serrée pour que vous ne puissiez pas la superposer en dessous. Chaque fois que vous voulez opter pour ce look robuste, enfilez simplement cette veste en jean avec une paire de jeans.

Veste North Face ResolveVeste North Face ResolveVérifiez le prix

Chaque fois qu’il fait froid et commence à pleuvoir, il est temps de sortir la veste Northface Resolve. Fabriqué dans un matériau imperméable et respirant spécialement conçu, il repousse l’eau. Les deux poches zippées pratiques et le col montant aideront à garder le froid à l’extérieur. Qu’elle veuille promener le chien ou qu’il pleuve dehors, il est assez léger pour être porté avec des couches.

Écharpe Harry PotterÉcharpe Harry PotterVérifiez le prix

Avec les couleurs et le logo rayés, cette écharpe ressemble exactement aux écharpes que Harry Potter et sa classe portaient dans les films Harry Potter. Une fois qu’elle aura enfilé ce foulard, elle deviendra sorcière. Ce n’est qu’une question de temps avant qu’elle ne reçoive sa lettre de l’École de sorcellerie de Poudlard et sa lettre de sorcier. Le seul problème? Elle va vouloir déménager dans un endroit froid pour pouvoir le porter tous les jours.

Harry Potter T Shirt Poudlard écoleHarry Potter T Shirt Poudlard écoleVérifiez le prix

Si elle est prête à porter son amour pour Harry Potter au niveau supérieur, elle aura besoin de ce T-shirt de Poudlard. Fabriqué en 100% coton, il arbore un magnifique logo d’écusson de la maison Gryffondor sur le devant. Disponible en plusieurs tailles, c’est le cadeau parfait pour tout fan de Serpentard. Les autocollants inclus s’ajoutent à l’ensemble.

Sweatshirt Hawkins Middle School AV ClubSweatshirt Hawkins Middle School AV ClubVérifiez le prix

Est-elle obsédée par Stanger Things? Se déroulant dans les années 80, cette série Sci Fi est impossible de ne pas binge watch sur Netflix. Maintenant, elle peut avoir l’air d’aller à Hawkins Middle School avec cet adorable sweat-shirt. Le seul problème? Elle pourrait aussi développer une obsession pour le sweat-shirt.

Sac de corde KAVUSac de corde KAVUVérifiez le prix

Qui a besoin d’un sac à main lorsque ce sac Kavu Rope est l’alternative parfaite? Fabriqué en coton robuste et disponible dans des motifs amusants, il se glisse facilement sur le dos. La meilleure partie? Il garde ses mains libres. Il a beaucoup d’espace à l’intérieur pour contenir toutes ses nécessités. A l’extérieur, il dispose de 2 petites poches pour les petits objets. De plus, il y a deux compartiments verticaux pour ranger des articles plus gros.

Mini sac à dos en similicuirMini sac à dos en similicuirVérifiez le prix

Comment faites-vous un sac à dos plus mignon? Rétrécissez-le! Chaque fille semble échanger son sac contre un de ces mini sacs à dos. Fabriqué en similicuir, ce mini sac à dos est susceptible d’être son truc préféré quand elle va faire du shopping. Ce n’est pas vraiment conçu pour l’école mais comme une alternative au transport d’un sac à main. Il est parfait pour ranger toutes ses nécessités, y compris son portefeuille, ses clés et son téléphone.

Étui à crayons LIHIT LABÉtui à crayons LIHIT LABVérifiez le prix

Disponible en différentes couleurs, c’est une trousse à crayons vraiment soignée. Dans la plupart des étuis à crayons, vous y déposez tout et vous passez des heures à essayer de trouver ce que vous cherchez. Celui-ci comporte différentes sections comme un livre pour garder tout organisé. Tous les compartiments sont tous facilement accessibles. Vous pouvez coller à peu près tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour l’école à l’intérieur, y compris des crayons, des stylos et des gommes à effacer.

Sac hybride Harry PotterSac hybride Harry PotterVérifiez le prix

Lui offrir un portefeuille est une très bonne idée de cadeau, mais celle-ci est parfaite pour les fans de Harry Potter. Non seulement il y est écrit École de sorcellerie et de sorcellerie, mais il contient également des correctifs Harry Potter. Conçue pour être un portefeuille, cette pochette ne remplace pas vraiment un sac à main. Il peut être porté à la main mais est livré avec une bandoulière amovible.

Étui à fermeture éclair Vera BradleyÉtui à fermeture éclair Vera BradleyVérifiez le prix

L’un des articles cadeaux les plus populaires de Vera Bradley est l’étui Zip ID. Il existe de nombreux modèles attrayants. Ce portefeuille léger a 2 compartiments. Le compartiment transparent est parfait pour ranger votre carte d’identité et vos cartes-cadeaux. La poche arrière est parfaite pour l’argent et les pièces. La fermeture éclair garde tout en sécurité. C’est un excellent article à avoir lorsque vous n’avez pas besoin de transporter quelque chose d’aussi gros.

Vera Bradley Your Turn Smartphone WristletVera Bradley Your Turn Smartphone WristletVérifiez le prix

Avec des motifs colorés amusants que vous attendez de Vera Bradley, ce bracelet en coton matelassé est parfait si elle a déjà un smartphone. Il a un verrou tournant sur le devant qui permet au portefeuille de s’ouvrir. À l’intérieur, il a une poche pour son smartphone, de la place pour ses cartes et son argent, et une poche zippée pour ses pièces. Les sections gardent tout organisé afin que vous puissiez facilement trouver ce que vous recherchez.

Housse pour ordinateur portable CanvaslifeHousse pour ordinateur portable CanvaslifeVérifiez le prix

Si elle a un ordinateur portable et veut un moyen mignon de transporter son ordinateur portable, ce sac pour ordinateur portable de Canvaslife est parfait. Les sacs pour ordinateur portable noirs sont fonctionnels mais ils ne sont pas exactement à la mode. Avec un beau design floral et une couleur marine, celui-ci est à la fois fonctionnel et à la mode. En plus de la pochette pour ordinateur portable, il dispose de 2 poches pour ranger les accessoires. Avec 2 tailles différentes, il peut accueillir des ordinateurs portables jusqu’à 15 pouces.

Vera Bradley Little Cross BodyVera Bradley Little Cross BodyVérifiez le prix

Si elle recherche son premier sac à main, ce petit sac bandoulière de Vera Bradley est parfait. Il est disponible dans les imprimés vifs et colorés emblématiques de Vera Bradley. Il y a une poche plaquée facile d’accès pour ranger des objets plus petits et un compartiment principal zippé. Semblable à la taille d’un sac à cosmétiques, c’est un sac à main compact qui est la taille parfaite pour les filles de 11 ans.

Sac bandoulière Vera Bradley à fermeture éclair tripleSac bandoulière Vera Bradley à fermeture éclair tripleVérifiez le prix

Si elle a besoin de beaucoup d’espace, ne cherchez pas plus loin que le Hipster Triple Zip de Vera Bradley. Doté des motifs emblématiques de Vera Bradley, ce sac bandoulière est en coton matelassé. Il dispose d’une bandoulière réglable, ce qui le rend parfait pour n’importe quelle fille. Il y a une tonne de poches sur ce sac qui gardent tout organisé. En fait, ce sac iconique tire son nom de ses 3 compartiments zippés.

AmazonBasics Classic BackpackAmazonBasics Classic BackpackVérifiez le prix

Vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec ce sac à dos basique d’Amazon. Ce sac à dos n’a rien d’extraordinaire mais vous obtenez une tonne de fonctionnalités pour un prix très abordable. Partout où vous regardez, il y a une poche. Il y a une poche avant, 2 poches latérales et un compartiment principal. Dans le compartiment principal, il y a encore d’autres compartiments pour séparer vos articles.

JanSport Superbreak BackpackJanSport Superbreak BackpackVérifiez le prix

Le JanSport Superbreak est probablement le sac à dos le plus populaire de tous les temps. Ceci est un excellent sac à dos pour l’école. La meilleure partie? Chaque année, JanSport sort de nouveaux imprimés. Maintenant, il est disponible dans des imprimés amusants comme cet imprimé ananas. Bien qu’il soit disponible dans des motifs amusants, il présente de superbes fonctionnalités comme des bretelles rembourrées, un grand compartiment principal et un petit compartiment à l’avant. De quoi avez-vous besoin de plus dans un sac à dos?

Sac à dos Vera Bradley CampusSac à dos Vera Bradley CampusVérifiez le prix

Disponible dans les imprimés à la mode amusants pour lesquels Vera Bradley est connue, le sac à dos Campus a tellement de poches et tellement d’espace à l’intérieur pour les livres, l’électronique et les fournitures. A l’avant, il y a 2 poches. Il a des porte-bouteilles d’eau des deux côtés. Dans la poche principale, il y a une tonne d’espace pour les livres et les fournitures.

Sac à dos Fjallraven KankenSac à dos Fjallraven KankenVérifiez le prix

Les sacs à dos normaux sont cool mais les Fjallraven Kankens sont encore plus impressionnants. Tout d’abord, ils viennent dans les plus belles couleurs. Bien qu’ils semblent compacts, ils contiennent en fait une tonne de choses à l’intérieur et sont parfaits pour le collège. Vous pouvez insérer 3 classeurs à anneaux, quelques manuels et même un ordinateur portable. La meilleure partie? Elle transportera ses affaires avec style.

Sac à dos pour fille The Children’s PlaceSac à dos The Childrens Place GirlsVérifiez le prix

Le Palais des Enfants a une tonne de jolis sacs à dos à un prix très raisonnable. Celui-ci a une impression Emoji colorée amusante qui est parfaite pour les amateurs d’Emoji. Nous aimons vraiment qu’il dispose de 2 poches en filet sur le côté pour contenir deux bouteilles d’eau. Sur le devant, il a une pochette zippée. Le compartiment principal peut facilement contenir un classeur à 3 anneaux et ses affaires d’école. Elle ne pourra pas attendre pour commencer l’école juste pour pouvoir montrer le design. Vous pouvez même trouver une boîte à lunch assortie.

Vera Bradley Lunch BunchVera Bradley Lunch BunchVérifiez le prix

Pourquoi transporter votre déjeuner dans un sac brun ennuyeux alors que vous pouvez le porter avec style avec ce sac à lunch de Vera Bradley? Fabriqué en coton et polyester matelassé, il se décline dans des motifs colorés. À l’extérieur, il y a une place pour votre pièce d’identité en cas de perte. La doublure intérieure facilite le nettoyage. Mesurant 7,5 X 9 pouces, il a juste assez de place pour votre déjeuner.

Sac de plage World Traveler 13,5 poucesSac de plage World Traveler 13,5 poucesVérifiez le prix

Vous ne pouvez pas aller à la plage sans un sac fourre-tout élégant. Disponible en plusieurs modèles, ce sac de plage a suffisamment de place pour tous les éléments essentiels dont vous avez besoin pour une journée à la plage, y compris un écran solaire, des lunettes de soleil, des sandales, des serviettes et un changement de vêtements. Il y a même une poche zippée sur le devant et un porte-bouteille sur le côté. Vous êtes maintenant prêt à profiter du soleil.

Grand sac polochon Vera BradleyGrand sac polochon Vera BradleyVérifiez le prix

Si elle aime voyager, elle ne voudra pas voler sans ce sac polochon de Vera Bradley. Parce qu’il est offert dans une merveilleuse gamme d’imprimés, vous pouvez voyager avec style. Vous pouvez le porter avec les poignées ou le jeter sur vos épaules pour passer les mains libres à l’aéroport. Non seulement il a suffisamment d’espace pour vous permettre de passer le week-end, mais aussi pendant toute une semaine.

Porte-clés boule en fausse fourrure URSFURPorte-clés boule en fausse fourrure URSFURVérifiez le prix

Qui n’aime rien de mignon et de câlin? Maintenant, vous pouvez faire n’importe quoi avec un porte-clés pom pom. Ce porte-clés en fourrure est un accessoire de mode amusant que les filles peuvent mettre dans un sac à main ou un sac à dos. Fabriqué en fausse fourrure, celui-ci est disponible dans toutes les couleurs différentes qui est facile à coordonner avec différentes tenues.

Totes Kids Bubble UmbrellaTotes Kids Bubble UmbrellaVérifiez le prix

Si elle cherche un parapluie adulte, les parapluies à bulles sont trop mignons. C’est très amusant de se tenir sous la pluie en raison de la forme de bulle unique de ce parapluie de Totes. Non seulement il offre plus de couverture que votre parapluie standard, mais parce qu’il est clair qu’elle peut voir où elle va. Parce qu’il est conçu pour les enfants, il est super facile à ouvrir et à fermer sans se soucier de le pincer.

Gants d’éclairage LED clignotants colorésGants d'éclairage LED clignotants colorésVérifiez le prix

Ces gants lumineux sont très amusants pour les fêtes et les fêtes. Ce ne sont pas des gants ordinaires qui gardent vos mains au chaud. Ils ont construit des lumières LED en eux sont très amusants à jouer avec dans l’obscurité. Lorsque vous éteignez les lumières, le plaisir commence. C’est cool de regarder les différents effets d’éclairage émettre du bout des doigts.

Lunettes de soleil œil de chat strass GiselleLunettes de soleil œil de chat strass GiselleVérifiez le prix

Vous ne pouvez pas compléter une tenue sans une paire de nuances cool. Que vous alliez au centre commercial ou à la plage, le bon ensemble de nuances peut transformer votre look. Ces lunettes de soleil œil de chat bon marché sont un excellent moyen de faire passer sa garde-robe au niveau supérieur. Ils ont donné des divots en retrait cool de chaque côté du cadre, ce qui les rend encore plus glamour.

Lunettes rondes Amomoma avec monture transparenteLunettes rondes Amomoma avec monture transparenteVérifiez le prix

La plupart des gens portent des lunettes pour voir, mais porter des lunettes comme une déclaration de mode est en fait une chose. Selon le style que vous choisissez, vous pouvez complètement transformer votre look. Il existe de nombreux styles différents que les jeunes filles peuvent porter, mais nous pensons que ces formes rondes sont mignonnes. Ceux-ci sont livrés avec des verres clairs sans ordonnance.

Broches de broche de dessin animé mignon de mode MeliMeBroches de broche de dessin animé mignon de mode MeliMeVérifiez le prix

La nouvelle collection la plus chaude n’est pas un jouet. Ce sont des épingles en émail. Les filles adorent les utiliser pour habiller des chapeaux, des vêtements ou des sacs à dos. Ils fonctionnent très bien sur les objets de couleur plus foncée. Il y a une épingle pour la personnalité de chaque fille. Disponibles dans de nombreux styles différents, ces mignons sont un moyen amusant pour elle de montrer sa personnalité

C.C. Bonnet Slouchy en maille torsadéeC.C. Bonnet Slouchy en maille torsadéeVérifiez le prix

En ce qui concerne les vêtements, nous avons tous des styles différents, mais la seule chose qui est universelle est les bonnets. Vous ne pouvez jamais avoir trop de bonnets dans votre collection. Ils sont un excellent moyen pour elle de « gérer » ses cheveux quand ils ne veulent pas se comporter. Ce bonnet ample vous garde non seulement au chaud, mais vous fait paraître instantanément plus frais. Même s’il fait chaud dehors, elle va vouloir le porter.

Foulard couverture chaude élégant POSESHEFoulard couverture chaude élégant POSESHEVérifiez le prix

Vous savez quand vous sentez le froid dans l’air, c’est la saison des fêtes. Cela signifie qu’il est temps de sortir les grandes écharpes de couverture. Quoi de plus mignon qu’une écharpe aussi grosse qu’une couverture? À l’automne, il est facile de créer une tenue confortable. Il suffit de mettre un blazer, un jean skinny et des baskets confortables. Ajoutez cette adorable écharpe de couverture et vous ne pourriez pas être plus confortable.

Clip de sac à dos GUND Pusheenicorn Clip de sac à dos GUND Pusheenicorn Vérifiez le prix

Cet adorable charm de sac peut ajouter beaucoup de gentillesse à un sac à main ou à un sac à dos. Il est parfait pour tout amateur de Pusheen. Parce que quoi de plus cool qu’un célèbre chat Internet qui a des pouvoirs magiques de licorne? La magie de ce charme de sac est presque impossible de résister.

Porte-clés Furry Pom PomPorte-clés Furry Pom PomVérifiez le prix

Les sacs à main ont fière allure par eux-mêmes, mais vous pouvez faire passer votre jeu de sacs à main au niveau supérieur en l’accessoirisant avec un joli porte-clés pom pom. C’est beaucoup moins cher que de sortir et d’acheter un tout nouveau sac à main. Ce charme fait une déclaration mignonne sur un sac à dos ou un sac à main.

Casquette adidas Adizero Ii FemmeCasquette adidas Adizero Ii FemmeVérifiez le prix

Rien ne peut couvrir les horreurs d’une mauvaise journée de cheveux comme une casquette de baseball. C’est probablement le meilleur accessoire que vous puissiez avoir dans votre placard. Une grande casquette de baseball peut améliorer toute votre tenue. Celui-ci d’Adidas protège non seulement le soleil de vos yeux, mais il est suffisamment élégant pour être ajouté à n’importe quelle tenue sportive.

Bonnet C.C Ponytail BeanieBonnet C.C Ponytail BeanieVérifiez le prix

Vous ne pourriez jamais vous tromper en lui offrant un joli petit bonnet tricoté. Wouldn’t it be cool if you didn’t have to put your hair down while wearing a beanie? This beanie has an opening for her ponytail to go through. It’s got an interior fleece lining that will keep her warm even on the coldest days. Available in so many assorted colors, you can get a different one for each outfit.

TIJN Wayfarer Nerd GlassesTIJN Wayfarer Nerd GlassesVérifiez le prix

This is a weird trend, but a lot of people with perfectly good eyesight are wearing fake glasses. It’s suddenly become a fashion accessory that people are building entire outfits around. The thicker the frame, the better. Available in a variety of colors, these thick-framed wayfarers are the perfect for making a four-eyed fashion statement.

SojoS Rose Gold Cat Eye SunglassesSojoS Rose Gold Cat Eye SunglassesVérifiez le prix

Available in so many different colors, these inexpensive cat eye sun glasses are super trendy and look more expensive than they actually are. If they look familiar, they are similar to Quay Australian sunglasses, which some of the biggest celebrities are sporting. With a reflective mirrored surface, they are mostly metal and come in our favorite color Rose Gold.

Lock LacesLock LacesVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be cool if you never had to tie your shoes again? With lock laces, once you lace up your shoes and lock them, you don’t have to worry about them again. They work just like normal laces but instead of tying them, there is a locking mechanism that is very easy to adjust. Lock Laces are available in just about every color that you can imagine and a fun way to accessorize your shoes with fun colors.

Salt Water Sandals by Hoy ShoeSalt Water Sandals by Hoy ShoeVérifiez le prix

Salt water sandals have been around forever and are still some of the cutest strappy sandals even today. They are actually designed to get wet. When you soak these sandals in water and let them dry on your feet, they mold to your feet. They come with 2 adjustable buckles that are easy to adjust. They come in so many super cute colors and go great with dresses or shorts.

Sam Edelman Cynthia Leya SneakerSam Edelman Cynthia Leya SneakerVérifiez le prix

How do you make sneakers even cuter? Add cuddly Pom Poms to them. These ones from Sam Edelman are fun to wear with any casual outfit and are definitely a statement piece. The best part? They are available in adult sizes too so you can get one for yourself and becoming matching twins.

adidas Originals Kids’ Superstar Sneakeradidas Originals Kids Superstar SneakerVérifiez le prix

When Adidas Superstars were first released, they were the first low top basketball shoes. Today they have become a staple in just about everybody’s fashion wardrobe. With a black and white design, 3 stripes, and simple look, these shoes are timeless.

adidas Stan Smith J Tennis Shoeadidas Stan Smith J Tennis ShoeVérifiez le prix

Back in 1960, Stan Smiths began their life as a tennis shoe. Now everybody is wearing them. What makes them so popular? They are extremely versatile. Not only are they super comfortable, but also everybody needs simple, clean white shoes. It’s easy to pair them with just about anything.

Heelys Launch Skate ShoeHeelys Launch Skate ShoeVérifiez le prix

Walking around is boring but rolling around everywhere is so much more fun. While they were released in 1999, Heelys are suddenly popular again. These innovative shoes have removeable wheels on them. They are sort of like a combination of shoes and skates. You can walk and run normally with them. When you shift your weight to your heels, they turn into skates.

Skechers Kids Kids’ S Energy Lights SneakerSkechers Kids Kids S Energy Lights SneakerVérifiez le prix

Remember “light up” shoes? Now Sketchers is putting a modern twist on them. You charge these shoes and the soles of the shoes light up different colors. You can even turn on and off the lights. They are cool during the day, but at night they create a cool light show on your feet.

Nike Roshe OneNike Roshe OneVérifiez le prix

Nice Roche Run shoes have taken the fashion world by storm. They are unlike any other shoe because of their lightweight breathable design. These simple stylish sneakers look like running shoes but they are super comfortable and lightweight. Offered in several different styles and with a reasonable price, everybody wants these.

Nike Air HuaracheNike Air HuaracheVérifiez le prix

The Nike Air Huarache is another lifestyle shoe from Nike that is designed for casual use. It’s actually named after a Native American sandal. With a breathable honey comb mesh material in the foot area, there is no better summer shoe. Available in different styles, it’s going to look fresh with any outfit.

Nike Air Max 270Nike Air Max 270Vérifiez le prix

Nike continues to challenge the sneaker market with brand new ideas. There are plenty of Nike Air shoes, but the Air Max 270 is the first pair designed as a lifestyle shoe. The upper part of the shoe is constructed of a breathable mesh, but it’s the air unit on the back that makes it unique. Inspired by the Air Max 93 and Air Max 180, the shoe gets its name from the 270 degrees of visible air on the back of the sole. Nike says the air unit provides maximum cushioning comfort.

Converse SneakersConverse SneakersVérifiez le prix

There is nothing better than going back to school with a pair of cute Converse. Converse Chuck Taylors have been around forever and are still popular today. Because they go with anything, they are the perfect causal sneakers. While basic white shoes are a huge trend, Converse are offered in just about every color from banana yellow to red and even in high tops.

Chuck Low SneakerChuck Low SneakerVérifiez le prix

The one shoe that never seems to lose its popularity is your basic Converse. If you looked up sneaker in the dictionary, you would probably see a pair of Chucks. Available in so many different colorways, these simple shoes are versatile enough to pair with any look.

Vans Old Skool SneakerVans Old Skool SneakerVérifiez le prix

Right now everybody loves the look of Vans Old Skools. It seems like everybody is wearing them on Instagram and it is easy to see why. Covered in a canvas material, they are very versatile shoes that go with just about any outfit. Not only are they stylish, they come in so many cute colors and designs.

Vans Classic Slip-onVans Classic Slip-onVérifiez le prix

One of the hottest shoes isn’t from an upscale brand. It’s a pair of classic slip on Vans, which have been around forever. While they come in different styles, all of the cool kids are embracing the checkered ones. These shoes are super easy to wear and they can be popped on and off without worrying about tying any shoe laces

TOMS TOMS Vérifiez le prix

Available in different styles, Toms are one of the most versatile shoes. You can style these slip-on shoes with just about anything. One of the reasons for their popularity is because they are very comfortable. When you walk around with them for awhile, they stretch out and loosen up. After awhile, you will swear that they were created just for your foot.

Kamik Raindrops Rain BootKamik Raindrops Rain BootVérifiez le prix

There are a lot of different rainboots for kids but these ones from Kamik are built really well. Made of rubber and waterproof, they hold up well even in wet weather. Unlike other rain boots, they have a more grownup style and are offered in colors that are sure to brighten her day. The adjustable buckle allows them to fit just right.

Hunter BootsHunter BootsVérifiez le prix

Hunter Boots are sort of staple in the winter time and in rainy weather. Not only can you get them in different colors, but you can also get them in either a glossy or matte finish. These rain boots are perfectly waterproof so you don’t have to worry about them leaking. The little details on them like the buckles make them look even more adorable. The really great thing about Hunter Boots is that the more you wear them, the more comfortable they become.

Bearpaw Emma Tall Youth BootBearpaw Emma Tall Youth BootVérifiez le prix

Bearpaws are similar to UGG boots, but don’t come with the huge price tag. These boots are designed to keep you comfortable and warm in the winter. With a beautiful suede exterior, they have got a soft cushiony sheepskin lining inside. These tall wool boots look great with jeans, skinnies, or with leggings. Why buy UGGs when you can spend a lot less on these boots?

UGG Bailey Bow BootsUGG Bailey Bow BootsVérifiez le prix

While Chestnut is the classic color that everybody wears, UGG Boots come in so many pretty colors from black to petunia. Made of sheepskin, they are not only the best way to stay comfortable and warm in the winter, they are a great way to pull a winter outfit together. Just throw on a cute sweater, scarf, leggings, and UGG boots and you have a classic winter outfit.

Christie & Jill Kaitlyn Girls Wedge Dress ShoesChristie & Jill Kaitlyn Girls Wedge Dress ShoesVérifiez le prix

It’s always exciting to get your first pair of high heels because it makes you feel all grownup. If she is looking for her first pair of high heels, take a look at these ones from JCPenney. They are dressy enough to wear with any formal outfit. Because they have a wedge heel, they are much easier to walk in than regular high heels. They give her the feeling of wearing high heels and the support that she needs.

adidas Adissage Sandaladidas Adissage SandalVérifiez le prix

Who needs shoes when you can wear these sporty sandals from Adidas everywhere? With an adjustable Velcro top, these sporty sandals sport a slip-on design. The textured foot bed design is contoured to fit her foot perfectly while massaging it at the same time. She is going to love throwing them on after a basketball or volleyball game.

SnooziesSnooziesVérifiez le prix

If you haven’t heard of snoozies, they are a cross between a sock and slipper. They are the softest thing ever and come in incredibly cute patterns. They keep your feet warm and toasty. Your teen is probably going to never want to take them off.

Happy Feet Animal SlippersHappy Feet Animal SlippersVérifiez le prix

Happy Feet aren’t your regular slippers. With a fun and playful style, these slippers are like walking around with big teddy bears on your feet. They come in all types of animal styles from cute kola bears to ferocious sharks. With the padded insulation, they are sure to make your feet happy.

Wishpets Grizzly Bear Paw SlippersWishpets Grizzly Bear Paw SlippersVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want to go around walking with a bunch of bear claws on their feet? Available in pink, these oversized slippers are not only super cute and comfortable but will keep your feet warm. Now if you could just get some bear claws, you would really be set for the winter.

NIKE Women’s Benassi SandalNIKE Womens Benassi SandalVérifiez le prix

Who knew that slippers could be so stylish? These slides from Nike are perfect for lounging around everywhere so you don’t have to walk around barefoot. Available in different colors and patterns, they have a cool colored Nike logo on the top of the sandal. They look great with or without socks. The foot bed is covered with nubs which helps massage your aching feet whenever you take a step.

Noble Mount Fuzzy Winter SocksNoble Mount Fuzzy Winter SocksVérifiez le prix

What’s warm, fuzzy, and colorful? Fuzzy socks! Whether you like them striped, polka dotted, or zigzagged these fuzzy socks will keep your feet warm and toasty during the winter months. With anti skid grippers on the bottom, you never have to worry about slipping on the floor.

Solmate Mismatched SocksSolmate Mismatched SocksVérifiez le prix

This might sound strange, but 13 year old girls are totally into socks. Everybody has matching socks. Here is a little something different from Solmate. They are mismatched socks with the most adorable patterns on them. Get these and your feet will be happy.

The New Braiding HandbookThe New Braiding HandbookVérifiez le prix

You can only do the same old hairstyle so many times before even you get bored of it. Whether it is your birthday or a wedding, Abby Smith has tons of super cute ideas to style you hair into in The New Braiding Handbook. While some of them look like something only a hair stylish could bring to life, Abby Smith makes it super easy to follow along with simple pictures and directions. The best part? Most of them don’t take long to pull off.

Batiste Dry Shampoo, OriginalBatiste Dry Shampoo, OriginalVérifiez le prix

If there is one hair product that every girl needs, it is Batiste dry shampoo. With this dry shampoo, you don’t even need to wet your hair to get it clean. They say you shouldn’t wash your hair everyday, but if you have tried to, you know it can get super oily. Dry Shampoo allows you to go without washing your hair everyday because it soaks up excess oil. The best part? It leaves your hair smelling great and volumized.

Conair Topsytail All in One StylingConair Topsytail All in One StylingVérifiez le prix

It’s hard coming up with new styles for your hair on your own. The Topsy Tail is an inexpensive tool that promises to make styling your ponytail easy. While it takes some practice, it can take a regular ponytail and make it look majestic. Once you understand how to use it, you can create some really cool looks that look like they took forever, but only took you a minute to pull off.

Turbie Twist Hair TowelTurbie Twist Hair TowelVérifiez le prix

Everybody loves a big fluffy towel but it’s not the best way to dry you hair. Made out of microfiber, the Turbie Twist is designed to dry your hair faster than a bath towel without damaging it. While it is super absorbent, it is super lightweight and easy to tie into a turban compared to a regular bath towel.

Wet Brush Pro Detangle Hair BrushWet Brush Pro Detangle Hair BrushVérifiez le prix

Don’t you hate detangling hair? If you have never heard of the infamous Wet Brush, it could literally change the way you brush your hair. Why is it called “The Wet Brush?” You are supposed to use it on wet hair so you can use it in the shower with conditioner. The special flexible bristles are designed to detangle your wet hair without any pulling or screaming.

Goody Women’s Ouchless ScrunchieGoody Womens Ouchless ScrunchieVérifiez le prix

Nobody thought this would happen but another hair accessory from the 90s is back – the scrunchie. It’s a lot of fun to see something come back from a previous era. Scrunchies are actually better for your hair than elastics and don’t hurt you hair. It will make you wonder why did people stop wearing them.

ETUDE HOUSE Cat Ear Etti Hair Band ETUDE HOUSE Cat Ear Etti Hair Band Vérifiez le prix

Your morning just got a little cuter with this adorable cat ear hair band. Simply use it to clip back your hair when you are doing your morning routine. It actually makes you excited to wake up in the morning and get ready. Don’t forget to take Instagram pictures!

Mudder Cat Ear Headband HairMudder Cat Ear Headband HairVérifiez le prix

You don’t have to wait until Halloween to dress up. With these cat ear headbands, you can make everyday Halloween. This set of 6 headbands not only comes with cat ears, but also comes with a fun mix of colors and prints. The best part? She can give them to her friends so everybody can have some kitty fun.

Hipsy Adjustable HeadbandsHipsy Adjustable HeadbandsVérifiez le prix

You can’t go wrong with headbands. Every girl needs headbands. This gift pack contains 5 different headbands that come in different patterns. These are not ordinary headbands either. Similar to a bra, they are adjustable so they fit your head perfectly without any slippage.

Kenz Laurenz No Crease Ponytail HoldersKenz Laurenz No Crease Ponytail HoldersVérifiez le prix

These no crease hair ties are cool because they don’t pull down on your hair. The best part? When you take them out of your hair, they leave no crease behind. You get a ridiculous amount of hair ties with this set. They are fun to coordinate with various outfits.

Beautyworld BowsBeautyworld BowsVérifiez le prix

Hair bows are super trendy accessories at the moment. They can add a simple flourish to your hair. We like this set of 4.5 inch bows, because you get a set of 15 different bows for a very reasonable price. You get a nice selection of colors so she can easily mix and match them with her outfits.

JoJo Siwa Hair BowJoJo Siwa Hair BowVérifiez le prix

Former star of Dance Moms, JoJo Siwa has distinguished her look from others with oversized bows. The bigger and fancier they are, the better. She has always worn them and they have become a part of her. Thanks to her new line of bows that are sold at retailers, now you can buy these JoJo branded large bows that clip into your hair and look just like JoJo.

Scalpmaster Shampoo BrushScalpmaster Shampoo BrushVérifiez le prix

This product might look strange but it is design to give your head a deep scalp message in the shower. Not only does it give you a great scalp massage, it helps remove dry patches from your hair that are caused from not rinsing your hair properly. It’s great for removes excess shampoo off the scalp that causes dandruff. It’s the closest thing to getting a scalp message at a salon.

Remington Pearl Pro Ceramic Flat IronRemington Pearl Pro Ceramic Flat IronVérifiez le prix

Who said you have to spend a lot for a great flat iron? For its price, the Remington Pearl Pro has really great features including adjustable heat settings from 300 to 450 degrees. It heats up in just 30 seconds and lets you know with a little beep. It does get super hot so she does have to be careful when using it but it does shutoff after an hour in case she forget to turn it off. It leaves hair silky and shiny.

Conair Infiniti Pro Curling WandConair Infiniti Pro Curling WandVérifiez le prix

The easiest way to add beachy curls to your hair is with a curling wand. With a tapered design, the Infinity Pro from Conair gives you great long lasting curls. The swivel cord makes it easy to maneuver around when you are curling your hair. We like that the tip of the wand doesn’t get hot so she won’t accidentally burn herself when she wants more control over the wand. The best part? It features five different temperature settings.

Infiniti Pro by ConairInfiniti Pro by ConairVérifiez le prix

She probably always loves borrowing your blow dryer. With the Conair Infinity Pro Hair Dryer, she can now have her own. This inexpensive hairdryer is super lightweight so her hands won’t get tired while blow drying her hair. With ceramic and ionic technology, it is designed to blow dry your hair faster so it is less damaging. Not only does it feature 1875 watts of power, it comes with several attachments including a diffuser and concentrator.

SWACC Multi-Color Clip-On Hair ExtensionsSWACC Multi-Color Clip-On Hair ExtensionsVérifiez le prix

Look mom, there is a party in my hair! These colored clip-ins are great for the 13 year old girls who wants to color her hair. Even if she has never used extensions before, they are easy to clip in and take out. These ones come in 22 colors so they are great for creating all sorts of edgy looks for special occassions.

GirlZone HAIR CHALKSGirlZone HAIR CHALKSVérifiez le prix

Does she want to color her hair? Hair chalk is probably the best way for your 13 year old girl. Your 13 year old girl will love putting colored streaks in her hair with this set that includes 6 colors. Unlike regular hair chalk, these ones are shaped like markers so they are not as messy. The best part? It’s temporary so it easily washes out after a shower.

Shintop Fleece Bowknot BowShintop Fleece Bowknot BowVérifiez le prix

With little Minnie ears, this has to be the most adorable headband. Not only is it great for keeping your hair out of your face during your morning or nighttime cleansing routine, it makes you look cute too. It is a must have tool if you are using a face mask. The best part? She will love wearing it all the time even when she is not washing her face.

BlingerAges 6+BlingerVérifiez le prix

Go from ordinary to Bling-tastic with Blinger. Simply load, click, and BLING! Kids can easily add sparkle and gems to their hair, clothing, accessories, stationery, and more. Blinger kits and refill packs feature long-lasting rhinestones in a variety of fashionable colors. Peel them off or comb them out easily after a day of fun. Girls will love exploring their own unique style while unleashing their inner starlet. Are you ready to get Bling-Bling with Blinger?!

Revlon 1875W Infrared Hair DryerRevlon 1875W Infrared Hair DryerVérifiez le prix

What girl wouldn’t want her own blow dryer? With multiple settings and 1875 watts of power, the Revlon Blow Dryer is powerful yet lightweight dryer. Featuring tourmaline ionic ceramic technology to dry hair fast, it reduces frizz and leaves hair shiny.

UNT Peel Off Base CoatUNT Peel Off Base CoatVérifiez le prix

Peel Off Base coat is amazing. You just paint it over your nails and it allows you to peel away any nail polish without using acetone. That means that you can apply to most difficult nail polish and simply peel it away. It’s so much better for your nails, but it does shorten the amount of time the nail polish will last.

For Pro Sole Toe SeparatorsFor Pro Sole Toe SeparatorsVérifiez le prix

Toe Separators make it easy to paint your nails by separating out your toes. With 144 individual toe separators, these ones are perfect for her next spa party. They make it easy to separate out the toes you need to instead of all of them at the same time. Made out of foam, they are soft and flexible.

SHANY Nail Art SetSHANY Nail Art SetVérifiez le prix

What 11 year old girl wouldn’t love this huge nail art set from Shany? With 24 different nail polishes, you get a nice variety of colors. You get metallic, neon, matte, and glittery shades that are perfect for any budding nail artist. Each nail polish comes with a thin brush that gives you great control for drawing on your nails.

OPI Nail Polish SetOPI Nail Polish SetVérifiez le prix

OPI is one of the most popular nail polish that comes in a wide variety of colors and themes. It goes on streak free and has great lasting power. You can find them just about everywhere. The mini packs are a lot of fun to gift because it allows her to try different colors before getting the full size bottle.

Saganizer Nail Polish Organizer RackSaganizer Nail Polish Organizer RackVérifiez le prix

For the girl who collects so much of nail polish, this nifty, acrylic wall organizer is a great way for her to keep everything organized. Made of acrylic, it’s like a decoration for her wall. With 6 rows, it can hold up to 100 bottles. Le seul problème? She is going to want to buy more nail polish to fill it up.

Kiss Products Everlasting False NailsKiss Products Everlasting False NailsVérifiez le prix

Having nice nails makes girls happy. Who said she needs to go to the nail salon? Now she can cheat with these false nails from Kiss. The coolest part? You can paint them just like regular nails. She will want to wear sandals every day.

Original ToePalOriginal ToePalVérifiez le prix

Sometimes when you wear too tight shoes, your toes can get all bunched and curled up. Toe separators help to stretch and loosen tightness among the toes. This pack comes with 2 gel separators. The best part? You can also use them to separate your toes when you are doing pedicures.

Kate Aspen, Five Piece Pedicure/Manicure SetKate Aspen, Five Piece Pedicure/Manicure SetVérifiez le prix

Packaged in a beautiful pink polka dotted flip flop shaped gift bag, this is a very cutely packaged manicure and pedicure set from Kate Aspen. It comes with all the right tools for teenage girls including toe clippers, a file, scissors, and a cuticle trimmer. After giving herself a pedicure with this set, she will finally be able to wear flip flops again.

DIY Nail ArtDIY Nail ArtVérifiez le prix

For girls, nail art has become the hottest accessory. Catherine Rodgers has a channel Totally Cool Nails on Youtube where she has been doing nail art tutorials for years. If you pick up her new book, you can get step by step written directions to do 75 different designs. The clear step by step photos make it even easy for even beginners to follow along. The best part? As you learn the techniques, you be able to create your own designs.

Burt’s Bees Gift SetBurts Bees Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Burt’s Bees makes a line of natural beauty products. One of the easiest gifts you can give your beauty lover is a prepackaged boxed gift set from Burt Bee’s. While this is the Essential Burt’s Bees Kit, the company has several other ones too. This set has mini versions of the company’s most popular products and is a good way for her to sample the products to see if she likes them.

PURELL Advanced Instant Hand SanitizerPURELL Advanced Instant Hand SanitizerVérifiez le prix

Everybody needs hand sanitizer because we are always touching everything and getting germs on our hands. This pack of 8 hand sanitizers from Purell make a great stocking stuffer for 11 year old girls. They come in 4 different light scents. The plastic loops on them make them easy to hang from anywhere.

Rejuvelle Bath Bombs Gift SetRejuvelle Bath Bombs Gift SetVérifiez le prix

If she loves taking baths, she will love this bath bomb gift set from Rejuvelle. What’s great about these bath bombs is that they are made with natural ingredients and won’t stain the bath tub so just about girl can enjoy these. Each of the 6 bath balms not only smells different but has a different theme such as Yoga Sun Rise, which a mixture of citrus essential oils.

Bath & Body Works Hand SanitizerBath & Body Works Hand SanitizerVérifiez le prix

The hottest collectible isn’t a toy, it’s these pocket sized hand sanitizers from Bath & Body Works. These hand sanitizers have become a fashion accessory. Of course, they wouldn’t be complete without PocketBac Holders, which make them easy to stick anywhere. It seems like every season, Bath & Body Works has a new fragrance to collect.

Bath & Body Works A Thousand Wishes Spa Gift SetBath & Body Works A Thousand Wishes Spa Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Bath & Body Works is everybody’s favorite place to get bath products. If she is addicted to everything from Bath & Body Works, she will love any of its gift sets. This one is in the fragrance “A Thousand Wishes,” which smells like fruity candy and almonds. The set comes beautifully packaged with a lotion, mist, and shower gel.

Lush Gift SetLush Gift SetVérifiez le prix

The natural line of bath products, Lush, seems to be everywhere. It has so many bright and fun products that people love posting everywhere on Social Media. Our favorite product is the cool bath bombs. When they are dropped in water, they turn into a mesmerizing swirl of colors. There is no better way to relax than a with a soothing bath balm from Lush. Depending on the season, its gift sets are a great way to sample and gift its best products.

Poo-Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet SprayPoo-Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet SprayVérifiez le prix

Now you never have to worry about the smell when you walk out of the bathroom after a number 2. Forget trying to cover up the odor with your favorite perfume, this spray kills odors. Simply spray a couple of squirts in the toilet bowl and then do your thing. Then walk out of the bathroom like you were just fixing up.

Hydrocotton Bath Towel Hydrocotton Bath Towel Vérifiez le prix

A luxurious fancy bath towel can make a great gift. Made of 100% hydrocotton and available in wonderful colors, this soft, thick, and fluffy bath towel is wonderfully absorbent. She won’t be able to wait to wrap herself in this towel when she gets out of her bath. They are an absolute treat.

Now that she’s in middle school, she might start getting interested in makeup. For some parents, makeup can be a little controversial. Always remind her that she is beautiful no matter what. Some girls just love having a little makeup to play with around the house. We’ve chosen makeup that is perfect for anybody using makeup for the first time. Still, it’s up to parents to decide whether it is appropriate for their 11 year old girl.

Burt’s Bees Lip BalmBurts Bees Lip BalmVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love Burt Bee’s lip balm? If she loves wearing chapstick, Burt Bee’s is known for its all natural beeswax lip balm. Not only do these lip balms leave your lips feeling moisturized without drying them, this pack comes in 4 great flavors. Not only are they refreshing, they taste yummy. Our favorite flavor? Coconut and Pear!

SNP Animals Character Printed MaskSNP Animals Character Printed MaskVérifiez le prix

Everybody loves using face masks but these ones are actually a lot of fun to use. Instead of your standard facemask, each mask comes with a fun animal printed on the mask. They are perfect for sharing with friends. What could be better than putting on a panda face mask?

New Home Innovations Metallic Temporary TattoosNew Home Innovations Metallic Temporary TattoosVérifiez le prix

What could be better than putting on shiny temporary tattoos? This pack of flash tattoos has a nice variety of designs from jewelry to intricate designs. It’s a lot of fun to put these metaallic jewelry tattoos on your wrists, ankles, back, and stomach and show them off to friends. The best part? Since they are temporary, you can do it all over again and again.

Stori Makeup Palette OrganizerStori Makeup Palette OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Now that she is starting a makeup collection, she is going to need something to organize it in. We like this acrylic organizer from Stori because it has plenty of space to store everything from eye shadow palettes to beauty sponges to brushes. It keeps everything organized and accessible.

Decobros 8-inch Vanity MirrorDecobros 8-inch Vanity MirrorVérifiez le prix

Now she can learn to build circuits with no effort. Snap Circuits are a great way for her to learn how electricity works. ALl of the various component snapt together like Legos on a baseboard. When you snap together the components, it creats electronic connects between them. There are many sets to choose from, but this large set comes with over 750 different experiments.

Kedsum 10X LED Lighted Makeup MirrorKedsum 10X LED Lighted Makeup MirrorVérifiez le prix

There is something so exciting about getting your first makeup mirror. It makes you feel all grown up. In order to apply your makeup flawlessly, you need a makeup mirror that gives you great lighting along with magnification. This inexpensive one from Kedsum runs on 3 AA batteries, which means you can use it on the base or use the suction cup to stick it on the bathroom mirror. It’s even perfect for travelling with. With 10X magnification, it really gets in close so you can see everything clearly.

Real Techniques Flawless Base SetReal Techniques Flawless Base SetVérifiez le prix

She is going to need brushes to put on her makeup. We like these brushes from Real Techniques, which are perfect for beginners. They are inexpensive but very high quality. Made with synthetic bristles, this set comes with four brushes that are perfect for applying BB cream, blush, highlighter, and more. She should always label her brushes because she should not mix them.

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion SpongeReal Techniques Miracle Complexion SpongeVérifiez le prix

A beauty sponge is the best way to blend and apply your makeup. It helps to blend everything evenly without soaking in a lot of the product. This one from Real Techniques is super cheap but performs just as well as a pricier one from Sephora. It’s one of these tools that every girl needs to do her makeup.

Kedsum Silicone Makeup Brush Cleaning MatKedsum Silicone Makeup Brush Cleaning MatVérifiez le prix

You never want to mix brushes unless you thoroughly clean them. Most people don’t bother cleaning their brushes and just buy a different set of brushes for everything. This specially designed cleaning mat has textured sections on it that work wonders with removing all the gunk from your brushes. It’s a great way to deep clean all your makeup brushes so they are good as new.

Neutrogena Makeup Remover WipesNeutrogena Makeup Remover WipesVérifiez le prix

If you are going to get her makeup, remember to get her makeup wipes to remove it completely at the end of the day. You don’t want her to go to bed with makeup. The best way to remove makeup is with a good cleansing routine using water. Makeup wipes are more convenient, but remind her that she should always rinse her face after using them to make sure everything is off her face.

Vera Bradley Cosmetic BagVera Bradley Cosmetic BagVérifiez le prix

If she is into makeup, one of the best gifts you can get her is a makeup bag filled with a starter makeup kit. Available in prertyy patterns, this one from Vera Bradleu is cute and will definately fit all the stuff she needs. It has an inner lining that makes cleaning up spills easy.

SHANY iLookBook Pro Makeup SetSHANY iLookBook Pro Makeup SetVérifiez le prix

If she is just looking for a big palette that she can mess around with her friends during a sleepover, Shany makes great palettes. We fell in love with the cute packaging of this set that looks like a Macbook laptop. With greens, blues, and pinks, it comes with a ton of eye shadow colors to play around with that are nicely pigmented. It even comes with 2 brushes and a sponge applicator.

L.A. Girl Beauty Brick Eyeshadow, NudesL.A. Girl Beauty Brick Eyeshadow, NudesVérifiez le prix

When you are choosing an eye shadow palette for an 11 year old girl who is just starting with makeup, you should choose a nude palette. We like this palette from L.A. girl that comes with nude colors that are easy to blend if you make a mistake. They are pretty pigmented considering how inexpensive this palette is. As she gets better with makeup, she can bring in colors and shimmers.

Coastal Scents Glamour Beauty Collection Gift SetCoastal Scents Glamour Beauty Collection Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Coastal Scents makes a great palette with pretty neutral colors that are perfect for beginners. It is similar to the Urban Decay Naked Palettes but it doesn’t come with the huge price tag. For the price, you won’t believe how pigmented this set is With 20 eye shadows, this set does contains both matte and shimmer shades but she should be fine with it. On the top layer it has warm nudes and the bottom layer it has cooler nudes. What’s great about this set is that you also get brushes with it.

COVERGIRL Smoothers BB CreamCOVERGIRL Smoothers BB CreamVérifiez le prix

Unless she has acne, an 11 year old girl doesn’t need foundation. If she wants coverage, all she needs is something light like BB cream or tinted moisturizer. We like this BB cream from Covergirl that comes with sunscreen. It’s like a moisturizer that helps even out her skin tone. You don’t get a whole lot, which should help her figure out she doesn’t need a lot.

Correcteur Maybelline Age RewindCorrecteur Maybelline Age RewindVérifiez le prix

This inexpensive and popular concealer from Maybelline will help with breakouts, scars, and bags under the eye. It’s great for brightening any dark area of the skin. It comes with a soft, sponge applicator tip, which makes it easy to apply under your eyes. You just fill the sponge tip by twisting and clicking the bottom one or two times. You don’t need a whole lot.

Maybelline Chrome Metallic HighlighterMaybelline Chrome Metallic HighlighterVérifiez le prix

A highlighter is really great for bringing out her cheekbones, top of her lip, and the tip of her nose. Maybelline has come out with a great highlighter called the Chrome Metallic. It’s in the color molten gold. It gives you a really beautiful golden sheen that is blindingly gorgeous.

Baby Lips Lip BalmBaby Lips Lip BalmVérifiez le prix

Lipstick is a little too much for an 11 year old girl. It is super messy and can get in your mouth if you are not careful. You want something that is a bit more natural. If she wants to add colors to her lips, instead of lipstick, get her a tinted lip balm. We like this one from Baby Lips, which is lightly colored.

Maybelline Volum’ Express Colossal MascaraMaybelline Volum Express Colossal MascaraVérifiez le prix

Mascara is used to darken and make eyelashes appear to be longer. The budget priced, Maybelline Volume Express gives you a great length without creating clumps. It comes with a nice application wand.

Coty Airspun Face PowderCoty Airspun Face PowderVérifiez le prix

To make makeup look natural and set the look all day, you should use a setting powder. You don’t need to spend a lot on a setting powder. We like this one from Coty, which will do a great job of keeping your makeup on all day and gives you a natural look. You just put it on, allow it to bake for a few minutes, and brush it away.

Lip Smacker Coca-Cola Party Pack Lip GlossesLip Smacker Coca-Cola Party Pack Lip GlossesVérifiez le prix

Not only do these Lip Smackers moisturize your lips, they come in amazing flavors. Does she love soda? She will love this set that comes with Coca Cola soda pop flavors from cherry Coke to Sprite. Not only does it smell like the flavors, it tastes like them too. Le seul problème? She might not be able to resist licking her lips.

Eyelash Dreamer Makeup BagEyelash Dreamer Makeup BagVérifiez le prix

Does she love using her makeup to do her eye lashes? Then she will love using this adorable eyelash bag as a pencil case or makeup bag. The lashes on the front of one side of the bag make it the cutest makeup bag ever. It’s the perfect size for storing all her makeup from lip glosses to even an eye shadow palette. Made of cotton canvas, it is the perfect gift for any makeup lover.

Goody Hand MirrorGoody Hand MirrorVérifiez le prix

Just about every 11 year old girl could use a handy mirror. With a fairly wide body and a sturdy handle, this rectangular shaped hand mirror from Goody makes it easy to see all around your face. It measures about 7.5-inches across. Whether you are creating the perfect hairstyle or a picture perfect winged liner this hand mirror will do the trick.

What is the best birthday present for an 11 year old girl? If she doesn’t have them already pierced, she is going to want to get her ears pierced at the mall. What type of earrings should she wear? She doesn’t need anything big or even diamond earrings. Usually, her first pair of earrings should be just studs. Here are some great jewelry gifts for 11 year old girls.

MyGift Tabletop Jewelry OrganizerMyGift Tabletop Jewelry OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Jewelry boxes are great but here is a way for her to keep her jewelry organized on her dresser. Because it is out in the open, it makes it easy for her to choose the piece she is going to wear. With 3 different tiers, she can hang jewelry at different heights. It’s perfect for hanging longer necklaces and even bracelets. The tray at the bottom is perfect for storing keys, earrings, and rings.

Marcus Mayfield Dress Jewelry OrganizerMarcus Mayfield Dress Jewelry OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Is she obsessed with jewelry? Shaped like a dress, here is a cute way for her to store all her jewelry with this hanging jewelry organizer for her closet. With many pockets and hooks, this 2 sided jewelry organizer is very versatile for storing all types of jewelry from bangles to necklaces. The best part? You can use it for organizing just about anything.

Queenberry Cable Bracelet For Bead CharmsQueenberry Cable Bracelet For Bead CharmsVérifiez le prix

Pandora bracelets are charm bracelets that you add charms over time. At first, it is sort of plain and empty. It’s kind of neat because when somebody gives you are charm, it helps your remember that event in your life. They are really expensive, but this one from Queenberry is basically a more affordable version of the real thing.

Jane Stone Choker 12-PackJane Stone Choker 12-PackVérifiez le prix

Are you ready to go back to the 90s? Then you need this neck accessory. There is nothing more iconic than a plastic choker. They stretch out so they can fit around anybody’s neck. This one comes with a set of 12 chokers so she can play around with her look.

Lokai Classic BraceletLokai Classic BraceletVérifiez le prix

While the Lokai bracelet isn’t really much to look, it holds a lot of sentimental value. It has a white bead on one end a black bead on the opposite end. The white bead contains water from Mount Everest and the black bead has mud from the Dead Sea. The elements come from both the highest and lowest points on Earth. The symbolism is that it is supposed to keep you balanced. Super neat, right?

Alex and Ani Birthstone BangleAlex and Ani Birthstone BangleVérifiez le prix

Alex and Ani charm bracelets are super popular. The company makes all different types of bracelets that are suitable for every occasion. We like that all of its bracelets are made out of recycled materials. They are a lot of fun to mix and match with other bracelets. This one can be personalized with her birthstone so it’s a great gift idea for her birthday.

Personalized Stackable Name RingPersonalized Stackable Name RingVérifiez le prix

Rings are cool but a personalized ring is even cooler. This ring is a fun reminder of the important people in her life. Made out of Stainless Steel, this ring can be customized with her name, the name of somebody special in her life, or even a short phrase. Each ring supports up to 35 characters. While this listing is for one ring, they are even fun to stack to create a modern look.

UMode Princess RingUMode Princess RingVérifiez le prix

Show her how beautiful she is with this gorgeous princess ring. With a beautiful princess crown on it, it is the perfect gift for her birthday, Christmas, or anytime you want to make her feel like a princess. Even though this ring looks expensive, it is super cheap and is covered with Cubic Zirconia stones. It is a lot of fun to wear with everyday outfits or even on special occasions.

“I Love You To The Moon and Back” Pendant NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Necklaces are nice but it is always nicer when they have meaning. With the words “I Love You To The Moon And Back,” this is a lovely necklace that shows her how much you really love her. It’s a delicate piece that is perfectly sized for an 11 year old girl. She will love wearing at every chance that she gets.

Fairytale Mermaid Pendant NecklaceFairytale Mermaid Pendant NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Does she love mermaids and necklaces? Your mermaid lover is sure to love this magical piece of jewelry. It comes with the mermaid charm along with the necklace. While it is super cheap, it looks pretty adorable with its colorful design. You can choose from different colored stones. This one comes in the color Aqua.

DIANPEARL Best Friend NecklaceDIANPEARL Best Friend NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Is she your best friend? It’s always nice when you can share pieces of jewelry with a friend to show her how strong your friendship really is. This one comes with two pieces that both of you can wear. Even when you aren’t together, you will always know that she is rooting for you.

Swarovski Zirconia Initial NecklaceSwarovski Zirconia Initial NecklaceVérifiez le prix

A personalized necklace is always a great gift idea. You don’t need to pay a lot for a personalized necklace. While it is not made out of gold or silver, this one is perfect for an eleven year old girl. It can be customized with her initial and will look super cute hanging on her neck.

Kendra Scott Kiri NecklaceKendra Scott Kiri NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Kendra Scott jewelry has become a really popular gift in recent years. The company makes great jewelry pieces that are both trendy and timeless. If she is ready for her first “real” necklace, the Kiri Pendant is stunning. It features a beautiful ivory colored teardrop stone that is the perfect size for an 11 year old girl.

925 Sterling Silver Personalized Name Necklace925 Sterling Silver Personalized Name NecklaceVérifiez le prix

There is nothing better than getting a necklace with your name printed on it. It has much more meaning than getting a random piece of jewelry. This one can be personalized with up to 10 characters. It’s a piece that goes with everything and she is never going to want to take it off. It’s the perfect gift for any occasion.

Custom Monogram Necklace in 925 Sterling SilverCustom Monogram Necklace in 925 Sterling SilverVérifiez le prix

My Name Necklaces makes really nice personalized pieces that come nicely packaged. Our favorite is a monogrammed necklace. A monogrammed necklace is a great gift idea because it’s something that is personalized just for her. It might seem simple but it can add a little bit of shininess and flair to any outfit. It’s a piece that she can wear every day.

Sterling Silver Birthstone EarringsSterling Silver Birthstone EarringsVérifiez le prix

If she’s already got her ears pierced, she is probably looking for some new stud earrings. These birthstone stud earrings are the perfect gift because they hold a special connection to her. Each stud measures 6mm. Depending on her birthday, there are 12 different stones to choose from.

Birthstone Pendant NecklaceBirthstone Pendant NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Birthstone jewelry is something that carries special meaning for the gift receipt. Any piece of jewelry adorned with her stone makes the perfect gift. This gorgeous necklace can be customized with her beautiful, sparkly birthstone.

XOXO Rhinestone-Accented WatchXOXO Rhinestone-Accented WatchVérifiez le prix

Anything Rose Gold can add an extra dose of color to your sense of style. While watches are not as popular as they used to be, they are still great fashion accessories. This affordable watch from XOXO is a great way to add a little shine to your time. We love how the watch face is highlighted with sparkly rhinestones and the hint of rose gold. The best part? You won’t believe how affordable it is.

PAVOI Stud Pearl EarringsPAVOI Stud Pearl EarringsVérifiez le prix

There is nothing more simple and elegant than pearl earrings. They are a symbol of love and perfect for any gifting occasion from birthdays to Christmas. With this pair, you get beautiful pearls for a very affordable cost. Each pearl is hand selected so you get the high quality pearls. They come in different sizes from 5mm up to 10mm.

S.Leaf Cat Ear Stud Earrings FreshwaterS.Leaf Cat Ear Stud Earrings FreshwaterVérifiez le prix

You don’t have to wear big dangling earrings to make a statement on your ears. Sometimes designers tend to overdo it. How cute are these cat-shaped earrings? Made with fresh water pearls with plastic backings, they add a touch of cuteness to any girl’s ears. They are as cute as a kitten. Look for other matching pieces in the line including rings and necklaces.

Efy Tal Mother Daughter NecklaceEfy Tal Mother Daughter NecklaceVérifiez le prix

Only a mom would understand the bond between her and her daughter. Show your teen girl that there is no relationship stronger with this elegant infinity necklace. With 2 interlocking rings, it’s the perfect way to symbolize how inseparable the two of you will always be.

What 11 year old girl wouldn’t want to redecorate her room? It’s the perfect way for her to show off her personality and stay cozy. She is going to love dressing up her room with these gifts.

Umbra Hangit Photo DisplayUmbra Hangit Photo DisplayVérifiez le prix

If she loves taking Polaroids of her friends, this photo display from Umbra is a great way to display them. It comes with little wooden clothespins that look so adorable. Depending on your space you can either rotate it horizontally or vertically. Once it is up, it looks like a piece of wall art. It can be used to hang up everything from Polaroids to Christmas cards.

Umbra Trigon Metal Bulletin BoardUmbra Trigon Metal Bulletin BoardVérifiez le prix

Umbra has taken the standard bulletin board and given it a more contemporary twist. Made out of metal, it has a modern chevron pattern. Because of its unique construction, it allows you to pin photos, notes, or anything either using tacks or magnets. It’s not as big as other bulletin boards, but if she is willing to trade size for a modern look, this is a great gift.

Quartet Dry Erase Calendar BoardQuartet Dry Erase Calendar BoardVérifiez le prix

Calendars are cool but wouldn’t it be cool if you had a huge dry erase board monthly calendar? This one from Quartet is a great way to stay organized with school and life. Every month, you can write down your schedule and just hang up the calendar next to your desk so you can easily see what you have to do every day. With this one there is even a little bulletin board section for hanging up notes.

Pillowfort Circle ShelfPillowfort Circle ShelfVérifiez le prix

This circle shelf is so cute and would look adorable in her room. With a mid century look, this circular floating shelf is a great way to add extra storage space on your walls. It features 3 mesh shelves that are perfect for storing cute room decor. It’s fun to mix and match different room decor items every so often.

AmazonBasics Foldable Storage CubesAmazonBasics Foldable Storage CubesVérifiez le prix

Nothing fancy here! Just about everybody could use cube organizers. Available in different colors, this inexpensive 6-pack of 11-inch cube organizers is perfect for stashing away extra clothes, craft supplies, and books that are lying around. When you are not using them, they are collapsible. Made of a durable fabric, they are much sturdier than comparatively priced ones at your local home goods store.

Ankit Mermaid PillowAnkit Mermaid PillowVérifiez le prix

This mermaid pillow is probably one of the coolest things ever. Because it is covered in sequins, when you swipe against it, it changes color. It’s like a blank canvas that you can create beautiful art or even messages on. With its sparkly look, it is sure to bring a lot of shine to her room.

Brentwood 18-Inch Mongolian Faux Fur PillowBrentwood 18-Inch Mongolian Faux Fur PillowVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love faux fur? Made of microfiber, this pillow is incredibly soft. With its soft texture and neutral color, this throw pillow can transform the look of a room. Whenever you touch it, it reminds of something soft and cuddly. It looks great when partnered with throw pillows of different textures.

Brentwood Shagalicious BedrestBrentwood Shagalicious BedrestVérifiez le prix

Every girl needs a quiet place in her room where she can just curl up and forget about everything else. Grab this furry bedrest from Brentwood to create the perfect corner. It comes in bright neon colors like Hot Pink. The furry texture will keep her warm and the stuffing inside will give her the support that she needs. She can throw it anywhere to set up the perfect place to relax.

Cream Pom Dot Square Throw PillowCream Pom Dot Square Throw PillowVérifiez le prix

It’s a lot of fun to mix and match throw pillows that have different textures and colors on them. You can throw pom poms on just about everything to make it cuter. Take for example, this beautiful cream colored throw pillow. With a polka dotted look, it is perfect for adding texture to a couch or bed.

iScream PillowsiScream PillowsVérifiez le prix

Throw pillows can make any room more interesting and even help to showcase her personality. The funkier the design, the more unique her room will look. There is nothing that can cheer up a room like a pillow shaped like food. What about a donut shaped pillow? This one is filled with Microfiber and the bright colors make it look as delicious as the real thing.

Gold & White Metallic Stripe Bow Throw PillowGold & White Metallic Stripe Bow Throw PillowVérifiez le prix

It’s a lot of fun adding decorative pillows to a room. With its unique pattern and color, this bow shaped pillow adds an interesting look to any room. You can put it on anything to complete the look. A chair or bed wouldn’t be the same without a cute golden bow on top.

WEP Princess Poop Emoji PillowWEP Princess Poop Emoji PillowVérifiez le prix

What could be better than an adorable pink poop emoji pillow? With a little yellow crown and covered in pink, it’s poop that has been given a princess makeover. It is a perfect piece of room decor that can be used all year round and will look so cute in her room.

YINGGG Kissy Face Emoji Plush PillowYINGGG Kissy Face Emoji Plush PillowVérifiez le prix

What is her favorite Emoji? You can find a whole range of Emoji themed throw pillows that add a dose of her spunky personality to her room. The kissy face Emoji is beautifully portrayed with this throw pillow with its winking eye and little heart. It’s a great way for her to throw a little love all around her room.

GUND Pusheenicorn Stuffed UnicornGUND Pusheenicorn Stuffed UnicornVérifiez le prix

For Pusheen cat lovers, a Pusheen stuffed pillow makes an adorable gift, but when you turn it into a unicorn it is even more magical. This one looks just like Pusheen but has a little horn and a rainbow colored mane. Put it on anything and it will magically transform it into something cute. The best part? It is large enough to rest your head on.

Chanasya Faux Fur RugChanasya Faux Fur RugVérifiez le prix

There is something irresistible about fluffy faux fur. When used in small doses, you can put it anywhere to add a sense of warmth, luxury, and comfort. What could be better than standing on a delightfully soft rug when you wake up in the morning or are getting ready? When you stand on it, it is so incredibly soft. The best part? You can also throw it on anything to make it a lot more luxurious.

Chanasya Faux Fur Throw BlanketChanasya Faux Fur Throw BlanketVérifiez le prix

It seems like it is a requirement for every girl to have a faux fur throw blanket to put at the edge of her bed. This one will instantly make her room feel more inviting, glamorous, and so much more comfortable. During the winter, it makes you feel like you want to lie in your bed all day long. Available in different sizes and colors, this one is perfectly soft and comfy. The best part? It is designed to shed.

Acanva Faux Fur Teardrop Bean Bag ChairAcanva Faux Fur Teardrop Bean Bag ChairVérifiez le prix

Just about every girl wants a cozy place in her room to sit down. Regular bean bag chairs are nice, but there is something so inviting and luxurious about a bean bag covered in faux fur. When it is cold, it makes you want to sit down on it the whole day just to stay warm and comfy. It’s is the perfect way to create a cozy spot in her room after a long day at school.

South Shore Clear Acrylic Office ChairSouth Shore Clear Acrylic Office ChairVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a chair that was invisible? Made out of acrylic, this transparent chair is a lot of fun with its simple look. While the base of the chair looks ordinary, the top of the chair seem to disappear like a ghost in a room. If you throw on a colored and faux fur throw pillow, the entire chair looks luxurious and inviting.

TaoTronics LED String LightsTaoTronics LED String LightsVérifiez le prix

It’s a lot of fun to drape furniture in a room with fairy lights. If she hasn’t already draped her room with these magical lights, this is a great gift. With this 33 foot set, you can create so many different cool looks. She can sleep under the stars or use them to line a table, shelves, or furniture to make a statement. It’s all up to her creativity.

MagicLight Bluetooth Smart LED BulbMagicLight Bluetooth Smart LED BulbVérifiez le prix

For any girl that wants to have cool lighting in her room but doesn’t want to spend a ton of money on the Philips Hue system, the MagicLight is the perfect alternative. This standalone Smart Bulb plugs into any lamp and connects over Bluetooth to any SmartDevice running IOS and Android. This allows you to easily change to color or brightness of the bulb through your SmartDevice.

The Original My Cinema LightboxThe Original My Cinema LightboxVérifiez le prix

Mimicking the old movie theatre signs, this cinema lightbox is a fun item to have in any room. With a built in LED light, it has 3 rails on it that letters can be placed on to spell out something fun. The set includes 100 different letter tiles so she can change the message as often as she likes.

Felt Letter BoardFelt Letter BoardVérifiez le prix

Available in many different color combinations, this felt letter board is so adorable. The white text on black really stands out. It is perfect for writing fun short quotes, reminders, or messages. It comes with a ton of different letters and symbols. It comes with 2 different sized letters. It is very easy to write out the words but you do have to take apart the letters when your first get it. It is the perfect prop for Instagram photos.

Bright Love Marquee SignBright Love Marquee SignVérifiez le prix

Available in many fun shapes and letters, this rustic Marquee sign actually lights up. We like the one that spells out love. It’s such an uplifting word that will brighten up any 13 year old girl’s day. It’s such a lovely gift that she will fall in love with.

Darice Silver Metal Marquee LetterDarice Silver Metal Marquee LetterVérifiez le prix

An initial is a great way for her to personalize her room with. You could stick it on a wall or even place it on a shelf. Running on 2AA batteries, this one is embellished with lights that allow it to light up. There are so many different ways she could use it to decorate with it. She could stick it on a wall or even place it on a shelf.

Natural Himalayan Hand Carved Salt LampNatural Himalayan Hand Carved Salt LampVérifiez le prix

Everybody wants cool lighting in their room. Himalayan salt lamps are a very interesting piece of room decor. They are made out of salt that comes from the Himalayan Mountains. This salt is supposed to contain more minerals that ordinary table salt and has a really cool rust color. Some people claim that this lamp has many health benefits, but we love the warm comforting glow it creates in a room.

TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp With USB ChargerTaoTronics LED Desk Lamp With USB ChargerVérifiez le prix

This is no ordinary desk lamp. She can easily change the temperature of the light or adjust the angle so she can easily read a book or do her homework. It’s perfect for her nightstand or desk. The best part? It has a built in USB port on it that allows it to charge Smartdevices.

LumiLux Motion Sensor Toilet LightLumiLux Motion Sensor Toilet LightVérifiez le prix

This has got to be one of the strangest products ever created. It’s a night light . . . for your toilet. The coolest part? Since it is motion activated, it automatically turns on when you enter the bathroom and turns off when you leave. You never have to worry about finding the toilet seat in the dark again.

LE 16.4ft LED Flexible Light StripLE 16.4ft LED Flexible Light StripVérifiez le prix

LED light strips are extremely versatile and fun to decorate with. If you don’t need a ton of features, you don’t have to spend a lot to get an LED strip light. This particular inexpensive set is available in both blue and white LEDS. They have a sticky backing that allows you to stick them on just about any smooth surface.

GoLine Cute Kitty Night LightGoLine Cute Kitty Night LightVérifiez le prix

Shaped light everybody’s favorite celebrity cat, this nightlight is a lot of fun. Made out of silicone, it’s actually squishy. When you push on it, it pops back into shape. Using a rechargeable battery, it’s completely portable so you can keep it anywhere in your room after charging it. When you tap it, you can change the lighting modes.

Primitives by Kathy Box Unicorn SignPrimitives by Kathy Box Unicorn SignVérifiez le prix

Funny wooden signs can add a lot of character to any room. This one is perfect for any unicorn lover. It’s best to be yourself but who doesn’t want to be a unicorn every now and then? It’s actually pretty small so it’s a fun accessory to put on a desk. Everytime she reads it, she won’t be able to stop laughing.

LAGHCAT Mermaid Tail BlanketLAGHCAT Mermaid Tail BlanketVérifiez le prix

Everybody who ever wanted to be a mermaid can finally make her dreams come true with this knitted mermaid blanket. This mermaid tail blanket can magically transform anybody into a mermaid even the dog. She will love snuggling in it. Not only is it a ton of fun, it will keep her feet warm during the winter.

BOHO AND BEACH Bed CanopyBOHO AND BEACH Bed CanopyVérifiez le prix

When we were small, everybody loved pretending they were a princess. While she may have already grown out of Disney Princesses that doesn’t mean she still has to stop dreaming. There is something so romantic about a canopy that drapes over your bed. Apart from creating a beautiful look in your room, it provides her with her very own cozy space. There are so many ways you can use this one and it looks great with fairy lights hanging from it.

Utopia Twin White ComforterUtopia Twin White ComforterVérifiez le prix

One of the easiest ways for her to transform the look of her room is with a new duvet. With a classic boxed pattern, we like the look of this plain crisp white comforter from Utopia. It might seem boring, but it is like a blank canvas. It’s a lot easier to accessorize with different textures, colors, or patterns. Throw some faux fur on the end and suddenly you have got something a lot more interesting.

YnM Weighted BlanketYnM Weighted BlanketVérifiez le prix

Do you want to sleep like a baby? Recently weighted blanket have become extremely popular. They are supposed to reduce stress and improve sleep. This one from YnM is very affordable compared to other brands. By applying weighted pressure to the body at night, it can help calm and relax the body. The result is that you can sleep faster and get a good night’s sleep. It’s like getting a never-ending hug all night long.

Photo BlanketPhoto BlanketVérifiez le prix

Personalized bedding can make a great gift for the teen girl that wants to give her room a personal touch. We all take photos to preserve memories. It doesn’t get more personal than a blanket filled with a collage of pictures of her. You can choose the material and even design. It’s a gift that she will never forget.

Mellanni Bed Sheet SetMellanni Bed Sheet SetVérifiez le prix

Most of us spend a lot of our day in bed. There is nothing better the snuggling in bed with comfortable bed sheets. Made out of 100 percent polyester, these microfiber bed sheets come in over 30 colors so you can find the set that matches her room decor. The sheets are soft and have a silky feel to them. Each set contains 1 flat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, and one pillowcase.

BedShelfieBedShelfieVérifiez le prix

There is nothing more essential than having a nightstand next to your bed. It holds your clock, photo frames, books, and everything you need to go to bed. If you don’t have room for a standard nightstand, this floating shelf is a great alternative. Clamping onto the side of your bed frame, it can support up the 15 pounds.

Emoji Pals Bed in a Bag Bedding SetEmoji Pals Bed in a Bag Bedding SetVérifiez le prix

If she is obsessed with everything Emojis, she is going to love this Emoji themed bedding. Unlike Disney themed bedding, this set is not overly cutesy or childish. This fun bed set includes everything she needs to dress her bed up with Emojis. It comes with a comforter, standard bed sheets, and a pillowcase. Made out of 100% Polyester, the bright color combination will brighten up any room. The comforter is even reversible for an alternate style.

Post-It Cat Figure Pop-up Note DispenserPost-It Cat Figure Pop-up Note DispenserVérifiez le prix

Is there any cuter way to dispense post it notes? Nous ne le pensons pas. This fun desk accessory will brighten just about anybody’s day. It’s just the right weight so that when you pull out a post it note, it stays put. As soon as you remove one post-it note, another one quickly pops up. Not only is it cute, it is purrfect!

Pusheen 2020 Wall CalendarPusheen 2020 Wall CalendarVérifiez le prix

For the New Year, one of the simplest gifts to get her is a new calendar with her favorite character on it. If she obsessed with Pusheen the Cat, she will appreciate this adorable calendar.

Schylling MLM Girl’s Talk LockerSchylling MLM Girls Talk LockerVérifiez le prix

Every girl needs a place where she can lock her most prized possessions in. Measuring about a foot high, this mini locker is perfect for any girl in middle school. It comes with a lock and key to keep everything inside away from annoying little brothers. There are even fun magnets to decorate it with and it will look great on any desk.

Scotch Shoe DispenserScotch Shoe DispenserVérifiez le prix

Just when you think you have seen everything comes along a product that surprises you. This tape dispenser from Scotch is shaped like a high heel shoe. The scotch tape sits inside the shoe and you just pull it up to the top of the shoe where the sharp edge is. It makes the fashionable desk accessory.

Velener Fake Green Grass of PlantsVelener Fake Green Grass of PlantsVérifiez le prix

If your 11 year old loves growing, watering, and taking care of plants, get her a real one for her room. Plants are great for adding a little pop of color and life to a room but we love fake plants. This one makes a great accent in her room. As long as she puts it somewhere where a real plant would grow in her room, it will look convincing enough.

DecoBros Supreme Over The Door 11 Hook Organizer RackDecoBros Supreme Over The Door 11 Hook Organizer RackVérifiez le prix

Unless she has the biggest closet in the world, she probably wants more hanging space in her room. Put this little hook organizer on the back of her door and she instantly has got more room for the things she wears often. It’s perfect for hanging clothes, hats, towels, purses, or even jewelry.

Simple Houseware Garment RackSimple Houseware Garment RackVérifiez le prix

Every teenage girl needs a clothing rack. Most of us don’t have enough of room in our closet to hang up all of our clothes. This one not only looks great, but it’s a fun way to display the clothing you are going to be wearing throughout the week.

Wonder Hanger PlatinumWonder Hanger PlatinumVérifiez le prix

Downsizing your closet got a little easier! All of us dream of having a big closet, but most of us have live with what we have, which is not much. If you have a lot of lightweight tees and skirts, these Wonder Hangers can free up a lot more closet space. Each Wonder Hanger can hold up to 10 pieces of clothing in a pyramid fashion. It’s great for keeping your clothes organized and wrinkle free. You can get them in either plastic or metal.

Household Essentials 6-Shelf Hanging Closet OrganizerHousehold Essentials 6-Shelf Hanging Closet OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Do you have shoes and clothes lying all over your room? Made of cotton canvas, these hanging closet shelves are a great way to get organized. With the cedar wood system, it is very sturdy and won’t fall apart when you load the shelves with heavy sweaters or shoes.

Simple Houseware Underwear OrganizerSimple Houseware Underwear OrganizerVérifiez le prix

Does your underwear and socks drawer look like a haphazard mess of rolled up clothes? Now you can organize your bras and underwear with this drawer organizer. The organizer has flexible dividers that are perfect for storing bras, socks, and underwear. They make it super easy to stay organized. Your underwear drawer can finally look as organized as your favorite lingerie store.

Urban Mom Hanging Laundry HamperUrban Mom Hanging Laundry HamperVérifiez le prix

Nobody loves laundry day but it’s just one of those thing we have to do. If you don’t have a lot of space in your room, this hanging laundry bag can free up so much of space. Made out of cotton canvas, it comes with two stainless steels hooks that are used to hang it over a door. The best part? There is a zip on the underneath that allows you to dump out the contents more quickly.

Honey-Can-Do TBL-06322 Portable Laptop Lap DeskHoney-Can-Do TBL-06322 Portable Laptop Lap DeskVérifiez le prix

Nobody loves sitting at a desk the entire day. Now she can do her homework or use her laptop anywhere with this portable lap desk. Measuring 23 X 16, this desk has plenty of room for a large laptop and even a mouse. It’s perfect for when she wants to study in bed and has a cushion underneath to keep her comfortable when it is used for extended periods. The best part? It comes in so many cute colors.

Kings Brand White Finish Wood Frame FloorKings Brand White Finish Wood Frame FloorVérifiez le prix

Just about every girl needs a full length mirror in her room. You don’t want to go out only to realize that something is wrong with your outfit. Bathroom mirrors are great for making sure that your face looks great, but a full length mirror is perfect for making sure your whole wardrobe looks great. With a clean white, square frame, this one is both functional and will look great in her room.

ClosetMaid Cubeicals Fabric DrawerClosetMaid Cubeicals Fabric DrawerVérifiez le prix

There is nothing worse than having clutter all over your room. Finally, there is a place to keep all the miscellaneous clutter in a container that is hidden away. With 40 colors to choose from, these fabric drawers are the perfect way to store things on cubic shelves. With a handle on it, it is like a drawer. It is fun to mix and match different colors and patterns.

Seville Classics 3-Tier Resin Slat Utility Shoe RackSeville Classics 3-Tier Resin Slat Utility Shoe RackVérifiez le prix

Finally somebody has come out with a shoe rack for all of us. This 3 tiered slatted shoe rack not only looks modern and contemporary, but you can stack or interlock more than one unit either horizontally or vertically. With a modular design, you can create a whole wall of shoes. You can set it up anywhere in your room. Since they are just shelves, you can use them to store anything.

SONGMICS Vanity Set with Mirror and StoolSONGMICS Vanity Set with Mirror and StoolVérifiez le prix

Just about every girl needs a special place in her room where she can get dressed in the morning. With just the right amount of storage space, this wooden vanity gives her a place to organize all her jewelry and beauty products all in one place. With a fairly small footprint, it’s just the right size for an 11 year old girl.

Acanva Faux Fur Bean Bag ChairAcanva Faux Fur Bean Bag ChairVérifiez le prix

Who knew that a bean bag chair could be so cute? The bean bag chair is great for lounging out and playing videogames or hanging with friends. Le seul problème? Everybody is going to come to your room to sit on it.

Jam Word ArrowsJam Word ArrowsVérifiez le prix

When most of us think about arrows, we think about road signs. However, they can be used as room decor to point on interesting things in her room. You can find arrows in all shapes and sizes and they are a lot of fun to decorate with. We like these ones because they can be customized with several different works and you can even pick out the color.

Malden Best Friends FrameMalden Best Friends FrameVérifiez le prix

Her friends are probably the most important thing in her life. Here’s a cute way to display a 4X6 picture of she and her friends. It has a pretty glass frame that is adorned with the word “friends” all over it. Just slide the photo in the envelope on the back and display it where everybody can see it.

Yankee CandleYankee CandleVérifiez le prix

Just about every girl wants her room to smell nice and Yankee Candles are a great way to do that. No matter what type of scent she likes, chances are that Yankee Candle will have a candle for her. This one on the scent Red Apple Wreath will transport her to the morning of Christmas, where the air smells like sliced apples, nutmeg, and a hint of maple. It’s Christmas all wrapped up in a candle.

Selfie Frame Photo Booth PropSelfie Frame Photo Booth PropVérifiez le prix

It’s a lot of fun to take photos during a birthday or Christmas party. Phone booth props can be a lot of fun. With this selfie frame her friends will always remember her party. They won’t be able to stop laughing every time they see everybody stuck in a real life selfie frame. You can even add a title. You can either get a poster or have poster mounted.

Lifetime Basketball Double Shot Arcade SystemLifetime Basketball Double Shot Arcade SystemVérifiez le prix

The Double Shot Arcade Basketball System is perfect for competing against friends and family. You can put your skills to the test and compete to see who can sink the most shots while improving your accuracy. It’s a super fun gift for the game room or outdoors. Think you have what it takes to win?! Invite the friends over … it’s game time!

YOFIT 21 Vintage Desk CalendarYOFIT 21 Vintage Desk CalendarVérifiez le prix

Nowadays everything has gone digital but having a physical calendar can help you stay better organized and focused. Everybody has a wall calendar, but this desk calendar is way cuter. It comes with wooden blocks that can be rotated to the correct date. She is going to love changing the date every morning. It not only makes a pretty desk accessory, but it’s actually practical.

Fasmov Steel Man BookendsFasmov Steel Man BookendsVérifiez le prix

How adorable is this? I love the look of these bookends. Made of stainless steel, they almost have a reflective like appearance. When you place your books between them, it looks like the they are holding the books up.

X-ACTO S Electric Pencil SharpenerX-ACTO S Electric Pencil SharpenerVérifiez le prix

Everybody is in search of the perfect pencil point. With a 6 pencil hole selector dial, this electric pencil sharpener from X-Acto makes it easy to sharpen any pencil. The best part? Using a flyaway cutter system, the quiet motor is designed to automatically stop once the pencil is sharp. The shaving dish is large so you don’t have to empty it often.

BestBookStandBestBookStandVérifiez le prix

How do they expect you to read those big old textbooks? Your neck will thank you later with this book stand. Designed to hold even the heaviest textbooks, this bookstand displays your books at eye level. With adjustable angle, it’s very versatile too. It has convenient page clips to hold the pages flush. The best part? You can set it up anywhere even in bed and use it to hold a laptop or tablet.

Gund Unicorn HeadAges 3+Gund Unicorn HeadVérifiez le prix

Does your girl love unicorns? This 15-inch plush Gund Unicorn Head makes for fantastic wall décor and adds personality to your space. The unicorn features a sparkly horn and beautiful rainbow-colored mane. The package includes a wall mount for hanging on nurseries, bedrooms, and play rooms. It’s great that the unicorn is surface washable for ease of cleaning.

Get her outside with these gifts.

SpikeballSpikeballVérifiez le prix

Spikeball is basically 2 on 2 Volleyball with a hula hoop shaped net that sits closely to the ground. Instead of volleyball, it is played with a small inflatable ball. The best part? You can set the game up anywhere from the backyard to the beach. Instead of serving the ball over the net, one team serves the ball on the net and when it bounces in the air, the other team has 3 turns to return it back onto the net.

Slackers Classic SlacklineSlackers Classic SlacklineVérifiez le prix

Slacklining is the closest thing to tightrope walking. All you need to set this kit up are two trees that you can anchor the slackline to. People can do amazing tricks on slacklines, but it’s actually really hard just to keep your balance and walk across it. It really tests your sense of balance and coordination. Luckily, this kit comes with a teaching line that makes it a lot easier since you have something to grab onto.

Zupapa 15ft TrampolineZupapa 15ft TrampolineVérifiez le prix

There is something so fun about bouncing on a trampoline. This 15- foot trampoline from Zupapa features a safety enclosure, 108 galvanized rust resistant springs, and support beams, which give you an incredible bounce. All your friends are going to want to come over.

Skywalker Trampolines Jump N’ Dunk TrampolineSkywalker Trampolines Jump N Dunk TrampolineVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t like going to Sky Zone? Now you can bring the fun of a Trampoline Park home with this trampoline from Skywalker. Available in different sizes, this trampoline gets a decent bounce. It is perfect for bouncing on or even doing tricks like flips. Supporting up to 200 lbs, it comes with a number of safety features like a sturdy enclosure net that keeps you away from the springs.

MPOWERD Luci 2.0 Inflatable Solar LightMPOWERD Luci 2.0 Inflatable Solar LightVérifiez le prix

If she loves camping, this solar powered lamp will come in handy. With 10 LEDs, this light gets as bright as 65 Lumens. The best part? It is solar powered. On a 7 hour charge in the sun, you get up to 18 hours of light. Since it is inflatable and can be folded completely flat, it is easy to throw in a backpack. When you want to use it, you just blow it up.

Nite Ize BugLitNite Ize BugLitVérifiez le prix

Even if she already has a flashlight, this bug shaped light is incredibly cool. It features 3 different lighting settings. The cool part? It has rubber legs on it that are bendable, which means that you can attach it just about anywhere from indoors to outdoors. Attach it to a bed post and it becomes a reading light, Attach it outside and it becomes a little lantern.

Coleman Palmetto Cool Weather Sleeping BagColeman Palmetto Cool Weather Sleeping BagVérifiez le prix

At 11, she is probably ready for her first real sleeping bag that she can use for sleepovers and summer camp. Coleman makes some of the most popular sleeping bags. With a temperature rating of 30 degrees, this rectangular sleeping bag from Coleman is designed for just about season. The shell is made out of Polyester and insulation is designed to keep her warm on a cold night.

Coleman Sundome 4-Person TentColeman Sundome 4-Person TentVérifiez le prix

If she want to go camping, this 4 person tent from Coleman is perfect. It has a number of cool features. We like that it takes only a few minutes to set it up. It’s completely waterproof so it will keep you dry even when it is raining outside. It has a thick, dense tarp around the bottom, which helps keep water from getting inside. There is even a little 4 inch zippered vent on it that allows for plenty of ventilation.

Kikkerland Zip Flip Travel PillowKikkerland Zip Flip Travel PillowVérifiez le prix

This is no ordinary travel neck pillow. It has the ability to transform into a stuffed animal. It’s a lot of fun the flip back and forth between the pillow and stuffed animal. It is the perfect travel companion for the 11 year old traveler on your list.

Swimline Giant Pizza FloatSwimline Giant Pizza FloatVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love pizza and pool parties? here are a lot of cute pool floaties, but you can’t have a pool party without a giant inflatable pool float that is shaped like a pizza slice. The coolest part? If you inflate several of these you can form a giant pizza in the pool. What could be better than falling asleep on a giant pizza slice?

Nerf Rival Face MaskAges 14+Nerf Rival Face MaskVérifiez le prix

If you’re going to be engaging in fierce battle with friends, it’s best to have the right equipment for your personal safety. The Nerf Rival Face Mask is designed for use with Nerf Rival line blasters. Experience the intensity without slowing down your missions.

Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-PackAges 8+Nerf Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-PackVérifiez le prix

Laser tag is great because you don’t have to worry about ammo, breaking anything, or somebody getting hurt. You can run around outside or even inside on Christmas day. It’s definitely more fun with more people. With a range of up to 300 feet, the blasters feature cool lights, sounds, and even immersive sensations to make you feel the action. Let the fun and games begin!

Nerf Fortnite Microshots AssortmentAges 8+Nerf Fortnite Microshots AssortmentVérifiez le prix

The 2019 Fortnite Microshots line features the Llama, RL, and TS. The Fortnite Micro Llama just might be the coolest Jolt reskin ever. Load your dart, pull the handle to prime, and pull the trigger to fire. C’est si simple! Trust us, you’ve never seen the Jolt like this. Inspired by the Fortnite videogame, the Llama design looks simply incredible. These miniature blasters include exclusive turquiose and purple Fortnite-themed darts. Two darts are included; however, the Microshot only fires a single dart at a time. If you don’t have a Jolt, this one is definitely worth adding to your collection, as it packs good punch and looks really cool as a decorative showpiece.

Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm Blaster Ages 8+Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm Blaster Vérifiez le prix

Are you ready for a Nerf battle. With 6 slam fire darts, the Nerf Strongarm is ready for battle. Designed like a revolver, it features a rotating barrel that pops out with the press of a button when you want to load up the darts. There are two ways to fire. You can prime each dart and then fire or hold down the trigger for some slam fire action. It’s super accurate within 40 feet and great for target practice. The best part? It’s super inexpensive and requires no batteries.

Nerf Elite Fortnite AR-L BlasterAges 8+Nerf Elite Fortnite AR-L BlasterVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the legendary ‘Scar’ gun from Fortnite, the Nerf Elite Fortnite AR-L Blaster delivers a fun blaster that is game-accurate and aesthetically-pleasing with its cartoony look. Powered by 4 AA batteries, this semi-auto rifle features flip-down sights, making it more practical and tactical for missions. It features a 10-dart clip and 20 Fortnite-themed darts. Considering the entire lineup of Fornite blasters this year, this one is more performance-oriented, so it’s the one we’re most excited about. Get ready to play Fortnite missions in real life!

Nerf Elite Fortnite SP-L BlasterAges 8+Nerf Elite Fortnite SP-L BlasterVérifiez le prix

Inspired by Fortnite, the Fornite SP-L blaster is a silenced pistol with a detachable barrel from Hasbro. With a game-accurate design, Fornite fans will appreciate its attention to detail from form down to color, including the infamous “SHHHHH” imprinted along the barrel. What’s cool? The suppressor is N-Strike compatible. Although it doesn’t offer insane range, you benefit from Elite blaster performance. The 3-dart internal magazine utilizes the space well and it includes 6 darts. Load up your darts, prime, aim, and pull the trigger to fire. It’s an amazingly cool and quite blaster perfect for cosplay, and we love the tactical feel with its built-in red dot.

Nerf Rival Overwatch D.Va BlasterAges 14+Nerf Rival Overwatch D.Va BlasterVérifiez le prix

Styled after D.Va’s signature accessory in Overwatch, the Overwatch D.Va Blaster is a breech-load, spring-action blaster. It houses three Overwatch Rival rounds and features a cool recoil action after pulling the trigger and a bunny charm on the handle. It is capable of firing a single shot at a rate up to 80 FPS.

Nerf Rival Stormtrooper BlasterAges 14+Nerf Rival Stormtrooper BlasterVérifiez le prix

Designed to be a replica of the First Order Stormtrooper blaster, the Stormtrooper Blaster comes with 7 red rounds so it looks like you are firing a laser. This spring powered blaster has a bolt handle on the side. Simply prime it back and forth and pull the trigger.

Nerf Rival Helios XVIII-700Ages 14+Nerf Rival Helios XVIII-700Vérifiez le prix

The Helios has the priming handle on the side, freeing up the top for adding sights. It’s got a smoother gear chain and delivers great range perfomance. Pull it all the way back and let it go then fire. It features a 7-round magazine and offers a convenient uzi-style way to reload through the handle. The Helios is everything the Apollo should have been. The Team Blue and Red reskins launched earlier this year.

Nerf Rival Kronos XVIII-500Ages 14+Nerf Rival Kronos XVIII-500Vérifiez le prix

Now available in Team Red or Team Blue, the Kronos XVIII-500 is a spring-powered five-round capacity blaster. It doesn’t feature slam-fire tech nor an N-Strike attachment lug. It’s an excellent blaster filling in the pistol gap in the Rival line. The Kronos delivers a great combination of form, function, and performance at a great value.

Nerf Fortnite Microshots AssortmentAges 8+Nerf Fortnite Microshots AssortmentVérifiez le prix

The 2019 Fortnite Microshots line features the Llama, RL, and TS. The Fortnite Micro Llama just might be the coolest Jolt reskin ever. Load your dart, pull the handle to prime, and pull the trigger to fire. C’est si simple! Trust us, you’ve never seen the Jolt like this. Inspired by the Fortnite videogame, the Llama design looks simply incredible. These miniature blasters include exclusive turquiose and purple Fortnite-themed darts. Two darts are included; however, the Microshot only fires a single dart at a time. If you don’t have a Jolt, this one is definitely worth adding to your collection, as it packs good punch and looks really cool as a decorative showpiece.

Tello DroneTello DroneVérifiez le prix

Before you invest in a large drone, the Tello quadcopter is the perfect first drone. Designed to be easy to fly and withstand crashes, this affordable drone gives you hands-on experience flying a drone. It flies for about 13 minutes on a full charge. The built-in 720p camera is a cool feature that allows you to shoot decent quality video while you fly.

Capture the Flag REDUXCapture the Flag REDUXVérifiez le prix

When you think about capture the flag, you think about running around in the day time. You can play the game in the night but it is a little hard to see what is going on. Enter Capture the Flag Redux. It’s capture the flag reinvented for the nighttime. Instead of a flag, teams try to capture the other team’s glowing orb. Each player wears a glow in the dark wristband, which lets people easily see what team they are on even in the dark.

Nerf Rival Nemesis MXVIII-10KAges 14+Nerf Rival Nemesis MXVIII-10KVérifiez le prix

When we say the Nerf Rival Nemesis MXVII-10K is massive, we mean it’s massive. With a built-in hopper, it’s fully motorized and holds 100 rounds to unleash a fury at your opponent. That’s right, we said 100 rounds. That’s insane! To load it up, just dump the balls into the hopper and resume firing. The precision and power are incomparable. Get ready to dominate the battlefield with the Nemesis!

Bunch O Balloons Filler/Soaker Ages 6+Bunch O Balloons Filler/Soaker Vérifiez le prix

Looking for some fun in the sun? The Bunch O Balloons Filler/Soaker is all about fun. It’s a water blaster that shoots up to 30-feet. Mais ce n’est pas tout! It can also fill up your water balloons even if you’re not near a water source. Are you ready to unleash the Bunch O Balloons Filler/Soaker?

HyperStrikeAges 14+HyperStrikeVérifiez le prix

Gear up for thrilling adventures with the HyperStrike. The HyperStrike from Zing delivers a thrilling bow and arrow experience. Available in camouflage and carbon fiber color schemes, kids can launch soft foam whistle arrows up to 250-feet away. It’s perfect for developing hand-eye coordination and target practice. Backyard battles will never be the same!

S’ip by S’well Water BottleSip by Swell Water BottleVérifiez le prix

You have probably seen the trendy S’well water bottles everywhere. These insulated water bottles are designed to keep hot or cold drinks at a consistent temperature forever. Created by the same company as Swell Water bottles, these ones are more affordably priced. They are slightly smaller than a S’well bottle, but 15 ounces is perfect for an 11 year old girl. We like that they come in so many fun and playful colors and patterns.

adidas Diablo Duffle Smalladidas Diablo Duffle SmallVérifiez le prix

With a classic Adidas logo on the front of it, this gym bag is perfect for 11 year old girls. It comes in so many different patterns and colors so it fun to pick out the perfect bag. It can be carried using the handles but there is also a cross body strap. Aside from the main compartment, it doesn’t have any pockets.

Nike Brasilia GymsackNike Brasilia GymsackVérifiez le prix

The hardest part about working out at the gym is getting motivated. If you have got a cute gym bag, you are more likely to go to the gym. There are many types of gym bags, but this backpack style drawstring closure bag from Nike is perfect for most of us. It’s got a large single compartment with a divider inside. The zippered pocket on the side is great for storing your essentials. It has mesh air ventilation on the bottom that allows the bag to breathe.

Under Armour Girls’ Mini HeadbandsUnder Armour Girls Mini HeadbandsVérifiez le prix

When she is working out, these headbands from Under Armour help keep the hair out of her face when she is playing. Inside the band is a layer of silicone that allows the bands to stay in place without slipping. They come in stylish colors and you get 6 in each pack. Now she can finally concentrate on the game.

adidas Youth Soccer Tiro 17 Pantsadidas Youth Soccer Tiro 17 PantsVérifiez le prix

Adidas Tiro Training pants are designed to be used for sports, but they are fun to wear everywhere. They have the signature Adidas 3 stripes down the side and are slim at the bottom. Designed to breathe well, they are designed to keep you cool even if you are running around on the field. Because they are so comfortable, she will love living in these all day and night.

Capezio Short Sleeve LeotardCapezio Short Sleeve LeotardVérifiez le prix

If she is in dance or gymnastics, a leotard is a great gift idea. Capezio leotards come in all shapes and sizes. This short sleeve leotard is made out of a comfortable Nylon and Spadex, staying perfectly in place. If you are getting her a leotard, make sure you know her size.

Maidenform Racerback Sports BraMaidenform Racerback Sports BraVérifiez le prix

Having workout gear that looks amazing and make you feel good is such a big motivator. This racerback sports brafrom Maidenform is perfect for basketball, volleyball, or soccer. It is made so it won’t move around. With no padding, it provides great support and is so comfortable that she will forget that she is wearing anything. It is even perfect for layering under shirts.

Speedo Infinity Splice One-Piece SwimsuitSpeedo Infinity Splice One-Piece SwimsuitVérifiez le prix

Does she love swimming? Speedo makes great swimsuits that are both durable and last a long time. Offering full coverage, this one piece swimsuit from Speedo not only features a flattering cut but comes in so many vibrant colors. The best part? It has tape around the leg area to keep it in place and prevent it from riding up her leg.

Fin Fun Sparkle Mermaid Swimming TailFin Fun Sparkle Mermaid Swimming TailVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want to be a real mermaid? The Mermaid tail swim suit from Fin Fun makes this magical dream a reality. If it wasn’t so expensive, it would be the coolest thing ever. It comes with a monofin that keeps your legs together when you swim. Once you get the hang of it, it really feels like you are swimming like a mermaid. She might never want to take it off. Who needs legs anyway?

Healthy Model Life Ankle WeightsHealthy Model Life Ankle WeightsVérifiez le prix

If she is in gymnastics, a set of ankle weights is a great gift idea. These 1 pound weights are both for the ankles and wrists. When you put them on and workout, they really help tone your arms and legs. When you take them off, you feel like you are floating.

TheraFlow Dual Foot Massager RollerTheraFlow Dual Foot Massager RollerVérifiez le prix

What the heck? This weird looking contraption is not a torture or tickling device. It is actually a foot massager. It has little knobby things on it that help to massage your heel and the bottom of your foot. To massage your foot, you just roll it across it. Apparently, it actually works to relieve foot pain using the principles of acupuncture.

Wilson Traditional Soccer BallWilson Traditional Soccer BallVérifiez le prix

There are all different types of soccer balls, but this inexpensive soccer ball from Wilson is one of the most popular balls. Made out of synthetic leather, it might not be a fancy leather ball but we like that it is offered in different sizes and its classic black and white look. At 11 year olds, she will probably be using a size 4 ball.

SKLZ Star-Kick Hands Free Solo Soccer TrainerSKLZ Star-Kick Hands Free Solo Soccer TrainerVérifiez le prix

The little nifty gadget is a great way for her to practice her soccer drills. You simply wrap the netting snuggly around your ball. Then you put on the neoprene waistband. You hook up the waistband to the ball using the stretchy cord. This allows you to kick the ball and have it come back to you so you don’t have to constantly run after the ball.

Franklin Sports Competition GoalFranklin Sports Competition GoalVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be cool if you had a mini soccer field in the backyard? For a fun game of soccer or practicing in the backyard, nothing beats this portable soccer goal from Franklin. Made out of steel tubing and offered in 3 different sizes, it is very easy to assemble. It’s comes with stakes if you want to secure the net in the ground.

Spalding NBA Mini Basketball HoopSpalding NBA Mini Basketball HoopVérifiez le prix

Does she love basketball? Whether it is raining or snowing outside, this indoor basketball lets her practice her game. This mini replica looks just like a real basic ball hoop and comes with a 5 inch ball. The NBA logo makes it look authentic. It has a breakaway rim so she can take the ball to the hoop. It’s the perfect gift for any hoop lover.

Spalding NBA Street Basketball Spalding NBA Street Basketball Vérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t love a beautiful colored ball? This ball from Spalding is very good for its price. With an outdoor cover, it is perfect for playing out on the cement without having to worry about the ball deteriorating. It’s not really designed for indoor basketball because there are better balls for that. It comes in size 6, which is the perfect size for an 11 year old girl.

Lifetime Portable Basketball SystemLifetime Portable Basketball SystemVérifiez le prix

Now you can create a mini basketball court in the driveway or backyard. Lifetime makes portable basketball hoops that are designed to be used at home. Featuring a 44 inch backboard, this basketball hoop is perfect for a casual game of basketball with family and friends. The coolest part? It’s height adjustable and can be raised between 7.5 to 10 feet.

Babolat Nadal 26 Junior Tennis RacquetBabolat Nadal 26 Junior Tennis RacquetVérifiez le prix

Does she love tennis? There is nothing more fun than hitting the ball back and forth on a tennis court. Measuring 26 inches and made out of aluminum, this junior racket is designed after Rafael Nadal’s. Even it’s color scheme is identical to Nadal’s. With a great grip, it is the perfect weight and size for an 11 year old girl.

EASTON FS50 Softball BatEASTON FS50 Softball BatVérifiez le prix

Does she love fast pitch softball? In fast pitch softball, the ball it delivered quickly in an underhand motion. Made out of aluminum allow, this lightweight bat is perfectly balanced for 11 year old girls. For most 11 year old girls, you want to choose a bat size between 28 and 31 inches.

Tachikara SV-MNC Volley-Lite VolleyballTachikara SV-MNC Volley-Lite VolleyballVérifiez le prix

Volleyball is a lot of fun but nobody loves getting sore arms. If she wants to get started with Volleyball, this ball from Tachikara is perfect for beginners. Offered in a ton of colors, it’s the same size as a standard volleyball, but because it is lighter, it won’t hurt her hands as much as a standard ball. This helps beginners work on their skills instead of concentrating on how much it hurts. It’s a great way to boost her confidence before moving onto a regulation ball.

Tumbl Trak Folding Gymnastics MatTumbl Trak Folding Gymnastics MatVérifiez le prix

A gym mat is the perfect gift idea for any budding 11 year old gymnast. Measuring 4 by 8-feet, the Tumbl Trak gym mat features 4 foldable panels. This is really not only helpful for doing different exercises but for storage as well. Offered in two thicknesses, depending if you are using it on carpet or hardwood floor, it provides the perfect support for her to land on.

YOGABODY Yoga TrapezeYOGABODY Yoga TrapezeVérifiez le prix

A Yoga Trapeze is very cool. This swing like contraction allows you to perform hanging Yoga poses and stretches, helping to strengthen the body. The coolest part? It allows you to flip upside down and even perform tricks that look straight out of a circus act. You do need ceiling hooks to hang it but it comes with everything else you need.

Rawlings NFL Downfield Youth FootballRawlings NFL Downfield Youth FootballVérifiez le prix

Looking for a quality football for your son? The Rawlings NFL Downfield Youth Football is a youth-sized football perfect for younger kids. It’s great for tossing around and offers an excellent grip. Made of molded rubber, this ball offers excellent grip for throwing accuracy. The best part? He can choose his favorite NFL football team. It’s perfect for playing in the backyard or park. Let the fun and games begin!

Diggin Jr. Squish FootballDiggin Jr. Squish FootballVérifiez le prix

Ready. Set. Amusement! Designed for the younger set, the Diggin Jr. Squish Football is one football boys will love playing with. It’s so soft and squishy and doesn’t hurt your hands while playing for hours. It’s also perfectly sided for younger hands. Go long, go deep!

Sunny Mini Exercise BikeSunny Mini Exercise BikeVérifiez le prix

For the price, you can’t beat this mini exercise bike. With this bike, she can burn calories anywhere and even while sitting down, watching TV, or doing homework. Not only is it perfect for strengthening muscles in the legs but it can also used to create definition for the arms. With 8 different levels, you can even increase the resistance. There are no more excuses for not exercising.

Glow City Light Up LED Soccer BallGlow City Light Up LED Soccer BallVérifiez le prix

A soccer ball that glows in the dark? Soccer balls are great, but there is something about a glow in the dark soccer ball that makes it an even more special gift. When she first sees this gift she might not think much of it. As soon as she kicks it around in the dark, she will think it is the best thing ever. The best part? Now soccer practice doesn’t have to stop just because it is dark outside.

Whether she wants to skate or ride, get her something new to ride.

Spooner Boards ProSpooner Boards ProVérifiez le prix

Spooner boards are great for exercising with. These balance boards sort of look like a skateboard without wheels. Just like a skateboard, you have to learn to balance on it. It is a lot of fun to twist and turn around on it. Once you get good at the basics, you can even perform tricks on it. It is a lot of fun to use it on different surfaces because depending on the surface, it will either spin faster or slower.

Brightz LED Bicycle LightBrightz LED Bicycle LightVérifiez le prix

Wheel Brightz are essentially Christmas lights for your bike wheels. This set comes with lights for both the front and back wheel. Each set of lights contains 20 LED lights and they come in different colors. Designed to fit wheels of 20 inches or larger, these lights are sure to grab everybody’s attention. To install them, you simply weave the 7 feet of lights around the bicycle’s spokes.

Razor A5 Lux ScooterRazor A5 Lux ScooterVérifiez le prix

Has she outgrown her old scooter? With an adjustable handle bar , larger wheels, and a weight limit of 220 pounds, the Razor A5 Lux Scooter is designed for older kids. It is offered in 3 colors, but this one is the red one. It’s got all the standard features that you expect from a scooter from Razor including a kick stand, brake, and the ability to fold it.

Rollerblade Spitfire JR XTGRollerblade Spitfire JR XTGVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want a new pair of skates? The Rollerblade Spitfire Xt is one of the most popular skates for kids. The big feature about these skates is that it has an adjustable shell that can slide in and out between 4 different sizes. To make the skate bigger, you simply press a button and push the front of the skate forward. For the perfect fit, they tighten with a buckle, velcro strap, and a lace

Razor Ripstik Caster BoardRazor Ripstik Caster BoardVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be cool if she could snowboard down the street? Ordinary skateboards just got a lot more boring. The Ripstick is a unique skateboard that allows her to “carve” on the street. The secret? The two caster wheels underneath and separated boards allow the board to flex back and forth. With a simple twisting motion, she can propel the board forward.

Penny Classic Complete SkateboardPenny Classic Complete SkateboardVérifiez le prix

There is nothing cooler than riding a skateboard. One of the most popular skateboards is the Pennyboard. They come in so many different colorful patterns that are super fashionable. What makes them special? Made out of plastic and about 22 inches long, they are smaller than a regular skate sized skateboard. Because they are small, they are much easier to carry around.

WALKAROO XTREME Steel Balance StiltsWALKAROO XTREME Steel Balance StiltsVérifiez le prix

Some of us dream of being taller. Now everybody can be a bit taller with this stilts from Geospace. Supporting up to 210 pounds, they lift you off the ground 1 foot but can be adjusted up to 17 inches. Not only will she get great exercise, she will love learning to walk all over with them. Who knew that walking could be so fun?

Firmstrong Beach Cruiser BicycleFirmstrong Beach Cruiser BicycleVérifiez le prix

There is nothing better than cruising down the street with beach cruiser. With a classic cruiser shape, the Firmstrong Urban Lady is a beautiful bike that is offered in so many pretty colors. The oversized seat makes it extremely comfortable to pedal on short or long rides. She is going to love riding it. It’s perfect for riding around the boardwalk or block.

Flybar Foam Master Pogo StickFlybar Foam Master Pogo StickVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want a pogo stick? It’s like a mini trampoline that goes wherever you go. Designed for older riders, this pogo stick from Flybar supports riders from 80-160 pounds. It’s very important to get the right pogo stick based on her weight, otherwise you won’t get a good bounce. If she doesn’t weigh much, then go with the Flybar Maverick. With both models, everything is covered in foam so you don’t have to worry about safety.

Razor Turbo JettsAges 9+Razor Turbo JettsVérifiez le prix

The original Razor Jetts were cool, but now Razor has stuck a motor in one of the skates and made them even cooler. While they take a while to learn to balance on, they might be the coolest way to get around. With a top speed of 10 MPH and roughly 30 minutes of battery life, kids will love riding them wherever their adventures lead them.

Razor Pocket Mod Mini Electric ScooterAges 13+Razor Pocket Mod Mini Electric ScooterVérifiez le prix

Designed for teens ages 13 and older, the Razor Pocket Mod Mini Euro Electric Scooter is the perfect ride-on for girls. Featuring a Sweet Pea metallic pink color with handle streamers, it’s designed with fun in mind. It looks like a realistic scooter and it’s electric-powered, reaching thrilling speeds of 15 miles per hour. The styling looks fab and it rides like a charm with a comfy padded seat. A storage compartment is concealed underneath the seat. She’ll love riding in style!

Razor Dirt Rocket SX500 McGrath Electric Motocross BikeAges 14+Razor Dirt Rocket SX500 McGrath Electric Motocross BikeVérifiez le prix

Inspired by Jeremy McGrath, the Razor SX500 Dirt Rocket McGrath features authentic graphics and design. It delivers a thrilling, super-charged experience with speeds up to 15 MPH with 40 minutes of continuous use. It’s designed to support riders up to 175 pounds. It’s a gift that’s sure to make him smile from ear to ear.

Monkey Bike Wheel Light M232Monkey Bike Wheel Light M232Vérifiez le prix

Riding a bike and being safe will never be the same. The Monkey Wheel Wheel light creates a stunning light display on your bike wheels. With over 40 patterns to choose from flowers to cross bones, people in their cars may want to slow down just to check you out.

Razor Drift RiderAges 9+Razor Drift RiderVérifiez le prix

What happens when you combine a bicycle and motorcycle? You get the Razor Drift Rider! With colors straight out of Star Wars, the Razor Drift rider is for anybody who can’t learn to balance on the Razor Turbo Jetts. This 3-wheeled electric scooter has 360-degrees of steering. You can steer it left and right like a normal scooter but what makes it unique is that you can even tilt the steering wheel for some crazy cornering and drifting action.

Razor e-Punk Electric Mini BikeAges 8+Razor e-Punk Electric Mini BikeVérifiez le prix

The Razor e-Punk is a new seated electric mini bike that delivers thrilling speed and a smooth ride. If your kid can ride a bike, it will be an easy transition. Supporting riders up to 120 pounds, it reaches thrilling speeds of 9 MPH and offers up to 40 minutes of continuous battery use. The 8-inch pneumatic front tire delivers a smoother riding experience on urban streets. Its compact design makes it perfect for getting around town and transporting in your vehicle.

Razor Power A5 Electric ScooterAges 8+Razor Power A5 Electric Scooter

The Razor Power A5 is an extension of the Power A2 line. Supporting riders up to 176 pounds, it’s a great mid-level scooter for kids and teens looking to get into world of electrics. It’s an affordable, lightweight, electric kick-start scooter with a raised handlebar perfect for older riders. The Power A5 delivers solid performance in a practical compact, foldable design. The bigger tires deliver a smoother ride than the A2 and its lightweight design is perfect for performing tricks. With quick acceleration and a smooth riding experience, you won’t be able to wait long between rides. With battery life of about 40 minutes and thrilling speeds up to 10 MPH, fun and exciting adventures await.

Razor Hovertrax 3.0Ages 8+Razor Hovertrax 3.0

The Hovertrax 3.0 is an awesome new addition to Razor’s hoverboard line. With a sleek new futuristic design, the new Hovertrax features an auto-leveling feature, adapting so riders can easily mount it. The end result is a much smoother riding experience. It delivers thrilling cruising speeds, great maneuverability, and good battery performance for exciting adventures. Where will your adventures lead you?

She is going to love electronics, video games, and watching TV, but it’s important for parents to develop a family media plan. She is going to want an iPhone but what are other electronics can you buy her? Check out these cool electronic gifts for 11 year old girls.

Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant CameraFujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant CameraVérifiez le prix

There is nothing more fun than snapping a picture and watching it develop right in front of you. Now Fujifilm has updated its most popular instant camera with a selfie mirror. It even comes with a macro lens that is great for close up shots. Using standard mini Instax film, this camera allows girls to take instant snapshots of all their friends. What could be more fun? The photos are really cute and it’s really fun to write on the borders of the prints.

Fujifilm Instax Mini Accessory PackFujifilm Instax Mini Accessory PackVérifiez le prix

Now that she has a cute camera, she is going to need something to carry it in. This accessory pack not only comes with a matching carrying case, but a bunch of other fun accessories. With 11 fun pieces, there is everything from a selfie lens to a photo album. If you have already got her an Instant camera, it is sure to be an instant success!

Fujifilm Instax Mini Instant FilmFujifilm Instax Mini Instant FilmVérifiez le prix

The only problem with having an instant camera is that you are always running out of film. If she has already got a Fuji camera, more instant film is a great gift idea. The neat thing about this film is that you can find it in so many cool borders. This rainbow film is perfect for the unicorn or mermaid lover in your and makes for some colorful room decor.

Fujifilm INSTAX SHARE SP-2 Smart Phone PrinterFujifilm INSTAX SHARE SP-2 Smart Phone PrinterVérifiez le prix

Instant cameras have dominated the camera space, but most of us still love taking photos on our phones. What if there was a way to turn a phone into an instant camera? There is! It’s is called the Instax Share SP-2. This nifty gadget allows you to print from your Smartphone or just about any other device The best part? While no developing is required, it’s an old school photo that works on the principle of a dark room. It uses Fuji’s Mini Instax film.

All-New KindleAll-New KindleVérifiez le prix

The All-New best-selling Amazon Kindle now enables readers to read in the dark thanks to its front-lit screen. In addition to its illuminated screen, it features a smaller, sleeker design, faster processor, improved contrast display, a touchscreen, double the storage, and hands-free Alexa. While it’s not waterproof and doesn’t feature the additonal storage and higher resolution of the Paperwhite, it’s the perfect entry-level e-reader for those who love reading and don’t need all those bells and whistles. And now that it’s easy to read by the bedside, if you love reading in bed, it makes it a no-brainer.

All-New Fire HD 7 TabletAll-New Fire HD 7 TabletVérifiez le prix

Running Fire OS, Amazon’s Fire 7 is a dirt cheap tablet. While it’s a modified Android tablet, it uses Amazon’s own App store. Because of this, it works really well with Amazon’s services like Amazon Prime Video. Alexa is integrated right into the tablet so you can use voice commands. Now it features a faster processor, double the memory, and up to 7 hours of battery life.

Amazon Echo DotAmazon Echo DotVérifiez le prix

Amazon has come out with a new smaller and cheaper version of its Amazon Echo Bluetooth speaker. It can wirelessly steam music but the real fun is how much else it can do. It can answer your questions, control your devices, and so much more. You can even hook it up to a Bluetooth speaker if you want better quality sound.

Amazon Echo SpotAmazon Echo SpotVérifiez le prix

Meet the smart clock! The Amazon Echo Spot is a clock with Alexa built in. Just like before, you can ask it all sorts of questions, to play your music, and order stuff online. What makes it unique is its form factor. Unlike the basic Amazon Echo Dot, it has a cute 2.5 inch circular screen. The screen can not only be used for the clock face, but for video phone calling, Amazon Prime video, and more.

Retevis Kids Walkie TalkiesRetevis Kids Walkie TalkiesVérifiez le prix

She might not be allowed to have a cell phone just yet, but these walkie talkies are almost as fun. While these walkie talkies might not look fancy, they have an excellent range. They are great for outdoors, but they are also fun to use indoors when you want to “talk” to your your 11 year old girl. Depending on how open the area is, you can get a good mile with them.

GoPro HERO7 WhiteGoPro HERO7 WhiteVérifiez le prix

With the GoPro HERO7 White, it’s never been more affordable to record yourself skiing down a mountain, performing tricks on your skateboard, or catching some serious air on your bike. The best part? The GoPro has gotten smaller than ever before and it’s waterproof to 33 ft with image stabilization for smooth looking video. It shoots 1080p video at 60 FPS. About the size of an ice cube, the Go Pro Hero Session is ready to go on any adventure you go on. Let the adventures begin!

FITFORT Action Camera 4KFITFORT Action Camera 4KVérifiez le prix

If you are looking for a budget priced action camera, this one from Fitfort is decent. It’s not a Go Pro. You are giving up some features like a touch screen, but it shoots good quality 4k video and even has built in image stabilization. The best part? It costs a lot less than a Go Pro.

PopSocketsPopSocketsVérifiez le prix

Available in just about every style you can think of, Popsockets are collapsible phone grips. With an adhesive, it attaches to any SmartDevice. When you want to use it, you can easily pop it out to take a selfie or even use it to prop up your phone on a table.

AmazonBasics Multi-Angle Portable StandAmazonBasics Multi-Angle Portable StandVérifiez le prix

This stand is perfect for 4 to 10-inch tablets, e-readers and smartphones. It offers the flexibility of multiple angles to find the perfect viewing angle. Enjoy the convenience of watching video, surfing the web, and more.

AboveTEK Gooseneck Phone HolderAboveTEK Gooseneck Phone HolderVérifiez le prix

Have you ever wanted to lie in your bed all day and watch Netflix on your phone or tablet? This gooseneck holder can be attached to your phone and nightstand table to make your dream come true. It has a bendable arm that allows you to get a perfect angle. There is padding on both ends so you don’t have to worry about scratches. Finally you can lie on your back and watch a movie the wway it was meant to be watched.

Tablift Tablet Stand for the BedTablift Tablet Stand for the BedVérifiez le prix

If you are like me, you never use your tablet on a table. I like to use my tablet when I am in bed or lounging on a couch. That’s where the Tablift tablet stand comes in. It’s a stand with bendable legs, allowing it to prop up the iPad or tablet on any surface.If you have the iPad Pro, they do recommend you use a hard case.

Arkon iPhone Tripod MountArkon iPhone Tripod MountVérifiez le prix

If you don’t want to spend a lot on a camera, you can use your SmartPhone to shoot video. Smartphones today not only take great pictures but also take incredible video. If you are going to use your phone, you are going to need a tripod to keep your phone steady. Most tripods don’t give you the flexibility to shoot both vertically and horizontally, but this one from Arkon does. It’s got bendy legs that even allow you to wrap it around something.

Amazon Fire TV StickAmazon Fire TV StickVérifiez le prix

Say goodbye to cable! You don’t have to pay a lot to get a lot of content on your TV. This little device is a lot of fun to plug into your television set. Not only can you access 3rd party video streaming services like Netflix on your TV, but if you have Amazon Prime, you can get a lot of free content. It comes with a remote with a built-in mic that allows you to use voice controls to control the Fire TV Stick.

Anker Selfie StickAnker Selfie StickVérifiez le prix

Does she love taking selfies in front of everything? Then she needs this selfie stick to capture herself in all of her glory. It’s got a 2.5-foot telescoping handle which allows you to capture yourself or a group of friends. With built-in Bluetooth, it couldn’t be easier to shoot photos.

Fitbit Flex 2Fitbit Flex 2Vérifiez le prix

The Fitbit is a wearable fitness tracker that keeps track of your fitness. When you get one, you will find that you start exercising more just so you can improve your stats. She might even start taking the stairs. It’s even more fun when your friends have one. There are many different types of Fitbits for every price range, but for most 11 year old girls the Flex 2 will satisfy her needs.

Techkey Jewelry Crystal USB Flash DriveTechkey Jewelry Crystal USB Flash DriveVérifiez le prix

We all need USB flash drives but most of them are so boring. Available in different sizes, this USB 2.0 flash drive has beautiful floating crystals in it. It works just like any other thumb drive, but it’s like a little sparkly fashion accessory for your laptop. We like sparkly!

SanDisk 32GB Ultra Class Memory CardSanDisk 32GB Ultra Class Memory CardVérifiez le prix

With all the different devices and gadgets, you can go wrong with giving a memory card. If she taking photos, shooting video, or storing games, this one from Samsung comes in multiple sizes and is the perfect stocking stuffer for the gadget lover on your list.

Anker PowerCore 10000Anker PowerCore 10000Vérifiez le prix

Our phones go everywhere we go because it is so important to be connected at all times. There is nothing worse than when you run out of juice for your phone. You feel helpless. Luckily, Anker makes great portable chargers that are available in diffirent capacities. If she has got a phone, she won’t want to leave home with one.

MOSNOVO White Henna iPhone 7/8 CaseMOSNOVO White Henna iPhone 7/8 CaseVérifiez le prix

The new Rose iPhones are so beautiful that oftentimes putting a case over them seems like a waste. Available in different laced Mandala designs, this clear case helps to accentuate the natural beauty of the iPhone. It has a clear raised bumper around the edge that provides for extra protection.

OtterBox Defender CaseOtterBox Defender CaseVérifiez le prix

The Otterbox is a phone case that is well-known for its extremely rugged design. It’s got 3 layers of protection and a screen shield. While it is built like a tank, the Otterbox is the one case you want to have on your phone when it falls crashing to the floor. It’s available for just about every phone including the new iPhone.

Jelly Comb 2.4G Slim Wireless MouseJelly Comb 2.4G Slim Wireless MouseVérifiez le prix

If she’s got a laptop, the built in trackpad is okay, but a wireless mouse gives you a lot of control. It’s hard to find a mouse that looks stylish as most mice look like a black piece of plastic. We like the look of this thin wireless mouse from Jelly Comb that comes in all different colors and styles. It connects wirelessly using a dongle and has 3 buttons

Mosiso Hard Case For MacbookMosiso Hard Case For MacbookVérifiez le prix

The best accessory that she can get for her laptop is a Laptop Hard case. If she’s got a Macbook, this one from Mosiso is a fun way for her protect her laptop cover from scratches and add a pop of color to it. It’s available in so many different pastel covers and comes with a matching keyboard cover.

Anker PowerLine 6ft Lightning CableAnker PowerLine 6ft Lightning CableVérifiez le prix

It seems like the cable that comes with the iPhone is never long enough. This one from Anker is 6ft long so you won’t have any trouble reaching the power outlet. The best part? This one is made to withstand abuse so it won’t fray easily.

Samsung Gear VR w/ControllerSamsung Gear VR w/ControllerVérifiez le prix

The Samsung Gear VR is the bestselling virtual reality headset in the market with a commanding lead over the competiton. It’s a great introduction to the world of VR and a great value. This new version integrates new social features like playing a game, interacting with friends, or chatting together in a virtual world. The Gear VR also lets users participate in the creation of their own VR content.

Oculus GoOculus GoVérifiez le prix

With no bulky cables, the Oculus Go is the most convenient and comfortable VR headset ever made. Choose from 32 or 64GB of storage. Although you have to download the app, this is a completely standalone device. The biggest surprise is how easy it is to use and comfortable it is to wear. Expect around 2.5 hours of battery life with video and roughly 2 hours for games. With a low starting price point, it’s the easiest way for most people to jump into VR.

ViewSonic PJD5155 SVGA HDMI ProjectorViewSonic PJD5155 SVGA HDMI ProjectorVérifiez le prix

Watching movies on your phone is great but when friends come over its so much better when you can super-size them. Whether you want to splash Netflix movies on a wall or outside on the garage, this affordably priced projector from Viewsonic is bright enough. It won’t give you the latest features, but when you get life size images for an affordable price, it doesn’t matter.

TCL 32S305 32-Inch 720p Roku Smart LED TVTCL 32S305 32-Inch 720p Roku Smart LED TVVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could stick a Roku box into television? Offered in many different sizes, this television is perfect for her room if she is allowed to have a television. It includes the ROKU operating system, which makes it easy to find streaming content and your favorite shows on television. The best part? While it’s big on features, it has a very small price tag.

iHome Color Changing Dual Alarm ClockiHome Color Changing Dual Alarm ClockVérifiez le prix

It seems everything these days looks modern, but our alarm clocks are stuck in the past. iHome changes that with this futuristic looking alarm clock that is surrounded by a cool glowing LED light. As you can expect, this is more than a clock. It’s also a decent Bluetooth speaker and even charges your phone.

Téléphone intelligentTéléphone intelligentVérifiez le prix

It’s no secret that the number one gift on a lot of 11 year old girl’s wish list is a brand new phone. Is she ready for one? It’s something that every parent today has to decide. Just don’t let her spend more time on it than she spends in the real world.

Apple iPad MiniApple iPad MiniVérifiez le prix

The 7.9-inch iPad Mini is like a smaller version of the 10.5-inch iPad Air. It features a powerful A12 processor, it’s lighter, and sports a 3.5mm headphone jack. For artists who don’t mind the smaller work area, it supports the Apple Pencil. Battery life comes in around 10 hours. With strong performance, features, and battery life, it makes the iPad Mini a worthy travel companion.

Apple iPad AirApple iPad AirVérifiez le prix

The iPad Air fills the gap in Apple’s lineup between the iPad and iPad Pro. The iPad Air features an outstanding display, strong battery life, and it’s very responsive. Unlike the iPad Pro, it only has 2 speakers and doesn’t feature Face ID. Compared to the base iPad model, it features a bigger and better screen, additional storage, and it even supports Apple’s Smart Keyboard and the first-gen Apple Pencil. Overall, it’s one of the best iPads you can get without breaking the bank.

ASUS Chromebook C202SA-YS02ASUS Chromebook C202SA-YS02Vérifiez le prix

If she is looking for something really really basic just to get on the Internet with, a Chromebook is a great gift. This one from Asus is built tough and has an excellent battery life. With a Celeron processor, it’s not the fastest computer, but if you are on a budget, it’s a decent little 11.6” computer.

Acer Aspire E 15 LaptopAcer Aspire E 15 LaptopVérifiez le prix

If she is looking for a full fledged Windows 10 laptop, then you have found it with the Acer Aspire E15. For the price, it’s a really good value. It’s perfect for checking email, watching movies, doing homework, and light gaming – basically everything most 11 year old girls are going to do. It features an Intel i5 processor, a graphics card, 8GB of memory, and a 256 GB hard drive. There are better laptops but not at this price point.

Apple Macbook ProApple Macbook ProVérifiez le prix

The one laptop just about every 11 year old girl dreams about getting is a brand new Macbook. If you are looking for something small and lightweight, there is the Macbook Air. If you want a bit more power, there is the Macbook Pro. Every year, Apple gives the Macbook a small refresh. This year’s model features the latest processors from Intel.

Apple iMacApple iMacVérifiez le prix

This iMac may look very familiar on the surface but many of the changes are under the hood. There’s a lot that has been amped up – including the 8th gen 6-core Intel i5 chips. This 21.5-inch iMac with Retina display has a beautiful 4K display, which is now brighter and can display billions of colors. 8GB of RAM is plenty for most basic computing: surfing internet, email, and social media. With 1TB of storage, it allows for endless possibilities. The graphics have been upgraded to Radeon Pro cards for the non-base model.

Macbook AirMacbook AirVérifiez le prix

We take it for granted but the MacBook Air is one of the most reliable lightweight computers. It’s so thin and light and weighs next to nothing at just under 3 pounds. The battery life is wonderful delivering up to 12 hours on a full charge. The best part? It features a Retina display, Touch ID, and USB-C ports plus it packs great power with an 8th gen i5 processor, 8GB RAM, and 128/256MB SSD storage. The keyboard has been redesigned from the ground up to deliver comfort and responsiveness. Not much has changed … but if it ain’t broke … why fix it?

Carpool Karaoke: The MicCarpool Karaoke: The MicVérifiez le prix

Always wished you could be on James Cordon’s Carpool Karaoke? Well, now’s your chance to shine in the spotlight with Carpool Karoke: The Mic inspired by The Late Late Show. Connect the microphone to your car’s radio and belt out your favorite tunes! Sorry drivers — this one’s only for passengers!

Tello DroneTello DroneVérifiez le prix

Before you invest in a large drone, the Tello quadcopter is the perfect first drone. Designed to be easy to fly and withstand crashes, this affordable drone gives you hands-on experience flying a drone. It flies for about 13 minutes on a full charge. The built-in 720p camera is a cool feature that allows you to shoot decent quality video while you fly.

Does she love video games? Get her a video game system that she can play with her friends, brothers, or sisters and some games to go with it.

Nintendo SwitchNintendo SwitchVérifiez le prix

The Nintendo Switch is one of the most exciting consoles in the video game world in a long time. This hybrid console has the ability to “switch” from a home console to a portable console. You can bring it out at a party and detach the joycon controllers and play with another player. Nintendo has sweetened the deal with an impressive array of games. Le seul problème? Getting your hands on one.

Sega Genesis MiniRated TSega Genesis MiniVérifiez le prix

Retro gaming is all the rage nowadays! The Genesis Mini arrives on the scene September 19th and does what Nintendon’t! Everything is included to plug-and-play right out of the box. The best part? You won’t need any cartridges, as 40 legendary Sega Genesis titles are preloaded. Play classics like Sonic The Hedgehog, Altered Beast, and so much more! Relive the glory days of gaming with the return of the beloved 16-bit Genesis now in miniature form.

SNES Classic EditionSNES Classic EditionVérifiez le prix

Back in the 1990s, everybody played Nintendo games on the Super NES. Now Nintendo is bringing back its most beloved console as mini version. This isn’t the Super NES we grew up with. All of the games are built right into the box so kids today can play 20 classic Nintendo games.

NES Classic EditionNES Classic EditionVérifiez le prix

Now you’re playing with power! The NES Classic is heading back to stores this summer in miniature form! Classic retro Nintendo games are what gamers demand. So now fans will be able to experience 30 of the greatest NES classics of all-time from Super Mario Bros. to Zelda to Donkey Kong and more! It;s the perfect gift for gamers or collectors.

PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB ConsolePlayStation 4 Slim 1TB ConsoleVérifiez le prix

The Sony Playstation might not be the newest console, but it is still the most popular console. Although the Playstation 4 is not the most powerful console, it can play every Playstation 4 game in Sony’s amazing catalogue of games. Sony has even reduced its sized to make it more attractive to first time buyers.

Xbox One S All Digital EditionXbox One S All Digital EditionVérifiez le prix

Not to be outdone by Sony, Microsoft also has its own next generation console, the Xbox One S. While it might not be as powerful as the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One has a stronger library of exclusive games. The coolest part? Microsoft announced an All Digital version of the console without a disc drive. That means you’ll need to download all your games. This bundle features 1 month Xbox Live Gold, a wireless controller, and downloads for Minecraft, Forza Horizon 3, and Sea of Thieves.

New Nintendo 3DS XLNew Nintendo 3DS XLVérifiez le prix

While Nintendo has a new console, it is not saying goodbye to its line of portable 3DS consoles. Right now, the 3DS has the largest amount of Nintendo games including hit like Super Mario and Pokemon. Nintendo is continuing to support the console with new games. If you don’t have the money for the latest and greatest Nintendo console, there is still a reason to pick up a Nintendo 3DS.

New Nintendo 2DS XLNew Nintendo 2DS XLVérifiez le prix

The New Nintendo 2DS XL now features a clamshell design and screen similar to the one featured on the New Nintendo 3DS XL. The cool thing is the 2DS XL will support all Nintendo 3DS family games, albeit without the 3D effect. Fans can play all their favorite Nintendo games on the go and get great performance and portability. The 2DS XL will also feature a new C-stick for enhanced controls. It’s the perfect Christmas gift for portable gamers. A new Pikachu edition is available for Pokemon fans.

PlayStation VRRated 12+PlayStation VRVérifiez le prix

Virtual reality is here. Designed to work with the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation VR headset allows you to experience virtual worlds and movies in 360-degrees. With the most affordable headset, Sony is bringing VR to all PlayStation gamers. With hundreds of VR titles, gamer developers and filmmakers are on board to deliver the next generation of entertainment.

Super Mario Maker 2Rated ESuper Mario Maker 2Vérifiez le prix

Get ready to create the Super Mario courses of your dreams in Super Mario Maker 2, exclusive to Nintendo Switch. With new tools, challenges, modes, themes, sound effects, and near limitless combinations, let your imagination run wild. You get the creative freedom to choose exactly what enemies you want, where you want them, and if there are secret rooms. The game offers several themes, including Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and now even Super Mario 3D World. This last style offers some new tricks not available in the other themes, and it’s the one we’re most excited about. With Switch Online, you can share your courses online and even play courses from players around the world. Love a course? Download it for play even when you’re not online. Experience and be inspired by hundreds of original courses designed by Nintendo’s expert designers in Story Mode. Multiplayer co-op allows up to four players to work together to complete courses and fight bosses. Clearly, there are lots of new ways to have fun with Mario Maker 2. If you aren’t already a Switch Online member, a special bundle will include Mario Maker 2 with a 12-month subscription at a special value price. And if you’re already a member, this subscription may be stacked.

Mario Kart 8 DeluxeRated EMario Kart 8 DeluxeVérifiez le prix

Mario Kart 8 is the best Mario Kart. Nintendo has brought it over to the Nintendo Switch with a couple of new modes. You still get the great gravitity defying tracks, weapons, and characters, but Nintendo has added the all important battle mode. Since you can take this version with you, you never have to stop hurling turtles at your opponents.

New Super Mario Bros U DeluxeRated ENew Super Mario Bros U DeluxeVérifiez le prix

While New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe still has much of its Mario magic, it feels less important given the Switch is overflowing with high quality 2D platformers. Toadette is now a playable character with more precise controls than Mario and Luigi. The game also includes the Super Luigi U expansion. Despite these additions, the game fails to standout in a crowded market. There’s not enough here to make it a must-have for fans, but it’s still a fun adventure worth playing.

Super Mario OdysseyRated E10+Super Mario OdysseyVérifiez le prix

Super Mario Odyssey is one of the most exciting games from Nintendo. The 3D platformer stars the little red plumber, but this time around things are a little weird in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario has a special hat that he can throw around like a boomerang. He can even use it to possess things in the world like people, cars, and dinosaurs. Yup, DINOSAURS!

La légende de Zelda: le souffle de la natureRated E10+La légende de Zelda: le souffle de la natureVérifiez le prix

A new legend is born! The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild may be the best videogame created or it gets darn close. In this open world game, players take the role of a young boy named Link and forge their own journey to defeat the evil Ganondorf. Part of the fun comes from exploring the rich world Nintendo has created with fun surprises to be found everywhere.

Splatoon 2Rated E10+Splatoon 2Vérifiez le prix

Let the turf wars begin! The wild and wacky Splatoon 2 has players shooting ink everywhere to cover their turf. Players control squid kids that can not only shoot ink, but swim through it. Ranked battles are a lot of fun, but you have to remember that you can’t win without team work. Splatoon 2 is colorful fun.

MinecraftRated E10+MinecraftVérifiez le prix

Minecraft is a game like no other. It’s sort of like a giant virtual box of Legos. The game has a very simple blocky look, but that is part of its charm. To build you will have to mine for resources and have to survive menacing monsters in underground caves. You can restructure the whole world. You can build a house or a castle. The only limit? Your imagination.

Overwatch: Legendary EditionRated TOverwatch: Legendary EditionVérifiez le prix

The great thing about Overwatch is that anyone can get into this game. You can see incremental growth each time you play with your character. The game does this better than any game out there. The best part? Even if you aren’t a hardcore FPS gamer, you can still make a difference on your team and have a great time. What’s remarkable is you’re able to use your team and hero’s abilities to cheat death. This Legendary Edition adds 15 Hero skins — 5 Epic and 5 Legendary skins.

Crash Team Racing: Nitro FueledRated ECrash Team Racing: Nitro FueledVérifiez le prix

Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled rebuilds this classic kart racer from the ground-up and showcases how a retro title should be done. The graphics have been given a modern makeover – vastly improving on the original. They’re amped to the max and the game runs fast and silky-smooth. Unlike Crash Trilogy, this game feels like more than just a simple graphical upgrade. Boosting is what differentiates this game from Mario Kart. You’ll have to know when to start and finish a power slide, which enables the use of a triple-boost system — requiring precise timing. As you power slide through turns, your gauge fills. Pressing a shoulder button at the right time allows you to boost and successive boosts feature shorter time gaps. With the triple-boost, you could blast from the back of the pack to the front. The game features typical power-ups: shields, rockets, speed boosts, invincibility, and a Mario Kart-inspired blue shell-like item. Although it isn’t required to win races, a fun twist is that you can upgrade these power-ups by collecting fruits. The game features 18 race tracks, adventure, time trial, split-screen versus, and a new online mode. The best part? We love that they’ve managed to retain the feel of the original while upgrading it with new features for modern gamers.

Super Smash Bros.UltimateRated E10+Super Smash Bros.UltimateVérifiez le prix

Featuring over 60 characters, 8-player battles, online battles and more, get ready to battle with Mario, Link and your other favorite Smash Bros. characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Its robust character roster includes everyone from past games plus Daisy, Ridley, and Inklings plus a variety of stages and graphical improvements to make this the best Smash Bros. to date. This is likely to be the biggest hit title for Switch this year. The game features mild animated violence, but it’s tame compared to other similar games. It makes the perfect gift for any Smash fan.

Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu / EeveeRated EPokémon Lets Go Pikachu / EeveeVérifiez le prix

Designed for newcomers, Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee are new mainline Pokemon RPGs for Nintendo Switch. Although the mobile game is not required to play, you can connect the Let’s Go games with Pokemon Go on your smartdevice. The game will feature the familiar turn-based battles of prior Pokemon games and will be set in the Kanto region. Start collecting, trading, and battling this Holiday season.

CupheadRated ECupheadVérifiez le prix

Cuphead was one of the exclusive must-play experiences for the Xbox One/PC and now it’s on the Switch. Developed by an indie studio in collaboration with Microsoft, Studio MDHR shows the great potential of a smaller indie game studio. The game is a 2D action shooting game clearly inspired by hits like Contra for the NES and arcade. The game features a unique visual style and animation inspired by classic cartoons. The game supports 2-player co-op which is tremendous fun. You’ll battle against a variety of bosses each requiring different tactics to defeat. Although the game is on the shorter side, be prepared for a real challenge.

Kingdom Hearts IIIRated E10+Kingdom Hearts IIIVérifiez le prix

In Kingdom Hearts III the gameplay has evolved and the authenticity of Disney worlds is top-notch. They’ve done a wonderful job of capturing the essence of these beloved worlds and providing a massive world to battle and explore. Its beautiful Disney-themed worlds introduce a vast array of combat options. The battles are where this game truly shines. We especially love the ability to summon Disney park rides, as it’s not only a visual treat, but also pushes the boundaries of the battle system in new directions. While experiencing the story reach the franchise’s conclusion is satisfying, it’s actually quite predictable. To fully appreciate some of the game’s more touching moments, you really need to have experienced its backstory through the previous games.

Homme araignéeRated TSpider-ManVérifiez le prix

Become the embodiment of Spider-Man and experience an original story with state-of-the-art visuals. Players will be equipped with his Spider-Sense, acrobatic abilities, and, more to make your superhero adventure more satisfying and thrilling. It’s literally like playing out a blockbuster action flick. Spidey fans can’t wait to play this game!

NBA 2K20Rated ENBA 2K20Vérifiez le prix

NBA 2K20 heightens the basketball sim’s realism. The presentation and player animations heighten the authenticity of the game. The gameplay feels smooth thanks to a consistent 60 FPS frame rate. But the biggest question is how will they handle microtransactions, given the backlash last year. Overall, expect it to be a genuinely entertaining basketball experience with the latest roster updates and enhanced game modes.

FIFA 20Rated EFIFA 20Vérifiez le prix

FIFA 20 offers the newest way to play FIFA with Volta Football. FIFA returns to the streets with exciting street football action. Play 3v3, 4v4, or 5v5 in a variety of locales. The game will feature licensed players, clubs, and footwork is a huge part of this mode. EA Sports has captured the authenticity of the game like never before. The game features several gameplay enhancements to make this the most realistic FIFA to date. The game features more consistent shooting when 1-on-1 with the goalie, more precise dribbling control, improved defending ability, more accessible, skill-based penalty kicks where you can control the spin. The ball physics have been revamped to deliver an authentic experience with more realistic deflections and even the pacing of the game has been tweaked. While building on previous games, it creates the ultimate realization of the FIFA experience.

Madden NFL 20Rated EMadden NFL 20Vérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t love taking their favorite team to the Super Bowl? Madden is back and it’s better than ever. The game has never felt more realistic thanks to new gameplay mechanics, signature animations, and updated NFL playbooks all season long. You now can scramble, pump-fake, and use run pass options. Madden NFL 20 adds several new gameplay mechanics to refine the game. Madden 20 has a new scramble mechanic, pump fake, and run pass options for die-hard football fans. New X-Factor Abilities allow players to feel more like their real-life NFL counterparts. Other cool features include Career Campaign for creating your own superstar QB, dynamic challenges, Pro Bowl, and an NFL Draft experience to round out the experience.

Just Dance 2020Rated E10+Just Dance 2020Vérifiez le prix

Love dancing games? Then get up off the couch and play Just Dance 2020! The best part? Players will be dancing to 40 of the latest smash hits that make you want to get up and dance. Kids will have fun while getting a good physical workout. It’s the perfect party game to get the party started.

Super Mario PartyRated ESuper Mario PartyVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun new party game for Switch? Look no further than Super Mario Party. Explore new boards and discover oodles of fun with over 80 minigames and mechanics sure to jump-start your next party. What’s cool? You can even pair up two Switches for unexpected fun. Do you have what it takes to be the Champ?!

ASTRO Bot Rescue MissionRated E10+ASTRO Bot Rescue MissionVérifiez le prix

If you have a Playstation VR, you have to play Astrobot. In this platformer, players step into an amusement park-like world as they guide their little robot friend around. Players must control the little guy with the PS4 controller as the levels unfold all around you. The game constantly surprises you with new perspectives and ideas that would not be possible in an ordinary platformer. It’s a charming game and the best use of VR yet.

Forza Horizon 4Rated EForza Horizon 4Vérifiez le prix

Set in beautiful Britain, Forza Horizon 4 amps up the fun with dynamic seasons in a shared open-world experience. Seasons change everything and actually impact gameplay. Paths previously blocked off can be opened during different seasons. The game allows you to play with other people in the community. The visuals and gameplay couldn’t be different. It’s a completely new take on Horizon. Fans have been asking for 60 FPS mode, and the developer has delivered. The game will also be available on Xbox Game Pass.

MLB The Show 19Rated EMLB The Show 19Vérifiez le prix

In addition to the expected refinements, MLB The Show 19 introduces vastly improved modes. Defensive play has been improved. Fielding is now based on position and skill level. Top outfielders will show you the path of the ball, while others leave you with some guess work. New infield animations help with the previously clunky control. March to October is a standout new mode blending simulated games with key playable moments. It’s a fun and fast-paced addition though it lacks the depth of other modes. Road To The Show sees some upgrades and is the best way to play. Franchise mode sees only a few minor upgrades. Themed after various moments in baseball history, Moments is one of the best new additions. The new graphical elements look and sound great. Online games are smooth although there are occasional hiccups. Fast new modes, refined defensive gameplay, and a deeper career mode make this one of the more compelling games in a while.

Stardew ValleyRated E10+Stardew ValleyVérifiez le prix

Stardew Valley delivers comfort rarely found in other games. Players will farm, fish, craft, mine, fight monsters, make friendships, and more. This farming adventure has plenty to offer. It beautifully combines farm simulation with RPG elements to create an intriguing, absorbing world. Although the game plays well on other platforms, it feels even better on the Switch thanks to the ability to play on the go.

Overcooked 2Rated EOvercooked 2Vérifiez le prix

Overcooked 2 ups the ante with new recipes, chefs, kitchens, and levels. The game will now feature an online multiplayer mode. In addition to the original cast, there will be a handful of new characters to choose from. Cook everything from pasta and sushi to cake, pancakes, and more. A new fun twist is that you can throw raw ingredients while plates can’t be throw, adding new strategy to the game as you quickly scramble to ready orders. Even the order in which you complete orders matters for scoring combos. The game supports 1 to 4 players. Grab a couple friends and get ready for some insane cooking fun!

Tiny Arcade Pac-Man Miniature Arcade Game Rated 8+Tiny Arcade Pac-Man Miniature Arcade Game Vérifiez le prix

Love arcade classics like Pac-Man? Now you can bring home the classic Pac-Man arcade experience to your tabletop with this mini arcade Pac-Man cabinet. What’s cool? They feature authentic retro-styled arcade cabinets complete with working joysticks, buttons, and full color-screens to bring the classics to life. Choose from Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Galaxian.

Arcade1Up Street Fighter II Arcade CabinetRated 13+Arcade1Up Street Fighter II Arcade CabinetVérifiez le prix

If you’re in the market for a retro arcade experience that doesn’t break the bank, Arcade1Up’s new arcade cabinet fits the bill. You’ll save hundreds to thousands compared to the original arcade machines. Standing 4-feet tall, the company offers 5 custom cabinets with 3 to 5 games. The game library ranges from Street Fighter II, Asteroids, Centipede, and Missile Command, among others. This Street Fighter arcade includes Street Fighter II: Champion Edition, Super Street Fighter II, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo.

Minecraft: Minecoins Pack: 3500 CoinsMinecraft: Minecoins Pack: 3500 CoinsVérifiez le prix

Looking for the perfect gift for your 11 year old Minecraft fan? The Minecraft Minecoins 3500 pack includes 3,500 in-game currency for downloading new skins, textures, and worlds on the Minecraft Marketplace. The best part? This gift card can be used across multiple platforms, including Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Android and Windows 10.

ROBLOX $10 Game CardROBLOX $10 Game CardVérifiez le prix

Roblox is an online gaming site where users can upload their own games. Since people are always creating new stuff, there are a lot of games to play. Players can even build their own little world. It’s sort of like a digital playground for kids, where kids can interact with other players. They spend digital currency called Robux. The best way to give her an allowance to spend in the game is with a Roblox Gift card

Xbox Game Pass, 6 MonthsXbox Game Pass, 6 MonthsVérifiez le prix

Featuring over 100 games, one low monthly price, and fast launches, Xbox Game Pass makes a great Christmas gift. Microsoft will be adding top-tier first-party titles like Gears 5, Forza Horizon 4, Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3 and more, making it an excellent value for Xbox gamers. Think of it as a Netflix-like buffet of games.

Arcade1Up Pac-Man Counter-CadeRated 14+Arcade1Up Pac-Man Counter-CadeVérifiez le prix

Can’t fit a larger arcade in your room? No problem! Now Arcade1Up has introduced a new line of miniature arcades known as Counter-Cades. As you may expect, these machines are perfect for your tabletop, saving precious space in your room. Pac-Man is still one of our favorite old-school games. The game has been perfectly translated with this new unit – so you and your friends can get your Pac-Man fix anytime you please.

Pokemon Sword & ShieldRated EPokemon Sword & ShieldVérifiez le prix

Pokemon Sword & Shield will feature the biggest maps in a Pokemon game. While Sword & Shield won’t feature the national Pokedex, there will be over 800 Pokemon featured in the game. A number of new Pokemon will be featured. The game will have a balanced battle system that allows all Pokemon to shine. The new Dynamax mechanic sounds cool and the Max Raid Battles pit four players against a powerful giant Pokemon.

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s AwakeningRated EThe Legend of Zelda: Links AwakeningVérifiez le prix

While not a completely new Zelda game, Zelda: Link’s Awakening is a 2D reimagining of the classic Game Boy Zelda game. It features a top-down 2D perspective and traditional Zelda gameplay and retains the classic feel and personality of the original. The revamped cartoony graphical style looks absolutely gorgoeus. While it remains faithful to the original, one of the coolest new features is the Dungeon Builder. It allows you to create your own dungeons and play them. What’s cool? You can configure them in different ways and they actually feel quite different, depending on how they are configured. Other cool new additions include Mario character cameos and side-scrolling dungeons. The game will feature 8 dungeons, monsters, and traps to overcome. Can you find the 8 instruments of the Sirens and awaken the Wind Fish? It’s one of those gems you don’t want to miss.

Luigi’s Mansion 3Rated ELuigis Mansion 3Vérifiez le prix

Luigi’s Mansion 3 heads to a haunted hotel with multiple levels of fun with a variety of themes. Luigi’s latest game introduces a slew of new Poltergust upgrades like the slam function, suction shot, and burst to help you on your adventure. We love the freedom you now have to freely explore the levels. Gooigi, a Luigi made of goo, is back and allows you to slip through metal fences and walk on spikes. There’s even co-op, 8-player multiplayer, and a mode where you have to defeat all ghosts before time runs out. Expect a ton of traps and mysteries to unravel.

Yoshi’s Crafted WorldRated EYoshis Crafted WorldVérifiez le prix

Yoshi’s Crafted World is a delightfully charming and easy platformer. Although the platforming is quite forgiving and its enemies don’t present much of a challenge, Yoshi’s adorable sounds and animations make it really entertaining. The game features over 40 worlds with plenty of variety. On your journey you’ll be hunting for smiley flowers and hidden red coins. We love how each course offers a new mechanic with very little repetition. After completing the game, you unlock additional levels which are some of the best in the game; however, there are only four of them. We wish there was even more of this goodness! Some of the game’s more clever ideas could have been expanded further. A fun twist is the ability to play flip side levels, which allows you to play previous levels from a new perspective. Although it’s not a challenging platformer, this charming game shines at moments, making it worth playing.

Street Fighter II: Champion Edition x RepliCadeRated TStreet Fighter II: Champion Edition x RepliCadeVérifiez le prix

Looking for some portable Street Fighter II action? Look no further than the 12-inch (1/6-scale) limited edition Street Fighter II: Champion Edition x RepliCade arcade cabinet from New Wave Toys. With an authentic replica of the original legendary arcade and responsive controls, it feels true to the original — only smaller! The 3.5-inch LCD display looks crisp and the gameplay is surprisingly immersive given its size. It features a joystick and traditional six-button layout, amplified stereo sound, lighted marquee, and includes playable versions of Street Fighter II: Champion Edition and Super Street Fighter II Turbo. What’s cool? In addition to being able to challenge the AI, you can battle your friends with the included miniaturized USB fight stick, which conveniently stores in the cabinet. Any die-hard Street Fighter II fan will want this awesome replica in their room. Imagine the endless competitive fun of playing Street Fighter II on your desk! All your friends will be dying to play.

Minecraft: Minecoins Pack: 3500 CoinsRated E10+Minecraft: Minecoins Pack: 3500 CoinsVérifiez le prix

Looking for the perfect gift for your 11 year old Minecraft fan? The Minecraft Minecoins 3500 pack includes 3,500 in-game currency for downloading new skins, textures, and worlds on the Minecraft Marketplace. The best part? This gift card can be used across multiple platforms, including Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Android and Windows 10.

ROBLOX Gift CardROBLOX Gift CardVérifiez le prix

Got a ROBLOX obsessed fan? Available in in $10, $25, or $50 varieties, these ROBLOX gift cards make the perfect gift for your ROBLOX fan. These digital cards are compatible with PC or Mac and allow fans to access a wide library of gear, collectibles, and virtual items to use in the game. In Roblox you make the game! Let their imaginations run wild with this extremely popular kids’ game!

Movies can inspire us so why not throw her favorite movie in her stocking. Don’t forget the popcorn!

Wonder WomanRated PG-13Wonder WomanVérifiez le prix

Gal Gadot brings the comic book character Wonder Woman to life in this great superhero film. She plays the role of Diana, who lives on a hidden island. It is here she is trained to be a warrior like no other. She is forced to leave the island when the island is discovered and she finds out there is a massive war taking place. With a fair amount of violence and suggestive content, the movie is rated PG-13.

Beauty And The BeastRated PGBeauty And The BeastVérifiez le prix

A tale as old as time gets a modern makeover with Disney’s live action version of Beauty and the Beast. Emma Watson and Dan Stevens do a great job of bringing the classic characters to life in live form. When it was released in theaters earlier, it became the top grossing live action musical. It’s got great characters, costumes, music, and an unforgettable storyline.

Harry Potter: Complete 8-Film SetRated PG-13Harry Potter: Complete 8-Film SetVérifiez le prix

Harry Potter is a classic. It’s one of those magical stories that lives on forever, because it is filled with so much of wonder and delight. This wonderful set includes every movie in the series on DVD. The series starts out introducing us to Harry Potter and with each film the plot gets more interesting and darker. Now she can watch Harry Potter at anytime and whenever she wants to go back to Hogwarts.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of GrindelwaldRated NRFantastic Beasts: The Crimes of GrindelwaldVérifiez le prix

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is both a prequel and sequel. This is easily the worst of the Harry Potter movies, as some may find it boring. It almost seems like you don’t care much about these characters. The biggest hit against this movie is that it’s so messy, packed with too much, and hard to follow even for long-time fans. But by no means is it an awful movie, as there’s some enjoyment here. Visually it’s beautiful and most of the performances are excellent. In the opening of the film they setup the villain but failed to really do anything with his powers. Because it acts like its epic, we can still see fans liking the movie. But it’s slow-paced and really drawn out. For die-hard Harry Potter fans, there are things that don’t make sense. Although it’s a bit disappointing, fans may still want to check out this installment.

Descendants 2Descendants 2Vérifiez le prix

Disney’s Descendants 2 is a live action sequel that is all about the children of popular Disney Villains. It originally showed on the Disney channel. While it is darker, it picks off right where the first film left off. Parents should know that the movie does include the subject of witchcraft. Expect a lot of colorful musical numbers, melodrama, and plenty of fantasy.

WonderRated PGWonderVérifiez le prix

Wonder is wonderful! It’s already hard going to Middle School, but for Auggie it is even harder. He has a rare facial deformity that makes it super difficult. When people see him, they call him names and stare. It’s story about bullies, acceptance, and kindness. The ending will leave you in tears.

Forever My GirlRated PGForever My GirlVérifiez le prix

Who isn’t in love with Nicholas Sparks? In this romantic film, Liam leaves behind his high school sweetheart, Josie, at the altar. Eight years later he returns to his hometown to discover what he left behind. Based on the book, the film is beautifully cast and captivating. It’s the perfect movie for a girl’s night.

Amour, SimonRated PG-13Amour, SimonVérifiez le prix

Love, Simon is a coming out movie based on the book. This movie adaption of the Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda is just as heartwarming. 17 year old Simon Spier is gay and is keeping it a secret from the entire world. Simon soon develops an online relationship with a mysterious boy named Blue. It’s a fairytale romance that you won’t be able to stop watching again and again.

The Greatest ShowmanRated PGThe Greatest ShowmanVérifiez le prix

Starring Zac Efron, Zendaya, and Hugh Jackman this spectacular musical will have you singing along. While it is over the top, it tells the biographal story of the P.T. Barnum and his show stopping circus acts. With its big bold performances and musical numbers, it feels like a circus musical. While there is a lot of spectacle, it has a powerful message of accepting everybody even if they are different.

Mamma Mia! Here We Go AgainRated PG-13Mamma Mia! Here We Go AgainVérifiez le prix

This sequel to Mamma Mia takes us back in time through a series of flashbacks. Everybody knows that the story is just there to tie the exciting musical number together. It’s the fanciful choreographed dancing sequences that steal the show. You won’t be able to resist singing “Dancing Queen” again.

Avengers: Infinity WarRated PG-13Avengers: Infinity WarVérifiez le prix

Marvel and the Russo Brothers have done a great job of understanding what these characters are to so many fans. It’s a very fun, exciting, and enjoyable movie. Thanos feels like a real badass villain. Every scene feels huge and the humor is on point and it’s funny when it needs to be. It’s packed with action scenes, memorable characters, and some shocking moments. The biggest praise we can give it is that we can’t wait to see what happens next!

Panthère noireRated PG-13Panthère noireVérifiez le prix

Although Black Panther is not a flawless film, it’s a real blast. Instead of making another superhero movie, there’s actually a relevant message in this movie. My favorite part is how the characters get to the point where they are looking at themselves and looking at how they can make their lives, friendships, and the world better as a result. Killmonger is a great villain. It starts out as a regular superhero movie then kicks it into high gear towards the middle. But what’s really amazing about this film is you’re not thinking about the action, you’re thinking about the things that shape these characters into who they become.

Ready Player OneRated PG-13Ready Player OneVérifiez le prix

Directed by Steven Spielberg, Ready Player One excels in its dazzling action sequences. However, the characters don’t have as much staying power as the awe-inspiring visuals. There’s joy in seeing video game and anime character references. Spielberg’s razor-sharp command of stunning action sequences and his unique sensibilities for sustained awe are unmatched. It’s enjoyably diverting and speaks to the nerd in us in some way, shape, or form. The film’s message could have been better with more scrutiny around why Wade and his friends feel disenchanted with the real world as they do.

Disney Pixar The Incredibles 2Rated PGDisney Pixar The Incredibles 2Vérifiez le prix

The Incredibles 2 is a fantastic movie. It’s extremely exciting and fun to watch. It understands what a superhero movie needs and has great messages underneath. The animation is stunning and has improved as has the depth and clarity of the images. The action sequences are enthralling. The lighting is impressive and represents Pixar’s best work. The characters feel fresh with intelligent conversation. The movie was epic and exhilarating. Brad Bird wrote a compelling story true to the original while also creating an exciting movie.

Tomb RaiderRated PG-13Tomb RaiderVérifiez le prix

Tomb Raider is based on the 2013 reboot game and it follows it very closely. This is one of the most visually faithful videogame adaptations ever made. Fans of the game will be happy to see it faithfully translated onto the big screen. The character of Lara Croft has never been more realistically portrayed in a movie. Alicia Vikander does an excellent job of portraying Lara. Tomb Raider fans will mostly be happy with this adaptation. It’s a fun action thriller.

CocoRated PGCocoVérifiez le prix

Through beautiful artwork and animation, Disney and Pixar are masters at telling stories. Coco is another Pixar masterpiece. Coco is about a boy name Miguel who wants to be a musician but his family doesn’t support his dream. Miguel soon finds himself in the Land of the Dead when he searches for his roots. The film beautiful weaves Hispanic and cultures in its narrative. With an interesting plot, intriguing characters, and beautiful animation, Coco is unforgettable.

Star Wars: The Last JediRated PG-13Star Wars: The Last JediVérifiez le prix

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a really entertaining Star Wars movie with a unique voice and vision. It’s a very funny movie like The Force Awakens. The fan service doesn’t come at the expense of the characters or story. The action sequences are among the best in a Star Wars movie. Overall, it’s an enjoyable movie. It has some of the best performances in the entire saga, a compelling and conflicted villain, and tons of surprises.

Star Wars Trilogy Episodes IV-VI Rated PGStar Wars Trilogy Episodes IV-VI Vérifiez le prix

14 year olds were too you to see the original trilogy on the big screen so this is the next best thing. It’s a great way to catch up on the series. The set includes A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return Of the Jedi.

Star Wars Trilogy Episodes I-IIIRated PG-13Star Wars Trilogy Episodes I-IIIVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love Star Wars? The prequel trilogy is the best way to get hooked on the Star Wars saga. It contains The Phantom Menace, Attack Of The Clones, and Revenge Of Sith.

Star Wars: The Force AwakensRated PG-13Star Wars: The Force AwakensVérifiez le prix

The Force Awakens was an important chapter in the Star Wars saga from director J.J. Abrams. Where is Luke Skywalker when the galaxy needs him most? It’s time for a new hero to rise to return peace to the galaxy. Fans won’t want to miss this one!

Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI)Rated PGStar Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI)Vérifiez le prix

It’s Star Wars. What could be better? The prequel trilogy will benefit any Star Wars lover or someone looking to get caught up on the series. You will watch little Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader, witness the Battle of Naboo, and watch the rise of the evil Galactic Empire. The movies have never looked better than in HD.

Solo: A Star Wars StoryRated PG-13Solo: A Star Wars StoryVérifiez le prix

Have you ever wondered how Hans Solo met Chewbacca or how he got his last name? Solo is a standalone movie in the Star Wars universe that gives us a back story to Hans Solo. Alden Ehrenreich does a great job filling Harrison Ford’s shoes, but it’s Donald Glover’s portrayal of Lando that manages to steal the show.

Netflix Gift CardNetflix Gift CardVérifiez le prix

All her friends are probably raving about watching Netflix online. If she loves movies and TV shows, a Netflix gift card makes a great gift for the entire family. To use the card, all she has to do is enter the code on the Netflix website. There is no credit card required.

Movie Gift CardMovie Gift CardVérifiez le prix

Every girl loves a night at the movies. Get her a gift card and she can go with her friends at anytime that she wants.

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-VerseRated PGSpider-Man: Into The Spider-VerseVérifiez le prix

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is an animated movie featuring Miles Morales in his first feature film. When he’s bitten by a radioactive spider, he stumbles upon a machine that enables parallel universes containing other Spider-Men and Spider-Women to collide. They have to team up against the Kingpin. Surprisingly, this is even better than Homecoming and the animation is spectacular. The characters are more developed and the movie has better storytelling. Where this movie succeds is it really feels cohesive as a whole and the comedy binds it together so well. It’s surprisingly hilarious. Humor is brilliantly used throughout to improve the impact of the storytelling. It’s easily the most comic-book inspired Spider-Man movie ever. There are some fun cameos and a top-notch end credit scene you don’t want to miss. It’s evident the makers understand the characters of Spider-Man so well, as they’re really well realized. The action sequences are thrilling and the humor is great, making it one of the better Spider-Man movies. In fact, it’s so good that we can’t wait for a sequel.

BourdonRated PG-13BumblebeeVérifiez le prix

With a new director, setting, and star, Bumblebee condenses a lot of what the Transformers movies have overblown. It’s easily the best of the Transformers movies since the first. What makes this different is they understand what Transformers fans want to see. This film has a sense of joy that’s missing in the Michael Bey Transformers movies. It’s a fresh new vision that course corrects the franchise. Bumblebee is an enjoyable movie. Unlike other Transformers films, you won’t feel bad about seeing it, because it’s plain fun. Steinfeld is terrific in the movie and the action sequences are well executed. Fans will appreciate there’s a Transformers movie that respects the legacy.

Spider-Man: RetrouvaillesRated PG-13Spider-Man: RetrouvaillesVérifiez le prix

Spider-Man: Homecoming is an awesome new entry in this blockbuster franchise. Fans love this movie and your teen will, too. The producers have changed the focus on Peter as a student who is also Spider-Man. Because of this change, you actually get a better understanding of Peter Parker. It’s a welcome addition that is truly fun and entertaining. It’s one of those movies you want to watch multiple times.

Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe: Phase 1 – Collector’s EditionRated PGMarvel Studios Cinematic Universe: Phase 1 - Collectors EditionVérifiez le prix

Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe: Phase 1 features Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Avengers Assemble in this Collector’s Edition. Since this is a region-free blu-ray collection, they can be used in the U.S. The DVD version does not work in the U.S. The package artwork, art cards, and movie poster are all awesome — making this worth owning. In addition the discs are individually packaged in their own plastic blu-ray slots. It’s a great value as a bundle and a worthy addition to any Marvel fans’ collection.

Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe: Phase 2 – Collector’s EditionRated NRMarvel Studios Cinematic Universe: Phase 2 - Collectors EditionVérifiez le prix

Phase 2 of the MCU Collector’s Edition includes Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Glaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Ant-Man. If you’ve always been looking for a collection like this, this blu-ray edition is perfect because it’s region-free and works in the U.S. The DVD version is not compatible with U.S. DVD players. Compared to purchasing individually, this bundle pack saves you money. The awesome collector package artwork and movie posters alone makes them worthy of your Marvel fanatic’s collection.

Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe: Phase 3 – Collector’s EditionRated NRMarvel Studios Cinematic Universe: Phase 3 - Collectors EditionVérifiez le prix

The third phase of the MCU Collector’s Edition features Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Thor Ragnarok. This blu-ray collection works in the States but the DVD version does not. In addition to the movies, you also get bonus content like the Making Ofs and Deleted/Extended Scenes. This is not a complete set – this is only part one with more to come in the future. Still, it’s a great value versus purchasing separately.

Thor: RagnarokRated PG-13Thor: RagnarokVérifiez le prix

This film does what Winter Soldier did for Captain America. This movie gives Thor a major boost, likability, and a great sense of freshness. What’s so great is that it takes everything we know about Thor and dismantles it. But the heart of his character is still intact. Everyone in the movie steals the movie. This is easily one of my favorite Marvel movies. It’s everything I want to see in a superhero movie. It’s extremely fun and likable and the action scenes are like an adrenaline-rush. This is easily the best of the Thor movies and it’s extremely funny. It’s one of those movies that’s so satisfying to experience that you forget you’re watching a movie because you’re so wrapped up in it. Get ready to have a blast; it’s a great superhero movie.

Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol. 2Rated PG-13Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol. 2Vérifiez le prix

The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is an entertaining sequel to the original blockbuster. It’s packed with action, heart, jokes, an engaging plot that develops the Galactic side well, and it will even make you laugh. It’s even more fun than the first movie with fun characters.

Ligue de justiceRated PG-13Ligue de justiceVérifiez le prix

Justice League feels like a consistent movie even though it was directed by two people. It’s a surprisingly light-hearted movie. It’s an easy, enjoyable watch. It was a delight to see The Flash brought to life on the silver screen. It’s a step in the right direction, but it feels a bit rushed perhaps due to Warner’s 2-hour movie limit mandate. There wasn’t as much depth in the team as there could have been. Hard-core comics fans will appreciate the film more than general audiences. It’s self-aware and entertaining but disposable.

Jurassic World 5-Movie CollectionRated PG-13Jurassic World 5-Movie CollectionVérifiez le prix

Celebrate one of the biggest movie franchises of all-time with the Jurassic World 5-Movie Collection. This collection features all 5 Jurassic World films: Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park III, Jurassic World, and Jurassic World: The Fallen Kingdom. This package includes 5 blu-ray discs plus digital movies so you can watch these anywhere. It features HD picture and theater quality sound for an engaging experience. Relive the entire Jurassic saga beginning with the original groundbreaking classic, Jurassic Park, that started it all! It’s the ultimate gift for Jurassic World fans and a great addition to your collection.

The Death of SupermanRated NRThe Death of SupermanVérifiez le prix

The Death of Superman brings back a familiar storyline we’ve seen before. While this version is closer to the comics than past versions, it fails to bring anything fresh to this tale. It also doesn’t give the plot elements enough room to truly resonate with fans. Also, we weren’t too thrilled about the villain, Doomsday, as he seems to merely be a plot device. Wonder Woman is the only one who seems to have any emotional connection to Superman. Overall, it begs the question: Why kill off Superman if you’re not going to explore into any newer or greater effect than before? The animation lacks the visual flair to distinguish it from others; it all just feels too similar to past entries. The sequel setup is obvious and quick that it undercuts the need to mourn Superman or hunger for his return.

Mission: Impossible: The 5 Movie CollectionRated PG-13Mission: Impossible: The 5 Movie CollectionVérifiez le prix

Is he a huge Mission: Impossible fan? Then you’ll want to add this must-have complete 5 movie bundle to your collection. It contains all five movies in the action-packed series. Each movie comes on a separate disc. These are great popcorn movies that don’t disappoint.

The Greatest ShowmanRated PGThe Greatest ShowmanVérifiez le prix

Starring Zac Efron, Zendaya, and Hugh Jackman, this spectacular musical will have you singing along. While it is over the top, it tells the biographal story of the P.T. Barnum and his show stopping circus acts. With its big bold performances and musical numbers, it feels like a circus musical. While there is a lot of spectacle, it has a powerful message of accepting everybody even if they are different.

If she loves music, get her a music instrument to play around the house. She is going to love the “sound” of these gifts.

My Audio Pet Mini Bluetooth SpeakerMy Audio Pet Mini Bluetooth SpeakerVérifiez le prix

She probably loves listening to music on her phone, but it probably doesn’t get loud enough. There are a ton of Bluetooth speakers but how many of them have cute animal designs? For a speaker that fits in your hand, this tiny little tiny gets super loud. Finally, she can rock her music the way it was meant to be heard.

iClever BoostCare Kids HeadphonesiClever BoostCare Kids HeadphonesVérifiez le prix

Most headphones look pretty ordinary. These cat ear headphones are a cute fashion accessory that your 11 year old is going to think are cute. They not only are pink, but they have adorable cat ears on them. They have soft and cushiony earpads and they are adjustable. Sound quality is okay for the price, but we love that they are volume limited.

Ifecco Bluetooth HeadphonesIfecco Bluetooth HeadphonesVérifiez le prix

While everybody dreams of owning a pair of Beats, these affordably priced headphones are just as fashionable. We love their foldable design. They come with some amazing features for the price point. There’s a built in FM Radio and a SD card reader, but our favorite feature is that they work wirelessly over Bluetooth. They don’t sound as good as Beats, but they look just as good and are comfortable.

Anker SoundBudsAnker SoundBudsVérifiez le prix

Ear buds are cool but when they are wireless they are even cooler. You don’t have to spend a lot to get a decent pair of wireless ear buds. These ones from Anker are the best wireless ear buds in their class. They are built well and have an excellent battery life of up to 12.5 hours. With a hook on them that keeps them in place, they are perfect for exercising with.

Puro Sound Labs Kids Bluetooth HeadphonesPuro Sound Labs Kids Bluetooth HeadphonesVérifiez le prix

She can’t have her music blasting out everywhere so headphones are a great gift idea. With an extremely stylish design reminiscent of an Apple product, these ones from Puro are the best headphones for kids. Made out of aluminum, these are not your normal cheap plastic headphones. They have got some great features including wireless functionality. However, the real reason these are the best headphones is because of the 85 DB sound limit, so she won’t damage her ears even if she turns them all the way up.

Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones Vérifiez le prix

Sure they cost a few hundred dollars, but everybody dreams of a pair of stylish Beats. Known for its heart pounding bass, Beats headphones let you feel the rhythm of your music. With an excellent 40 hour battery life thanks to the W1 chip, the Beat Solo 3 headphones work perfectly over wireless Bluetooth.

Luditek Sound Activated Party LightsLuditek Sound Activated Party LightsVérifiez le prix

You can’t have a party without disco lights. This little light throws lights on the walls and ceiling of any small room, turning it into a dance floor. It includes a remote that allows you to control the properties of the lights from anywhere. There is even a mode where you can have the lights move with your music. It’s really fun and makes you want to throw a party every weekend.

VicTsing Shower SpeakerVicTsing Shower SpeakerVérifiez le prix

You can’t really take your phone or headphones into the shower and listen to your music. Not only is it dangerous, it is not loud enough. Designed to be waterproof, this Bluetooth wireless shower speaker from VicTsing can be hung in the shower using a clip or the suction cup on the back. Finally, she can enjoy her songs in the shower.

SoundSOUL Bluetooth Dancing Water SpeakersSoundSOUL Bluetooth Dancing Water SpeakersVérifiez le prix

There are all types of wireless Bluetooth speakers, but these have to be the most unique. They have got dancing water fountains inside them. They work wirelessly off Bluetooth so you can hook up just about any device to them from a phone to a laptop. They have got a built in rechargeable battery that lasts about 4 hours before you need to charge it over USB. She will want to turn off the lights and dance along with them.

Donner Concert Ukulele Donner Concert Ukulele Vérifiez le prix

If she doesn’t already have a ukulele, she probably would love to learn how to play one. Made out of Mahongany wood, this one has a larger fretboard which make it easier to play for 111 year old girls, who have smaller hands. The clipon tuner helps you keep everything in tune. Le seul problème? She is going to need an instructor.

Memorex Sing Stand 3Memorex Sing Stand 3Vérifiez le prix

Even if she can’t sing, there is something so exciting about a karaoke machine. Now she can finally live out her dream of being a rock star with the Sing Stand. This home karaoke system comes with two microphones and a built in speaker. It has the ability to sync with Bluetooth devices, so you can stream free karaoke songs off Youtube instead of buying endless CDs. The best part? It makes every family gathering more memorable.

Yamaha PSREW300AD 76-Key Portable KeyboardYamaha PSREW300AD 76-Key Portable KeyboardVérifiez le prix

If she’s started piano class or wants to learn how to play the piano, the Yamaha PSREW300AD is the perfect piano for beginners. It’s got a ton of worthwhile features that are great but most of all it sounds great. While this 76-key piano is not a full-size piano, all of the keys are positioned like a standard piano. It’s good for learning and practicing the chords and she will have no trouble moving onto a full sized keyboard.

DropMix Music Gaming SystemDropMix Music Gaming SystemVérifiez le prix

Harmonix has created some of the most memorable music video games like Guitar Hero and Rockband. The company has joined forces with Hasbro to create a new card game that is like nothing else that merges technology with a traditional card game. Along with a Bluetooth enabled game board, it uses an app. When played on the board, each of the cards can be blended together on the fly to create a completely different music mix. With 3 different modes of play, it’s a card game that turns everybody into a DJ.

Tribit XFree Bluetooth HeadphonesTribit XFree Bluetooth HeadphonesVérifiez le prix

I know Beats are super popular, but these headphones from Trbit sound pretty good but cost a lot less. I like that they are completely wireless which means you don’t have to worry about wires. I really like that they are lightweight which makes them perfect for everyday use.

Apple AirPods + Charging CaseApple AirPods + Charging CaseVérifiez le prix

The Apple Airpods are the most popular fully wireless headphones for iPhones and now they’ve been improved with always-on voice recognition, faster connections, and a wireless charging case option. The sound quality, design, and fit haven’t changed much. They provide up to 24 hours of listening time and 18 hours of talk time. They are intuitive to use. When you place them in your ears they start working and automatically pause when you remove them. If you want to change the volume or song, simply double-tap the headset to bring up Siri. The handy charging case doubles as a charger. A quick-charge option is also available. Perfect gift for your 17 year old boy with an iPhone. They’re sure to become his new favorite pair.

Beats Pill+ Beats Pill+ Vérifiez le prix

Beats is known for its popular headphones, but the company also makes a Bluetooth speaker that is available in many colors. Bring life to your next party with the beautiful looking Beats Pill+. Shaped like pill, this speaker delivers great sound whether you are listening to R&B or bass-heavy hip hop. Sporting 12 hours of battery life, it’s worthy of the Beats name. Don’t throw a party without it!

Anker SoundCore miniAnker SoundCore miniVérifiez le prix

Girls can wirelessly send their favorite tunes from a smartphone or tablet to this amazing sounding bluetooth speaker for up to 15 hours of play.

New Music AlbumNew Music AlbumVérifiez le prix

During Christmas, I love listening to Christmas music. A Christmas album featuring her favorite band or artist makes a great gift. You could also get her favorite artist on Vinyl or CD. Ariana Grande has a new album out called Sweetner.

Band MerchBand MerchVérifiez le prix

Posters are a super easy and cheap gift. Get her one with her favorite artist. If she loves Ariana Grande, she will love this huge 24″ X 36″ poster and never want to take it down.

iTunes Gift CardiTunes Gift CardVérifiez le prix

Does she love buying and downloading her favorite songs to her phone as MP3s. If she already uses iTunes, an iTunes gift card is the perfect gift because it allows her to purchase not only music, but apps, books, and movies from the App Store.

Google Play Gift CardGoogle Play Gift CardVérifiez le prix

The Google Play gift card is a great choice for Android users. It works on both Android tablets and smartphones. Choose an available value and have your card delivered physically or via e-mail. Not all gift cards are available for physcial delivery and they are only valid in the US. It’s the perfect gift of entertainment allowing him to choose from movies, songs, apps, games, and more. Unwrap fun for any occasion!

Spotify Premium SubscriptionSpotify Premium SubscriptionVérifiez le prix

Spotify is the best streaming service for music. It’s got a great selection of music to choose from. With Discover Weekly, it is so easy to find new songs and artists. The free version is great if you don’t mind ads, but the Premium version of Spotify removes ads, allows you to listen to music anywhere, and gives you unlimited skips for a very reasonable price. It’s the perfect gift for any music lover.

She is going to love inviting her friends over to her house. These party games are great for slumber parties and family game nights.

Ticket To RideAges 8-12Ticket To RideVérifiez le prix

Selling millions of copies, Ticket To Ride is a classic. It’s secret? While it looks intimidating out of the box, it is easy for anybody to play. Each player picks a color and a deck of cards is shuffled. In the game, the object is to connect cities using tiny plastic trains. It’s a game that all families should have in their collection.

Exploding KittensAges 7+Exploding KittensVérifiez le prix

What happens when you put cute cats and explosives in a deck of cards? You get “Exploding Kittens”, a Russian roulette card game. Essentially, you have a deck of cards and if you pick up the “Exploding Kitten” card, you blow up. While the idea of the game isn’t new, the hilarious premise is. It’s an old fashioned card game that will get everybody laughing around the table again.

Melissa & Doug SuspendAges 8-15Melissa & Doug SuspendVérifiez le prix

Melissa and Doug’s Suspend is like a modern version of Jenga. The idea of the game is to hang one of the rubber rods on a unsteady structure. La torsion? Everytime somebody places a rod on the structure it shifts like a seesaw. If it falls, you lose. The goal of the game is to use all of your rods.

AvalonAges 13+AvalonVérifiez le prix

If you have a large group, Avalon is so fun. Supporting up 10 players, Avalon is a game where you are trying to guess who the hidden bad guys are. Everybody has a secret. At the start of the game, everybody is handed out cards to see what role they will play. Everybody closes their eyes, but the bad guys know who they are. In the game, you are allowed to lie and accuse people. It’s a game about deception and bluffing.

Apples to ApplesAges 12-15Apples to ApplesVérifiez le prix

In the party game, Apples To Apples, the idea is to pick a red card from your hand that best describes the judge’s green card. If the judge puts down “Undesirable”, you could put down “Stinky Feet” or an “Alien Probe”. The judge then collects everybody’s card and chooses her favorite answer. During the next round, somebody else gets to be the judge. It’s a more family-friendly version of Cards Against Humanity.

Not Parent ApprovedAges 8+Not Parent ApprovedVérifiez le prix

Not Parent Approved is Cards Against Humanity without the naughty bits. Each round there is a judge. The judge draws a question card and each player has to put down the “best answer.” Then the judge chooses her favorite answer. Instead of adult humor, it’s filled with toilet humor that is kid friendly though there maybe a few cards that are borderline.

Taboo Board GameAges 13+Taboo Board GameVérifiez le prix

Taboo is really fun. In the game, you have to describe something without using certain “taboo” words. It’s actually pretty hard, but that’s what makes it fun and highly competitive. Each team has to guess as many words as they can before the timer runs out.

The Game of THINGSAges 14+The Game of THINGSVérifiez le prix

In The Game Of Things, you will have to really know your friends. It is sort of like Apples To Apples in reverse. There is a question like Things You wish grew on trees. Then everybody writes down their own answer. Then you have to try to pick out who said what. There are a couple of cards that may go in an ‘adult’ direction but it is easy to remove them if you find them objectionable.

UNO Emoji Card GameAges 7-15UNO Emoji Card GameVérifiez le prix

Uno is one of the most popular card games. Uno is a matching card game. As a card is discarded, the next player has to match either the number or color with one of their cards. If they don’t have a matching card, they have to pick up a card until they find a matching card. Now the game has been given a Emoji makeover.

Monopoly Board Game The Classic EditionAges 8+Monopoly Board Game The Classic EditionVérifiez le prix

When people think of board games, they probably first think about Monopoly. Created in 1935, the game has been played by millions of players. It’s a game where luck is just as important making the right decisions. Players roll the dice and try to acquire properties along the game board. The chance and community chest cards add a random element to the game. Much like life, sometimes taking risks pays off and sometimes it doesn’t.

ScrabbleAges 8+ScrabbleVérifiez le prix

Scrabble is much more than a game about forming words on the board. It helps reorganize your brain as you find a high scoring word in a jumble of random letters. The best part is making up words and convincing others that they exist. Too bad she isn’t as excited about studying for her upcoming spelling test.

Reverse CharadesAges 6+Reverse CharadesVérifiez le prix

Reverse Charades is a fun game to play with friends. In Charades, one person acts out something on a card and their team has to guess what it is. In Reverse Charades, everybody acts out the word on the card and you have to guess what it is. It’s so much funnier backwards.

Twister Ultimate GameAges 6-15Twister Ultimate GameVérifiez le prix

There is nothing better than playing Twister with a bunch of close friends. In the game, you have to use your body to reach different colors on the mat. Le problème? Since you are playing with friends, you are sure to get tangled like a knot. Ultimate Twister features a larger mat so even more people can play together.

5 Second RuleAges 10+5 Second RuleVérifiez le prix

Five Second Rule is a fast paced trivia game where you have five seconds to answer a simple question like “Name 3 Animals You Shouldn’t Pet?” When you only have 5 seconds, it is hard for your brain to keep up so sometimes you just blurt out nonsense. There are some easy questions and some that will challenge even human calculators.

Telestrations 6 PlayerAges 6+Telestrations 6 PlayerVérifiez le prix

Telestrations is what you get when you put Pictionary and Telephone in a blender. Like Telephone, it’s fun to play the game in a circle. Each person gets a word. Instead of whispering the word to the player next to you, you draw it on the drawing pad and pass it to the player beside you. The person looks at the word and tries to guess what you drew. It alternates between drawing and guessing until you get your drawing page back. As you can guess, the final image isn’t exactly what you started with.

Watch Ya’ Mouth Family EditionAges 8+Watch Ya Mouth Family EditionVérifiez le prix

In Watch Your Mouth, one person sticks a mouth retractor in her mouth and has to get her teammates to guess a phrase on the card. Le seul problème? It’s hard to read the card when you are drooling all over the place. Because it is so hard to enunciate, it turns everybody into a comedian.

Googly EyesAges 7-15Googly EyesVérifiez le prix

Googly Eyes is a fun twist on the game of Pictionary. Players have to put on glasses with different lenses that mess with their vision. With huge lenses, the glasses make everybody look like a big dork. Some lenses are easy and some really mess with your eyesight. With the glasses on, you have to try to draw a picture from a card and get your team to guess the word.

Sushi Go!Ages 8+Sushi Go!Vérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love Sushi? This game comes in the most adorable packaging. As you can guess, the object of the game is to make best sushi to score the most points. To do that, you will be picking up one card, a dish, from a hand of cards before passing your deck to the player next to you. It’s a fun way to simulate food passing by you on a conveyor belt. Depending on the dishes you pick, you will score different points.

BlokusAges 5-15BlokusVérifiez le prix

Blokus is a unique strategy game where players must place Tetris-shaped pieces so that they only touch at the diagonal corner. Each player starts at one of the corners of the baord. The game ends when nobody can make a move. The idea is to use as many of your pieces as possible. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Bears vs BabiesAges 10+Bears vs BabiesVérifiez le prix

From the creators of Exploding Kittens comes another hilarious game. In game, there are two types of card: bears and babies. Players must build bears to destroy an army of babies. In the deck, there are different body parts. You connect them to form a monster. You can create everything from a owl wearing underpants to a grizzly bear who is also a taco. The object of the game is to eat the most babies. It’s a game that plays as silly as it sounds.

Relative InsanityAges 14+Relative InsanityVérifiez le prix

Created by comedian Jeff Foxworthy, Relative Insanity is like Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity, but you can play it in front of the family. It’s a game that you’ll love playing because you’re sure to get lots of laughs. There are punch line cards and setup cards. Someone reads the setup, for example: “When my cousin walked in with my new baby, my grandma blurted out _______.” Then players look at their punch lines and submit the one that’s going to get the biggest laugh. The setup person picks the best answer and that player scores points.

Monopoly Cheaters EditionAges 8+Monopoly Cheaters EditionVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love to cheat in Monopoly? Now Hasbro is making cheating official with the Monopoly Cheaters Edition. The core gameplay remains unchanged. So what’s changed? There are 15 special cards tailored to the sneakiest family members. If you can get away with evil deeds, you’ll be rewarded; however, if you’re caught you’ll end up in handcuffs. Now there’s no banker so you can rob the bank if you’re daring enough.

You’ve Got CrabsAges 7+Youve Got CrabsVérifiez le prix

Can you keep a “sea”-cret? From the creators of Exploding Kittens comes a new board game called You’ve Got Grabs. This is a family-friendly game for kids over 7. Played in teams of two, this game combines crabs with deception. The game is super simple: Before starting, you and your teammate must come up with a secret signal. You must collect 4 of the same card and secretly notify your partner. Your teammate must then yell, “You’ve got crabs!” Le hic? If the other team finds out and yells “You’ve Got Crabs” your team loses.

Monopoly Fortnite EditionAges 13+Monopoly Fortnite EditionVérifiez le prix

Monopoly Fortnite Edition is designed for teens. In this version of the game you battle your opponents and avoid the storm. Just like the videogame, it’s all about survival — not what you own. The game features battles and loot chests and is inspired by the videogame. It’s a fun new spin on the classic game of Monopoly. This new version features 27 new characters and updated board spaces. Will you be the last player standing?!

CatanAges 8-15CatanVérifiez le prix

In Catan, you will have to manage your resources to take control over an island. On each roll of the dice, you will get different resources and will have to trade and use them wisely to build out your civilization.

Unstable Unicorns Ages 14+Unstable Unicorns Vérifiez le prix

Who isn’t obsessed with Unicorns? Started on Kickstarter, Unstable Unicorns is a card game that raised an ungodly amount of money. In Unstable Unicorns, you must build a unicorn army. The player that is the first to collect seven unicorns in their hand is the winner, but thanks to the “Neigh” cards there are numerous obstacles in your way. It’s much a game of strategy as it is a game of betrayal. Add rainbows and a little sparkle to your game night.

UNO Harry Potter Card GameAges 7+UNO Harry Potter Card GameVérifiez le prix

What do you get when you combine the worlds of Harry Potter and UNO? You get something magical in the form of UNO Harry Potter. The gameplay remains intact but now the cards feature the cast of Harry Potter and there is a special new rule. You have to eliminate all of you cards and be the first player or team to reach 500 points to win.

ThinkFun Escape the RoomAges 13+ThinkFun Escape the RoomVérifiez le prix

In escape rooms, players work together to solve puzzle to escape before time runs out. Now the fun of an escape room is making its way to board games. If you like narrative-driven games, Thinkfun has some great board games that vary in difficultly. For kids, there is Stargazer’s Manor, which contains easy puzzles that kids can solve on their own. If you are looking to join in on the fun, check out Dr. Gravely’s Retreat. The game contains a series of puzzles to solve in sealed envelopes.

Noms de codesAges 14+CodenamesVérifiez le prix

Codenames is a word game where players take the role of spies. 25 word cards are laid out on the table. Different words are assigned to different teams. The spy master has to give one word clues that describe as many words on their team without actually saying the word. The catch is if your team guesses wrong, the other team receives points.

Codenames DuetAges 10+Codenames DuetVérifiez le prix

In Codenames Duet, you work as a team to identify the agents. We love the game for its co-op mechanics and core Codenames gameplay, which is satisfying. When it gets down to the wire, the tension makes it really rewarding to win.

Connect 4 ShotsAges 8+Connect 4 ShotsVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun new twist on the classic game of Connect 4? Connect 4 Shots introduces a new way to play your favorite game. Instead of tossing in pieces, you bounce balls in to win. Both players attempt to bounce their balls in simulataneously — leading to some exciting action. Just like in the original you have to get four in a row of the same color to win.

Trivial Pursuit World of Harry Potter Ultimate EditionAges 8+Trivial Pursuit World of Harry Potter Ultimate EditionVérifiez le prix

Love trivia games? Your Harry Potter fanatic will love this new Harry Potter-themed version of Trivial Pursuit. The game is packed with 1,800 questions based on all eight Harry Potter films. Who really knows the most about the Harry Potter films? There’s only one way to find out!

When In RomeAges 13+When In RomeVérifiez le prix

When In Rome is a board game for your Alexa smart home speaker. It’s a great trivia game where you can learn about different countries like Rome, play with the family, and have a blast as you’re learning and playing. Alexa teaches the rules, tracks progress, and helps out when needed.

Escape Room In A Box: The Werewolf ExperimentAges 13+Escape Room In A Box: The Werewolf ExperimentVérifiez le prix

Love escape room challenges? Then you’ll love Escape Room In A Box: The Werewolf Experiment. Players will be challenged to solve puzzles and find codes to escape the room. There’s an interesting backstory: Your party of players have to figure out a way to access the antidote within an hour or you’ll all turn into werewolves. What’s cool? It’s even compatible with your Alexa-enabled speaker. You can ask Alexa for hints and time updates as you try to escape the virtual room. Will you make it out alive?!

Monopoly Gamer: Mario Kart EditionAges 8+Monopoly Gamer: Mario Kart EditionVérifiez le prix

Start your engines, collect your coins, and prepare for fun! The game board looks like Monopoly but is inspired by worlds straight out of the Mario Kart videogames. Each character has its own strategic abilities. Just like in the game, you can lay a banana to stop rivals in their tracks. Everytime you pass go, you’ll have an opportunity to race in the Grand Prix. The game includes a game board, 4 character kart tokens, 32 cards, banana tokens, 90 coins and 2 dice. The game is designed for 2-4 players. It’s the perfect gift for any Nintendo or Mario Kart fan!

DropMix Music Gaming SystemAges 16+DropMix Music Gaming SystemVérifiez le prix

Harmonix, the creator of Rock Band and Guitar Hero, has a music game called DropMix. It’s a cool new mixing game played with NFC-enabled cards. You can create amazing mixes of your own and score points for doing so. Mix the latest hits from a variety of music genres. The game works with a free app you download to your smartphone. It’s a fantastic party game where fun is the name of the game.

SculptapaloozaAges 10+SculptapaloozaVérifiez le prix

What do you get when art collides with family game night? You get Scultapalooza, a game where players have to sculpt what’s on their card before time runs out. You scult your creations out of play foam that never dries out. Le hic? You may be required to sculpt with your eyes closed or tag team with another member. Players must correctly guess what their team sculpted before time runs out to score a point. The first team to score 20 points wins.

Speak OutAges 16+Speak OutVérifiez le prix

This game will make you feel and look ridiculous. The idea is super simple. Players stick a mouthpiece in their mouth and try to say a phrase. The idea is to get people to guess what you are saying. It’s harder than you think with the mouthpiece on. It’s a silly game and some of the phrases may sound dirty.

Betrayal At House On The HillAges 12+Betrayal At House On The HillVérifiez le prix

Do you love horror movies? In this horror themed board game, you and your friends will explore a spooky house on the hill. Players explore the house by flipping cards, which leads to the discovery of omens and the eventual “haunt.” While everybody goes together, one of your friends will betray you during the haunt. That’s when everything goes to disarray and you have to try to escape from the house. It’s a unique twist on the classic cooperative game.

Forbidden IslandAges 10+Forbidden IslandVérifiez le prix

Similar to Pandemic, Forbidden Island is a cooperative game that uses a lot of the same mechanics. Because it is simpler and on a smaller scale, it is a good game to play before playing Pandemic. In Forbidden Island, players must work together to recover artifacts and escape on a helicopter before the island sinks. As the game reaches its conclusion, it gets more and more tense.

UNOAges 7+UNOVérifiez le prix

UNO is a classic card game that is addictive, fun, and easy to play. Players have to match colors or numbers. The best part? The Wild Cards allow you to create your own rules. Get rid of all your card to win. Don’t forget to call out UNO when you’re down to a single card. The first player or team to 500 points wins the game.

Monopoly Gamer EditionAges 8+Monopoly Gamer EditionVérifiez le prix

Monopoly Gamer introduces a fun new twist on the classic game of Monopoly. The game stars Super Mario characters like Mario, Peach, and Donkey Kong and there are special power ups, boss battles, and coins are used as money. This is a game 14 year old boys who love Mario will enjoy.

Pictionary AirAges 8+Pictionary AirVérifiez le prix

Pictionary gets a high-tech, 21st century makeover. The latest Pictionary — Pictionary Air — delivers innovation with a special light-up pen and companion app. Now you can play Pictionary on your phone, tablet, or TV. The gameplay stays true to the original, except the player drawing illustrates in the air with the included special pen instead of on paper. The guessing team aims the in-app camera at the drawer and their drawing is instantly streamed to the screen. Players have to guess the clue correctly to win. The game offers over 1,000 clues to solve and it’s super easy to use and setup. The best part? We love the record option for reliving those hilarious moments.

UNO FlipAges 7+UNO FlipVérifiez le prix

UNO is one of the top card games for families. In the latest installment, UNO Flip, players still have to race to get rid of all their cards as they match their cards by number or color with the top card on the discard pile. The fun twist? When a player plays the special ‘Flip Side’ card, all players must flip over their hands and play the opposite side of the card. This flip side offers steeper penalties and adds an interesting new twist to the classic game of UNO. It’s a fun new twist on the classic card game sure to spice up family game night.

Disney Villainous: Wicked To The CoreAges 10+Disney Villainous: Wicked To The CoreVérifiez le prix

Disney Villainous: Wicked To The Core, the first standalone expansion, is a family strategy game for 2-3 players. Play as a villain and carry out your devious schemes while dealing twists of fate to the opposition. As there’s quite a bit of strategy involved, this game is better suited to older kids 10 and older. This game features brand new villains — Hades, Dr. Facilier, and Evil Queen from Hercules, The Princess & The Frog, and Snow White, respectively. In addition to new villains there are new cards specific to these new villains that add interesting new plotlines, twists of fate, and mechanics. What’s cool? Play the game as a standalone with 2-3 players or combine with the original game for up to 6-player awesome fun. Fans of the original will love combining the games so everyone in the family can play together. The new artwork is gorgeous and the boards are really well-designed. Overall, the new characters are a welcome addition and the new elements bring great variety to the game. The game ends when a villain has completed their objective. Family game night will be a blast, as you’ll really feel like a villain when you play! If you own the original, this is a must-have for game night. Which villain will triumph in this contest of sinister power?

Monopoly L.O.L. Surprise!Ages 8+Monopoly L.O.L. Surprise!Vérifiez le prix

Your favorite L.O.L. Dolls are joining forces with the fast-dealing property card game — Monopoly — in Monopoly L.O.L. Surprise! Edition. Inspired by L.O.L. Dolls and accessories, Monopoly L.O.L. Surprise! puts a fun L.O.L. twist on the classic game. Instead of properties, players buy, trade, and swap dolls in this version of the game. Your objective is to collect the rarest L.O.L. Dolls. The game features blind reveals as well as 6 cute L.O.L. accessories as tokens that you unwrap, while stars replace houses, emojis replace hotels, and Surprise! cards replace Chance cards. Use the Surprise! cards to buy, trade, and swap dolls. Collectng more dolls means you collect more rent. Make the competition bankrupt to win the game. Will you find the rarest L.O.L. Dolls?!

5 Second Rule SpintensityAges 14+5 Second Rule SpintensityVérifiez le prix

Ready to shake up the fun of 5 Second Rule with Spintensity? 5 Second Rule Spintensity gives you more of what you loved in this fun party game! Now there’s more time, randomized times, and a spinner to mix things up. Designed for 3 or more players, the game gets a whole lot more intense. After providing 3 answers in 5 seconds, players spin the spinner. Then you have to perform one of three actions: Give 2 more answers to your drawn card, draw another card and give 3 answers, or pass to the next player. It’s a mad dash to win cards and beat the clock. When put under pressure, what crazy things will you spit out? Get ready for more hilarious party fun!

Speed Stacks Ultimate Stack PackAges 6+Speed Stacks Ultimate Stack Pack

Part of the curriculum in over 48,000 schools, Speed Stacks Ultimate Stack Pack delivers the thrills of professional speed stacking. This set includes official stacking cups of the World Sport Stacking Association, pro stack mat and timer, and quick-release stem for easy travel. The timer is accurate down to a hundredth of a second. It’s a game of muscle memory and it takes real skill to stack fast. Practice makes perfect! Compete with your friends to see who can stack the fastest. Will you be crowned the undisputed Speed Stacking Champion?

AKA Also Known AsAges 12+AKA Also Known As

AKA Also Known As is the latest great party game from Endless Games. The game replaces the names of popular titles with what they might also be known as. For instance, ‘Superhero also known as Arachnid Guy’ or ‘Will Ferrell movie also known as ancient group of fish’ or ‘Actor/Rapper also known as Half of an Arnold Palmer’. Can you correctly guess the answers? The player with the most correct answers wins. It’s a simple game delivering endless party fun.

The Logo GameAges 12+The Logo Game

Featuring all-new questions, the Logo Game by PlayMonster is a fun trivia game that challenges how well you can recognize popular logos, commercials, facts, and more. It’s the board game about the brands you love! New and nostalgic brands will be featured in this version. Designed for 2-6 players, this new version features 3D pawns of items and characters. Put your pop culture IQ to the ultimate test with The Logo Game! It’s a perfect game for family game night and worth adding to your collection. Who will come out on top?

Tiny Pong Solo Table Tennis GameAges 8+Tiny Pong Solo Table Tennis GameVérifiez le prix

Don’t have the space for a full-size table tennis experience? Now you can play table tennis in the palm of your hand with the Tiny Pong Solo Table Tennis Game from Hasbro. Just as in table tennis, the object is to keep the ball bouncing to win. The longer you keep it going, the higher your score! There are 2 levels of play — beginner and expert. In expert mode you have to get the ball over the net, alternating sides. What’s cool? The game keeps track of the score and lights and sounds add to the experience. Once you get the hang of it, challenge your friends to see who can score the most points. It’s a great game for developing hand-eye coordination. Do you have what it takes to be the Ultimate Solo Table Tennis Champion?!

Say AnythingAges 13+Say AnythingVérifiez le prix

In “Say Anything,” speaking your mind is encouraged to win. Every round someone plays the judge. By drawing from a deck, the judge asks a question like “What’s the funniest movie of all time?” All of the players write down an answer and the judge picks her favorite response. Then players try to guess which answer the judge chose. The player that guesses correctly wins the point.

Nothing is better than something that challenges her.

Perplexus EpicPerplexus EpicVérifiez le prix

Perplexus Epic is a transparent maze where players have to clear 125 hurdles to reach the end of the maze. You will have to flip, toss, swirl the transparent sphere to keep the ball on the track. If it falls off, you start back at the beginning. It’s a lot of fun to see who can get the furthest.

D-FantiX Speed Stickerless Magic CubeAges 3+D-FantiX Speed Stickerless Magic CubeVérifiez le prix

The Rubik’s Cube is one of the most popular puzzles of all time. While this is not the original cube, it is a stickerless version. While she can look up the solution online, it is a lot of fun to just spend time figuring it out on your own. Once you solve this cube, you can race to see how fast you can solve it since this one is a speed cube.

Ravensburger 3D PuzzleAges 8-13Ravensburger 3D PuzzleVérifiez le prix

2D jigsaw puzzles are fun, but with these 3D puzzles from Ravenburger you get something that would make a cool piece of room decor. There is everything from a working globe to a Converse sneaker that functions as a pencil holder. It’s a lot of fun to put together especially with other people.

Educational Insights KanoodleAges 7+Educational Insights KanoodleVérifiez le prix

Kanoodle is the ultimate stocking stuffer. This puzzle is small enough to carry anywhere and bring out whenever you are bored. There are 100 different challenges that go from flat rectangle puzzles to 3d Pyramid puzzles. You pick a puzzle and have to insert the remaining pieces to solve the puzzle. She may never get on her phone when she is bored again.

Hanayama Brain Teaser PuzzleAges 12-15Hanayama Brain Teaser PuzzleVérifiez le prix

If she really loves super challenging puzzles, you have to check out the Hanayama line of puzzles. Each of the puzzles has a rating on it from 1 to 6. Level 6 is pretty much close to impossible. The Cast Cylinder is a Level 4, which means it is really challenging but not impossible. To solve it, you have to take it apart but putting it together is a whole other battle.

Rubik’s CubeAges 8+Rubiks CubeVérifiez le prix

The Rubik’s Cube is a classic puzzle game. You have to rotate a cube with multiple sections until you have all of the same color on a side. It can be quite challenging but there are strategies that can be developed to win the game. It’s a super fun brain-teaser.

Custom Photo Puzzle CubeAges 8+Custom Photo Puzzle CubeVérifiez le prix

Did you know that the Rubik’s cube is the best selling toy of all time? There aren’t too many toys that have been around since ancient times but the Rubik’s cube is one of them. It was invented in 1974. You are supposed to rotate all the squares so that they are all on one side of the cube. If you don’t approach it correctly, they will all get mixed up. Now you can create a custom one.

For the crafty girl, get her lots and lots of craft supplies and kits to keep her busy with her hands.

Karina Garcia’s DIY SlimeAges 10-14Karina Garcias DIY SlimeVérifiez le prix

Everybody loves making slime. There are all different types of slime. Katrina Garcia has some of the most popular videos on making slime and now she has written a book with some of her most popular slime recipes. These ones don’t use Borax as an activator. It’s all stuff that you can find online but it’s nice to have everything collected in a book to help you get started.

Elmer’s Liquid School GlueElmers Liquid School GlueVérifiez le prix

Slime is everywhere. Basic slime is made with glue, borax, and a little food coloring. People are buying truckloads of Elmer’s glue to get their slime fix. In fact, there was a glue shortage. It’s so hot that many people are calling this the year of Slime. This gallon of glue is a good way for her to feed her obsession.

Crazy Aaron’s Mixed By Me Thinking PuttyAges 8+Crazy Aarons Mixed By Me Thinking PuttyVérifiez le prix

Crazy’s Aaron’s Putty is a lot of fun, but this kit lets you customize your own Thinking Putty. It comes with everything you need to turn clear putty into everything from colored putty to glow in the dark putty. It’s a small kit and not nearly as involved as slime, but still a lot of fun.

Crayola Model MagicCrayola Model MagicVérifiez le prix

Butter Slime is one of the most popular types of slime. Butter slime is slime that spreads like butter. You have probably seen recipes for butter slime. It’s a pretty basic recipe. You can either use Crayola Model Magic to make this type of slime. Crayola Model magic is a smooth clay that is easily moldable and air dries.

Daiso Soft ClayDaiso Soft ClayVérifiez le prix

Butter slime doesn’t actually have butter in it. It just feels and spreads like butter. In order to make it you need soft clay. You can either use Crayola Model Magic or Daiso Soft Clay. Made in Japan, Daiso Soft Clay can’t be found on store shelves so you need to get it online. You just mix it with glue to create butter slime.

Elmer’s Liquid Glitter GlueElmers Liquid Glitter GlueVérifiez le prix

If she is addicted to slime, you can get her a ton of slime supplies. The colored pack of Elmer’s glitter glue will come in handy for making glitter slime. You can get a single pack or a multipack of different colors. It’s is so much less messy and better than using regular glue and adding glitter to it.

Elmer’s Slime Starter KitElmers Slime Starter KitVérifiez le prix

Who isn’t crazy about making slime? Making slime is like the coolest science experiment ever. To make our lives easier, Elmer’s has put together these starter kits that have everything you need to get started with slime. They are great for anybody just getting started with slime. They come with glitter glue, clear glue, and recipes. Just be warned, once she starts, she is going to become addicted to slime.

Glotoch Slime Containers 24-PkGlotoch Slime Containers 24-PkVérifiez le prix

Does she have so much of slime in her room that it looks like a mad scientist’s lab? Where is she going to put all the slime? We think these plastic takeout containers are perfect. Since they are clear, you can see the slime inside. Finally, she has a place to store her slime and give it to her friends.

Foam Balls for Slime Foam Balls for Slime Vérifiez le prix

Slime is cool but making textured slime is even better. It’s a lot of fun to throw random stuff in slime to add color and texture. Simply mix these foam balls into your slime recipe to give it some texture. These ones will not bleed color or change the color of your slime. It makes the slime feel totally different.

Bali Mason JarsBali Mason JarsVérifiez le prix

Is there anything more versatile than the Mason Jar? There are so many fun ways to use Mason Jar to organize everything from room decor to craft supplies. They can even be used to create DIY room decor. If she is really into DIY, she going love having more Mason Jars.

Tulip One Step 18-Color Tie-Dye KitTulip One Step 18-Color Tie-Dye KitVérifiez le prix

There is nothing more fun than dipping plain clothing in tie-dye and getting gorgeous spirals on it. This Tie-dye kit from Tulip is the perfect thing to do on a lazy day. Even if you have never tried it before, the kit makes it easy for anybody to get great results. You can get it in different themes. This one is unicorn themed. Just grab some clothing and this kit and throw a unicorn tie dye party.

Duck Brand Printed Duct TapeDuck Brand Printed Duct TapeVérifiez le prix

There are so many fun DIYs that you can create with plain old DUCK tape. There is nothing more fun than wrapping something with printed Duck tape. This Pineapple themed one is perfect for giving anything a tropical look. You can use it for so many different projects from gift wrapping to scrapbooking.

ALEX Toys Craft DIY Card CrafterALEX Toys Craft DIY Card CrafterVérifiez le prix

Alex Toys has so many great craft kits. It’s so much more fun to make your own greeting card than to buy one in the store. This scrapbooking and card kit allows her to create her own beautifully decorated cards. There’s a nice selection of supplies included with this kit. She might even put Hallmark out of business.

Surebonder Mini Detailed Glue GunSurebonder Mini Detailed Glue GunVérifiez le prix

If she is really into DIY projects, she is going to need a glue gun. She doesn’t need an expensive glue gun to get started. This mini glue gun from Surebonder is perfect for beginning crafters before investing in a much larger glue gun. There are so many different projects she can do with it. The fine tip makes it easier to control the glue gun. We love that it has an on/off switch.

ALEX Toys DIY Wear Friends 4 Ever JewelryAges 8+ALEX Toys DIY Wear Friends 4 Ever JewelryVérifiez le prix

This fun kit from Alex Toys allows her to make friendship bracelets for all her friends. Using string and the various looms, girls can make different colored and patterned bracelets. It is the perfect craft activity to bring out during a birthday or slumber party.

Klutz Make Clay Charms Craft KitKlutz Make Clay Charms Craft KitVérifiez le prix

If you haven’t heard of Klutz, it creates fun craft activity books. Each of the books usually comes with the supplies you need to do the activity. While this is the Clay Charms Kit, there are so many different activity books to choose from depending on her interests. With this kit, she will be making her own clay charms bracelet. It comes with a small amount of clay, but you can easily buy more if she gets super into making clay charms.

Elmer’s Galaxy Slime Starter PackElmers Galaxy Slime Starter PackVérifiez le prix

Want to make out of this world slime? Try Elmer’s Galaxy Slime Starter Pack which allows kids to make galaxy slime. It makes 3 batches of insanely satisfying slime both in look and feel. The best part? It has great consistency and stretchiness not to mention it is so much fun to play with.

Elmer’s Glow-in-The-Dark Liquid GlueElmers Glow-in-The-Dark Liquid GlueVérifiez le prix

Did you notice that you can’t find glue anywhere? That’s because slime is taking over the world. It’s like a science experiment. While it is fun creating it, it is even more fun playing with it. Teens love squishing it and using it to calm down. Now you can get glow in the dark glue so she can make glow in the dark slime creations.

WINLIP Slime Supplies KitWINLIP Slime Supplies KitVérifiez le prix

This 80-pack of slime supplies is perfect for slime and other arts and crafts projects. You get 9 different packets of foam balls. When you add it to slime, it makes crunchy slime blobs which are super fun! Perfect for creating Instagram moments.

H Potter Terrarium KitH Potter Terrarium KitVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want to make their own terrarium? All you need is the right container, plants, and this kit and you can create your own ecosystem that thrives on its own. This kit from H Potter contains everything you need to create your own garden in a bottle. Just add a container and plants.

Burning Wick DIY Lip Balm KitBurning Wick DIY Lip Balm KitVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could make your own lip balm? With this lip balm kit, you have everything you need. It comes with all of the ingredients like shea butter, beeswax, and almond oil. The kit comes with fun flavorings including tangerine, peppermint, pineapple, and tropical punch. It even comes with 12 tubes to store them in. The best part? The instructions are easy to follow.

Bath Bomb Making KitBath Bomb Making KitVérifiez le prix

The fizzyness of bath balms has taken over the world. Wouldn’t it be cool if you go make your own bath balms? This kit contains simple ingredients to make your own fizzy bath balms out of baking soda, citric acid, Epsom salt, and 4 essential oils. You simply mix the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients and place them into the cupcake mold liners. They make great gifts.

Ravensburger 3D SneakerRavensburger 3D SneakerVérifiez le prix

Jigsaw puzzles are boring, but this is no ordinary puzzle. It’s 3d puzzle that forms a shoe when you are done. It adds a whole new dynamic to puzzle creation because you have to think about how the pieces fit from all sides. The pieces are surprisingly sturdy too. The best part? When you are done, you have a beautiful piece of room decor.

Prismacolor Soft Core Colored PencilsPrismacolor Soft Core Colored PencilsVérifiez le prix

Coloring books are a great way to express your artistic side while at the same time helping you to relax. Now that coloring books have become super popular, you are going to need something to color them with. You are going to need a nice set of colored pencils. With soft blendable colors, these colored pencils from Primasoft are wonderful.

Johanna Basford Coloring Book Secret GardenJohanna Basford Coloring Book Secret GardenVérifiez le prix

Lately coloring books have become super popular. Johanna Basford’s Secret Garden is the coloring book that spurred this whole phenomenon. Who would have thought that coloring in flowers and geometric designs would be so relaxing?

Royal & Langnickel Art KitRoyal & Langnickel Art KitVérifiez le prix

Do you have an artist? Then these art kits from Royal & Langnickel make great gifts. There are several sets to choose from including soft pastel acrylic, and water colors so you can even try something new. For those who love drawing, the sketching set is wonderful with 12 graphite pencils.

Project Runway PortfolioProject Runway PortfolioVérifiez le prix

Future fashion designers will fall in love with Project Runway. It’s a stencil kit that allows girls to create their own fashions on the silhouette drawings in the book. You can dress the models how you like with shirts, pants, dresses, accessories, and more. Now you are in control of the runaway.

Strathmore Sketch PadStrathmore Sketch PadVérifiez le prix

If she is an artist or just loves doodling, she will love this 9 X 12 inch sketchpad. It contains 100 blank pages inside for drawing, painting, doodling, or sketching.

Rainbow LoomRainbow LoomVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love friendship bracelets? Rainbow Loom is a jewelry craft kit for tweens that allow girls to create friendship bracelets out of rubber bands. Using the hook and loom, girls can create an endless amount of jewelry. The included instructions will help her get started but there are a ton of tutorials on Youtube to try so she can create her own designs.

3Doodler Create+ 3D Pen3Doodler Create+ 3D PenVérifiez le prix

Doodling on paper is fun, but the 3D Doodler allows you take your physical creations to the 3rd dimension. Using the same plastic that a 3D printer uses, the pen allows you to draw with melted plastic. Using advanced technology, the plastic hardens instantly, allowing you to draw freehand creations. While it does require patience and practice, part of the fun is learning how to doodle in the mid-air.

Klutz Friendship Bracelets Craft KitKlutz Friendship Bracelets Craft KitVérifiez le prix

What girl doesn’t love bracelets? This fun craft kit allows girls to create twelve pretty friendship bracelets. There are different designs to weave and keep things interesting. A wonderful way to explore her creativity.

BYT Latch Hook KitBYT Latch Hook KitVérifiez le prix

Latch hook kits are making a big comeback. Latch hooking is a super easy craft that anybody can learn. Using a latch hook tool, you just loop, hook, and pull. This kit comes with everything you need including the latch hook tool, yarn, and canvas. Everything is color coded so it is easy to do. When you are done, you can even fill it to create a gorgeous pillow.

Bunch O Balloons Party Starter PackBunch O Balloons Party Starter PackVérifiez le prix

Hate blowing and tying balloons for parties and celebrations? Zuru’s Bunch O Balloons Electric Party Pump is a real game-changer, eliminating the hassle of blowing up and tying party balloons. With this pump, you can fill, tie, and string 40 balloons in 40 seconds! And the ribbon and string are already attached. Talk about a real time-saver. It makes the process a cinch so anybody can do it — even kids. Connect the stems to the Electric Party Pump and watch your balloons inflate and self-tie in mere seconds like magic. An included adapter also allows for filling the balloons even quicker with helium or an air compressor. The best part? The balloons are reusable and the Self-Sealing Party Balloons come in a wide assortment of colors. The Party Starter Pack includes the Electric Party Pump, 48 Self-Sealing Party Balloons, helium tank adaptor, and fast-fill hose attachment for other inflatables. Say goodbye to blowing and tying balloons. Birthday parties and celebrations will never be the same!

Kinetic Sand Beach Sandisfying SetAges 3+Kinetic Sand Beach Sandisfying Set

Love creating satisfying videos on social media? The Kinetic Sand Beach Sandisfying Set is the perfect set for creating those super satisfying videos to upload on social media. The set includes 2 pounds of Kinetic Sand and 10 tools to flow, mix, cut, squish, and mold your sand with amazing motions that are so satisfying they’re worthy of sharing. Capture your ‘Sandisfying’ experience and share it on social for all your followers to experience. Can anything be more #Sandisfying?

Paper Mate Inkjoy Gel PensPaper Mate Inkjoy Gel PensVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want colorful gel pens to take notes, fill in their planner, or doodle with? These lightweight ones from Papermate feel great in your hands. The transparent section allows you to easily see how much ink is left. When you write with them, the gel ink glides over the paper with no smearing.

Sharpie Color Burst Permanent MarkersSharpie Color Burst Permanent MarkersVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love Sharpies? Since it can write on just about anything, it is one of the most versatile craft supplies. The bigger the pack, the better. Since they are permanent, once you use them, you can’t really undo what you have done. This 24 pack is sure to have all her favorite colors.

Mr. Sketch Scented MarkersMr. Sketch Scented MarkersVérifiez le prix

There is only one way to make coloring more fun – scented markers. We don’t know why Mr. Sketch markers smell so yummy, but they do. Plus, they remain scented forever. When you whip them out, people will wonder where the cotton candy, green apples, and raspberry slush are. It’s all in the markers.

VersaChalk Liquid ChalkVersaChalk Liquid ChalkVérifiez le prix

Forget regular chalk, liquid chalk is so much cooler. These water based markers are designed to be used on surfaces like chalkboards, glass, and even white boards. When you write with them, they write like markers but are so much more vibrant than ordinary chalk. Since they are water based, they can be easily erased using a damp cloth.

Darice 80-Piece Deluxe Art SetDarice 80-Piece Deluxe Art SetVérifiez le prix

For the artist on your list, there is this art case from Darice. It’s got chalk, paintbrushes, colored pencils, and more. While it is not professional quality, there is a lot of stuff here. Everything comes packaged in a suitcase, which is easy to take with you anywhere. Pair it with a sketchbook to make this gift even sweeter.

Prismacolor Premier Colored PencilsPrismacolor Premier Colored PencilsVérifiez le prix

Primacolor colored pencils are the best colored pencils that you can buy. If you have never used them before, they open up a whole world of color. Made of soft wax, they beautifully spread evenly over the coloring surface. With 48 vibrant colors, they are perfect for layering color.

Pusheen Coloring BookPusheen Coloring BookVérifiez le prix

Coloring books are super popular right now. Researchers claim that coloring helps you relax. This one starring Pusheen is almost too cute to describe. Like most coloring cooks it’s got beautiful Mandala designs, but when you put Pusheen in each scene it takes you to cat heaven. Each of the pages is printed on both sides so markers aren’t the best to use when coloring.

How to Draw PokemonHow to Draw PokemonVérifiez le prix

If she loves to draw and Pokemon, she will love this little book. Inside it shows her how to draw all of her favorite Pokemon characters. With 16 different characters, there is a nice range of challenge from easy to more difficult The book shows you how to draw each Pokemon in a couple of steps, showing you how to slowly layer in detail.

Fashion Angels Project Runway PortfolioFashion Angels Project Runway PortfolioVérifiez le prix

Fashion Angels creates great craft kits for tween girls. Your 11 year old girl will love sketching out her own fashion designs with this kit. It comes with stencils that can be used to trace clothing and designs onto the “undressed” models. It is the perfect gift for budding fashion designers.

Spirograph Deluxe Design SetSpirograph Deluxe Design SetVérifiez le prix

We are going way back in time. Now she can create her own Mandala designs with Spirograph. Spirograph turns anybody into an artist. To make the geometric designs, you choose one of the included rings. Using the pens, you just go around in a circle couple of times and you get a beautifully drawn spirograph. The best part? When you are done, you can color them in using colored pencils. Who needs a coloring book?

Klutz LEGO Make Your Own MovieAges 8+Klutz LEGO Make Your Own MovieVérifiez le prix

Want to make your own LEGO movie? Now your kids can become a director and create their own mini film with this creative set from Klutz. The set includes minifigure actors, props and scenery, and a guide to creating stop-motion video. This is an excellent set for inspiring creativity. Qu’est-ce que tu attends? Let’s get creating!

ZIPIT Grillz Pencil CaseZIPIT Grillz Pencil CaseVérifiez le prix

Who knew that a pencil case could be so fun? With eyes and a zippered mouth, this pencil case has so much of personality. The best part? It holds a ton of school supplies or makeup inside. Every time she unzips and zips it back up, it will bring a huge smile to her face.

Homecube Pencil CaseHomecube Pencil CaseVérifiez le prix

If she loves collecting pens and pencils, a pencil case will always come in handy. It always seems that pencil cases don’t have enough of space inside. Available in a variety of colors, this case from Homecube has a ton of storage for all her stationary. There are a ton of compartments inside to organize all your stuff. The coolest part? It has a removable Velcro divider so you can use it to store larger things.

Fisher Space PenFisher Space PenVérifiez le prix

Wouldn’t it be great if your pen would work at any angle? Meet the Space Pen! It’s called the Space Pen because the pen defies the laws of gravity. You can write withit while upside down. Heck you can even use it in outer space. After using it, you will never want to use an ordinary pen again. Throw it in your pocket and take it everywhere with you. It comes in a beautiful gift box.

Pilot G2 Retractable Gel PensPilot G2 Retractable Gel PensVérifiez le prix

Yes, boring pens. 13 year old girls love pens and cute stationary. These Pilot G2 are not ordinary pens; they last longer than other pens and glide over the writing surface. They are perfect for the 13 year girl that loves to write, doodle, or even for taking notes in class.

LEGO Movie 2 Movie Maker 70820Ages 8+LEGO Movie 2 Movie Maker 70820Vérifiez le prix

Loved the LEGO Movie 2? Now you can be inspired to create and direct your own mini feature film with the LEGO Movie 2 Movie Maker set. This set is designed for traditional movie creation not stop-motion animation. Build an Escape Buggy, Rex’s Explorer, and action props, bring the action to life, and record it. The cast includes Emmet, Lucy, Rex, Sweet Mayhem mini doll, Warrior Kitty, Star, Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi, alien invaders, and a raptor to spark rich storytelling and adventures. The companion app features film capture, editing, special effects, and playback. Watch your little director’s imagination and creativity soar with this awesome set. Everything is AWESOME! What amazing original masterpieces will you dream up?

KlikBots Studio PacksAges 6+KlikBots Studio Packs

Love creating stop-motion animations? KlikBots takes the stop-motion fun to the next level with multiple points of articulation. With more creative freedom of motion, your stop-motions will look smoother than ever before. Available at Target and Walmart, the Studio Packs offer multiple collectible figures for bringing your imagination to life. The coolest part? With interchangeable pieces, mix and match them to create your own figures. Create and share your own stop-motion masterpieces via the KlikBot app. Imagine all the action-packed stop-motions you can create!

Zebra Mechanical Pencil And Pen Gift SetZebra Mechanical Pencil And Pen Gift SetVérifiez le prix

Everybody could use a fresh set of office supplies. You don’t need to spend a lot of money for high quality stationary. Treat yourself to this pencil and pen gift set from Zebra. Both the pen and pencil have excellent barrels and the stainless steel body feels great in your hand. The pen is well balanced and produces nice and easy strokes. These great writing instruments make a great gift.

Strathmore Sketch PadStrathmore Sketch PadVérifiez le prix

If she is an artist or just loves doodling, she will love this 9 X 12 inch sketchpad. It contains 100 blank pages inside for drawing, painting, doodling, or sketching.

Got a book worm? Here are the top books for 11 year old girls.

LuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book LightLuminoLite Rechargeable LED Book LightVérifiez le prix

If she loves to read a lot, get her a book light so that she can read anywhere regardless of the lighting. With a USB rechargeable battery and 4 LEDs, this has a neck that allows it to be easily adjusted. With 2 brightness settings, it can be positioned so that it lights up your entire book.

The Simple Elephant PlannerThe Simple Elephant PlannerVérifiez le prix

Now you can get more organized starting tomorrow with the Simple Elephant Planner. Because it is unmarked, it is super flexible. You can start at any time. It has both a monthly and weekly view. It’s perfect for keeping track of important dates and your schedule.

Q&A a Day for Kids: A Three-Year JournalQ&A a Day for Kids: A Three-Year JournalVérifiez le prix

This is a 3 year journal. On each day, you have a different writing prompt at the top of the page. Underneath each prompt you have a 3 spaces to write your answer to that prompt for each year. After using the journal for 3 years, it is interesting to see how much your responses change.

Wreck This JournalWreck This JournalVérifiez le prix

Even if she hates journals, she will love Wreck This Journal. This is not your ordinary journal. The journal prompts you do to do all sorts of things to wreck it. She will have to lick it, scratch up the pages, and even drop the journal from a high place. Luckily, she won’t have to throw it in a fire.

Just Between Us: Mother & DaughterAges 9-12Just Between Us: Mother & DaughterVérifiez le prix

Here is a journal that is designed to make you closer to your daughter. On each page, it’s got prompts that both of you will answer. One side of the diary is for her and the other side is for you. It’s a fun way of communicating and overtime you will create a special bond with her.

WonderAges 8-12WonderVérifiez le prix

Wonder can only be described as wonderful. Middle school is tough but the main character in this book has severe facial deformities. Auggie is made fun and called horrible names like “freak.” The book is told through Auggie’s perspective and will have everybody in tears at the end. This is a powerful book that every 11 year old girl should read. There’s also a side story book called Auggie & Me.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 14: The BreakoutAges 8-12Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 14: The BreakoutVérifiez le prix

Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 14: The Breakout from Jeff Kinney. Every book keeps getting better. The series is full of great plot twists and it’s quite realistic. In Book 14, the Heffley’s acquire an inheritance that allows them to make big changes to their house. But they soon discover that their home improvement project doesn’t go as expected. Hands-down, it’s one of the funniest in the series.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 13: The MeldownAges 8-12Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 13: The MeldownVérifiez le prix

The next version of Jeff Kinney’s best selling Diary of The Wimpy Kid series is out. In the latest book, Greg and his friends are stuck in the middle of a snowstorm. This is a Diary Of The Wimpy Kid series, so don’t expect it to go as planned!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 12: The GetawayAges 8-12Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 12: The GetawayVérifiez le prix

Starring Greg Heffley, the Diary Of A Wimpy kid series is one of the most popular series. The 12th book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is coming out. Greg and his family are going on vacation, but things take an unexpected turn for the worse. Will this trip to paradise be ruined? Find out in the next installment of the series.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: The Illustrated EditionAges 8+Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone: The Illustrated EditionVérifiez le prix

Harry Potter is amazing but the entire series is getting an illustrated makeover by award winning artist Jim Kay. When reading Harry Potter, everybody has an image in their head about what the characters look like. Surprising, Jim Kay brings these characters to life with beautiful illustrations just in the way we always pictured them. Offering a darker tone, the 3rd book in the illustrated series is coming out this year but you can check out the other books in the series too.

Harry Potter Paperback Box Set Books 1-7Ages 11-15Harry Potter Paperback Box Set Books 1-7Vérifiez le prix

You wouldn’t expect an 11 year old boy to be so interesting. However, Harry Potter is no ordinary 11 year old boy, he is a wizard. Even if she can’t stop watching the Harry Potter movies and has memorized all the scenes, she needs to read the books. There are ton of things left out of the movie, so it’s fun to relive the story through the books. This set contains all the books in the series.

Descendants 2: Mal’s Spell Book Ages 9-12Descendants 2: Mals Spell Book Vérifiez le prix

Did she fall in love with Disney’s Descendants 2? Now she can read Mal’s Spell Book. It’s a retelling of the story through 4 characters. The book is filled with pictures from the movie and there are a few that didn’t appear in the movie.

Official Fortnite: Battle Royal Survival GuideAges 10-14Official Fortnite: Battle Royal Survival GuideVérifiez le prix

Want to know strategies for staying alive in Fortnite? Fortnite is very different from traditional shooters. The game is a lot more approachable. If you want to become better at Fortnite, Epic Games has put together an official guide full of tips and tricks to help you and your teammates win your next Battle Royale. The best part? If he’s obsessed with Fortnite, it’s a great way to get him to read. Are you ready to step up your Fortnite game?

Sleepover Party Mad LibsAges 8-12Sleepover Party Mad LibsVérifiez le prix

Mad Libs are the perfect activity to do during sleepovers. This book contains 21 fill in the blank stories. Before reading the story, you write in all the words. When you read the story with the words that everybody has chosen, it’s often so hilarious that everybody will be on the ground laughing

Pokémon Deluxe Essential HandbookAges 7-10Pokémon Deluxe Essential HandbookVérifiez le prix

This book contains more information than you would ever want to know about Pokemon. Did you know that Abomosnow was a grass ice Pokemon? This book gives you so many facts about Pokemon you know and Pokemon you have never heard about. If she is studying to be Dr. Pokemon, this book is essential.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemAges 8+Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemVérifiez le prix

The author of Harry Potter is back at it again with a prequel to Harry Potter. If she loved Fantastic Beasts, she is going to want to read this book cover to cover. The screenplay is exactly the same thing as the movie. Before reading the book, we recommend that she watches the movie because this is the best way to relive it.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of GrindelwaldFantastic Beasts: The Crimes of GrindelwaldVérifiez le prix

Everything that J.K Rowling touches turns into something magical. Her latest story Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them . If the name of the book sounds familiar, it’s because it appeared in the first Harry Potter book. It stars Newt Schamander who comes to New York with a brown suitcase filled with mystical creatures. That’s when everything goes wrong. This is the 2nd book in the series.

5,000 Awesome Facts 3Ages 8-125,000 Awesome Facts 3Vérifiez le prix

National Geographic makes so many great fact books for kids. It has created 3 Volumes of 5,000 Awesome Facts. It’s a lot of fun opening the book everyday and learning something completely new like it takes 500 years for Styrofoam to decompose or Alaska has 39 Mountain Ranges.

Fuzzy MudAges 10+Fuzzy MudVérifiez le prix

Written by Louis Sachar, Fuzzy Mud is about two friends named Tamaya and Marshall. Every day they walk home after school. One day they take a shortcut through the woods. They come across something weird called Fuzzy Mud. You will have to finish the book to find out what happens. It’s a fascinating book filled with so much of suspense.

Smile and Sisters: The Box SetAges 9-12Smile and Sisters: The Box SetVérifiez le prix

Smile is a true story about the struggles in middle school. In middle school everybody wants to fit in, but Raina has a hard time because her two front teeth are damaged. If anybody has gotten braces, it is easy to relate with the main character. Not only does she have to deal with her image, but also about things in middle school like boys and bullies. This boxed set includes both Smile and another book by the same author.

The Maze Runner SeriesAges 12+The Maze Runner SeriesVérifiez le prix

She may have seen Maze Runner on the big screen, but the books are very different. Maze Runner is about a group of boys who are stuck in a huge unknown area. To get out, they have to figure out how to get through this weird maze. This book set includes all the novels in the series.

Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.Ages 8-12Are You There God? Its Me, Margaret.Vérifiez le prix

What if you could text God while going through puberty? While this book has an overly long title, it is a story about growing up. With a 12 year old girl as the main character, the book discusses subjects that all girls go through like kissing, boys, bras, and periods. If she’s ready for, it is something every girl should read. For parents, it’s important to have open discussions about subjects that many of us are embarrassed about and shouldn’t be.

Ready Player OneReady Player OneVérifiez le prix

There are plenty of dystopian novels, but Ready Player One is perfect for anybody who loves video games and cyberpunk stories. Mixing video game culture with 80s culture, it’s a geek’s dream come true. The story takes place in the year 2044. There is a global energy crisis. The main character, a teenager named Wade, is on a high stakes quest to find the OASIS, which is said to give anybody who finds it wealth and power.

Children of Blood and BoneChildren of Blood and BoneVérifiez le prix

If you love Harry Potter, you are going to love this book. Written by Tomi Adeyemi, Children Of Blood and Bone is a fantasy novel based in Western culture and folklore. This is one of those books that you won’t be able to put down. The magic, the world, and the characters are so rich. By telling the story from 3 different perspectives, the author is not only able to tell a sweeping fantasy, but is able to layer so much of depth and meaning. It’s a fantasy story but it deals with difficult issues such as oppression and racism.

The Trials of Apollo Book Three The Burning MazeThe Trials of Apollo Book Three The Burning MazeVérifiez le prix

Rick Riordan has brought to life so many memorable characters, but Apollo may be one of his best. Apollo is very different from the characters that came before him. Apollo is a bit more conceited and not really a heroic figure, which leads itself to the slightly more humorous feel in this book. In the book, Apollo tries to regain his place as a god after being cast out by his father Zeus.

The Baby-Sitters Club Kristy’s Big DayAges 8-12The Baby-Sitters Club Kristys Big DayVérifiez le prix

There are some books that are continuously passed down generation by generation. One of those series is the Baby-Sitters Club. Started in 1980s, the beloved series is about a group of friends who started a babysitting business. It’s a series about empowerment and most importantly friendship. While the books have been around forever, this is the graphic novel adaption.

Everything, EverythingAges 12+Everything, EverythingVérifiez le prix

Set up like a journal, Everything, Everything is the story of a teenager who can’t leave her house because she’s allergic to everything outside. When a boy next door moves in, it sets the stage for this teen romance. Parents should know there are a few cuss words and sex, which can get pretty descriptive.

Dork Diaries 13: Tales from a Not-So-Happy BirthdayAges 9-13Dork Diaries 13: Tales from a Not-So-Happy BirthdayVérifiez le prix

Does she love the Dork Diaries? The series has completely transformed the meaning of Dork. The series follows Nikki, Zoey, and Chloe through middle school as they try to outsmart the biggest bully, Mckenzie Hollister. The latest book in this best selling series has a surprise twist. Get ready for an epic birthday bash!

Guinness World Records 2020Guinness World Records 2020Vérifiez le prix

What is the world’s largest animal? It’s the whale, which can weigh 28 times the weight of a dinosaur. The Guinness World Records 2020 is jam-packed with loads of world records — including everything from Minecraft to sports and more.

Guinness World Records: Gamer’s Edition 2020Ages 7-12Guinness World Records: Gamers Edition 2020Vérifiez le prix

We bet you didn’t know that Sonja Reid was the most followed female video gamer on Twitch. Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition contains tons of fascinating video gaming achievements just like this and more. In addition to popular gaming characters each having their own page, this year a whole section is dedicated to Fortnite. This book is a must-have bible for gamers.

The Wrinkle in Time Quintet Boxed SetAges 10-14The Wrinkle in Time Quintet Boxed SetVérifiez le prix

After the live action movie, it’s great to revisit the fantastic and often bizarre world of A Wrinkle in Time. The book tells the story of Meg, who is on a mission to find her lost father. Meg is just a normal girl, but its Mrs Whatsit, Mrs Who, and Mrs Which that add a supernatural twist to the story. With every new chapter coming off as a welcomed surprise, she is going to want to read through the entire set of books.

The Hunger Games Box Set: Foil EditionAges 12+The Hunger Games Box Set: Foil EditionVérifiez le prix

The Hunger Games novels take us through a dystopian future. It stars Katniss Everdeen, who is forced to participate in the Hunger Games, where she must fight to stay alive. If you have never read the books, this boxed collection is the perfect way to read all of the books.

Smile and Sisters: The Box SetAges 9-12Smile and Sisters: The Box SetVérifiez le prix

Smile and Sisters: The Box Set is a fantastic set for tweens. Smile covers the story of a nerdy girl’s challenges and her search for her identity. Sisters is the follow-up that teaches readers that we’re not alone in dealing with our difficulties. Girls will be hooked to the story-telling and humor. Sure to be one of her favorites.

Divergent Series Ultimate Four-Book Box SetDivergent Series Ultimate Four-Book Box SetVérifiez le prix

The Divergent series is great for girls who enjoy sci fi stories set in the future. The series and story of Tris is just as addictive as the Hunger Games. 13 year old girls will love that the heroes of the story are teenagers that they can relate to. If they love the movie, the books are much better with greater detail. There is something always happening that you just want to keep reading.

The Baby-Sitters Club Retro SetAges 8-12The Baby-Sitters Club Retro SetVérifiez le prix

The Baby-Sitters Club is a timeless series about a group of friends who started up a babysitting service. Many young girls have grown up reading them. To celebrate the series, there is a new retro series coming that fans are going to be ecstatic over. The first 6 books of the series will be included and feature classic covers. All the books will come packaged in a retro tin.

The Baby-Sitters Club Kristy’s Big DayAges 8-12The Baby-Sitters Club Kristys Big DayVérifiez le prix

There are some books that are continuously passed down generation by generation. One of those series is the Baby-Sitters Club. Started in 1980s, the beloved series is about a group of friends who started a babysitting business. It’s a series about empowerment and most importantly friendship. While the books have been around forever, this is the graphic novel adaption.

Dork Diaries SetAges 9-13Dork Diaries SetVérifiez le prix

Dork Diaries is such a funny series. These fictional diaries follow Nikki Maxwell who has moved into a new middle school. Like most girls, she wants to be popular and believes that getting an expensive iPhone, cool clothes, and a boyfriend will make her cool. Every tween girl will be able to relate to her. There are now 11 books in the series and you can get them in a collection.

The UnwantedsAges 8-12The UnwantedsVérifiez le prix

Billed as Hunger Games meets Harry Potter, The Unwanted has all the classic underpinnings of a good dystopian novel. There are great characters, a bit of fantasy, and a strong love story. In the land of the Unwanted, all 13 year olds are sent to the annual Purge where they are split into two camps: the Wanted and the Unwanted. The story centers around two twins that are put in separate camps. It is here that a surprising twist is revealed.

Jacky Ha-HaAges 9-12Jacky Ha-HaVérifiez le prix

James Patterson has written many great books for tweens. Middle school is hard. In Middle school, we all want to fit in with our friends. Jacky Ha-Ha is a middle school series that focuses on 12 year old Jacky. Jacky has a stutter but uses jokes to fit in with others. Because her last name is Hart, she is given the nickname Jacky Ha-Ha. While humorous, it’s a series that anybody in Middle school can relate to.

One Line a DayOne Line a DayVérifiez le prix

Don’t you have a hard time keeping a journal? This One Linejournal makes it super easy by making you answer only one question a day like “What is your favorite word?” In a few short lines, you will answer a new question everyday for 365 days. Then the next year the questions will repeat themselves. It’s a fun way to see how much you have changed throughout 5 years.

The Five Minute JournalThe Five Minute JournalVérifiez le prix

With school, life can be super stressful and most of us don’t have the time for a journal. Sometimes it’s hard to keep a positive attitude when the world around you is so negative. This 5 minute journal is such a great idea. Every single day, you spend five minutes starting the day on a positive note. It’s super easy. You just fill out each section of the journal with a few lines and write about what makes you grateful for each day.

Sleepover Party Mad LibsAges 8-12Sleepover Party Mad LibsVérifiez le prix

Madlibs is the perfect book for sleepovers. In this game, girls will create a list of words to fill in the blanks of a story. The fun part is reading the nonsensical story in front of your friends. There will be a lot of laughter. The best part? It’s a great way to teach girls about different parts of speech like nouns, verbs, adverbs, and so forth.

What I Love About You Fill In The Love JournalWhat I Love About You Fill In The Love JournalVérifiez le prix

Sometimes the best gift comes from the heart. You don’t have to pay a lot for a really personalized gift. Simply fill out this small book and let her know how much you really love her. You can fill it with special things and even things that will make her laugh. After she reads it, she is going to have tears in her eyes.

The Simple Elephant PlannerThe Simple Elephant PlannerVérifiez le prix

Every 13 year old girl needs a planner. This one is great for managing her schedule for the whole year. It gives you a weekly view and monthly view. It has just the right amount of space to plan your daily activities. The best part? It is undated so you can start using it at anytime instead of having to wait.

She is never too old to play with these toys.

American Girl – Blaire Wilson – Girl of the Year 2019Ages 7+American Girl - Blaire Wilson - Girl of the Year 2019Vérifiez le prix

Who’s the Americal Girl of the Year 2019? It’s none other than Blair Wilson. Add this beautiful and lovely doll to your collection. This limited edition Doll of the Year comes along with the doll, her favorite bumblebee dress, sandles, accessories and a book. Fans can read and learn all about her fascination with cooking and gardening.

Syma X20 Mini Pocket DroneAges 8+Syma X20 Mini Pocket DroneVérifiez le prix

She probably would love to fly her first drone. This mini drone is fairly affordable so it’s not a big deal if she crashes it. With a flight time of 8 minutes, it recharges over USB so it is easy to charge. Even if she is a beginner, this drone is very easy to fly because it is super responsive. It’s perfect for flying indoors.

Sphero Star Wars BB-9E DroidSphero Star Wars BB-9E DroidVérifiez le prix

Look who rolled out of the latest Star Wars movie. It’s BB-9E, the evil twin of everybody’s favorite droid, BB-8. With a dark side makeover, this toy is a lot like the Sphero’s BB-8. With plenty of personality, this app enable droid can be controlled with your Smartphone.

Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon Shadows Trainer BoxAges 6+Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon Shadows Trainer BoxVérifiez le prix

Pokemon are cute little creatures that are raised by trainers. Overtime, these Pokemon evolve. Pokemon is not only an animated cartoon; there are toys, video games, and a trading card game. In the game, kids build decks of cards around their Pokemon and battle with each other players. The best way to get started is with a theme deck. Then they can build out their deck with booster packs. This one is a great starter set.

Pokemon TCG: Guzzlord-GX BoxAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Guzzlord-GX BoxVérifiez le prix

Pokemon fans gotta catch the Pokemon TCG: Guzzlord-GX Box! Nothing will prepare you for Guzzlord, the Ultimate Beast Pokemon. This set features 4 Booster Packs, 1 Rare Guzzlord-GX, Playable Promo Foil Card, and 1 Guzzlord-GX Oversized Foil Card. All in all it’s about 40 cards with a lot of variety. It’s a gift that will satisfy any Pokemon fan.

Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Elite Trainer BoxAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Elite Trainer BoxVérifiez le prix

Looking for a great gift for your Pokemon fanatic? Consider the Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Trainer Box. This complete set includes 10 Booster Packs, 65 Card Sleeves, 45 Energy Cards, Shining Ho-Oh Foil Card, Player’s Guide, 6 Damage Counter Dice and more. Pokemon fans will be on their way to becoming the ultimate Pokemon Master. When they open it, they will be smiling from ear to ear. Let the games begin!

Harry Potter WandHarry Potter WandVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want a realistic replica of Harry Potter’s wand? This Harry Potter wand is so realistic that you would think it came straight out of the film. Too bad that you can’t really cast magical spells with it. It comes boxed in a beautiful box with a velvety interior. What could be a better gift for any Harry Potter fan?

Harry Potter Wizard Training WandsAges 8+Harry Potter Wizard Training WandsVérifiez le prix

Ever wish you could cast magic spells like Harry Potter? Experience how it feels to be Harry, Dumbledore, and Voledemort with the Harry Potter Wizard Training Wands. Using gestures and motions, you can ‘cast’ 11 different spells. What’s cool? You can even challenge other aspiring wizards. One mode is like laser tag, but magical. There are 5 modes of play. While you can’t cast any real spells her, it’s the closest experience fans can get their hands on.

Funko POP! Games Pokemon – PikachuAges 6-12Funko POP! Games Pokemon - PikachuVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun gift for your Pokemon lover? Available exclusively at Target, the Funko POP! Games Pokemon – Pikachi POP looks absolutely amazing. It looks straight out of the animated show it’s based on. Fans will love showing their fandom with their favorite character Pikachu. Isn’t he the most cutest little thing ever?

LEGO Friends Stephanie’s HouseAges 8+LEGO Friends Stephanies HouseVérifiez le prix

If she’s still into Lego, she will probably love anything from the Lego Friends or Lego Elves line. Depending on her interests, there are a ton of other Lego lines she may be interested in as well. Stephanie’s House is pretty cool because not only can you build a cool doll house, but you can also rearrange the rooms in it.

LEGO Minecraft the Crafting Box 2.0Ages 8-14LEGO Minecraft the Crafting Box 2.0Vérifiez le prix

Does she love playing Minecraft on the computer? The Lego Minecraft crafting box allows her to bring her creations to life in real life. Instead of a themed set, this is a set comes with 717 that allows you to build any Minecraft creation. Finally, she has a reason to put down the game.

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Express 75955Ages 6+LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Express 75955Vérifiez le prix

Potterheads will love this Harry Potter Hogwarts Express set from LEGO. This 800-plus piece set builds a fantastic model of the Hogwarts Express inspired by the film. Fans will have as much fun building it as recreating the magic from the movies. The set includes six minifigures, including Harry Potter, to bring your storytelling to life.

Funko POP! Games: Cuddle Team LeaderAges 9+Funko POP! Games: Cuddle Team LeaderVérifiez le prix

Fortnite has become the biggest phenomenon in gaming. Show your fandom by picking up your favorite Fornite character as a POP figure. Due to the immense popularity of the game, Fortnite POPs are expected to be the most popular gaming POPs this year. Choose from the Cuddle Team Leader to Brite Bomber to Merry Marauder and more! It’s the perfect gift for Fornite fans who can’t get enough of the game.

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall 75954Ages 12+LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall 75954Vérifiez le prix

Lego is bringing back Harry Potter in a big way and everybody is excited. There are going to be additional Harry Potter sets later this year, but the LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall was the real showstopper of the show that had practically everyone drooling to get their hands on it. It comes with 11 minifigures so you get a ton of cool characters. The coolest part? It has a moving staircase.

LEGO Ideas Ship In A Bottle 21313Ages 10+LEGO Ideas Ship In A Bottle 21313Vérifiez le prix

The LEGO Ideas Ship In A Bottle is a very classy looking set. Although it seems a bit smaller than expected, it’s actually 1:1 scale to many ships in a bottle. From a distance it looks quite realistic and what’s great is that it doesn’t occupy too much space. The cap and cork is exquisitely designed and great to look at. As for the ship, it features a nice build. It’s surprisingly sturdy and dense considering its size. Decide whether you want the boat inside or outside of the bottle beforehand, as it’s not so easy to remove once it’s inside the bottle.

LEGO BrickHeadz Harry PotterAges 10+LEGO BrickHeadz Harry PotterVérifiez le prix

BrickHeadz just got a magical makeover. Harry Potter fans can finally put together their own Harry Potter BrickHeadz based on Harry Potter. This cool figure stands 7 inches tall and features cool movie details including Harry Potter’s iconic glasses, scar, and even his cape. Cast a spell and build it out of 180 Lego bricks.

LEGO BrickHeadz Mickey Mouse 41624Ages 10+LEGO BrickHeadz Mickey Mouse 41624Vérifiez le prix

In celebration of Mickey Mouse’s 90th anniversary, LEGO is launching two new BrickHeadz sets of our favorite Disney characters. Choose from Mickey or Minnie figures. Kids will enjoy building these instantly recognizable and fun sets.

LEGO BrickHeadz Wonder Woman 41599Ages 6-12LEGO BrickHeadz Wonder Woman 41599Vérifiez le prix

Wonder Woman was one of the biggest superheroes of 2017 and now fans can celebrate her appearance in Wonder Woman and Justice League with these new BrickHeadz Wonder Woman buildable figures. Composed of 143 pieces, this will be a very popular BrickHeadz set this year.

LEGO Disney Cinderella’s Dream Castle 41154Ages 5-12LEGO Disney Cinderellas Dream Castle 41154Vérifiez le prix

Welcome to the magical kingdom of Cinderella’s Dream Castle. It utilizes the new 2018 Build and Swap modular building system. The castle itself is a sight to behold and something you can be proud to display. It features nice colors and a lot of small details that make it shine. There’s a lot of room to pose your figures and kids will have fun acting out various fun scenarios. What’s cool? With the modular design you can mix and match pieces from this set with other sets to expand the fun and even experiment with different designs. The set includes 2 minifigures, a horse, and carriage.

LEGO Unikitty! Unikingdom Creative Brick Box 41455Ages 10-16LEGO Unikitty! Unikingdom Creative Brick Box 41455Vérifiez le prix

Inspired by the Unikitty show, LEGO has launched a dream kit called the Unikingdom Creative Brick Box. With over 400 pieces, fans can create simple builds. The colors and palette are vibrant and will inspire your child’s imagination. The set includes 17 buildable characters. Kids can create their own Unikitty Unikingdom and live out their adventures.

LEGO Star Wars BB-8 75187Ages 7-12LEGO Star Wars BB-8 75187Vérifiez le prix

The LEGO Star Wars BB-8 is an impressive and special new set inspired by The Last Jedi. This is an exciting set to build and it looks incredible. The set includes a cool display stand. The coolest part? When you turn a control it makes the head turn and bobble which is spectacular. Spin the other control to reveal the lighter to give the thumbs up like the scene from the movie.

LEGO Friends Heartlake City Resort 41347Ages 6-12LEGO Friends Heartlake City Resort 41347Vérifiez le prix

Welcome to the Heartlake City Resort. It’s a great place to get away from it all and have some fun and adventure. It features a striking design that instantly captures your attention. There are waterslides, jet skis, sail boats for some fun water adventures. There’s even a convenient monorail to transport you quickly through the resort. LEGO Friends fans will have fascinating adventures with this phenomenal set that will spark their imaginations and inspire countless stories.

LEGO Friends Friendship House 41340Ages 9+LEGO Friends Friendship House 41340Vérifiez le prix

The ultimate hangout spot for your LEGO Friends is the new Friendship House. This 772-piece set is a 4-level, double-sided playset with a ton of wonderful play features. It comes with three mini dolls – Olivia, Emma, and Andrea as well as 3 animal friends to play out your incredible adventures. The Friendship House is actually a converted Fire Station, so it still features a brick fascade and alarm outside. The translucent garage door really opens and closes. There’s even an outdoor garden area, Upper Foreman’s Terrace above the garage, barbeque area with slide, and a rooftop area with hottub. The working pully is great for bringing up supplies and there’s even a fireman’s pole for the mini dolls to slide down. The set is easy to build and kids will have all sorts of fun building and playing out various stories for the characters and their animal friends. There are a ton of great features, details, and accessories to inspire countless hours of imaginative play.

LEGO Star Wars Kessel Run Millennium Falcon 75212Ages 5+LEGO Star Wars Kessel Run Millennium Falcon 75212Vérifiez le prix

How many Lego Millennium Falcons do we have to buy? Inspired by the upcoming Star Wars flick, Solo: A Star Wars Story, hitting theaters this May, the LEGO Star Wars Kessel Run Millennium Falcon set faithfully recreates the starship with incredible attention to detail. This 1,414-piece set features a detailed cockpit, laser turret, and the Falcon even opens to reveal cool inner details.

L.O.L. Surprise! Under Wraps DollAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Under Wraps DollVérifiez le prix

Under Wraps dolls are the latest sensation in the world of L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls. Fans will love solving the mystery of their doll with the new spy glass tool. Each doll comes with 15 surprises to discover. Unwrap the fun with L.O.L. Surprise Under Wraps. Which one will you unwrap?

L.O.L. Surprise! Bubbly SurpriseAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Bubbly SurpriseVérifiez le prix

Get ready for an exciting unboxing experience with L.O.L. Surprise! Bubbly Surprise. Available in two styles, discover an exclusive L.O.L. Surprise Doll and Pet hidden inside a bubbly, fizzy heart. Open mystery balls and dig through sand to find six more fun surprises! Simply add water and watch the magic being! We can’t get enough of these fizzing action reveals. What’s cool? The sparkly glitter case doubles as a purse or playset. What surprises will you uncover?

L.O.L. Surprise! Bigger SurpriseAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Bigger SurpriseVérifiez le prix

A big surprise is going to shake up the L.O.L. world later this fall. Trust us, you ain’t seen nothing yet. This package is the ultimate dream collection for L.O.L. Surprise! fans featuring over 60 exclusive dolls and accessories! The best part? Fans will see a mix of L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls, Pets, and even Lil Sisters. It’s the perfect Christmas gift for any L.O.L. Surprise! lover. Get it before it’s all gone … this one’s going to be HUGE!

L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals Makeover SeriesAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals Makeover SeriesVérifiez le prix

L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals Makeover Series features an all-new cast of dolls to collect and style their hair. Feed or bathe your dolls to reveal a fun water surprise, including a color-change feature. Discover and unbox 12 new dolls with 15 fun surprises awaiting. Now the dolls come bundled in a hairspray can which converts into a salon chair, display case, doll stand, or purse to expand your storytelling. Will you find the 2 Rare Glitteratti dolls?

L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy PetsAges 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy PetsVérifiez le prix

The unboxing fun expands with L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy Pets. Packaged in a shampoo bottle doubling as a bath, purse, and playset with 7 fun surprises, L.O.L. Surprise! Fuzzy Pets reinvents the fun of these surprise pets. The seven surprises include a mirror, secret message, bottle, scooper, accessory, outfit, and pet for bringing your stories to life. Reveal your pet by giving these fuzz-coated pets a bath in the shampoo bottle to wash the fuzz away. What a fun reveal! You can even choose to have one with the fuzz and one without to expand your collection with a variety of designs. What’s cool? Get creative with fun hairstyles using or eliminating the fuzz or add water to the pet for a special water surprise, which includes a fun color-changing effect. Look for over 35 to collect in the line. Are you ready to get ‘fuzzy’ with it?

L.O.L. Surprise! Confetti Pop Series 3Ages 6+L.O.L. Surprise! Confetti Pop Series 3Vérifiez le prix

L.O.L. Surprise! Confetti Pop Series 3 is the top-selling toy thus far. Everyone loves collecting L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls. Will you find the new Ultra Rare, Punk Boi?! There are several layers of surprises to unwrap, which make them fun to unbox. Series 3 features over 35 dolls to collect.

L.O.L. Surprise! Pets Series 4Ages 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Pets Series 4Vérifiez le prix

With seven layers of surprises, girls will love collecting and unwrapping their L.O.L. Surprise! Pets. Series 4 has secret messages on each layer that can be revealed with the included spy glass. Fans will love collecting these adorable little pet companions. This set includes 2 balls and 2 pets. Which ones will you unwrap?

L.O.L. Surprise! Lil Sisters Series 4Ages 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Lil Sisters Series 4Vérifiez le prix

LOL dolls continue to be popular. There is something that is so fun about revealing the layered surprises inside. The latest series is the Eye Spy series, which is Series 4. The Series has secret messages on each layer that can be revealed with the included spy glass. Kids will feel like spies as they try to decode what Lil Sister is hidden inside.

L.O.L. Surprise! Glam GlitterAges 8+L.O.L. Surprise! Glam GlitterVérifiez le prix

Want some glam in your life, then you will love the new Glam Glitter series of L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls. These new dolls feature the most glam styles you’ve seen yet. L.O.L. fans will love collecting these glamorous girls. They are the perfect addition to your collection. Each doll will have a special surprise: Will it be a crier, spitter, tinkler, or color changer?

L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl SurpriseAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl SurpriseVérifiez le prix

Featuring a beautiful glitter case, the L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl Surprise comes with a limited edition Doll and Lil Sister. It’s a fun bath playset with a cool fizzing surprise. Who will you reveal? The reveal process is just as fun as finding out who you’ve got!

L.O.L. Surprise! Biggie PetAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Biggie PetVérifiez le prix

There is even a bigger surprise in the world of LOL. It’s called Biggie pets! There are 15 surprises in each Biggie Pet. How many pet babies will your find inside? 2 or 3? That’s the surprise! Look for secret clues to reveal what mystery pets are inside. There are even wearable accessories. The coolest part? Each Biggie Pet is a backpack.

L.O.L. Surprise! Pop-Up StoreAges 5+L.O.L. Surprise! Pop-Up StoreVérifiez le prix

Do you have a lot of LOL dolls lying around everywhere? Give them a new home with the affordable Pop Up Store. This stand not only gives you a great way to display over 50 dolls, but it also turns into a play area and carry case. It comes with one exclusive LOL doll. The best part! Not only is a great gift for an LOL doll collector, but your floor will thank you.

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Mermal Magic 12-Pack Egg CartonAges 5+Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Mermal Magic 12-Pack Egg CartonVérifiez le prix

The latest Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Season 5 Mermal Magic have washed ashore! These shimmery seashell-shaped surprise eggs feature cool color-changing Hatchimals to hatch that are half-Hatchimal and half-mermaid. Look for over 80 characters to collect in this latest series. While smaller packs are available, the 12-Pack Egg Carton is the fastest way to build your collection. Who will you hatch? Splash into fun with Mermal Magic!

Shopkins Real Littles ‘Lil Shopper PacksAges 4+Shopkins Real Littles Lil Shopper PacksVérifiez le prix

Is that a Shopkin or little Pop-Tarts? Shopkins has joined forces with some of the most beloved brands for its latest ‘Real Littles’ Shopper Packs line. Fans will discover popular and recognizable brands like Pringles, Pop-Tarts, Reddi-Wip, Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Welch’s Concord Grape Jelly and more! What’s cool? The packaging looks identical to its real-world counterpart — only much smaller and cuter and your Shopkins surprises will be inside. In addition, your Shopkins will look much more realistic than ever, elevating the experience to a whole new level.

Fingerlings MinisAges 6+Fingerlings MinisVérifiez le prix

Remember Fingerlings- last year’s hottest toy? These adorable monkeys are getting an extended family. First, there are bite-sized Fingerlings Minis. These bite-sized figures come in a blind bag. These little figures can hook onto anything with their tails and can even be used as pencil toppers.

Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Elite Trainer BoxAges 3+Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Elite Trainer BoxVérifiez le prix

Looking for a great gift for your Pokemon fanatic? Consider the Pokemon TCG: Shining Legends Trainer Box. This complete set includes 10 Booster Packs, 65 Card Sleeves, 45 Energy Cards, Shining Ho-Oh Foil Card, Player’s Guide, 6 Damage Counter Dice and more. Pokemon fans will be on their way to becoming the ultimate Pokemon Master. When they open it, they will be smiling from ear to ear. Let the games begin!

Funko POP Harry PotterAges 5+Funko POP Harry PotterVérifiez le prix

Harry Potter fans will love this authentic recreation of their favorite character from the Harry Potter movies. Harry looks incredibly cute with his garb, vest, little tie, and magical wand. Cast a spell of fun with this Funko POP vinyl figure.

Pomsies Wave 4Ages 3+Pomsies Wave 4

Pomsies Wave 4 introduces new characters, sounds, and features for these best-selling interactive wearable pets. Choose from two modes of play: Virtual Pet Mode and Freeze Dance Mode. Play along with your friends in Freeze Dance Mode. Their colored light-up eyes and sounds let kids know whether they are feeling happy, sleepy, or hungry. Pet them on their head, nose, or mouth, and watch them respond with 50 unique responses. If you nurture your Pomsie enough, you’ll get the ultimate reward — rainbow-colored eyes and cute, cuddly sounds.

Polly Pocket World AssortmentAges 5+Polly Pocket World AssortmentVérifiez le prix

It’s time to head back to the 90s! Polly Pocket is making a big return in 2018 with the Polly Pocket World Assortment. These compact Pocket Worlds are perfect for taking the fun on the go. Each has its own theme and comes along with micro dolls, accessories, and other neat surprises. Look for Polly Pocket to make its debut in fall, retailing for $4.99 – $19.99.

Fingerlings HUGSAges 5+Fingerlings HUGSVérifiez le prix

If the Fingerlings were not enough, the Fingerlings have been given a giant size plush makeover. This sensor stuffed monkey has all of the fun of the original but now he is soft and huggable. They’ll be available in two colors: hot pink and purple. Like the originals, they love giving out kisses and react to motion and touch. Who doesn’t need a hug?

Fingerlings Glitter MonkeyAges 5+Fingerlings Glitter MonkeyVérifiez le prix

Fingerlings, the Toy of the Year, is getting a fun glittery makeover. Add some sparkle to your life with these new companions at your fingertips. They’re interactive pet monkeys that respond to sound, motion, and touch and they love monkeying around.

Fingerlings 2-Tone MonkeyAges 5+Fingerlings 2-Tone MonkeyVérifiez le prix

Fingerlings are new baby monkey collectibles that you wear on your finger. They are interactive – reacting to motion and even touch! Your monkey friend even greets you with cute monkey babble. It can even sense its position whether its right-side-up or upside down. Hold it upside down by its tail … it loves monkeying around. It interacts with you in different ways. You can pet it and it reacts. You can blow a kiss and they even respond to sounds. You can even use it on your pen, mug, backpack and more! Your monkey can even sing and with more than one they sing together. Fingerlings are friendship at your fingers! The two-tone Fingerlings Baby Monkey is new this year.

Hatchimals MysteryAges 5+Hatchimals MysteryVérifiez le prix

What’s new and exciting in the wonderful world of Hatchimals? Hatchimals Mystery launches this fall. Now the Hatchimals you hatch will be a surprise. Kids can hatch and discover one of four brand new mystery creatures. Who will you hatch?

Hatchimals Fabula Forest Puffatoo/TigretteAges 4+Hatchimals Fabula Forest Puffatoo/TigretteVérifiez le prix

A brand new species of Hatchimals has arrived. Meet Tigrette and Puffatoo from Fabula Forest. They feature new games and music to keep you entertained. What’s cool? These Hatchimals can even learn your name and repeat it back to you. And if that wasn’t enough, they can even learn your friend’s names.

FurReal Ricky, The Trick-Lovin PupAges 4+FurReal Ricky, The Trick-Lovin PupVérifiez le prix

Kids will love teaching FurReal Ricky some new tricks. With sensors all over his body, he responds realistically to touch. He can even sing a little tune. Feed him a treat when he is good, but be careful — even he needs to use the bathroom.

Little Live Pets Rollie My Kissing PuppyAges 3-7Little Live Pets Rollie My Kissing PuppyVérifiez le prix

Meet Rollie My Kissing Puppy — the newest member of the Little Live Pets family. Isn’t he the cutest puppy ever?! He’s super adorable and it will be love at first sight. When he’s happy, he’ll wag his little tail and even he responds to touch. Put out your hand, and he’ll reach out his tongue to kiss you. This is the next best thing to a real pet without all the mess.

Barbie 2018 Holiday DollAges 5+Barbie 2018 Holiday DollVérifiez le prix

The holidays are just around the corner, so that means there’s a new Barbie 2018 Holiday Doll for collectors and fans alike. Holiday parties will be red hot! Doesn’t she look absolutely stunning in her gown and accessories?! Make the holidays shine bright with the 2018 Holiday Barbie!

LEGO Friends Mia’s Tree House 41335Ages 6-12LEGO Friends Mias Tree House 41335Vérifiez le prix

Welcome to Mia’s Tree House! Girls will build this beautiful 351-piece Tree House with this wonderful set that invites storytelling fun and adventures with Mia and friends. Fun play features include a zip line and net to climb. The set includes Mia, Daniel, and a bunny and bird. Are you ready for exciting adventures?

Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Minis Ultimate New Friends 10-PackAges 3+Disney•Pixar Toy Story 4 Minis Ultimate New Friends 10-PackVérifiez le prix

Looking for cute collectibles of your favorite Toy Story 4 characters? Look no further than Mattel’s new Toy Story 4 Minis Ultimate New Friends 10-Pack set featuring the full cast of beloved Toy Story characters along with new characters from Toy Story 4. Some of your favorites of old have been redesigned. Look for Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Bo Peep, Duke Caboom, Bo’s Sheep, Bunny, Ducky, Benny, Gabby Gabby, and Tinny in this assortment. It’s a quick and easy way to build your Minis collection and it’s perfect for recreating the magic of the animated film.

Funko POP! Disney Toy Story 4Ages 3+Funko POP! Disney Toy Story 4Vérifiez le prix

With movie-inspired details from Toy Story 4, the entire Toy Story gang is here as Funko POP! Disney figures. Aren’t they so adorable?! Look for Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Buzz Lightyear Floating (Amazon-exclusive), Bo Peep with Office McDimples, Jessie, Forky, Bunny, Ducky, Duke Caboom, Combat Carl Jr., Alien, and Gabby Gabby in this collection. Collect all your favorites and build your collection.

Shopkins Cutie Cars Color Change Cars Season 3Ages 8+Shopkins Cutie Cars Color Change Cars Season 3Vérifiez le prix

Love the Cutie Cars? Cutie Cars Shopkins Season 2 was featured at Toy Fair. The coolest new thing in the world of Cutie Cars is an awesome color-changing feature. When you dip them in warm water, the paint instantly changes color and they don’t change back right away. Dip it in cold water and watch it change back like magic.

Slimi Café Sweet Treats Creation KitAges 8+Slimi Café Sweet Treats Creation KitVérifiez le prix

Looking for the next big thing in the world of squishies? Slimi Café is the latest innovation from ORB — beautifully meshing the two popular trends of slime and squishies into one amazing product. Mix Soft’n Slo Squishies with Slimi Café toppings to concoct a variety of delicious food creations that can mixed-and-matched, decorated, and squeezed for an extremely satisfying experience unlike anything before. This takes the fun of squishies to the next level. The best part? Even after squeezing and mixing the slime and squishies, you can easily take them apart and start all over again — so the fun never really ends. Just when you thought they’ve done everything they can with squishies, you realize they’ve taken it to a whole new level!

Soft’N Slo Squishies Ice Cream ConeAges 4+SoftN Slo Squishies Ice Cream ConeVérifiez le prix

Your favorite squishies have gotten even better with these jumbo-sized Soft’N Slo Squishies. Choose from a variety of different foods from ice cream to s’mores, pies, and more. They looks so delicious you could almost eat it. Now with an improved formula, they deliver slow-rise fun like never before and did we mention it’s oh so satisfying?!

Star Wars: The Black Series Han SoloAges 5+Star Wars: The Black Series Han SoloVérifiez le prix

Bring the action of Star Wars home with this 6-inch Star Wars: The Black Series Han Solo action figure. The figure is well-detailed with 20 points of articulation for great poseability and comes along with a blaster accessory to bring the action of the Star Wars flicks to life.

Nintendo AmiiboAges 5+Nintendo AmiiboVérifiez le prix

It’s a me, Mario! Mario looks suave in his suit and tie from Super Mario Odyssey. Fans love collecting Amiibo of their favorite Nintendo characters. The figures feature impeccable detailing and paint work. Not only are they great collector items, but also they can unlock a variety of in-game content in compatible games.

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles CollEGGtor’s CaseAges 6-12Hatchimals CollEGGtibles CollEGGtors CaseVérifiez le prix

The Hatchimals CollEGGtibles CollEGGtor’s Case represents the first time Spin Master will be launching a collector’s case into the line. The CollEGGtor’s Case holds over 30 Hatchimals CollEGGtibles figures so you can store and display your favorite figures from your collection. It will also come packed with exclusive characters.

LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 41353Ages 6-14LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 41353Vérifiez le prix

Build your Happy Holidays with LEGO Friends Advent Calendar 2018 edition. This 500-piece set includes 24 gifts for fans to unwrap for each day leading up to Christmas. From a Santa mini-doll to four animal figures and more, there are so many fun surprises to discover and build. Kids will love the variety of designs and the bright color palette LEGO Friends is known for.

LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 75213Ages 9+LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 75213Vérifiez le prix

The Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar 75213 2018 edition will feature 24 cool new Star Wars surprises to unveil each day leading up to Christmas. Fans can expect surprises ranging from Star Wars mini figures to vehicles based on the Star Wars universe. Fans will love creating their favorite scenes from the movies.

Shopkins Real Littles ‘Lil Shopper PacksAges 4+Shopkins Real Littles Lil Shopper PacksVérifiez le prix

Is that a Shopkin or little Pop-Tarts? Shopkins has joined forces with some of the most beloved brands for its latest ‘Real Littles’ Shopper Packs line. Fans will discover popular and recognizable brands like Pringles, Pop-Tarts, Reddi-Wip, Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Welch’s Concord Grape Jelly and more! What’s cool? The packaging looks identical to its real-world counterpart — only much smaller and cuter and your Shopkins surprises will be inside. In addition, your Shopkins will look much more realistic than ever, elevating the experience to a whole new level.

#SNAPSTARAges 5-11#SNAPSTARVérifiez le prix

Earlier this year Yulu launched an innovative new fashion doll line known as #SNAPSTAR where you snap, style, and share. The line features 6 social influencer dolls each with different interests ranging from fashion, beauty, and music to travel, photography, and design. Kids have to reveal their doll and each set includes one complete outfit, accessories, removable hairstyle, green screen, stand, and a small cell phone for the doll to inspire rich storytelling and adventures. Fifteen points of articulation let girls pose the dolls and bring their storytelling to life. What’s cool? The companion app enables kids to share photos of their doll on social media. Plus, with the app, you can add makeup, switch hairstyles, add backdrops, and more. Experience the disruption in the fashion doll world.

Pokémon Detective Pikachu Movie Feature PlushAges 6+Pokémon Detective Pikachu Movie Feature PlushVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the Detective Pikachu live-action movie, this 10-inch Pokémon Detective Pikachu Movie Feature Plush will most likely be a hot seller. It features two voice modes: Detective Pikachu and Pikachu. Press its chest once to hear Detective Pikachu and twice to hear Pikachu’s voice. The coolest part? It even features Ryan Reynold’s voice! How cute! Detective Pikachu comes to life with motorized ears, detective hat, and more than 14 interactive responses. Kids will love reenacting their favorite moments from the movie and taking it on all sorts of fun adventures. It’s the perfect gift that Pokémon fans just gotta have.

Disney Descendants 3 Movie Signature AssortmentAges 6+Disney Descendants 3 Movie Signature AssortmentVérifiez le prix

With Disney Descendants 3 premiering on Disney Channel this summer, fans will be super excited for the new Descendants 3 Movie Signature Assortment. Look for Evie, Mal, and Uma dressed in brand new eye-catching fashions in their signature styles with boots and matching fashion accessories. Collect all your favorites and play out your stories and adventures in the world of Auradon.

DC Super Hero Girls Super Hero Action DollsAges 6+DC Super Hero Girls Super Hero Action Dolls

Calling all DC Super Hero Girls fans — the DC Super Hero Girls are back in action! Wearing their signature suits with accurate logos and bold colors, these 12-inch action dolls feature removable masks, capes, belts, gauntlets, and more to inspire action-packed adventures. Pose them powerfully, as they stand on their own. Look for Supergirl, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Bumblebee, Jessica Cruz, and Katana in this relaunch. Fans will love bringing their imaginations to life.

JoJo Siwa Singing D.R.E.A.M. DollAges 6+JoJo Siwa Singing D.R.E.A.M. Doll

Got a Siwanator obsessed with all things JoJo Siwa? Celebrate JoJo’s first concert tour in style with the JoJo Siwa Singing D.R.E.A.M. doll. Donning a colorful outfit and signature oversized purple bow, she sings her new hit song, ‘D.R.E.A.M.’ Pose her arms and legs and use the included microphone to recreate your favorite JoJo performances. What’s cool? Girls can even wear JoJo’s bow in their own hair and style her hair with the included brush for fun hair play.

Harry Potter Quidditch AssortmentAges 6+Harry Potter Quidditch AssortmentVérifiez le prix

The Harry Potter Quidditch dolls feature movie-accurate replicas of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy with the exact broom as featured in the movie along with a golden snitch. Fans will appreciate this astute attention to detail and may notice Harry carries the Nimbus 2000, while Draco holds the Nimbus 2001. Featuring authentic Quidditch gear and 11 points of articulation, fans will love bringing their magical wizarding stories to life.

Poopsie Cutie TootiesAges 5+Poopsie Cutie TootiesVérifiez le prix

From the maker of L.O.L. Surprise!, Poopsie Cutie Tooties offers a brand new slime and unboxing experience unlike anything before. Snip the top of the unicorn poop and squeeze your slime and discover your surprise hidden inside. From crunchy to marshmallow to putty slime and more, discover 30 different types of slimes. In all there are over 25 Cutie Tooties to collect. Who will you find?

Funko POP Games Fortnite Series 2 Collector’s SetFunko POP Games Fortnite Series 2 Collectors SetVérifiez le prix

Featuring game-accurate premium detailing, amazing sculpting, and iconic outfits inspired by the gaming phenomenon, Fortnite, these Funko Fortnite Series 2 collectibles deliver the goods big time for fans. Standing 3.75-inches tall, build your Fortnite squad with these awesome collectibles. Look for 10 new vinyl figures in the line: Burnout, Zoey, Havoc, Sparkle Specialist, Tricera Ops, Valor, Dark Vanguard, Ragnarok, Drift, and Raven. Who will you add to your squad?

Funko POP Disney Little Mermaid ArielAges 6+Funko POP Disney Little Mermaid ArielVérifiez le prix

It’s Ariel and she’s beautifully stylized! Arriving this fall, look for this adorable vinyl Funko POP based on Disney’s Little Mermaid. Standing 3.75-inches tall with a stylish purse, she makes the perfect gift for Little Mermaid fans.

5 Surprise Mini BrandsAges 4+5 Surprise Mini Brands

Unwrap, peel, and reveal your 5 surprises. With 5 Surprise Mini Brands, Zuru has partnered with some of your favorite brands to bring to market adorably cute miniature versions. Look for Twinkies, Dove, and many more cute miniatures! They’re oh so cute and perfect for collecting, shopping, and playing. With over 70 surprise mini collectibles to discover, what surprises will you find?

Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Charizard-GX Case FileAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Charizard-GX Case FileVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the upcoming Pokemon Detective Pikachu movie, new cards launch for Pokemon TCG fans. This Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Charzard-GX Case File features one foil Charzard-GX promo card, one oversized foil Charzard-GX card, 4 Detective Pikachu 4-card booster packs, 2 extra booster packs, and a code for the online Pokemon trading card game. Expand your collection with this awesome set featuring coveted elements. The line will also include a Greninja-GX Case File and a MewTwo-GX Case File for fans who can’t get enough of Pokemon. The Greninja-GX Case File includes 7 booster packs, while the MewTwo-GX Case File comes with 6 booster packs.

Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Collector ChestAges 6+Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Collector ChestVérifiez le prix

Ready for some super-sleuthing fun à la Detective Pikachu? Fans will want to check out the Pokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Collector Chest with artwork inspired by the movie. This set features new cards inspired by Pokemon Detective Pikachu. Enclosed in the metal collector chest, the set offers 7 Detective Pikachu booster packs, 2 Pokemon TCG booster packs, a Detective Pikachu collector’s pin, and a Pokemon notepad and sticker sheet. It’s the perfect gift for any Pokemon fan.

Roblox Jailbreak: Great EscapeAges 6+Roblox Jailbreak: Great EscapeVérifiez le prix

Roblox Jailbreak: Great Escape is one of the latest expansions to the world of Roblox toys. Kids are encouraged to build, chuck, dunk, dance, hug, race, style, scratch, swap, mix-and-match, trade, and collect them. We love mixing-and-matching parts to create our own characters. Whatever you decide they are designed to encourage creativity and fuel your imagination. This set features 4 Roblox figures, a getaway vehicle, and several accessories to inspire creative play as well as a digital code to unlock content in the game. Relive your favorite Roblox jailbreak adventures or create your own! How will you make the great escape?

Fingerlings NarwhalsAges 5+Fingerlings NarwhalsVérifiez le prix

The newest Fingerlings are adorable Narwhals featuring new motion-sensor technology. When you interact with it, its mood horns illuminate a variety of colors, indicating its mood, and you can even perform fun surf waves while on your finger. Pet your Narwhal and it flaps its tail, blinks its eyes, and makes sounds to convey emotion. Tellement mignon! Our favorite part? The longer you press its face to your cheek, the bigger and louder its Magical Kisses get. Aww, isn’t that the sweetest thing ever?!

Fortnite Victory 12-Inch Action FiguresFortnite Victory 12-Inch Action Figures

Inspired by the massive Fortnite videogame phenomenon, these new 12-inch Victory figures from Jazwares feature game-accurate designs with intricate sculpts, premium detailing, and multiple points of articulation perfect for posing that are sure to satisfy Fortnite fans and collectors alike. Show your fandom with these awesome action figures and play out your Fortnite battle royale adventures in real life.

Jurassic World Destroy ‘N Devour Indominous RexAges 4+Jurassic World Destroy N Devour Indominous RexVérifiez le prix

Get ready to wreak havoc and fear with the Destroy ‘N Devour Indominous Rex featuring realistic scales, longer arms, and realistic sound effects that bring the Jurassic World action to life. Use the rear button to open its mouth, activate sounds, and swallow as many as three 3/4-inch figures. What’s cool? An LED light illuminates to help show the humans being gobbled down its throat. Meanwhile, the front button activates fierce arm strikes and slashing sounds. Fans will love recreating the most thrilling moments from the film with Indominus Rex.

Jurassic World Bite ‘N Fight Tyrannosaurus RexAges 4+Jurassic World Bite N Fight Tyrannosaurus RexVérifiez le prix

Featuring movie-accurate sculpting, head and tail articulation, realistic texture and color, the Bite ‘N Fight Tyrannosaurus Rex enables you to bring the action from the movies to vibrant life. Strike with its tail or lunge forward with intense biting action while pivoting 90-degrees simply by pressing various buttons. What’s cool? Press the button harder for a more aggressive biting force sure to send chills down your spine. A companion app enables you to scan your T. Rex and see your dinosaur come to life, learn facts, and more. Pair it with Destroy ‘N Devour Indominous Rex to take the Jurassic World fun to new heights.

Super Mario 4-inch FiguresAges 3+Super Mario 4-inch Figures

It’s a me, Mario! Nintendo fans can show their fandom by collecting a new wave of 4-inch collectibles inspired by the popular Super Mario videogames. Each figure features multiple points of articulation along with an accessory for bringing the action to life. Look for Captain Mario, Explorer Outfit Mario, Yoshi, Goomba, and Piranha Plant in the fall. The spring assortment will feature Odyssey Mario with Cappy, Lakitu with fishing pole, Captured Hammer Bro with hammer, Explorer Mario with Blue Power Moon, and Captain Mario with Red Power Moon. Collect all your favorites and play out your own fascinating Mario adventures!

Sonic The Hedgehog 4-Inch Bendy FiguresAges 3+Sonic The Hedgehog 4-Inch Bendy Figures

New Sonic the Hedgehog figures inspired by the SEGA videogames will be released by Jakks Pacific this year in partnership with Sega of America. Choose from a variety of 4-inch bendable figures from Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow that allow for posing and bringing the action to life. Each figure includes a transforming collectible Sonic coin that can be spun. The action figures extend the Sonic experience from screen time to play time. Collect all your favorites and play out your own exciting Sonic adventures with these awesome figures.

Power Rangers Lightning CollectionAges 4+Power Rangers Lightning CollectionVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the Power Rangers series, the 6-inch Power Rangers Lightning Collection features premium paint and signature detailing, multiple points of articulation, swappable heads/hands, and accessories to inspire adventures and storytelling. Look for Mighty Morphin White Ranger, Dino Charge Red Ranger, Lord Zedd, and the S.P.D. Shadow Ranger in the first wave. Everyone but Zedd will feature alternate heads for also role-playing in human form. Fans will love collecting them and bringing the action from the show to life. Aller! Aller! Power Rangers!

Jurassic World Chomp ‘N Roar Mask Velociraptor BlueAges 6+Jurassic World Chomp N Roar Mask Velociraptor BlueVérifiez le prix

Ever wish you could become Blue from Jurassic World? Well now kids can fulfill their wildest fantasies with the Jurassic World Chomp ‘N Roar Mask Velociraptor Blue. Kids will instantly transform into their favorite dinosaur and can recreate the fun of the movie. What’s cool? The mask is well-sculpted with movie-accurate details like skin texture and color as well as moving eyes and teeth. The mask also features three sound modes to bring the dino action to life.

Jurassic World Velociraptor Blue ClawsAges 3+Jurassic World Velociraptor Blue ClawsVérifiez le prix

Want to take your Velociraptor Blue role-play experience to the next level? Consider the Jurassic World Velociraptor Blue Claws. They complete your Velociraptor Blue look when combined with the Chomp ‘N Roar Mask Velociraptor Blue. The movie-accurate details and flexible and bendable claws take your play experience to a whole new level.

LEGO Ideas NASA Apollo Saturn V Building Kit 21309Ages 14+LEGO Ideas NASA Apollo Saturn V Building Kit 21309Vérifiez le prix

3-2-1 … we have ignition! It’s no surprise that the LEGO Ideas NASA Apollo Saturn V Building Kit was the best-selling LEGO kit last holiday season. With an authentic 1:110-scale model of the NASA Apollo Saturn V built from over 1,900 pieces, fans will truly appreciate the amazing attention to detail and rocket engine details. Each of the three rocket stages are removable and the set includes the lunar lander and lunar orbiter. Three included display stands allow fans to horizontally showcase their model. As a bonus, a manned Apollo missions booklet is included as part of the package. The completed model measures 39-inches tall by 6-inches wide. Build the first rocket landing people on the Moon! Not only does it make a great gift idea, but it’s also a great conversation piece.

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Clock Tower 75948Ages 9+LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Clock Tower 75948

Welcome to the Hogwarts Clock Tower! This 922-piece set brings to life the Hogwarts Entrance Hall, Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Hospital Wing, Prefect’s bathroom, Dumbledore’s Office, and ice decorations for the Yule Ball. What’s cool? Connect it to to your Hogwarts Great Hall (75954) and Whomping Willow sets (75953) sets for a more detailed build of Hogwarts. The set also includes Harry, Ron, and Hermione, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum, Albus Dumbledore, and Madame Maxime minifigures.

The LEGO Movie 2: Queen Watevra’s ‘So-Not-Evil’ Space Palace 70838Ages 9+The LEGO Movie 2: Queen Watevra’s ‘So-Not-Evil’ Space Palace 70838Vérifiez le prix

Inspired by The LEGO Movie 2, this vibrant 995-piece set lets LEGO Movie 2 fans build Queen Watevra’s ‘So-Not-Evil’ Space Palace. Not only will kids love building this fun set, they will also love recreating their favorite moments from the movie. The set includes 3 minifigures, including Queen Watevra, Batman, Celeste, and a Royal Guard plus several play accessories to fuel your imagination. Imagine all the magical adventures you can create!

Fortnite Turbo Builder SetAges 8+Fortnite Turbo Builder SetVérifiez le prix

Looking for a fun, buildable Fortnite playset? The Fortnite Turbo Builder Set from Jazwares allows fans to bring the action of the game to life. This complete set includes 4-inch Raven and Jonesy figures, 81 building materials, 4 weapons, and 2 harvesting tools for constructing fun. Inspired by the game, the figures feature 19 points of articulation for striking poses and bringing the Fortnite action to life. As for your building materials – you’ll have access to 27 wood pieces, 27 stone pieces, and 27 metal building pieces. The coolest part? Build a llama, a 1×1, walls, ramps, floors, arches, a battle scene and so much more! With so many building possibilities, it’s endless fun! What will you build?

MEGA Construx Detective PikachuAges 6+MEGA Construx Detective PikachuVérifiez le prix

Inspired by the upcoming Pokemon Detective Pikachu film, MEGA Construx expands its line with a new Detective Pikachu set. Measuring 6.25-inches, this figure is comprised of 232 pieces. Cool play features include the ability to flick its tail to spring it into action, a moveable head, and articulation for striking various poses. Kids will find this set as fun to build as it is to play with. What’s cool? In search for clues to breaking the case wide open, you can move Detective Pikachu’s head and bring his magnifying glass closer to his eye for closer inspection. Imagine all the creative play possibilities, storytelling, and adventures!

Hot Wheels Mario KartAges 3+Hot Wheels Mario Kart

Start your engines! Nintendo has joined forces with Hot Wheels, the #1 selling toy in the world, to create a new licensed line based on the iconic Mario Kart franchise. This assortment will include Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Yoshi, Toad, Rosalina, Wario, and Bowser in their respective go-karts from the game. The characters closely resemble their likenesses from the game, which die-hard fans will truly appreciate. True Mario Kart fans will likely want to add the entire line to their collection because they’re really that good! Kids will love creating their own little Mario Kart-inspired races with their favorite Nintendo characters.

anki Overdrive Starter KitAges 8+anki Overdrive Starter KitVérifiez le prix

Anki Overdrive is a videogame in real life. Imagine a real-world racing videogame and you get the idea. One of the coolest toys ever is now hitting overdrive. With ten track pieces that can be configured anyway you like, you can now build the track so it is no longer just flat. The starter set comes with two toy cars plus a 10 track pieces. You’ll just need the iOS or Android app to start those engines.

Fortnite Battle Royale Collection Battle BusAges 8+Fortnite Battle Royale Collection Battle BusVérifiez le prix

Fornite fans will instantly recognize this iconic 13-inch replica of the Fornite Battle Bus from the game. Transport your Moose Fortnite figures into battle with the Battle Bus. Just like in the game, it features a parachute floating above. This set also includes Funk Ops and Burnout characters to add to your collection. Kids will love bringing to life the action of Fortnite in real life! Wouldn’t it be cool if the parachute could deploy?!

For the little engineer, get her one of these science related gifts.

Bushnell Falcon BinocularsBushnell Falcon BinocularsVérifiez le prix

With an affordable price, this pair of binoculars from Bushnell delivers a great 7X magnification at a very affordable price. While the focusing lever works wonderfully, you won’t find a lot of features on these binoculars. They are designed for beginners. That means you are getting a good pair of binoculars and aren’t paying for features you don’t need.

Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal DetectorAges 8+Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal DetectorVérifiez le prix

Is she looking for a new hobby? Metal detecting can be a lot of fun. It’s sort of like fishing on land. She doesn’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to get started. With the ability to detect coins a few inches deep, this one from Bounty Hunter is designed for beginners but is still a whole lot of fun to use. It has a selector knob on it that allows you to adjust the sensitivity. The best part? She can make a little money doing it.

Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750Ages 8+Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750Vérifiez le prix

Now she can learn to build circuits with no effort. Snap Circuits are a great way for her to learn how electricity works. All of the various components snap together like Legos on a baseboard. When you snap together the components, it creates electronic connects between them so there is no soldering. There are so many sets to choose from, but this large set comes with over 750 different experiments.

littleBits Rule Your Room KitAges 8+littleBits Rule Your Room KitVérifiez le prix

Who knew that building circuits could be so useful? The kit from LittleBits allows her to create booby traps in her room to keep her nosy little brothers and sisters from going through her stuff. Like other LitteBits kits, it comes with little magnetic circuit components that connect using magnets. The directions walk her through different projects. The best part? She won’t even know that she is learning.

little Bits Star Wars Droid Inventor KitAges 8+little Bits Star Wars Droid Inventor KitVérifiez le prix

Calling all inventors! Is R2D2 her favorite Star Wars character of all time? With Droid Inventor kit, you can bring him and other droids to life. It’s powered by LittleBits. These little magnetic circuit components attach with each other using magnets. You simply stick the components together and decorate your droid with the decals. Then put the components in the shell and you have got your own working model of R2D2. The force has never been stronger.

Makey MakeyMakey MakeyVérifiez le prix

This small USB gadget can turn anything into a computer input, opening up a world of creativity. Simply use the included alligator clips to hook the board up to anything. Hook up a bunch a fruits to create a fruity piano. Anybody can become an inventor with Makey Makey!

Ozobot 2.0 BitAges 6+Ozobot 2.0 BitVérifiez le prix

Does she love coding? This tiny robot makes coding a lot of fun. Not only will she be learning how to code, but she will learn problem solving and critical thinking skills. Before starting, she can customize her robot using the included stickers. At its most basic level, Ozobot can follow colored lines, but the real power comes when she uses Ozoblockly to code the robot.

My First Lab Duo-Scope MicroscopeAges 9-18My First Lab Duo-Scope MicroscopeVérifiez le prix

What budding scientist wouldn’t want her first microscope? The My First Lab Duo Microscope is perfect for middle schoolers. The big feature of this microscope is that it has dual light sources, which makes it versatile enough to function as compound or dissecting microscope. The kit comes with many accessories that allow kids to prepare their own slides and even view already prepared slides.

Orion 10015 StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector TelescopeOrion 10015 StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector TelescopeVérifiez le prix

Why watch TV when you can look at the night sky? This entry level tabletop telescope is perfect for budding astronomers. Setup couldn’t be easier. Simply place it on a tabletop and it is ready to use. With 2 eye pieces, it’s so portable. The 4.5 inch telescope comes on a base that allows you to easily rotate it.

Texas Instruments TI-30XS Scientific CalculatorTexas Instruments TI-30XS Scientific CalculatorVérifiez le prix

The TI-30XS Multiview is the best calculator for middle schoolers. It allows you to see your input on one line and the answer on another line so it is easy to see if you made a mistake. The coolest part? With a 4 line display, it can handle fractions just the way they appear in a textbook.

Python for KidsPython for KidsVérifiez le prix

Python is a great language for beginning programmers to learn because it avoids a lot of the annoying syntax. It’s also a language that can be used to program the Raspberry Pi. Python for Kids is a great way to learn the foundations of the language. By the end of the book, she will have already written a fully working game.

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter KitCanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter KitVérifiez le prix

This amazing set includes Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter Kit. It’s a fascinating kit for learning about computers and even coding. It’s really fun to tinker with it. Who would think you could pack so much power into a credit card sized chip? Simply amazing! The best part? Since it can be programmed, the creative possibilities are virtually endless. It’s the perfect gift for budding creators.

Kintaro SNES inspired Raspberry Pi CaseKintaro SNES inspired Raspberry Pi CaseVérifiez le prix

Looking for an awesome SNES case for your Raspberry Pi 3B+? This Kintaro SNES-inspired Raspberry Pi Case is easily the best choice for form and function. Not only does it look amazing, but it has functional power and reset switches plus LED power light for an authentic retro building experience. It also comes with a heatsink to keep your Pi cool.

Arduino Super Starter KitArduino Super Starter KitVérifiez le prix

If you ever wanted to get started with learning electronic, this Arduino starter kit is the perfect way to get started. With Arduino boards you can create all sorts of amazing DIY electronics. The kit comes with the Arduino Uno board plus everything you need to complete the 15 different projects.

Sphero BoltAges 8+Sphero BoltVérifiez le prix

Experience endless creative fun and possibilites with Sphero Bolt. It’s a next-generation app-enabled robotic ball. Featuring advanced sensors, an LED matrix, and infrared communication, kids can create and customize games, discover a range of activities, or simply drive and play. The best part? Kids will have so much fun they’ll forget they’re learning.

CozmoAges 8+CozmoVérifiez le prix

While expensive, Cozmo is one of the coolest smart toys. With built in AI, this is the most realistic behaving toy. With a life like personality, the way its face and body moves looks like an animated movie. Not only is it a great toy, but it can also teach kids how to code using Scratch

Be Amazing Insta-Snow PowderAges 4+Be Amazing Insta-Snow PowderVérifiez le prix

Love playing with snow? You don’t need to wait for winter snow to play with snow with Insta-Snow Powder. Comment ça marche? Simply add water and watch the magic take place right before your very eyes. The coolest part? It looks just like real snow and makes 2 gallons.

Kano Computer Kit TouchAges 6+Kano Computer Kit TouchVérifiez le prix

Want to make a touchscreen computer? The Kano Computer Kit Touch lets kids make their own tablet. What’s cool is that you can build it yourself with the included step-by-step guide. There are over 100 creative challenges and you’ll even learn to code. You can make art, games, music, and even hack Minecraft. It’s the perfect gift for budding techies.

Nintendo Labo Variety KitAges 6+Nintendo Labo Variety KitVérifiez le prix

The Labo Variety Kit allows kids to create 5 creative projects from an RC car, fishing rod, working piano and more. It encourages kids to make, play, and discover. The coolest part? Once you master how it works, you can explore creating your own Labo projects. The Labo kit requires a Nintendo Switch console.

Nintendo Labo VR KitAges 7+Nintendo Labo VR KitVérifiez le prix

Designed for children and their families, Nintendo’s innovative Labo series expands with a new basic ‘virtual reality’ technology kit. This unique experience encourages both virtual and physical interactions among players by passing around their Toy-Con creations. Unlike traditional VR, it’s not designed to be a solo experience so there is no headstrap — you simply hold it to your head and pass it around to family members. With a design inspired by Google Cardboard, this complete combo VR Kit lets kids build their own VR headset and includes a VR headset, blaster, camera, bird, elephant, and wind pedal. Explore over 60 fun mini games in the VR Plaza that amplify the experience. Create 3D artwork with an elephant’s trunk, play a virtual drum kit, fly like a bird through a beautiful landscape, play bomb tennis, blast through an alien city, shoot photos of marine life as you explore an underwater world and so much more! The best part? The Toy-Con VR Garage now enables kids to make their own VR games! What will you create? A starter set will feature just the VR headset and blaster, and expansion packs will be sold separately. Super Mario Odyssey and Zelda: Breath of the Wild will support the VR Kits. Now if only we could get a Dunk Hunt VR game.

Kano Harry Potter Coding KitAges 6+Kano Harry Potter Coding KitVérifiez le prix

Want your kids to learn coding in a fun, magical way? The Harry Potter Coding Kit from Kano lets kids build a wand, learn to code, and make magic! There are over 70 creative challenges for kids to engage with. Make feathers fly, goblets multiply, fire flow, pumpkins grow, and more. What’s cool? Wave your coding wand to see the magical effects on-screen. Play on tablets and computers. Who’s ready for fun?

Circuit CubesAges 8+Circuit CubesVérifiez le prix

Circuit Cubes are a collection of various components, such as battery blocks, switches, relays, and tools, that allow kids to transform Lego sets and even household items. The components can be used to bring toy cars to life, create flashlights or design a noise-making object. Kids will be exposed to the basics of circuitry while learning STEM concepts. Tenka Labs will also deliver online instructional videos to inspire kids and help them learn to build with Circuit Cubes.

LEGO Mindstorms EV3Ages 10+LEGO Mindstorms EV3Vérifiez le prix

LEGO Mindstorms EV3 allows you to build 5 different robots. LEGO’s made this set fun, easy to get into, and brought a lot of functionality to its bricks. The faster processor and added memory translate into a better play experience for kids. The models are full of personality and it’s amazing to see your LEGO creations come to life. There’s even a basic programming component to code behaviors. Even after all of these years, it’s still one of the best robotics sets.

GraviTraxAges 8+GraviTraxVérifiez le prix

Experience the power of gravity with GraviTrax. It takes your marble run experience to a whole new level. What’s cool? You can build your own tracks and experiment with gravity, magnetism and kinetics. With an optional app, you can test your runs in a digital AR world. It’s endless fun with limitless track building possibilities.

LEGO BoostAges 7-12LEGO BoostVérifiez le prix

LEGO Boost is a top contender for Toy of the Year honors thanks to its brilliant innovation and design. Build five different models from a robot to a working guitar and a cat. Lego Boost allows kids to bring their Legos to life with simple programming – adding personality, sound, and even motion. The set includes over 840 pieces. And the best part is you can combine with your own pieces to create your own designs.

Snap Circuits Bric: StructuresAges 8+Snap Circuits Bric: StructuresVérifiez le prix

Snap Circuits Bric: Structures is a culmination of what kids have been asking for for a long time. It takes ordinary bricks and you can mount your Snap Circuits onto them. The Bric-2-Snap adapters enable you to connect your Snap Circuits to the bricks so you can light up any structure you build. You can make your structure light up with a circuit or you can build something that moves like a racecar with ordinary bricks and a Snap Circuits photo transistor and watch it go by adding a light source. The set comes with 140 regular building bricks, 20 Snap Circuit pieces, and 75 Bric to Snap adapters.

Thames & Kosmos CHEM C3000Thames & Kosmos CHEM C3000Vérifiez le prix

For science lovers, Chem C3000 is a massive chemistry set with 333 experiments. It comes with a manual that’s like a book. Girls will use real lab tools like test tubes, an Erlenmeyer flask, and real chemicals to conduct all different experiments. Unlike other kits, this is real chemistry and makes you feel like a mad scientist.

Women in ScienceWomen in ScienceVérifiez le prix

This illustrated encyclopedia celebrates 50 women who have contributed greatly to the field of science. With amazing illustrations, the book features a cutesy layout with one page dedicated for each woman. The obstacles these women faced make their achievements all the more impressive. You’ll learn about everyone from Jane Goodall to Grace Hopper. It’s the perfect gift for your future scientist.

BOSEbuild Speaker CubeBOSEbuild Speaker CubeVérifiez le prix

How would you like to build your own Bluetooth speaker? If she loves tinkering, she will love putting together this speaker. The coolest part? When she is done, she will have her own Bluetooth speaker that she can use to jam her music.

Bose BOSEbuild HeadphonesBose BOSEbuild HeadphonesVérifiez le prix

This step by step science kit allows anybody to build their own Bluetooth headphones from scratch. There is no soldering, programming, or complicated assembly required. Anybody can simply build the headphones by using the accompanying app, which teaches students about the science of sound. The coolest part? You have a working pair of headphones.

Sphero SpecdrumsAges 6+Sphero SpecdrumsVérifiez le prix

Specdrums are essentially app-enabled musical rings that play music through color. What’s cool? It can be color from the included Play Pad, household items, your clothes, or just about anything. Choose from over 100 instruments available through the app. Sound packs contain chords and instruments. For instance, open the Hip Hop sound pack and play different beats, sounds, and loops simply by tapping on various colors. Using an accelerometer, the rings can detect differences in color and motion. With innovative use of technology and ease of use, it’s perfect for introducing children to music. Unleash your inner creativity!

LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid CommanderAges 8+LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid CommanderVérifiez le prix

Ready for an exciting new LEGO play experience? LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid Commander lets you build, code, and play with 3 mechanized droids from the Star Wars universe. Build R2-D2, Gonk Droid, and Mouse Droid. Over 40 interactive missions inspire creative play. This 1,177-piece set includes a color and distance sensor, interactive motor, and Bluetooth (Move Hub) to bring your droids to life with simple drop-and-drag coding via the companion app. Each droid will feature its own personality, skills, and cool Star Wars-inspired sounds and music. It’s a fantastic kit teaching STEM concepts in a fun way. Jedi Warrior – can you solve all the missions?

Artie 3000Ages 7+Artie 3000Vérifiez le prix

Artie 3000 from Educational Insights is a Wi-Fi-enabled creative coding robot leveraging your child’s entire brain. The left side of the brain is for logic, math, and programming, while the right side is for creativity and art. Artie brilliantly mashes these two worlds together, thus becoming the creating art coding robot. Artie features a number of pre-loaded programs and it utilizes a simple, intuitive drag-and-drop coding interface on your PC or tablet to instruct Artie what to draw. What’s cool? Kids can also program their own coding steps, and he features 4 modes of play and comes with 4 washable colored markers. A convenient built-in simulation mode allows you to save ink and avoid mistakes by allowing you to see the end result before drawing. Additionally, a remote control feature enables you to use it like a remote control to draw. Unlike other ‘coding’ toys, kids will really learn to code line by line while having fun.

BoomTrixAges 8+BoomTrixVérifiez le prix

Get ready for a wild ride with BoomTrix! BoomTrix from Goliath Games brings innovation and fun to the table with an activity-based game where players can design their own trampoline course and showcase a variety of cool trick shots. The set includes trampolines, obstacles, and launch pads for creating your own original stunt courses. Your goal is to get the metal ball to the goal. The open-ended nature is perfect for allowing kids to express their creativity while developing spatial reasoning and learning STEM concepts. Who knew learning physics could be so much fun?

Who doesn’t love candy and treats? It’s super fun to get your favorite candy and stuff you have never tasted before on your birthday or Christmas. Your foodie is going to love these gifts.

Cooluli Mini FridgeCooluli Mini FridgeVérifiez le prix

Is there is anything better than having a mini fridge in your room? You can snack whenever you are thirsty. Instead of running down to the kitchen for a drink, reach over to your fridge and pour yourself a drink. This lightweight and compact cooler is perfect for keeping a dozen cans cool.

David’s Cookies Fresh Baked CookiesDavids Cookies Fresh Baked CookiesVérifiez le prix

She won’t be able to stop eating these soft and chewy cookies. Baked fresh when your order them, they are like little lumps of chocolate nirvana. There are several different flavors to choose from. If you can’t choose just one flavor, assorted is a good option. You can even put a gift note inside, making it perfect for gifting.

Godiva Chocolatier Classic Gold Ballotin CandyGodiva Chocolatier Classic Gold Ballotin CandyVérifiez le prix

You can’t go wrong with a box of Godiva Chocolates. This box of 19 chocolate pieces comes in a signature golden Godiva box with a gorgeous bow on top. Inside you will find an assortment of wonderful Godiva White and Dark chocolate filled with creamy textures. It’s packed with ice to keep it cool and fresh.

Philadelphia Candies Chocolate Covered OREOsPhiladelphia Candies Chocolate Covered OREOsVérifiez le prix

There is a reason that Oreos are the best selling cookies ever. With cream in the middle, Oreos are the perfect cookie. They are especially delicious with milk. Now cover them in creamy chocolate and put decorations on them and you get these Gourmet Oreo Cookies.

PopcornopolisPopcornopolisVérifiez le prix

Packed with over three pounds of gourmet Popcornopolis’ favorites, this gift pack features a delicious selection of their best gourmet popcorn. Mouth-watering flavors like Zebra, Caramel, Cheddar Cheese, Kettle, and Cinnamon Toast sure sound tempting. They’re finger lickin’ good. Surprise your daughter with a whole lot of cheer for any occasion.

World’s Largest Gummy BearWorlds Largest Gummy BearVérifiez le prix

What would you do with 5 pounds of delicious gumminess? This gummy bear is so heavy that you could probably lift weights with it. It’s so huge that you can’t possibly eat it yourself unless you want Diabetes. It has to be cut and chopped up to be shared with others. Who wants the ear?

SNICKERS Slice n’ Share Giant Chocolate CandySNICKERS Slice n Share Giant Chocolate CandyVérifiez le prix

They say bigger is better and maybe they are right. This is a 1 pound bar of Snickers! It’s so huge that she is going to be gnawing on it for a really long time. She can slice and share it with her friends or eat it all by herself. It tastes just like a normal snicker bar. Too bad she can’t fit one of these in her lunch box.

Hershey’s 5-Pound Candy BarHersheys 5-Pound Candy BarVérifiez le prix

Have you ever seen a 5 pound Hershey Chocolate bar? This thing is so BIG! You have to actually see it to understand how big it is. It’s like the size of the Monopoly box. It tastes just like a Hershey bar, but she is going to need help eating it all. Invite us over and we can help!

Kracie Popin DIY Japanese Candy KitKracie Popin DIY Japanese Candy KitVérifiez le prix

These candy kits from Japan are just plain weird. They say you shouldn’t play with your food, but for these you can make an exception. They come with powders that you mix together with water in molds. Each kit lets you create something different. You can eat them too. Some of them taste like candy and some of them taste a little weird.

Astronaut Neapolitan Ice Cream Sandwich, 10-PKAstronaut Neapolitan Ice Cream Sandwich, 10-PKVérifiez le prix

Have you ever wondered what astronauts eat in space? Whether true or not, the story is that the astronauts ate this freeze-dried ice cream. Unlike traditional ice cream, it doesn’t need to be refrigerated, making it the perfect stocking stuffer. When you first open it, it looks very chalky but once it hits your mouth it tastes a lot like ice cream.

Lindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate TrufflesLindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate TrufflesVérifiez le prix

Who isn’t a fan of Lindt chocolate truffles? They are fairly inexpensive and taste great. You can get them in a ton of different assortments. With a crispy shell, they melt perfectly in your mouth, filling it with creamy chocolate. Once you start, it’s hard to walk away from them, because the next truffle is calling out to you.

GUND Pusheen 12-oz. MugGUND Pusheen 12-oz. MugVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love collecting mugs? Most of us are emotionally attached to cute mugs. With a polka dot design and a beautiful snap of Pusheen, Pusheen fans will cherish this adorable mug forever. Every time she drinks her tea, milk, or coffee, it will make her smile.

Curious Chef 30-Pc Chef Caddy CollectionCurious Chef 30-Pc Chef Caddy CollectionVérifiez le prix

What 11 year old girl wouldn’t love getting her own cooking utensils? Curious Chef makes all kinds of cooking equipment for the young chef in your life from knives to baking utensils. This 30 piece set is perfect for baking and cooking. It comes with a caddy that keeps all the utensils in place. She will finally be able to help around the kitchen.

Holstein Housewares Cupcake MakerHolstein Housewares Cupcake MakerVérifiez le prix

If she loves to bake, get her this cupcakes maker instead of an Easy Bake Oven. It comes with everything she needs to make delicious cupcakes. With a little supervision, it’s simple to use. She just has to fill cupcake trays with the batter and close the lid. She will get perfect cupcakes every time. The best part? She can make as many cupcakes as she wants.

Great Northern Candy Gumball MachineGreat Northern Candy Gumball MachineVérifiez le prix

Who wouldn’t want a real life gum ball machine in their house? Styled after a retro gumball machine, this gumball machine is a lot of fun. You can set it up to dispense with coins or freely. It can be filled with any small snack or candy from gumballs to skittles. This is one of those gifts that can be passed down for many generations.

BigMouth Inc The Original Donut MugBigMouth Inc The Original Donut MugVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love cute coffee mugs? I love cups and mugs that are Pinteresty or Tumblry. Glazed with chocolate and sprinkles, this one is shaped like a donut and is making me so hungry. The best part? I think it would be so fun to take pictures with it. It’s so kitten cute.

Panda Hug Ceramic Coffee MugPanda Hug Ceramic Coffee MugVérifiez le prix

Oh my gosh, this mug is so cute. The panda holds a delicious cookie inside. Everybody knows you can’t have milk without cookies. Always remember to keep the panda toward you so that you can hide the cookies from cookie thieves. You can get a good Instagram and Snapchat out of it.

Eyelashes Coffee MugEyelashes Coffee MugVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love cute mugs with fun graphics on them? This one is super girly! With eyelashes painted on the front, she is going to love drinking hot tea, coffee, or cocoa out of this cute pink mug. It’s the perfect gift for the makeup lover on your list.

Under Armour Lunch BoxUnder Armour Lunch BoxVérifiez le prix

There is nothing better than keeping your lunch in a cute Under Armour Lunch bag. This lunch bag comes in so many bright and cheery colors. With a sturdy construction, it’s got plenty of space inside to store her sandwich, drink, and a small snack. The inside of the bag is fully lined with an easy to wipe down surface and contains a small interior pocket, which is perfect for an ice pack or small snack.

ICUP Wonder Woman ApronICUP Wonder Woman ApronVérifiez le prix

Look it’s Wonder Woman. When she is not saving the world, she is cooking something up in the kitchen. This Wonder Woman licensed apron won’t give your 13 year old super powers or even improve her cooking skills, but she will have so much more fun in the kitchen. If she doesn’t like Wonder Woman, they have so many other different characters to choose from.

Shaved Ice Machine and Syrup Party PackageShaved Ice Machine and Syrup Party PackageVérifiez le prix

When winter time rolls around, there is nothing like eating snow cones to get you in the holiday spirit. Why buy snow cones when you can make your own with this snow cone machine from Hawaiian Shaved Ice? Designed to look like an old fashioned snow cone machine, this small kitchen appliance easily coverts ice into snow. The best part? You can add your own flavors with the included syrups.

Presto Belgian Bowl Waffle MakerPresto Belgian Bowl Waffle MakerVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love freshly baked Belgian Waffles? This inexpensive waffle maker makes golden brown waffles in less than 5 minutes. Simply whip up the batter and pour it in. This one has a flip down design. The best part? It’s made of super non sticky material that is easy to clean.

HOTPOP Microwave Popcorn PopperHOTPOP Microwave Popcorn PopperVérifiez le prix

If you are looking for a healthy snack, there is nothing better than eating popcorn. Microwave popcorn is not only expensive, but it is filled with all unnecessary chemicals. Simply just throw some kernels and a little butter in this silicone air popper and you can have delicious crunchy popcorn in minutes. It even folds up nicely making it easy to store. The best part? You never need to buy microwave popcorn again.

Microwave S’mores MakerMicrowave Smores MakerVérifiez le prix

There’s nothing better than eating s’mores with marshmallows roasted on a campfire, but we can’t always go camping. Besides why wait so long when you can make s’mores in the microwave in 30 seconds. This unique gadget has a built in water reservoir to make sure that your marshmallows and chocolate are evenly cooked. Imagine perfectly melted marshmallows and chocolate s’mores all year round. Ah . . . it’s like s’more heaven.

Cuisinart ICE-21 1.5 Ice Cream MakerCuisinart ICE-21 1.5 Ice Cream MakerVérifiez le prix

Buying ice cream is fun but making your own ice cream at home is even more fun. This one comes with a 1.5 quart mixing bowl. This ice cream maker doesn’t use the traditional method. You have to freeze the bowl for 8 hours. You just put your mixture in the bowl and in 15 minutes you will have soft serve ice cream. The best part about making ice cream at home is that you can create your own flavors. Le seul problème? She may never want to buy ice cream again.

Cotton Candy MachineCotton Candy MachineVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t love eating cotton candy? Now you can turn your home into an amusement park with this cotton candy maker. With this machine, you can spin cotton candy in minutes just like they do at an amusement park. The yummy cotton candy just melts in your mouth.

Ferrero Collection Gift BoxFerrero Collection Gift BoxVérifiez le prix

With a fancy name, Ferrero makes the perfect truffles. They have the perfect shape, crunchiness, and texture. When you bit into the crunchy shell, it reveals the surprise Hazelnut inside. This gift set has 24 sinful treats in 3 different flavors.

HERSHEY’S KISSES Milk Chocolate Candy Party BagHERSHEY’S KISSES Milk Chocolate Candy Party BagVérifiez le prix

Love Hershey’s Kisses? This Party Pack is perfect for breaking out at parties and other get-togethers with family and friends. Bite into the decadent milk chocolate and you won’t be able to resist taking another. It’s a perfect sweet treat worth sharing.

MARS Chocolate Singles Size Candy BarsMARS Chocolate Singles Size Candy BarsVérifiez le prix

Who doesn’t like receiving candy on their birthday or during the holidays in their stockings? With this box of chocolatess, you can indulge on 18 classic chocolate bars including favorites like Snickers, Twix, 3 Musketeers, and Milky Way. It’s the best way to get your chocolate fix. Le seul problème? Figuring who gets all the Snickers bars.

HERSHEY’S Chocolate Candy Bar Variety PackHERSHEYS Chocolate Candy Bar Variety PackVérifiez le prix

A box of Hershey’s chocolate is not the most original gift but who could resist delicious Hershey snacks? This box contains 18 different full sized chocolate treats including Kit Kat, Hershey milk chocolate, and Reeses. She will love every morsel of it and maybe you can even use a few bars to bribe her to so some of her chores.

See’s Candy Nuts & ChewsSees Candy Nuts & ChewsVérifiez le prix

Who would love a big box of gourmet quality chocolate? While there are a ton of chocolate makers, nobody makes chocolate like See’s Candies. Its Nuts and Chews box will satisfy any chocolate craving. If you don’t have a See’s Candy nearby, the company takes orders online. The company ships it with cooling packs so you don’t have to worry about receiving a melted box of chocolates.

Land O’ Lakes Cocoa Classics Variety PackLand O Lakes Cocoa Classics Variety PackVérifiez le prix

When it is cold outside, there is no better time to sit on the couch with some hot cocoa and a warm blanket. Made by Land O’Lakes, this luxurious hot chocolate is the closest thing to drinking chocolate. This variety set comes with 6 unique flavors. Not only does it mix perfectly with milk, it smells exactly how hot chocolate should smell – like cocoa. Put it inside a mug for an even cuter gift. She will want it to be winter all year round just so she can drink it.

Sour Patch Kids Candy Sour Patch Kids Candy Vérifiez le prix

Gummy bears are great, but sour gummy bears are even better. Who could turn down a bag of Sour Patch Kids? Covered in soury goodness, these candies give you a shot of soury fun before becoming sweet.

World’s Largest Gummy WormWorlds Largest Gummy WormVérifiez le prix

A gummy bear the size of a freaking snake? We don’t know if you are supposed to eat this gummy worm or it is supposed to eat you. You are going to have to cut this one up into pieces before you can devour it.

Britain Cadbury Selection BoxBritain Cadbury Selection BoxVérifiez le prix

American candy is great but you can pick it up anywhere. It’s always fun to try something a little bit more unique. You haven’t tasted chocolate until you have tried Cadbury chocolate from Britain. This assortment contains 10 yummy, full sized Cadbury chocolate bars from Crunchie to Dairy Milk Cadbury. She will love doing an American vs. UK taste off with her friends.

Nestle Quality Street ChocolatesNestle Quality Street ChocolatesVérifiez le prix

If you have every traveled to the Britain, you have probably come across Quality Street. Nothing is better than a tin of Quality Street that is filled with so many sweet treats. Inside this tin there are toffee, coconut, and fudge filled treats. Each one comes wrapped in a different colored candy wrapping. Our favorite chocolate is the Carmel Swirl, which is the perfect blend of sweetness and sugariness.

Starbucks Gift CardStarbucks Gift CardVérifiez le prix

If she loves Starbucks, there is no better gift than a Starbucks gift card.

Looking for a great Christmas present for an 11 year old girl? She won’t be able to control her laughter with these hysterical gifts?

Ouf! That was everything. We hope you found some cool Christmas or birthday gifts for 11 years old girls. Don’t forget to share this list if you love Christmas, birthdays, cake, sledding, and Santa Claus. Also, comment down below something super cool that you got for Christmas or your birthday.